02x01 - Trustworthiness - The Bear and the Travelers / The Knights of the Silver Shield

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Adventures from the Book of Virtues". Aired: September 2, 1996–September 6, 1999.*
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A buffalo uses stories to answer children's questions.
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02x01 - Trustworthiness - The Bear and the Travelers / The Knights of the Silver Shield

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Tell me a story

♪ Read me a poem ♪

♪ Wrap it in melody ♪

♪ Sing me the song ♪

♪ Then let me hold it ♪

♪ Deep in my heart ♪

♪ Where it can speak to me ♪

♪ All the day long ♪

♪ The adventure of virtue ♪

♪ The adventure of truth ♪

♪ The thrill of knowing ♪

♪ That it's up to you ♪

♪ Building a new day shining in the sun ♪

♪ This is my story ♪

♪ The adventure has ♪

♪ Begun. ♪

Announcer: just seconds to play--

Hut two... Hike.

Willis-- back to throw.

No, no.

He's going

To run the ball himself.

And he's inside the ten

The five...

Touchdown, cougars!

The mountain university cougars win on a gutsy play

By star quarterback sean willis.

This guy really knows how to come through

For his team.

I'd like to thank my teammates and our fans

And say a special hello

To my friends at lakeview children's hospital.

You kids get well soon.

Sean not only comes through for his team

But for sick kids in all the hospitals he visits.

Zach: wow.

There's someone you can count on in football and in life.

What a guy.

I want to be just like him.

And to think, he went to my school.

Woman: attention, all students.

Football star sean willis will be our honored guest

At tomorrow's alumni day.


I'll need volunteers to help with preparations.

See me if you're interested.

( Clearing throat )

Mrs. Mathers?

Yes, zach?

I'll help any way I can.

I could give sean a big intro at the school assembly.

I know all his stats.

Or be in a football demo.


( Groans )

Dust chairs?

Yes, and sweep up a little.

( Groaning )

I want sean to see his old alma mater at its best.

Would you come in before school tomorrow

And give this place an extra shine?

Um... Couldn't I help some other way?

I need cleanup covered

And I'm sure you'll come through.

Everyone knows how trustworthy you are.

If I'm so trustworthy, why'd she stick me

With such a nothing job?

I mean, what's sean willis going to think

If he sees me dusting chairs?

No way will I do this.

I guess it wouldn't thrill me either.

Aurora: but didn't you volunteer

To help your principal any way you could?

Well... Yeah, but...

Aristotle: sock!

Come back!

You said you'd help me find my glasses.


But I didn't know you lost them

In your tunnels.

I'm not going down there.

I'd get stuck.

Well, then I'll widen them for you.

Yeah, right.

( Screaming )


Okay, so maybe I wouldn't get stuck

But I'd catch my death of cold.

This bobcat gets very easily chilled.

( Shuddering )

That is no excuse to let a friend down.

Right, zach?

You wouldn't flake out on me, would you?

No way. You can always count on me.

The question is, can mrs. Mathers?

Aw, that's different.

Zach, if you're trustworthy

You don't leave anyone in the lurch

Which reminds me of an aesop fable I once read.

Ah, here it is-- "the bear and the travelers."

It's about a badger named chauncey.

This will be the trip of a lifetime.

I just wish you weren't

Going alone.

Going alone where?

To see the world, alec.

If you knew my father

You'd know he has an incurable travel bug.

And if you knew my daughter emma better

You'd know she's an incurable worrier.

For years I've been hearing stories of faraway places

From the travelers who've stayed here at my inn.

Now I'd like to see some

Of those places myself

But my emma thinks I'm not spry enough

To get out of harm's way.

( Groaning )

I've got a crick in my back.

Are you okay?

Here. Sit yourself down.

Easy, papa.

Perhaps emma is right.

If only he had a trustworthy friend

To travel with him.

You mean, someone like me?

Someone who'd stand by him in a jam?

A traveler can get into some tight spots, you know.

Why, you might be caught in a rock slide.

We're trapped.

Poor emma will never see me again.

Alec: yes, she will.

There's another way out.

Maybe for you.

I could never climb up there.

Then I'll climb...

( Grunting )

...for both of us.

( Grunting and groaning )

You'd carry papa up a sheer wall?

Of course.

I'd never desert him, no matter how rough things got

And they can get very rough on a journey

Especially at sea.

Man: she's sprung another leak!


( Yelling )

( Yelling )


( Groaning )





Into the lifeboats!


My friend chauncey-- I think he's below.

I've got to find him.

( Groaning )

Too late.

Save yourself.

I can't leave him.

He's counting on me.




Hang on.

I'll save you.

( Groaning )

Here we go.

There you go, chauncey.

You're in good hands.

You'd risk your life for me?

Certainly, and I'd protect you, too.

You never know when danger may be lurking in faraway places

Like the jungle.

This jungle is a fascinating place

So full of surprises.

( Snarling )

( Gasping )



Help, alec!

( Gasps )



Help, alec!

( Gasping )

( Groaning )

( Yelling )

Alec: have a nice catnap.

Good thing you weren't alone.

I hate to think what might have happened.

Oh, so do i, papa.

Perhaps I could use a traveling companion.

And though we haven't been friends long

You sound like just the fellow.

Will you come?

That's a splendid idea.


Have a wonderful trip.

We will.

And don't worry.

I'll take good care of your father.


Why, thank you, alec.


( Laughing )

Good man.

This has been a fine trip so far.

What scenery.

What food.

I bet you can smell these ribs for miles.

( Sniffing )

Boy, that lunch made me sleepy.

I wish I could take a nap

But who knows what danger might be lurking in these woods?

Rest easy.

I'll keep my eyes and ears open for trouble.


( Chuckling )

It seems peaceful enough.

( Yawning )

Maybe I'll rest my eyes and just keep my ears open.

( Snoring )

( Neighing )

( Neighing )

Alec, you were going to keep watch.

And your snoring is scaring the horse.

( Gasps )

Bear! Bear!

Wait for me!

( Roars )

( Panting )

Come back!

You said you'd stand by me in a jam.

But I didn't realize

The jam would be a bear.

Please, you can't desert me.

You promised to protect me.

( Frightened gasp )

I... I... I...

I'm dead.

Unless the bear thinks I'm already dead.

( Gasps )

Poor chauncey.

( Sighs )

Oh, thank goodness the bear decided to leave you alone.

Why, it seemed he whispered in your ear.

Yes, he told me something, all right.

Really? What?

He said the kind of friend I need is one who is trustworthy

And won't run at the first sign of danger.


( Sighing )

No kidding.

Alec talked big.

But talk can't save you from a bear.

I'd never trust someone like him.

Me neither, zach.

Trustworthy people promise what they can reasonably do

And then do what they promised.

And they don't run out on you at the first sign of trouble.

Alec could've at least tried to help.

Yeah, sock.

Give me a break.

Lost glasses aren't life or death.

I'd never let you get eaten.

Bobcat's honor-- I'm trustworthy when it really counts.

Me, too. I wouldn't let someone down

When it really mattered.

And cleaning up the auditorium doesn't?

Dusting chairs is no big deal.

You think shawn willis even cares?

He's used to dust.

He dives in the dirt.

Zach, I don't think that's the point.

Sure, it is.



( Snickering )

Zach: ugh!

Thank you.

Guard my sandwich from big-tooth

While I snag my stuff, will you?

Sheesh. Talk about making a mountain out of a dust ball.

Ah, turkey and cheese, my fav...

Hey, where's my lunch?

Well, I was awfully hungry, and it was only a sandwich

And I knew you wouldn't starve.

Oh, yeah? Tell it to my stomach.

Besides, that's not the point.

I counted on you.

Yeah, I know.

That's why I didn't eat it

Even though it's "no big deal."

Okay, okay.

So maybe the small stuff is a big deal.

Guess I've got to dust chairs after all.

Unless I can find someone else to do it

And tell mrs. Mathers

I'm freed up for something more important

Like that football demo.

Zach nichols back to throw.

( Groans )


You remind me of another young man

Who was tempted to hand off his job.

His name was sir roland

And he belonged to a famous company of knights.

They lived deep in a dangerous forest

Helping travelers, fighting cruel giants

But most of all

They were known for their silver shields.

The shields were made by a mighty magician

And they reflected the character of their owners.

If a knight was cowardly or lazy

His shield grew cloudy and dull.

If a knight was brave and true

His shield shone more brightly with each noble deed.

But only the choicest knights

Received the shield's highest honor.

If only I could win my star.

Patience, sir roland.

The golden star

Has eluded far more seasoned knights than you.

No living knight

Except the lord of this castle

Has earned one.

It takes an exceptional feat.

Huh? To arms!

The giants are coming against us.

They're massing

In the hollow near the castle.

It will be an exceptional battle.

The kind of battle where stars are won.

Lord: assemble to receive your orders.

Surely, our lord will put

A brave knight like me in the thick of danger

And then I'll show the stuff that stars are earned by.

( Grunting )

Perhaps I'll vanquish a whole company of giants...

Or save my lord's life.


Lord: sir roland

I have a special job for you.

Stay here?

And guard the castle gateway.

I need a brave and trustworthy knight to stand watch.

Remain here and let no one in until we get back.

But... But...

If an enemy comes

Sound the signal bell so the servants

May raise the drawbridge.



But what enemy will come here?

The giants will be at the battle

Which is where I belong.

If only I were fighting giants

And someone else was standing guard.

Sir roland!

Sir jacques, what are you doing back?

I've been wounded.

Oh, it's just a scratch.

Well, the next time

I won't be so lucky.

I've had enough of those giants.

You wanted to win your star.

Go and fight in my place

And I'll guard the gate for you.


You could do my job...

Except our lord didn't ask you to do it, he asked me

And I must be faithful to the task I was given.

And I as well.

Ah, I must return to the battle.

Alms for the poor.

Please! Give me something to eat.

I cannot let you in

But I've sent a servant for food.

Meantime, rest yourself, and tell me

Have you news of the battle?

Those giants

Are squashing your friends

Like beetles!

A sturdy fellow like you should be out helping them.

I'd like to, but I was told to guard this gate.

From what?

There's no danger here.

If you'd like, I'll guard the gate

And you can go where you're needed.

My lord says I'm needed here.

You better go.

You have your food, and i... Have my orders.

Your orders are just an excuse.

Truth is, you're afraid.

And soon your shield will be as dull

As your courage.

As dull as your...

If she were a man, I'd show her whose courage was dull.

Man: sir roland!

Is that you?

I have a present for you-- a magic sword.

Nothing can resist its power.


( Grunts )

With this sword, you will topple giants

Turn the tide of battle

Be first among knights

And someday soon

Command this castle!

You take the sword, and join your comrades.

I shall take your watch.

With that sword, I could surely win my star.

But no... I'd be breaking my trust.

Go back!

I cannot leave the gate.

Well, of course

You can.

( Grunts )

( Yelling )

( Growling )

If he took my place, he would have taken the castle.

I'll let no one else cross this bridge until my lord returns.


The giants are beaten!

( Cheering )

We have won!

Victory is ours!

The castle is secure, my lord.

Well done, lad.

( Crowd murmuring )

Man: look at that.

Perhaps my shield has grown dull as the old woman warned.

The key, my lord.

What happened here in my absence?

Did the giants att*ck you?

No, my lord.

A knight offered to take my place

So I could join the battle.

But you ordered me to stay, and so I did.

And an old woman called me a coward

But I sent her off, too.

And finally, one giant came disguised as an old man

Tried to lure me away with a magic sword

But when I raised the drawbridge

He gave up and left.

I've won no great battles.

Oh, but you have.


The greatest battle of all--

The battle to remain trustworthy--

And you have won your star.

You know, I think I'll clean that auditorium myself

After all.

And I'll find ari's glasses.


( Yelps )

Oh! Uh, thanks, pal.

Nice going, sock.

And now I'd better get going.

Cleanup detail's going to come early.

Way to go, zach, and who knows?

If you're faithful in small things

You may earn bigger responsibilities.

♪ A promise you make that you keep ♪

♪ Is what you say to believe ♪

♪ You've got to come through no matter what ♪

♪ That's what you do to earn trust ♪

♪ People count on the one

♪ The one who gets the job done ♪

♪ Trust is. ♪

Fine job, zach.

Now, shake hands with someone else

Who used to dust these chairs--

Sean willis.

Hey, zach.


Since you've proven I can count on you

Would you like to interview sean

For the school paper?

Would I ever!

Oh, hang on.

♪ Who do you need when you're in a mess? ♪

♪ Somebody who's got trustworthiness ♪

♪ Who won't run away when the going gets rough ♪

♪ That's someone who you can trust ♪

♪ If you keep your word, and nothing less ♪

♪ You know that you've got trustworthiness ♪

♪ If you stick around when things get tough ♪

♪ You're someone who we can trust. ♪
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