29x12 - Let's Make a Move

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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29x12 - Let's Make a Move

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on

"Survivor"... Eighth person

Voted out and the second member

Of our jury, jeremy.

After jon blind sided jeremy and

Revealed he found the immunity

Idol, natalie and baylor wanted

Him out.

I say jon, but don't tell


Jeff: by after jon won

Immunity -- jon wins individual

Immunity -- the majority

Alliance decide to take out


We have the numbers.

We should vote keith and he's

Going home as long as he doesn't

Have an idol.

Jeff: but natalie had a

Different idea.

And at tribal council, natalie

Secretly switched her vote to

Ruin jon's plan.

Keith, but I'm voting for


Jeff: 11th person voted

Out, alec.

Alec, the tribe has spoken.

Six are left.

Who will be voted out tonight?

I'm cold.

Me, you and --

Just the way tribal went, I

Knew I had to pretend to mess up

And accidentally vote owl alec

Instead of keith, and act my ass

Off to convince them it was a


He came up to me.

I didn't talk to him.

It was a risk I was willing

To take because I didn't want

Jon to have more power and

Control in this game right now

Than he needs.

I think I sold it to them

Properly, but it's going to be

Scary, but jon is on my hit


He's been on my hit list since

He sent jeremy home, so it's

Been a long time coming.

I need to make some moves soon.

Nobody talked to me.

Nobody checked in with me.

It's hilarious watching

Natalie be an actress toward jon

And jaclyn tonight.

If they were smart, they would

Know natalie knew exactly what

She was doing.

It's fine.

Tribal was a debacle.

I guess we didn't talk enough

Going into it, and natalie

Didn't fully understand who she

Was voting for.

It's unfortunate that it

Happened here, because keith

Really is a thr*at in immunity


That's a big, big deal.

That potentially could screw up

A lot of plans.

How did the votes work?

I was supposed to vote for

You and I voted for alec.

Have you about had it with


Yes because alec was obsessed

With jon for no reason.

Man, it seems like I just

Keep squeaking by, squeaking by,

Squeaking by.

They all know that it was me,

So me, you, missy and baylor, we

Have to be tight.

Maybe now 30 days into this I

Have somebody.

I have nat.

What could happen after that,

Who knows.

I feel like you should be in

The game longer than alec.

Don't pay those two anymore.

You mean miss prom queen or

Miss homecoming queen?

It's unpredictable, but I

Told keith he was basically here

Because of me.

I told him that me and bay

Already at the end of the day

Had his back.

Hopefully that will resonate

With him and he will be a

Perfect person to use in our

Plan against jon.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

You guys ready to get to today's

Reward challenge?


Jeff: for today's

Challenge, you'll be divided

Into two teams and belted


On my go, you'll race through a

Tunnel of hay.

You'll then make you way over

And under a series of hitching


You'll then grab a bucket, fill

With it water and make you way

Over a giant teeter totter.

You'll then pour that water into

A larger bucket.

When that bucket fills, it will

Lower a gate.

You'll then race to solve a

Plank puzzle.

First team to get it right wins


Want to know what you're playing



Jeff: winning team will

Enjoy a "survivor"-style spa.


Jeff: you'll start with a

Hot shower.

After 33 days, keith...

Yeah, we need it.

Jeff: you need it.

You'll then enjoy a nice

Massage, and then you'll eat spa

Food, seared steak, cookies.

Steak and brownies.

That's what I want.

Jeff: great day of

Rejuvenation to get you through

These last six days.

We'll draw for teams.

Let's get started.

All right.

We have our two teams.

For blue, it is keith, missy and


For yellow it is natalie, baylor

And jaclyn.

Here we go, for reward,

Survivors ready?


First obstacle is through that


You can go over, under, around,

Just get through it.

Natalie, baylor, jaclyn through

The hay first.

Jon, missy and keith are now

Through the hay.


Jeff: got to go over and

Then under.

You're all tethered together.

It's very hard to move.

Missy takes a hard fall.

And another fall by missy.

Yellow is now through it.

Start untying that bucket.

Keith, missy and jon finally


They start working on their


Once you have the bucket, you're

Filling it with water and

Heading over the teeter totter.

Natalie, baylor, jaclyn, they

Have their bucket.

Fill it with water.

Over the teeter totter they go.

Come on.


Jeff: big fall.

Jon, missy, keith, they've got

Their bucket.

The goal is to add enough water

To drop your bucket, opening the


Missy comes down hard on that.

Missy moving slowly.

Nothing easy about going over

This teeter totter tied to two

Other people carrying a bucket

Of water.

You okay?

Come on, jac.

Jeff: another big fall by


Jon, keith and missy moving very

Slowly now.

The trick is keeping your

Balance while holding the water.

Jon, missy, keith coming back.

We're very tight right now.

Will this be enough water?

You got to raise that bag.

That will do it.

Head across.

Boom, boom, boom.

Boom, boom, boom.

Jeff: missy hobbleing.

Jon, missy, keith spill a lot of

Their water.

Will this be enough?

No, they've got to go back.

Yellow is already working on the


Blue needs to move.

Keith and jon helping missy

Through this course.

Jon, missy, keith hoping this is

Enough water.

Yes, that's enough.

Get across.

Side by side.

Jeff: can blue pick it up?

One, two.

One, two.

That's an r right there.

Where's a?

Jeff: everybody working on

The puzzle.

Big reward on the line.

Get clean, get fed.

Blue has a lot of time to make


It will come down to the puzzle.

Who works together the best?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

That's right.

No, that's not right.


Jeff: the girls arguing,

Slowing down now.

This is a w, guys.

Jeff: keith, missy and jon

Working together very well,

Starting to pick up the pace.

This goes here.

This goes here.

Hole on, guys.

I got it here.

Give me that.

Jeff: the girls now picking

Up the pace.


Jeff: jon, missy, keith

Think they have something going


Girls getting closer.

Are they right?

Blue now going to move

Everything over.

This is connected right here.

I got the water.

Jeff: both teams are moving

A lot of pieces quickly.

Both think they have it.

Put your pieces over there.

Jeff: the girls are picking

Up the pace.

They think they have it.

We're neck and neck.

Got it!

Got it!

Keith, missy, jon win reward!

You all right?

It's just swollen.

No big deal.

Jeff: you all right, missy?

I'm good, I'm good, I'm good,

I'm good.

It's no big deal.

Jeff: keith, missy, jon,

Nice reward.

Missy, a spa day back home is a

Good day.


Jeff: but out here on

"Survivor," where does that rank

33 Days in?

This is like game changer.

I could last 16 more days.

A spa day for her is going to

Completely rejuvenate her.

She's going to feel as young as

She looks.

Jon, you're annoying right


Jeff: jaclyn, do you kind

Of feel like you deserve it?


Natalie, you know the


You will return in time for the

Next immunity challenge.

Love you, nat.

Jeff: missy, baylor, keith,

Grab your stuff, head out.

This not walk on your ankle.

Get on my back.

Jeff: missy, you'll let me

Know if medical needs to look at


Enjoy that massage, keith.

Look how this works out.

I get to give her, her own

Personal spa day.

Jon, jaclyn, got nothing for


But you've got each other.

Traded places with baylor was

An easy decision for me.

It just opened up a window for

Me to do a good deed for one of

My alliance members to solidify

Our alliance and it may have

Even strengthened my case in the



[Speaking spanish]

Oh, thank you.



I've never been to a spa.

This is good.

Oh, man.

Keith, give me some of that.

We won that, baby.

Thank you, jon.

That was the nicest thing ever.

My mom, keith and jon won the


Before I knew it, jon was like,

I'm switching with baylor.

I was like, what?

Take a peek at my ankle and

Tell me what you think.

That was super nice of him to

Do that, but getting jon out is

Me and natalie's number-one


Oh, I can tell from here.


I don't want to do it then.

At the reward challenge, I

Was trying so hard not to show

Any signs of pain in my ankle,

But I could just feel it

Swelling up.

What do you think?


I don't know, sprained or


Can you pull against me?

That hurts real bad.

That ain't good.

I'm in a lot of pain.

I don't know exactly how this

Next couple days is going to go

Down at challenges.

I'm going to do the best I can.

I'm going the crawl if I have

To, but I'm going to finish.

We're not going to ruin our


What is this?

I don't know what it is.

I see some goobers on the


Oh, nuts.

Oh, yeah.

Slow down now, baylor.

Don't fill up on that rabbit


He's going to die when he

Sees you're at a spa.

It's a girl thing, but as

Long as this food is here, it's

A guy thing.


I've never had a spa day or

Spa food.

Turned out not too bad.

That looks like a piece of


It's not so bad.


I ate about as much as I could,

And then I went off the shower.

It knocked the funk off me.

30-Something days I haven't


Then I was off to the massage.

She hit the right spot, oh, like

Right there.

Oh, oh my goodness.

That's my boney rib cage.


Keith at a spa was pretty

Dang funny.

I can't breathe.

I hadn't seen that side of

Keith before.

I don't get to that many of

These in louisiana.

I had realization.

He's kind of cool.

Do you feel the knots in your


I think so.

It may be my bones.

Don't tell nobody.

I don't want the guys at the

Fire station to know I'm going

To a masseuse.

You're going to have to roll me

Off this baby.

Map, I've been rejuvenated.

I have four, five, six days


I can take this on out no

Problem now.

Good grief.

I think actually it worked

Out the best it possibly could


Being at camp alone, it's

Nice to just be the two of us.

You know, matt felt really

Bad about the boat.

I told her, keith.

I know you did.

That was a great thing to bring


That's something I'll definitely

Bring up in the jury, 100%.

If you're going to split votes,

Know who you're voting for.

Natalie made a big mistake,

Voting for the wrong person, and

Now you kept in keith, one of

The biggest threats.

Can't have that happen.

Especially when you're fighting

For $1 million.

But then in the become of my

Head, I'm like, maybe her and

Keith had something going on.

She's really, really threatened

By us two pairs.

So it's two versus four, it

Wouldn't make any sense?

Well, maybe she wants a good


Maybe she trusts keith more than


Maybe she did it on purpose and

Lied about it.

Keith is freakishly good at

These challenges.

So if keith keeps winning

Immunity, then I think that

Everybody will get even more mad

At natalie for screwing up that


Then we'll have to break up the

Five sooner than we thought.

I volunteered to go to exile,

But at this point in the game,

When your body is already so

Drained and it's so close to the

End you can almost taste it but

You're not there yet, it's been

Really depressing me out here.

It's been really a roller

Coaster of emotion for me

Because this is the longest I've

Gone without seeing or talking

To my sister.

I've been together for 28 years.

I've never let anybody see how

Much I miss her.

And I kind of always just

Pretend like I'm fine, but

Nadiya's been gone for like 30

Days now, and I have been doing

This without her, but I'm just

Trying to make it into something

Where I can use it as motivation

Instead of just bringing me


Time to, you know, buck up and

Make every decision moving

Forward count.

I have one sh*t to prove to

Myself that I left everything on

The table.

Make these last four days fully

Worth it.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

Clearly we have something to

Talk about.

Let's get natalie in here,

Returning from exile island.

Hey, girl.


Jeff: natalie, what did

They just hand you?

Some rice, and I'm happy that

They brought it for me.

It was probably one of the

Hardest things I ever had to do.

I cried probably 50% of the day.

It was exhausting emotionally

And physically to me.

Jeff: missy, last I saw

You, baylor was carrying you out

On your back.

Clearly the ankle has gotten


Unfortunately it's getting


But I'm not going to quit.

There's no way.

I just don't know what I'm going

To do about this, but I'm going

To try the stand on one foot.

I don't know what to do.

Jeff: I think we should

Have medical look at it before

The challenge.


Jeff: because I don't have

A lot of faith you're going to

Be able to do this given that

You're on a crutch right now.

So we're going to bring medical


All right.

Jeff: all right.


Why don't we sit you right here.


Hi, missy.

So if we start by getting both

Shoes off so I can compare your

Good ankle with your bad ankle.

All right.

I can't really...

It's huge.

So both the pain and the

Swelling is getting worse for



I just want to examine you.

I want to know which area is


If I'm causing you pain, make

Sure you tell me.

So far so good?

It's just tender.

It's sore.

Oh, right there.

Right there!

Right there.


I hate that.

Okay, and try like your foot

Is on the accelerator of a car.

Yeah, there's no way.

Nothing there.

So give then examination, my

Concern is that at the very

Least we have a very significant


I just don't want it to be


Jeff: are you concerned it

Could be broken?

After two days, when things

Are getting worse, I have to

Consider a fracture, yes.

Jeff: okay.

The only way to know for sure

That this is broken is to do an

X-ray, and to do an x-ray, I'd

Have to pull missy from the



It's so frustrating.

Jeff: all right.

So, ben, is this severe enough

That you as a doctor would say

She needs to be pulled from the


Of course, there's only a few

Days left in the game.

We can immobilize the limb,

Which mean no further damage

Will occurs, so, no, I don't

Think she needs to be pulled

From the game.

Jeff jeff clearly she's in pain.

It's not life-threatening.

So as far as you're concerned,

It's her call what she does in


Jeff:, how are you feeling

Knowing been said you may have a


I'm staying in this game.

I'm not quitting.

Jeff: what do you want to

Do for this moment?

I want you to immobilize it,

The smartest thing to do.

And I'm just going to root on my


Jeff: you're going to sit

This challenge out.

Then you take each day as it



Jeff: all right.

So you can stay here with ben,

And we'll get back to our


Baylor, what's that like for


Mom is clearly in a ton of pain.

Well, I mean, my mom's a


That sounds really simple, but

It's not.

In our life she never gives up,

And so we're going to keep

Fighting and I'll carry her to

The finish line if I have to.

Jeff: all right.

So missy will sit this one out.

So shall we get to today's

Immunity challenge?

Jon, first things first, take

Back the necklace.

Once again immunity is back up

For grabs.

For today's challenge, you're

Going to hold on to two handles

With your hands while your feet

Will be balancing on a teeter


Attach to the teeter totter is a


The longer this challenge goes,

The more difficult it will be to

Balance that vase.

When the vase drops, you're out.

Last person left standing wins

Immunity, guaranteed a one in

Five sh*t at winning this game.

Losers, tribal council where

Somebody will be the sixth

Person in the jury, and as luck

Would have it, the wind gusts

Are big.

This challenge could go a long

Time, or it could be over very

Quickly, which means every

Second that you stay up there

Will count.

We'll draw for spots and we'll

Get started.

All right.

Everybody is in place and this

Challenge is on.

Everybody very steady out of the


It won't be that way for long.

And just like that, baylor with


Keith with a little bit of a

Wobble and a nice recovery.

Missy, you can see you had no


No way, no chance.

Jeff: 35 days.

Win this challenge you are in

The final five.

That much closer to the million


You cannot lose your


There's very little forgiveness

In this challenge.

As you would expect on day 35 in


Jaclyn wobbling.

Jaclyn can't recover.

Jaclyn the first person out of

This challenge.

It's all right, baby.

Jeff: she'll join missy on

The bench.

That's how quickly it goes.

Take tiny adjustments all the


Especially as your feet become

Numb and you don't know what

They're doing anymore.

Keith wobbling again.

Bay already's vase is also


Baylor cannot recover.

Baylor is out of the challenge.

We're now down to three, and

Here comes a huge gust of wind.

It is keith, natalie and jon.

Nice job by all three battling

That wind.

Your feet are numb.

The wind is blowing.

Who can hang this there the


Who wants this the most?

Here comes the wind again.

Brace yourself.

Big wind.

The wind is too much for keith.

We're down to two.

It is natalie and jon fighting

For immunity on day 35, and it

Guarantees a spot in the final


You do not want to risk being

Voted out tonight at tribal


This is it.

You got to win it right here.

Wind up again.

Making an already difficult

Challenge even more difficult to


Out of nowhere, mother nature is

Saying hello.

And just like that jon drops.

Natalie wins individual

Immunity, guaranteed a spot in

The final five.

That was quick.

I didn't even move it.

Good job.

Good job, nat.

Jeff: natalie, come on


It makes exile so worth it.

Jeff: after 35 days, you go

To tribal council tonight.

You cannot be voted out of this


As for the other five of you,

Somebody is going home tonight.

You will become the sixth member

Of our jury.

Grab your stuff, head back the

Camp, see you tonight at tribal.

Nice job, nat.

Keith is an incredible


So natalie winning today does

Kind of make up for her messing

Up the last vote.

So the plan is to do what we

Tried to do last tribal and get

Keith out.

Thank you, keith.

You're a lifesaver.

The fact missy had to sit out

Today I'm sure was excruciating

For her and probably just as bad

As the pain she was feeling.

How you feeling, miss?

I don't know yet.

How the challenge ended up

Was very frustrating.

That was crazy.

Dang wind.

But I've got a plan.

I have to accept it however

Things fall.

It's going to be best.

We should keep an eye on


He knows what's up.

Who does he think that we're

Voting for?

He knows.

Jon and jaclyn think we're

All voting out keith and keith

Is going home, but my plan is to

Basically get out jon.

So we're voting keith

Tonight, right?

But jon has an idol, so I

Know it's not going to be easy.

My ultimate plan is to split the

Vote and blindside jon tonight.

Tonight just vote jon.

I'll tell you.

The plan is to split votes.

If jon plays his idol, we vote

Out jaclyn.

Getting out jon would be a dream

Come true.

It's tribal tonight.

If all goes as planned,

Mr. All-american or miss u.s.a.

Is going home.

And I'll be sitting here with


That's the plan.

We're pretending like we're all

Voting for you, so at tribal

Don't act crazy, but just act

Depressed that you're going


I think I can trust this


If I can't, I'm a goner.

I was a little worried about

You not winning.

I'm like, what if they all

Blindside jon.

I'm not worried about that.

I think if they were going for

Keith last time, they're going

To go for keith again.

Keith was supposed to go home

Last time, so it's like, okay,

Let's just get it over with, but

I feel like your mind causes all

This paranoia.

Could I go home tonight?

Could jon go home tonight?

You never know 100%, but at

Least jon still has his idol.

I know I'm being paranoid,

But I think they're going to

Blindside jon.

I don't think that.


Jon is super big on

Visualizing the wind, and it's

Always worked out for him, so

Hopefully it does this time,


We vote, two, two, two.


You and keith vote jon, my

Mom and me vote jaclyn, and them

Two, john and jaclyn vet keith.

If he plays the idol, we vote

Jaclyn out.

I need my mom to get on board,

But my mom treats jon like her

Son that she never had, so I'm

Worried about whether or not

She'll write his name down.

It just really depends on my


Natalie and I think we should

Vote jon.

Baylor, I can't do that.


I've given him my word to the

End and I will get no votes.

But challenge-wise, you're

Never going to win.

It doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter.

My, but going with natalie

And keith and me, that's a lot

Better chance.

Baylor, I have a deal with

Jon, I'm not breaking that deal.

It's very frustrating to get

My mom to wake up, get with the

Program, let's make a move.

I'm not going to break that



Well, I don't have a deal with


Yes, you do.

New york I don't.

I have nothing with jon.

Mom, he's a huge thr*at, and he

Does have an idol.

I know that.

So why don't we get him out

With his idol, good-bye.

Because I can't break that.

In my mom's life, three

Marriage, three divorces, she is

Putting the men first before


That's her down side I think,

And that's what I feel like is

Happening in this game right now

With jon.

I don't think I can trust jon

In any vote.

I know you trust him, but I


I say we vote out jon tonight.

Tonight that's not happening.

It's totally like, mom, hey,

I'm your first born.

You don't even know this guy.

Let's play the game together.

I just hope she's going to see

It before it's too late.

When my child says to me,

Mom, our goal was to go to the

End together, I've had the start

To listen, and, you know, has it

Crossed my mind that this

Jon-jaclyn show may need to come

To an end, absolutely, but it's

Important for me to feel like I

Played this game truthfully.

I wasn't some sly dog that came

In, shook people's hands and

Lied in their faces.

I haven't.

I pride myself on that.

That's why tonight this is the

First time I'm having a tough

Time with it.

Jeff: we'll now bring in

The members of our jury.

Josh, jeremy, wes, reed, an an

Alec voted out at the last

Tribal council.

So, keith...

Yes, sir.

I've been trying...

Jeff: wait.

I didn't even say anything.

Come on.

Give it to me.

Jeff: no, give it to me.

Well, I've been trying the

Pierce this five, and they're

Solid, but I'm not invisible.

I've got a vote.

Use it.

I think it would be a big move,

And I think they would think it

Would be a big move.

And big moves means your playing

The game and playing the game

Gets you votes.

Jeff: so what do you do

When you're the one on to


It might not have anything to do

With you.

Trust me, I'm trustworthy.

Jeff: you're a fireman.

Who is more trustworthy than a


It's not a matter of not

Feeling like we can trust keith.

It's that we've built this trust

With our group of five.

I don't want to let this group

Of five down.

I would be hypocritical if I

Peko to trust them if they can't

Trust me.

Jeff: jaclyn, is there any

Argument that keith can make

That could make sense?

Yeah, I mean, it's natural

For people to think about

Different scenarios, but all I

Can say, though, is that I feel

Strong in the five.

So I don't think jon andry going


Jeff: natalie.

You're on the outside of this

Five in that you don't have a

Loved one in the game.

Which at a certain point would

Make you very valuable.

Yeah, blood is really, really


It's harder to penetrate it and

Say, come on, let's do


I have been gone for two days at


Anything can happen in two days,

And so thank god I won immunity.

Jeff: jon, how much time do

You spend thinking about that

Final speech where you make the

Argument that sticking together

Five strong is a big move?

Um, I think about that final

Speech quite a bit.

You know, sticking together as

Five is not as easy as one would


Having the loyalty and having

The trust and building that

Trust throughout the game is

Probably one of the most rare

Things you can find in


Jeff: so missy, as jon

Said, if you want trust, you

Have to give trust, but the

Umbrella over all that trust is

Outwith it, outplay, out last.

If you wanted to make a big

Move, this would be a great

Night to do it.

Yeah, it's a little hard for

Me right this second because

With a broken foot, you know, I

Don't even know where to begin

On this day.

You know, when somebody says use

Me I'm a vote, could that be

Somebody that could come along

And potentially break up the



That scenario could be a big

Move, but I'm pretty loyal to a

Fault in life.

That's my life, so I've been

Loyal to the people I've been

Loyal to from the very

Beginning, and I don't waiver.

Jeff: all right.

It is time to vote.

Jaclyn, you're up.

I'll go tally the votes.

If anybody has a hidden impunity

Idol and you want the play it,

Now would be the time to do so.

Okay, once the votes are read,

The decision is final.

The person voted out will be

Asked to leave the tribal

Council area immediately.

I'll read the votes.

First vote keith.




That's two votes keith, two

Votes jaclyn.


That's two votes keith, two

Votes jaclyn, one vote jon.

One vote left.


We have a three-way tie.

Keith, jon and jaclyn each have

Two votes.

We're going to revote.

Jaclyn, jon, keith, you will not


Baylor, missy, natalie, you can

Only vote for one of those


Baylor, you're up.

Will you come grab the urn.

Once the votes are read, the

Decision is final.

Person voted out will be asked

To leave the tribal councillary


I'll read the votes.

First vote jon.

The next person voted out and

The sixth member of our jury,


That's two.

That's enough.

You need to bring me your torch.

See you on the other side.

No hard feelings, guys.

Oh, yeah, torch.

Jeff: jon, the tribe has


See you guys.

Good luck.


Jeff: "survivor" is a

Tricky game.

It can lull you into believing

Things that aren't real.

Like trust.

And before you know it, you've

Forgotten the basic premise --

Outwith it, outplay, outlast.

This game is wide open.

Grab your torches.

Head back the camp.

Good night.

Stay tuned for scenes from our

Next episode.

Jeff: next time on the

Two-hour season finale of

"Survivor" --

Is it really fair because I

Can't do anything.

Jeff larson it all comes to an


I didn't come 36 days to get

Voted out.

Don't say jon because you


I know jon.

In the game, not real life.

Jeff: join us for the finale

I thought I was doing a good

Job putting my trust in the

Right people, but it ended up

Biting me in the butt.

Missy and natalie did a good job

Gaining my trust.

Honestly, didn't feel this one


I definitely regret not playing

My idol.

Jaclyn, I hope you make it to

The final three.

Kick butt, I know you can do it,

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