01x04 - Dog-on It

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "ABC Monsters". Aired: August 25, 2015.*
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Twenty Six cuddly ABC Monsters live within the walls of Capital Castle. If any of the monsters go missing, they will be wiped from every book in Capital Town.
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01x04 - Dog-on It

Post by bunniefuu »

[cheerful music]

♪ A, B, C

♪ ABC Monsters

♪ A, B, C

♪ ABC Monsters

(children) ABC Monsters!

♪ There’s Alice and Brian and Cherry Berry too ♪

♪ They’re seeking out Monsters ♪

♪ There are a few

♪ And Alphabet Garden is the Monsters’ home ♪

♪ But they like to wander

♪ They love to roam

♪ ABC Monsters, ABC Monsters ♪

♪ Just look and see

♪ ABC Monsters, ABC Monsters ♪

♪ Here for you and me


(female narrator) Hello, everyone,

and welcome to Capital Town.

Hey, look. It’s a dog.


(narrator) He must be entering the Capital Town dog show.

I wonder if the ABC Monsters will be going.

Let’s take a look and see.

[whimsical music]

There’s Queen Scribble

planting some lovely yellow daffodils

with Y Monster.

Look, there’s another dog.

This breed is called a Dalmatian.

Look, she’s giving Y Monster a big doggy kiss.

I wonder where the dog is going.

There’s Brian and C Monster.

They’re playing catch.


Hey, come back with our ball!

(narrator) The dog is playing with the ball.

I hope Brian and C Monster are quick enough to catch her.

There’s Alice and Cherry Berry playing with D Monster.

Look, here’s that dog again!

[giggles] She’s very friendly, isn’t she?

I wonder who she belongs to.

Maybe she’s lost.

Let’s ask Queen Scribble.

She’ll know what to do.

(narrator) And so Alice, Brian, and Cherry Berry

went to see Queen Scribble.

Maybe he’s from the dog show.

You should take the dog there and see if he belongs to anyone.

(announcer) But when they went back to look for D Monster

and the dog, they were both gone.

Oh, no,

I hope they haven’t left Alphabet Garden.

Let’s check to see if all the ABC Monsters are here.

(narrator) So, with a wave

of Cherry Berry’s Jester’s Stick,

all the ABC Monsters line up in alphabetical order.

Let’s sing along to the ABC song.

[cheerful music]

(all) ♪ A, B, C, D, E, F, G

♪ H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P

♪ Q, R, S, T, U, V

♪ W, X, Y, and Z

(narrator) One of the ABC Monsters is missing,

but can you guess which one?

(Cherry Berry) B, C, E, F.

Hmm, that sounds funny.

Oh, I know!

(narrator) That’s right,

the missing letter is D!

So D Monster has gone missing!

Let’s see if the ABC book knows where we can find her.

The clue says...

The ABC book is telling us to go northwest

towards the center of town.

Let’s find D Monster and the dog!

Come on.

(narrator) Alice, Brian, and Cherry Berry found themselves walking

along the main road that leads into the center

of Capital Town, when suddenly...

They play terrific music.

Yes, I wish I could play an instrument.

Look over there!

(narrator) It’s Donald the drummer.

Hello, Donald.

Why aren’t you playing in the band today?

I can’t find my drum.

Without it, I have nothing to play.

We can help you look for it.

Thanks, I’m supposed to be joining others at the dog show.

We’re entertaining the audience with music

until the show begins.

Where did you last see your drum, Donald?

Well, I just spoke to D Monster a little while ago,

and he said he’d seen it around here somewhere.

You’ve seen D Monster! That’s great news!


Yes. We’re all looking for him.

Well, if you can help me find my drum,

I’ll give you a clue that will get you

a stage closer to finding D Monster.

(narrator) Look very carefully

and see if you can help Alice, Brian, and Cherry Berry

find Donald the drummer’s drum.

Is it with the bicycle,

against the fence,

next to the hedge,

by the cars,

or next to the lamppost?

Well done!

You found Donald the drummer’s drum!


I’ll be able to rejoin the marching band

now that I have my drum!

Drum! That’s the answer to the clue!

The ABC book said, "Donald the drummer

is looking for his missing instrument."


(all) D-r-u-m.



We’ve completed the first puzzle.

Here’s a second clue for you to solve.

I hope my clue helps you to track down D Monster.

(narrator) Alice, Brian, and Cherry Berry

waved good-bye to Donald the drummer

and continued on their journey.

Look, everyone. We’re near the clinic.

I bet that’s where we’ll find Doctor Drake.

Let’s find out!

(narrator) Alice and Brian were right!

Doctor Drake was here.

Hello, Doctor Drake.

Oh, hello, Brian.

Aren’t you and your friends going to the dog show?

I heard it’s going to be a lot of fun.

Yes, but first we have to find our friend D Monster.

Have you seen him?

Y-yes, he gave me a tasty donut,

but I dropped it, and it landed around a duck’s neck,

and it ran off into the park.

Oh, dear!

I have an idea.

We’ll catch the duck and return your donut to you

if you can give us a clue to help us find D Monster.

That’s a great idea.

(narrator) So Alice, Brian,

and Cherry Berry went off to the park

to find Doctor Drake’s donut-wearing duck.

Hmm, I wonder which one of those ducks

has Doctor Drake’s donut.

(narrator) Can you see which duck

has Doctor Drake’s donut?

We have five ducks in the pond.

Count them with me.

Are you ready?

That’s right, five ducks!

So which duck has the donut?

Can you guess?

Well done!

Duck three had the donut all the time!

Wonderful, it’s my donut!

Thank you for finding the correct duck.


That’s the answer to the second clue.

A duck had the donut.


(all) D-u-c-k.


Thank you all for helping me.

So here’s a clue that will lead you to D Monster.


He’s here in the park somewhere.

Thank you, Doctor Drake!

I’m off to the dog show.

Good luck finding D Monster.

(narrator) So, Alice, Brian, and Cherry Berry

waved good-bye to Doctor Drake

and continued their search in the park.

[upbeat music]

We’ve searched almost everywhere.

I wonder where D Monster could be.

The clue definitely said she was in the park.

We’ll just have to keep searching.

[dog barking]

Can you hear that?

Yes. It sounds very familiar.

The sound is coming from behind those trees.

Come on. Let’s take a look.

Hey, wait for us, Brian.

(narrator) So, Alice, Brian,

and Cherry Berry went to investigate.

Look! Is that the dog?

It is!

She is running away!

Where is she going?

Let’s take a look.

(narrator) Reaching the other side of the trees,

the three friends were in for a wonderful surprise.

It’s D Monster!

Hello, everyone.

I wasn’t expecting to see you here.

We’ve been looking for you.

What are you doing here in the park?

I found a name tag on the dog’s collar.

It said her name is Dotty.

The tag also had her owner’s name and address.

She belongs to Danny Davison.

I was so relieved when D Monster brought Dotty back to me.

I was very worried.

We were just exercising Dotty before Danny enters her

in the dog show.

Who’s a good dog? [giggles]

Dog! Of course.

That’s what the final clue meant.

Dotty is Danny’s lost pet dog!

(all) D-o-g. Dog.

(Alice) Dog is the answer to the final clue.

We solved all the puzzles...

Met knew friends...

And found D Monster!

(all) Hooray!

[cheerful music]

(narrator) Later that day,

D Monster helped Danny at the dog show

as Dotty the Dalmatian won the Best Dog Award.



I’m just dotty for dogs! [laughs]

(narrator) Hello, everyone.

Welcome to ABC Monsters’ Brainy g*ng.

Say hello to our friends Alice, Brian, and Cherry Berry.

Today, we’re going to find out about the delightful letter D,

but first we’ll need the help of a special member

of the Brainy g*ng, D Monster!

D Monster enjoys singing,

so we’re all going to sing a brand-new song for him.

Are you ready?

[upbeat music]

(Alice) Uh-oh.

So D Monster has gone missing!

(Brian) Oh, dear!

(Alice) Let’s find out.


(narrator) Now that you know the words,

why not join in as we sing it again?

I hope you enjoy singing about the delightful letter D.

Are you ready?

D Monster.

That’s right!


(narrator) Here’s D Monster practicing on his drum.

And look, here comes Cherry Berry.

Can you work out what letter the drum has turned into?

That’s right! It’s the letter D.


All together now.

Say it with me.


[laughs] Look at D Monster.

He’s trying to play the letter D.

I don’t think he’ll make much music with it.

Let’s see if you can write the letter D

with D Monster.

Have you got your paper and pencil?

Okay, then, we’re drawing a big D.

That’s right! Well done.

Let’s try and do another big D.

You’ve just written the letter D.

D Monster’s very happy because we can all write

his favorite letter, D.

Now we all know how to write the letter D.

Take a look at the following words

that begin with D.

Do you know what this musical instrument is called?

Here’s a clue.

It’s very loud, and you hit it to make a noise.

Have you worked out what it is yet?

Shout out the answer if you know.

That’s right! It’s a drum.




That’s right! Let’s say it one more time.




Okay, here’s another puzzle for you to solve.

Can you guess what type of bird this is?

It has a flat beak and swims in the water.

Do you know what it’s called?

That’s right! It’s called a duck.

Now let’s see what the word "duck" looks like.


D-u-c-k. Duck.

Excellent! Let’s say that again.




You’ve answered two questions correctly.

Do you think you can solve the third and final question?

Here it is.

Do you know what this animal is called?

Here’s a clue.

This animal chews bones, chases cats,

and likes to bark and fetch sticks.

Have you worked out the answer yet?

That’s right!

It’s a dog.

And here’s what the word "dog" looks like.

Say it with me.

- Dog. D-o-g. Dog. - [barks]

(narrator) That’s right!

Let’s say it together once more.

Dog. D-o-g.

- Dog. - [barks]

(narrator) Excellent!

We learned three new words together.

Can you think of any more words that begin with the letter D?

Everyone in the Brainy g*ng needs to keep fit and active,

so get ready for another fun-packed ABC Monster move.

Hello, everyone.

Clap your hands in the air if you want to have some fun.

Great work, everyone!

Now it’s time to get fit with the ABC Monsters.

And today, we’ll be doing the D Monster move.

Watch Alice closely as she shows you what to do.

It’s easy.

If Alice can do it, so can you.

Are you ready?

Here we go.

Use your body to make a big D!

That’s it! That wasn’t so hard, was it?

Shall we try that again?

A big D!

That’s it!

Now you know the D Monster move, we can all do it together.

Are you ready?

One, two, three, four.

Two, two, three, four,

and three, two, three, four,

four, two, three, four.

That was fun.

Let’s see if you can do it again.

Are you ready? Okay, then.

One, two, three, four.

Two, two, three, four,

and three, two, three, four.

Four, two, three, four.


You successfully completed the D Monster move.

Now, let’s have a short rest to get our breath back,

because next, it’s the ABC Monster quest.

- [barks] - Look, everybody.

It’s Dotty the Dalmatian.

She’s a friendly little dog, isn’t she?

Dotty belongs to Danny Davison.

He’s waiting in the park.

She must be lost.

We’ll have to guide her way.

Don’t worry, Dotty.

We’ll help you find Danny.

(narrator) Can you help Dotty the Dalmatian

find her owner, Danny?

Just fill in the box with the correct letter

and help guide her along the path.

Look carefully at the following letters.

Can you tell me which one fits correctly in the box

to make a word?

Is it Y, U, or the letter K?

That’s right!

The correct letter is U.




You solved the first word correctly,

but can you work out this next puzzle?

Which letter do you think we should put into the box?

Letter S, A, or D?

Right again!

The letter we need to put into the box is D.


D-u-c-k. Duck.

Well done.

Now for the final puzzle.

Do you think you can complete it?

Which letter should we put into the box?

Is it F, T,

or could it be the letter G?

Excellent answer!

You successfully picked the correct letter again,

the letter G.

Well done, three out of three.





You’ve cleverly guided Dotty the dog to her owner, Danny.

Thank you for finding my dog.

(all) Hooray!

(narrator) I hope you enjoyed

finding out about the letter of the day,

delightful D.

But before we go, let’s sing along

to the ABC song as we say good-bye

to Alice, Brian, Cherry Berry,

and a very special star of the show, D Monster.

(all) ♪ A, B, C, D, E, F, G

♪ H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P

♪ Q, R, S, T, U, V

♪ W, X, Y, and Z

(narrator) Don’t forget to join the Brainy g*ng again

for some more fun and adventures

with the ABC Monsters.

[cheerful music]

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