02x08 - Dead Air

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sister Boniface Mysteries". Aired: 8 February 2022 – present.*
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Sister Boniface is a Catholic nun at St. Vincent's Convent in the fictional town of Great Slaughter in the Cotswolds who has a PhD in forensic science, allowing her to serve as a scientific adviser to the local police on investigations.
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02x08 - Dead Air

Post by bunniefuu »


Ca-Ca-Ca-Ca-Catherine ♪

[ Volume lowers]

Ay-up, my peoples.

We're live.

And we're in your ears

all night long

with the grooviest new tunes,

the bossest beats,

and the far-out 45s.

This is Billy King,

here as ever with my wing man,

Mr. Patt Garrett.

And trust me when I say

tonight is gonna be a gas!

I see we also have a gorgeous

guest joining us here.

In the three years

we've been broadcasting,

this girl has showered us

with letters, requests,

and more meat-filled pies

than any human should eat.

And now I see her, listeners,

this is one fiery-haired

foxy lady.

Coming to you live

from a tip-top secret location,

we're everyone's favourite

pirate station.

This is Radio Catherine.

Ca-Ca-Ca-Ca-Catherine ♪

And you, Mr. Pirate, are about

to walk your own bleeding plank.

Can you hear this?

You mind if we get this

over with, Mr. Greybone?

It's really not a police matter.

And being blunt, there's a pint

with my name on it

waiting at The Spitfire.

wearing shades ♪

So bright,

yeah, she's so bright ♪

She's so pretty,

I hope she never fades ♪

She's so bright,

yeah, she's so bright ♪

Falling in love with you ♪

This can't be right.

They were here!

I was sure this time!

[ Rooster crowing] - baby,

who'll help you see the light ♪

"Radio Catherine woz here.

Catch us next time."


[ Distorted music plays]




[ Rock music flourish]

That was Queenmakers with

"Out of Sight."

One for all those poor GPO

boys who are still trying to find us.

Good luck, fellas.

We admire your spirit.

Speaking of which,

I can see old Patt's

having a tipple.

You want some coffee

with that whisky, mate?

[ Clears throat]

Doctor's orders, people.

Whenever I hear

an annoying voice in my ear.

Oh, it's a nasty

condition, that.

I think they call it


[ Coughs]

Oh? Nice come-back.

Okay. Don't touch your dials.

Nothing's wrong.

It's just Aerial Static

with their new single.



Oh, that girl has gotten

really mean ♪

Oh, that girl has gotten ♪

Mr. Garrett.

Uh, I just want to say

I'm a really big fan.

You walking off

the Light Program

when they wouldn't let you

choose records,

it was amazing.

Thanks, baby.

Well, you know,

if only integrity paid

a little bit better.

Oi, Arnie?

Uh, these headphones

are buzzing.

Sort it out.

So, Peggy.

What do you think

of our humble abode?

Oh, I can't believe I'm here.

I listen every night.

Well, you should stick around,

wait for me to come off air.

I'll show you how

everything works.

I'll push the buttons,

you can twiddle the knobs.

[ Coughs]

Thanks, but Dad doesn't really

like me being out late, so


Mr. Greybone, I will not waste

police resources.


Why would we need them?


Police resources.

[ Indistinct conversation]

He's hard of hearing.

Ideal for a GPO engineer

tracing radio broadcasts.

What exactly have

they done wrong?

Well, um, technically,

Radio Catherine are in breach

of the Wireless Telegraphy Act

of 1949.

Though many people argue

that the act's

no longer fit for purpose.

[ Laughter]

You won't be laughing when I get

my proper direction

finding gear.

Until then

you hear owt,

you contact me here.

I'll take care of it,

even if nobody else does!

[ Scoffs]

You know Peggy writes

to that station twice weekly.

She'd never forgive you.

I got that tingle in my

fingers, feeling in my back ♪

Now we're moving

in the right direction ♪

Moving in the right

direction ♪

Diamonds on my fingers

and heels on the track ♪

And this is the Control Room,

where Arnie works his magic.

Our technical guru,

and the true pirate

of the station.

Ahoy, there!

Sorry 'cause of

the pirate thing.

Arnie, these headphones

are still buzzing.

Stop boring Peggy and fix them.

Y-Yeah. S-Sorry, Bill.

Leave it with me.

We're all a little bit

tense here.

Lately, we've had

to move the studio more

to avoid getting caught.

And we can't afford

proper mobile equipment.

Will Radio Catherine

be all right?

Between you and me,

we're signing a deal later

that's gonna take care

of everything.

Everywhere you go ♪

To a promising future


Are we missing someone?


Arnie's showing out our guest.

Well, this boy from Mwanza

never thought

he'd own part

of a radio station.

[ Chuckles]

And I'm sorry about

all the secrecy,

but I promise,

once this has gone through,

I have big ideas to solve

all our problems.

Oh! I'll drink to that.

- Cheers!

- Cheers!

I have to say, you two make one

hell of a husband-and-wife team.

And getting this fellow

on board, game changer.

[ Laughs]

Am I wrong?


I can't stay.

Got a thing.

- And you

- Mm-hmm.

You have a late show to do.


Everywhere you go ♪


[ Static, radio scanning]


It's that time again.

You, me, and some groovy tunes

to round off the day.

It's "Bedtime With Billy."

Let's go!

[ Rock music playing]


I heard a noise

from the outside ♪

A kind of noise

that you love ♪

A kind of party

that sounds so brave ♪

Attraction from them ♪

It's time for fun ♪

It's time to dance ♪

Let's go, let's go ♪

Let's go ♪

Let's go, let's go ♪

My compadres have all

gone to bed.

So let's see-in that witching

hour together, all on our own.

[ Gasp, footsteps]

[ Chuckles] Ah.

I think I may have a visitor.

Uh, you enjoy this track,

my peoples,

while I reach out

and make contact.

Speak on the flip-side.


[ Brushing teeth]


Yes, miss. Take a seat.

Oh, Cathy.

What's happened?

It's [Sniffle]

It It's Billy.

I saw the colour on him.

I just knew.


Not exactly the time

for orienteering, Sister?

Who saw him last?

[ Lighter clicks]

Um, me, I think.

I said goodnight to him

about 10:00.

He always does the late show

on his own.

Does he always take those

when he does it?


When he's tired, yeah.

Well, no obvious signs

of a forced entry.

No signs of a struggle.

Likely amphetamine-induced

heart att*ck.

I'm afraid Colin the Compass

has something to say about that.

- Does he?

- Yes, he does. Observe.

Spark burns to the fingertips

of the right hand

to the left lateral

anterior forearm.

Acute impact bruise

to the left cheek.

And last,

but certainly not least,

- his watch has stopped.

- Huh?

I'll let Colin do the talking.

Look at this.

- This watch is highly magnetised.

- Ah.

The result of a large charge

passing through it.

- So he was

- Electrocuted, yes.

The spark burns likely to be

entry and exit points

of the charge.

- Though I fail to see how

- What? No.

See, I designed everything

so accidents like that

can't happen.

Which is precisely

what I feared.

Foul play.

How shocking.

- Hmm.

- Oh! No.

How long were you married?

Um, about three years.

As long as the station's

been going.

We ran away from home

to start it.

- Arnie came with us.

- Hmm?

Yeah, we all went

to the same school.

And you, Patt?

I'm just the delicious cherry

on the cake, baby.

They talked me into joining

a few months back

when they were serious

about expanding.

But Billy was a bit rude

towards you, wasn't he?


I've got nothing to hide.

I didn't like him.

Big fish, small pond.

He leeched off my profile

and then did everything he could

to protect his meagre,

little limelight.

It's textbook.

Not a problem for you

anymore, though.

There was a note

in Billy's pocket.


The Spitfire.

12:00 p.m.

Mean anything?

[ Lighter clicks]


- I don't know.

- Thank you, Harry.

The landlord said

that Billy King was here

yesterday, midday.

And he was with

an older gentleman.

Red face, moustache,

and very grumpy.

Now, that sounds

remarkably familiar.


[ Sighs]


What do you know,

the handwriting matches.

Now, hang on.

It's not what you think.

What is it, then?

It's, um

It's, um

I wanted my colleagues to think

I'd cracked it meself.

Your colleagues?

You think I don't know

what they say behind my back?

Pathetic old git.

Can't hear. Can't do his job.

Can't even keep hold

of his own wife and kid.

I had a nervous breakdown,


Now I'm a ruddy laughing stock.

And that Billy The Flippin'

Whatsit is mocking me,

constantly laughing in my face.

That still doesn't explain this.

So, um, out of the blue,

he gets a message to me at work

asking to talk with whatever

GPO guys are chasing him.

And you don't find that odd?

He claimed he was done

with it all,

done with the others.

What choice did I have?

So, um

I left that in their PO box

to meet.

Okay, then what happened?

He turns up bold as brass.

He gave me their

secret address to raid.

And I fell for it,

hook, line, and sinker.

You mean the abandoned barn

we raided last night?


Billy King set me up

to look a prize tit.

You should know, you were there.

It was all a bloody trick.


I came as soon as I heard.

How are you all holding up?

Just numb.

Gabriel, I know that

this changes things.

When we signed,

Radio Catherine was just

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Just hold on, now.

You're the talk of the town

out there.

Radio Catherine's

on everyone's lips,

so as far as I'm concerned,

nothing's changed.

Provided you can

keep it together.

[ Camera shutter clicking]

Can we talk out there?

Oh, holy shortwave radio!

Sorry, Sister,

I forgot you were there.

I think I've dirtied your habit.

Oh, the old girl's

had far worse, believe me.

I once had to say

a hundred hail Marys

for staining my wimple

with black ferric oxide.

Should I ask?

It's a fine powder.

Sticks to the natural oils

secreted by the skin.

Most effective

for extracting fingerprints.

I could listen to you

forever, baby.

Hey, we may need you for the

When we break the news

to the listeners.

You know, spiritual support.

You ever thought about

taking up the mic?


Papal people!

We are convent radio,

with the biggest bundle

of Biblical belters

coming your way.

And this is for all the Sisters

in the house.


[ Record needle scratches]


You done?

Um, just two teeny,

tiny moments.

- What's that?

- Oh.

I'm connecting the desk to

the farmhouse's old phone lines.

Thought we might want

to do a-a call-in.

Console listeners, you know.

D'you D'you think

you'll carry on after this?

I don't know, Peg.

Silly, really.

Whenever I'm tired

or feeling a bit blue,

all I need is to hear

that jingle,

and it's like

I'm with friends again.

Don't know what I'd do

without my Catherine.

[ Chuckles]

Yeah. I feel the same.




[ Sighs]

Impressive rendering, Sister.

Oh, thank you, Sam.

You know, I, uh, painted

St. Vincent's charity

Christmas cards one year.

Though, come to think of it,

we did get questions

about why the donkey seemed

to be eating baby Jesus.


Wh-What are we looking at?

Oh, right. Um, yes.

Well, it's a simple circuit.

So Billy sits in his chair

and he presses

the push to talk

microphone button

to speak to the Control Room.

What he doesn't realise

is that the microphone

is wired to the live mains,

while the bottom of his metal

chair is wired to earth.

So, when he grabs

the microphone,

he completes the circuit.


So it was an inside job?

Yes, well,

logic would suggest so.

Someone with

the appropriate skills

who knew their way

around that studio.

Well, Gabriel Viegas,

he has an alibi,

which we're checking out.

But we need more information

on the others.

I'll run backgrounds.

You know The Bugle are doing

a feature on Radio Catherine?

Ah. Well, Button?

I'm sure Norman

would love a visit.

Norman Whalley?

Oh, no, sir, please.

Duty calls, Constable.

Now, Patt Garrett

loathed Billy King

'cause he undermined him on air.

Cathy Bright, she seemed

more shocked than upset,

considering how fresh

her marriage was.

And Arnie Cuningham

Arnie Cuningham is the only one

who clearly had the know-how.


[ Tape rips]

Um, there was one more thing.

The bruise on Billy's

left cheek,

it's not from the fall.

It appears to be caused

by a distinctive

square-shaped signet ring.


I looked up to him.

I mean, chubby nerds

into electronics

don't tend to fare well

with school bullies.


Billy took me under his wing.

Gave me some tiny semblance

of cool.

Is that why you gave him

a black eye?

It wasn't about me.

It It was It It

It was about Cathy.

Night, mate.

That night, after Gabriel left,

I saw them arguing.

Seriously? Gabriel's just

in a minute left,

and you're bringing this up


It was like

It was like he wasn't even

pretending anymore.

Where were you? Why can't

you just be honest with me

and tell me you were off

with some floozy?


just give it a rest, woman.

I just saw red.

It's not right, mate.

The stuff you're doing

behind her back.

I-It's horrible.

It's It's It's

It's It's.

You're a stuttering loser.

And Cathy needs to get into

her thick head

that if I want to see

other girls, then I will.

[ Exhales deeply]

First time I ever hit someone,

and it felt horrible.

After that, I went out

to the van alone.

It's where I sleep, in the back.

I know I should have said

something before.

It's just, I felt so bad.

Tell me something.

This tiff you overheard,

was it about his behaviour

in general,

or had Billy done

something specific?


[ Sighs]

It was on there

when he got back.

Let's just say

it's not my shade of red.

Or my perfume, for that matter.

Not exactly discreet.

When we ran away from home,

I was so happy.

Free from

my domineering parents,

free from that trap of a life.

It was a whirlwind.

But once Catherine

was up and running,

that whirlwind

kind of blew itself away.

Being adored by me

was never going to be enough.

Fans of the female variety?

[ Chuckles]

At first, I tried to ignore it.

And then he stopped

even trying to hide it.

There was no love left

in this marriage.

Only his ego

and me trying to manage it.

Well, why not just leave him?

Like I said to the local paper,

we started Radio Catherine


I would never,

ever just walk away.


WPC Button!

Hi! Y-You're

I mean I mean, come in.


You're looking very

Uh, mm, sorry. Uh, how can

How can I help you?

It's about Radio Catherine.

Ah, Billy King's untimely death.

I know The Bugle's been

doing a feature.

I wondered if we could

share notes?

People's backgrounds?

That sort of thing?

- W-W-Work together?

- Well, not in so many words.

Yeah, yeah!

Yeah, yeah.

[ Clears throat]

Uh, I mean

Yeah, yeah, sh-should be

Should be fine.

Uh, just give me

a couple of hours.

I'll compile some stuff.

Uh, maybe we could discuss it

over a cola-rama?

Um, a-a drink, I mean.

Just, um, a-a normal drink.

Are these what I think they are?

Recordings? Yeah.

I've got every show

from the last two weeks.


Uh, you enjoy this track,

my peoples,

while I reach out

and make contact.

Speak on the flip-side.

[ Rock music playing]

The point at which he used

the push-to-talk button.

Now, I've listened

a number of times.

Dig out the old ear wax.

There's something juicy

in there.

While she rewinds,

I got my hands on

the Radio Catherine contract

from Gabriel Viegas.

Um, I was thinking maybe

it might show us

some disagreements or

Good work.

And pray silence.

Now, on listening,

it's evident Billy safely used

the push-to-talk button

on his microphone

just before cueing this song.

He used it to say goodnight

to Cathy in the Control Room.

- As she told us.

- Precisely.

Then he cues this song,

a 10-minute jam,

in his parlance,

to, um, "make a pit stop."

- Go to the gents.

- Deduction

Our electrical executioner

primed the trap

- sometime during the song.

- How can you be sure?

Well, because the studio

microphones were live.


[ Rock music playing]

- [ Metallic squeak]

- Incredible.

What is that? Metal?

- I have absolutely no idea.

- Why is that good?

Well, because what I do know

is this.

Identify that sound,

and I'll identify our k*ller.

How do you propose

to do that, exactly?

[ Sighs]

Spiritual counselling.

How exhilarating.

Though I can't deny

a few butterflies

in the old bread basket.

Just speak naturally.

Enjoy yourself.

You okay there, Patt?

I'm terribly sorry, baby.

Not been centre stage

for a while.

I can't seem to get

my proverbial together.

Okay, well, hurry up,

because we are in your hands.

And don't forget to big up

the big news landing tomorrow.

Call it a-a special show.

We have a huge announcement

to make.

[ Microphone wobbling]

- Problem, Sister?

- Oh, no, no.

Just, um, settling in.

[ Chuckles]

Okay, this is it.

We're going on air

in five, four

Ca-Ca-Ca-Ca-Catherine ♪


[ Clears throat]

This is Radio Catherine,

and I'm Patt Garrett.

And today we have a slightly

shorter show for you,

because, as many

of you may know,

we have some sad, sad news.

It breaks our hearts,

but Billy King

is no longer with us.

[ Rock music playing]


You do realise they're

broadcasting as we speak?

Do you know where they are?

'Cause if you do,

you're duty bound to say.

Mr. Greybone, I'm afraid

our police investigation

supersedes the GPO's concerns.

I assure you,

I will give you information

as and when appropriate,


- [ Bell dings]

- I'll be back!

The man's obsessed.

How's DJ Boniface?


Thank you, Patt, for having me.

Ooh, what's this?

Oh, best not to touch

those buttons.

- [ Both laugh]

- Forgive me. Yes.

[ Clears throat]

I would like

to encourage listeners

to call in,

particularly if you saw Billy

in the last 24 hours.

All information welcome.

Ooh, I wonder if this is it?

[ Ting]

Alright, Sister.

No, that's my glass.

Ca-Ca-Ca-Ca-Catherine ♪

- Heaven help them.

- Yeah.

Please tell me

you have something useful?

Possibly. So, Gabriel Viegas'

contract clearly states

that he would only do this deal

if Patt Garrett was part

of Radio Catherine.

Well, that makes sense.

Patt's a big star.

Yes, but it goes even further

than that. Look.

So, he puts in

a last-minute addendum,

a clause whereby management

has the right to remove

or replace any DJ he wishes.

So Gabriel wanted

to get rid of Billy King.

Everybody's gonna

have some fun tonight ♪

Everybody's gonna make

the motion right ♪

No, no, no, no, no.

No, Inspector.

With respect, you've got this

the wrong way round.

That is not my clause.

It was Billy

who wanted it added in.

- Billy?

- Yeah.

The term "management" refers

to him and Cathy, not to me.

Doesn't take a genius

to figure out

that Billy King

wanted Patt gone.

He saw Radio Catherine

as his baby.

So if you knew that,

why put it in?

Oh, I never would have

allowed it to happen.

Neither would Cathy.

You see, I'd put in

too much effort to get Patt

to give up his gold-plated offer

to voice toothpaste commercials.

Would have set him up. No.

With the bands I manage

and with my nightclubs,

I always trust my gut.

And my gut was telling me

a national station

needs a national treasure.

So, actually, this has

worked out pretty well for you?


What about Patt?

Could he have possibly

read the contract?

I saw him

only yesterday morning.

Where was this, caller?

By The Spitfire.

Only, he seemed really upset.

He was by the bins.

He told me to leave him alone.

Most intriguing.

Um, like us all,

Billy was only human.

Caught at a bad moment.

I'm sure that, um,

that he would want you

to remember him

for all the joy he brought.


And so, tomorrow's show

is a huge special.

We will be playing

Top-10 Billy King's

favourite tracks

uh, with a band live in

the studio and special guests.

And tomorrow will be

the announcement

of the future

of Radio Catherine.

And so, that's enough for today.

We will see you tomorrow


Ca-Ca-Ca-Ca-Catherine ♪

Well, that was fun.

[ Lighter clicks]


Yeah, I read the contract.

So what?

I knew what Billy was up to.

Poor dope was no Machiavelli.

So he wanted to use you

to get the deal done,

steal your fan base,

then ditch you.

All after you'd turned down a

highly lucrative TV commercial.


You really think I want to be

the voice

of Minty Lustre Toothpaste?

My eyes were open, baby.

I joined because

Well, because I believe

in pirate radio,

freedom, playing what you want,

saying what you want, truth.

That's why I left my old job.

That's why I'm poor, frankly.

That's why I'll be

sticking around

until someone carries me away.

[ Lighter clicks]

Sorry, what is she up to?

Fudge-berries and cream,

that's not it either!



[ Rock music playing]

Not one thing in this studio

makes that sound.

Our k*ller leaves an audio

footprint as big as a yeti's,

and I can't even identify it.

It's not all doom and gloom,


We have that caller

that saw him.

Yeah, the upset girl

by The Spitfire club.

Yes, um, Peggy and I

can chase that up.


Why don't we pick this up

in the morning?

- Get a good night's sleep.

- Or rather a long night,

driven to madness by all those

poxy plinks and squeaks.

Oh, take my word for it, Sister,

your evening

could be much, much worse.


You really shouldn't have.

Oh, it's nothing.

Only took me four hours.

I didn't need to eat

at lunch, anyway.

Or dinner.

[ Chuckles]

[ Coughs]

Uh, so, these are

interviews with

Patt Garrett's three ex-wives.

And, uh, these are from Billy

and Cathy's school friends.


Romantic, right?

And uh, is is

Is this Arnie?

Great eyes.

Uh, great eye eye.

[ Coughs]

Apparently, he ditched

some prestigious

- engineering degree just to

- Arnie. You okay?


Actually, I was sort of

after some advice.

You know, as a-a modern woman?

Oh. Right.

Okay. Well, um

It's this, uh, friend of mine.

Not me.

See, he's he's known

this woman,

really, since they were kids.

And the truth is

The truth is he's always

cared for her.

He wants to say something.

But he doesn't want to muck it

up and lose her as a mate?

One thing I've learnt

doing this job

Life's short.

I'd ask this friend,

if you don't try,

won't you regret it?

I reckon he'll find

she likes him back.

Thanks, Peg.


I-I better get home.

Cheers, Norm.


See ya. See ya.


[ Exhales sharply]

I've just spoken to Gabriel.

He says the Popular Radio

and Television Survey

put us at three times

our usual listeners last night,

with even more predicted today.

[ Sighs]

[ Instruments tuning]

Are you sure you're okay?

Me? Yeah. Fine.

You know, there's something

that I never told you.

I've always been

a huge fan of yours.

- Really?

- Yes!

Your programme

where you threw your records

in the corporate rubbish bin,

where you stormed out

That's why I work in radio.

What do you say?

Shall we do it for the people?


With knobs on, baby.




So, there is good news

and then there is bad news.

The good news is our shopkeeper

saw Billy King

talking to our sobbing girl,

the one that called in.

What's the bad news?

She saw him

throw something away.



Don't look at me!

Oh. [ Sighs]

I'm sorry.

[ Speaks indistinctly]




- Um, Cathy.

- Hey.

You know, um,

sometimes, things change,


And, um

I care about this

a lot.

So, um, good luck.


Thanks, Arnie.

And to you.



This is what, um,

Billy threw away.

He collected the envelope

from the PO box.

But as you can see, the letter

is addressed to Cathy.

Curious. Is that fish pie?

Yes, it blimmin' well is!

Button, well done

for fishing it out.

Thank you.

Well, I can't make out

the sender's name.

Bits missing.

But it doesn't sound like

their first correspondence.

"I say it again.

I know you are torn.

But please come back to me.

A better life awaits

without that charlatan."

Then there's a bit missing.

"It is time.

Love always."

Is that what this is all about?

A secret lover helping Cathy

escape her marriage?

We need to go and speak to her

right now.


I've got 'em! Finally!

They did a phone-in.

Somehow they've wired

into a line

at the nearest telephone pole.

My guys tell me it's somewhere

over on the northeast of town.

Well? We need to throw

the full letter of the law!

And we will.

Just not right this second.

Button, do you mind making

Mr. Greybone a cup of tea?

I'll be back presently.

But you're wasting time.

We got 'em!

Two sugars.

I've never seen this before.

Really? It doesn't read

like the first.

I swear.

If there were others, then Billy

must have intercepted them.

Cathy, if you were seeing

someone behind Billy's back,

you have to let us know.

I wasn't.

It's from me dad.

All this time,

and he is still desperate

for me to lead the life

that he wants me to lead.

You know, when I first told

my parents

that I wanted to work

in radio, he lost it.

He marched me down

to that typing pool.

"You're this till you're

someone's wife, end of."

So I ran.

That night.

I just left a note.

I broke their heart,

I know that now.

And the thing is,

I know I shouldn't

have done it with Billy,

but I don't regret a thing.

You better give us

your parents' address

so we can check, yeah.

[ Telephones ringing

in background]

- There you go.

- You're a good girl, Peggy.

Thanks, Mr. Greybone.

You've got two lumps.

Goose bumps?

I have not.

Think it's time you changed

your battery again.


Um, Nigel Greybone

has a hearing aid?

Yeah. Why?

[ Feedback]

Oh, now, I know that look.

You think it's significant,

don't you?


Um, simply interesting.


Such marvellous technology.

Peggy, with me.

Where? Oh, where?

We need something old.

Something that goes way back.

A-ha, yes, here we are.


The Darlington Observer.

The Community Award

for Voluntary Services

to York Hospital Radio goes to

Miss C. Greybone of Darlington.

Yeah, but that's Cathy.

Oh, hang on.

That means that she's


Cathy Bright's maiden name

is Greybone.

[ Sighs]

She ran away,

free of her domineering parents.

Oh, gracious me, it all fits.


Um, forgive me,

Mr. Greybone



Ca-Ca-Ca-Ca-Catherine ♪


Good evening, you lovely people!

I'm Patt Garrett

with all the tip-top hip-pop

for your delectation.

Boy, do we have

a special show for you tonight.

So crank us up and get ready

to do your twist,

your swim,

and your mash-potato, baby,

because we've got

the hippy-shake on.

We are live,

and we are Radio Catherine.

Catherine ♪


Baby, you'll see me

when I go ♪

Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

Hell or high water,

you take it slow ♪

Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

I ain't got time,

so remember me ♪

Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

Mm, gotta hurry up, baby,

I'm a wanted man ♪

Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

[ Singing indistinctly]

Go for broke

and cut the slack ♪

I gotta go

'cause I'm in demand ♪

I'm a rock star, baby,

I'm a wanted man ♪

I gotta go

'cause I'm in demand ♪

I'm a rock star, baby,

I'm a wanted man ♪



Where's Nigel Greybone?

Maaaaaan ♪

Now, wasn't that

a slice of special

with cream and cherry on top?

Oh, baby!

We're loving it in the studio,

guys and dolls.

Ca-Ca-Ca-Ca-Catherine ♪

And now for the moment

we've all been waiting for.

Yes, our new partner to reveal

what we can expect

in the future

of Radio Catherine.

Come on, baby.


Hello, everyone.

Yes, I'm excited to announce

By the power vested in me as a

General Post Office engineer


all this equipment is impounded!

- What? Stop that!

- You lot are under arrest

for breaching the Wireless

Telegraphy Act 1949!

- Hey, man, we're on the air.

- Well, you're done!

- And this one's coming with me.

- No, no. Get off me!

Nigel Greybone!

I'm arresting you on suspicion

of the m*rder of Billy King.

You're not obliged

to say anything

unless you wish to do so,

but what you do say

What the heck

are you talking about?!

I'm afraid we know,

Mr. Greybone.

Know? Know what?

We know the bust you performed

with our inspector wasn't real.

It was a ruse

to provide you with an alibi.

We know that Billy didn't

meet you in The Spitfire

to give you

their secret address.

Rather, he intercepted

your letter to Cathy,

and he wanted to scare you off,

once and for all.

Her life was boring as hell

with you, mate.

That's why she left.

See, I know how to show girls

a good time.

Not that you'd know about that.

Wife left you

for the milkman, I heard.

I just need to see her.

Yeah, well, she don't want

to see you, mate.

Do you hear me? Ever.

So just leave us alone, yeah?


Most humiliating, I imagine.

Heartbreaking, even.

Certainly incentive enough

to follow him back here

and to make a plan.

Only you made a mistake.


[ Feedback]

It was the feedback

from your hearing aid

which gave you away.

That man ruined my life!

He took away my little girl

in the night!

And left me with a wife

who blamed me for everything!

I had nothing in the end.

I lost me bloody mind!

She's coming with me,

one way or another!

[ Speaker crashes]

[ Electricity crackles]


Alright, careful.

We don't want anyone hurt.


this won't change anything.

You can't force Cathy

to be something

she doesn't want to be.

And look at what she's achieved.

Come on, Cath.

Get off her!

[ Electricity crackles]

Arnie? Arnie? Arnie?

No, no, you can't

You can't be.


[ Grunts]

You all right?


A dramatic scene, that.

Have a stiff drink tonight.

Nothing ventured,

nothing gained?

Cathy, um

There's something

I want to, um

I mean, it's

I j I just want


You had me at electric shock.


Oh, about bloody time.

You beautiful people.

Of course, you have my blessing.

Seems the only one

missing out here is me.

Guess it's goodbye

to my favourite radio station.


Contraire, mon ami.

We've only just begun.

It's true.

Gabriel's got a plan.

[ Radio scanning]

- Ca-Ca-Ca-Ca-Catherine ♪

- Quiet, everyone. It's time.

And so, for the very first time,

we come to you

from our new studio,

12 miles off the British coast,

rocking in a groovy

fishing trawler.

Try and catch us now, baby.


We are now pirates

in the true sense of the word.

Most ingenious.

A legal loophole.

That far out at sea,

they're technically out of

any national jurisdiction

- Shh! Listen.

- Turn it up, Peggy.

- [ Volume increases]

- For old times' sake,

I'm playing a song

for our very favourite WPC

over in little Great Slaughter.

She once said,

every time she hears this,

she feels like

she's with friends.

So from Patt, Cathy, and Arnie,

this one's for you, baby.

♪ Ca-Ca-Ca-Ca-Catherine ♪

♪ Ooh, the magic ♪

♪ Ooh, the magic man ♪

♪ Ooh, the magic ♪

♪ Ooh, the magic man ♪

♪ Ooh, the magic ♪

♪ Ooh, the magic man ♪

♪ Ooh, the magic ♪

♪ Ooh, the magic man ♪

♪ There's a magic man ♪

♪ Who's coming to your town ♪

♪ From a magic land ♪

♪ To bring his magic sounds ♪

♪ But you can't live

without him ♪

♪ He weaves a golden thread ♪

♪ I know you love

the magic man ♪

♪ Who gets inside your head ♪

♪ Ooh, the magic ♪

♪ Ooh, the magic man ♪

♪ Ooh, the magic ♪

♪ Ooh, the magic man ♪

♪ Ooh, the magic ♪

♪ Ooh, the magic man ♪

♪ Ooh, the magic ♪

♪ Ooh, the magic man ♪

♪ Ooh, the magic ♪

♪ Ooh, the magic man ♪
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