02x07 - Rehearsals

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Big Door Prize". Aired: March 29, 2023 – present.*
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Based on the book of the same name; A machine appears in the grocery store of a small town that is able to predict the destinies of those who observe it.
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02x07 - Rehearsals

Post by bunniefuu »



Yes, hello. [CHUCKLES]
This is Mayor Fontaine.

Listen, I know we're scheduled
to meet at the end of the week.

But, um, something just
opened up in my schedule,

and I was just wondering if you'd
like to meet for lunch today.

Well, good. I'll text you
the details. See you soon.


Okay. So, this column is
all the money I made back

from selling my online purchases.

[STAMMERS] These are the panini
presses that I sold at the garage sale,

and then these are the
panini presses I sold online.

How many panini presses did you buy?

Well... [CHUCKLES] ... a lot.

I-I really wasn't thinking
clearly after Mikey left.

I mean, I don't even like paninis.

Sandwiches should be
cold, and that's that.

- Hey, it's all good, Natalie.

We're gonna get you out
from under this debt.

- Well, I hate to say it...
- Hmm.

... but we could make some money
by charging rent to our houseguest.

Hey, I offered to pay.

Yeah, and I say no way to
charging rent to my best bro.

Besides, I love hearing
the pitter-patter

of Big D's footsteps in the morning.

Okay. Well, first of all,
I don't pitter-patter.

My feet are heavy and strong.

Second of all, this is
just temporary, folks.

Just a couple of weeks until I go
home. So, don't get too comfortable.

Hey, and if someone does a shop today,

would you mind putting on the list

those, um... those mini rice cakes?

Cass always gets the
one with the sea salt.

You got it, D.

Man, I gotta say, when
you and Cass first said

that you were doing the self-ploration,

- I thought it was a terrible mistake.
- A terrible mistake.

Yeah, we talked about that a lot.

Yeah. But now that you're living
with me and Cass is working for me,

I'm really starting to see the upside.

Cass is working for you?

Yeah, bro. She starts at Giorgio's
today. Keeping it in the familia.

Hey, but don't worry, Big
D. You're making strides too.

Personally, I could never
do what you're doing.

- [NAT] Mm-mmm.
- Well, thank you.

- Abandoning your wife at home.

Your own daughter's not
even talking to you anymore.

Hey, she's talking to me. We talk.

Really? Sav, I thought you said Trina

was giving D the silent treatment.

She is.

Okay. Well, maybe the communication
has decreased a little bit

since I moved out.

But believe me, I'm still
totally on top of Trina's life.

- Oh, is she still picking you up, honey?
- Mm-hmm.

Okay, good.

Picking you up... Picking
you up in-in what? A car? No.

[CHUCKLES] No, I don't think so.

No. Trina promised she
wouldn't drive anyone anywhere

until she passes her driving test.

- She passed it last week.
- Did she now?


They grow up so fast, right, Big D?

Father Time, she's always flowing.

- Okay. Come get your lunches.
- [SAVANNAH] Thanks, Giorgio.

Thank you, Giorgio.

Go learn something. Go teach something.

- Hey, D, did you make your bed?

It's a waterbed. It's hard to make it.


[IZZY] Walter. Walter.

[MR. JOHNSON] Down here.


[SIGHS] What in God's name?

Is this some sort of sex thing?
You haven't even locked the door.

- I'm practicing a magic trick.
- Oh.

I just haven't figured
out the escape part yet.

- Oh, Walter. [GRUNTS] Okay.

There is no wonder you
need a physical therapist

if you keep contorting
yourself like this.

Honestly, what would Freya think?

I think she'd be pretty impressed.

So, Freya's into magic, is she?

I don't know. I think
most people are into magic.

You don't know? You're entrusting
your feeble body to this woman

and you don't know the
first thing about her?

I know some things about her. I
know she wears a lot of orange.

I'm looking for more than
favorite color here. [SCOFFS]

- Is this about your date?
- I mean, uh, I wouldn't call it a date.

Freya practically begged me to take
her out and I merely acquiesced.

Is this because of your MORPHO vision?


My vision was just me driving somewhere.




I don't know what it means.

- Well, you are very driven.
- Mmm.

But it's important to make
room for other people too.

- You don't want to let life pass you by.
- Okay.

I didn't come here for
dollar store philosophy.

If you don't have anything useful
to say, I have better things to do.

Oh, uh, come to think of it,

I seem to remember Freya
saying she liked horses once.

Wonderful. I'll just take a
horse to lunch then, shall I?

[SCOFFS] Honestly, Walter,

if there's a key to those chains,
someone should throw it away.


Really appreciate the lift
to school, Trina. Thank you.

Very good ten-two, by the way.

I would have rode my
scooter, but I actually...

I pulled a muscle yesterday...
[WHISPERS] ... in my groin.

So I'm just gonna give
the old girl a day off.

By the old girl I mean
of course my groin.

Of my loins. Your old
man's loin groins...

Okay, if you say groin again, I
will throw you out of this car.

Ah, you see.

Told you she's not giving me
the silent treatment, Savannah.

Let's have a conversation.

Okay. So, what's the
deal with you and Alice?

- You guys boned yet or what?
- Trina.

What? You said you
wanted a conversation.

Yes, and you said that
you wanted me and your mom

to make clearer boundaries,

so I don't know why you're
mad that I moved out.

You don't know why I'm mad
you moved out of the house?

I am making changes that will
turn me into a better father,

a better husband and a better man.

- I heard they haven't had sex.
- [DUSTY] Who told you that?

Some of the drama kids
were talking about it.

Well, maybe the drama kids should
stick to the s... drama on stage.

Well, the drama on stage sucks more

- than your sex life, so.
- Trina.

Ever since Alice took over for Ms.
Stebel, the play is f*cking garbage.

- What play is it?
- We're doing Our Town.

Our Town. Our Town is a classic.

You know that I was in Our Town?

Wow. It just keeps getting cooler.

Yeah. I played the
venerable Professor Willard.

You played a teacher
in your school play.

Oh, my God. You really have
had a tragically boring life.

It was actually one of the better parts.

Well, I wouldn't know because
Alice is useless at teaching it.

She thinks she can just waltz
in and take over everything.

I'm sure everyone is
doing their very best.

Actually, no one's doing
their best. It's really bad.

Yeah. Literally no one
is doing their best.

Ah, Grover's Corners. Yeah, let me see.

Oh, Grover's Corners is...

lies... [STAMMERS] ... on
the old Pleistocene granite

on the-the Appalachian Trail.

If I may say...
[SHOUTING] If I may say...

- It's actually quite loud in the back.
- Sorry, what?

Our Town.

Now, Cassie, just 'cause Xander
here is gonna be showing you

how to run the gondola

doesn't mean you'll be
running the gondola, okay?

Yeah, I understand.

The only way I can make you gondolier

is if, like, some sort
of natural disaster

or contagious disease
wiped out the entire staff.

But at that point, let's be honest,

I'd probably just close the restaurant.

- Yeah. It's all good, Giorgio.
- What I hope you take from this, Cassie,

is that I'm not playing
favorites with you.

And even though I'm starting you
as a junior hostess in training,

if you lace up your boots and bring
in that tenacity and skill with you

every single day, in a couple of years,

you could be a full-time server.

Yeah, nice.

[CHUCKLES] I feel very inspired.

Now, unfortunately, I
can't stay to supervise you.

I have to do a big shop and
get rice cakes for Dusty.

So you're just gonna
shadow Xander today, okay?

W-What are you getting for Dusty?

- Show her how to move that oar, Xander.
- Yep.

Smooth strokes. We got a
weekday lunch, baby. Let's go.

[STAMMERS] Just so you know,

it doesn't matter how
smooth the strokes are,

the gondola moves on its own.

Oh, cool. This is humiliating.

My new long-term goal is
to be a full-time server

like my teenage daughter.

Hey, you gotta start somewhere, right?

- Hmm? Work your way up.

Although I will say Giorgio hasn't
promoted me in the last six years.

Oh, yeah. I don't really know
my ultimate goal just yet,

but I need to get out of the house.

[CHUCKLES] And you know what?

At least this way I can
get some financial freedom.

And yeah, it's Giorgio's, but
not too many people would hire

a 39-year-old mom who... [SIGHS] ...
has only worked for herself, so...

Uh, well, if it helps,
I don't think anyone's

gonna come here to judge you.


- Oh, my God.
- Hmm?

What is my mom doing here?

- Oh, good Lord.
- What?

Nothing. No, I just
realized there's no hostess.

So, uh, we should probably
seat ourselves. [CHUCKLES]

- Okay.

Uh, there's a booth way over
there that looks r-really nice.

- [FREYA] Okay. Izzy?
- I know she sees me.

There's also all these tables here.

And she can't even look
at me, she's so ashamed?

She's basically running away.

[SIGHS] Yeah, what was
that thing you were saying

about nobody judging me?

Do you wanna try
practicing with the oar...

- What?
- "... oar" not?

I'm so sorry.


Emily, walk simply. Who
do you think you are today?

Oh, Papa, you're terrible.

One minute you tell
me to stand up straight

and the next minute you call me
names. I just don't listen to you.

Uh, s-sorry. It says he
gives me an abrupt kiss,

but he's my dad, right?

- [MOUTHING] Right...
- Yeah, and should I be playing her dad?

Everyone knows we're dating, right?

- Yeah.
- [JACOB] Okay, cool.

Also, I'm finding the
badminton super distracting.

Oh, right. Yeah, sorry. I, um...

I forgot to book the full gym, so, um...

You know what, let's just, uh,

take five, and I'll
consult my notes and, uh,

maybe figure out the scene. [CHUCKLES]

By your notes, do you mean SparkNotes?

I do, yeah.

- Hey.

- There's the famous director. [CHUCKLES]
- [CHUCKLES] What are you doing here?

Don't you have class?

Oh, yeah. I just put the
kids in front of a movie.

- Ah. Oh.
- Which I basically never do.

But I just got the
impression that Trina's

giving you a hard time with this play.

- Oh.
- I think that's probably my fault.

No, no, no, no. She's asking
completely fair questions.

I just, um... [SMACKS LIPS] ... I
don't know anything about theater.

- Yeah. [CHUCKLES]
- Well, maybe I can help.

Hey, guys, break's over. Break's over.

Okay, that wasn't five,
and you're not our teacher.

No, I am not. But I do know a
thing or two about Our Town.


- So what appears to be the trouble?
- It sucks.

Yeah, I know it's, like, a
crucial text but it just...

It's kind of hard to relate.

Like, literally nothing
happens in this play.

We don't even have sets or costumes.

Maybe we just need to
dig a little deeper.

Trina, what's this scene about?

- My dad's being a real d*ck.
- Trina.

No, like, in this scene, he's being
really condescending and annoying,

and I kinda wanna push him.

Okay. Well, that seems extreme,
and if it's not in the script...

You can push me. Just not
too hard, not in the face.

- Okay. Give me that line again.
- [JACOB] Yeah.


Emily, walk simply.

- Who do you think you are today?
- Who do you think you are? [GRUNTS]

Okay. That was good.

- Good... Good instincts, Trina. [CHUCKLES]
- Mmm. Really good, really good.

- Amazing.
- Let's keep in mind...

Looks like things are
getting interesting over here.

Yeah. Um, uh, let's, uh...

Everyone, let's take it again
from the top of the scene, yeah?

- Okay.
- [DUSTY] All right.

- Yeah, I better get back to my class.
- Oh, no, no, no. No, please stay.

Somehow your presence here
is actually really helpful.

- Ooh.

Good, good pushing.

I love your dress, by the
way. Where did you get it?

Oh, it was the first thing I
found in my closet. [CHUCKLES]

But orange has always spoken to me.

Hello, ladies. I've
got some drinks for you.

And I'm here too.

Yep. Here I am, working
the lowest level position

in the most ridiculous restaurant.

So, go ahead, Mom,
and have your comments.

[IMITATES IZZY] Ooh, is this
what royalty means these days?

[NORMAL] Yeah. Have your fun.

Cass, I didn't even know
you were working here.

- This is your daughter?
- Mm-hmm. [CHUCKLES]

Okay. Just w-wait a minute.

You absolutely knew that I
was working here, didn't you?

Yeah, Giorgio must have told you,

and that's why you just happened to be

having your little meeting
here the day of my first shift.

- Oh, we're not having a meeting.
- Mmm.

Yeah, it's fine. Yeah, I'm not
gonna let you bring me down.

[CHUCKLES] You... You are
a sad, sad, sad person,

and my life is so much better
now that you're not a part of it.

You're toxic, you're
cut off and we're done.

So, are we good here or what?

We still need to tell
them about the specials.


We have a special new item on
our menu today. Zucchini toes.

It's like chicken fingers,

but instead of chicken,
it's stuffed with zucchini,

and it's shorter, like
toes. Zucchini toes.

They're delicious. [CHUCKLES]

Please accept my apologies.

Oh, it's fine, Izzy. Although,
I do have some questions.

Oh God, here we go.

Starting with, should we
order individual zucchini toes

or commit to the whole foot?



Emily, walk simply.

- Who do you think you are, today?
- Papa, you're terrible.

One minute you tell me to stand
up straight, and the next minute

- you call me names.

I just don't listen to you.

- Whoa.
- Wow, that was great, Trina.

- I really felt that.
- Yep. Mmm. Really.

You mind if I make a suggestion?

Uh-oh. Here we go. I
thought this might happen.

Old Father Time thinks it's too
violent for a school to play.

Uh, actually, I was gonna say
there's a safer way to do that.

- Can you show us, Father?
- Oh, no, I don't know. [CHUCKLES]

- It would really help us.
- Mm-hmm.

I... I'm pretty sure Father Reuben
needs to get back to his badminton.

We should probably
carry on with our texts.

- I can show you a few things.
- Really? Okay, sick.

- Come on.
- Where did this come from?

- I don't know but I love it.
- [FATHER RUBEN] ... like this.

And then you, uh, make a
fist with your right hand,

put your left hand on his chest.

Uh, that's so you can gauge
the distance between you.

So, then you, uh, show the
audience your fist like this,

but then when you're
about to make contact,

you loosen your grip, so your
fingers are just grazing him.

And then, as you follow through,

twist your body, stomp
with the left foot.

Like so.

- Oh, wow. That was...
- Oh, no. Wasn't real.

Yo, that's dope as hell, Father
Reuben. How you know all this stuff?

Uh, let's just say I spent a lot of time

watching wrestling as a kid, and, uh,

it was either seminary or WWE, so...

What else can you do?

Uh, it's been a while.

I'm not about to body
slam a student. [LAUGHS]

- Oh. You can try it on my dad.
- Hold... What?

No. N... Uh, hold on. Is that a good...

Because it feels like we're getting

further and further away from the text.

Dusty, this is what
we've been talking about.

You know, finding ways to meet
the students on their level.

You know, making the
curriculum feel more relevant

to what they're going through.

I mean, and you could score
some major points with Trina.

Come on.

All right. I'll do it. I'll
do it. I'll do it. Yeah.

All right. Just let me
stretch out a little bit.

I'm nursing a bit of a groin
injury. Oh, yeah. All right.

- Go easy on me. [CHUCKLES]
- Yeah, all right.


[PATRON] Sure, I mean, you used to

So, do you wanna talk about
what's going on with your daughter?

- No...
- [FREYA] Oh.

... we're not gonna let that
ruin our afternoon, are we?

Okay. Just 'cause you
seem a bit distracted.

[CHUCKLES] No. No, I just look off
sometimes when I'm concentrating.

- Hmm.
- You mustn't take that personally, dear.

- [CHUCKLES] Oh, okay, dear.

[CHUCKLING] Let's talk
about something else.

[FREYA] Mmm.

I, uh, I used to dance with
someone who raised horses.

- Hmm.
- Yeah. I think she even

entered them in those
dressage competitions.

I'm not really into horses.

- You're not?
- Mm-mmm.

I wonder why I would
have thought you were.


So, what would you say
is your favorite animal?

Izzy, um, I don't care that
your daughter hates you.

Oh. [CHUCKLES] She doesn't hate me.

She's just going through
a phase right now.

- And, yes, she's cut me off...
- Ah.

... whatever that means.

She accused me not so long
ago of being incapable of love.

Well, what's wrong with that?

You're being polite, but
inside I know you're judging me.

Is that what I'm doing?

I tried to leave her
once... when she was young.

And we just moved to Deerfield. I...

I tried to leave her behind.

And she was happy here, and she...

She and Martha loved each other.

But I was so f*cking bored,
I decided I should just go.

So, that's who I am.

So, you can go on and judge me

without even ever hearing
my side of the story.


I think you just told me your
side of the story. [CHUCKLES]

- Hmm.
- But, Izzy, you didn't leave.

Clearly, since you're still here,
you came back. And also, who cares?


You think you're the first person
to try to run from her problems?

You think I haven't done shitty
things or pissed people off?

Most of my family hates me.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

- Why?
- Oh. Stick around. You'll find out.


I don't need you to be a great person.

I just don't want any bullshit.

How would you feel
about going somewhere...

- Mmm.
- ... more private?

I'd like that.


Uh... [STAMMERS]... are they just...

Are they just skipping out on the bill?

[LAUGHS] Yeah, that happens a lot.

Uh, but it also comes out of our
pay, if you wanna chase after her.

No. No, let her go. She
got what she came for.

She's not even staying for
lunch, which proves my point.

It's just weird.

It didn't really seem like
she was even doing anything.

Well, that's because you
don't know the history.

Yeah. She's basically the
reason I've never had a real job.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

- What she do?
- She just brings me down.

She always brings me down.

It's like, my whole life,
any time I was, like,

good at something, like...

[SIGHS] like dance lessons,
or like singing lessons.

Or when I started going out for
jobs, she made me feel so inadequate.

I just stopped pushing myself to try.

Yeah. Okay.

What do you mean, "Yeah,
okay"? You don't believe me?

No. It-It sounds brutal.

- But, like, you're 40 years old...
- Thirty-nine.

Thirty-nine. You're
still blaming your mom?

Uh, excuse me, miss,
could we get some menus?

Oh... [CHUCKLES] ...
she's just a trainee.

I'll be over in just a second, okay?

Actually, no, I'm not just a trainee.

What are you... Cass, no, no,
no, no. Wait, wait, wait. [GROANS]

My name is Cass, and I
will be your server today.

Well, actually I know the menu by heart.

Mmm. Well, I would love
you to take one more peek.



Go, Father Reuben!



[STUDENT 1] Yeah, Father Reuben!


- Ooh, boy. [CHUCKLES]

- No, it's good. It's good. Was that fun?
- Mm-hmm.

Was that fun? Did you enjoy that?

Did you... Did you lose all
respect and attraction to me?

- Ooh, I mean, there's so little to lose.
- [LAUGHING] Oh, great, great.

[LAUGHS] No, but no,
no, no, that was great.

- Yeah. Are you okay, though?
- Hmm?

I mean, I-I thought, uh,
it looked like you, um,

were holding your back at one point.

Oh! Me? Was I... [STAMMERS]
I think I was selling it.

I was just... I was just selling
it as an experienced actor

who has treaded the boards as the
venerable Professor Willard. I...

[TRINA] Oh God, he's
doing the voice again.

Hey, Alice, we were just thinking

maybe we could put more of this
wrestling stuff into the play?

Yeah. Like, we could make
our own costumes and do, like,

a stage in the middle of the gym
with people sitting around it.

In the round.

They call that in the... in the round.

As opposed to the Proscenium
Arch or indeed the thrust.

- Please stop talking.
- I shall.

Yeah. Yeah, you guys can
totally run with this.

You know, I'm-I'm clearly
just terrible at it.

[GIGGLES] Um, so, yeah, I just
want you to make it your own.

Okay. Sick.

- Thanks, Alice.
- Yeah.

Well. Well, at least she's
not lashing out at you anymore.


I don't think I fixed anything
as far as she and I are concerned.

[ALICE] Hmm.

I mean, maybe you don't have
to fix everything right away?

Maybe she just needs
to stay angry for a bit?

I don't know. She is
a teenager, you know.

And I think today was
kind of cathartic for her.

Yeah. No, may... maybe you're right.

Maybe-Maybe she just needs...

She just needs to see her dad

get his ass kicked by a
priest once in a while.

Mmm. Although, you didn't
get your ass kicked, right?

- It's just, you know, acting. [LAUGHS]
- Mmm. Ooh, 100%. Oof.

- I recently gave blood.
- [ALICE] Okay.

- I don't want to go on about it. [LAUGHS]
- Okay, cool. [CHUCKLES]

I'm just gonna leave this
here. Whenever you're ready.

Oh, the tip options are on there.

Twenty percent is standard,
but who wants to be standard...

- Oh. [CHUCKLES] Yeah.
- ... right, Coach Eagleson? Right? [LAUGHS]

Cassie. What the hell do
you think you're doing?

Did you just serve that table?

Where is Xander? Where is your sash?

I'll tell you what I did.

I just upsold the shit out
of Coach Eagleson over there,

that's what I did.

Yeah. He came in on a date
with his latest new girlfriend.

And he was about to get the
"soup n' sandy" lunch special

with a bottle of house wine,

which is not only the cheapest wine
on the menu, but also disgusting.

It's a Boca Raton Merlot from the
northern region of southern Florida.

Giorgio. This is an Italian restaurant.

You should be selling Italian wine.

Florida is the Italy of America.

Well, I found some vintage
Italian wines in your cellar,

and we had a nice little pairing menu.

Starting off first with
olives and Prosecco.

- Prosecco?
- And then a nice Pinot Grigio

and a parmigiana salad,

- followed by a savory Sangiovese...
- Sangiovese?

... with their pasta.

Finishing that off with some
gelato and limoncello. [KISSES]

Which means the bill
was $300 instead of 50.

And last time I checked,

you and Nat are in no position
to be turning down free money.

- Hang on to this one, Giorgio.
- Hey.

Best lunch I ever had, and
I've had a lot of lunches here.

- Thank you, Cass.

- Okay. Thank you, Coach. Hooves forever.
- Yeah!

Yeah. Go, Hooves, go!
It's game time, baby.

So what, do you think you can skip
all the steps and be a server here?

No, I... I want more than that.

Okay? First of all, let's start
by getting Xander a promotion.

He's been working here
for six years. He needs it.

Cassie. That is not how this
works. I'm El Capitano here.

Okay. Then make me assistant Capitano.

Cass, I cannot believe this.

I leave you alone for an hour
so I can go do a big shop,

and you go and defy all of my wishes

and completely rewrite the entirety

of Giorgio's rule book.

This is exactly what I
was hoping would happen.

- Let's go. Yeah, I'm so proud of you.
- What? [YELLS, GASPS]

This is awesome.

Yes. Welcome to mi
. Breathe it in.


You've earned this.


[CHUCKLES] And this, of course,
is my private dance studio.

Everyone wants to see it,
but few are granted access.

Ah, yes. Well, I feel truly honored.


Are we, uh... What are
we doing here? [LAUGHS]

The rest of the house
is a mess. [CHUCKLES]

- Looked pretty spotless to me.

We can relax here, so long as you don't

goad me into a performance. [CHUCKLES]

Oh, Izzy, did you lure me back
here so you could dance for me?

I'm just heading you off at the pass.

Oh, you are a sad, sad person.

[CHOKES] f*ck you. [LAUGHS]

Well, I would really
love to see you dance

but I'm much more interested in this.

Oh. When did this start?

I work with a lot of dancers, Izzy.
I'm no stranger to body issues.

I have no body issues.

I just don't need to stare
at everything in the mirror.

And how are you with other
people seeing everything?


And I don't need you
trying to analyze me.

Let's just remember you're
a physical therapist.

Yes, I am.

So, would you rather
get physical with me?

- Let's get you undressed.

- Freya, I...
- Oh, I'm sorry.

- I was actually talking to the mirror.


- Oh. [GASPS] Look at that.

[GASPS] Look at that
smooth, reflective surface.

Oh, my. [GASPS] Ooh.

- I can't believe we're doing this.
- [GIGGLING] Stop.


Come over here.

I like this.

I like everything I see.
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