Don't Forget I Love You (2022)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Don't Forget I Love You (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

11th May, 12:00

Hospital, MRI Scan

This is today

2nd May

TVC song deadline tomorrow

Read this when you wake up

Good morning, Lu Yao.

You must be confused right now,

because there are many things
you can't remember.

Because 18 months ago,

a peach-size tumor
was found in your brain.

During your tumor removal surgery,
they had to cut out

part of your hippocampus.

That's why you've lost
the ability to create new memories.

You still remember things
from your life before the surgery,

like your family,
your work, your friends, etc.

As for your new memories,
they perish in your sleep.

In other words,
every time you wake up,

anything or anyone
that you encountered the day before

is lost to your memory.

Hong, what happened to me?

I found this big scar on my head

and a journal telling me that

I've become amnesiac.

Calm down and listen.

Actually, you make this call
to me every day.

Finish reading
the When You Wake Up journal first,

then come to my house.


Come in.

Hong, whose child is this?



Are you kidding me?

No, I'm not.

You've babysat him many times.

Did you make up with your ex?

No, of course not!

Then who's the father?

I told you already,
but you keep asking, so annoying.

Come on, here.

- Hold your nephew.
- I can't.

Of course, you can.

Don't cry...

How did you become so loose, Hong.

I'm in a hurry.

He just woke up, so feed him.

One level scoop of formula.

60 ml of water,
put the water in first.

Read the sticky notes
if you forget the steps.

- Also.
- Hong, I can't do this.

I'll be having long meetings
with the nurses today.

I'll be home late.

Help yourself
to anything in the fridge.

Baby's schedule is here.

When will you be back?


Don't cry...

Be good.

Lu Yao, do you know
why you're here today?

For a follow-up consultation.

That's right.

You have a condition

called Anterograde Amnesia.

I'm your attending physician,
do you remember me?

Not at all.

Do you recall doing the mirror
drawing test before today?


You've actually
done that test 48 times.

The average time for a first-timer

is 110 seconds.

Just now, you took 28 seconds.

Does it mean that
I'm starting to remember?

It means despite your inability to
create new memories consciously,

your subconscious
is retaining new information.

Lu Yao.

Tell me how you feel today.

I woke up to a room
full of sticky notes,

I couldn't even tell it was my room.

Then I found a journal saying that

I had surgery and became amnesiac.

I don't recall the surgery.

My new memories get erased daily.

How am I supposed to feel?

The university psychology department
is running an experiment

using the subconscious
to boost memory.

I think you're an ideal
candidate for this program.

Would you like to give it a try?


Lu Yao may have a memory issue,

but he still rocks as a songwriter.

For Mei-su's new album's theme song,

why not hire him?

Mei-su has always loved Lu's music.

Yeah, but Mei-su has got new ideas.

The songwriters vying for the spot

will send in their work by Friday,

the theme is You and I.

So, until next time.

But it won't hurt you

to include one more candidate.

Remember last year?

Mei-su attended
The Heavenly Voices Contest

and sang Lu's Imperishable Love.

She went on to win the final
with Lu's song, didn't she?

Since Lu Yao got sick,

he hasn't written
a single song, right?

He's written plenty!

We're saving the songs for Mei-su.


Trust me on this,
give Lu a chance, he can deliver.

Hold me to my word,
just one more chance.

All right, he can submit a song.

Thank you so much.

As for Mei-su's
concert music director

- Lu Yao Is your man.
- Jin.

Both Yu and Brother Hua
hired him for their last tours,

the results were amazing.

Buddy is leaving.

I have to work now.

How about dinner
after you finish recording?

I'll set it up with Jin.

- What does Jimmy like to eat?
- Come This way.

Hey, you scared me.

You're amazing.

Let go.

Congrats, Mr. Lu.

You've become the Mei-su's
new album You and I's...

theme song...

writing contestant.

We make it.

You have until Friday
to complete the song,

the theme is You and I,
complete it with lyrics.


You know my condition.

I can't write anything now,

not even half a song.

Then, just write a whole song.

Our studio has had no income
for a year already.

If we miss this chance
we're finished.

Buddy, I don't want you

to waste such a good chance.

Go find someone else.

Good luck.

Lu Yao.

You promised
that we'll stick together.

Having amnesia is no excuse.

You want to abandon me?

Find someone else?

Someone else?

You go find someone else, go on.

Leave me alone.

Let's figure out
who can be our lyricist.

Hong Xi?


Alex Blue?

He emigrated,
and the deadline is Friday.

Just write the melody,
leave the lyrics to me.

- Leave it to you?
- Yeah.

You copied my homework to get
through school, how could you write?

Well, I have to
go meet my shrink now.

- You Give it a try.
- Sure.

Buddy said he would do the lyrics...

bad idea.

We need a lyricist.


Friday is important.

Must find the right lyricist.

Are you delusional?

Must be, I'm sure of it.

Why would I bother
calling you late at night?

You must have cheated on
too many women,

that's why you get creepy calls.

Listen, Ma Xiu.

One without ethics
has no reason to live!

Die, you idiot!

You try to call

but the line is busy

"You can't spell out
what pain you're holding in"

You just wait...

In the car next to mine,

there is a beautiful woman.

She seems a little crazy,

but she has good taste in music.

She's playing my song.

I'm okay.

"Right now
I ain't feeling your love at all"

I'm okay

"Department of Psychology,
Huaren University"

You're so early.

I'm your therapist, Xu Xing-yue.

I didn't plan to meet you this way.

Would you mind waiting outside?

Wait again?

Hello, Lu Yao.

I'm the researcher

and also your therapist conducting
this experiment, Xu Xing-yue.

How are you feeling?

Kind of weird.

Weird? No way, I don't think so.

Come inside.

Wait, listen to me first.

Please remove your shoes,

then walk across the rug
and sit on the sofa.

Do it.

What are you feeling?

It's painful!

How painful?

Very painful.

Very painful.

This is part of the experiment.

Have some carrot juice.

No, thanks.

Just one sip.

It's an important part
of the experiment as well.

What are you feeling?

Why is the carrot juice spicy?

Do you plan to keep pranking me

and ask how I feel?

Of course not.

I've done plenty
of research about you.

Next, I'll ask you a few questions

in order to determine

what period as your memory
might linger.

Ma Xiu

I'm sorry.

You can answer the call.

No need, let's get started.

Which year did you win
your first Best Songwriter Award?

In 2011...


You're funny.

I'm not, I'm dead serious.

I'm trying to connect
with you using music.

During the Golden Melody
Awards 2016 ceremony,

what song did you lose to?



Ma Xiu

Honestly, I still can't understand

why that song
got more votes than mine.

Let me tell you why.

Because there are
too many two-timing men

and women are silly.

Once she falls in love,

she'll do anything for him.

But what does she get in the end?

Being cheated on.

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

We can talk about it, okay?

I don't think we should.

Why not?

A therapist shouldn't

discuss her personal issues
with a patient.

But I'm different,

I'll forget
everything tomorrow anyway.

That's true.

His name is Ma Xiu,

it's not the first time
he cheated on me.

He used to beg for forgiveness
every time.

But this time, he had the nerve to
tell me that he wanted to break up.

I refused
and let's see what can he do?

It seems that
you want to break up too,

but you can't let go your grudges.

I can help you.

What does he do?

He's a musician.

My mom used to say

all musicians are two-timers,

I always contradicted her.

Sorry, I didn't mean you.

It's okay.

So tell me more.

What are his flaws?

He insists he has long thick hair.

The truth is,
his hairline is receding.

He always wears a cap.

Bald at the top.

Bald at the top?

Bald at the top...

He always claims that
he doesn't care about body types,

but he only follows
busty girls on Weibo.

What are you doing?

Nothing, don't mind me.


Busty girls...

He also tattooed his eyebrows,
and they became way too thick.

Yet he denied
he had the procedure done,

who even accused me instead,
how could it be?

I would never tattoo my eyebrows.

Ma Xiu

Is that him calling?


Wait, give me a sec.

Okay, bring it closer.


Put him through.

- Put him through?
- On speakerphone.

Hi, Ma Xiu

You're a VIP of two-timers

Your calling is to cheat

"Not only you look
at busty girls' Weibo"

"you also secretly
tattooed your brows"

"With little hair
to comb-over with"

Ma Xiu, you're gross indeed

You're a VIP of two-timers

Two-timer VIP

Who will fall for you, creep?

Ma Xiu!

Who's that? Who sang just now?

Who are you with?

Your turn, come on.

What's going on?
You say something.

I no longer have feelings
for you two-timing idiot.

I hereby declare
that we are finished.

Remember this,
I dumped you, not vice versa.

What are you feeling?

- Elation.
- Elation, right?

- Greatly relieved.
- See?

That's the power of music.

Thank you.

But you don't fit the description

in your profile.

What description?

A serial cheater.

Oh, our time is up.

I apologize
for only talking about myself

that neglecting your therapy.

How about this?

Do you have time tomorrow?

- Tomorrow?
- Yes.

Check the calendar on your phone.

I'm free tomorrow.

Good, let's meet
at the same time tomorrow.

Promise me

that you won't write down
what I said today.

Don't worry.

Your secrets are safe with me.


Thank you for today.

- Bye.
- Wait.

My assignment for you
is to continue to write songs.

Creativity can enhance your therapy.

I hope you can trust me.

Let's work together.

Thank you.

I'll work hard.

What's that for?

Your profile says
that the last thing you remember

is being slapped
by a woman, remember?

Not at all.

Not this time?

- Maybe next time then.
- Next time?

Go, I'll see you out.

No need, I know my way around.

Hong, what brings you here?

I want to meet your new therapist.

I told you I can handle it myself.

What happened to your face?

What's that red mark?

It's part of the experiment.


Hello, Miss Lu.

I'm Lu Yao's therapist, Xu Xing-yue.

How old are you?


I'm not a doctor yet,
I'm writing my PhD thesis.

A PhD student?

They found a student
to give you therapy...

then write about your case
and publish a thesis.

Is that right?

No worries, Hong.

I won't use Lu Yao's real name,

I really want to help him.

Yeah, right, thanks.

- Hong...
- What's with the attitude?

Well, Xing-yue is very serious.

Let's go.


- What's with the attitude?
- Nothing.

Thanks, Xing-yue.

Don't drag me.


Hi, Lu Yao.

I'm your therapist, Xu Xing-yue.


Why is it so cold?

Come in.

It's part of the experiment.

Describe how cold you're feeling.

Freezing cold.

It hurts...

What's that?

Do you remember?

Remember what?

Remember drinking
spicy carrot juice?


Sorry, I went
a little overboard today.

Well, drink up.

I almost forgot.

What's this?

A lime scented perfume.

I'll use this in every meeting.

by stimulating your olfactory bulb,

I can make your subconscious
remember me.

You've got many gadgets here.

These aren't gadgets.

Let me explain.

The hardest memories
for human brains to lose

are people or things
that give us special feelings.

I'm trying to create
emotional memories for you

by stimulating your five senses.

Go ahead, answer the call.


Yesterday was bad enough.

I can't be distracted again,

I'll turn it off.

Today, I'll use hearing
to stimulate your memory.

your landlord is on the phone.

But I'm busy.

There's an emergency
at your apartment,

you should talk to him now.

Excuse me, I need to step outside.

It's okay.

I'm sorry, Lu Yao.

I really do have an emergency.

Let's postpone this session, okay?

Do you need a lift?

- Thank you.
- No problem.

Do you need a hand?

No, thanks.

It's over...

It's over.

No way!

I'm doomed.

"That person who leaves
after sharing passion..."

Come help me.

Get the towel.


Here you go.

Where is your main shutoff valve?

The bathroom.

I shut it off, did it work?


To kiss this hand...

To kiss these eyes...

To kiss this chest...

Did you write all these?

Do you have copies?

Once the papers dry,

the print will become legible again.

Then we can make copies.

So, no need to be sad.

Thank you.

This belongs to my ex-boyfriend,

wear it if you don't mind.

Dragon Punk?

That's his band.

He's the lead singer.

Never heard of them.

Give me your tee-shirt,
I'll hang it to dry.


Who are you?
Why are you in my clothes?

Why are you even here? It's over!

No wonder you changed the lock
as soon as we broke up

and forbid me to get back my stuffs,

that's because you've got yourself
a new boyfriend.

I don't want to see you, get out.

I've come to take my stuff.

What stuff? What right do you have?

- The guitar you bought me.
- I gave it to him.

- To him?
- Yes.

Can he even play?

Mind your own business.


That guitar is too good
for you, got it?

Don't touch him.

How dare you wear my clothes
and date my girl?

Watch your mouth.

Fine, I'll be generous.

You keep the woman,

and I will take the guitar.

What are you doing? You stay put!

What is that for?

Have you got more men in there?


What a mad woman!

What're you doing?

Are you all right?

Stop it!

Stop, I said stop it!

Take your crappy guitar!

Get out!

Are you all right?

- You're hurt.
- I'm fine...

Are you all right?

Where did you find a guitar?

It was in my trunk.

I want to write a song
to mock your ex-boyfriend.

Then you'll feel better.

You've already written such a song.

I did?


How was it?

Very creative.

Feeling better?

Yes, the cold beer helps.

Want some red wine?


Thank you.

I've wanted to punch him
for a long time.

A man like him
is not worth your tears.

"That person who leaves
after sharing passion."

"That person is just a transition
in the narration"


How do you know these lines?

I saw them at your place,
did you write them yourself?

You're very talented.

My high school teacher
said the same.

My dream was to become
a poet like Joy Haijo

and publish a poetry collection.

Joy Haijo,

an American poet.

You know her?

Of course.

- How come?
- I'm well-read.

Each year,
Haijo hosts a workshop in the US,

inviting aspiring poets
with different mother-tongues...

to translate her work.

It was my dream to submit my poems
and attend this workshop.


It never happened.

I've entered many poetry contests.

For reasons I don't understand,

I received harsh criticism
every time.

Never mind.

My manuscripts are ruined now.

Well, that's it,

From now on, I'll focus
on being a good therapist

and take good care of your case.

I'm sure
you can handle my case well.

But just to quit
after getting some criticism,

isn't it lame?

I mean it.

Before I broke into the industry,

I was apprenticing
at a veteran songwriter's studio.

I once played him
the songs that I wrote,

I wanted his advice.

Guess what he told me?

He said, Lu Yao.

Are people supposed
to enjoy listening to this?

What have you done?

You called these music?

How could he say that?

He said much worse, but never mind.

At that moment, a cure-all saying
came into my mind.

It went on to help me
get through many bad days.

Without it, I would't be here today.

What's that?

Forget him.

Look, I wasn't mocking you.

I said that all the time

while sending out demos.

Guess what?

Someone finally picked up my song,

and that's Imperishable Love.

You see?

If I hadn't cursed them,

if I hadn't persevered

that song would
have never been heard.

So repeat after me.

Forget him.

Forget him.

As creative worker, we create
when we have things to say.

If we have things to say,
an audience will emerge.

Now, I'm your audience.

You improvise.

- Improvise?
- Yes, you can, be confident.

What's the theme?

You and I.

You and I?

- Give me some time.
- Of course.

Forget him.

How many looks of willfulness?

How many sounds of discord?

How many shared secrets

Before we became you and I?

How many looks of willfulness?

How many sounds of discord?

How many shared secrets

Before we became you and I?


Go on.

How sensitive are your actions?

How relentless is your courage

"to make you the memory
that can never be erased?"

How sensitive are your actions?

How relentless is your courage

"to make you the memory
that can never be erased?"

10,000 times I do.

10,000 times I do

It's lovely.

Did you just come up with that?

I was tipsy, just goofing around.

Did you just come up with that?

Yes, I took inspiration
from your lyrics.

How about this?

Would you be my lyricist?

I can't, definitely not.


I already overstepped the bounds
drinking with you.

The bounds?

If you write lyrics for me,
we'll be work partners.

You'll be my lyricist
but not my therapist,

and so no boundary issues.

No way...

Stop kidding me.

Listen, I've already failed
to graduate last year.

That means this year,
no matter what,

I must complete
your case study regardless.

If you become my lyricist,
you can come to my house

and get in-depth information on
how an amnesiac lives.

Wouldn't that be a big help
to your research?

- You promise to Keep it a secret.
- Of course.

- The School must never find out.
- They won't.

If they do, I'm done for.

I'll never tell.

So, it's a deal?

Let's set a time.

Come to my home
at 9 am tomorrow, okay?

You can't back out now.

You won't, all right?

Let's take a photo, okay?

- Take a photo?
- Yes.

- Don't.
- Why not?

- I'm a mess.
- Please, I want a memento.

No way.

Today was memorable,
we had our first collaboration.

We may even write
a great song together.


1, 2, 3.

Hey, what have you done?

- What do you think?
- It's fine.

It serves to remind me.

- Is That okay?
- Sure.

Tomorrow, just relax.

Is it okay to leave your car behind?

Yes, I'll get it tomorrow.


It's raining!

It's raining harder.

I'm sorry, give me a second!

Will you recall my face

when I call out your name

Beause you're everything to me

You're my reason why I breathe

"Now I'm out of breath,
not feeling left alone"

I am here with you

What's happening?

We got soaked all day.

We got soaked through.

Are you all right?

Thanks for everything today.

My place is over there.

Wait a minute.

Let's empty the bottle
before you go.


We'll both drink.


Are you all right?

I'm fine...

I am here with you

"My love will be with you
when I I am gone"

I'm your therapist.


You're my therapist.

I'm your patient.


I have to go.

What were you thinking?

No, you can't.

"Signs that a shrink is
falling in love with their patient"

You've spent more time
on a particular patient.

I only have one patient.

You've visited that patient
in your off-time.

I'll be working tomorrow.

Working as a lyricist, okay?

In order to
spend more time with him,

you've rearranged your schedule

Tomorrow is my day off anyway.

My day off.

You've answered questions
unrelated to the therapy

involving your personal life.

Let's skip this one.

You've touched your patient
in an atypical manner,

such as resting your hand
on your patient's shoulder.

Of course not,
I would never do that.

Out of these 5 signs...

I scored 4 no's.

See, I'm not unprofessional.

Stop imagining things.

Shower time.

Xing-yue's Dream

Joy Haijo's Workshop

Joy Haijo.

Lu Yao.

You've got to remember Xing-yue.


You've fallen in love.

You're mine



Come in.

No way.

Your place is so big and stylish.

Can I look around
and take some pictures?

Sure, no problem.

This sculpture is super cool.

Is this Michael Jackson?


This is a Yang Mian sculpture.

I've always liked his work.

Come look at this.

It's one of Yang's RGB pieces.

If you stare
at the picture on the left,

then shut your eyes after 2 minutes,

the picture on the right
will pop up in your mind.

- Really?
- Give it a try.

Look at this one first.

What was that?

Tidying up my sticky notes.

Sticky notes?

Would you like a drink?


Carrot juice?

Pardon me?

Carrot juice?

Yes, I love carrot juice.

Your carrot juice.

What's wrong?


We can start whenever you're ready.

I think our improvisation last night
was amazing.

I'll play a verse for you first.

How many looks of willfulness?

How many sounds of discord?

How many shared secrets

before we became you and I?

You and I

You and I

You and I

You and I


I'm used to brainstorming by myself,

my mind is just blank now.

No problem, I will sing along.

Maybe it'll eventually come to you.

I'll go there to write.

I'll play the piano,
and you can soak up the vibe.

No, I have no inspiration.

Can I have some wine?



Can I have another one?

Xing-yue, this isn't right.

You'll be drunk in no time.

Think again,
when you brainstorm at home,

what do you normally do?

I normally...

Which is better,
Gratifying or Reassuring?

Reassuring is better,
Gratifying doesn't sound right.

- Reassuring, right?
- Reassuring...

Anytime at all is reassuring

Anytime at all is reassuring


Showering certainly helps.

But my skin is peeling off.

How do you like the dishes?

The dirtier the better.

You want them dirty?

Yes, dirty.

Chili sauce, vinegar,
soy sauce, etc.


Let's write
a part about a movie date.

Most couples go on movie dates.

Movie dates?

Lu Yao.

Do you cry when you watch movies?


I cry when I'm touched.

Okay, let's change it to
What was the movie

that made us cry like little kids.


Yes, us.

That made us cry like little kids

That's good.

What do you want me to play
to inspire you?

Whatever, I'm trying
to find the feeling.

It's done?

Listen to this.

Can I have another hamburger later?

Yes, but take a break now.

Listen to our song first, okay?


A cuddle at night,

so ordinary but so blissful

"In this chilly weather,
spicy hotpot matters"

Well, why having a Hotpot?

Isn't it kind of odd?

You think?

Fatty, do you have a problem
with the hotpot?

- No, I quite like it.
- See?

Right? What about the song?

It's great.

- Fatty...
- He said it's great.

I'll think about it on my own.

Lu Yao.

Lu Yao.



A new bottle?

Why not?

Go easy on the drinking,
we have to sing later.

Cut the nonsense.

Can you get me nominated
for a Best New Lyricist Award?


Best New Lyricist Award.

I'll get you nominated
if there is such an award,

but there isn't.

Don't patronize me.

Go easy on the champagne,
you have to sing later.

I know.


Come on, I'm all set.

Let's start recording.

Are you sure?

Come on, hurry.

I'm a bad singer.

I'm the artist.



Just a sec.

First, I'd like to thank my fans

and my parents as well.

Wait, I also want to thank Lu Yao

- for giving me The chance...
- calm down...

You have to get ready
and settle down, okay?

All good?

You don't think I'll mess up?

- No.
- It's my first recording.

Take it easy, relax.


"A cuddle at night,

so ordinary but so blissful"""

In this chilly weather

"we breathe on each other
to keep colds at bay"

What was the movie

that made us cry like little kids

Impish, carefree, it's all okay

"Even your fuming face
is taking my breath away"

How many looks of willfulness?

How many sounds of discord?

How many...

Joy Haijo Translation Workshop

Joy Haijo Official Site

Joy Haijo

"Dear madam,
it's my pleasure to recommend..."


Lu Yao, believe me.

After what happened today,

you don't want
to ever forget Xing-yue.

When you wake up tomorrow,
just tell her

that you love her.

Professor Shu

Professor Shu

What a pity.

You won't remember me
when you wake up.

Good morning, doctor.

- Morning.
- Nice weather today.

What a firm grip.

You must be doing well, right?

What happened? Tell me.

Nothing special, I'm in love.

What did you say?

I'm in love.

Listen to him.

Just because he has a few photos
and voice memos,

he thinks he's in love.

You can't keep your memories,
but you talk about love.

Yes, my memory may be broken.

But my emotions are intact.

When I look at her pictures,

all my feelings for her return.

That's true.

His brain may not
retain new data permanently

but his feelings
for things and people may grow.

Our memories and feelings
are processed

by two entirely different systems.

In short,
Lu is still capable of love.

I'm capable of love, Hong.

Then what's her name?

Where did you meet her?

I'll tell you at the right time.

You just can't even
remember her, okay?

- But you love her?
- All right...

Let's fill out the questionnaire
for Lu's periodic follow-up.

Has Lu experienced
any symptoms lately

like headaches or dizziness?

He told me he felt dizzy
on Wednesday.

Excuse me, we can't
talk about that now.

Doctor, look.

I found this on the internet,

it's a scientific paper published
by University of Pennsylvania.

By planting an electrode
in the human brain,

they can electrically
stimulate the brain

to improve memory function

for amnesiacs like me.

What do you think?
I want to try this treatment.

I'm young and have
the means to pay for it.

What do you think?

I'm sorry, Lu.

This experimental treatment

was given to you a year ago
but to no avail.

Did I get the most
up-to-date treatment?

You did.

So for now,
there aren't other options?

Not at the moment.

Lu Yao.

Do not despair.

There have been patients

after hearing a familiar song

or smelling a particular scent

who can be able
to retrieve memories.

That's why you
must remain optimistic.

You'll recover one day.

I don't want to wait anymore.

When will that be?

I want to be like a normal person

to remember what happens
and who I meet.

I want to be like a normal person,

why can't I even
do these basic things?

You know how it feels?

It's like drifting alone in the sea

struggling to
clutch onto something in vain,

yet there is nothing else but me.

Do you know how I feel?

Do you know how it feels
to be robbed of your every day?


All I can do is just wait?

Excuse me.

"Doctor Shu Ting,
Professor of Psychology"

Okay, until then.

Go ahead.

I'm making good progress
in the case study.

He suddenly fell in love
with carrot juice,

and his fridge is now
filled with carrot juice

but no other drinks.

It's because I gave him carrot juice
during therapy.

His house has many scented products

that smell just like
my lime perfume.

His walls are plastered
with sticky notes,

even his shower screen
is custom-made

to display water-proof sticky notes.

How did you find out
all these intimate details?

He told me.


Because during therapy,

I asked him to keep a daily journal
and share it with me.

I got these details
from his journal.

Did you violate the code of ethics?


It seems your methodology

is producing substantial results.

Tell my assistant
about your next session.

I'll require all the PhD students
to be there and observe.

All PhD students?

Any problem?


Do you remember the last time
we got wasted?


When I got divorced.

Back then,

when you heard that
he was still fooling around...

you beat him up.

Grabbed his collar
and threw a couple of punches.

So cool.


You had it rough.

This is what I want
to tell you today...

Don't waste so much effort
on this thing called love.

Love is just a game,

whoever takes it too seriously
is the loser.

Life's not easy for you,

why make it more difficult?

This time is different.

I love her, I want to be with her.

I'm not playing games.

Is she aware of your condition.

What is it?

You've tried all day
to find out who she is, right?

I did not.


She's my therapist.

With this song,

you will win
the Best Songwriter of the Year.

Let's go.

Buddy, my head is hurting.

I'm not going,
I'll wait for you here.

Wait, are you nervous?

All right, I'll handle it.


Wait for me.

- Hi, Jin.
- Hi, Buddy.

- I've got a demo for Mei-su.
- What demo?

Her new album theme song,
Lu Yao's entry.

But she's picked the winner
and is recording it now.

- Mei-su...
- What are you doing?

Hear me out.

Please listen to this
and give Lu Yao a chance.

I'm begging you.

I'm Lu Yao's agent.

Please, listen to this.

- Hello.
- Hi, Mr Lu Yao.

This is calling from the Psychology
Department of Huaren University.

Your 4 o'clock therapy session

will be conducted
in a different room,

I'll see you at the entrance
and usher you there.

Excuse me, you mean today?

Yes, see you later.

All right, thanks.


What happened?

They had chosen another song
and were already recording it.

- I see.
- I didn't expect that either.

They'd made their decision already.

But after listening to your song,
they picked yours instead!

Lu Yao, you won!

We made it?

Of course.

Why did you play me?

- Because I'd like to.
- You suck.

- So What?
- Forget him.

Forget the whole world.

Don't spit when you talk!

Lu Yao is back to his top form.

This is it!

You really got to thank me
this time.

From now on,
you focus on composing.

Leave everything else to me.

I am your Buddy.

Repeat after me, I am your Buddy.

Thank you, my Buddy.

And your lyrics
are incredible, you know?

How did you write so well?

Or since I developed amnesia

did you take mine
and pretended to be yours?

I inherited
all of your lost memories.

- Is That so?
- Now I Give them back.

Back to you.

You've really made leaps and bounds.

I'll do all your lyrics from now on,
is that good?

Xing-yue, here you are.

A lady is asking for you
at the reception.

A lady?

Hong, are you here for Lu Yao?

I'm here to see you.


See for yourself.

You spied on us.

I spied on you?

Those cameras were installed
for my brother's own good,

He sleepwalks and passes out
all the time.

If I hadn't kept watch,

he could have had
a serious accident.

You've only seen him
when he is in good shape.

Don't do this to him, Xing-yue.

You could get any man you want,
am I right?

Why write your thesis
in my brother's bed?

You've gone too far.

Don't go near him again.

If you do so,

I'll send this clip to your school.

The whole world will know

that you molested a patient.

It's not like how you think.

I know that I shouldn't be intimate
with a patient,

but please believe me.

I sincerely like Lu Yao.

I wasn't using or playing him.

If you really like him,
you should stay away.

Listen, Lu Yao will not
remember you anymore.

I got rid of
all traces of you already.

And so do that song,

it has nothing to do with you now.

Composer, Lu Yao

From today,

you're a complete stranger
to Lu Yao.

Even if you seek him out,
he won't remember you.

How dare you!

Are you Mr. Lu?

- Yes.
- Hi, I'm Xin.

I'll take you to the therapy room,
please follow me.


Is this my first time coming here?

I'm sorry,
I don't have that information.


Hi, Lu Yao.


I'm your...

I'm your therapist, Xu Xing-yue.


Please come in.

Please take off your shoes,

then walk across the rug
and sit on the sofa.

I'm sorry.

I don't want to remove my shoes.

- Do I sit There?
- Yes.

Why did you refuse
to remove your shoes?


I just don't want to.

Have some carrot juice.


How many times have we met?

This is our third session.

Three times only?


That means...

We aren't that close?

That's right, we aren't close.

Why don't you
tell me how you're feeling today?

It's okay.

What're you doing?

This scent...

It is familiar.

You'd better sit down first...

How do you feel about this scent?

I'm not sure
if it's okay for me to tell you.

Never mind, don't force yourself.

Do you like music?

What's wrong?

Are you all right?

Are you sure we aren't close?

I'm sorry.

Lu Yao left.

Come see me in my office.

I'm sorry, I was unprofessional.

I cannot carry on with Lu's case.

Don't worry,
I'll take over the case myself.

Just compile
and pass all the materials to me.

I didn't expect your
Five-senses therapy to work so well,

you did an excellent job this time.

I was way too heavy-handed.

Joy Haijo

Dear Xu Xing-yue

"As a result of your songwriting
partner Lu Yao's submission"

of your work 10,000 Times I do

"we would like to offer you
a translation residency."

I made it.

We look forward

"to working with you closely
in the next six months"

How did he remember Joy Haijo?

10,000 Times I do's Demo

A cuddle at night,

so ordinary but so blissful

In this chilly weather,

"we breathe on each other
to keep colds at bay"

Lu Yao!

Lu Yao!

How much did you drink?
Oh, come on!

There's no time
for self-indulgence, Yao.

What's up?

You are recording with Mei-su today!

I'm not going, not in the mood.

I'm not in the mood too, but...

Buddy, you know?

When I wake up, I feel horrible.

It's like my heart
has been hollowed out, you know?

It's fine to have a hollow heart.

But now our savings have
been hollowed out too.

We can't live without money.

Lift up your hips.

Be good...

Just be there for show...

"Even if the clock turns back,
I will not forget"

10,000 times I do

Glad to have you as a special guest
at my album release show.

I look forward
to your amazing performance.

See you tomorrow.

You're mine?

Who's this girl?

How could you and my ex-girlfriend
take this kind of picture?

Hey, that serves me right.

Buddy, my memory may be crippled,

but not my intellect, okay?

What do you mean?

I don't remember who she is,

but I have a hunch that we've known
each other for some time.

Besides, I've seen her in my dream.

She visited you
in a dream but not me?

How blind was I?

That's enough.
Just tell me the truth, will you?

Look at this photo,
I should be the one who's angry...

Buddy, I've got to know
what happened exactly.

Also, 2 weeks worth of data
are missing from my computer.

Someone must have
deleted them, right?


- Tell me.
- About What?

What did you do?

What are those behind my back?

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about Xing-yue,
I know everything.

Who gave you the right
to delete my journal entries?

The lyricist was Xing-yue,

but you changed it to Buddy.

Who gave you the right
to tamper with my life?

You can't even remember
her name or who wrote the lyrics,

how can you love
and take care of her?

If she cared about you,
why hasn't she come back?

Wake up.


I am lucid.

I live lucidly every day,

this is my most lucid self ever.

But what kind of life is this?

Do you even know how I feel?

I can't hold onto anything!

Now, I finally seized something
that gave my life meaning,

yet you just snatched it away!

Do you know how cruel that is?

These things belong to you.

This letter too.

I took it from your mailbox,
it's unopened.

I was only trying to protect you.

I'm sorry, I was wrong.


To Lu Yao

10,000 Times I do Release Show


Hello, everyone.

The song I'll perform
next is very special.

It's written by Lu Yao.

Lu's personal story
has got me thinking.

Whether someone who has amnesia

will always fall in love
with the same person.

My new song for all of you,

10,000 Times I do

How many looks of willfulness?

How many sounds of discord?

How many shared secrets

before we became you and I?

A cuddle at night

so ordinary but so blissful

In this chilly weather,

"we breathe on each other
to keep colds at bay"

What was the movie

that made us cry like little kids

Impish, carefree, it's all okay

Lu Yao.

You probably don't remember me.

I'm Xing-yue.


who briefly lived in your memory.

You couldn't remember
so many things.

But every time
we looked at each other,

you seemed to recognize me.

Thank you for
working so hard for me.

And thank you

for valuing my dream dearly.

No one had ever

encouraged or believed in me
like you did.

I often worried that
I wasn't good enough.

It was you

who made me feel special.

How blessed I am to have met you?

I often wonder...

If we met
before you had the accident

would there be

a better ending for the two of us.

But my answer is no.

Because the you that I like

is the you right now.

You may not remember my name,

or your promise,

or the days that we spent together.

But please...

Don't forget I love you.

How many looks of willfulness?

How many sounds of discord?

"How many heartbreaks
have I been through"

before I met you?

How sensitive are your actions?

How relentless is your courage

"to make you the memory
that can never be erased"

"Even if the clock turns back,
I will not forget"




How many looks of willfulness?

How many sounds of discord?

"How many heartbreaks
have I been through"

before I met you?

How sensitive are your actions?

How relentless is your courage


Do you remember me?

I don't remember you.

But I just know...

I know I never want
to lose you again.

Stop watching me.

Stop it.

Turn away.

Why can't I watch?

Turn away.

To where?

It's embarrassing.

Let me watch for 10 more seconds.

3, 2, 1, stop.

No more.

Let me watch some more.


Why do you keep looking at me?

Because I want to remember you,

I want to remember today.

I don't want to fall asleep.

If I fall asleep, I'll...


Give me your phone.

Give me your phone.

I, Xu Xing-yue, and you?

I, Lu Yao.

We hereby pledge that

from today onwards,
no matter what happens,

we'll stick together.

I'll never leave you again.

From now on, I'll be your brain

and your eyes as well.

I'll journal everything
that happens to us,

so that you'll remember me quickly
after you wake up every day.

So sweet.

Now you can sleep without worries.


When's the last time
you watched the sunrise?

I've decided not to attend
the Joy Haijo's Workshop,

but I will continue
to pursue my dream.

I have decided to write poetry
about Lu Yao and I.

To see, and not see

How many wrong turns

"before meeting someone,
and telling him"

"Cherish the dark sky above,
and the landscape within"

Lu Yao, ring the doorbell.

We've still got things in the car,

so ask Hong to help me on that.

What took you so long?

Can you help get our things
in the car?

Sure, give me a second.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Put the tomato in the pot.

- I'll be with you in a second.
- Okay, No problem.

Smells good, is this beef stew?

Yes, it'll be ready soon

Just put two more, thank you.

Try this, see if it needs more salt.

What's wrong?

Lately I feel nauseated

whenever I smell something strong.

It's all right.

Let me...

And your hand?

- So sweaty.
- I'm going to the washroom.

But you just did a moment ago.

Right, but I've been like this
for a while already.

Judging from my experience,

urinary incontinence, nausea,

sweaty hands and slightly hot,

all these call for a pregnancy test.

It can't be.

The results are out,
Miss Xu is 8 weeks pregnant.

I'll arrange
for the prenatal screening tests,


Are you not going
to talk ever again?

Do you find me annoying?

Fine, I know...

You can't say anything right.

Say you don't want the baby,

I'll hate you.

Say you want to keep the baby,

I can't decide what to do.

You sister might be right,

we shouldn't be together.

It is because our relationship
has no future.

Am I right? No future...

- Then why bother staying together?
- Xing-yue.

Enough, don't touch me.

Listen, I didn't refuse to talk.

I'm just not sure
if I can speak my mind

given my condition.

You don't want it?

You want to get rid of it?

It's not so simple.

Given my condition,

I just don't know what to tell you.

I knew that you don't want it,

I won't ask you anymore.



Xu Xing-yue, come back here.

Get off.

Are you crazy?

- You might get hit by a car!
- Crazy? Oh, Am I?

You don't want the baby anyway,

why do you care about us
being hit by a car!

Xing-yue, stop there.

How could you say that?

You think I don't want
to keep our baby?

It's wonderful
to have our own baby,

it's a blessing.

But when I think of my condition...

How can I be so selfish?

As long as we're together,
I have nothing to be afraid of.

The baby's CRL is 3.6cm,

that's normal at 11 weeks pregnant.

Your baby is healthy.

This is his hip,
he's moving his hands and legs.

Now his head is facing us too, see?

- He's moving his hands and legs.
- Yeah, there He is.

His head moved again.

He's waving hi to you, see that?

Our beautiful Xu Xing-yue.

This is your 3rd wedding,
how do you feel?

I feel triple blessed.

Since Lu can't remember
that we're married,

I'll remarry him again
until he does.

Lu Yao.

Do you take Xu Xing-yue
for your lawful wife?

Yes, I do.

I do, too.

I object.

What're you doing?

We object too.


What's wrong with you all?

Oh, come on!

This is your 3rd wedding,

we're obliged
to do something different.

- Object...
- You're using up my annual leave.

But Hong,

I still have several
wedding gowns to debut.

Never mind them...

Enough, let's continue.

Xu and Lu will now exchange rings.

Kiss her!

Don't stop!

Mrs Lu, the results are out.

Your baby is healthy,

but your blood pressure
was hitting 160.

That's far too high
for a pregnant woman.

You probably have preeclampsia.

What is preeclampsia?

Is it serious?

It can be very serious.

The disorder can progress quickly

causing the mother's blood pressure
to skyrocket.

You may be talking in this second,

then pass out in the next.

If not treated promptly,
you may have a stroke.

I understand your husband
has a condition,

but don't put pressure on yourself.

It's important to relax yourself
during pregnancy.

Thanks, doctor.


Please keep this a secret
from my husband,

I don't want him to worry.

Okay, the next massage technique

is called I Love U.

Start from your baby's navel,
swipe upward.

Nice, very good.

Now, swipe to the side
then writing an I down,

then turn slowly...

Turn slowly...

Like a U.

It's quite simple.

You'll be fine
after some practice at home.

- Okay.
- Thank you.

The instructor
went over many things,

I can't remember it all.

You've got me to do that.

- This Is heavy.
- Let go.

Hey, it is heavy.

Thanks so much that I got you.

You'll be stuck with me
until after postpartum confinement.

Xing-yue, come here.

I am coming, honey.

My husband just bought
a lot of things for our baby.

Let's keep a record of his purchase.


What do you think?
Do you like it in blue?


Look, I like this feature most.

It helps the baby fall asleep.

So cute.

Our baby will love it.

Star and moon just like your name.

- Xing-yue.
- Thanks, Honey.

Thank you, I love you.

I'll clean up.

- You do that.
- Yes.

This is my husband's
10th crib purchase,

I'll take it back
to the shop tonight.

He'll buy another one tomorrow.

Well, as long as he's happy.

Honey, I've been waiting.

Where have you been?

Are you all right?

- Help, someone fainted!
- Wake up!


Hurry, call emergency!

Wake up...

What've we got?

A pregnant woman
fainted in the street

Her systolic blood pressure
and diastolic blood pressure

was over 180 and 120.

Madam, are you feeling dizzy
or any discomfort?

Where is my husband?

We'll contact your family asap.

Is my baby all right?

We'll have to run some tests,

but your blood pressure
is way too high.

So don't move and stay calm, okay?


Are you the husband of Xu Xing-yue?

Yes, I am.

She fainted on the street,

and was being sent
to the Emergency Room right now.

Please come quickly.

The test results confirm that
you have severe preeclampsia.

Your blood pressure
is approaching 200,

the blood flow to your placenta is
insufficient, the baby's struggling.

We have to perform
an emergency caesarean section.

Can I see my husband first?

The baby is getting weak,

we must take the baby out now
to bring your blood pressure down.

Or else you might have a seizure
and go into a coma,

your baby may even die for this.

We must go to
the operating room now,

and you husband is on his way here.

You'll have to sign
the consent first.

Your wife has severe preeclampsia,

her condition is very serious.

Are you saying
her life is endangered?

If we can't deliver
the baby promptly,

I'm afraid so.

The patient's blood pressure
has surged past 200.

Her blood pressure is too high
for her to use spinal anesthesia,

more complications will occur.

We'll give her
general anesthesia instead.

Perform pretransfusion testing,

and be prepared for
massive intraoperative hemorrhage.

We'll give you general anesthesia.

Don't be nervous, take it easy.

We have to deliver
the baby by Caesarean section now,

or his life will be endangered.

The head is out...

Press down...




Keep moving.

It's a boy, hold tight.

Her blood pressure hasn't come down,
give me gauze.


More gauze...

Here, press down...


More gauze...

He's not crying, no responding.

The body has turned blue and limp.

Perform cardiopulmonary
resuscitation now.

The blood oxygen level
is 60 percent.

The heart rate
is 68beats per minute.

We can't stop it...

Where is the blood? Hurry!

Go get it, hurry...

He still hasn't cried,
no responding.



I'm sorry, we have tried our best.

She's lost too much blood,

she won't make it.




Please, I can't do it alone.

I can't do it alone, Honey.

I beg you, please don't leave me.

Please don't leave me.


I promised that I'll never...

Never ever leave you alone.

I'll never leave you.

Let the three of us

walk out of here
safe and sound, okay?

Promise me, okay?


We'll go home together.

Let's do that, okay?


It's getting very cold.

Can you

hold me one more time?

It's okay...


Tomorrow is our first anniversary.

Once we get out,
you must celebrate with me.





From now on,
no matter what happens,

I'll be with you.

I'll never leave you.

I'll never leave you.

11th May, 12:00

Magnetic resonance imaging Scan"

This is today

2nd May

TVC song deadline tomorrow

Hong, what happened to me?

Why my house is plastered
with sticky notes?

Calm down and listen.

Actually, you make this call
to me every day.

Finish reading
the When You Wake Up journal first,

then come to my house.


Come in.

Hong, whose child is this?


- Hold your nephew.
- I can't.

Of course, you can...

Don't cry...

I'll come home late tonight.

Help yourself
to anything in the fridge.

Baby's schedule is here.

When will you be back?


Don't cry...

What is it?

What's wrong?

You've already
eaten and pooped, right?

How about a nap?

Want to take a nap?

Don't cry, okay?

Don't cry, let's take a nap.

Don't cry...

Be good, let's nap.

Are you feverish?

Are you feeling unwell?

You don't have a fever.

Be good...

Don't cry, let's call your mom.

Hi, may I speak
to Head Nurse Lu Hong?

She's on leave today.

It can't be.

She told me she's off to work.

No, she's hosting a memorial service
for a family member today,

at the hall
right next to our hospital.


"You are the brightest star
in the sky"

Xing-yue may have departed,

but it feels like
she has never left us.

I mean

she's still living among us

only in another way.

Today is Xing-yue's birthday,

so let's celebrate her
on this occasion.

The following video,

Xing-yue had intended to

give it to her child
when he grows up.

She wanted her child to know

the love story of his mom and dad

is such unusual and beautiful.

I'm sure if she were here today,

she'd be eager
to share this video with you.

Hi, baby.


This is you now.

Aren't you cute?

Mom wants you to know

that you have
the most special dad in the world.

A dad who forgets things.

Every day, I'm surrounded
by all kinds of flowers.

He always forgets
he's gotten me flowers already.

He chooses a different bouquet
for me every day

according to his different feelings.

I hope he'll keep this up for good.

Since every day is the first day
for Lu Yao to meet me,

so I always have my clock ready
every night.

So that I can get up early
to do simple makeup each morning,

and I'll meet him in my best form.


He's up.

Lu Yao.

Hello, I'm Xing-yue.


What is it?

You're so beautiful.

Are you really my girlfriend?

Yeah, isn't it hard to believe?

The first time
I watched the sunrise with your dad.

Pity that it's kind of cloudy.

That's why...

The sun is not out.

I promise to watch every sunrise
with you all my life

as long as I'm not busy or sleepy.

The first time
he made noodles for me.

Lu Yiu is making noodles for me.

how is it my turn to cook?

The last time I wrote lyrics here,

I cooked for you.

It's your turn today.

- Are you sure?
- You promised.

- I did?
- Yes.

- Do you love me?
- I do.

Then get on with cooking.

Kiss me and I'll cook.


Actually, I've never cooked for him,

the fact that he doesn't remember
is sometimes quite convenient.

- Master chef Is here.
- Keep it up.

The first time
I celebrated his birthday.

Happy Birthday to you

Kiss her...

Let me...

The 100th day we held hands.

Excuse me,
let's hold our hands forever.


Since your dad can't remember,

we've held 5 weddings so far.

In our 1st wedding,
before the banquet even started,

we already got drunk.

We ended up
dancing through the night.

This is our 5th wedding,

look how big my tummy
was with you inside.

Xu Xing-yue.

Do you take Lu Yao

for your lawful husband?

I don't.

Why not?

You've never proposed to me.

I didn't propose?

Buddy, didn't I propose?

Do it now.

- I did not?
- No.

Among this world,

my most beautiful, thoughtful
and magnanimous Xing-yue.

Please marry me.

Despite of the many things
that I'll forget,

I'm sure I won't forget our love.

If your dad wants to,

I'll marry him again and again
until he remembers.


Once you meet your dad,

you'll realize that

he's unlike
any other father out there.

Get to know that
your dad's many unusual merits.

When you grow up,
let's take care of him together.

We'll take care
of your very special dad,

your forgetful dad.

Did you just kick me?

Why? You don't want your dad?

You can't do that.

You must love your dad

and accept him the way he is.

When you grow up,

I want you and I to
look after your dad together.


I hope we can always be together

and be happy every day.

The three of us will grow together

as one happy family.

That's my only wish.

How many looks of wilfulness?

How many sounds?

How many shared secrets

before we became you and I?

How sensitive are your actions

How relentless is your courage

"To made you the memory
that can never be erased"

"Even if the clock turns back,
I will not forget"

10,000 times I do

I'm your son, feed me.

The child next to you

is your son Lu Jun

6-month-old, 1-year-old"

Look, this is Papa and Mama.

Papa is proposing to you, see that?

You've got your cheesecake.

We'll eat it after dinner, okay?

Promise Papa, okay?

Look, it's Mama.

They finally published
Mama's poetry collection.

Let's go inside, okay?


Let's go!

You can't eat these.

Let's get three copies, okay?

We want three.
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