Hunt for the Unicorn k*ller, The (1999)

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Hunt for the Unicorn k*ller, The (1999)

Post by bunniefuu »


How the hell did he get away?

Didn't anybody think to take
his passport or would that be

too offense for his all mighty friends?

I'm telling you Fred, this is a waste of
time. You won't get in to see the judge.

I don't want to see him.
I want him to see me.

Are you alright, did you
hurt your foot or something?

Don't worry about me Rich.
You just take care of your job.

I'm sorry sir you can't
go into the meeting. - Why not?

It's only for people
directly involved in the case.

My daughter is the victim
here Ma'am, I think that

makes me directly involved
in the case, wouldn't you?

Mr. DiBenedetto, would
you come in please.

Judge, I want to talk to you. - I know
who you are Mr. Maddux. I am sorry.

I hope you're happy
with your decision judge.

I hope you sleep nights.

I based my decision on the testimony
of some very prominent people.

Now I've got a father out
there who wants my head.

And I don't blame him.
Do we have any idea where he is?

Judge, we know Einhorn landed
in London and then we lost him.

We're following every
lead we can, but,

well, it's not easy trying to
find a planetary enzyme, your honor.

A what?
- Planetary enzyme, sir.

It's how the defendant would
occasionally refer to himself.

Believe me it's not my choice of words.

Mine either.

Mr. Gelman, warn those prominent

character witnesses that if they assist

Einhorn in any way,
they are going to face

some very serious charges, understood?

We know he left from Canada, probably
with a suitcase filled with Bronfman money.

Any luck with Mrs. Bronfman?

Soon-to-be ex Mrs. Bronfman.
They're getting a divorce.

Nobody knows where the hell she is.

Let the old man know that if the
wife's in jail for aiding and abetting.

He'll get a break on the alimony.
Maybe he'll turn her in.

He's traveled all through
Europe over the years.

But he's only fluent in English.

Einhorn likes to talk too much,
not to be some place where he can.

You don't need a passport to
get from England to Ireland.

Ireland doesn't have an
extradition treaty with us.

It's all done case by case.

A buck says he's in Ireland.

Yes. - May I help you?
- Yes, we've come about the room.

Please come in.

Thank you.

Will you please stop doing that?

Why did you have to
give them your real name?

Because I don't want to be anybody else.

So, how are you doing?

I'm good.
Real good.

When are they letting you out?
- Soon.

Damn leg kept giving me a problem.

But you're okay?
- Oh yeah, I'm just fine Rich.

Now you don't worry about me.

You've got enough to worry about.

Ira, I was wondering if
I could ask a wee favor?


We're taking a trip over
to the states next week.

I have a conference in Chicago and we'd
like you to take care of the dog for us.

No, no problem. How long you gonna
be gone? - A couple of weeks.

May take a little side trip over
to Philadelphia while we're there.

Listen, we better talk.

So because of my anti-nuclear duties.

They trumped up some charges.

Nothing serious, trespassing,
destruction of public property.

That sort of thing.

I'd rather not be harassed,
if you know what I mean.

So I'd like it if you didn't mention

it to anyone that I'm staying here.

The FBI appreciates your
cooperation Mr. Weaire.

Yes, that's him.

Oh, sweet Jesus Dennis,
we left the dog with him.

Notify the State Department.
It's in their hands now.

Don't worry they'll take care of it.

You've been gone all day.

I missed you.

I'm getting my things now Ira.

I'm leaving.

Oh really.

Get out of my way.


We can just talk.

No we don't.

Get out of my way.

Hey, welcome home, Roey
is a wonderful companion.

We're just dropping off our bags.

Collette's not well.
We're gonna pop over.

He's a m*rder*r.
- I know Mr. Weaire.

I've been in contact with the FBI.

But I got no standard to arrest him.

I can't even hold him. Not
until I get words from above.

Which should be any day now.

What are we supposed to do?

If I were you, I'd get
him out of my house.

Get out of my house.

Bye daddy. You have a good afternoon.
- Yes, thank you, honey.

Meg are you there?

Come here a second please.

Well, they're gonna put me in
the hospital again next week.

Mom told me.

And don't know why they
want to cut me open again

Just a waste of time,
not gonna do any good.

Well the doctors say it might.

Doctors... I'm sick of what
the doctor's are saying.

I'm sick of just sitting here.

It's about all I can do anymore.

I want you to do something for me.

Of course.

When I burried your
sister, I said I would not

put a tombstone on her grave
until this nightmare's over.

I remember.
- That's good

because it may take longer

than all of us expected
and I may not be here.

Don't let them forget her.

Don't let them give up on her.

Don't let them put her file on
some shelf and not do anything.

Don't you worry about that.


I promise.

Hey, why don't you let me stay
here with you this afternoon?

Get out of here.

I can't watch a football game
with women, you know that.

Get out of here.
- I love you daddy.

I love you too.

Even if we don't find him,
we may not have a case.

It's just been too long.

Witnesses start dying.
Evidence is gonna weaken.

That's why I wanted to talk to you Meg.

We've got to do something now,
before it all goes down the toilet.

Like what?
A trial in absentia.

Well, what's the point,
trying him when he's not here?

When he's found guilty and
I'm pretty sure he will be.

It means that when we get him back here.

He goes right to jail.

No bail, no nothing,
and he can't run again.

Is this whole thing a waste of time.

Because our parents told us
to respect the government.

But the government's doing nothing but

screw us all over and
cause us all a lot of pain.

All I can tell you is I've
pursued every avenue I can.

Is this the best option? Maybe not,
but it's all I've got right now.

And I can't go ahead without
you and your family on board.

Yeah, all that's left of my family.

You know mom died
about a year after dad.

I used to think this thing
was some sort of a nightmare.

But it's worse. Nightmare, you
eventually wake up from.

It just keeps going on.

My parents didn't even
live to see it end.

But I sure intend to.

If you ever get homesick
just look out the window.

Right down there is
your American embassy.

Anika, come here and look at this.

A little touch of home.

My first motion is to bar this trial in
absentia because of the serious problems

involved in trying a person who's
never been notified of the trial date.

If Mr. Gelman knows the
whereabouts of is client,

I can sure you we will notify
Mr. Einhorn of this trial.

Are you Mr. Madlin, the tutor?
- Yes.

I was wondering would
you work with my daughter?

Why certainly.

Ladies and gentleman,
on a rainy Spring night,

Holly Maddux told Ira
Einhorn that she was leaving.

The years of mental and
physical abuse had taken

their toll and Holly was
trying to embark on a new life.

But no woman ever walked
out on Ira Einhorn.

But Holly Maddux tried
and that's what k*lled her.

Ira Einhorn didn't just hit her.

He pummeled Holly Maddux
with a blunt heavy object.

At least a dozen times.

Leaving holes in Holly's skull,
the size of silver dollars.

But Holly didn't die right away.

She was probably still alive when

Ira Einhorn sealed her in his trunk.

Why did he keep the body?

That's the compelling question here.

But the answer is simple,

Ira Einhorn believes that
he is smarter than all of us.

By keeping her body, Ira
Einhorn was laughing at us.

He still is.

To k*ll what you love, when you can't
have it is a very natural thing.

Ira Einhorn whispered those words
to Rita Siegel after he att*cked her.

He believes it, but he was wrong.

Because the only person that Ira
Einhorn ever loved was Ira Einhorn.

We find the defendant, Ira Einhorn,
guilty of m*rder in the first degree.

Thank you.

I'm sorry, but I won't
be happy until I see

that bastard in cuffs
and on his way to jail.

Than I'll smile and I'll
laugh right in his face.

Dennis, it's Ira.

How dare you come back to Ireland.
Are you insane?

Leave me alone.
- I'm calling the police.

He left this afternoon.



And that's everything.

I didn't want to tell you because
I didn't want to risk losing you.

I love you so much, Anika.

You're part of my soue.

Look at me.

Do you honestly believe that I
could ever hurt another human being?

No, you could never do that.

Will you marry me?


- Yes.

We need people to see
this all over the world.

Are you sure they're
going to see it overseas?

All over Europe and most of Asia.
Okay now I don't want to just focus on Ira.

I think your family story is very important.
There's some fascinating stuff here.

Your father's affiliation
with the American n*zi Party.


What did you just say?
Get the hell out of here.

People have been lying about daddy
since this whole thing started.

Calm down.
Would you excuse us for one minute.

It's got to help.
- It'll get the story out there.

It'll get his picture smeared
over the world.

It might just stir things up. - I'm just
so sick of people lying about daddy.

Well, we all are. But this is a chance for
us to try and get the truth out there.

So what do we say?

We need the publicity
Buffy, it's all we got left.

What do you say, we all
have to agree on this?

- Okay.

Not one person in this town
on my intellectual plane.

He said you got into an
argument over a Bridge game.

You know how frustrating that is.

He said you broke a table
and threatened to hit him.

Is that what he said?


The French are famous for
their ability to exaggerate.

Look, we had a terse discussion, but I
certainly didn't resort to any v*olence.

I'm afraid our friends are
particularly like Americans.

You don't believe him do you?

Do you?
- No, course not.

I can't take it here much more.

It's just us up here all the time.

The library's a joke.

Now I can't even go into town with
somebody spreading lies about me.

I just can't take it.
It's k*lling me.

I gotta get out.

We know Ira married
Anika Flodin in 1995.

Then he mentioned of Anika Flodin
and Interlope was immediately notified.

She went to renew her driver's license.

And there she was, living with her
American husband in the south of France.

We can't afford to send you
- I've worked a long time on this case.

My daughter was in
diapers when I started.

We can't afford trips to France.

Let the French handle it.

I am not Ira Einhorn.

Hello Ira.
It's been a long time.

Well, it's been a long long time,
but hopefully that's all over now.

Did you ever think they'd find him?
- Yes. Yes I did.

I don't think God would be
that cruel to us or Holly.

I just wish my parents could
have been around to see this.

When you told me that they
found him, you should have seen

my bosses face cause I dropped
everything and ran right out of there.

What time is it supposed to be on John?
- Should be any minute.

That's it. Meg, get in here,
it's on!

Excuse me!

It's on.

What's up?
Spit it out.

I just keep hoping that someday, I can

finally think about Holly
and not get so angry.

I mean even when I think about the
good times I just get so damn mad.

And now that they got him, I want to
start having happy memories again I guess.

You know what?
- What?

I think it's time to buy her headstone.


We are going to fight every attempt
to extradite Ira Einhorn because of

due process violations during the
trial and sentencing in absentia.

The man did not get a
chance to defend himself.

European courts do not
like trials by absentia.

Even n*zi w*r criminals were
not subjected to this treatment.

Adolph Eichmann was
brought back for his trial.

You know honey it's times like these that
I understand why everyone hates lawyers.

My son is innocent.

Maybe finally we can
get to the bottom of this

and find out who really
k*lled poor Holly.

A fugitive forfeits his right to appeal.

Once you're tried in absentia that's it.

I know the statute Rich. - That's what
his lawyer's gonna try to nail us on.

Do the French have trials in absentia?
- Yes, but over there it's different.

I looked it up last night. If the person is
caught, he gets the right to another trial.

They're going to argue that according
to Pennsylvania law, he doesn't get

another trial. - We will also bring
to the court's attention, the fact

that you are sentenced to
life in prison without parole.

Our government does not recognize
a sentence that does not allow for

This is fine. But have you read the
paper's I've sent you.

Because it clearly shows a sign
of conspiracy against me, see.

I set up a network and
we became in possession

of documents and these
documents clearly showed


No one wants to hear this story again.

This story, as you call it,
happens to be vital to my defense.

No, it is not.

This is just a fairytale
that no one believes

but you and you will not
tell it to the courtroom.

So what happens now?

If it makes you feel any
better, the French have him on

probation for entering the
country under false pretenses.

He has to check in with the local police

twice a week and he
can't leave the province.

He's been shunned in
the village. They don't

like having a m*rder*d
in the neighborhood

and they take every
chance to let him know.

You know what the best part of it is?

He knows we're never gonna give up.

Deep down, he knows we're gonna get him.

Be honest Rich.
How does it look?

I don't know Meg. At this point, I'm just a
consultant for the State Department.

You be sure and let me
know if you hear anything.

Especially if it's bad news cause
I want to tell them in person.

Well let's hope that doesn't happen.
- Yes, let's hope.

The fact that Mr. Einhorn
will never be given

another trial is against
the very fiber of French law.

A life sentence without
chance for parole

is both inhumane and degrading.

But what can we expect from a country
that has become so barbaric

that death sentences are handed to
children and the mentally handicapped.

It's not gonna ring any faster
with you staring at it Buffy.

Yeah, I know.

But I can't help it.
What time is it over there now.


They will send him back, won't they Meg?

And due to the fact that there
is no legal recourse awaiting you

in America, we cannot, according

to French law, extradite you.

You have made a just decision.

I am a peaceful man.

My whole life has been
dedicated to making sure

this planet remained a peaceful place.


Oh, there you are.
Come on Holly.

What you got there, a flower for mommy?

Come here.


Did you pick me some flowers did you?

She likes flowers like her auntie does.

Don't you worry Holly,
we're not giving up.

We'll never give up.

There you go Meg.

Let's go.

Happy Birthday Holly.

Who wants to go to Aunt Mary's
house and have some cake?

I do.



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