How to Say I Love You at Night (2020)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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How to Say I Love You at Night (2020)

Post by bunniefuu »

- Hey




- Hello

Oh! Hi, Paul

- Paul?
- Benny?

- Yeah...

- How did you get in?

- I'm sorry. I tried to text you you a few times, hm...

Somebody downstairs just let me in.
- Hmm...

- I hope you don't mind.
- Right.

-Sorry I missed your texts. Hmm...

- I'm... I'm Benny.

- Nice to meet you, Paul
- Nice to meet you.

- Hey, do you mind slipping your shoes for me?

- Oh, shit!
- Thank you

- Great place you got here by the way.

- Oh, thanks...sshh...

Sorry roommate's trying to sleep.

- How can she sleep with this music?

Where can i put my bag?
- Oh cheers, fine.

- Oh yeah, captain!

- Hey, hmm...

do you mind if I toss my phone on the charger?

- Yeah sure. Go for it.

- Wow, what a beautiful knife.

Do you hand wash this?

- No. I don't cook.

- That's a shame

- Can you just put that down, please? [coughing]

- Can I go to the bath... [giggling]

I make you nervous?

- [coughing] A little bit.

- Can I go to the bathroom?

- Yeah, if you like. Turn around the corner.

- Is this your room?

- Yeah

- Yeah

- I'll show you now

Oh, we don't need to lock the door

- So you want your roommate barging in on us?

- I'm not surprised that we're in your
bedroom already.

- What do you mean by that?

- Your advances were pretty strong online

That is unless your...

your courage is only reserved for the internet.

I'm only f*cking with you

- Sorry

Wine was getting the better of me... earlier.

- Anything else?

- Yeah, it's all right. You don't mind, do you?

I was gonna put that away before you came.

Take those?
- No.

- Give me one sec.

[Loud music]

- I completely forgot. I'm so sorry-

- It's okay, just shh...

- He's just gonna k*ll us

He's just gonna k*ll us...
- Stay quiet.

Actually, can I have my glasses back ?

- Oh no, I love these.

- Yeah. I can't see.

- I know. I'm as blind as a bat right now.

- Yeah. Can i just get the f*cking glasses back,
please? Thank you!

- Yeah.

- I thought maybe you've left.

- Hi, I'm Paul. It's nice to meet you.

- What's this?

I just figure we could start over

- Yeah, yeah. Sure, sure. Benny.

- No, you're supposed to say

Hi I'm Benny. It's nice to meet you too.

Let's do that again
- All right.

Hi, I'm Paul. It's nice to meet you.

- Benny

- You're supposed to say hi...
I'm Benny

it's nice to meet you
- Yeah, yeah

- So, where're you from Benny?

- Me? I'm from the south.

How about yourself?

- I'm from Yugoslavia

- Yugoslavia?
- Mmm...

- Is that still a place?

- Technically no

- Your parents're still over there?

- My parents?

Why do you ask?

I just wouldn't have guessed
you're from that part of the world

- Why?

- No disrespect. I just don't detect much of an accent

Maybe i don't know enough about it though.

- People change as much as they want to


depends on how badly they want
to get away from something.

- What were you getting away from?

- Your parents're okay with it?

- What's that?

- Having boys in your bedroom

- I don't know if they'll ever really
understand it, you know. But...

yeah, they're okay with it.

How about you?

- Oh my god, I love this movie

I can't believe you have this.

But why is it in a plastic wrap?

- Oh! It's because I actually haven't seen it.

- That's all?

Hold on. You own this but you haven't seen it?

- Yeah.
- What?

Dude...get to the bank

this is like you having an uncashed check.

It's only the most unexpected
love story of all time

- Of all time?
- Yeah

It's a love that survives in spite of it all.

He made it a few years before

he died of a cocaine overdose.


I can't believe you have this setting here.

- You're talking about your parents, I think.

- No. It's strange, isn't it?

- What's up?

- Do you ever think about what else
is happening right now?

- What do you mean?

- Like what other things in the world are...

are happening at the same time,

same time as us in this room right now.

- Why does it matter?

- Oh, I don't know. I...

I guess it's just something to think about.

Like take for example our parents.

How old is your dad?

- Almost 60.

- Almost 60? Same as mine.

- They're so much alike

- You see, your dad was planning his 401k

and shopping for cruise lines with your mom.

At the same time, my dad
was planning his great escape.

And see, that's where I come from.

They were, they were managing their own unions

along with other unhappy dads

while the rest of the world was telling them no, no!

You have to adapt, you have to adapt, you have to adapt

You have to adapt, you have to adapt, you have to adapt

So they had this this pent up rage and this...

this this anger, this...

this, this piercing voice in the back of their head

telling them to to take it out the last shout

so every night they'd beat their wives

and beat out their neighbors and
can even hit their gay sons.

- Shh...

- My roommate's trying to sleep
- Oh

- That's fine. She might mind their own business

- Excuse me

- Shit!... Hmm...
- f*ck

- Hmm... are you okay. You need some...

- I think I did too much blow

- Can I get you a towel?

- Uh yeah, just in that closet there

- Okay, whatever's on the ground
- Sure, uh...

- What will this do?

- Yeah, yeah. That's fine.

- You're pretty lucky I'm here

- It's okay

- Relax, hey, okay, it's okay

- All right. I think it's stopping

- You need some help?
- No. I'm fine, thanks.

- You know, I used to get those all the time as a kid

- What the f*ck are you doing?

- Having fun

Yeah, hey!
- No, no, I...

I think we just need to brain check this.

Let's call it.

- Hey seriously, if it's the nose thing I'm totally fine

- No...
- If it's the glass...

- It's not the nose thing, it' just...

I'm tired and I... think we got it with
the wrong foot,

so let's just...let's just call the night.

- Oh come on. Pick another dvd
you haven't seen, I tell you about it.

- Hey listen, listen...
- This one's still in its...

- Like I said,

not tonight

I'm so sorry.

What are you doing?

- I'm sorry,

but I have to be honest with you.

I really don't feel like leaving.

I'm so sorry. It's one of those things.

- What? Try again another time if you want

All right man, come on!

Come on!

All right man, take it easy.
- [Coughing]

- I'm sorry captain

- Please

- Oh... oh...


- Relax, you can handle it, captain.

- Okay, stop! Stop! Stop!

All right man. This is getting f*cking weird. Just...

just go, all right?

- I thought we were having fun

- Paul, I know what's not getting through to you.

Please get the f*ck out of my house

- Benny come on. It's freezing outside.

- I don't give a damn

Okay, look Paul

If you're not gonna go, I'm gonna call the f*cking cops, all right?

I'm not gonna ask you again
- Hey, come on...

Don't do this.

Haven't you got it about this point?
I'm not going anywhere.

- All right. You know what?

- Hey



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