03x11 - Fight or Flight

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Cleaning Lady". Aired: January 3, 2022 to present.*
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After witnessing a m*rder, a Cambodian doctor cleans the crime scene to stay alive and then begins to live a double life.
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03x11 - Fight or Flight

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Cleaning Lady"...

How could I be so stupid to
let an FBI agent into our home?

- Come on. Move it.
- She's in trouble.

Yeah, I know. Camila saved Chris' life.

I mean, we have to do
something. I owe it to them.

The FBI is here, too. In my home.

Nadia cut a deal with the feds.

Her life ends today.

I'll take care of her myself.

There's only one way out.

- I can make it pain...
- What... What the hell?


Thony, what the hell
happened? Is she dead?

No, but you're gonna help me

make everyone believe that she is.

And if I do?

I will help you take Sin Cara down.





- How's it going?
- Find anything?

Got the drone over the Sanchez estate.

So far, no sign of any
kind of escape tunnel.

Keep looking.

What about my oat-milk latte?

I told you, until you find me something,

it's house mud for you.


Well, that auto-body shop you
got me all and bothered about,

the supposed hub for
illegal cargo, is empty.

It was cleared out.

So maybe you're just sending
us on a wild goose chase.

Why would I do that?

I want Ramona taken
out more than anyone.


You know, we caught Ramona's
brother on a traffic cam

just a few blocks away from this.

Dante Avila, one of
Sin Cara's inner circle.

So why don't you tell me
a little more about Jorge?

I told you everything I know.

What else you want me to do?

I'm happy you asked.

Ramona holds a charity event every year.

And based on the files
Russo secured in the raid,

we believe this event is

a massive money-laundering operation.

I want you to score an invitation,

be on the inside when it goes down.


Hey, Nadia?

It's okay. You're fine.

No, I'm not fine. I'm
getting the hell out of here.

Where are you going? You...
You can't go anywhere.

You jabbed a damn needle in me, Thony.

- She saved your life.
- I didn't ask for this.

You just decided I'd be better off dead,

but you didn't give me any choice.

- But I had no time.
- Right, because you used me

as a scapegoat to save your own ass.

That's a new even for you, Thony.

Whatever good Arman you, it's gone now.

Y-You know what?

I don't like this anymore than you do.

I didn't know the Feds were stalking me,

that my handyman was
a stupid undercover.

I did this deal to save you.


It's all true.

Except for the stupid part.


So what if I go along with your deal?

Well, we set you up with a new identity,

somewhere Ramona can't find you.

And if I don't?

Ramona discovers you're
still alive, and, um...

you two are as good as dead.

Now, you wanted a choice. There it is.





I'm pretty sure it's dead.
No need to pulverize it.

Creeping creeper. [SIGHS]

Feels really good.
You want to have a go?

You know what? Yeah.

- Sounds good.




Feels good. You were right.


We smashed the bugs.


No, but, seriously,
I hate to think of you

working with Jeremy after this...

if that's even his name.

Yeah, well, I don't see any
other way out with Ramona.

Well, whatever she's doing,
I mean, it's... it's not good.


I almost k*lled her, Fi.

What? When?

During her surgery.


She was bleeding out,
and I just stepped away.




- Hey.
- That's why that's the best way.

I work with the Feds, and
they lock her up for good.







- Yes, I know.
- She wasn't an addict.

You really expect me to
believe that she overdosed?

People have their secrets.


I mean, did you do this just because

you didn't want me
building something with her?

You want to know the truth?


She was working with the Feds.

Probably to get her assets released.

This means nothing, you
know. It's not even signed.

Any agent can draft
one of these things up.

It doesn't matter.

Still means she was
working with the Feds.

You suspected her yourself, remember?

Now this immunity deal proves that.

That was before I got to know her.

Hm. I'm sorry.

I know you were excited
about your project together.

But your judgment must
have been [SIGHS] clouded.

It wasn't like that.

Oh, whatever it was. I'm
only the messenger here.

This came directly from
Derek. He's never failed me.

If he says Nadia was a rat,

she was.


Thony, it's good to see you.

Good to see you.

- Hungry?
- Yes.

I'll have the chef prepare
us the most amazing meal.



Well, I wanted to thank
you for taking care

of things for me.

I know it wasn't easy,

given your history with Nadia.

No, but I did it to protect us both.


I have to tell you.

You are far more capable
than I gave you credit for.

It's not something I wanted to do,

but at least I could make it painless.

Let me ask you something.

When you were a surgeon back in Manila,

did you have to justify
everything you did to everyone?


If you stay by my side,

you can reclaim that power you once had

without making any excuses to anyone.

I still want you to take a
bigger role in my organization.

I've been thinking about that.

I could really use someone
I can trust right now.

And your loyalty hasn't gone unnoticed.

What kind of role do you have in mind?

I think I may have the
perfect job for you.

You said you had some
encounters with the FBI before.

- Yes.
- Tell me about that.


Está bien.

What was that about?

- What do you mean?
- The spread, the fancy linens.

Ramona only does that
when she wants something.

Or maybe she got it already.

You working for her now?

I mean, she said she needed
someone she could trust,

and, uh, I did save her life.

And I don't think I
have an option to say no.

Did she tell you about Nadia?


I-I-I'm still in shock.


Things don't add up.

I mean, the last time I saw
you, you turned up at the club,

you looked pretty concerned.

I wanted to know if that was true

that she worked with the Feds.

Did Ramona ask you to do that?

Yes, she did. Why?

Nadia and I were starting
a business together.

Ramona wasn't on board with that.

So I think she was looking
for a way to sabotage us.

Well, Nadia said that she
didn't work with the Feds.

- And I believe her.
- You two were pretty close, right?

Yeah. I guess we both were.

Ramona got what she wanted,
and she... she's still the boss.

Yes. She is.



Way to go, champ.


Hey, so, as far as relocating,

La Grande, Oregon, or Provo, Utah.

Where would you rather be?

Dead. Like, for real.

Better luck next time.

So? How'd it go with Ramona?

Well, she thinks I k*lled
her, so I guess I'm family now.

That's great. I mean, for what it is.

My clothes?

Fiona's, actually.

Okay, uh, just get me out of here.

- Alright.
- All in good time.

We've still got some work to do.

What do you mean? I thought
you were making arrangements.

I am, but your friend
here needs to do her part

before we can pull the trigger.

What are you talking about?

We agreed that I work for
you, and she gets to be free.

No, we agreed we need an arrest.

And so far, none of
your intel's panned out.

So you're saying that I have
to stay in this dump of a place

in these dumpy clothes for how long?



You can't do that. You
can't renege on her deal.

Come on, you're a mom, right?

Do you give your kid a treat

- before or after they clean their room?
- Seriously?

- Maybe not my best analogy.

Look, I already agreed
to go in deeper, and I am.

I'm working my way into that event,

but I can't do it unless she disappears.

If Ramona finds out
that I didn't k*ll her,

she's gonna come after my whole family.

Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.


Nadia, hey, you in there?



- She's not answering.
- She's in the wind.

Take the car. Widen the perimeter.

Copy that.

I'm just going to try
until she picks up the cell.

Don't bother.

We've been tracking her,
so she pulled her SIM card.

She did what?

You two didn't cook this
up together, did you?

- Are you joking?
- No. No.

You didn't have someone
waiting out there for her?

This is worse for me than anyone.

If they find her, I'm done.

Okay, okay. Keep your cool.

Russo's gonna post agents
wherever Nadia might go,

so you should probably get home.

Let me know if she turns
up. I'll be in touch.

- Uh, two more.
- Two more?

Hey, guys.


Oh. Hello, my love.

- Oh.
- I missed you so much.

I missed you, too.

Here you go. Here.

That looks good.

- I take it you didn't find Nadia.
- Mnh-mnh.

If she turns up somewhere
she shouldn't be,

she would expose us all.

It's so messed up, Fi.

What are the chances she goes to Ramona

and tells her everything? I mean...

[SIGHS] I don't know.

Maybe if she thinks
Jorge would protect her.

And he might, from the
way he was talking earlier.

No, but she hates Ramona
after what she did to Arman.

I just hope she gets out of town fast.

NADIA: So do I.

What the hell are you doing here?

I hitched a ride in your van.

Under that big mess
of towels and things.

You can't be here, Nadia. It's not safe.

- You have to get out.
- I know.

And since you made me dead,

now you have to help me disappear.

I need my money, so you
need to go to La Habana.

Someone is targeting us,

and they're so deep undercover,

Derek doesn't even know who they are.

We need to root them out

before our business
sustains any more damage.

And I think Thony can
be helpful in this area.

She'll keep an eye out
for the Feds at the event.


I guess it's your call.

It could be yours, Jorge.

What are you saying?

I've been considering
putting you in charge

of this franchise.

I can see how upset
you are, losing Nadia.

Your dream doesn't have to die with her.

You could make the deals

and decide how to invest the proceeds.

That should more than make
up for what you lost with her.

You mean use the money from the routes,

so that's the catch.

Oh, that's the best way

for you to get your pretty development.

And, you know, once it starts
making money on its own,

then you can do things however you want.


Oh, and you know what?

After Violeta and I go
recruit some new students

for the program, maybe I can get you

a meeting with the developer.














Did I miss anything?

It all looks good.

- Okay.
- Thank you, Thony.

You're welcome.

Arman got these for
our third anniversary,

and he said, "This
is nothing compared to

what I'm gonna get you for our 10th."

[SIGHS] So strange.

All these things
belong to Nadia Morales,

and now she's...


I don't think anyone can
make Nadia Morales disappear.

Except for us.

And this is how we're
gonna make it happen.

Yes. Yes.



So, you gonna tell me who
that woman is in there?

Or is that something else
you were gonna keep from me?

I-I'm sorry. Okay?

Yes, I went to find Camila
with JD instead of you.

I'm just... I'm just
trying to protect you.

Okay, protect me from what?

Isn't the best way to protect me

actually telling me
what the hell's going on?

Yes, you're right.

But those people who brought us across,

they're dangerous.


And that woman in there
is hiding from them,

so we're... we're
just... we're just trying

to help her get out of town.

And they're the same people who
might have Camila and her mom.

So they could be in the
same type of trouble.

It's different. Look, I
will help you find Camila.

I promise. Just...

I just got to deal
with this first, please.

- Okay, yeah.
- And we will find her.

- Anak.
- Sure. Okay. I get ya.

Well, okay.

Uh, what... what do you
think? Ginger or blonde?

I mean, I-I hear they have more fun.

I've had a lot of fun in my life,

but I've never been blonde.

- Huh.
- Don't laugh at me.



You think I can pull it off?

Girl, you can pull off a
pink mullet if you wanted to.

- I disagree.

Okay, I'm gonna go get your passport.

- Okay.
- Okay, let me see that one.


Are you expecting anyone?

- No.
- Hide her.

- Oh, my God.
- The money. The money.

Okay. Yes, yes, yes. Yeah.


- Hey, Thony.
- Hi. Ramona.

I hope we're not interrupting anything.

Um, Violeta just wanted to tell Luca

about this wonderful
program we're funding.

Mind if we come in?

♪ Nothing blocking vision,
swear it's crystal clear ♪

♪ Nothing stopping intuition,
feel the time is near ♪

♪ Like it's premonition,
nothing left to really fear ♪

♪ Could you imagine
a kid who imagined ♪

♪ To making it happen
until it happened ♪

♪ Like roads were paved,
like this is fate ♪

♪ Like I really can't wait ♪

♪ Like I'm really won't debate ♪

♪ Ain't it tragic how
they left me stagnant ♪

- ♪ Boy, I felt they absence ♪

Hey, anak. Kamusta ka?

Okay. Uh, naman ako.

Oh, Did you try that new
mechado recipe I sent you?

No, not yet. I, uh...

I haven't cooked anything

since I made that sinigang

and Camila didn't show up, so...

Nothing yet?

No word from her at all? Ouf.

I know how that can be.

- You do?
- With your mom.

One night, I made her
a very special dinner,

and she never showed.
And I didn't know why.

I asked everyone, "Is she okay?

Where did she go?

And then I found out.

She went to America.

Uh, no, Camila, she didn't
she didn't just take off, Dad.

I... I... I think there's
something seriously wrong.

I got to find her.

Oh, what are you going to do, anak?

I don't know. I-I-I found another lead.

Uh, someplace she might
work. Uh, Paradise Events.

I'm gonna go see if she's there.

Are you sure you should do that?

Yeah, I'm sure.

Oh, uh, but don't tell Mom, okay?

- Oh, no.


Look at them.

Kids are naturally drawn to music,

and now they're fast friends.


Our charity brings opportunities

to disadvantaged children.

Maybe some of your
cleaning-lady friends

could benefit from the program.

I'm sure many of them have kids.

This charity poker event is
a big deal for me this year,

and I'd like you to help
me make it a success.

I'm o... Please, you
slow down. You slow down.



Luka, just stay in your room, actually.

Um, I-I am so flattered. Um...

but I don't know how to play poker.


No one's asking to play poker.

- Just do what you do best.

Be smart, resourceful, charming,

um, invisible when you need to be.

Just watch and listen.

VIOLETA: Hey, you want
to play hide-and-seek?

LUCA: Yeah.

One, two, three... Um...

four, five, six...

Okay. So what exactly
are you asking me to do?

There will be new players this year.

Ready or not, here I come. I
suspect some will be federal agents.

I want you to be my eyes and ears.

Draw them out.

Normally, I trust
Jorge with all of this,

but lately he's been having crazy ideas.

LUCA: You found me. And I need you to

keep an eye on him, too.

Who are you?

Shh. You'll be moving through
front-of-the-house operations

and the backroom dealings.

- You're it.

Well, thank you so much

for putting your trust in me, Ramona.

I-I-I really appreciate it,

Um, but I'm... I just
lost track of time.

- I have to go.
- Oh.

I am so sorry.

We have to go to
basketball practice, Luca!

LUCA: Not yet. We're
playing hide-and-seek

with the lady in the closet.

[CHUCKLING] "Lady in the closet."

- Violeta?
- Yeah?

Princesa, are you having
fun playing hide-and-seek?

Eh? Where are you?

Oh, my gosh. He's never
been good at cleaning,

but this is embarrassing.

Where are you?

Dónde estás?


We need to get going, my love.

You know I'm gonna find you, right?


Uno, dos, tres.

Oh, nada.

Okay, Violeta, it's getting late.

Come on.

- Aah!
- Oh! Aah! Aah!

Luca. Luca, Luca.

Luca, you... you need
to get ready, my love.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, buddy,

I'm on the phone.

CHRIS: Get out of here.

- Luca.
- Sorry. Sorry.

- Aw, you found me.
- Hey!

- Found you.

Hi, I'm Fiona. I guess the
closet is too easy to hide.

- Nice to meet you, Fiona.
- Nice to meet you, too.

- Yeah, well, say goodbye to Fiona.
- Bye.

We need to deliver invitations, right?

Say goodbye.

- Let me get the door.
- Thank you.

- Say bye.
- Nice to meet you.

- Bye.
- Bye.



- That was close.
- No kidding.

- Thank you.
- Yeah, no problem.

Where is she?

I can go anywhere, Thony.

The Feds marked all my money.


THONY: We should have known.

The FBI is never gonna
let you live with anything.

So they just went into my
safe and took what they wanted.

I had legit money in there.

They... They probably dinged
all your accounts, too, so...

Yeah, I'm not going to be
able to use an ATM or anything.

They're treating me like
some sort of criminal

when I didn't do anything wrong.

They're using you to push me.

Yeah, and they're pissed you got away.

Maybe you should go back and
let them help you get out.

I'm not doing that, Thony.

I'm not leaving everything behind

to go live a stupid life
in some flyover state.

I think it's the only
way to keep you safe.

We both know their
safe houses aren't safe.

Even if Ramona went to jail.
No, we're doing this my way,

and either I'm going to
that motel or you are.


It's Paolo.

Excuse me.

Hey, good looking? What's cooking?


Well, come by. I'll
cook for you anytime.

Ah, I wish I could.

Oh, sorry. I couldn't help it.

Old wigs. You know, back in the day.

Look... Mnh.

I'm calling about Chris.


This girl, Camila,

he wants to go find her by himself.

[SPEAKS TAGALOG] He... He told you that?

He asked me not to tell you,

but I thought you should know.

It doesn't sound safe.

No, it isn't.

you for telling me.

You don't have to thank me.

I'm his Tatay.

Yeah. Yeah, you are.

Hey, listen, um, I got to go.



Hey. So, um...

it looks like we're gonna
send off that lady today,

and we... we can figure
out Camila next, okay?

- Yeah, that's cool.
- Wait. W-W-Where are you going?

Uh, I'm just... I'm
just seeing a friend.

Uh, w-which friend?

Will you just get off my back already?

- I'm just...
- Are you looking for Camila?

Did Paolo say something to you?

Yeah. Okay.


Seriously? You ratted me out to my mom?

- Anak...
- No, don't anak me, okay?

- You're my dad for, like, what, five minutes?
- Hey.

I thought you were
cool until you decided

to suck up to my mom.

- That's not what this was about.
- Stay out of this.

Hey. Don't talk to
your mother like that.

I'm not siding with anyone.

I'm your father,

and I'm just going to be
that for five minutes, Chris.

It means I'm not always
going to be the fun guy.

I'm going to stop you from
doing things like this

to protect you.

Fi, we have to go.


Okay, don't go to Paradise
Events without me, okay?

And you just stay in your room.


THONY: That's Jeremy's truck.

- Hey, how you doing?
- Can I help you?


How is that man always everywhere?

I think it's good that it's
him and not someone else.

Okay, we got this.

- Here's our secret w*apon.
- Ah.

- Ready?
- Aye aye, captain.

Thank you.

Let's do this. Yeah?

Got you.


What the hell?

FIONA: What are you doing here?

Waiting for Nadia to turn
up. She keeps a room here.

She probably keeps
some money stashed here.

Passports, maybe.

What are you doing here?
Did she tell you to meet?

No, Arman told me about this place,

and we're just waiting
to see if she shows up.

How long have you
been, uh, waiting here?

- Mm, couple of hours, maybe.
- So that's what you do?

FIONA: You just hang out,
you know, lying in wait,

gorging on your takeout
tacos, stalking people?

I mean, how long were
you stalking us, huh,

before you raided our
warehouse and broke everything?

- Fiona, it's my job to get...
- To do what? To do what?

To... To paint r*cist crap on the walls,

and then pretend you're
some kind of handyman, huh?

That wasn't me. I hired a couple kids.

- They took it too far.
- Oh, so that makes it okay.

You know, you forced yourself
into our lives, and then

you... you carpet-b*mb
us with your kooky smiles

and you snake our toilet.

All the while, you were the snake.

Fi, let's go check that room.

What does that mean?

Arman gave me a key.

You waited till now to tell me that?

Well, she had a few things to say.

- I didn't want to interrupt.
- Yeah, I had a lot to say.



- Alright.
- Okay, while we're here,

we may as well try to find their stash.

- So check any drawers...
- Uh-huh.

... air vents, hollowed-out walls,

anywhere someone could
hide cash or whatever.

Nothing here.

FIONA: Me neither. Nothing here.


Here we go.

This is it? No cash or anything?

Damn it!

How'd she get here first?

I-I-I don't know.

Why don't you tell me
about this place before?

When she first took off.

I-I just didn't think about it.

Hey, you're the one who...
who went back on your word.

That's why she runs.

Yeah, 'cause you're not giving
me anything to go on here.

I am, Jeremy. I am.

I have an invite for that charity event.

What else do you want me to do?


What are you supposed to do?

I don't know. She didn't tell me yet,

but she wants me close.

We're on the same page.

I want to take her down,
but y-you need to back off

because she could k*ll us both.

We can't be seen together.

Mm. Okay.



- ♪ Just let me clear the air ♪

♪ All these things that's
been putting me to test ♪

♪ At pamilya on the
line to the stress ♪

♪ Playing chess ♪

What a d*ck.

Thank you so much.


♪ Give me room, give me room ♪

♪ You gotta move, move back ♪

♪ Give me room, give me room ♪

♪ You better move, move back ♪

♪ Give me room, give me room ♪

♪ You got to move, move back ♪

♪ Give me room, give me room ♪

Here you go.

- But Jeremy was there.

- Thank you.

Thank you both.

We're still gonna have to find a way

to get you out of town.

I got that covered. I know a guy.

- Oh, good.
- Yeah.

Curaçao was the place Arman
and I dreamed of escaping to.

Wish we'd done it sooner.



This wasn't supposed to be like this.

I mean, after everything we worked for,

everything we fought for, now
he's gone, and I have nothing.

Look. This is barely enough
to get me out of Vegas.

How am I supposed to
start a new life with this?

Hey, hey, we've all done it, right?

We've all started with nothing.

But I'm sure you'll do better
than just land on your feet.

I mean, come on.

This isn't how Arman
would've wanted things for me.


I have to go. It's, um, Jorge.

What? Wh...

Jorge? You're seeing him now?


Thony, wait. He can access my money.

What if you tell him the truth?

- What?
- He's gonna help me.

He's gonna tell Ramona,
and we'll both be dead.

No, no, no, no, no.
He's not gonna tell her.

- Thony, please.
- No, you don't need the money, okay?

You're resourceful. You'll
build again from the ground up.

You have no idea where I came from.

I won't go back to the damn slums, okay?


No, my whole life can't be for nothing.

Thony, please.

The way Jorge is with me, I trust him.

Please. When it comes to the cartel,

- you can't trust anyone.
- But I do. Please.

It... It's worth the risk.

He's the only one who can help me.

I'm not doing it.

Damn it.

- Hello.
- Hi.

Hi. I'm here for Mr. Sanchez.

Thony De La Rosa.

Uh, he's with a client right now.

Uh, Chelsea, it's okay.

Thony, come in.

- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

Just want to introduce you here.

RAMONA: Yes, you're right.

As always. There she is.

Thank you for coming
on such short notice.

Of course.

I wanted you to meet A.J. Hynes.

[SIGHS] He owns one of the
big event companies in Vegas.

Very nice to meet you.

Any friend of Ms. Sanchez
is a friend of mine,

but, uh, she exaggerates.

I run a modest shop.

Oh, please. He has over, what,

and his company's been hosting
my charity gala for years.

Paradise Premier Events.

Oh, yes. I've heard of it.

RAMONA: Well, Thony's
gonna be at the event.

You're gonna see more of each other.

- Well, it's a pleasure.
- Thank you.

And, uh, Jorge,

let's hit the driving range next week.

JORGE: Sounds great.

Jorge will be giving
you some instructions.


Oh, I almost forgot.

I got you a dress for the event.

Thank you. You didn't have to.

Oh, I... I did.

You're gonna look fabulous in it.

Thank you.

- Ciao, bonita.
- Ciao. [SMOOCHES]

I think I just convinced
A.J. to come on board.

We should go through the logistics.

- Yeah.

E-Everything okay?


the shell corporation that I set up

for Nadia's insurance funds,
someone's try to access it.


only Nadia knew.

Could she be alive?


You know something, don't you?

What aren't you telling me?

If you had anything to do
with this, I don't care,

it stays between us, but
if you know where she is,

you need to take me to her right now.


I wish I could have told you, Jorge.

But even if I knew I could trust you...

I also know how close
you are to your sister.

Now what?

Gonna keep running for
the rest of your life?

I have to try to start a new life.

That's why you tried to get your money.

Only I'm dead. I can't
have access to it.

Unless I help you.

I can't live off scraps again, Jorge.

It'd be too unfair.
I've worked too hard.

I have a new identity.

It's Natalie Vasquez.

If you could send that
money into that name...

You would still keep your
half, just like we agreed.

It's a big ask.

There's shell corporation
upon shell corporation,

all in different states.

The risks involved...

What you're really asking me is
to keep all of this from my sister.

She tried to k*ll me.

Yes, you have to, Jorge.

Do you understand what I stand to lose

if Ramona finds out?

But you said you wouldn't let her win.

And then you asked me to go
all in with you, and I did.

You know I did.

I think I deserve my fair share,

just like you got yours.


♪ Don't be scared of
us, can't be defined ♪

♪ Hands never show up on CP time ♪

♪ I just wanna dance on CP time ♪

♪ How many of them
did I leave behind? ♪

♪ How many times did
I make them know? ♪

♪ Why they wanna
disrupt, k*ll my flow? ♪

♪ How many times did
I switch time zone? ♪

♪ But the L.D. will always be home ♪









Qué haces aqui, payaso?!

Hey, it's okay. You're okay.

- Oh, my God.
- No, deberias de estar aqui?

Look, you don't have to work here, okay?

You could stay with
us, w-work with my mom.

I mean, we both know this
place kind of sucks, right?

So just... just ditch it.

Okay? Come on.

- Let's get you out of here.
- No, no puedo.




Hey, what's going on? What's wrong?

No me puede ir sin mi mama.

Mom? Yeah, okay, where
is she? Where's your mom?

Mama? Donde mama?

No se.


I don't... I don't...

No la he visto en una semana.

- Okay, uh...

She... She's not here?

- She's gone?
- Sí. Sí.

- Okay.
- Se la llevaron a otro lugar.

Okay, wherever she is,
we will find her, okay?

We will come back... hey.

We will come back for your mama.

We got to go.





- Hey, whoa, whoa. What's going on?
- La migra.

- Es una redada.
- What?






I guess this is all I have left of him.

He may not be here now, but
he made this possible for you.

But if you need someone to
take that extra ticket...

Come visit me sometime.

- Seriously?
- Mm-hmm.

No. I mean, you don't
have to twist my arm.

I'll come. Okay. Okay. [CHUCKLES]

Yeah, actually, this was from Kamdar.

- Mm.
- No, no, no.

This is worth something.
Sell it. [SIGHS]

I'm gonna leave it here.

You don't have to do this.

I do.

This is my way of saying thank
you for everything you've done.

I wouldn't even be alive
if it weren't for you guys.

Hey. I'm gonna hug you, alright? Okay.

Okay, I think we should get going now.

Thank you.

- Okay.
- You got this.

Wait. Wait. No.

Consider this as a trade.

'cause, you know, you're all that now.


- Good. Perfect.
- Yeah.

- Good luck, yeah.
- Bye.





Come on. You know that
college you wanted to go to?

Oh crap.



Hey, come on. Let's go this way.


- You sure?
- Sí.


Está bien... el jefe
nos cuida aquí. Is safe.



See, payaso,

we're safe.











Buen viaje, Nadia.


♪ Don't look at me that way ♪

♪ 'Cause I've changed ♪

♪ Won't fall for your trap ♪

♪ You're the one looking back ♪

♪ Get used to it ♪

♪ Get used to it ♪

♪ Unh ♪


♪ Got something to cut my teeth on ♪


♪ I've sharpened up,
and I'll bite down ♪


♪ Got something to cut my teeth on ♪


♪ Look what I've become ♪

I can't believe everything
we've been through.

I'm glad you're free.

I hope one day you
can be free too, Thony.



That's my ride.






There she is, the "lady in the closet."

- Found you.
- I...

I gave you so many chances
to be a part of something,

something bigger than yourself.

Part of my familia.

Armando's familia.

I wanted that, too,

until you let him die.

So then...

you betrayed me and
stabbed me in the back.

You never deserved him.

Or me.


At least now you had the guts

to say that to my face.


- No!

No. No. Oh, my God. Nadia.

- No, no, Nadia.

- You're okay.

- Get up, Thony.
- I'm here. No.

- Please.
- I'm here. I'm here.

- Stay with me.

Get her. Please, Thony.

- I got you.
- Get her.

- Get her for us.
- No.

- For Armando.
- No, no. Stay with me.




Please. No.







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