01x05 - Episode 5

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Garouden: The Way of the Lone Wolf". Aired: May 23, 2024.*
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Fugitive Juzo Fujimaki is blackmailed into joining a tournament where he must face off in match-ups against deadly martial artists.
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01x05 - Episode 5

Post by bunniefuu »

[opening theme music playing]

[music halts]

[woman] It's true that I hate you,

but believe me,
that's not why I'm asking you to do this.

You know if it comes out
that the apprentice k*lled himself

because of the master's
severe training methods,

everyone else in the stable
is going to suffer for it.

Can you please take responsibility
for this, Ryuoumaru?

Be a man!

[crowd cheering]

[head cracks]

[announcer] Ryuoumaru,

who was hoping for
a renewed mixed martial arts career,

has had his hopes destroyed.

[cheering fades]

[somber music playing]

[grill sizzling]

[man] Excuse me,
but you're Ryuoumaru, aren't you?

[groans softly]

I'm from Tuesday Weekly.

What a coincidence running into you here.

You've got everyone talking
about how you vanished from Japan.

What? Hey, wait a minute!



[journalist exhales]


You're a disgrace to the sumo world.



What are you doing?

No, don't!

Don't you look at me like that!

[Ryuoumaru grunts]

[body thuds]

[dramatic swell]

[bird squawks]

[horse neighs]

[tense music playing]

[Ryuoumaru breathing heavily]

[tense music continues]

[Fujimaki grunts]


[breathing angrily]

That stomp was so powerful.

Was that...

- That was Zhenjiao.
- [gasps]

Which is a move from the Bajiquan style.


Bajiquan? Really?

[Sergeant] After that disastrous defeat
in his mixed martial arts match,

Ryuoumaru went to China
and learned Bajiquan.

Or at least, that's what the rumors say.

[Ryuoumaru grunts]

[tense music continues]

[both grunt]

- [Fujimaki] Hmm?
- [Ryuoumaru grunts]

[Fujimaki strains]


[Fujimaki grunts]

[breathing angrily]

[Sergeant] You've done much more
than expected, Ryuoumaru.

No way.

[Sergeant] Bajiquan
is characterized by blows

powered by body weight
at very close range.

The former sumo wrestler Ryuoumaru

has found the martial art
that he's best suited to.

That being said,

I don't believe this is the downfall
of the Takemiya School.





[distorted growl]

[Fujimaki grunts]

[both grunt]

[bone crunching]

- [bone pops]
- [straining]

He broke his arm without hesitation.

- [Fujimaki grunts]
- [Joze breathes shakily]

[both grunt]

[Fujimaki grumbling]

[straining, gasping]

[tense music building]

[Joze] Fujimaki!

[Fujimaki gasps]

[music halts]

[announcer] The winner is Juzo Fujimaki!

[Fujimaki exhales]


[bird squawking]

[Saeko] My father was so pleased.

He said he couldn't have found
as great a practice partner as you

if he had searched the entire world.

[Himekawa] The honor is mine.

I mean, the Master Izumi
is teaching me the Takemiya style.

[Saeko] He also said
that you learned so quickly

that it felt like practicing
with Matsuo himself.

Did he really?

He must have exaggerated.

My father never flatters anyone.


[Himekawa] Anyway,

I was just thinking that you don't have
the local accent when you speak.

I was in Tokyo for a while.

[Himekawa] Ah.

You know what happened to me, don't you?

After the incident,

Father said it would be
too hard for me to stay.

[Himekawa] You are a strong woman.


I like that.

I like strong people.

My master, Shozan Matsuo,
told me that when he was young,

your grandfather, Master Jusuke Izumi,

taught him the basics
of the Takemiya School of Karate.

[Saeko] That's true.

But I heard that Master Shozan
adapted them to his own style

and became
an even stronger martial artist.

[Himekawa] Yes.

His strength has no limits.

You could say he's
the strongest man in the world.

But Master Izumi...

I won't underestimate Takemiya.

I understand that now, being here.

And the man
who is going to inherit it all...

I'm curious to find out how strong he is.

He must be impressive.

- [dramatic swell]
- [knife slashes]

[head cracks]

[somber music playing]

He won't inherit.

Juzo Fujimaki is never coming back.

[Himekawa] I doubt that.

[Saeko] That's because
I was the end of him.

I ended the Juzo
that was a martial arts fighter.

[man] Hey, man,
don't take all day staring at it.

Come on, hurry up!

Okay, fine.


[gentle music playing]

- [Tanba] Hmm.
- What's up, dude?

You okay?

It's nothing.

[groans softly]


[both grunt]

- [bones crack]
- [Lobanovskyi groaning]


I give up!



[announcer] The winner is Fujimaki.

[dramatic sting]

[Joze] Hey.


That last move...

Takemiya School. Chidoriotoshi.

It's a kind of joint lock.

You know I didn't mean that.

You were gonna k*ll him.

The Takemiya School doesn't shy away
from k*lling the opponent.

I used one of their moves
to k*ll a man once.

So I ran away.

I had calculated, in cold blood,

that if I dropped him on the stone,
I would k*ll him.

So I ran from those eyes
that witnessed what I did.

[unsettling music playing]

Even now, I think those eyes
were trying to tell me something else.

I didn't understand what it was,

so I ran, ashamed.


The Takemiya School's
in every cell of my body.

I can't stop myself during a match,
and I become what I was just now.

What do I do?

[Hikita] You dropped the ball again, huh?

[Tamon] Show me now!
You said you had a breakthrough.

[Hikita] Okay, okay.

- [mouse clicks]
- Tah-dah!


This is the KODOKU investigation report.

[Tamon] KODOKU?

You said that was an urban legend.

[Hikita] The underground
martial arts tournament,

this is the proof that it exists.

[Tamon] Where the hell did you...

It's kind of
a super-confidential document.

Where did you get it?

- Did you steal it?
- [Hikita] Ah! Shh, keep it down!

[Tamon] You did not hack into
the NPASB, did you?

Hacking? Not really.

We're also part of the security division,

so I have access to the document folder.

But they'd likely fire us
if they found out.

So, just look at this, okay?

The National Police Agency
got it from the FBI.

It's a list of those involved
in sports gambling.

[Tamon] The FBI?

[Hikita] There are names of celebs
from all over the world.

From a CEO of a big business,
to a famous producer in Hollywood.

Look! This is Serena Harland, the actress.

[Hikita clears throat]

Not sure if it's true or not,

but the FBI says
they're KODOKU'S customers.

And there's evidence that KODOKU's
being held somewhere in Japan this year.

That could be where Fujimaki is, sir.

Where exactly?

I have no idea.

[Tamon] You find that out, Hikita.

[Hikita] Are you serious? How?

Just... Just figure it out.


I can't believe this.


She's a knockout.

She's not a competitor, is she?



[Joze breathes shakily]

I... I don't buy it!

Not possible!

No way she's with...

Don't you think so, Fujimaki?

[door opens]

[footsteps approach]

[Mifune] Yo, you two. You're still alive.

My son and I were gonna have some dinner.

Mind if we join you?

[Joze] Huh? Oh.

Yeah, sure.

[Mifune groans] That was good.

By the way, did you guys hear about Oleg?

Yeah, we saw his girlfriend.

[Mifune] Apparently, she's his wife.


That's not what I meant, though.

He beat the kickboxer Schneider,
Don Jose of lucha libre,

and the jujitsu master Paulo Emilio.

We know.

We saw him k*ll Schneider in their fight.

Then you know what happened to the others.

[Joze gasps]

Rumor has it

he doesn't knock his opponents out
to keep the fight going.

And he never lets the opponent give up.

I guess that we should all be grateful
that he defeated the others,

however, I can't forgive him as a fighter.

What is Oleg's style of fighting?

He has a long reach,

which gives him an advantage
while striking.

Is it boxing?

He doesn't subscribe
to any one style of fighting.

He essentially made
his own martial art style.

His own martial art?

What kind of martial artist is he?

Martial artist?

That's not what he is.

He's an assassin.

What do you mean "assassin"?

They say he was Army special forces,

that his style is similar
to Systema or Krav Maga,

but no one knows for sure.

I've heard of Systema and Krav Maga.

They're both army styles.

[Mifune] I thought you two know something
and we could trade intel,

but you don't seem to know anything new.


Hey, Kaito, aren't you hungry?

[video game buttons clicking]

[Mifune] Sorry,
he can be shy with new people.

Kaito was in a nasty car crash.

He's been in that wheelchair ever since.

If I win KODOKU,

the Sergeant promised they'd give Kaito

some kind of expensive treatment
you can't get in Japan

so he can walk again.

[Joze] Oh, so that's the prize
you're fighting for.



[both grunting]


- [man straining]
- [Fujimaki groaning]

[bone pops]

[announcer] The winner is Fujimaki.


I heard Oleg also won.

Apparently, he tortured
the savate fighter Bernard

as he k*lled him.

[pensive music playing]

I promise

I have no intention of letting him live.

[Hikita] Hmm.
What was that actress's name?



- Just change this and this, and that's...
- [keyboard clicking]

...in the bag!

Hikita, what?

[Hikita] Tamon, we're in trouble.

What's wrong?

We're... We're done.

- What?
- So sorry!

But I confessed everything.

- [thumping]
- Uh, no! Not that one!

Ah! No!

- [line ends]
- [grumbles, gasps]

[unsettling music playing]

[music fades]

Detective Fuhito Tamon,
thank you for coming in.

I'm Satomi.

I'm the head of the NPASB,
as you're aware.

An honor, sir.

I can explain the hacking.

Our investigation...

[Kuno] I'm sorry
we've made you come over here.

I'm the one who asked for you.

[Satomi] This is Mister Kuno,

of the Ministry of Justice PSIA.

Director-general of the PSIA?

And that lady there is Ms. Becker,

an agent from
the US Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Take a seat.

Let's get started.

So we've been after
this KODOKU Society for years.

I'm sure you're aware now.

The KODOKU tournament
is being held in Japan,

but we don't know exactly where.

So the FBI and NPASB
have decided to cooperate in secret.

We have two goals here.

Figure out KODOKU's location,

and then arrest all the participants.


Along with the FBI,

we've put together a list
of participants to investigate,

except Juzo Fujimaki wasn't on our radar.

We are assuming he was a late entrant.

So, Mr. Tamon,
we'd like to ask you for your cooperation.

You've been after Fujimaki
for seven years.

[Satomi] And we'd like
your brilliant partner to help too.


[chuckles nervously]

[upbeat music playing]

[Hikita] I found
the KODOKU Society's client list,

and when I looked through it,

I recognized some of the names
that I once saw in a leaked client list

from a porn site.

That porn site is operated
by the same mafia

behind the Kurogami Staffing Service

in Hokkaido where Fujimaki used to work.

So I knew the mafia who are connected
with the KODOKU Society

were operating a porn site.

I temporarily h*jacked the site,

found the accounts,
stole someone's identity,

and sent fake emails to everyone
with the Trojan horse embedded in them.

Get to the point!

Thanks to help
of some hacker friends I know,

I got in through the back door
and found this.

- [keyboard clicks]
- Yes!

May I present the live stream of KODOKU.

[all gasp]

[Satomi] Identify
the location immediately.

[Tamon] Fujimaki...

[Joze] Apparently, Mifune beat Chen,
the Shaolin kung fu fighter.

So that just leaves you and Mifune.

With Oleg, that's three of you.

Won't it be kinda hard to fight Mifune
now that we know his story?

Which story is that?

You know, the one about his son.

That he's trying to earn money
for his treatment.

[Fujimaki] Why do you think Mifune
sat with us at dinner?


'Cause of Oleg.
To see if we knew anything about him.

[Fujimaki] That's part of the reason.

But maybe he thought
that if I feel bad for him,

my att*cks won't be
as sharp as they could be.


I can't believe that.

Yeah, well, I can.


[dramatic sting]

[announcer] Fujimaki,
your next match begins now.


Not gonna make this easy for me, are ya?

I don't think you'd really want me to,
would you?

[Mifune chuckles]

Yeah, I like that spirit.

Now you'll see what brawling
with a pro wrestler looks like.

[tense music playing]

[Joze] That guy's got an impressive build.

You can't win if you wrestle him.


- [Fujimaki grunts]
- [Mifune groans]

Fujimaki's more agile.

Which means he's the far superior striker.

- [exhales]
- [grunts]

Three, two, three.

[grunts, groans]

- [Fujimaki yells]
- [distorted swell]

[Joze] Did he predict the high kick
and counter with a lariat?

No way Fujimaki would let him
land a fatal blow like that!

What's going on?

One, three.

[exhales swiftly]


Two, one, two.

[Joze breathes shakily]

[Joze] Fujimaki, it's Kaito!

The kid's sending Mifune
some kind of code.

- A code?
- Yeah.

I can't tell what the system is, though.

- [rock music playing]
- Two, one, two, three.


[Mifune grunts]


[Joze] A number system.

That's what the kid's doing!

Like in boxing,

we number our att*cks
so the trainer can call out instructions.

But these numbers aren't for the att*cks.

Maybe they're for the defense.

Get up, Fujimaki.

When I heard there was
an interesting wrestler

fighting in the world
of underground martial arts,

I had to see for myself.

There they were,

Mifune and a child

who sat beneath the ring
and told him numbers.

That match,
Mifune didn't take a single hit

and overwhelmed his opponent.

Funnily enough,

that child could read the opponent's moves
and accurately predict his att*cks.

[Joze] But...

the Takemiya School
has hardly any preliminary actions.

How the hell can he read them?

[rock music continues, halts]

[closing theme music playing]


[music fades]
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