03x07 - Super Compilation 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "StoryBots: Super Silly Stories with Bo". Aired: Jun 26, 2022 - present.*
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When Bo the StoryBot attempts to read her stories to a bunch of imaginative kids, they hijack the narrative and take it in all kinds of crazy directions.
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03x07 - Super Compilation 3

Post by bunniefuu »

- Ta da!

(electric zap)

♪ Hurray it's time, ♪

♪ for super silly stories with Bo ♪

♪ Our favorite time. ♪

♪ Where all the stories sorta kinda almost rhyme ♪

♪ Nearly. ♪

(Bo laughs)

(air whooshes)

- Hi, kids!

- Hi, Bo!

- Who here likes outer space?

- Yeah!

- Yes

- I wanna work at NASA when I grow up.

- Oh, wow, NASA? Have you applied?

- No, but I sent some blueprints to NASA

on how to build a Rover.

- Oh, goodness!

- And I told them to send it to Pluto!

- Wow!

Well today's story is a trip to outer space!

It's called


- [Announcer] Space Explorers.

- You know, someone should get you a lozenge

that sounded like it hurt your throat.

(Bo clears throat)

- It's almost time!

- [Bo] Say Brad and Grace.

- Hurray! We're off to outer space!

- Upon their trip, they'll zoom and zip.

[Bo] They climb aboard their rocket-

- Lemonade stand.

- Lemonade stand?


- They'll get thirsty on the way.

- You know what, that's a fair point, okay.

- Cheers!

- [Bo] They count down.

- Five, four, three, two, one.

- [Bo] Then whoosh!

They're off!

For thrills and-

- Whales.

- What?

- No, whales don't live in outer-

- Space whales!


- Space whales from space!

- Oh boy.

- [Announcer] The Adventures of Space Whales.

Their continuing mission to work out

why they're suddenly in space.




- Oh, if you say so


- That's silly.

- [Bo] They pass the sun and Mercury.

Then Venus, Earth, and Mars.

- That's me.

- There's Jupiter and Saturn too.

- Uranus, Neptune, now we're through!

- Oh, No one loves Pluto anymore.

- Pluto gets a puppy.

(puppy barks)

- Oh, thanks guys.

(baby talks to puppy)

- Pluto love puppies.

- [Bo] They visit planets everywhere.

In hopes of finding life forms there.

They meet-

- Martians.

- Like they have a green body and like

a weird shaped head,

and like tiny little antennas with hearts.

And they have a cute little smiley face.

And when they say, "hi," they're like,

(high pitched) "Hi!"

- [Martians high pitched] Hi.

- They're probably like us.

They like to watch TV probably.

And well,

they have houses and families.

They like to play games and draw pictures,

just like us.

- They will destroy Earth.

(Martian evil laughs)

- I'm going to ignore that last bit.

[Bo] It's time to head back home again.

They say goodbye to all their-

- Laser kitties.

(cats meow)

- Pew, pew, pew, pew!

- [Bo] Besides, their fuel is running low.

So back to Earth they quickly-

- Jump Rope

- One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,

nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen,

fourteen, fifteen, sixteen!

(water splashes)

- [Bo] Grace says

- Space was such a blast, but now I'm glad we're home at-

- Laser Kitty Island!

(cats meow and lasers sh**t)

- It was Earth all along.

- Yeah, I don't know what's happening there.

The End.


- That was so fun!


- Next time I'll be reading the beloved classic

The Wonderful Wizard of-

- Sauce!

- I got your mustard, I got your hot sauce, hey!

Ketchup for the dog.

Wizard of sauce.

- That got messy.

(upbeat music)

- Hi kids.

- Hi, Bo!

- Hi, wait, Blurp, what are you doing here?

[Bo] You should be answering kid question 12984b


- Hi Storybots! (Bo screams)

- Oh, wow!

That is such a good costume.

- This is my dress up storybot.

- Oh, wow.

- I love you.

- Oh, well I love you too.

Do you kids know who else wears cool costumes?

- Yeah. Milkmen.

- Superheroes.

Today's story is called

- [Announcer] Super Eddie

- Well, it's not the best name.

I got a lot of these to do.

(Bo clears throat)

[Bo] Eddie made a potent potion,

in his lab one fateful day.

Though it bubbled, boiled and sputtered,

Eddie drank it anyway.

(gulps potion)

[Bo] First that potion, light and fizzy, made him dizzy.

Then, at length, he felt a power grow inside him.

He developed Super-

- Burps!

- Yeah

- Burps!

- Super burps!



- If we're really gonna run with this,

this, make it gross,

can we, can we get a little disclaimer, like at the bottom

that this may get gross.

Oh, that's good.

(clears throats)

- Super burps



- His burps, could move a locomotive.


[Bo] That was one impressive trick.

He'd even fight the fiercest-

- Chicken!




- [Bo] And blast through walls of solid-

- Librarians


(burps) (screams)

(laughs) - [Bo] But then,

The evil doctor-

- Wedgiepants

- Really?

- Wedgiepants!

- I am Doctor Wedgiepants!

Behold, the Wedgiepantinator!

- Get me down!

- The evil Doctor Wedgiepants came to rob the town one day.

- Oh, no!

- First he planned to stun the people

with his paralyzing-

- Stinky feet!

- Oh, it just gets worse!

- Aha!


- Whoa, smells like cheese in a nightmare!

- I'm getting a distinct aroma of-

Oh, ohh! Oh!

- Yes

- Okay, that's run its course.

(laughs and snorts)

[Bo] As soon as he'd unleashed his tootsies,

people staggered from the blast!

- Oh, no.

- Oh, smells like warm eggs and armpits!

- [Bo] But suddenly, the hero-

- Burpman!

boldly shouted,

- Not so fast!

- Drat, it's you!

- [Bo] Exclaimed the villain.

- Scram, or else I'll make you pay.

- [Bo] But Burpman simply answered,

(kids make burp sounds)

- And quickly, uh-

- blew the stink away.

- Oh, oh, that's good.

Thank you.

(burps) (screams)

- [Bo] And so the hero saved the city.

That was not the only time.

(crowd claps and cheers) Just listen,

when you hear a,


you'll know that Burpman's out there,

fighting crime.


The end.

(kids laugh)

- Thank you.

- Oh, well, that was a gas.

Next time, I'll be reading Jane Austen's

timeless classic, Pride and-

- Predators


- Get to the chopper!

- I need to lie down.

(upbeat music)

- Hello, kids!

- Hi, Bo!

- Today, I'll be reading a story about a hard boiled-

- Egg!

- No, I haven't started yet,

so that one doesn't count.

Okay, this one's about a hard boiled detective.

So, I'm gonna have to use

(dramatic music)

[Bo In Lower Voice] My detective voice.

A detective has to be very observant and smart

- Bo!

- To find clues.

- Behind you, look!

- Solve a case.

- He's on your head.

- It takes intuition.

(kids yell)

An awareness of your surroundings.

(yelling continues)

- [Bo] A keen eye.

- Lightning reflexes and

- [Normal Voice] Hey, where did my hat go?

(storybots giggle)

Anyway, it's called,

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] The case of the Cheese Bandit.

(clears throat)

- [Bo in Lower Voice] There was trouble on the menu

for the famous chef Louise.

Some clever crook had broken in and stolen all her cheese.

A cop just scratched his head and shrugged.

- It's gone without a trace, but it isn't over yet.

Detective Boop is on the-

- Pogo stick!



- Boop!

- [Normal Voice] Well, that's a dramatic entrance.


Okay, let's see, where was I?

Detective, detective voice, detect-

(clears throat)

[Bo In Lower Voice] The detective didn't talk much,

but his skills were all first class.

He inspected every surface with his magnifying-

- Labrador!


- [Normal Voice] A labrador?

- Yeah.

- Yes.


- How can he look through and Labra-

- Magnifying Labrador.


(licks) - [Bo] A magnifying Labrador?

- A mag, a magla, a maglador,

a Maglador?

- Okay! - Okay

- A lab, lab, lab,

labrifying glass,

Labrifying glass?

No, that's not a thing.

Okay, anyway, detective voice.

[Lower Voice] He continued on his hunt for clues,

so much was still unknown.

Then he went to search the doghouse,

but he only found a-

- jet pack!

(crashes) - Boop!

(kids scream)

(Bo clears throat)

- Could the cat have been the culprit?

He began to search her dish,

but chef Louise informed him,

- All the kitty eats is-

- Rhinoceros!



- What?



- [Normal Voice] Oh, well, I'm not sure that,

that's gonna end well.

Anyway, detective voice.

[Lower Voice] But then he spied a crumb of cheese

beside a tiny crack.

The detective knew exactly who would

love that kind of snack.

The thief was clearly hiding there,

inside that very house.

And now at last, the case was solved.

The burglar was-

- Bigfoot.

(crashes) - Ta da!

- [Normal Voice] Of course it was.


(stomach grumbles)

- Poor thing, you must be hungry,

[Bo in Lower Voice] said, Louise.

- [Louise] You need a meal.

You're welcome to a sandwich,

if you promise not to steal.

- Oh, very, very well.


- Boop.

- [Bo in Lower Voice] said Boop, who waved goodbye.

He had to leave this place.

for a sleuth is always on the move to crack another-

- Egg!


- Knuckle!


- Walnut!

- Bad joke.

(rimshot) - Boop boop, boop.

- [Normal Voice] Okay. All of that.

The end.


- Thank you!

- [Lower Voice] Next time, I'll


[Normal Voice] Next time,

I'll be reading the classic science fiction adventure

A wrinkle in-

- Crime!

(dramatic music)

- Boop!

- Yeah, I guess I should've seen that one coming.


(upbeat music)

- ♪ Where are all the stories? ♪

♪ Bop, bop, badoop, bop, bop. ♪

Oh. Hey kids.

- Hi, Bo!

- Ever have a day where you just feel like singing?

- Yeah!

- Yeah!

- I can sing a storybot song.

- You can?

- ♪ Tiger in the jungle. ♪

♪ Tiger in the jungle. ♪

- Oh no! No, no, no, no, no.

You'll get that stuck in my head.

(overlapping Tiger in the Jungle)

- La, la, la, la

- La, la, la, la, la, la, la,

(to tune of Tiger in the Jungle) la, la la, la la, la

Oh. Darn it.


- Anyway, I wrote a special singing story for today.

It's called,

- [Announcers in singsong] Story time: The Musical.

(quiet orchestral music)

- [Narrator] Please find your seats,

and silence your cellphones.

Recordings of any device are not permitted.


- [Bo] The animals on Dalton's farm

had tons of talent, wit and charm.

One morning, Pig said,

- Things are slow.

I've got it. (snorts)

Let's put on a show.

(upbeat music)

♪ I love this barnyard. ♪

♪ I'm its lovable tub of lard. ♪

♪ I love the scent of manure in spring. ♪

♪ All I want is to dance and- ♪

- get shot out of a cannon.

- No, no, no, no

No, no, no, no, no

(expl*si*n) (crashes)

(indistinct in distance)


- And then came Cow, her voice was strong.

She sang a tender, touching song.

- ♪ I only want some cud to chew. ♪

♪ That would be utterly amazing. ♪

(blows nose)

♪ Someone to milk me when I moo. ♪

♪ And just a grassy field for- ♪

- Hang Gliding!

- Oh. Woo hoo!


- Sorry, sorry, excuse me, sorry.

Sorry I'm late darling. Hello.


- Why does this farm have a Giraffe?

- The next to take this stage was Horse.

He had a different style, of course.

- ♪ I'm aloof, off the cuff. ♪

♪ On the hoof, raising the roof, with the truth ♪

♪ that legally, this ain't even a spoof. ♪

- What?

- ♪ Hey! Yeah, shout what I eat, ♪

and here we go.

Clip, clop, drip, drop,

hip hopping down the street.

(laser sounds) - Disc Jockey!

- Styling at large, like dressage.

A breakdown to taking a break, now we charge.

Riderless type pony trappers delight

grab an apple and bite, 'cause we're having a-

- Water balloon fight!

- Wait, what?

- Turn, paces, fire!


- There, now no one can sit in front.


- That was crazy and loud.

- Rock and roll.

- The day grew late but soon they'd wait.

To hear a ballad sung by-

- A cat!

(bleats and crashes)

(gentle music)

- ♪ Fish treats. ♪

♪ How I'm longing for fish treats. ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm a cat not a sheep. ♪

- Psst. This is bad.

- Yes, I'm aware.

- And now the show must end.

- [Bo] Said Pig.

- Sing loud. Sing proud, and make it big.

♪ I'm a musical ham. ♪

- ♪ I'm a clip clop, hip hop horse. ♪

- ♪ I'm a sheep or maybe a cat. ♪

♪ It's hard to know. ♪

- ♪ We've got a cow's melodious moo! ♪

- And a dinosaur.

- ♪ In our crew. ♪

♪ We're glad you came ♪

♪ we hope you enjoyed our- ♪


- Ow!

♪ show. ♪

(cricket chirps)

(clapping and cheering)

- Bravo!

- Wow! They really brought down the house.

The end.

- Wee!

- That was good.

- Thank you.

- Thank you. Bye! (laughs)

- Next time, the classic novel of a musical.

The Phantom of the-

- Opticians!

- ♪ Option one or option two, three or four. ♪

- Okay. Drop the curtain.

(upbeat music)

Yes! Jajagidon has Magular trapped!


- Bo?

- Dropkick him, Mothzilla!

Yes! Mothzilla!

- Bo!

- Oh! Konichiwa, kids.

- Hi, Bo!

- I was just watching a Japanese monster movie.

Oh and in Japan they call a monster a Kaiju.

Well actually, they usually call it a

(screaming) Kaiju!

- [Kids Overlapping] Kaiju!

(cuts out)

- I think you broke the monitor there, are you okay?

- (choppy) just talking about that.

- Oh, he's fine.

Anyway, I wrote my own Kaiju story.

This one is called,

- [announcer] Monster Battle!

Dum, dum, dum, dum, dum!

(clears throat)

- [Bo] Yoshi Oshima, who lived in Japan,

was out on the beach when the trouble began.

The sea started churning way out in the east.

And up rose up Busagi, a towering-

- Bunny!

Bunny rabbit.


(rabbit chitters)

- But a Kaiju is supposed to be a terrifying, huge-

- Bunny rabbit!

(stomps) (screams)

- Kaiju!

- Oh, well I guess it's no weirder than a flying turtle.

It headed for Tokyo,

and Yoshi now knew that he had to act quickly,

but what could do he do?

He sped down a path, in a little red wagon,

to summon Yogashi, a big friendly-

- Cupcake!

- (high pitched) Cupcake.


- These are supposed to be big, tough monsters.

How's a cupcake gonna save the city?

- He's super tough, cupcake hero.

(grunting noise)

- Cupcake hero.

- Super tough, cupcake hero.

- This isn't at all like my movie.

In Tokyo, Busagi now stomped down the street.

He was hungry and looking for buildings to-

- Kiss!


- Kaiju!


- He climbed up the skyscraper higher and higher.

And that's when the creature began breathing-

- Bunny rabbits.

- (laughing) Wait, What?

The bunny breathes-

- Yes.

- the bunny breathes bunny rabbit-

Hang on. The bunny,




Bunny rabbits out of its face?

- What?

(spring sounds)

- That's a thing?

- Yes - Coming out of its mouth?

- It's his family.


- It's his what?

- His family. - (laughing) It's his, in his,

His family lives in his mouth?

- My son.

- Good to see you nephew.

- Yes!

- Okay, then. It's time for the big battle!

Yogashi and Yoshi then flew into sight.

- Busagi!

- cried Yoshi,

- You're in for a-

- Dance off!

(dance music)

- Great




(breathes heavily)

- Wow! They battled with-

- Pillows!

- Pool noodles!

- Paint balls!

- Pies!

- Old ladies!

- Come here, you

- I'll get you good.

- For most of the day 'til a-

- Chauffer.

- At last drove Busagi away.

- This way, sir.

- That kinda worked.

The day had been terribly wacky and weird,

(Cheering and clapping) but the people were safe,

and they happily cheered,

- Oh, Yoshi's a hero and none can deny it.

The danger is gone, now we'll have peace and-

- Tyrannosaurus Rex!


- Kaiju!

- Giant chickens!


- Kaiju!

- Mouse pie!


- Kaiju!

- Okay, no more Kaiju.

The end.

Until the disappointing US remake.

- Yay!


- Next time, The magical adventure,

The lion, the witch and the-

- Warty feet!

- Oh yeah, he should get some cream for that.

(upbeat music)

(door creaks and shuts)

- Hello, kids!

- Hi, Bo!

- Anyone here like gardening?

- Gardening is my hobby.

- Oh, that's right.

I think we have a clip, don't we?

Can we roll that?

Gerald, roll VT.

- My name's Alif, and I'm from (indistinct)

and this is my garden.

It's a baby pepper.

This is a baby sunflower.

And this is basil.


- Oh! It's back on me. I didn't realize.

Oh haha. I was engrossed.

I was also thirsty.

Oh, well, today's story is all about a girl's

beautiful elegant flower garden.

It's called,

- [Announcer] Le Jardin de Tiffany.

- Maybe not quite that elegant.

- [Announcer] Tiffany's garden

Oi oi! lovely.

- Better. I guess.


Tiffany King was excited for spring.

For the beauty and wonder her garden would bring.

She planted her seeds so that sunshine and showers

would soon help them grow into blossoming-

- Hot dogs!


- I don't think hot dogs grow like that.

- But if they could, would be pretty awesome.

- I mean yes, but I don't think that's what she planted.

- You got that right?


- Let's just keep in mind this is a flower garden, okay?

Everybody, please?

- Okay

- You got it buddy.

- [Bo] She tended her garden with all that it needed.

She carefully mulched it and frequently weeded.

She watered it daily with sprinklers and hoses.

Her work was rewarded when up sprang her-

- Inflatable tube guy!




- Alright, what's going on here?

- Oh sorry. And soon her carnations

were blooming like crazy.

- Now that's more like it.

- She loved every Hyacinth, Tulip and-

- Confetti cannon!


- Oh, come on!


- She savored the scent of her-

- Gym socks!

- Ew, gross!

- The best?

- Yes.

- Oh you've, you really didn't have to take off a


your socks.

- Disgusting


- When she looked all around, she was truly-

- An armadillo!


- Okay, that does it.

- Bo, gimme the book.

- What?

- Wait, can she-

They can do that? What?


(armadillo clears throat)

- The garden, and also the story time room,

were packed with geraniums, roses in bloom.

Jasmine that grew in a delicate swirl.

Petunias and Poppies,

and I'm am a girl!


Thank you.

- Oh, wow!

- Yeah, Tiffany out.

(mic drops)


- What just,

what the, how did she get a mic?



Okay, anyways,


- [Bo] In her garden again, she was cheerful and glad.

Her flowers were sweet.

- And the hot dogs ain't bad.

- And the storytime kids,

well, they also felt good.

For the story had ended the way that it-

- Giant mutant and hedgehog attack.


- Well, it was nice while it lasted.

Sorry Tiffany.

The end.


- Bye


- Bye

- Bye

Next time, I'll be reading the classic gothic tale,

The picture of Dorian-

- Gravy!


- No!

- Not his best work, but definitely the tastiest.


(upbeat jazz music)
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