46x13 - Friends Going to w*r

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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46x13 - Friends Going to w*r

Post by bunniefuu »

Welcome to the season finale
of Survivor46.

Well, it's been a fun

and unpredictable season
of Survivor.

We've had a lot
of strong players taken out--

including six straight
blindsides-- forming our jury.

We've had five players voted
out with idols in their pocket,

the last four in a row.

That's a record.

And to date, it's been 23 days
they've gone without rice.

Also a record.

But now we're down to five.

Tonight we'll have
two immunity challenges,

two Tribal Councils,
one fire-making showdown.

And then our final three
will face the jury

and we will crown a winner
of Survivor46.

We'll then immediately
go into the aftershow

while we're still here
in beautiful Fiji

and talk about it all.

All right, our final five:

Charlie, Maria, Ben,

Liz and Kenzie.

Who will be
this season's Sole Survivor

and take home the check
for a million dollars?

This is it.

Season finale, Survivor46.

Oh, my God.

[laughing quietly]

And behold.

Previously onSurvivor...

Hopefully, we get to
keep in touch

-and be in each other's lives.
-Oh, my God, yeah.

I adore Charlie so much,

but right now,

-he's standing in my way.
-CHARLIE: I am just

so grateful to, like,
have you just in my life.

I love her to death, but

if I'm going to play to win,

I have to vote her out.

Maria down to her last piece.

And there it is.

Maria's done it.
Her third

individual immunity win.

Now everybody's trying
to come together to take down

the king and queen.

-LIZ: Yeah, I love Charlie.

Maria thinks Liz and I
are gonna vote Charlie.

-I knew this day would come.
-KENZIE: Yeah.

But we're just bamboozling
Maria and Q.

All right.

Tonight is Charlie's
night to go,

and I hope I get a hug.

If anybody has an advantage

or an idol
and you want to play it,

now would be the time to do so.

All right, I'll read the votes.

Thirteenth person voted out

and the sixth member
of our jury: Q.

The tribe has spoken.

Congratulations on making it
to the final five.

One of you will claim the title
of Sole Survivor

and the million dollars
that goes with it.


Charlie, can we go talk?

Oh, yeah, of course.
Where you want to go?

Oh, my God.

I messed up.
I messed up tonight.

I tried to take out Charlie,

my closest ally.

But my big move didn't pan out.

And, yeah, I have to do,

like, major damage control.

-...to tell me that
if I sat next to you at the end,

I was never gonna win.

They pitted me against you
and did a bait and switch

and made me vote for you
so I look like an idiot,

and now Q's gone.

I'm, like, nauseated

just trying
to explain myself to Charlie,

and I'm really worried my

best friend in the game
is never gonna forgive me,

and my game is done.

-That threesome

-that's up there
is out to get us.

-MARIA: They messed up
the alliance

-No, no.
-I trusted the most
and now it's tainted.

You know what? There's no reason
to call the party off.

I still want to party, okay?

Because we're down
to five people, and guess what?

-We just got to think
how we're gonna play this.

Final five

by the skin of my teeth. Ooh!

Maria, my number one ally,

came for my throat.

You know, it'd be easy for me
to be bitter and upset, but

let's be real.
If she didn't win immunity,

I was planning
on doing the same thing.

I'm sorry.
God, I screwed up.

-What the heck, Maria?

-What the heck?

I'm sorry.


feels terrible,
she feels bamboozled,

but it's completely fake.

I know it.

She came for me
and I came out on top.

-I totally screwed up.


if one thing
came out of tonight,

it's that I'm a big threat,

and people are willing
to write my name down.

So, I have to keep every path
open, keep every option open,

to get to the end and

go for the win,
go for the million.

-We made final five.
-CHARLIE: Honestly,

-that was a great Tribal.
-KENZIE: That was a great...

And, Liz, you finally
got your wish to vote Q off.

-BEN: You think
that was just Liz's wish?

-Oh, no, I doubt that.
-And that's what's up.


Q, my darling, you got played.

I'm so excited!

That was honestly
a really good move, guys.

Y'all are playing way harder
than I thought.

Yeah, we could have
told you that, but we didn't.

Yeah, I know.

Maria says she finally

sees that we are
actually playing the game.

Just a face.
I don't even have words.

Just a face for that.

But at this point in the game,

Maria has a giant target
on her back.

Q ruined my game tonight
and I fell for it.

-BEN: Yeah. Damn.
-Y'all want
to let me win tomorrow?

I am on the bottom, and

now, you know,
there's a massive target on me.

Winning tomorrow is imperative.

Like, this is the time
to just, like, go for it,

to fight as hard as I can,
and hopefully

either win or go down fighting.

Come on in!

Mighty fierce-looking
final five.

Going back to day one,

nobody would have predicted
this five.

No, no.

But here we are.

All right, shall we get
to today's immunity challenge?

-First things first, Maria.

-For the third time,
I have to take it back.

-One more, Jeff.
I got one more in me.


That was a big prediction.


All right,
for today's challenge,

you're gonna race
through a series of obstacles.

Once you're through,
you'll retrieve a rope

and use it to drop a bridge.

You'll then cross that bridge
and retrieve a key,

then climb to the finish,
where you will use that key

to unlock your puzzle pieces.

Once you've finished
your puzzle,

it will reveal the solution
to a combination lock.

First person
to solve their combination

and bang their gong...

wins immunity,

guaranteed a spot
in the final four,

which means you cannot
be voted out of this game.

At the very least,
you're making fire

for a shot to get to three.

In addition, playing for reward.

-I knew it.
-Want to know
what you're playing for?

-CHARLIE: Oh, yeah.

The winner will be taken
to the sanctuary,

where good things happen,
for pasta...

-Caesar salad,

-Oh. Nice. Yes.
-garlic bread,

-Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

chocolate pudding,

-wine and soda.

Losers, Tribal Council,

where somebody will be
the 14th person voted out,

become the seventh member
of our jury.

Everybody knows this.
I got to say it.

Maria, if you win
today's challenge,

-you join an elite group
of four women.

The only four women
in the history of Survivor

to win four
individual immunity challenges.

A lot at stake.
Draw for spots. We'll get it on!

-Here we go.
-PROBST: Here we go.
-Let's do it, let's do it.

All right, here we go.
For a guaranteed spot

in the final four.

Survivors ready?


First, you're going
through a muddy net.

-You're gonna
get covered in mud.
-LIZ: Oh, my God.

-It doesn't matter.
It's day 24.
-[Charlie groaning]

You want to get to day 25.

Right here!

Everybody struggling
through that net.

Charlie's gonna be out first.
Use the water if you need it.

You're gonna need your eyes
to see.


-PROBST: Kenzie's through!

Maria's through.

Ben is through.

Now you're pulling out rope
to release that plank.

The only way through
is to pull that plank out

and then cross.

Here comes Liz.

Everybody working
on their ropes.

Every second could count
in this challenge.

Charlie down to his last bit.

Plank's out. He's good.

Maria's got her plank out.
She's good.

It is Maria and Charlie

at opposite ends.

Here comes Kenzie.

Charlie through
the next obstacle.

Maria's through it.

Charlie's dropped
his monkey's fist.

Maria has hers.
Here comes Kenzie.

Now you've got
to drop your bridge,

using that ball of rope.

Kenzie has hers!

-Ooh. Yay!
-PROBST: She's in this.

Here comes Ben.

-Liz now in the tunnel.

Ben's got his. He's good.

Maria with a nice toss.
That's gonna do it.

Maria first to drop her bridge.

Charlie drops his bridge.

Now retrieve your key.

We are neck and neck right now

with Charlie and Maria.

Here comes Liz.

-PROBST: Ben a little short.

Maria has her key.
She's heading up.

Maria now in the lead.

Charlie has his key.
He's heading up.

Kenzie drops her bridge,
working on her key.

Now you got to climb up

and unlock those puzzle pieces.

Ben and Liz still working
to drop their bridge.

Liz has her bridge dropped.

Ben's got it. Liz heading up.

Kenzie has her key.

Ben working on his key.

Liz looking for her key.

-She forgot it.

-She's got to come back down
and go get it.

Maria working on her puzzle.
Kenzie working.

Charlie working.
Ben has his key.

He's up top now,
working on his puzzle.

Liz had to go all the way back.

She forgot her key.

Day 24, final five challenge,

huge stakes.

Reward is secondary.

You want immunity right now.

Here comes Liz
heading back up again.

We're gonna have everybody
on the puzzle.

Another complicated

It'll give you
all the information you need

to solve that combination lock.

Then you bang that gong
and you're good.

Kenzie making a lot
of progress on this puzzle.

Charlie getting
a little more momentum now.

You cannot slow down.

Do not stop digging right here.

We are very close.
Kenzie and Maria.

Maria with another piece.

Kenzie down to six pieces.

Maria at nine.

Kenzie with another piece.

And another.

Kenzie down to four pieces left.

Guaranteed spot at four.

Everybody else
vulnerable tonight.

Kenzie, one piece left.

She's got the puzzle done.

-Oh, my God.
-Now what?

New twist in this challenge.

You think the puzzle is the end,
but it's not.

You've got to read the puzzle.

Everything you need
is on the puzzle.

Maria now closing in
on her puzzle.

Holes in your plank?

Confusion now.

What is happening?

We've never seen this before
in a challenge.

Liz now running back,

appears to be
going to help Kenzie.

Got to go over the obstacles.

Maria has her puzzle finished.

Now she's working on it.

Everything up in the air now.

It's Kenzie trying
to figure out the combination,

Maria trying
to figure out the combination.

The puzzle contains information

you need
to finish this challenge.

Maria now gonna head back out.

Got to go over
all the obstacles.

Here comes Liz, coming back.

She's carrying the plank.

The only guess
is she is helping Kenzie.

Maria now moving
through those rope rungs

as fast as she can.

Liz now here
with Kenzie's plank.

Maria on her own,
trying to get her plank

and get back here.

They've got what they need.
Can they figure it out?


Something got to be wrong.

Here comes Maria.
She's got her plank.

Kenzie and Liz working together.

Maria on her own.

Immunity on the line.


Kenzie has it, bangs the gong.

-It is over.
-Yes! Oh, my God!

-With the help of Liz,

-Yes, yes, yes!
-Kenzie's won

her second immunity challenge,
guaranteed a spot

-in the final four.
-KENZIE: Oh, my God.

You deserve it and more.

Maria just a little short.


Good job.

Another unpredictable moment

in an absolutely unpredictable

season of Survivor.

You're a badass.

It takes two to beat you.
You're a badass, Maria.

-KENZIE: Yeah,
you're incredible, Maria.
-LIZ: Seriously.

Kenzie, come on over.

-For the second time
this season,

-individual immunity is yours.

-You are guaranteed a spot
in the final four.

It means you will never
be voted out this season.

-At the very least,

-Go, Kenzie!
-you got a shot at making fire.

Yeah, I can-I can taste it.
You know, I... [whoops]

Thank you so much, Liz.
Like, Maria, you're incredible.

Like, we had to team up
to beat you.

Like, that just proves, like,

what an amazing competitor
you are. It just made sense.

When Liz saw she wasn't
gonna finish her puzzle,

it was just like,
"Okay, girl, we got to go."

Maria, it is one of the most
interesting facets of Survivor--

is that the better you are,

the bigger the target you are.

I take it as a compliment,

Like, I have exceeded
my expectations out here,

and if it took two people
to beat me, then, like,

it's a big compliment to me

-and good for them
for teaming up.
-It is a compliment.

You know, it's not over
until you snuff my torch.

All right, so here's
what's gonna happen.

You're gonna leave here,
go to the sanctuary.

-You're choosing one person.

Who are you gonna take with you
to the sanctuary?

I'm torn because,
Liz, you helped me,

but Ben's the only one
who's never seen it.

-Like, what...
-I'd go with Ben.

I'm allergic to pasta.

-KENZIE: Oh, okay.
-Are you serious?

-Bennie boy.

You haven't seen
the sanctuary yet.

All right, so here's
what's gonna happen.

You two are gonna
head out to the sanctuary.

-You'll return back to camp
in time for Tribal Council.

-Grab your stuff, head out.
-Do I get a hug?

-Buddy hug. I love buddy hugs.
-Let's go.

-Thanks, Jeff.

Thank you.

Down the steps, hang a right.
Boat'll pick you up.

-KENZIE: Thank you so much.
-BEN: Thanks, Liz.

-LIZ: Have fun.
-KENZIE: Thanks.

Let's go chill hard, buddy.

-Let's go chill hard!
-PROBST: All right,

Maria, Charlie, Liz, got nothing
for you. Grab your stuff.

Head back camp. See you tonight
at Tribal Council where somebody

will be the 14th person
voted out,

seventh member of our jury.

-See you tonight.
-Thank you.

LIZ: Yes, what I did
was wild, but

I'm trying
to make it to the end.

And honestly,
that's all I care about.

It seems like a no-brainer
that tonight is Maria's night.

But this isSurvivor.
This is the final five.

Anything can happen.

I can't believe I won immunity.

Dude. And it was, like,
the most important

-and sickest
immunity of the season.
-And the po...

I didn't care
which one of us won it

as long as it wasn't Maria.

-Damn right.
-Oh. Cheers.

My dude.

-To chillin' mad hard.
-To chillin' mad hard.

Going into
the immunity challenge today,

there was one common goal,
and it was for Maria to not win.

And Liz helped me win immunity,

which I was surprised at.

She is so unpredictable.
She's like

a secret assassin.

This is heaven.

It's a perfect day, and
I'm not getting voted out, eve.

I'm here to stay, baby.

Like, I'm going to final four
whether y'all like it or not.

Honestly, today is,
like, amazing for me.

-Like, winning...
-Because the high
is so high today.

-I know, and, like,
I get to be out here

-with, like, my Survivorbestie.
-Oh, my God, it's sick. [laughs]

It was so sick Kenzie picked me
for the reward today

because in this game,

you hope to make alliances,
and then you make a real friend

with a person like Kenzie.

Like, how can you not feel

grateful to shred
in a situation like this?

When I go home,
I just have to catch up

on all the things
I ignored for years

'cause I was too busy
trying to rock my hardest.

-Gonna get my driver's license.
-Hell yeah.

-That's a good place to start.

If you want to be an adult,

-we should get
a driver's license.

On top of that,
we're sitting in Fiji,

overlooking one of the most
epic landscapes of all time.

It's such a vibe.
It's, like, electric, almost.

What do we do when we get back?
I don't want to come in cocky

and be like,
"Oh, Maria tonight," you know?

Feels, like, too perfect.

I would be shocked
if something crazy happened.

I think we're all
on the same page

'cause the enemy is so common.

Maria is a whole-package threat.

Multiple immunities,
decimated people's gameplay,

played an epic game
of deception.

So, unless she finds an idol
or pulls a blindside,

Maria's done.

Well, that was a fun challenge.

-It was fun, Maria.
-CHARLIE: Oh, my God.
-It was fun.

-I do love you, dude.
-I love you, too.

You're just such
a friggin' competitor, dude.

I love you, too.
Thank you for saying that.

-I'm just really scared
of going home.
-Don't worry about it.

-Don't worry about it.
-I still really...

-I'm still really scared.
-You know what?

-I'm so proud of myself.
-CHARLIE: Liz going over

to Kenzie to help
to take down Maria--

that says, to me,
Liz is here to play.

I'm gonna spend the afternoon
looking for idols.

If I can find one,
I'm gonna pretend

-I don't have one.

And then you and I take out
whoever we want to take out.

I think, that's... I mean...

After last Tribal Council,

I made sure that my door
to work with Maria was open.

'Cause I didn't know
what today would bring.

So, I want to solidify Maria

as my champion
if she's going home tonight,

and as someone
who's gonna work with me

if she finds an idol.

-We just should just check

tree mail, water well,

-and then go the back way,

-and then go back down
to the beach.

MARIA: It's really hard
to come back to camp

knowing that
Liz just worked against me.

I'm, like, super pissed.

But at the same time,
I'm like, "Damn." Like,

maybe it just takes
two people to beat me.

This is cool. This feels like
it would be a good

-"tied to a branch" tree.

MARIA: My plan from here
is to find an idol

or convince somebody

to work with me.

I think Charlie has
forgiven me and would

work with me,
but that's not enough.

We need one more person.

Let's go! Let's go!


today is definitely gonna
be an uphill climb

in the snow, barefoot.

I've just never been one
to give up. Like, I just...

It's not in me to give up.

[chuckles] Hi. You coming
to keep tabs on me?

No, I was just looking
to talk to you.

Here's my pitch to you.

You got to know
that, like, with Ben,

I've distrusted him
since day one.

-That's why
we're not working together.

Like, the fact that
he's trying to convince you

that he accidentally
wrote "Kenzie."

-You wouldn't...
-I've never believed

-he accidentally wrote "Kenzie."
-But that's what I'm saying.

You're about to move forward
with somebody

who's so deceptive,
and I'm telling you,

-I'm an open book.

I just don't think
I can beat you.

-I think I can beat Ben.

Maria's selling
Ben writing my name down

a couple of days ago
wasn't an accident.

She is

fighting for her life right now,

which I respect,
but she's almost making

her argument worse
by being so convincing.

I'm like, "No,
you're even more dangerous."

Her pitching Ben is foolish.

There's no way any of us
are gonna fall for that.

I'm gonna put myself out there.

-LIZ: Mm.
-Big time, 'cause I got
nothing to lose.

-Ben wrote Kenzie's
name down on purpose.

-That was not an accident.

And he lied to her face, and

-he's been lying to her face.
-LIZ: Wow.

Ben's been playing a game
that nobody knows,

and he's very charismatic.

He is fully capable

of pulling something out
at Final Tribal.

He could come out and say,
"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.

"None of you even knew

-that I was doing this."

What if he has this,
like, rocking story?

I have no idea.
That's the scary part.

Taking Ben to the final three
is dangerous.

-MARIA: And I think the decision
is in your hands, really.

Well, we would
all have to do that.

I know that this is crazy,

but Maria really got to me
about Ben and the unknown.

If he drops a b*mb or two,

it might be just enough
for him to win the game.

That's terrifying.

I've been so focused
on trying to get Maria out,

but is that really
what is best for Liz?

Ben, Ben, Ben.

If you told me this morning

Maria goes to Liz

and pitches Ben
as the vote out tonight,

I would have
laughed you off of Fiji.

But it seems like Liz

is willing to do
something different tonight.

We're all just
voting Maria, right?

-Like, why does tonight
feel so heavy

when it should be so easy?

Maria has a lot
of enemies in this game.

Ben, on the other hand,
has friends on the jury.

He's a great storyteller,

he's charismatic, and we've

been together since day one.

So I'm worried the jury
might see us as similar player.

He could easily get
some of my jury votes,

and that's dangerous.

I don't know.

I am so scared because tonight

could be the end for me.

I've done all I can do,

but if I can pull off this mov,

I'm gonna win this game.

And so, tonight
is a massive night.

It's do-or-die for me.

All right.
Let's just get right into it.

Today was an interesting day
at the challenge.

Kenzie's in the lead.
Maria's on her tail.

And at that point,

Liz decides,
"I'm gonna help Kenzie."

And it worked.
Kenzie wins individual immunity.


But, Maria,
where does that sit, knowing

that they were working together
to make sure you didn't win?

Honestly, I have
no hard feelings at all.

I think at 47

with three small kids at home

and three immunity challenges
under my belt,

I hold my head up high,
and I feel

super proud
of the game that I played.

And I just want to say,

there are a lot of people
that look at Survivornow

and feel like
it's a younger person's game,

but then somebody
like you shows up

and says, "Oh, no, no.

"Oh, I still got game.

I got a lot of game."

And, Ben, the better you are,

the bigger the target.

That's just how
the game goes, you know?

Maria's a great player.

I still think
she is the MVP of the season.

But no hard feelings.

We all have to outlast,

outplay, outwit, outshred,
whatever it is.

The bottom line is
we have to play the game.

Kenzie, what Ben
is saying is that

you do develop relationships,

and sometimes
they become like this,

but then sometimes they do this.

Doesn't mean you can't
play the game with somebody,

but it does mean
if I have the opportunity

to take you out, I might.

And it sounds like Ben
is saying, "I have no problem

Maria's name down tonight."

-Am I getting this right?
-Yeah, definitely.

Yeah. Maria's incredible.

Like, an amazing woman.

-Thank you.
-KENZIE: I admire you.
I respect you.

I love you deeply.

And that is what's
crazy about Survivor,

is that I can look someone
in the face and be like,

"You could kick my ass
up and down this game."

So I have to write
your name down tonight.

-I totally understand.
-KENZIE: Because...

...you would beat all of us.

You're amazing.

-You are wonderful.
-Thank you, Kenzie.

-I love you.
-I love you, too.

Liz, Ben and Kenzie
have been very open.

They're voting Maria.
So, where are you?

I'm just ready
to focus on the game.

Sometimes I'm like
a horse with blinders on.

When I was helping Kenzie
with the puzzle today,

I wasn't thinking
about Maria's feelings.

Afterwards, I was definitely
thinking about her feelings

and what a jerk I looked like.

And so it's really hard,

but Maria and I, we're like

two ships passing in the night.

we could have been the, like,
most dynamic duo out here,

but for some reason, instead
of attracting each other,

we just kept getting further and
further apart with each vote.

Charlie, where are you
with Maria?

Yeah, so...

Maria and I have worked

really side by side
a lot of this game.

We've got 24 days together.

You know,
you have people that you

build these insane bonds with,

and then you have to
vote each other out.

Tonight, it's almost like
a sibling rivalry moment.

Maria, from my vantage point,
you've been very gracious

about handling this pressure
and having a target

and even having them

trying to get at you.

How are you able
to play the game

as hard as you've played
but also understand,

"You're coming for me.

If you can get me,
you should get me."

Um, I think any competitor

knows how to win
and knows how to lose.

And I can honor and respect

any move that takes down
a fierce competitor like myself.

There's also

the knowledge that
my kids are watching.

My kids are watching tonight.

You know? And I plan
on walking out of here

with my head held high.

[sniffles] I'm proud of myself,
I'm proud of my game,

and I know that they're
gonna be proud of me.

And being ungracious-- like,

that's not
what I want them to do.

And so I'm going to be
an example to them.

Where does that come from?

I guess it comes
from my upbringing.

You know, I'm-I'm an immigrant.

I come from Beirut, Lebanon, and

you know, I grew up

with, I guess,
an environment of survival.

You know, work hard,
be determined

and to be honest
and to be respectful

and to be gracious
and to be humble.

And I think to myself,

"My husband and I
are raising three boys,

"and Daddy is strong as hell.

But you know what?
Mommy is, too."

Well, it's a tough
transition to make,

but it is time to vote.

Maria, you're up.

I literally want
to be you when I grow up.

You're the coolest person
in the whole world,

which is exactly
why this is happening,

because you literally would
have wiped the floor with us.

Like, you're amazing.

Listen up, future nephews.

Your mom kicks butt.

I'll go tally the votes.

If anybody has an advantage or
an idol and you want to play it,

now would be the time to do so.

All right.
I'll read the votes.

First vote: Ben.

Let's go!



One vote Ben, one vote Maria.

Maria. Two votes Maria,
one vote Ben.

Fourteenth person voted out

and the seventh member
of our jury: Maria.

That's three. That's enough.
Need to bring me your torch.

Good job, Maria.

Bring it in, Lieutenant Mom.

I want a hug.

Thank you.

Maria, the tribe has spoken.

Thank you.

It's been a pleasure, you guys.
Love you.

-We love you, Maria. [whooping]

-[Liz whoops]


Congratulations on
making it to the final four.

Tomorrow, you'll compete in
your final immunity challenge.

Grab your torches.
Head back to camp. Good night.

Oh, wow.

You know what?

I feel amazing.

I played such a good game.

I'm 47 and, you know,
I smoked some of these guys.

It felt really good
to know that, at my age,

at my stage of life,
like, I still got it.


-Final four!
-Final four!

Oh, yeah!

[all whooping]

CHARLIE: Come here, Meemaw.

-Let's go!

Holy hot dog on a stick,
I made it.

Ta-frigging-da, baby.

Final four feels amazing.
But honestly,

I knew it was gonna happen.

BEN: Congrats to y'all.

LIZ: It was.

As sweet as it is
being in the final four,

Tribal was hard.

I knew if I was going to have

a shot at this title,
Maria couldn't be there with me.

LIZ: Oh, my God.

-Yeah, that's a lot of power.
-LIZ: It's a lot of power.

This whole game,
I've been all about options,

and, tomorrow,
the only way to have options

is to win.

You have
to be wearing the necklace.

Otherwise you're at the mercy

of whoever is wearing it.

[panting rapidly] Aah!

BEN: At night,
I don't know what happens.

Some nights, I have
a reason why I freak out,

but last night, I had all the
reason in the world to chill--

you know, I had a reward,

we got Maria out.

But I have this hysteria,

and I have to calm down
for a minute. It takes a while.

BEN: It's weird.
It's like I wake up from a drem

and this jolt of electricity

bumps me up like Beetlejuice.

-I've been suffering since,
like, day 13 or whatever.
-I know.


-KENZIE: Ben, is that you?

-Hold my hand just a little bit.
-KENZIE: I'm right here.

Ah. Yeah.

I need water.

I feel like I don't
stand a chance, you know?

I thought I went into this game

really having conquered
some of my demons, but...

the big lesson
for me in life is

how do you let go

of trying to control
what you can't?

And how do you trust in yoursef

and believe in who you are
despite your fears?


But at the same time,

I feel very blessed because

people show up for me.

They believe in me.

Anti-anxiety hug.

We got you, bro.

To me, it just
comes down to, like,

I went through it.

I didn't quit.

And thank God
I had Kenzie and Charlie.

♪ Tree mail, tree mail♪

♪ Where do you get your news♪

♪ Tree mail, tree mail♪

♪ Gathering all the clues♪

♪ Yow!♪

-CHARLIE: This is intense.
-BEN: I know.


[both exclaim]

Let's go.


The last two Siga.

The first pair remaining.

-Dumb and Dumber, baby.
-Let go!

I've been with Ben
since day one.

You know, we started
the Dumb and Dumber alliance

after we botched
the Savvy challenge.

We've become more than friends.

Friends doesn't cut it anymore.

-You want to read it?
-I'll read it. Sure.

-Dude, these beads
are sick, too.
-These are sick. Thank you.

Problem is, you know,

this is the pinnacle
of theSurvivor dilemma.

We're friends,
but we're friends going to w*r.


-Last immunity challenge.
-Let's go!

Final four.

I mean, I'm in.


The final four challenge
is the most important challenge

of the entire game.

Especially for me,
because I'm so nervous

about fire-making.

I have this
really weird condition

where the ligaments on my wrist

are too big for my body.

And so my joints are constantly
popping in and out of place.


So I haven't been
practicing fire very much

because my hand
starts cramping up

and I don't want to look like
a complete dum-dum.


There we go.

There you go, Benny. Nice job.

I'm getting this feeling
that everyone thinks

Liz is the number one threat.

We definitely need to throw her

into fire.

I've never had
my name written down.

I have four

Nami members on the jury.

And so if I make it
to the final three,

I can literally
see Jeff with the parchment.

"The winner is Liz."


I hope I win this immunity.


I got to make fire.
I just know it.

Come on in.


to your final
immunity challenge.

We made it.

'Course, Meemaw.

Liz, I hope there's a story

to the cane on day 25.

You know, just bringing Meemaw

to the challenge.

No, wait. There's been
so many jokes this season.

Is this a joke
or are you really injured?

-It's a joke.

This is what'll happen to you.

This was day one, dude.


All right.

Shall we get to
your final immunity challenge?

-Oh, yeah.
-First things first, Kenzie.

-I go to take it back
for the second time.
-Do it.

Here you go.


For the last time,

immunity is back up for grabs.

For today's challenge,

all you have to do is solve

a simpleSurvivor logo puzzle.

-Yeah, right.

-But there's a catch.

You're gonna have a timer
in the form of a giant

Survivor pinball table.
Here's how it works.

You're gonna start by rolling
your ball up an inclined ramp.

While the ball is making
its way back down the ramp,

you can work on your puzzle.

When the ball
reaches the bottom,

you got to stop,

grab your ball, roll it again.

But if you fail

to get your ball
before it hits the metal track,

then you have to wait

as the ball slowly

makes its way to the bottom.

And during that time,
you can't work on your puzzle.

So during this entire challeng,
your focus is going to be spli,

making it very difficult
to concentrate.

But you're still in.
You're not out.

You're still in.

-Yeah, that's sick.
-Just whoever

-completes it first.
-You're just slow.

-BEN: Hey, I have...

Jeff, I want to say
something real quick.

I barely slept
more than two hours a night

-for, like, 14 days.

And it's, like, been

the most intense time
of my entire life.

And, uh, I don't know,
I'm just ready to rock, dude.

That's it.

Shall we finish with the stakes?

-Yeah, let's do it.
-Oh, yeah.

-That's important.
-First person to finish

wins immunity,

guarantees themselves a spot

at the final three.

Let it sink in.

Where you get a chance
to plead your case

to the jury about
why you deserve the title

of Sole Survivor and the million
dollars that goes along with it.

Plus, you have enormous power,

because you decide who you put
next to you in that second spot

and who you force to make fire
to earn that third spot.

Biggest challenge of the season.

-We'll draw her spots.

-PROBST: Get it on. Here we go.
-Let's go, Jeff Probst.

All right, here we go.

For immunity
and a guaranteed spot at three.

Survivors ready?


Last challenge of the season.

You've got to roll that ball

then work on your puzzle
as it makes its way down.

Liz didn't get hers up.
You got to try it again.

That'll do it, Liz.
Get to work on that puzzle.

So you're working on the puzzle

while trying to listen and
anticipate where your ball is.

You don't want it
to hit that metal frame.

Then you get a big penalty.

Kenzie heading back. Charlie
heading back. Ben heading back.

Kenzie with another roll.

She's good.

Charlie's good.

Ben has his ball.

Ben's good.

Liz, nice left-handed launch.
That'll work.

Everybody back on the puzzle.

You know this logo. You've been
living with it on your Buff.

But the puzzle is the easy part.

Charlie, stop. Put the piece
down. Go to your board.

Charlie's ball
came down very quickly.

He missed it.
Now, he's got to wait

a very long time,

as that ball slowly

rolls to the bottom.

Giving an advantage
to everybody else.

Day 25, Survivor46.

Your shot at a million dollars,
right here.

Charlie still waiting
while everybody else is working.

Kenzie doing
a nice job on her puzzle.

Ben making some progress.

Liz with a piece.

Every single second
is gonna matter.

Charlie's ball
still on the track.

Painful anticipation.

Charlie with a nice toss.

He's back on his puzzle.

It is Kenzie in the lead.

Then Ben, then Charlie and Liz.

Immunity on the line.

You win this, you got a shot.
You get to plead your case.

If not, your fate
is in somebody else's hands.

Oh, and Liz drops her ball
in the track.

Now, she has to wait.

Human error, unforced error.

Liz now waiting.

Kenzie trying
to find another piece.

Charlie trying
to get back in this.

Ben being very conservative now.

Heading back,
not taking any chances.

Liz waiting. Kenzie
trying to take advantage of it.


Kenzie loses her ball.
Now got to track it down.

Now it's Kenzie
who gave up a time advantage.

It is Ben and Charlie
in the lead.

Here goes Kenzie.

That's gonna be short,
costing her time.

[Kenzie groans]

Kenzie with another bad toss.

[Kenzie grunts]

Kenzie suffering
from bad tosses.

It is Ben and Charlie
side by side, then Kenzie.

Something so simple,
like rolling a ball,

could cost you
a million dollars.

Charlie races back
and saves it

by an inch.

Charlie back to work
on his puzzle.

Kenzie with another
piece on her puzzle.

Kenzie races back,
saves her ball.

She's got it. Kenzie's
quickly getting back in this.

It's now Ben in the lead.

He's yet
to win an immunity challenge.

This would be his first.

He's put everything on

a slow and steady approach.

Kenzie, right behind, fresh
on the heels of an immunity win.

Would love it again.

Charlie trying to catch up.

Charlie, once again,

risks too much.

That ball clanks.
He's got to wait.

It is Kenzie and Ben
right now very close.

Charlie has had two setbacks.

That ball has clanked twice.

This is gonna
be close at the end.

We are neck and neck right now.

Ben with another piece.

Charlie's back in it now.

Liz in dead last.

[Liz shouts]

The sound of that clank

is death in this challenge.

It is a showdown

between Ben and Kenzie.

Kenzie trying to find another
piece. She's got to race back.

Kenzie's got to get it here.

One good toss.

She's got it!
Kenzie down to three pieces.

Ben down to two pieces.

Ben very close to winning
his first immunity challenge.

Charlie with another piece.

You cannot slow down right now.

Kenzie very close.

Ben down to his last piece.

For the win.

Ben has done it! It's over!

Ben wins individual immunity.

Guaranteed a spot
in the final three

of Survivor46.

All right!

Came down to three pieces

between Kenzie and Ben.

You say everybody wants some.
How 'bout you?


Ben, come on over.

-CHARLIE: Let's go, buddy.
-KENZIE: Let's go, Katzman.


Dude, I thought
I'd never get to see the day.

-Rock and roll.
-You look great, bud.

Ben, your first individual
win of the season

couldn't come at a better time.
You have done it.

You've guaranteed yourself
a spot at the final three.

You will get
a chance to plead your case

to a jury of people
you've helped vote out

about why you deserve
the title of Sole Survivor

and the million dollars
that goes along with it.

You also have
a lot of power tonight.

You're gonna decide
which of these three--

Liz, Charlie or Kenzie--

you say,
"I want you next to me,"

and which of the other two
are gonna have to make fire

to earn that third spot.

Yeah, it's, uh...
a little wild.

I found it remarkable, given
that just a few minutes ago,

you walked in here saying,
"I'm so distracted.

-I can't focus."

And you get a challenge
that requires split focus.

And of all four,
you had the most focus.

It was clear.
Where did that come from?

What is that inside you
that you,

when you need to,
you can get that gear?

Today, I was just like,
"I have to show up for me,"

'cause I'm always trying
to be somebody's hype man.

And at, like,

"It's okay, dude. I love you.
You came this far."

And when I got here,
and I was like, "Wow.

It's like a pachinko machine
or something."

-It brought out,
like, the little kid in me.

And I live to be my inner child.

That's why I'm in a rock band.

You know what I'm saying?

And this was, like,

the most meditational,

shred-itation game

of the entire season.

So I just was in the moment,

and I didn't
think about anything else.

-All right.
-I know that's a word scramble,

-but that's how my brain is.
-It was beautiful.

No, it was beautiful.

You found meditation
where everybody else saw chaos.

-BEN: Yeah.
-PROBST: All right.

You are safe.
You're in the final three.

-Busy afternoon,
I'm imagining, back at camp,

as Liz, Charlie and Kenzie
will all be

making different cases

for different reasons.
Grab your stuff. Head out.

I'll see you all tonight
at Tribal Council.

-Can I give you a hug, though?
-Give me a hug, brother.

-OTHERS: Aw...
-All right!

-PROBST: Congrats. Well done.
-BEN: Thanks, Jeff.

-See you tonight at Tribal.

-LIZ: Good job, brother.
-BEN: Let's do it.

I was so down on myself,

and I could have quit
when I was at my lowest,

but I didn't.

And for some reason,

the determination just came out

and then I won immunity.

It's so sick.

who got made fun of

for everything and
told I wouldn't get anywhere.

Who's gonna be able
to tell me what now, dude?

Dare I say it, Ben--
you rocked it.

-Yeah, Ben.

-Who rocks?

-You rock.
-You rock.

You're the man of the hour.

Well, listen, I know
we all want to get into it,

but I'm gonna be honest,
like, I don't have...

-No, no. We want to rest, dude.
-Okay. Okay.

Yeah, you can collect your
thoughts. Do whatever you need.

This is what I think about
the other two. No, I'm kidding.

I'm so proud of myself.

Nobody would call me
a challenge beast.

I was the kid
they didn't pick for dodgeball.

You know what I'm saying?

Soak this moment in.

King Ben!

Yes. So sick.


Wearing this necklace,
as aSurvivor fan,

it's just like,
"Damn, I did it."

To hear Jeff just say,

"Ben's got it!"--
like, that's crazy.

You know?
After all my panic att*cks

and all my fears,

it's just a confirmation.

When in doubt, if you rock out,

it's all gonna work out.

And then
the weight of winning hit me.

I'm in the final three,
and this necklace

allows me to pick

who's gonna sit next to me

and who's gonna
go at it in fire.

I have to think, "Who can
I beat at this final three?"

So I feel like, no matter what,
it's a difficult thing.

And some people
need the money more than others.

Some people
are in different situations.

So, Ben, what you thinking?

Yeah, I mean, obviously,
I'm very close with Kenzie,

and Charlie's,
like, my day one.

And, uh...

I think you kind of
unintentionally played

the hardest game out here.

-I mean, I'm super flattered.

I mean, I feel like that's why

I'm gonna ask you
to do fire tonight.

I don't think I could beat you.

Yo, you outlasted
the whole Nami tribe.

-You know what I'm saying?

-You went without eating.
-I mean,

I know Nami's on there,
but I betrayed all of them.

I mean, that's another thing.

Everybody on that jury
already knows, like, I...

-I'm a millionaire.
Like, I don't need the money.
-Yeah. Yeah.

Obviously, I need it.

I think
I'm the most broke person

of the four that are here,
you know?

She was like, "I got money.
I just want to make it further"

I'm broke,

you know? Like, I share a space
with my parents.

So, to me,
it just confirmed that

I don't want her
in the final three.

Yeah, well, I'm out.
I'm last jury. I suck at fire.

I can barely hold a knife.

-[wrists popping]

And on top of that, Liz
has the most homies on the jur.

She's the last person on Nami

because people didn't think she
was a threat. Now, she's here.

Can I give you a hug?

-If you don't want one,
I get it.

So, now the thing
I got to think about

is who I'm gonna
put up against Liz.

Always down to rip it up.
I'm here, okay?




They're onto me,
and I'm pissed.

Ben just told me,

"Liz, you've been playing
the hardest game."

Like, that I'm gonna win,

that I'm the winner.

I knew the fire-making

was the hole in the plan.

My friggin' loose-ass wrists

can't hold things for nothing.

But I'm not...
I'm not gonna give up.

I guess I need to practice fir.

It's like,
I'm having a hard time...

-...picking between you and him.
-I know.

Charlie's my day one.

But it's like,
you are also equally

as important to me in this game.

So then it just comes down
to who can beat Liz.

-And who you want

-to have that on their résumé.
-I know.

-It's okay.

-I'm good with
whatever choice you make.

I'm gonna practice all day.

This season,
my fire-making's been great.

So, tonight,

would I like
an opportunity to build fire?


[exhales] Okay.

Positives going
into fire against Liz

is I think I can beat her.
Another positive is that

it would be great for my résum,
but it doesn't

make it any less

Like, I'm still freaking out,

even if I have to do it.

But for all I know,
Ben could be like,

"Yeah, I'm gonna
make Charlie do it."

And then I'm freaking out
for nothing. [laughs]


Coming to check in on my boy.

What's up, my man?

Are you okay?

You want to have a chat?

What's going on, dude?

All's good.
It's a heavy decision.

Yeah. What's... Talk me
through it. W-What's going on?

You sit.
Pop a squat.

It's like, I know
I want to put Liz in.


And it's like, I don't know

whether to pick
between you and Kenzie.

Is Kenzie practicing?

She's practicing.

-Isn't she good?
-Truth is, you're kicking

the most ass at fire.

You're seeing one right here,

-but I've been
kind of struggling, too.

Yeah, the competitor in me
is like,

"Well, maybe I could beat Liz."

But the other part of me
just says,

"I don't think I need
fire-making on my résumé.

I don't really
want it on my résumé."

And it makes me
want to just say,

"Look, Ben,
just take me with you."

You know, take the easy way
to the final three.

At the end of the day, would...
if I asked you,

if I was like, "Will you
take me?" would you take me?

-I haven't made that decision.

And I know it's hard.

'Cause I know you're
really close with Kenz,

but listen,
she can probably beat Liz.

I need to get

in front of the jury.

Forget about the fire.

-No, I...
-Then, 'cause, you know, then
that's all in your hands, but...

Yeah, I'm not doing that.

Ben has all the power today.

His goal

is to have Liz out of the game.

I'm solid at fire,

but, you know, fire is fluky,

and I'm sure Liz is no slouch.

All it takes
is one lucky strike.



I feel like
I know how to do this,

but then
I don't know how to do it.

Ben was like, "Oh, my gosh.

"There's absolutely no way

I can beat you at the end,"

which is obvious.

It's gonna be over for them.


Wow, I'm on
a roller coaster of emotion.

You can do it,

'cause you are the winner.

I will not be beaten.


Is that Liz yelling?

She just, like,
literally screamed.

Okay, I'm feeling better.

I need flame.

Oh, yeah, baby. Oh, yeah.

Just make a couple jokes,
and you'll get it, Liz.


I'm feeling scared.

Yeah, I-I know...
I-I know I can make fire.

I've done it
a hundred times, but...

there's something about,
like, cracking under pressure.

I can't get anything
to catch on fire, and, like...

Ugh. I just
need to get it together.

Oh, my gosh, I'm doing it...

This is, like,
the pressure point, but...

any challenge there is,
I'm gonna face it head-on.

And I'm gonna give it my all,
even though I'm scared.

I know I can do this.
I can do this.

This is it.

After tonight,
the final three is set.

The weight of that pressure--
it's suffocating.

Oh, yes, baby.

Did you make your choice?

I'm trying to figure out
who I think has

a better chance at beating Liz.

That's what I'm talking about.

Dude, you crushed it.

Charlie's really good at fire,

but the hardest part is

Charlie's been my number one
from day one.

I love the kid.

And the other side is Kenzie.

She's been one of the best
friends I made out here,

and she's been my number one
through my panic att*cks.

She's been a sweetheart.

There you go, Kenzie.

I don't know how I'm gonna

lean one over the other.

I have to think wisely.

It's heavy, bro.
I'm stuck between

a rock and a hard place.

[quietly exclaims]

'Sup, Jeff.


All right.

We get to our final
immunity challenge.

On the surface,
it's very simple.

Just solve the Survivor
logo puzzle in front of you.

But there was a twist.

you were the only person
that didn't

make any mistakes
in the challenge.

Explain that, because
you walked in and said,

"I am all over the place today,"

and yet something
crystallized, and you were

perfect in that challenge.

You know, I didn't
go into that challenge

expecting to win.

I said that 'cause it was true.
I haven't been able to sleep.

Night terrors, panic att*cks.

It's just very, very brutal.

For some reason, today,
I just decided

to say, "This is it.
I'm just gonna go for it."

I don't know. I had a blast.
It just came together.

Charlie, you were
in it for a while,

but a couple of mistakes
cost you this challenge.

What did you reflect on
this afternoon?

Today's immunity challenge
is potentially

the one with the most power
of the season.

Ben's, of course, safe tonight,

but tonight he can do
whatever the heck he wants.


it was a lot of reflecting,

but there's not much
time for reflection

when all I was really doing

was making fires all day.

Kenzie, you were very close.

Would have been your third
individual immunity win.

You, too, had issues,
not with getting the ball late,

but with just
getting the ball up the ramp,

and those few extra tosses
were the difference.

You were a few pieces behind.

Yeah, I was three pieces behind.

And they will probably
haunt me forever.

Like, crumbles. I'm happy
for my friend, but here we are.

Liz, what was
your experience today?

"Liz, you're the biggest threat.

"You're definitely
going to fire.

I don't know
who's going against you."

-LIZ: And then I just

fell apart,
'cause I suck at fire.

And, um, I knew this was

the one hole in my game.

And I'm gonna go to fire.
I mean,

he's totally right.

I've never
had my name written down,

so, he's smarter than he looks.

-So, Ben, you had
one easy decision.

-You knew Liz, immediately.

So then the debate became

Kenzie or Charlie.

Yeah. And when it

came down to
Kenzie and Charlie, I mean,

Charlie's the first friend
I made out here.

I know that's not great
when it comes to

talking about your strategy, but

if somebody can give you
a little bit of kindness,

it goes a long way, whether
they know it or not. And

the hard part is
my friendship with Kenzie

is very similar, except
I only met Kenzie at the merge.

But I'd say her impact
on me feeling sane--

it's like, I can't...
I can't oversell it.

Like, I'm playing Survivor,

but I'm hanging out with
my homies and having, like,

a real human experience
that, like,

you know, it sucks that

I have to make this decision.

So, Ben, are you ready
to tell us your decision?

So, it's gonna
be Liz and Kenzie tonight

going at it for fire.

Which means, Charlie,

you made it to the final three.

You will take that second spot.

This is what you dream of,

getting to the final three

is as much as any player can do.

You've gone as far as
you can go. What's the feeling?

I'm grateful to Ben,
you know, in this moment.

Because of the relationship
and the bond that we've built,

he's gonna take me
to the final three.

And getting there with that bond

means just as much to me
as making fire.

Kenzie, what's it like
to hear that

when you can hear a little bit
of emotion in Ben's voice,

and he's very clearly saying,

"It wasn't easy for me because

of love and friendship"?

Yeah. There is emotion. Like,

we have, like,
fallen in love with each other,

and it's so complicated.

But at the same time,

as annoyed as I am
that I have to do this,

I am grateful that I'm not
getting my name written down

and that I get a chance

to try, you know?
That's exciting.


We're gonna
give it our all, baby.

It's down to the ladies tonight.

Like, it is what it is.

All right, it is time

for the final four
fire-making challenge.

The winner will take the third
and final spot at our final

Tribal Council.
Kenzie, Liz...

take your spots.

All right. So, you both
have the same fire-making kit.

In seasons past,
we have sent this kit

out to your camp
so you could practice.

We did not do that this season.
This is new to you.

All you had
was a knife and a flint.

So, forget about
setting a record.

This is about being faster
than the other person.

Who can make fire fastest

and get it to burn hot enough,

long enough
to burn through that rope?

That's what
we're gonna find out.

The person who does that
will make it to the final three.

Are you both ready?

-Ugh. No.

This is as good as it's gonna
get, Jeff. [chuckles]


All right.
This challenge is on.


Takes three things to make fire.

You need heat.

You're gonna get that heat
by striking your flint,

trying to get a spark,
some friction.

Then you need fuel.

That's gonna
be kindling or some hessian.

And then once you get a flame,
you need oxygen.

You got to let it breathe,
so it can get big enough

to burn through that rope.


Liz going for a spark.

Liz has a baby flame.


No fire yet.

Kenzie, a lot of prep.
Unusual approach.

Oh, my God.

Liz, a lot of spark.

And a little bit of a flame.


It dies.

and the pressure.

This could literally be

a million-dollar fire
you are making right now.


What is happening?

It's pressure. Keep digging.

You're both in it, clearly.


-Oh, my...

Kenzie's got
a little bit of a flame.

Now she's got to nurture it.

It's got to breathe.
Don't want to suffocate it.

Now Liz has
a little bit of a flame.

And out.

Kenzie still working.

So long as
she doesn't smother it.


PROBST: Kenzie continues
to nurture that fire.

Oh, God.

PROBST: Liz now has flame.
Can she get this one to stick?



Kenzie's fire starting
to take now.

Medium-sized fire.

Now it's starting to just

light the fibers of that rope.

It's really going now.

That's burning that rope.

-Oh, my God.
-PROBST: That is a fire

that's gonna get you a spot
in the final three.

-And there it is.
Kenzie's done it.
-Oh, my God!

She has earned the final spot

-at the final three...

-Come on, you knew
you were winning that.

...with Ben and Charlie and a
shot at the million-dollar prize

that goes along with it.

Thanks, babe.

Yeah. Of course.


Tomato, tomato.

Kenzie, let's start with you.

Thank you so much.

-PROBST: You've
made the final three,

-Thank you.
-you earned your way in.

What is the feeling right now?
I know it's been

-an emotional 25 days.
-[Kenzie exhales]

Yeah, I mean, I...

I've been
at the bottom since Yanu,

and I've been earning it
the whole way,

so it just made sense.

And it's so ironic
that we set the record

for the longest time
without flint, and...

Earlier today, when I couldn't
catch a fire, I was like,

"Of course my journey's
gonna end without fire.

It started without fire."

But I redeemed myself
with that today.

It's just really overwhelming.

Like, my... I couldn't
get a flame all day today.

So my confidence was shot.
I was like, "Well, you know..."

I'm just very grateful.
I earned it.

Liz, I know you've had
some very fun times

and you've had
some very low lows.

What's the big takeaway
from this journey?

You learn
so much about yourself,

and the game is so much bigger

than you think it is.


But I am very proud of my game.

It was really over for you guys.
It really was.


I would've beat all of you.


All right, Liz.

You become the eighth
and final member

-of our jury.
-I know it.

You need to grab your torch.


Love you, Liz.

I'll love you tomorrow.

-[laughs]: Take your time, mama.
-LIZ: No, I love you now.

Oh, God bless America.

-Liz, the tribe has spoken.
-[groans softly]

Time for you to go.


Kenzie, Ben, Charlie,

You made it to the final three.

Now, the power in the game
shifts to the jury.

They decide who wins.

Tomorrow night,
you will face them

and each of you will
have a chance to persuade them

that it's you that deserves
the title of Sole Survivor

and the million dollars that
goes along with it. You have

one more night here
in beautiful Fiji. Enjoy it.

Try to get some sleep.
You know you're gonna need it.

Grab your torches.
Head back to camp.

-I'll try, okay?
-Good night.

So close.

So pissed. [laughs]

I made it 25 days.

I did everything
I thought that I would do.

I really think

I would have won, but...

so did they, and now I'm here.

-CHARLIE: Last day.

Soak it all in, boys.

I will not forget these.

The sunrises?

No. Me either.

-Be pretty hard.

Here comes the sun.

-BEN: All right!

CHARLIE: I've been out here
for 26 days, and

listening to everyone's stories,
their accomplishments,

their struggles, their dreams

has changed my perspective
on the world.

That's been priceless.

I don't think anybody
would have picked this

as the final three.

I couldn't have done it
without you two.

Thanks, Ben.

I think every single one of us

in this final three
could win the game.

So, it's intense, it's excitin,

but it's also really,
really scary because

tonight the jury
has all the power.

Being on the jury is one
of the most powerful things

in the game.

Tonight, we decide
the Sole Survivor

who deserves
to win the million dollar priz.

What did you do?

How did you utilize us

or not utilize us
to get past us?

-Oh, my God!

BEN: The best part
about the final three morning

is the feast.

-Cheers to the final three...
-BEN: Final three...

-KENZIE: To final three.
-of Survivor



Oh, my God, it's so good.

Guys, we're eating
like humans again.

I'm chilling hard today,
but tonight,

I have to give the performance
of a lifetime.

My game was a game of honesty

built around being myself

and relying on my social cards.

Everybody called me
a vibe person.

Tonight is about showing

that a vibe or chillin' isn't
about being one-dimensional.

It's not me using it
as a gimmick.

It's about showing
I played a hard game

from day one.

Ben outwitted,

outlast, outplayed us.

The game he played
was to rock out

and fly underneath the radar.

If he can articulate
that he was behind moves,

he could receive Q's vote.

Ben shreds,

Ben rips, Ben rocks.

That's who Ben is.

He's a social threat
playing an emotional game

that really worked for him,
but it's "outwit,

outplay, outlast,"
not "outlove."

My game has been about adapting
and knowing when

to sit back and when to step up.

I had a fake idol play.

I was a huge part in taking out

the biggest threats in the gam,

and I beat Liz in fire-making.

My biggest challenge tonight
with the jury is that

I've written a lot
of their names down.

I don't think
anybody's holding back tonight.

I know I'm not.

Like, g*ns are blazing.

I know my story's better
than Charlie and Ben's.

It's just about how I sell it.

VENUS: Kenzie's social game
was brilliant.

I don't think there's a single
person who disliked her or

didn't get along with her,
but I want to hear

from her specifically
what moves she made.

You have to have played the gae

to earn my vote.

Kenzie is somebody
who cares about people,

and I do believe that that's wy
she lasted so long in the game.

Friendship aside,
gameplay at the forefront,

I deeply feel that she's
the best candidate right now.

I had power in the game
to send home

who I thought...

I had power in the game
to send home...

or to work with

who I thought
was going to be able

to carry me forward
another vote.

I played a very strategic game

worthy of the title
of Sole Survivor.

I built alliances, constantly.

I never closed a door to anyon.

I've always made sure

that I put myself in a position
where I was safe,

but I also had power.

But a lot of what I did
was in the shadows.

Tonight, I want to pull back

the curtain on what I've done.

The biggest hurdle
is what the heck is the jury

thinking of me?

Charlie has done a good job

of having his finger
on the pulse.

And he's also been winning
immunity challenges,

and so, he has, potentially,
a story to tell

that is worth a million dollars.

MARIA: Charlie and I worked
together so long

that I'm pretty sure
I know all of his moves,

except when it came
to him trying to take me out.

But my criteria
is not friendship.

I want to make sure that
the person I write down tonight

deserves this money.

Is there anything
on your Survivorbucket list

you didn't get to do?

Uh, win Sole Survivor?
No, I'm kidding.

-Not yet.

That one's still up for grabs.

There's always a chance

to change the jury's minds.

Every single person

can sway me
with what they have to say.

It's not won yet.

You can go in and change minds,

so don't blow it.

I'm not just gonna
hand money out.

You need to have done something.

If you can't
connect the dots for me,

I can't give you my vote.

What did you do?

Tell me that and stand on it.

If you can do that,

you'll get my vote.

Right now, I have no idea

who I'm gonna vote for.

TIFFANY: A million dollars
is a lot of money.

I'm not just giving it to you

'cause you cute or we homies.

I'm about

to give somebody
a million dollars.

Show that you knew
what you were doing and why

you deserve to win this game.

All right.

Kenzie, Ben--
glad to see smiles.

You should be smiling.

You made it to the final three.

You did what

You survived every Tribal
that you went to.

And now, one of the most
unique aspects

of Survivoris that
the power shifts

from this side to the jury.

Eight players who also

were in this game
but were voted out--

they decide who wins

based on who they think
played the best game.

Tonight, you have one job.

Convince them it's you.

This is where you step up
and claim your victory,

that you're the one
deserving of the title

of Sole Survivor
and the million-dollar check

that goes along with it.

Jury, I'm gonna
give you a moment,

and we'll get started
with our final Tribal Council.

All right, let's get
into our final Tribal Council.

We've been forming the jury
for many days.

Tonight is
your first opportunity

to ask them the questions
you need to decide

who played the best game.

Let's get into it.

Who wants to get us started?

-I will.
-Go, Tiff.

Well, first of all,
good evening.

And on behalf of myself

and everybody sitting here
on the jury,

we want to say congratulations
on making it to final three.

We have very specific questions
for you guys tonight,

and we're looking
for very specific answers.

Also, please understand,

we are not looking
for Taylor Swift lyrics.

We are not looking
for pop culture

or rock and roll references.
We are looking

for serious
and thought-provoking responses.

And with that being said,

can you articulate one move

that you made on your own

that changed the course
of the game?

I would like Ben to go first.

That's a hard one.

For me, I got dealt a hand

that really sucked
when I entered the merge,

and I had to rely
on my social game.

I felt one thing
that I did help contribute to

that was sort of a move, was go

to the people who had given me
an opportunity to talk

and people
who had been on the outs

of their crew,
bringing people together, mainly

going to Kenzie,
Charlie and Liz.

TIFFANY: So, your move
was that you brought Kenzie,

Charlie, and Liz together to
change the course of the game?

-Of getting me out.
-Of getting Q out to... Okay.

Which was late, but again,
like I said, I was not dealt

-the best hand.
-TIFFANY: Charlie,
you have something

-to say?
Just, on that point,

when this alliance
came together,

Kenzie, Ben, Liz

and Venus all wanted Q out
in the final seven vote.

But a big part
of my game was making sure

that there was a four
going into six,

'cause I needed Q and Maria
as shields,

and if Q had gone out there
when Maria

won immunity at final six,

I, probably, am sitting
on the jury.

-Okay, well, since we're on you,
can you tell me what

-the move is that you made that
changed the course of the game?
-My... The move

that I would pick
would be the Hunter vote.

At the Hunter vote, there was
actually an initial plan

from Kenzie
to blindside you, Tiff.

But Hunter's
a real social threat

and strategic threat,
especially given

he's got strong allies
of Soda and Tevin on the jury.

That was also the day
that I beat Hunter

in individual immunity.

You know, that was, to me,
a big accomplishment.

So I thought that was the time
to go after Hunter

and build out my options.

Not to take away the move
that you made,

but I came into this Tribal
gonna play my idol.

I had the Shot in the Dark
and the idol in my pocket.

And the person that
actually convinced me not to

is, uh, Kenzie.

She, like, sold me on that.

Okay, thank you.

-KENZIE: Okay, so, post-merge,

I wanted Tim to go.

I knew I couldn't beat him, and
a lot of us had that thought.

But at the same time,
Tiff and Q,

who were my number-one allies,

did not like Ben at all.

So it was back and forth between
Tim and Ben all afternoon.

Q would come over to me and be
like, "It's Ben. Let's vote Ben.

-He has the idol."
-Q: No, no, no.

-I was never gonna vote Ben.
-KENZIE: To me...


-I have to agree with Kenzie.
We went back and forth

-Thank you. Yes, you did.
-several times

between Tim and Ben
that day in the woods,

-which is why I also was upset.
-KENZIE: All day.

-Y'all did, right?
-KENZIE: No, you did.

-You did... with us.
-No, no. No.

You might have woken up
with that Tim,

but you had Ben at 02:00,
you had Tim at 2:30, you had...

-KENZIE: At the last minute,

you said, "Fine, you can
have Ben." And then I said...

-And go Tiff.
-Wait. Tiffany said

-she wanted Ben, not Q.
-I'm saying

-you guys were
arguing about it all day.
-Q: You wanted Ben out.

Q, I'd like for Kenzie
to answer the question.

Well, I'm not about
to argue on this jury right now.

-LIZ: I don't want to argue.
-KENZIE: Regardless,

when I was playing
with someone like Q, I can't

fight with that.

He doesn't remember
what he says to me.

You know what I mean?
So I had to play

in a way that Q would hear me
and think it was his idea.

Like, that
was an intentional move

that I wanted
when I won immunity.

We went back and forth all day,

and I was the last one with
the whisper that made it happen.

All right, who's up?

Me. The question
I have for each of you is

what is one mistake
that you made in this game

that you were ultimately able
to flip on its head

and capitalize on
to use to your advantage?

-Okay. V, I'm so glad
this question came from you.

At the very first vote
in merge limbo,

there were-- I don't know--
ten votes for Mo

and one vote for Venus.

Also, after that vote, Q gave me

a big old thump on the back.

And let me tell you,
when Q thumps you

on the back, you notice it.

He took me down to the boat,
lecturing me

on, you know, why
I shouldn't have done that move.

I was very receptive
to everything you said,

and I wanted to, in that moment,
build a relationship

with someone who was
having a lot of power

early in the game.
The next morning,

Q invites me in to the six,

and I was part
of a new alliance.

So-- very fun.

I just want to be clear that

I invited you into the six.

So you came into the six
on my invitation.

Yes, you were my recommendation
letter into the six.

-I didn't have one.
-In hindsight, it's not that...

-It's just not great to be
-It's literally, like...

-No, no, no.
-part of the six.

MARIA: You don't want to be
part of the six. This six is...

You probably should have

-just left that part out, then.
-[Hunter mumbling]

-Look at his laugh.
-CHARLIE: I just...

-I love the six, you know.
-Q: Being in the six

-was a one-way ticket home.

Like, y'all can keep your six.

We just never talked about it.

It just was a pathetic excuse
for an alliance.

So, Kenzie, you're up.

-Good-good response, though.
-KENZIE: One mistake

I made was I got cocky.

I wasn't paying attention.
I got confident,

I got comfortable,
and ultimately, Tiff went home.

Tiff and I were like,
"Don't even play the idol, girl.

Like, you'll get into six.
We're good."

-We were riding too high
together, okay?
-We were.

I'll be the first to admit it.
I got cocky, too, girl.

-That's why I'm over here.
-KENZIE: Yeah, we...

That hit me like a b*llet train.
I immediately

started rebuilding relationships
with everyone,

paying attention
to who was working with who,

and it became very apparent that
Maria and Q were number ones,

which led the three of us

and Liz coming together
to ultimately

take out the two biggest threats
who had started working together

-at that vote.
-Q: So, of course.

-Q: Did y'all come together

at six or seven?
'Cause at seven,

why would Ben write your name
as the contingency plan?

'Cause he was drunk on pizza.

That's what I'm saying.
So, I'm confused.

That is the question
of the hour.

We... we worked together
at seven,

but just because
Ben wrote my name down,

whether it wasn't an accident
or not, I didn't go home.

Well, she had an idol.
If she would've played it,

you would have.


But we were working together,

and we all ultimately decided.

That is true.

Yeah. Thank you, Liz.

But just to address
the-the accidental voting.

-TEVIN: I know you had
ate pizza, but were you

a bit lackadaisical
in the tribe, and you weren't...

-you listening during Tribal,
and that's...
-BEN: No.

I think, on top of me having

pizza in my stomach,

I have been having night terrors
since about day 13 or 14.

The truth is I lost my bearings.

I was really as out of it
as it could be.

-Yeah. Okay. Got it.
-And we can all appreciate that.

There's a lot of us looking back

at Tribal Council,
should have seen red flags.

I mean, we're talking
about idol, idol, idol, idol.

And so,
I'll give you the benefit

-of the doubt, you know.
-BEN: Yeah.

Sometimes Tribals are a little
bit crazy, and we miss things.


Who's up?

-TEVIN: Hi, y'all.

So, my question
to you all tonight

is I want your
one best example of how

you used one of us
sitting up here on the jury

to further your game
and make it to the final three.

-Let's start with Ben.
-BEN: All right.

At some point in the game,
I was stuck

with Q and Maria for, like,
three days straight.

For those three days,

all I was fed was,
"This is what you need to do,

this is who
you shouldn't trust."

Nobody asked me
what my input was on anything.

There was no moment
where it was like, "Hey,

this is what I think
our next move has to be."

-Well, that's the point.
-So, can I ask
the follow-up question?

-BEN: Totally.
-Wouldn't you assert your ideas

-on the group to try
to make a move of your own?

I took my "chillin' hard"
approach, which was,

"I'm gonna listen,
I'm gonna hear what

they have to say," and using
that information is what I went

to Kenzie with,
I went to Charlie with,

what I went to Liz with,

and it's what allowed me
to slip through the cracks,

whether I was thought of
as a threat or not.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Thank you. Kenzie, you're up.

So, after the Tiff
blindside, I was

out for blood, and then
I had to manage my emotions.

I wanted Q out
immediately after.

I was so upset, I was so hurt.

But I had to placate
and pretend to go with numbers

to gain Q's trust back
to get back in good graces.

And that's how quick I went from
devastated crying all night,

out for blood to, "Okay,
I'm back working with the guy

"that I want out of here
so I can get him out tomorrow

if I can gain his trust today."

-Thank you.


Uh, so, for me, the person
that I used was actually Tevin.

For me, coming into the merge,
Nami was an enigma.

They're either the best actors
in the world

or there are really
cracks everywhere.

-But there was so much
information going around

because Soda was telling me

she was tight with Tevin,
but here Tevin was

saying he wanted
to blindside Soda, and

what I figured out from that is
that Tevin was the power player.


-Thank y'all.
-CHARLIE: Yeah, yeah.

I got it ready, Jeff.

-Okay. Go, Hunter.
-HUNTER: Okay.

So, last Tribal Council,
Ben was on the hot seat

and had to lay out
a lot of information

as to who he saw as threats,

who can make fire and not.

So, my question is gonna be
for Charlie and for Kenzie.

If you were in Ben's seat,

who would you put in fire
and why would you do it?

I would have put the exact
same thing that Ben did.

I would have gone against Liz.

I know that these two boys

have a similar game
and that I have a better chance

at beating them
than I had beating Liz.

And I would have
taken a chance on myself.

-That's what I would have done.
-HUNTER: Awesome. Appreciate it.

-Yes. So, if I had won
the necklace that day,

I think I would have done things
a little bit differently.

-I think I would have taken Liz

with me to the final three.

I think, personally,

my game could stack up well
against hers.

I think that's someone
that I could have beat,

-despite her being a threat.
-HUNTER: Okay, well, then,

was there any moment
that you thought,

"Hey, Ben, let me do this?

Let me put myself in,
because Liz isn't the threat"?

My game has been all about
getting to this moment.

So I didn't feel the need
to push insanely hard

to get into fire for a move

that I didn't think was
going to buy me all that much.

Right, and I appreciate that.

But I hope getting to this point

in a safe way
doesn't hurt you, right?

You said your goal
was to get to this point.

I hope your goal
was to win this game.

You better believe it.
That has been my laser focus

this whole time.

My goal was
to win this freaking game.



-SODA: Um, I have been

on the jury the longest.

Um, I have been listening,
um, to a lot.

Ben, my take on you was that you
were playing an emotional game

and that you had no agency.

Charlie, my take on you was that

you were playing the middle
very closely with Maria,

but you did not set yourself
apart from her.

And, Kenzie, my take on you

was that you were brought
into votes pre-merge.

And post-merge, you said,
"Tell me who to vote for."

Now, I've heard a lot
of information that,

you know, contests
some of those things,

but I want each of you

to take 30 seconds

to either prove me right
or persuade me why I'm wrong.

Also, I'll be
the 30-second timer.

When I say "time," please stop.


So, I'm a social player.

I'm not the loudest voice
in the room.

I'm not the one
who's gonna be a driving force,

but I am a number, and I am
also thinking strategically.

Like, my social game
is my strategic game.

They are one and the same.
I know

they're supposed to be separate,
but I'm a people person.

I've had deep conversations
with each of you.

I've, like, held half of you

while you've cried
about various things. Like,

yeah, I got
brought along on votes.

That's how I ended up here.

-I'll take it. I'll own it.
It's true.

-I'm not gonna say
I drove a vote. Okay.
-SODA: Time.

Nice ownership. Thank you.

Maria and I were
partners in crime

for a lot of the game,
but by the time

Maria was winding back her fist

to throw a punch at me,

I had already
put the pieces in place

that were setting up her demise.

I put together the four
that protected me

from the punch that you and Q
threw at me at final six,

and ultimately voted both of you
out of the game

at six and at five,
exactly how I designed

after the Tiffany vote.

I thought that I needed...

-to differentiate...

-Oh, yeah. I mean,
I'll definitely agree.

I'm probably
the most emotional person,

most "cries in this game"
this season,

but that's what

I had to do, and it crushed me

that I felt I came
into the merge with this plan

that got wrecked, and

I was very fortunate

that how emotional I was
opened the doors

to make friendships and bonds

that allowed me
to be part of moves

that I wanted to be part of.
And, yeah,

I openly admitted
I was a goat for a few votes.

But when the turn came
to not be that, the only way

-that would have happened...

-SODA: Time.
-Yeah. Cool.

Thank you all so much.
I know that was hard, um,

-but you all did great.
-BEN: All good.

Q, you haven't asked a question.

All righty.
The most important thing

for me and my vote
is this simple question.

What do you plan
to do with the money

and how will it change
your life?

-Um, you know, I'm a musician.

I get a lot
of great things in my life,

but I don't make a lot of money.

I want to give my parents
some sort of retirement

'cause they're hardworking

that always put food
on the table

and weren't around
because of how hard they worked.

And at the same time,
I want to join up

with my best friend's
nonprofit program and help bring

music education back to schools
in South Florida.

It's an initiative I've already
been a part of called

Young Musicians Unite.

And having an artistic
expression for kids is a way

for them to feel comfortable
with who they are,

which is something
I had to learn the hard way

'cause nobody gave me that
opportunity when I was a kid.

Thank you, Ben.

-CHARLIE: Yeah, so,

number one: family is more
important to me than anything.

And to be where I am at
in my life--

you know, I'm 25 years old,

and a million dollars
is a whole lot of money.

Life-changing. I can set up
the rest of my life

for me and my family.

You know, part of this
experience has been

getting to meet
and know all of you.

And if there's one thing
I know, it's that

every single person here
had something

bigger than themselves
they were playing for.

I've talked with a lot of you
about the work that I do.

I've worked a lot
in immigration law.

There's a lot of organizations
that I would want

to make a donation to,
and I would also want to,

you know, bet on myself and pay
for law school with this money.

Thank you, Charlie.

-KENZIE: I've been

in my career
since I was 15 years old,

not because it sounded fun.

I would have loved to enjoy
high school like a normal kid.

I couldn't.

I started working in salons
when I was 15,

got my beauty license
by the time I was 17,

opened my salon
by the time I was 24.

I opened it
to give people a place to work.

I don't make any money off
of the chairs that I rent out.

If a business person
looked at my business plan,

they would lose their minds
and be like,

"You could make so much money
off of this."

It's not about the money. The
business is not about the money.

It's about providing people
an opportunity.

So this money
would be mine, for me.

I would invest it and I would
set up myself so I don't have

to be 70 years old
doing bang trims on kids, okay?

-Like, I'm trying

to set myself up
to have a family

and to be able to be
financially secure in myself.

This was my venture.
My life is...

has been for everyone else.

-Q: Thank you so much.
-No problem.

Yes, ma'am.

Well done, jury.

Every single question got

different information.

Well done. Thank you.

Charlie, Kenzie, Ben,

I'm gonna give you 30 seconds.

-PROBST: If you think

there was something
not brought up

that is pertinent to your game,
this is your chance to make it.

Charlie, 30 seconds.

A pattern I wanted to highlight

was "never close a door."

Always keep my options open.

Everyone here knows
that I've strategized with them

at one point or another
in the game.

It's what gave me options.

It's what let me see my position
in the game,

stay safe and have power.

That's how I feel like
I got here today,

and I really just wanted to hit
that point home to all of you.

I think I played hard.
Thank you for listening.

-PROBST: Kenzie?
-Thank you.

Oh, to sum it up, um, I went

on every sanctuary reward
because I am a social butterfly.

I competed
in every single challenge

from the first one
to the fire-making.

Won two of those,
thanks to some help, because

you get by with a little help
from your friends.

I came in here trying to make
friends, and thank you all

for listening. Um...

Yeah. I... I just love you all.

Thank you so much. [laughs]

-Thank you, Kenzie.
-Thank you.

Not that I think
it stacks up against them,

but, uh, with everything
I've been through in my life,

I did want to come here
and be the emotional me

and not the bravado frontman
performer version of me.

And even though
I had a hard time

with the night terrors,

I got from the bottom
and had fun

climbing my way through moves
towards the end.

I played the game I wanted
to play, and I'm glad I got

to meet y'all,
because y'all rock, and...

-Q: Thank you.
-Who rocks?

-Thanks, Ben.
-You rock.
-You rock.

Thanks, Ben.

-I'll accept that.
-Right. The one, right?

Come on. That's for you there.

-PROBST: Charlie,

Kenzie, Ben,
it's not easy to sit

in those seats
and defend your game, but

you have to claim your victory,
and one of you just did.

The question is who.

The only thing left to do
is vote.


CHARLIE: I love you guys.

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