01x04 - Episode 4

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Wisting". Aired: April 11, 2019 – present.*
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Norwegian thriller police procedural television series based on two novels by Jørn Lier Horst, The Caveman (2013) and The Hunting Dogs (2012).
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01x04 - Episode 4

Post by bunniefuu »

Eels were kept in the wells
to get rid of insects.

They probably nibbled at these bones quite a bit. .
- Oh, f*ck!

We'll hear from forensics when this gets to Oslo.
- Good.

This is it.
We'll do a final sweep in the morning.

We ship what we have to Oslo and let them get started.
- Good. Do we know if it's just one?

I wanna know if all pieces belong to the same girl.
- It's not a girl.

This pelvis belongs to a man.

A grown, middle-aged man.
It's my best guess.

The first victim...

The life that Godwin stole
and if so...

If we figure out who this is,
we'll know the identity that he's using.

You got the number, right?
- What do I do with that?

Just call him, what are you scared?
- No! Ok!



The man was between 45 and 60.
- Can you be a little more precise?

I'll need a few days for that.

Can you see if he was m*rder*d?
- There's no sign of that. Skull and spine are intact.

There's a fracture in the left forearm,
probably from childhood.

How long he's been down there?
- As for now, the only answer is: a lot.

Ok, thanks.

Line's very upset, you better talk to her.
- I will.

Thomas, I'm sorry
I wasn't here for dinner.

You got a second chance, I'm cooking lamb ribs.
- Lamb ribs?

m*rder or not, you gotta eat.
- Sounds very good!

I'm sending Skoglund and Morten.
You got nothing, right?

I'm mad Dagbladet got the story
but I still have mine.

Then proceed with your story.
The mummy will do good, ok?


Sorry, did I hit you?
- Are you Jonas Utklev?

I found the invitation to Viggo
for the class reunion.

He didn't come
and he didn't even answer.

That's an answer too.
- Everyone else did reply.

Except Ash, he burned all bridges.

Eivind Aske?
- Yes, he's good at that.

He never says hello,
he lives in his own world.

My wife says it's because
he's too much into his silk scarves...

You mean he's gay?
- No, no... you never know...

Maybe you should talk to my wife.

She saw Viggo last summer.

She works at the library
and she thought he had stolen something.

We had to discard the volume he tore the page from.
It was one of the city books.

He tore out a picture of himself?
- Yes.

Here it is,
next to the shrimp farm.

I spoke to Ole Linge and
I heard of Odd Werner Ellefsen...

...but who is Cato Tangen?
- He was about your age, right Jonas?

Yes but I didn't know him.

He died when the farm burned down.
- Yes.

You can borrow the book if you want.

You talked to Viggo when he came here?
- No.

He didn't know me,
I was way younger than those kids.

He was sitting here with another man.
- Could it be someone from the picture?

No, he wasn't from here.
They spoke English... at least he tried.

Can't we use his teeth to identify him?
- Without age or name is quite a stretch, even here.

And the fracture in his arm?
There might be hospital records.

Yes but if they exist
they're probably not digitized.

If we assume the man Godwin became is local,
the hospital might be able to help.

Yes, I'll look into it.
- Your list, how long is it now?

It's 322 possible men.

That's a start.
- Ok...

Time to start knocking on doors.
Benjamin will lead the small team and the rest of you...

You'll need a good excuse
and I know exactly what that should be.

I wanna do rounds.
I'll go with the kid.

I'm the only one who saw Godwin up close.
- What if he recognizes you?

We'll use a hidden camera.
I'll stay in the car.

No. You can observe from the car, no camera.
- Why?

Because we don't spy on our own citizens. I'm sorry.
- Really?

Hey... I want you to wear this.

You wanna get him, right?

Don't even think about it.

Lars Fadum?
We're here about the vandalized statue.

From the evidence, looks like the perpetrator
was driving a green, '99 Opel Corsa.

You think I did it?
- No, we just wanna rule you out of the inquiry.

It's not him.
Let's go.

Odd Werner Ellefsen?

No crabs today?

Have I done something wrong?
Bjorg Karin sent me here...

No, it's alright.
- They called me about Cecilia's case, from Oslo.

A lawyer from the Philip Henden firm.

Henden? What's a lawyer
got to do with Cecilia's case?

That's what a told him.
It was an informal conversation... deliberately informal.

He sounded like he was waiting
for me to... say something.

He asked me to confirm the names
of those who worked at the case.

He said who he was representing?
- No.

Did he mention Robekk?
- No, I didn't let him go that far.

It was easy to end the conversation.
I'm retired.

I can play the"cranky old man"
when someone calls me on the phone.

I can see you're after something big.

If you need me for anything,
I'm available.

Thank you, Finn, but
this is all a bit "top secret".

What's with the wells pictures?
You went to the History Society?

Hammer spoke to them.
- Good.

There's probably a forgotten well
in every farm of the country.

Thanks, Finn.
I'll see you.

- It's Wisting, from the police.

Was there any well near the Christmas tree?

Yes, an old one.
We put a big rock on it.

- It wasn't safe, some kid could have fallen into it.

When did you do that?
- About one year ago.

I know why Crabb was out there.

Godwin had found a closed well.

Near the road,
an advantage for Godwin.

It slopes down to the well.

If you drag a body all the way here...

...and you find the well is closed,
what do you do?

You don't drag it all the way back.
- You hide it under a tree.

Maybe someone came.
- He might have been disturbed.

We need to open this.



Yes, this way.

Torunn, this is Bergquist, from Stockholm.
- Hi. Thanks for last time.

Benjamin, a young girl here
says she's been followed.

She'll blog about it
if we don't listen to her.

I have to brief the colleague
and then leave.

I can do the briefing.
You can leave after you talked to... Linnea Kaupang.

Come, I got plenty to show you.

Hi, Linnea.
- Hi.


You called a couple of times.
- I don't think you got the gravity of this.

Now you're here.
Did you see who's following you?

I just know he's there.
- I see... you got anything more concrete?

Yes, I heard him.
That was very concrete.

You heard him?
- Yes, I heard footsteps walking after me.

I saw a shadow... there was also a car...

Ok, what kind of car?
- An average car.

- Yes. White, big and a bit old.

It was following me while I was training.

Ok, Linnea, how you think
we can help you?

You can find him and make him stop.
- You can't report a shadow and a noise.

I'm reporting a stalker, that's creepy.
- Not on such weak grounds.

Get a picture, a license plate,
something concrete.

Then come back here, ok?

- Hello!

Hi, thanks for taking the time.
- No problem.

What is it you wanna show me?
- You know this man?

Isn't it Cato Tangen?
- Yes.

Is it true he died
in the shrimp farm fire?

What's with "dying alone
in one of the world's richest countries"?

I don't know how to say it.
- Start with saying what you know.

I think someone m*rder*d Viggo Hansen.

They said someone started the fire,
some kids' prank gone wrong.

Cato got stuck inside and burned.

Who might have started it?
- Some said it was Ole Linge...

...but I don't think the police were ever involved.
- Why not?

There was a vicious rumor...
and people didn't care for him.

What rumor?
- That he liked boys.

It's no big deal now, but then...
- My God.

If you're right...
if Viggo Hansen was really m*rder*d...

...then you should leave it to the police.
It could be dangerous.

Have you talked to your father about it?
- f*ck!

I'm sorry, I have to be somewhere else.
Thank you very much for your help.


What's chloroform for?
Besides putting people to sleep.

It's a solvent
but its sale it's regulated.

There's plenty of substances around
that have the same effect.

Almost every kind of solvent.

Hi, Line.
I was just about to call you.

I hope you're home now.
- Home?

Dinner with Thomas...
don't tell me you forgot.

Can you talk to the farmer?
We'll start looking again tomorrow morning.

Smells like Christmas in here!

He's gone.

He thinks you just don't care.

He knows I care.

It's not that I don't want.

Right now it's hard to say no to work...
- So you say no to us instead?

We should be accustomed,
it's always been like that.

You don't take me seriously as an adult or a reporter...
- How should I do that?

It's hard to tell when you talk as a daughter
from when you talk as a reporter.

So you talk to Dagbladet?!
- This is not your case!

Write on something else!
Even with Viggo, you try to distort...

Is that how you see me?
One who bends the truth to have a story?

You play policeman!
It's unprofessional and dangerous!

No, Line...
- No!

Let's warm up dinner,
sit down and talk about this.

Then we call Thomas
and tell him to come back.

No, I'm going out.

This is Thomas.
Please leave a message.

Hi, Thomas. It's dad.

You cooked a delicious dinner.
Thank you very much.

I'm very sorry, something came up and...

...something always comes up.

You know I love you, Thomas.


Everything ok?
- Yes. Are we ready?

Just about.

Get me out!

Sorry... it's work.

No, I'm awake.


I'm leaving right now.


I'm sorry, I gotta run.
Something came up with work.

What do you do again?
- Insurance. Never rests.

You're more than welcome to stay.
Why don't you get breakfast? Use the spa?

Ah... I forgot...



The sleeping bag wasn't there.
- Madelen Vikne.

Yes, she was on her way camping,
with a blue sleeping bag and a backpack.

Hi, Vetti.
- Found anything?

Yes, we need you here.
Also we need more forensics.

Everything we have.

How many?
- 14, 15, 16... we don't know yet.

How many do you have, Bergquist?
- Five possible victims in my district, most likely three.

It's out.

They even got a picture of your badge.
- I don't understand, what do you mean?

VG called me for a comment
but it's already out there.

No f*cking way! This doesn't make
any sense at all, someone must have...

We need more people to fence off the area
and continue the hunt.

Have you told Line?!

What the f*ck?!
How did this happen? He's gonna run!

That's your guy, not mine!

Cover up everything.
- Take down the tent!

Nils, you're in charge.
I'll do more from the station.

Hey! Stop!
- Frank! Stop!

Is she here?
- Frank...


Frank, look at me...
- Is she here?!

We don't know yet.

Frank... come on...




What the... come on!



William Wisting.

William, aren't you calling
for a press conference?

It's a shame you gave your daughter the story.
- I gave her nothing.

Morten By, from VG.
- VG?

Can you tell us what you found?
- Where's Line?

She's on her way.

He's getting away!
- I know.

Most people here trusts the police
and I find that valuable.

Sounds cozy. Where I come from,
people prefer to be safe. I find that valuable.

You're gonna sit in the back?

- You're wearing a hidden camera. Take it off, ok?

Ok... sorry... I should have...

Just take it off.
- Ok.

- I'm Sunnove Brunvall, Line's friend.

I'm a bit busy right now.
- Yes but that American found dead...

It didn't come up to me
when I talked to Line but...

...after I saw the picture,
I saw Crabb last summer, with Viggo...

You saw him?!

You wanna tell me what's going on?
- I thought I'd call you...

My car just died.

Aren't you...


Line Wisting here.
Leave a message.

Line, it's dad.
This is important, you have to...

Call me back, ok?

She's writing about my neighbor.
He died alone, he wasn't discovered for months.

It started out about loneliness but
she thinks it was m*rder and I didn't listen to her.

The man had no social life,
no relatives, no relations.

Another hollow life.

We take this.

No, we have no comments.

Tonsberg promised to send
a communication advisor.

He's busy with a sick kid.
- The whole world is calling!

VG found the link between Crabb and Godwin.

We should have seen that coming!

We'll call a press conference for 4 o'clock,
if it's ok with Wisting.

It's Wisting calling.
- Ask him.


Ok... fine.

So... Wisting is on his way.
We're gonna meet here and look at some names.

- It's a case his daughter is working on, it could be relevant.

Wisting has a daughter in the police force?
- No, Line is a journalist.

His daughter is a journalist named Line?
- Yes.

Good thing you're here,
we have a press conference at 4.

Sir, may I speak with you for a moment?

Excuse me, William...
they notified an abandoned car.

We don't have time for an abandoned car now.
- It's Line's car.

It's probably nothing
but I wanted to call you.

Women don't usually leave their car like this,
no matter how hasty they are.

At least, not voluntarily.
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