01x05 - Episode 5

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Wisting". Aired: April 11, 2019 – present.*
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Norwegian thriller police procedural television series based on two novels by Jørn Lier Horst, The Caveman (2013) and The Hunting Dogs (2012).
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01x05 - Episode 5

Post by bunniefuu »

Wait! Go back!
- Where? Here?


I think we just found the first Swedish victim,
Sara Lunden.

She was wearing this when she disappeared.

What did he use to do to them?

He held them c*ptive.

r*ped them several times.

He's a monster.

They're showing pictures from the site.

VG is showing pictures from the site.
Start to contact the possible families.

I want a no-fly order over the site.

We also make a press statement.
- Ok, what kind of nonsense is that?!

This guy is on the short list!
Odd Werner Ellefsen. Look.

There's more.


What do we have on Odd Werner?

He's on the list,
we're checking his ancestors.

But there's more.

Viggo Hansen,
the man Line was writing about,

he had a mental breakdown 16 years ago and
he was hospitalized as he suffered from delusions.

His delusions were very specific.

He was convinced that one of
his childhood friends had become someone else.

- We're gonna find her, you hear me?

Find out all there is about Odd Werner Ellefsen!

Where are you going?
- William shouldn't be alone.

Ok, everyone, let's figure out where
Line has been in the last 24 hours.


We should get him off the case.

You tell them to ditch their boss
when he most needs them.

You have to trust him.

How do we move with Odd Werner?
- We don't have enough to bring him in.

Ellefsen and the others must not leave the country.
Notify Svinestund as well.

Ellefsen was on invalidity retirement
before Godwin even came to Norway.

That was due to solvents on the job.
Godwin uses chloroform.

Do they use chloroform in Juten?

Ellefsen, it's the police.
Stay calm and give me the dog.

He broke into my house!
- We're policemen, give me the dog.

We had reason to believe
there was an armed man in here.

Your car, where is it?
- My car? It's in Dekkman.

Can you take us there?
We'll have a little talk.

Right forefinger.
Now the left one.

Let's go straight to the point.
Do you know her?

Have you seen her before?

Don't get upset, Thomas,
but I have bad news.

Ok. What is it?

We can't find Line.
I'm afraid she got herself in trouble.

What kind of trouble?

What kind of trouble, dad?
- She might have been kidnapped.

- Someone related to the Viggo case...

...is not who he says.
- He's not... what are you saying, dad?

Have you seen the news?

I saw the FBI is helping find
some American serial k*ller.


No... no... it can't be...

Dad, you have to find her!
Promise me, dad!


You didn't talk to her?
You didn't try to find her afterwards?

No, I knew what she wanted,
it was in the note she left.

I have the right not to talk to her!


Can you have a look into Line's phone?

Thomas said the code is her 16th birthday.
- When was it?

June 18, 2010.

He also said that Line
was talking about some old American.

An old American?
What are we talking about...

I don't know! She's my daughter
and all I know is she likes pizza!

Hi. Odd Werner's and Godwin's fingerprints
are no match.

You're wasting your time with this f*cking guy...
- So tell me what to do!


The hospital records go back to the 50's.

In orthopedics are organized by year.

I'm checking every arm fracture year by year.

Line, where are you?
Everybody's looking for you!


What the f*ck...
"I would love to see you again"... "smiley face, smiley face"...

Line replies: "how about right now?"
It was sent yesterday, 10 after 10.

What the f*ck?!
You met her last night and you didn't tell us?!

Please, listen to me...
I can explain... wait!

Let go!
I got it!

Ok! Ok!
- Step away!

John, get out!

So you're supposed to be the experts we needed?
The best police in the world!

Why don't you go home
before you f*ck up something else?!

You know what, f*ck you!
- f*ck you too!

What the hell were you thinking?

I had no idea who she was...
- Shut up!

When were you gonna tell me?
- I felt I should tell Wisting first, face to face.

What's that some kind of "male respect" bullshit?

Nobody cares that you slept with her...
maybe Wisting does, personally,

...but the point is that YOU are the leak!

You are the reason why the whole world,
including Godwin,

know that we are here in Norway hunting him!
You did that!

And if he gets away... it is on you.

You know what... don't dare put this all on me.
You let him go years ago, not me!

Look, I'm...
- Go. I don't wanna see your face. Go.

Stay away from Wisting, for your own good.

I know him from before Godwin came to Norway.

Call him,
maybe he can help us with the names.

I've tried, he's in New York,
but I may have another source.

Annie Nyhus. I sent a car for her.
- Ok. Good.

- Hi.

You worked two nights ago, right?
You remember the young lady I had drinks with?

She met with somebody else before me.
An older guy, he was sitting right there.

Do we have an Ole L. and a Fred I.
on the suspects list?

I'm searching.

We must talk before the press conference.
- Wisting.

It's John,
you need to listen to him.

Sir, your daughter met with an older man
the first night that we spoke.

It looked like some kind of interview
that didn't go too well.

She told me it was her fault,
she'd been rude or tactless.

I did not know at the time
that she was a journalist.

The man's name is Fred Iversen.
He's a Norwegian that lives in Denmark.

He's a regular at the hotel.
Checked out early today.

Find out if he was here in August, when Crabb was...
- I did, he was here! Iversen was here!

Fred Iversen. Norwegian citizen, based in Aalborg.
No wife, no kids.

Works for a company called Aqua Consulting.
They're big on mussel farming.

They have a plant outside Stavern.
He's specialized in measuring poison levels in mussels.

Guess what he uses.

Here... Fred Iversen got a ticket
for the Frederikshavn ferry at 2 o'clock.

He's at the harbor right now, waiting for the ferry.
- Send all men.

Check the car.

Bravo here. There's nothing.

Stop! Iversen!
Police! Stop, Iversen!

Is this the girl you met?
- Yes.

You talked to her? - Yes.
- Today? - No.

What did you talk about?
- She was a reporter, she asked to meet me...

I can't say... I'm not sure.

Why you need my fingerprints?

Annie Nyhus is here.

Ask Christine if we can get his prints.

Check for Iversen's name in the hospital records.

For an arm fracture.
- Right.


You know him?

Yes, it's Fred Iversen.
- How long have you known him?

From when he was a kid.
What's the matter?

My daughter is missing. We're checking
every person she had contact with lately.

- Yes.

This is Line's work.
A map of all Viggo Hansen's relations.

We figured out who everyone is, except this Ole L.
- Ole L....

It must be Ole Linge.
- Ole Linge. We got a new name!

She talked to him,
he grew up with Viggo Hansen and all the others.

Iversen never broke his arm,
at least before he moved away.

Ole Lnge broke his arm... I remember that.

He's not on the list,
he's one year out of our searching range.

Alone, invalidity pension, lives in Rakke.

None of them resembles the guy I met.

Look at the shape of the eyes.

The man you saw died long ago.

We can confirm that the FBI is helping us...

...in what has now become a very complex case.

The Norwegian media have already made the connection
between the dead American, Peter Crabb, and
the serial k*ller, Robert Godwin.

Wanted by the FBI for 20 years.

Suspected to have k*lled
several young women.

He's a North American...

...and probably guilty of more murders in the US,
so it's normal we're cooperating with the FBI.

For the sake of the investigation,
I can't disclose any details on the search we're doing.

But I can confirm we have found
several human parts in a well out of Larvik.

You mean Godwin was active in Larvik?

Found anything?

Fresh bread.


I found something.


Crabb's passport.

Ledigheten, Skapafors?
- It's in Sweden.

I'll check it up.

Ole Lingen bought the cabin in 1993.

Have you checked back in Sweden?
- I'm working on it.

We're good to fly across the Swedish border.
They're sending men to Ole Linge's cabin.

When we'll get there?
- 5 minutes.

The Swedes say the cabin is empty.

They found Godwin's car nearby.

Check the boot.
- It's empty but there are signs of her being there.

Wisting, which way do we go?
- Line is here somewhere.

Can we fly over the area
around Godwin's car?

I see something!

On the roof!

It's Line!

Can we get closer?
- I'll try.

That's Godwin.
Get closer!





At the end of a dramatic joint action of the Swedish
and Norwegian police, the American serial k*ller, Robert Godwin,
was chased down and kil

The FBI helped in the search of the man
who fled the US in 1999.

He was wanted in the US for 6 murders and evidence
was found that he operated in Norway and Sweden under a fake identity.

Several cases of missing girls
have now an answer.

A Norwegian police officer and his daughter
suffered minor injuries in the action.

Police announced a press conference...

Come on, there must be something you want.

I have you.

Plus, the cowboys are leaving.
That's the best gift for me.

- Thank you for seeing me off.

John was gonna stop by your house but
I told him he should leave the country while he still could.

I've read her article,
it was really good.

Captivating, even with Google Translate.
You must be very proud of her.

What about you?
You don't mind leaving before the press conference?

Vetti organized it as she wants.
You are to get the credit.

It's not fair.
- It's not why we do this, right? For the applause.

- No.

Besides, I got to sh**t the fucker.
I'll live off that for a while.

And you saved my daughter's life... and mine.


Thomas, you came back!

"He lived in solitude, Viggo.
He chose it."

"What k*lled him were a childhood photo
and the visit of an American."

"Viggo knew what was coming
but he chose to stay alone."

"He needed no one, trusted no one,
that's why we weep for Viggo's sad life."

She's good.
- It's just sad.

You should have told me you were coming.

Thomas, I...

I know you're disappointed...
- Dad...

I came back 'cause my sister's life was in danger.

I was also disappointed when you celebrated
Christmas in Thailand rather than here.

I'd like us three to celebrate together.
- I's not necessary.

But I want to!

I was tired to wait to become a priority.

I know you love me, dad.
It's not that.

It's just... you're not really interested.

I'll see you, ok?
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