01x06 - Episode 6

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Wisting". Aired: April 11, 2019 – present.*
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Norwegian thriller police procedural television series based on two novels by Jørn Lier Horst, The Caveman (2013) and The Hunting Dogs (2012).
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01x06 - Episode 6

Post by bunniefuu »

You look great.
- Thanks.

Go get your praises.

We're ready, follow me.

- Hi.

Thanks for coming.

I know you're here to talk about Godwin but
we'd like your comment on another matter too.

Fine, I guess.
- Great.

Hi, Morten.
What you're here for?

I'm a bit late, we'll talk later.

There's another way to say it.

His friend, FBI agent Maggie Griffin,
invited him to her ranch in Colorado.

That's romance!
It must be said he's got very competent colleagues.

You know attorney Henden?
- I've heard of him.


William Wisting, Norway's celebrity cop.

Thank you.

You did what the FBI couldn't do.

I didn't catch Robert Godwin by myself,
we had a strict cooperation with the FBI.

I'm just glad I could avoid more victims
by doing my job as a policeman.

Our second guest is a Supreme Court lawyer:
Philip Henden.

We can safely say that you
represented some of the worst country's criminals.

You claim Larvik police made a mistake.
- I'm not claiming, I have the evidence.

Robert Godwin was apprehended...
- I'm talking about Vidar Haglund, my client.

What the f*ck is this?

Haglund was a policeman under Wisting
and he was falsely charged for m*rder.

He's been in prison for 17 years,
pleading his innocence...

...and for 17 years, Cecilia's real m*rder*r
has been free!

What's he talking about...

These are serious accusations.

I have here a copy of the complaint
we sent to the Internal Investigations office.

It describes how Larvik police manipulated
the evidence to get an innocent man convicted.

The man responsible for that
is right here: William Wisting.

How do you respond to these accusations?

It's not proper for me to stay here
and discuss individual cases.

But you were in charge of that investigation.

f*ck this!
He don't deserve it!

I must go in.

How do you respond to that?

You still think Haglund is guilty?

- We need you in the newsroom, it's about your father.

I'm coming.
What the f*ck, Morten?!


Yes. Good.

Let's go.

What is it, Tiedmann?

You found a snack?

When I saw the draft,
I thought I should call you.

Is it final?

It's still early but I think this'll be it.

f*ck off!

Hi, Line.
- They're out to get you, dad.

It's on tomorrow's front page.
- What do they say?

Henden claims you have proof
of Haglund's innocence.

He painted you as a criminal.

Did they call you yet?
- No.

They will,
think of something to say.

You realize what's going on?
- Line...

What they say it's not true.
I did not...

I know.

Hey, Frost.

Since when you're on that story?

It's over 4 pages of research,
you knew what Henden was on to.

Line, you're too involved.
It's hard but we must keep you out.

You're out to destroy my father!
- Like any other paper, it's just our job.

I'm sure you agree with me on that.

What if it's just publicity?
Are you sure he has evidence?

Your father will be able to defend himself.
- Two minutes before deadline?!

A dead body was found in Frogner park.
Who are we sending?

Is it m*rder?
- So it seems. - Ok.

Take some time off if you want.
I understand it's hard to work right now.

Or maybe you wanna look into this m*rder.
It might be a better front page.

You have two hours!

Christine. Hi.
- Hi.

I saw the program.
- I shouldn't have agreed to be there.

Listen... VG called...

They want a comment but
Vetti won't give them any.

It was long before I got here, so
I need more info if I'll have to respond...

Are we willing to help Henden
spread more shit?

If he did that,
evidently there is some shit.

We must be well prepared for this.

Ok, come in.

Ingrid collected everything.
- Good.


Let's see.

I remember this picture.
- Cecilia drew a lot of attention.

She was a model for his father's fashion house.

She was the second girl who
went missing in less than a year.

She was taken while she was jogging.
We thought she might still be alive.

She made a recording while
she was held in the car's boot.

We found it a week after.
We worked day and night.

But after 12 days,
we found her body in the woods.

Short after we started suspecting Haglund.
- Why?

Stallteigen farm,
Cecilia used to go jogging there.

A farmer saw Haglund in his car
on the side of that road...

...around the same time Cecilia disappeared
and he had no alibi.

What did he say?
- He claimed he was never there.

But then we found evidence.

We found his DNA on some stubbs
recovered on the crime scene.

He could never explain that in court.

By then, you didn't know Robert Godwin was living in the area.
- That doesn't clear Haglund.

I have to ask you...

Is it possible someone didn't do
his job? Took some shortcuts?

As far as I know,
everyone did their best.

- Hi, Erik. Why haven't you changed?

I've been trying to get you the perfect picture.

- I think it went well.

Let me see.

- See?

Is it the victim's dog?
- Yes, he was howling when I got here.

I'll send this to the editor.
- Forget it, this photo is mine. It'll be tomorrow's front page.

"Unknown, middle-aged man dead in Frogner park"?

I know... should have been a little girl.

Young and pretty.

You're gonna talk to the police?

They don't know who he is,
they ain't gonna say anything.

We need something more exciting.
- "We"?

Who took the dog?

Can I help you?

May I see the dog that
was recovered in Frogner park tonight?

The one from...
- That one.

I'm Line. I work for VG.
- VG? You got permission from the police?

You know how they are...
they like to strut around in uniform when something happens.

My brother's a cop.
- Not all of them are like that...

He is.
"Look at me, I have a wife and a stick".

You think you can help me?


I call him Drillo.
Norway's head coach had a dog like this.

You wanna pet him?
- Yes, please.

Good dog!

Does he have a chip?
- I forgot to check.

Let's see.

"Jonas Ravneberg. Brakstads 13."
- I should ring my brother.

You really have to?
Can't you give a small advantage?

Thank you. Bye.
- Bye.

WAS HE m*rder*d?


- "VG att*cked by the m*rder*r".


My God!
How are you?

Hold the front page.
I'll get in touch soon.

I'm at the victim's house.

I was att*cked right here.
- Are you ok? Is that the police?

Promise me!
- We have 20 minutes.

You'll have it in 15.

It's the shock.
Your nerves are all alerted.

It'll go away.

I already told you all I know.

We're going to the hospital.
- I can't go.

We gotta check for fibers and DNA.

I'm working, I have a deadline!
- We're working too.

You just bumped into a possible m*rder*r.



Hi, Frank.
- Hi.

I saw you on TV.
- Yes...

What do you want?
- Cecilia... the case is being reopened.

Haglund stands his ground.
- You're afraid I'll go after him and k*ll him.

I must admit the idea is tempting.

But I won't do it,
I also want him to pay for Ellen's disappearance.

What if it wasn't him?
Have you thought about that?

We've been living with a serial k*ller for 20 years. Godwin...
- Ellen is in no well.

How can you be sure?
- Cecilia wasn't in a well.

Haglund k*lled my niece.

We must arrest him.
He k*lled Cecilia too.

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

You got it?
- Good job, Line. You made page 5.

Are you kidding?

The dog angle is strong and original...

...but it's no first page,
no one knows the victim or the k*ller.

But it was a good job anyway.
We're putting on the web the story of you being assaulted.

You hear me?

- I'm from the Ostlands-Posten, can you give a comment...

Not now.


Good morning, how's Haglund?

I'd say he's relieved.
I'm glad the truth is finally coming to light.

What's gonna happen now?
- The new evidence will lead to a case reopening.

In the meantime, I hope and believe...

...the competent authorities will do their job
and bring some dishonest policeman to face responsibility.

You mean William Wisting?
- Wisting was responsible for the evidence against my client.

In my opinion, he has deprived an innocent man
of 17 years of his life.

So it's a very serious matter.

Let me see.


Good morning.
How's everybody?

Anything new?

Say something to VG,
they made you too handsome on the pictures.

Thank you, Nils.
- Soon they'll call you for the "Love Pursuit" series.


There'll be an internal investigation.

We must assume they'll hear from
everyone involved in Cecilia's case.

They'll also hear us on different matters.
- For f*ck's sake!

I know, but...
they have the right to inquire anyone on anything.

Haglund was f*cking guilty.

Do we have to waste time with this?
- You think we can refuse to cooperate?

We must be pragmatic.
- You would be great for Internal Affairs.

They wouldn't have interfered
if it wasn't for VG and Henden.

Now we're the ones investigated.
- Let them do it, we have nothing to hide.

We're gonna prove them wrong.

William, can you come to my office?

Will you do this?

I'm calling VG.
- Nils!

What happened to you?!
- I'm fine, just wrong place and wrong time.

Caught a burglar in the act.
- I'll wait upstairs.

You gotta be careful!
- I am, dad.

I worry for you,
what will you say to VG?

Let them write what they want.
- No, listen to me.

Magazines sale and Jante Law
are at their top right now!

You're too popular,
people will wanna bring you down!

Everyone's looking for an angle
to make you look bad!

Listen, Line...
- They're all after you, you gotta fight!

I'm not alone here,
I have all the help I need.

What is it?

I just went through Henden's evidence.

You had 3 cigarette butts
and you tested them for DNA.

Henden also had them analyzed.


Haglund's DNA was on the Petteroes Bla.

But the other two were Tiedemanns Gul.
You know what that means?

No one smokes two brands at a time...
and that's not even the worst part.

Lab thinks the stub with Haglund's DNA
wasn't even with the other two.

One of our unit planted that stub.

And that's what framed Haglund.

It was planted where Cecilia was held.

I gotta talk to Haglund.

It's not your job.

I have to suspend you, William.

You were in charge of that case.

You were responsible.

Are you done with your make-up?
- I'll clean it up.

I can't even wash my hands...
- I said I'll clean it up, ok?

Can't you pick up your stuff
while you update your blog?

The world must know police can't be trusted.
- "The world"?

It was months ago, Linnea...
- I'm trying to write about something important.

People won't care about your words
if you put up pictures like this.

"Look how pretty I am"... don't you understand?

You have any idea who's looking at this?

Don't you understand these pictures
can be used for anything?

Thanks for help, mom.
Next time I'll use a photo of you,

then people will look at the words.
- For f*ck's...

I'm sorry, Morten...
I was way over the line.

What are you doing with that hand?

Where's your limit, Line?
As a journalist? As a colleague?

You think you'll get away with anything
just because you're young and blonde?


Wisting and I decided
he's gonna step aside for a while.

You mean you suspended him?
- Yes, it was the right thing given the situation.

So Hammer's in charge?

You and Hammer don't get along, do you?

One must be able to keep a cool head,
especially when the media are on us.

Especially in cases like this.

I want you to take over
as leading investigator.

I don't wanna badmouth Hammer...
- No, it's not that.

Honesty is something I value very much.

We need to restore trust
and I think you can do it.



Take it.

I have nothing against you, William.

We just need to be more transparent.
- Transparent?

Like tell everyone who really k*lled Cecilia?

'Cause she might still be alive
if you hadn't told the media about the recording.

It was a breakthrough in the case, William!

You forced him to get rid of her.

Our best lead k*lled her
and it was your responsibility!

You're not gonna blame me
for your own incompetence!

not a shit!
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