01x09 - Episode 9

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Wisting". Aired: April 11, 2019 – present.*
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Norwegian thriller police procedural television series based on two novels by Jørn Lier Horst, The Caveman (2013) and The Hunting Dogs (2012).
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01x09 - Episode 9

Post by bunniefuu »

Go north through the woods.
It's very important that you...

Don't leave any stone unturned.
Starting from there...

Hi. What do you think of the fact
that Linnea's parents have started a search of their own?

I understand they are desperate
and they will do anything to find their daughter.

This search is not obstructing
the work of the police in any way.

You think the police did all they could
in this situation?

We commend the parents' efforts and we'll
help them both personally and as organization. Thanks.

- William?

Why are you here? We can't talk to you.
- It's very important.

Do we still have the reports
from the old arrest?

I think so but...
- Can you check from after Haglund was arrested?

I just need to know if we have them.

Only you know where they are.
- I'm going to see Nordbo, he knows I can't lie.

Just check that out and call me.
- I can't, I'm not allowed.

Yes... you worked here for quite some time.

You must know Wisting very well.

Only to a point,
Wisting is a very private person.

Some say he has a one-track mind,
he puts work before anything.

I'd rather say he's very responsible.

Yes, he puts work before social relations
but he's a very good boss.

How would you describe his work
in Cecilia's case?

He was thorough, as always.

Cecilia was his first m*rder case.
- Yes, I guess it was kinda special to him.

In fact, it was kinda special for all of us.

When a young girl has to suffer such fate...

He took it personally.
- He was determined to solve the case,

to give the parents some answers.
- Even if they weren't the right ones?

I didn't say that.
- I'm trying to look at the big picture,

don't be afraid of being disloyal.
The case against Wisting will stand whatever you say.

Did Wisting contact you?

Think carefully before you answer.
Lying to me is a serious crime.

Did Wisting try to contact you?


He contacted me, yes.

He asked me if he could
have a look at some papers.

Related to Cecilia's case?

Related to Cecilia's case?
- Yes.

Eika, Kattestranda and the area
up to the club, ok?

You will cover...

... the Nature School.

It's bee a while... what are you doing here?

I saw on Facebook they needed help.
They don't seem to trust the police.

Do you know the girl?
- No... I just care.

Leave a message after the tone.

Frank, it's William.
Haglund came to see me.

We need to talk.




What the f*ck...


William, what the hell
are you doing here?

What are you doing here?!

Is it you, Frank?

What did you say?
- What's Line doing here?

What the f*ck is Line doing here?!

Now get the hell out of here.

Now, William!

Look at this.

It's from Korner security camera.
This is Linnea but who is that?

I saw him at that party.

It's from the day before she disappeared.
Are we sure she had no boyfriend?

See who he is,
they're all on Facebook.

You reached Line Wisting,
leave a message.

Line, call me back, ok?

We gotta talk, Line.


Is he under silent treatment?
He already called you 3 or 4 times.

Why do you want me to answer?
- I don't want anything.

Seems a bit childish though.

We start by unscrewing the top.
Get the right size tool and unscrew all bolts.

Hi, Benjamin Fjell
from the police.

- We need to speak to Lars Petter.

Of course, no problem.
- Great.

You saw Linnea just before she disappeared.
- Who says that?

A security camera in mid-Larvik.

What were you doing?
- You went out together?

She was...

She was...?
- She was older and more like...

More like... you dreamed of her
but could never get her?

Ok but what were you doing that day?

She was nervous...
because of the guy following her.

So I asked if she wanted someone
to walk along with her...

...and keep her company, as friends.
- friends?

Ok, Iliked her... is it illegal?

Did you believe the story of the stalker?

Not much... knowing
how hungry for attention she is.

So you thought she was
an extremely sexy idiot?

You pretended to believe her
so you could walk around with her.

Why didn't you contact us?
- I was scared.

I realized I was the last person
to talk to her.

What the...

I can see how the parents won't believe the su1c1de story.
- I don't believe that either.

Look at all the pictures she posted.
Each one of them she decorated it.

She used stars, emojis, filters,
they're all the same style.

Then look at this.

Nothing at all.

Everything was thought through.
She's a blogger, an Instababe,

She'd never leave such picture as her last...
- Benjamin...

It wasn't your fault.

You're a damn good cop.

You need some sleep.
Shall I drive you home?

Ok, let me close this.
- I'll wait outside.

Ellen... Ellen...

Where is it?

What was that?
- Nothing.

We can go.
- Yes.

- It's Kare.

- Yes, from Larvik docks.

I remembered the last name
of Ravneberg's girlfriend: Torell.

It came to me.
- Ok. Thank you.

Something important?

A chance to save my reputation
and my job.

That's good.
- A little late maybe.

Screw that, I'll just work in your bar.
- Sure, let me check your rap sheet.

Your record is spotless, right?


- I need the address of a Tommy Kvanter.

I don't know why I care.
I should report him.

Dammit... if we're supposed to follow the rules
then I have to do it.

You're not a saint either.
- Why be loyal to someone who don't trust me?

Now you're being childish.

He stole from the police station.
- For the best of reasons, don't you think?

Who tempered with the evidence
maybe did it for the best of reasons too.

Hi, can I come in?

You know, everyone thinks you're right and I'm wrong.

What you think would happen
if I only touched you?

- Trouts.

Where do you fish?
- Would you reveal your spots?

You make your flies yourself.

I know what they like,
I only use mine.

This way they taste better.
- I don't eat them, I just like to catch them.

Guess where they live...
where they like to go...

I hook them and pull them
till they run out of strength.

Then you just release them?

I just can't let them go.
If they bite once, they learn not to do it again.

I know it was you.

I'll never give up.




Dad, what are you doing?
You look like you lost your mind!

Yes... but...
let me explain why I'm here.

Thanks for last time.
You want some coffee?

Can we talk in the car?
- No, we talk here.

Jonas Ravneberg,
from your VG article,

he was questioned as witness
in Ellen's case.

Didn't the police realize...
- We miswrote the name.

I don't think anyone knows
about this connection.

There's more... Frank Robekk
is much more unstable than I thought.

He's been taking pictures of you,
like he had some kind of fixation on you.

Will you help me get to the bottom of it?

What's Ravneberg got to do with Ellen's case?

His car was spotted by Ellen's house
when she disappeared.

Ravneberg was one of the 4 people
to have that same car.

How did he explain it?
- He didn't, his girlfriend gave him an alibi.

Then the man who saw the car became uncertain
and that was that.

Ravneberg moved to Larvik 17 years ago.
He and the wife had divorced.

The same time that Haglund was sentenced.

Then the case is reopened
and someone kills him.

What do you know about Ravneberg?
- I know his ex-wife was Swedish.

Is this Frank's photo?
- Yes.

That's Torgeir Roxrud's house,
he was an old friend of Ravneberg.

Frank must have followed you.
- Maybe he was watching Roxrud.

So you know where it is.
- Yes.

Nordbo told me the case against Wisting
has been extended.

Wisting started his own investigation...

...with the purpose of swaying the witnesses
and obstruct the I.A. inquiry.

Nordbo also said that Internal Affairs
might extend the charges...

...if they find anyone of you
is helping Wisting.

We all like Wisting.

It may sound absurd when I ask you
to be loyal to the station and not to your boss...

...but that's what I'm doing.

We're in the middle of a missing girl case.

Also, we're in the middle of a mediatic storm.
I need that from you.

From each one of you.

Is it the only Madeleine Torell you found?

I thought you used Fredrik for that.
- I'm on my own now.

What you mean?

No... wait...

- Madeleine Torell?

Who's this?
- I'm Line Wisting, from Oslo.

You used to live with Jonas Ravneberg, didn't you?

- Sorry about the circumstances.

I work for VG, I'm writing about Jonas' m*rder.
- m*rder?

Is he dead?
- I thought you knew...

- You found her?

Can I come in?

Have you ever seen this boy?

Lars Petter Myhre.

I've never seen him.
Is he a suspect?

We're wondering how did he know Linnea.

I don't know.

None of this is your fault, Hanne.

Even if you and Linnea did argue...

I should have listened to Linnea
when she came to see me.

But I believe you...
and I don't think Linnea k*lled herself.

Last thing I told her was "bitch".

I can't live with that.

You had a fight?

I saw some pictures.
- From her blog?

What kind of pictures?

You know who took them?

She said she had some online friend.

You still have the pictures?

None of this is on the blog.
- No, these are very private.

Then who took them?
- I don't know.

A photographer, of course.

Stop! Go back!
Zoom below.

Down, on the right.

"Flom Foto"... Danny Flom.
- Who is it?

Danny Flom... Cecilia's boyfriend.
He was the first suspect 17 years ago.

- Hi... we'll talk later.

See you.
- Ok. Bye.

Can I help you?
- We need an expert opinion on some photos.

Would you say this is
an expert photographer?

I took those here.
- You said you didn't know Linnea.

It was 6 months ago.

So you forgot?

Too many teenage girls undressing in here?

No, it was the first time.
- Why you keep lying?!

You told me you didn't know her!

I knew you would come here
and accuse me like you did last time.

It was her idea, she needed photos
for a modeling agency or something.

What modeling agency?

Ok, Thanks.
- So?

They remember Linnea, they gave her a job
but she backed out.

She ran from the photo sh**t.
She wasn't tough enough, she said.

Stay here and see what he does
when he thinks we're gone.

Look, it's Ravneberg's dog.

Come here, Tiedemann!

What's this...

That's Roxrud's dog.

It's Roxrud.

Shit... Magnus!

Hey, Magnus!

What are you doing here?
- I know who took the pictures.

Ok, we're gonna handle this... we are...

Hey... Magnus...
- Let me go!

Let me go!
- Magnus... listen to me...

I'll find her, ok?
I'll find her.

You can't stay here, ok?

You need to go home.

It's my fault... I led the m*rder*r here
with that shitty article.

He found nothing at Ravneberg's, so...

I made it sound like Roxrud
was Ravneberg's only acquaintance.

"Deep friendship, built after
many years of raising dogs together".

You think he's the one who took Linnea?
Whoever k*lled Roxrud...

Line, listen...

William Wisting?
- Yes.

He's in the field across the barn.

Our orders are to arrest you.
- As witness? You're kidding me?

Internal Affairs want you under arrest.
You need to come with us.

Cuffs aren't necessary, unless Nordbo specified...
- We're sorry.
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