04x01 - Episode 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Wisting". Aired: April 11, 2019 – present.*
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Norwegian thriller police procedural television series based on two novels by Jørn Lier Horst, The Caveman (2013) and The Hunting Dogs (2012).
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04x01 - Episode 1

Post by bunniefuu »

We get to the lake...

...and your grandfather tells me
to make a hole in the ice.

He hands me a rusty drill
that looks a hundred years old.

An hour later,
I'm still grinding away.

I finally break through the ice.
Do you know what he said?

"Okay, now you can
drill one for yourself."

Did you catch any fish?

I was so sweaty and cold,
I only caught a frozen willy!


-Did you get my email?

Close the kitchen.

Rosa, do another magic trick.

Come on, Clifford,
it's bedtime for little brats.

Open wide.

-You've not brushed your teeth?
-I have.

Let me see...

Come on, or I'll make
Mr. Fluff disappear.

-Shall I put him to bed?
-It's fine, I'll do it.

Come on, Clifford.

Don't forget me.
Promise me.

Good night.

-Do you think I want contact?
-No expectations.

-To anyone?

Sammy is a one man thing.
Gotta go, bro. See ya.

-Hey, dad.


-When did you come home?

-Where do you stay?
-At Line's.

-We've been really busy.

She's moving,
and with the premiere...

-I work at the hospital.
-Are you not going back?

-I'm staying in Norway for a while.
-Let me buy you a beer.

Let's catch up.

I work the morning shift tomorrow.
Some other time.

All right.

I'll see you then.



This is William Wisting.

Hi, Olav.

I didn't know you knew Engdahl.

He and my dad were in Rotary.

Why call the switchboard when
you can call the boss directly?

There he is.

I walk the grounds before people
wake up. I haven't touched her.

-What's her name?
-Rosa García Backer.

-Has she worked here long?
-For a few years.

-Any family?
-Will this take long?

Any family?

She's married.
No children, to my knowledge.

-Is that a hotel room?
-It's a private room.

My grandchild sleeps there.

-Can we have a look?
-Must you?


I went to check on him,
he doesn't usually sleep in.

-How familiar is he with the hotel?
-We come every summer.

-His toy rabbit isn't here.
-Don't touch anything, please.

What the hell is going on?

Clifford's gone, and Rosa is dead.

-What are you talking about?
-They found her outside.

Can I ask you to leave the room
for a moment?

-What happened?
-I saw her, she's all bloody.

It's awful!

We must report the child missing
and close off the hotel.

What do you mean,
you can't find him?

Where's my brother?
Is he hurt?


The next hours are crucial.

Look for places
where a child may hide or be hidden.

We are also looking for
a mobile phone.

All right? Good luck.

I talked to all the guests.

-Sorry. Car trouble.
-Date went well, then?

Focus, please.

The culprit entered via the balcony
and was surprised by Rosa.

What was she doing there?

She had access. She was employed
as Clifford's nanny.

Collect surveillance footage
and speak to the night watch.

A search dog marked by the sea,
but no one has been found.

Call in a couple of divers,
don't tell the family yet.

I'll have a chat with Rosa's husband.

What the hell.

They turn up quicker than
head lice in primary school.

You can't be here.

Has an employee been m*rder*d?
Is it connected?

Speak to our press officer.
No comments as of yet.

-I'm not going to stand around.
-Please let us handle the media.

-Are you okay?
-I'm fine.

Is there anything you want
to tell us about last night?

It looks like you had
too much to drink.

I need to look for my brother.


This is the police,
is anyone home?

Backer...I'm calling an ambulance.

-Are you sure?
-I want to work as much as I can.

All hell is loose. I'll call back.

-Why are you here?

We're working.
We're talking to a patient.

-Your dad is in there.

-I have to see her.
-No. Calm down.

Hello, Thomas.

Did you see the assailant?

I heard someone behind me,
and then it's all dark.

-Do you remember anything?
-Is it the same person?

A boy is missing from the hotel.

Clifford Greenwood.
Rosa was his nanny, right?

-You'll know the moment we do.

Has Rosa mentioned
anything unusual in the past weeks?

No unknown people
seen around the hotel?

Where were you last night?

-At my cottage.
-By yourself?

I'm recording a new album.

When was your last contact with Rosa?


Look at me.

I'm going to throw up.




-Why aren't you out looking?
-Sorry. I needed the loo.

There are divers in the water.

I'm so scared!

We'll find him.


So far, nothing has been found.
The Red Cross continues the search.

The Greenwoods live in Brighton.

Andrew runs an investment fund
with his uncle.

Mai is a photographer
and the daughter of Olav Engdahl.

A well-off hotel heiress? That's

We can't be distracted by that,

The autopsy concludes that
Rosa was k*lled by a head injury.

None of the guests had noticed
anything out of the ordinary.

We're looking
at the surveillance tape now.

The only cameras are
in the reception area.

-Rosa's phone?
-We've retrieved the data.

It has pinged twice
in the last couple of hours,

-at or close to the hotel.
-Why have we not found it?

It has been at the hotel
for the past 24 hours.

So if Rosa was at home,
she didn't bring the phone with her.

Keep looking for the phone.

We should assume
that Clifford is alive.

That's why we are still here,
and we're not going home yet.

If we find Clifford, we will also
probably find Rosa's m*rder*r.


That's fine, but don't
talk to anyone about...

I'll talk to you later.

You seem better?

-That's good.

I've met you before somewhere.

-I worked earlier today.
-No, before this.

I don't think so.

Thomas, I'm about to move.

You have to find somewhere to live.

Do you want to sleep on dad's coach?

I'll try to make it.

By the way, do you know how...

How to find out
if someone has a criminal record?

You can't do that freely.

-No, nothing.

I have to get back to work,
speak to you later.

Hi, Line!

Do you have time?
I read about the m*rder.

-Your dad doesn't update you?
-Not at all.

-Is the kid still missing?
-I know that look.

I saw it when you were here
for work week in middle school.

-I thought I knew it all.

Come on!

There's so much excitement
about the place now.

Young and hungry people
want to work for the paper.

We are going digital...

I have a subscription.

We are looking for a news editor.

-And you believe...
-You'd be perfect for the job.

You have the nose and the guts,
and you're not an old man.

I've already accepted a job in Oslo.

VG wants me to head
a documentary series.

On influencers.
You're going to turn them down.

I'm moving in a few days.

I should've given you that job
when you were 15.

Sorry? There's lots of police
at Backer's house.

Is this bottle familiar?
It was found just offshore.

It is his.

Clifford would never come here
on his own. Someone took him.

I understand your concern.

All our resources
are working the case.

Why the hell
has no one been arrested?

Mai, come along.

The prick was always a charmer.


Rosa might have slept at the hotel.

She had a universal keycard.

I have a list of when it was used.

It was used for the same room
several days in a row.

Send me the room number.
Let's go.

-What are you looking for?
-Please wait outside.

She seems to have
stayed here for a while.

And she had visitors.

This hardly belongs to the husband.

-"Mates." Does that sound familiar?
-Why are you asking me?

Well, you're single
and not a complete trainwreck.

For your age, obviously.

"Mates. Finest British condoms."

-Maybe have a word with Andrew?
-Run it by the lab first.

-I feel like it's all my fault.
-It's not.

Hey, it's not your fault.

Come here.

It's not your fault.

Hold on.

You should go.

-Are you sure?
-It's fine.


-Who is that?
-He's just a friend.

His name is Alex.
He is from the dive centre.

Does he know where
you were partying last night?

Please don't tell my parents.
We were just chilling.

Is there anything we should know?
Anything you heard or saw?

Before my brother went to bed,
Rosa said something f*cked up.

She told him not to forget her.

-I don't know.

It was like she knew
something bad was going to happen.

-Is Andrew back?

Did Rosa mention wanting to quit?

-No, she didn't.
-She sent me her notice.

I only saw it today.
She says she does it for your sake.

For our sake?

-Tell me what I'm doing here.
-In here, please.

-Find anything?
-Not enough for a match.

But he doesn't know that.

-Do you have any idea where he is?
-Everyone is looking for him.

I need to ask you,
how well did you know Rosa?

She worked for my father-in-law.

She was a good employee and had
a good connection with the kids.

-You let her watch Clifford?
-Yes. She took him into town.

Did you know
she was sleeping at the hotel?

How does this help?
You won't tell us anything.

We found a used condom in her room.

A British brand.
We are checking for fingerprints.

We don't want to waste any time,
for your son's sake.

We slept together a few times.

It was a mistake. Mai doesn't know.

-When did it start?
-Last summer.

It was just a casual thing,
for both of us.

She wasn't getting
any attention from her husband.

-Did he know about you?

-Well, maybe.

A couple of days ago
she told me she'd moved out.

-To be with you?
-No! She wouldn't say.

-But she had left him.
-It seemed that way.

You know where Rosa's phone is,
don't you?

I panicked.
It has nothing to do with Clifford.

That's not for you to decide.

Andrew has Rosa's mobile.
Bring him back to the hotel.

-We're charging him with obstruction?
-The boy is more important.

We must talk to Backer again, too.

He should've told us
about Rosa moving out.

-Just a couple of questions.
-I'm sorry.


Sorry, has Joachim Backer been moved?

No...Let me check.

-What's going on?
-Not now.

Are you looking for Backer?

It's strange.
He has not been dismissed.

Is he suspected of anything?

Hey, leave it. Not now. Stop!

The car's not here.

And he doesn't answer his phone.

So where the hell is he?

Benjamin, put out an APB
on Joachim Backer's car.

-They own a cottage.

I'll send someone.
Did you see the news?

-No, why?
-Check the news right away.

Bloody hell.


-Hello, Tommy.

-It's been a while.

I wanted to call you.
Some of your stuff is in the flat.

-I'm sorry.
-It's no problem.

I'm moving.

-I'm moving back to Oslo.

-I'll stop by.
-I can deliver it.

That's all right.

-T-Boy, are you coming?

I have to get back to work.

All right. Well, bye.


-Didn't you have an open house?
-I wanted to share a beer with you.

One last party
before you leave, again.

Before I leave again?

-You asked about criminal records?
-No worries. How was your day?

I got a job offer and ran into my ex.

-I turned both down.

As the ice cold bitch that I am.

Cheers to that.


-I was nearby anyway.
-Come on in.

Hello. I don't want to intrude.

Not at all. Sit down.
I have to leave anyway.


-Nice to have your brother back?

You'd better check
that it's all there.

This one?

Who was your friend earlier?

-I have a new job.
-Not at a bar?

No, I take tourists around on a boat.

-Very adult.
-I don't know.

Childishly fast boats, though.

This one...I thought you'd want it.

As a farewell present.

I don't have a record player.

Lots of hipsters in Oslo.
You'll find someone who owns one.


I'm happy we were able to
say goodbye in a proper way.


-Any luck at the cottage?

But there's
something else you should see.

We'd better tell the family.


-Have you found him?
-We have to show you something.

Some photos of a boy on Rosa's
mobile. We believe it's Clifford.

That's Clifford.

It's definitely Clifford.

Where is this?

This is
Joachim and Rosa Backer's home.

Did Rosa take perverted pictures?

-Her husband did.
-They were on her phone.

Rosa discovered these
on his computer.

She sent a message
threatening him with police.

Then she moved out.

So the person who did this
has also taken Clifford?

And you let him get away?

If we'd found the phone right away,
this would not have happened.

He would still be in our custody.

What are they talking about?


-Let's just go home.

Not here.

How did they take it?

At least now they have
something to talk about.

Anything new
about Backer or Clifford?


-Take an hour on the eye?
-I'm fine.

The expression is
"an hour on the ear".

-You literally sleep on your ear.

Backer used the cashpoint in
Dronningens gate one hour ago.

That's near the industrial park.

The music school where he teaches
is nearby too, isn't it?

There's light on the first floor.

Someone clearly lives here.

Come on.

Send an ambulance.

Hey, are you okay? Where is the boy?
Can you hear me?

Where did you hide the boy?



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