04x04 - Episode 4

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Wisting". Aired: April 11, 2019 – present.*
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Norwegian thriller police procedural television series based on two novels by Jørn Lier Horst, The Caveman (2013) and The Hunting Dogs (2012).
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04x04 - Episode 4

Post by bunniefuu »

So, where did you usually meet Alex ?

At the dive club.


And the night Clifford went missing?

We met at the campsite,
he'd rented a small cabin.

Police, stand clear!

It can't be him.

The night Clifford disappeared;
tell me what happened.

After he fell asleep I went
to see Alex at the campsite.

He was late from work.
I waited for an hour, maybe.

When he got back, we drank some wine.

I fell asleep really quickly.
When I woke up, he was there.

But you don't know if
he was there the whole night.

Did you give your brother
sleeping pills?

No, of course not!

I was so I could sneak out,
I was really careful.

-How could you be so reckless?
-It was Alex's idea.

Oh, my God.

Do you know where Andrew is?


No, he's not answering his phone,
I thought he was with you.


I'll take those.
I have a surprise for you.

Your favorites, right?

Your arm still hurts?

Is the game over soon?


I want to go home.

Your parents are so proud of you.

And Charlotte?

And Charlotte, of course.


Don't worry, okay?

You've said you've not spoken
to Alex in a long time.

Your telephone log shows that
you last spoke just two days ago.

Why are you lying?

He called me.

He asked how to tell if an arm is
broken. I said to go to the hospital.

He doesn't want to. Before that
we'd not spoken for weeks.

We believe Alex has
both Clifford and Andrew.

Did he tell you where he was?


No background noise or anything
that may help us to find him?

-A small boy's life is at stake.

I hope you understand that.

Alex left this outside the hotel.

-A message to Andrew?
-Don't know.

-Have they had any contact?

Why did Alex change his name?

He chose to take the name Alex.

Some years ago. Possibly to forget.

-Forget what?

The fire, that he lost
both Trym and Kyrre in short order.

So did you, Siri.

So did you.

You know the feeling
of losing a child.

Do you want to do that
to anyone else?

He said I would get answers soon.

-And not to go anywhere.
-Why not?

It seemed as if he had some plan.

And you don't know what?

He is an adult,
he has his own life.

He has friends at the dive club.
I can't demand answers all the time.

But when he does call,
I support him.

She still claims she doesn't know
where he might be.

Andrew's phone
pinged by the dive club.

He supposedly received
an sms from Charlotte,

-but it was from a fake number.
-And it can't be traced?

What do we do about Siri?

-Let's send her home.

With any luck,
Alex will make contact with her.

We'll stick with her
and establish a base.

I also want surveillance
on her phone.

-Hey. Are you okay?

You arm...What happened to your arm?

It's okay. I got medicine from Alex.

Don't be scared, daddy,
it's only a game.

-What game is that?
-There's only one rule.

Do what Alex says.

That's right.

If we win, we get a huge price.
Mum and Charlotte, too.

All right.

Can we finish the game now?

Not yet. We have to wait for someone.

-She should be here soon.
-Is this about you and me?

If it is, I'm sorry.

Sorry for what?

Alex is your big brother.

It was a secret.
It shouldn't have been.




-Stop, you're hurting him!

Where's dad?

We're not sure. He took the car.

Can I have a word outside, dad?

-Not talking to me now?
-We'll be right back.

I know you're mad at me,
but I didn't mean to.

-Is it my fault that he's gone?
-Dad, are you coming?

You've reached the voicemail
of Andrew Greenwood.

Hi, Charlotte.

-Has Alex made contact?

But I've remembered Alex talked
about a great diving spot.

He spent days at a time there.

-Do you remember where?

He mentioned an old shipwreck.

Okay, we'll check it out.


Hey...Don't worry.

We're doing everything
to find Clifford and your dad.

My dad?
Has something happened to him?

No, but we don't know yet.

This whole f*cking thing is my fault!

I'll ask the dive club about
any shipwrecks in the area.

They may know
where he usually dives.

Fine, I'll continue on my end.

Leave your mobile on the table.

If Alex calls, keep him on the line
for as long as possible.

Does Alex prefer diving
in particular locations?

No, he dives many places.

When was this picture taken?

This is when they were
six and eight years old.

Shortly before the fire, then?


They were good friends
by the looks of it.

Yes, they were best friends.

How did Alex handle Trym's death?

It must have been terrible
for the both of you.

I hardly helped it.

I was sure someone started the fire.

I said so, and he heard me,
and that made him even more scared.

Alex believes that
the fire was intentional, then?

Do you still think so?

I don't know anymore.

I've wasted far too many years
of my life on this.

Can I lie down for a bit?

If the fire was set, there is
an unknown culprit at large.

Alex thinks it's Andrew.

You'd better get back.
I'll keep an eye on her.

These are the local shipwrecks.

The dive club didn't know
where Alex dives.

And one marker
could indicate several wrecks.

Right. You have to hear this.

This is Siri and Alex after the fire.

Tell the policeman what you saw.

When we last left the house.

There was a golden bike.

A yellow bicycle?

No, a gold coloured one.

It was by the road. It was nice.
I've never seen one like it.

Mai published this picture
on her Instagram.

She posted it two weeks ago.

Did Alex ask you about this bike?

How did you know?

-Is it yours?

I found it in my grandfather's shed.
He had given it to my father.

-Your father?

Dad's gold bike.

Oh, yes.

He always took taxis,
and I thought it a waste of money.

He might as well
ride around on a gold bike.

-You told Alex it was your father's?

-Do you know where it is?

I've not seen it in a few days.

We'll let you know if we find it.

-Veronica, I need a favour.

Ask the crime lab
to look for the bike at the hotel.

There's another thing.

Hits from the toll station
by the recycling facility.

Check the registrations against
the family's cars, and the hotel's.


What did you want from Lukas?


It happened a week ago.

A woman I don't know called me.

She warned me to keep
my son away from Joakim Backer.

I've later realized the caller
was Rosa, the m*rder*d woman.

I checked the chat log on his phone.

There was a ton of shit there.

I should have contacted police,
but I wanted to spare him.

I kicked the shit out of him instead.

It would be a great help
if we could speak to your son.

He says nothing has happened.

-In order to interrogate Backer...
-No, listen to me.

He thinks nothing wrong has happened.

Joakim has a certain personality.
He makes you feel seen.

He gives you the impression
you have something special.

He says it's a secret
that no one can know about.


What are you really saying?

I'm saying that
I understand Lucas very well.

If the secret gets out, you feel...

Your parents and everyone else
will be ashamed of you.

Even fifteen years later.


I can't talk about this now.

Just stop him.

Nils, can you take over?

I can't do this.

Use the speaker.

-This is Siri.
-Where are you?


Listen, I...I couldn't.

She knows where he is.

Is the police with you?

Isn't it better to surrender, Alex?

-No one wants to hurt you.
-I know what I'm doing.

Do you know where we are?

I saw a lighthouse through a crack.

Listen, I don't want to lose you.

I was going to record this.

But now, the police
can hear it for themselves.

Alex, what are you doing?

Clifford, sit on the bed.

It's all right, Clifford,
sit on the bed.

Tell them what you did.

Tell them about the fire.

Alex? Please listen to me.

You burnt our house down
to get rid of me.

No, you're wrong.
I would never do that.

You didn't want
your family to find out.

That's why I stayed away.
I would never hurt your family.

If you'd let Clifford go
we could talk. Okay?

-He wanted to see the lighthouse.
-Shut up!

Shut the f*ck up!

There's a lighthouse.

Check for any lighthouses
near the shipwrecks.

You're a liar.
Do you think you can fool me?

-Admit you started the fire.

Alex, please.

Do you want to experience
what my mother did?

Do you want to lose your child?

No! No, please.

-Listen to me now!

Stop this right away.

-I'll get him to confess.
-Listen to me! Stop this!

-It'll soon be over.

Alex, you have to listen...

-Did we track it?
-It was encrypted.


Give me the phone.

You knew all along.
Tell me where they are.

Siri, you must tell us right away.

-What are you doing?

-Alex, please.

More! More, come on!


A lighthouse, and the wrecks.

Zoom in on the bay area.

That's the only road
leading to the sea.

-What are you doing?

-Where are you taking him?

Where are you going? Alex!

Alex, what do you want?

Clifford has nothing to do with it,
he shouldn't get hurt.

-Neither did my brother.

Trym...That was his name, wasn't it.

Did you plan to k*ll me?
Why did you hold this?

Alex, Alex...

Please, no, no, no...

Alex, I remember your big brother.

I was a smart, caring boy.

I saw you at the hotel once.
I could tell you were close.

It must have been awful losing him,
and your mother got the blame.

It wasn't right.

Alex, you meant the world to her.

You both did.

You took good care of Clifford.
You can be his big brother now.

And my son.

-No, Alex...
-I think you're lying again.


Delta 2 confirms position marker.

We are fully armed,
two minutes behind you.

Sit up.
Sit up!

Wait! Stop!

That's Andrew's car.


He has a pulse.

-Admit you started the fire.
-It wasn't me.

Admit you started the fire!

Please... Don't!

Alex! Look at me!

He started the fire at the house.

He k*lled Trym.

Alex, we will find out
what happened, I promise.

Put down the w*apon,
and we will help you.

What you're doing now
won't help you or your mother.

-You're a good person, I know that.

No, I k*lled her.

I didn't mean to. I was at the hotel,
she suddenly showed up.

Armed police, lie still!

-Are you all right?



Hello, my darling.

Hey, you!

-My son is there.
-All right.

He's waking up.

Hey, kiddo.

Mummy is here.

My boy.

Mummy is here.

Thank you, Line.

A journalist called,
they're running a story on Tommy.

-He said you'd called them.

I didn't think they'd do anything.

Police has confirmed
that he was an informant.

He was the best.

Thank you.

-I shouldn't be here.
-Don't talk like that.

I wished you'd speak to me.

I filled your mind
with my conspiracy theories.

Why did you think it was Andrew?

It was his bike.

-Which bike?

The bike outside
the evening our house burnt down.

The gold bike. I've seen it
several times at the hotel.

Maybe I misremembered.
And now I've f*cked it all up.

Thanks for...

For taking me.

Have a good day at work, son.

Thank you.

-We've found the bike.

I'm sending you a video clip.

What is so important right now?

-He has to sleep.
-I must talk to your father.

What is it?

We've found Andrew's bicycle.

You told me you didn't
know where it was?

-I wasn't certain.
-Well, that's odd.

A surveillance tape shows you
dumping it at a recycling facility.

What's going on?

What do you really know
about the fire at the Utkil house?

This is silly.
I wasn't in the country at the time.

I know, you and Andrew
were at a hunt in England.

But Charlotte was very young,
so Mai and her stayed here?

You took the bike.
He is protecting you.

Tell me now, Mai.

Mai, don't say anything.
Don't speak.

-Think before you speak!

Be careful!

Dad, please stop it.
I can't take it anymore.

It was me.


It was me.
I started the fire.


You found out about Andrew and Siri.
That he had a son.

I wanted to see if it was true.

I wanted to see if
he looked like Andrew.

The back entrance was unlocked.
I thought the house was empty.

I went in.
There was a postcard on the fridge.

From England.
I just wanted to burn the postcard.

I never intended for
the trash to catch fire.

It happened so quickly, I panicked.

I didn't think anyone was home.

Once I understood I called for help,
but it was already too late.

-Hi, darling.


How do you feel?

Like roadkill.

You won't be working for a while.
I'll chain you if I have to.

I mean it.

Maybe find another hospital.
I do work here.

I'm not sure I want my dad around.


My favorite chocolate.
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