07x09 - How Am I Supposed To Live Without You

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Station 19". Aired: March 2018 to present.*
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An action-drama that is centered around the Seattle Firehouse. This is the second spin-off from Grey's Anatomy.
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07x09 - How Am I Supposed To Live Without You

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Isn't that ironic?
Swore that we would be ♪

ANDY: Sometimes firefighting
is all about the fantasy.

It's hot. Sexy. Heroic.

- ♪ A fatal attraction ♪

♪ What started as a crush
now is feeling chronic ♪

- No, no, no, no, no. It can wait.

- It could be work.
- I'll be quick.

Just what every girl wants to hear.

Right? [LAUGHS]

♪ In the kitchen ♪

And on our best days,
we save someone's life.

From a fire, from an
impalement, from themselves...

Should I take a pregnancy test?
It's been 12 days.


No. I mean, sure, if you want to.

No, no. It's probably too early anyways.

- It can wait.
- Are you sure?

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

I'd rather focus on my hot...

hot... hot wife.

Mm. Hot.

- Oh.
- She's hot.

Okay, now, where were we?

♪ Where did everybody go? We're alone ♪

♪ Not a soul has to know

♪ Isn't that what friends are for? ♪

♪ Friends are for ♪

♪ Head over heels ♪

♪ On the floor in the kitchen ♪

♪ We made a deal ♪

♪ Don't make reckless decisions ♪

♪ I should've listened to my intuition ♪

♪ 'Cause you're a bad friend,
but a real good kisser ♪

Whatever the case may be,
it's the highest of highs.

VIC: Travis!

- Travis! Let's go!

I'm leaving without you
if you don't hurry up!

TRAVIS: I'll be out in a minute.

But also the lowest of lows.

Negative. The embryo
probably didn't take.

We don't know that yet.

I went over all of the tests myself

and my... my uterus showed no signs

I wouldn't be able to carry,
but maybe I missed something.

You said yourself,

it is too early to tell
from an at-home test.

Anyways, I should get going.

Can you, uh, get Liam
to Peggy and Dayna's

and I'll pick him up tonight?

Uh, yeah, I-I was just
checking in on the wildfire.

Do you really think

that you should be volunteering
a mile away from it?

They need doctors, and
I can't stop doing my job

just because I might be pregnant.

- Mm-hmm. I go.
- Okay.


- I love you.
- I love you.


MAN: The wildfire is
currently making its way

west through King County.

The wind?

Jack, are you really sitting at home

monitoring the wildfire right now?


You can take the boy
out of the firehouse...


Uh, can I call you back? Okay. Bye.

- What's up?

So, it's official.
Crisis One's going national.

The Hudon Foundation came through?

- Yeah, they came through.
- Yes!

- Yes! Yes!
- Yes!


You should be dancing for joy right now.

- Yeah.
- We should be dancing for joy right now.

Why aren't we dancing for joy?

Because it's based in D.C.

- And I'm... I'm going with it.
- What?

They want me to run it.

Of course.

- Yes.
- Yeah.

This is, uh... this is
yours and Miller's baby.

This is your legacy. Of course.

Uh, w... w-we should go tell the team.

Actually, I need to tell
Travis first, if that's okay.

I just... I didn't want to
until it was a sure thing, so...

Yeah, yeah, yeah.


- Thanks, Captain.
- Yeah.


MAN: Station 19.


Well, she's in a meeting right now.

I'll come visit all the time.

And you can come to D.C., too, right?

And we'll go to all the museums

and critique all the First Ladies'
inaugural gowns at the Smithsonian.

And we'll look at dinosaur
bones and talk about them.

Eat chicken wings. With Mumbo sauce.

- Mumbo sauce?
- Yeah, it's a D.C. thing.

I've been doing research.

Travis, Travis. I just need you...

This is...

this is a good thing.

Right? This is a happy thing.

- I am happy.
- Okay.

I am. I-I just, uh...

Yeah, I know.

Just please, please say something.

Please say something.

Anything, really.

- Oh, crap.
- I know. I know.

No. It's just...

Oh, crap.

We know there's a wildfire
heading towards Seattle.

We don't know if we'll be called in,
but if we are, it'll be fast.

So let's make sure everything
is 100% tight and ready.

Tight and ready?

- At least take me to dinner first.

Now, let's get all of our wildfire gear

checked and onto the rigs. Understood?

- ALL: Yes, Captain.
- Dismissed.

Hey, so, should we finish
our chat from earlier now?

You heard Captain. We
got to get the rigs ready.

NATASHA: Chief Gonzalez!

GONZALEZ: Well, if it
isn't Seattle's finest

all the way out here in the sticks.

Yeah, you got me out to the woods.

- You know I don't like the woods.

- Thank you for coming out.
- What do we got so far?

Fire started about 12 hours
ago just outside of Fall City.

Floating embers created
a second smaller fire,

and I've got teams here, here, and here,

and they're gonna keep the
fires away from each other.

You bringing in other units,
increasing our coverage?

Not at this point.

- You feel confident in that plan?
- I do.


Attention, all guests.

We are under an evacuation order.

Please evacuate the
premises immediately.

Rustic chic, I guess?
Ugh. I would never.

Should we start clearing
out all those glamping tents?

No. The boss said the owner doesn't care

about any of that stuff,
just this building.

So we're just supposed to sit around

and make sure some rich dude's
ugly building doesn't burn down?

This is the job, Ruiz.

- DOMINIC: She's not wrong.
- I rarely am, boys.

I rarely am.

How is the IVF stuff going?

Any news?

Just waiting to see if it took.

I'm worried about my
possibly pregnant wife

volunteering at the wildfires today.

I mean, what if that
smoke does something

to a developing embryo?

I mean, my mom smoked when
she was pregnant with me.

[SCOFFS] Exactly.

I'm just saying if she is pregnant,

doesn't mean she stops doing her job.

You had mentioned a couple of times

that... you and your ex-wife tried IVF.

Yeah. We tried... a few times.

Sarah wanted a baby more than anything.

Wasn't working and after a while,

we couldn't afford to do it anymore,

not to mention our marriage
completely fell apart.

Yeah, IVF... it just didn't work for us.

But that, you know...
that doesn't mean it won't work for...

you and Carina.



The wind has shifted west
and jumped into the valley.

- Where's Fire "B"?
- Almost at the ridge.

It's only a matter of
time until they merge.

I think it's time to call a 5-alarm.

I don't think we're there yet.


If we call in a 5-alarm
now to this district

and the fire grows more north or south,

we won't have the
resources to contain it.

I disagree. I think the sooner we
get SFD out here, the better the...

No. I'm calling in a 3-alarm.

I'm sorry.

But Chief to Chief, I
think you're wrong on this.

I'm not.

This fire is one strong
wind away from becoming

a catastrophic event and wiping
out the entire city of Seattle.

I'm not willing to gamble the
life of everyone in King County

because we chose to
play it conservatively.

I don't think you are, either.

- So, when can we expect a wedding?

Or are you two gonna do a quick
and dirty courthouse thing?

Are you asking because you want to know

when you're gonna see Jinny again?

- What?
- Oh. Beckett, are you blushing?

- I don't blush.

Nah, we don't have a date yet.

But it's probably gonna
be sometime next year.

You know, when we get
through this wildfire,

we'll have to talk
about a bachelor party.

- That's on you.
- That's right. I may have a deejay.

Hughes? Moving?

Wow. Kind of thought
she'd be at 19 forever.

But we're happy for her, right?

I mean, obviously.

But, no, I had this idea

of what my team would look like

when I became captain and
now that I finally am...

Nothing is how you pictured it?

Yeah, it's like, first, it was Jack,

then Ruiz and now Hughes.

And it just feels like everyone's
leaving home. You know?

Yeah. But this version of

And we all love it because
we were raised in it.

But now you get to
create your version of 19.

Not mine or Sullivan's
or Beckett's or Ruiz's.

- Hmm.
- Andy's version.


DISPATCH: Engine 19,
Ladder 19, Aid Car 19

requested to Fall City Wildfire.

Was just a matter of
time. Alright, listen up!

We're entering the belly of the beast.
Alright? Keep your eyes open.

Have each other's backs
and communicate, okay?

- 19.
- ALL: 19!

CARINA: Here. Deep breath.


Can you take over? Thank you.

- Thank you for coming, Dr. DeLuca.
- Yeah, happy to help.

- Um, has 19 been called in yet?
- Just now.

- I figured. Okay.
- REBECCA: He was on the ridge with me.

You have to go back out there
and find my husband. Please.

Um, okay, ma'am, they're
doing everything they can.

- Were you at the campsite?
- Yesterday.

And then my husband and I went
backpacking with another couple.

And one minute, we're going to sleep,

and the next, we wake up,

I couldn't even see the
freaking sky anymore.

The fire was right on top of us.

And then we all got separated.

I'm sure he's doing whatever he can
to find his way back to you, okay?

Hold this. Good.

I can't believe he's still out there.

What if this is it?

What if I never see him again?


I'm sorry, but you can't leave.

- Travis.
- You can't. Your life is here.

Your life is here.
Family, friends, responsibilities.

Who's gonna check on your parents?
Did you think about that?

- Well...
- Who's gonna oversee Crisis One?

Who's gonna water the plants?
That's a fair question.

Okay. So you're saying I can't
leave because I water the plants?

Yeah, because I k*ll them,
and you keep them alive.

Actually, I... I don't.

I just buy new ones before you notice.

That's not true. That's not true.

- It's...
- Yeah.

- Okay. That's not the point.
- I'm sorry.

The point is, surely, someone
else can take Crisis One national.

Or it could just be
me because it's mine,

and I'm good at it,
and it brings me joy.

Well, what about my joy?

Do... Do you think you are
more important than Crisis One?

- That's not what I'm saying.
- Okay, then what are you saying?

I'm saying it feels like you've
been through quite a bit lately.

- Oh. Yeah.
- Okay?

And right now, suddenly, you
just want to uproot your life.

Okay, Travis, I am not like you.

Alright? I... The thought
of change doesn't scare me.

It actually excites me,

and I refuse to be complacent
and stuck here forever.

- What's that supposed to mean?
- It's supposed to mean how it sounds.

I'm not stuck. Is that what you think?

- I'm not stuck.
- Okay.

Well, Travis, you're doing
a really excellent job right now

of making this all about
you, which it isn't.

It's actually about me and what I need.

So, forgive me for wanting
my best friend in the world,

my freaking person, to be happy for me.

Travis, I'm finally in the pocket,
and I need you to support that.

ANDY: Alright, 19, we're
arriving at Base Camp.

Everybody looks sharp.
This one's a beast.

Have each other's backs.
This is what we train for.



NATASHA: Herrera, you are
the task force commander

of Cloudhead Wellness Ranch.

Finish evacuating any
remaining civilians,

prepare the area and the cabins
for the fire, then keep it at bay.

You are the last line of defense.

We need to do everything in our power

to stop the fire from moving west.

If it continues over the mountains

and jumps the lakes here,

then it's burning up the suburbs
on the outskirts of the city

- and then from there...
- Right.

Leave Aid Car 19 and Ladder 19 here

to provide support as needed.
You will have three engines.

There's a private fire
company on the scene,

but don't expect them
to be much assistance.

You will, however, have some help.

A special hand crew.
They've just arrived.

- Special.
- MAYA: Probies?

They're highly trained
fresh out of the academy.

I created their curriculum myself

and oversaw their progress.
They're the best.

I'm putting them with you,
Herrera, 'cause you're the best.

- Lead them. You ready for this?
- Absolutely, Chief.

Good. Be smart out there. Stay safe.

Bishop... Carina's right through there.

Thank you, Chief.

Herrera, I'll meet
you back at the rig.



Couldn't wait on the engine
five minutes, could you?

I just wanted to see how many
patients were passing through.

We've already had quite a few,
a lot of burns, smoke inhalation.

I figured I would see you here today.

- How's it going?
- Busy. Getting busier.

- I'll see you at home?
- I'll see at home.

- Herrera's waiting. Warren.
- Yeah, coming.

ZAMORA: Today we are
not Maritza and Matthew.

We are Zamora and Richards.

Last names. Professionalism.

Can you handle that?

You're kinda hot when
you're professional.

ANDY: Zamora, Richards,
Emerson, Martin, listen up.

The minute you step out of this engine,

you are no longer a cadet or
a volunteer or anything else.

Today, you're a firefighter.

So help where you can when you can.

Always listen to your
lieutenants and captain,

and above all else, have
each other's backs. Got it?

- Yes, Captain.
- Yes, Captain.

- Good. Almost there.

Alright. The main resort is down there.

Sullivan, Warren, get
all those campers out

and treat any injuries if necessary.

Probies, lay out some
hose lines down the hill

and in the direction of the fire.

Beckett, Wiggins, supervise the probies

and keep a lookout for any spot fires.

Montgomery, Hughes, I need you to clear

any brush or patio
furniture from those tents.

Anything that can catch easily,
get rid of it. Alright? Let's move.

Zamora, it's easier if you
throw the line over your shoulder

and secure the nozzle. Perfect.

Alright, Bishop, you're with me.

BECKETT: Alright, probies, huddle up!

So there's a private company
covering this building,

and we have the tents
and everything else.

MAYA: Copy.

[SCOFFS] Really?

You're just gonna protect
one building, Ruiz?

- Just doing my job.
- Come on. That's not you.

Twiddling your thumbs while
the entire forest burns down?

Herrera... I left to help you
solve the budget problems.

- You can't have it both ways.
- Never mind. I've got a fire to fight.

Come on, let's get to higher ground
and see what we're dealing with.

- MAYA: Wow. This is...
- Huge.

- ELIZA: Help! Help!
- Ma'am. Hey. You okay?

I'm fine, but there's a guy
who's very much not fine.

Okay. Take us to him.

You gotta help him!


ELIZA: His name is Cameron,
we just met yesterday.

He must have run deeper into the
fire to find his wife, Rebecca.

And when I found him,
he was just so burnt.

And my fiancé... I
don't know where he is.

- Y-You got her?
- I got her.

Maybe he made his way out.
Maybe he's already at the medical tent.

Patient is unconscious with
severe burns, difficulty breathing.

- I'm gonna go call an aid car.
- Alright.

Just get him over here
in between two engines.


Good? I'm gonna go get
you some water. Okay?

Set him down right here.

Alright, right here.

Uh... you, come help.

Okay, I need you to squeeze this bag.

One squeeze every five seconds. Got it?

- MAYA: Ma'am. What are you doing?

My fiancé and I have these
in case we lose each other.

Since we left the Marines,
we've been traveling all over,

and nothing has come
in more handy than this.

We'll keep a look out for
him, alright? What's his name?

- Bill.
- Okay.

Let's have a seat. Right here.

So, you guys met in the Marines?
That's where my fiancée and I met.

- VIC: Hey, spot fire! Spot fire!
- BECKETT: Got it!

You know, I don't...

I don't like that we're weird right now.

We're not weird. We're fighting.

I know, and I don't
like that we're fighting.

We are fighting a wildfire
if you would let me finish.

- We are fighting a wildfire.
- Okay.

"We're fighting a
wildfire." What is that?

- What are you doing now?
- Shut up.

ANDY: Hughes, Montgomery, I need
you at the north side garage.

We have a trapped civilian with a dog.

Captain. What's the status?

Aid car's 40 minutes out.

- What?
- Yeah.

- They're dealing with blockages.
- No, we don't have 40 minutes.

I think I'm doing something wrong.

It's resistance. His lungs are tight.

Airways probably gonna
swell and close itself off.

What do we do?

Captain! We're gonna
have to carry him.

- Let me get in there.
- Mm-hmm.

The med tent's probably
just a mile away.

Just let me secure his airway first.

Come on.

Come with me.

Shouldn't we wait for an aid car
in case he crashes or something?

Every minute we wait is another minute

his brain's not getting enough oxygen.

Alright, you guys are gonna
help Warren carry. Alright?

When I say now, give him
two squeezes in the lungs.

- Now.

- One more.

Okay, let's move.

[GROANS] Okay. Richards,
I'll take over bagging.

On my count... one, two, three.


- Are you okay walking?
- Marines. Remember when I said Marines?

ANDY: Nice work, probies!

VIC: Captain, requesting
backup. We're hemmed in

with spot fires, and we have an
injured civilian and a canine.

- I'm sending someone to you.
- Beckett! What's your location?

BECKETT: South side,
putting out spot fire.

Hold your position.

I headed your way myself, Hughes!

- I'm going to help.
- I'll go too.

No, guys. Our job is to
protect this building.

- Life over property.
- Fine. Have fun getting fired.

Yeah, whatever. You
stay here, I'm going.

- We got this.
- It's about time, Ruiz!

GONZALEZ: That was a good
call you made earlier,

and I respect you for not standing down.

Well, you know I'm not one to give in,

especially when I know I'm right.

- Chief.
- Thank you.

There's just more fire than
there are people to fight it.

Yeah, you're telling me.

If a wildfire of this
scope gets to the city...

- Any ideas?
- One.

It's a Hail Mary, but it
might buy us some time.

I'll make some calls.

THEO: Montgomery!

Thank God. We got spot fires everywhere.

Hughes, we're good to
extricate. I'll get the dog!


Dibs on the puppy.

Hold that door!

Let me get that gurney!

Over there, Warren!

Take care of him while
I finish over here.

Got it! Richards, take
over bagging for me.

Here we go.


- Oh, my God, Cameron!
- Hold it, hold it, hold it.

This is my husband.
Cameron, honey! Oh, my God.

We're gonna take good care of him.

Eliza, thank you.

Thank you for finding
him and not leaving.

- Did you see Bill out there?
- No, I don't... I'm sorry.

Let's let them work so they
can take care of him, okay?

- No, I need to stay with him.
- They got him. Come with me.

His O2 sats keep dropping and
there's too much resistance.

- I need hands over here!
- I'm intubating! I'll be a minute!

Well, anyone, alright?
Is any doctor available?


Damn it.

Okay, this can't wait.
Give me a scalpel.

- What are you doing?
- An escharotomy.

Burnt skin is not elastic, alright?

His chest is basically
a straitjacket right now,

and his lungs can't expand,

so I'm going to cut his
skin to ease the restriction.

You just keep squeezing
that bag every five seconds.

Nothing's happening.

Just give it a second, give it a second.



That's what I like to see.

CARINA: Okay. What do we got?

Oh. Oh, my God. Did
you do an escharotomy?

Look, everyone was with a patient,
and he was running out of time.

Okay. I'll take it from here.
You should get back out there.

- I g... I got it.
- Hey, you did great work,

but you should be with

Okay, let's check if there
is an aid car available now.

That was freaking awesome.

Where did you learn to do that?

Surgical residency.

- You a doctor?
- Yep. I am.

Was. I was.

Probies, good work.

Let's go get some chow.

VIC: Guys, Captain said to bring it in.

ANDY: This half will have first watch.

Notify me of any changes in the fire.

This half, get some rest. Alright?

We're gonna rotate throughout the night.

Just everyone, make
sure you get some sleep.

Alright? We're gonna need all
of our energy for tomorrow.


Probies, get some rest.

Hose beds can be pretty comfortable.

- Thanks, Captain.
- Yep.

Zamora. What? What's... What's up?

I just wanted to say sorry
about the hose thing earlier.

You know, i-i-it's one thing

to get everything right in the academy.

But being out in the
field is a different game.

- I bet you'll never do it wrong again.
- Thank you.

MAYA: That Richards guy
reminds me of Gibson.

[LAUGHS] Yeah.

I guess he does have that
whole pretty-boy thing going on.


How are you? How's, uh... How's Carina?

She's convinced she's not pregnant

because she's had so much trouble.

And... I don't know how to help her.

- Just be there for her.
- Mm.

That's all you can do, right?

I think if it doesn't work,

I'd maybe be willing to give it a shot.

You think you want to get pregnant?

Like, swollen ankles,

chocolate ice cream and pickle cravings,

push a baby out of your vag*na pregnant?

Okay. Okay, "A," leave
my ankles out of it.

And "B," I love pickles and I
love chocolate ice cream, so...

- Por qué no los dos?
- Exactly.

And, "C," yes, that is how
childbirth works, my friend.

Maya Kathleen, you have come a long way

since "monogamy is for the weak."

"Or the very, very
dedicated" is what I said.

And that's who I am now.

I'm so proud of you.

I'm so proud of you, too, Captain.

- MALE FIREFIGHTER: Hey, captain!


GONZALEZ: ... hands.

I know it's getting close to the
ridge, but we've exhausted...

Once you get into the field
from your division commanders.

Hang on. We might have a solution.
I'll call you right back.

I just want to say, I
know this hasn't been

the easiest year for
the fire department.

Many of you were forced
into retirement or laid off.

But when the call came, you answered.

For that, you have my
sincerest gratitude.

Stay safe out there. Dismissed.

Getting all these retired
firefighters here to help out.

- Impressive.
- Let's hope it's enough.

Seattle's damn lucky to have you, Chief.

Thank you, Chief.

Knock, knock.

Well, well, well. Finally off watch?

Well, we all can't be
cozy in our private...

You can literally stand up in this tent.


So, what brings you all the way to
the fancy side of the woods?



Is something on your mind?

My best friend's leaving me.

- I heard.
- You heard?

I mean, she told Ruiz recently,
and he hasn't shut up about it.

She told Theo before me?

- I mean, he was her boyfriend.
- Was. Past tense. Was.

You're taking this harder than Ruiz did.


She means a lot to you, huh?

My husband was my best friend,

and then he died.

And two weeks later,
this... bubbly, vibrant,

maybe talks a little too fast person

waltzed into my life,
and she got me through it.

I don't know. Sometimes it
feels like Michael sent her to me

because he knew I would need someone.

She's been by my side ever since.

- So if she leaves, then...
- She said this thing.

She can't be stuck here forever.

- Do you feel like you're stuck?
- My life is here.

You know? My parents,
my friends, my job.

I grew up here. I fell in love here.

I mean, I still live in the
house that my husband and...

Oh, my God. I am scared of change.

- She was right.
- Okay.

That sucks so bad that she was right.

Give yourself some credit.

I mean, change is freaking
terrifying, you know?

And this stuff with Victoria,
I mean, she's your best friend.

Of course you don't want her to leave.

That's okay.

Maybe the lesson here

is learning to let people
in like you did with her,

'cause it led to
something really beautiful.

Thank you.


- How's your burn patient?
- We got him stable and transported.

- That still bothering you?
- Yeah.

You know, I was a
really good doctor today.

- You know, with that patient?
- Mm?

Yeah. It felt good.

But I don't feel like I was
a very good firefighter today.

I couldn't even lift the guy.

I feel like my body
keeps failing me. I just...

You know while we're in it,
it feels like we'll be in it forever.

That's not necessarily the case.

Life happens, right? I mean, we...

People move on.

Doesn't mean we'll be out of
each other's lives. We're 19.

Family forever.

Are you okay?

[SIGHS] Yeah. You know, I would
be if I could get comfortable in here,

but, um, I'm gonna try up top.

- Hey.

For what it's worth, I think
you're pretty damn good at both.

You've come a really long
way from being the new guy.

- Yeah.

Thanks, Hughie.

It's been a while
since I heard that name.

Well, it's what we call you
when we're talking to Pru.

You know, so she'll know
you the way her dad knew you.

Is it weird?


No, it's nice. It's really nice.





- _
- _


What are you doing, you little one?

What are you... [GASPS]



I'm sorry.

It's not that I don't
want you to go. I do.

Because I think the world needs you,

and I can't hog you all to myself,

even though I would really like to.

You know I wish more than
anything I could stay for you.

I know.


- You could come with me.
- [SCOFFS] What?

Yeah, I'm serious. You
should come with me.

- Let's move to D.C.

Seriously. We could
run Crisis One together.

We could travel all over the country.

You can have any role you want.

- Me? What would I do?
- Yeah, you, Travis. Tra... Okay.

You ran for mayor and you nearly won.

We already know we work
great together, and mostly,

I just... I want you to come with me.

I... Vic, I-I-I don't know.

- Okay, w...
- Okay, stop, stop, stop, whatever.

You don't have to know...

You don't have to know right now,
but I do want you to think about it

'cause I think it could be really great.

- Shouldn't you two be sleeping?
- Oh, God. So bossy.

Dad. Dad! Oh, my goodness.

- This is where you're going in?!
- Dad! Ohh!

- Okay.
- He is... much heavier than he looks.


Everybody had the same idea.

- Okay. Oh!

- That's all I got.
- Get in.

- That's all I've got.
- You got room. You got room.


♪ Our silence isn't ♪

- BEN: Hey, Captain.
- Come on!

Come on in. The water's fine.

Make more room. Here we go.

Okay, but you're the last one.

VIC: I can't believe we
all still fit up here.

♪ As they fight to leave our mouths ♪

♪ Dance across our tongues ♪

♪ As though we're trying
hard to reach out ♪

♪ Bring me to your eyes ♪

♪ I'll lend you both my hands ♪

♪ Remember bluer skies ♪

♪ When no one had their plans ♪

♪ If we could lose our way ♪

♪ Color out the lines ♪

♪ If we could go away ♪

♪ Could we get lost? ♪

♪ Lost, lost, lost ♪

♪ Could we get lost? ♪

♪ Lost, lost, lost ♪

BECKETT: Captain, fire's over the ridge.

Now it's lighting up the trees.


Alright, let's move. People, let's move.

Let's move.

- Wet stuff on the red stuff. Got it?
- ZAMORA: Got it, Captain.

Bishop, Warren. Get an
inch line on the left flank.

Hughes, Montgomery,

I need you to put out some
spot fires on the north side.

Sullivan, Beckett, cover our
egress routes to the rear.

Captain, where do you need me?

- Chief, what are you doing here?
- I'm making my rounds.

The roads were blocked, so I walked,
and I don't plan on walking back.

- So, where do you need me?
- Okay. We're gonna need more engines.

Nah, negative. Our
resources are at capacity.

Um, you know, we can call

up the Tulalip fire station up north.

They're used to fires like this.

They have special trucks
with large supplies of water

bigger than our engines.

- Use my name. I know a guy.
- Yeah, I'll go look for a signal.

Good to see you in the field, Chief.

Good to be out here. I got your six.

Oh, get a room.


Hey, I'm gonna go check around the back!

- Hey, be careful!
- Aww, cute.

I'll be fine, Boy Scout!



Hey! Hey!

Montgomery, move!

- Aah!
- Theo!


- Ruiz!
- Man down!

VIC: Theo, you're gonna be okay.
I'm right here. I'm right here, okay?

- I'm right here.
- Okay. Okay, hang tight. Hang tight.

TRAVIS: Keep looking at us.
We're right here with you.


It's okay.

We got you. We got you.

Just keep looking at us, Theo, okay?

Just keep your eyes right on me.

- It's gonna be alright.
- ♪ ... path we came across ♪

♪ Wandered off like
whispers in the air ♪


The best way we can help Ruiz

is to get this fire out.

Yeah, yeah.

- You good?
- We got you, Ruiz.

♪ Can you hear me in the echo? ♪

- Ready?
- Your count.

- ♪ Ringing in the hollow ♪

No. We don't have time.

We need air evacuation right now!

♪ You don't have to let go ♪

♪ Can you hear me in the echo? ♪

TRAVIS: We got the tree off of you.

Ben's working on your
leg right now, okay?

Trav... Trav...

I know. I know.

Ben, we need to stop this
bleeding right now. Right now.

- Yeah, I am trying. Yeah, I am trying.
- Right now.

I got an open femur fracture.

Most likely, internal injuries.
He's lost a lot of blood.

BEN: Bleeding's stabilized.

Here you go. Breathe deep, man.

Breathe deep.

ANDY: Yeah. The chief's
got a helicopter coming in!

We gotta move him away from this tree!

BEN: Let's get him on that backboard.

We roll him on my count. 3, 2, 1!

- And down.

- Need someone at the head here.
- Legs, legs, legs, legs.

We're gonna lift on 3, 2, 1.


♪ Ringing in the hollow

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Got bruising around his pelvis.

Lower him down.

Come on, damn it. He might
have a pelvic fracture.

We need to stabilize his pelvis
before we can move him again.

Lower it for me, your side.

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

Vic, I'm sorry.

No, no, no, no, no.
We are not doing that.

We're not doing amends or apologies

or any of that crap that people do

when they think they're dying
because you are not dying.

You are not dying. Okay?
You have so much more to do.

So focus on that.
You focus on that, okay?


Okay, let's move.

On my count.

♪ Can you hear me in the echo? ♪

♪ Ringing in the hollow ♪

Watch your footing, watch
your footing. Careful.

♪ Hang on to the last light

♪ You don't have to let go ♪

♪ Can you hear me in the echo? ♪

There you go. We're good.

♪ Can you hear me in the echo? ♪

Go, go.

♪ Can you hear me in the echo? ♪

♪ Ah

♪ Oh

♪ Can you hear me in the echo? ♪


Did you hear that whistle?


MAYA: It has to be that
woman's fiancé, right?



- Are you okay?
- No, I'm not.

Because there's a wildfire out there,

and I spent all day at
the med tents yesterday

and seeing the devastation,
all those people who've lost everything.

Here I am freaking out
over if I'm pregnant or not.

Then I almost can't
even bring myself to look

because if it's negative,

I don't think I can take
another hit, so I can't look.

I can look for you if you want.

♪ I see trees of green

- ♪ Red roses too ♪

It's this way!

♪ I see them bloom

♪ For me and you

♪ And I think to myself

I don't want to look.

- ♪ What a wonderful world ♪
- Okay.

- Nothing.
- Not yet.

ANDY: We should grab some hose packs.

Chief, Bishop and I are
searching for a nearby civilian.

We could use extra hands and hose packs.

[STATIC] Chief, I can't
hear you! Repeat that!

♪ And I think to myself ♪


Captain Herrera!

- ♪ What a wonderful world ♪
- Herrera!

♪ The colors of the rainbow ♪

Forget about it.

I don't have time for this.
I don't. I have patients.

And... And whether I'm pregnant or not,

I'm not gonna stop doing my job

because I have a wife and I
have a life, and I have a career.

- I have a great...
- Dr. DeLuca.

- What?
- You're pregnant.

♪ I see friends shaking hands

- ♪ Saying, "How do you do?" ♪
- No. What?

♪ They're really saying

You're gonna have a baby.

♪ I love you ♪

ANDY: The thing about fantasies is...

Oh, my God.

... when reality comes,

- it's rarely how you pictured it.

You should probably tell your wife.

Why? Do you think it's Maya's?

I'm kidding. I'm kidding.

The guy you once loved injures out.

♪ I watch them grow

Your best friend decides
to move across the country.

♪ They'll learn much more ♪

Or a day that is supposed to be

one of the happiest days of your life...

♪ And I think to myself ♪

... just might turn out
to be your worst.

- ♪ What a wonderful world ♪
- Maya!

♪ Yes, I think to myself ♪

♪ What a wonderful world ♪

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