01x11 - What's That Shadow?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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01x11 - What's That Shadow?

Post by bunniefuu »



barney is a dinosaur from our imagination and when he's tall he's what

we call a dinosaur sensation

barney's friends are big and small they come from lots of places after school they need to play and sing with happy

faces barney shows us lots of things like how to play pretend

with us

so [Music]

did you ever see a lassie go this way


this way [Music]

that sounds like a big storm coming this way we better go inside before it starts raining

[Music] yeah yeah i'll put them like this

i hope my sister will be okay she's supposed to walk sean and me home today and i asked her to bring our dog along

so you could all see him your dog you didn't tell me your dog would be walking

home with us why is something wrong with that uh no

uh i just wouldn't want your dog to get all wet in the rain

well here comes the rain i'm afraid of big storms i'm not

i feel better if barney were here hi kids

oh it's good to see you oh barney i'm so glad you're here the

storm scares me oh don't worry men it's all right yeah everybody's afraid of

something at some time oh sure derek but sometimes things that are scary are really nothing to be afraid of you're

right barney that storm wouldn't be so bad if all the raindrops are gum drops we'll

see how easy it is


that was good now what would we sing if there was a snowstorm outside

[Music] what a snow that would be

standing outside with my mouth open wide [Music]

if all the snowflakes were candy bars

i'm starting to feel better already barney well then let's show that rain we're not afraid of it


if all the rain [Music]

[Music] but this one has thunder and lightning

don't worry cathy we're safer inside whenever lightning flashes it always makes the thunder boom after it

see there's the lightning flash and pretty soon we'll hear the thunder

there's the thunder just like nature planted it still sort of scares me it

sure is a lot of light and sound but i bet we can make a bigger storm in here

that sounds like fun i'll make the lightning it will make the thunder

thunderbolts [Music]

here's a tambourine for you barney thanks kippy i have my rolling thunder

let's start the storm outside with our own storm inside okay


this is fine take that you rainstorm [Music]

okay sean you can turn the lights back on i didn't turn them off i think the

lightning made all the lights go off because it's dark in the hallway too oh barney i'm afraid of the dark

i don't like it much either uh sometimes i'm not afraid of the dark uh

much well i'm sure someone will fix the lights soon but sometimes being in the

dark is fun think of all the nice things that happen in the dark i like to listen

to the crickets chirping at night sure i like to study the moon and stars when

it starts and we couldn't see fireworks shows if it was always light out my

mommy taught me a filipino nursery rhyme that i sing to my doggies when i'm afraid of the dark can we hear it please


very good that was a very pretty song man thanks eric maybe darkness isn't so

bad after all it's just that sometimes we think we see scary things that aren't

really there well i hope i'm not really seeing that big

shadow on the wall over there it's coming towards us i'm not afraid of

a bigger channel even if it does look like a monster oh


on the walls we saw your shadow and thought you are a monster baby bop i wasn't really afraid

see we got scared about nothing we thought we saw something bad and it turned out to be our friend i remember

teddy used to be afraid of a shadow on our bedroom wall but then my mommy

showed me it was just a shadow from a trailing blowing in the wind outside my

window yeah shadows can't hurt us that's right [Music]

sometimes those big scary shadows are made by little things and they don't

have to be scary at all if we just

understand what makes the shadows we won't be scared by all the shadows on

the wall at all [Music]

a little bitty thing can make a great big shadow if the light shines on it just right

sometimes the shadows that are in your room are made by a little nightlight

sometimes those big scary shadows are made by little things and they don't

have to be scary at all [Music] if we just

understand what makes a shadow we won't be

if the curtain in your window is blowing in the breeze when the moon is [Music]

light from the closet then there's absolutely nothing to be fierce sometimes [Music]

we won't be scared by all the shadows

[Music] see most shadows are made by things that can't hurt us

i just remembered there's a flashlight in the science center you guys get the sheet from the trunk i have an idea for

a game we can play in the dark well great i love games

how do we play this game derek just like barney says most scary shadows can't

hurt us so let's see who can make the scariest shadow okay

what is that sean yeah that's a pretty weird shadow yeah

oh i know it's the mother gustav from the bookshelf

that's pretty creepy man no way i want to meet that in person

you mean this big uh ugly steakhouse

i've got an idea for scare shadow oh

that is scary derek it looks like a big dog a job glare she just said it looks

like a dog does that scare you sean uh no why would her dog scare me i was just

surprised when kathy said that hmm what are you making the shadow with

derek this spooky shadow belongs to [Music] our billy goat puppet

i'm not afraid of shadows anymore barney okay that's good baby buff

but will you still be afraid of monsters baby bombs

oh stop sean you look too scary what a face

oh hey the power's back up yeah sean was getting me the crate oh do all

of you believe in monsters yeah monsters aren't real yeah they're only in the

stories maybe so but sometimes the thought of them makes me scared

well let's make monsters not scary sure we can imagine funny silly monsters

ones that would be fun to play with that's a great idea min why don't we

have a silliest monster contest and see who can make or be the funniest monster

of all

[Music] i've been looking in my barney bag

and i found a lot of things gizmos and gadgets and odds and ends and

even some old strings [Music]

okay everybody let's make the silliest monster masks we've ever seen


so [Music]

one two three little monsters

little nine little [Music]

monsters two little three little monsters four [Music]

two of them can't scare me [Music]

little monsters one of them can't scare me


aren't we the silliest bunch of monsters you've ever seen

oh but barney sometimes other things scare me too

like what baby bop can i sing a song and tell you oh


the matter sure dear dear what can the matter be oh dear what can the matter be

sometimes i kind of get scared i kind of get scared by the lightning

and thunder or things by my bed that i thought might be under or seeing the

doctor or a strange-looking shadow oh sometimes i kind of get scared

oh dear [Music]

[Applause] [Music]

sometimes i kind of get scared but i feel better

[Music] i liked your song baby bop i used to be

afraid of something hiding under my bed too going to the doctor used to scare me i

was afraid of getting lost when i went shopping with my mommy and nana what did you do kathy

i learned my phone number my street's name and the number of our apartment building so now if i ever get lost i can

find someone to help me oh great idea it's good to talk with your parents or

your grandparents or teacher about things you're afraid of isn't it uh-huh i used to be afraid of loud noises like

fire engine sirens but daddy told me that sirens are helpful they mean help is coming my dad taught me not to be

afraid of the doctor anymore oh i'm afraid of going to the doctor

what did your daddy say to you i'll show you all with the puppet show oh man why don't you help me out cool

[Music] and now the story of a boy named derek

who's afraid of going to the doctor starring derek that's me and his dad

played by me

oh rex i'm scared daddy is taking me to the doctor today i'm afraid it will hurt okay derek are

you ready to go for your checkup i don't want to go to the doctor daddy i'm

scared don't be afraid derek dr thompson just wants to help you do you remember

when you took rex to his doctor for a checkup yes he was scared too but what did you

tell him i told him not to be afraid because the doctor liked him and wanted to keep him

from getting sick well dr thompson feels the same way about you

but rex had to have a shot and it hurt him only for a little bit remember how he was playing as soon as we got in the

car uh-huh but will it hurt if dr thompson has to give me a shot a little derrick but

you'll be playing with rex as soon as we get home okay dad i'll try not to be afraid of dr

thompson oh yeah yeah oh good good

oh boy come on baby bop let's do a play to show how my mommy taught me not to be

afraid of things under my bed oh okay great

and now the story of a little girl named kathy and the alligator under her bed

she's kathy and i'm the pretend mommy

i can't sleep i'm afraid cause there's a big alligator under my bed

mommy mommy what's wrong cathy did you have a bad

dream no mommy i can't sleep because there's a big alligator under my bed did you see

it under there no cause he'll get me if i look teddy have you ever seen an animal go

under your bed yes floppy goes under there all the time do you think our

kitty would go someplace where an alligator lives no

why don't we look under your bed together to show you there's no

alligator there okay all right

now see you're right mommy no alligator i won't

worry about it anymore yay

i'm glad we talked about the things that scared us barney yeah they're not so

scary anymore oh then why don't we sing a song about not being afraid of things


really aren't so scary at all no they're not so scary at all

oh i used to be afraid but not anymore sandra used to scare me but that was

before barney taught me that the things that used to bother me really aren't so

scary at all no they're not so scary

oh i used to be afraid but not anymore monsters used to scare me but that was

before barney taught me that the things that used to


oh i used to be afraid but not anymore the doctor used to scare me but that was

before barney taught me that the things that used to bother me really are so

scary at all no they're not so scary at all


sean there's my sister and she brought my dog come on everybody i want you to

see him oh baby bob and i will just stay in here and watch through the windows yeah

oh okay barney men's dog is pretty

he sure is baby bop oh don't you want to see men's dog sean

no barney and i can't walk home with men either oh but your mom's expecting men's

sister to bring you home safely i know barney but i just can't walk with him and the dog is there too why not sean i

didn't want to tell anyone that i'm afraid of dogs i tried to pet one last week

and it scratched me oh it's okay to be careful around strange dogs sean but

there are lots of dogs that are very gentle and fun to be with come look out the window at men's dog

you'll be safe looking through the window look barney

it's a puppy oh that's right sean see how the kids can play with him and hold

him he's being very gentle [Music]

oh isn't he cute barney oh he sure is he's

so sweet what's taking so long sean i wanted you to see my puppy i'm sorry man i didn't

want you to know that i'm afraid of dogs oh you don't need to be afraid of him he

loves everyone he does oh he's so soft

would you like to pet him sean i think so go ahead sean it's okay

yeah oh he likes you sean and i like him too

i love you you love me we're a happy family

with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you

won't you say you love me too

[Music] i love you

you love me we're best friends like friends should

be with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you

won't you say you love me too

we better catch up with my sister and the others thanks for making scary things not so scary barney oh sure

yeah and i'm glad i have friends who don't make fun of me when i'm afraid of something that's what friends are for

sean everybody's afraid of something sometime bye bye

see you later



hello again to all my friends i'm glad you came to play our fun and learning

never ends here's what we did today when a storm frightens you imagine the

raindrops are gumdrops monsters aren't real so have fun making

silly friendly monsters use your imagination to have fun and

chase your fears away i love you

do [Music]
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