01x18 - When I Grow Up...

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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01x18 - When I Grow Up...

Post by bunniefuu »


funding for Barney and Friends has been

made possible in part by a grant from

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting

and financial support by viewers like




Barney's friends are big and small they

come from lots of places after school

they need to play and sing with happy

faces Barney shows us lots of things

thank you


thanks Kathy thanks Kathy



what I wanna be




I want to be a doctor

I want to be a mail carrier

I want to be a firefighter



I don't wanna get big it's fun why don't

you want to get home

bye everybody oh oh look you're all

dressed up


oh hello Sean hi Barney now why don't

you want to get big are you afraid

you'll get so big that you'll bump your

head on the ceiling no so big that you

won't even fit in a house no so big that

your head will be up in the clouds No

Barney I'm just scared of doing a

grown-up job oh I am too

oh you don't need to be scared you've

still got lots of growing up to do and

when you do get big there are lots of

really super deep duper jobs that you

can choose from there are more than five

more than ten how many are there oh I

could tell you a different job for every

letter in the alphabet and there would

still be lots more really

oh sure just like this




artist B Baker C Carpenter D dancer here

we go engineer

firefighter gee Gardner hey hey home


I ice cream maker yay


and nurse

office worker he hater next here we go

here quilt maker ah race driver s Ailor

D TV store


x-ray technician

why yoyo maker these zookeeper

that really was a lot of jobs Barney

could we grow up to be any of those

things sure boys and girls can do any

job they want when they grow up and it

all begins right here wow with the

things you learn in school it does

that's right come on I'll show you Derek

let's go get the costumes


and boy there are lots of ways to learn

about jobs in here

there are but we've just learned little

things here not big grown-up things oh

but little things can become very very

grown up things


I guess I'll just keep learning things



I guess I'll just keep learning things a

little at a time and I think I'll start

right now

because we learn big things


when I grow up I like to write a book

but I wonder if I'll know how I guess

I'll just keep learning things a little

at a time and I think I'll start right


because we learn big things


I guess I'll just keep learning things a

little at a time and I think I'll start

right now

because we learn big things


we're learning a lot in school I thought

we were just having fun learning is fun

and if you keep learning you can do any

job you want to

but which are the girl jobs and which

are the boy jobs my mommy says that men

and women can do the very same job

that's right Kathy men and women can do

any job they like so why don't you show

me some of the things you like to do

okay come on okay


grow up to take care of big animals at

the zoo

I like looking through telescopes then

maybe you'll grow up to look through a

big telescope and see the stars in space

that's called being an astronomer

and I like dancing


so you could grow up to be a dancer or a

dance teacher

and what do you like to do in school

Sean I like to build things with my

hammer oh just like the song about John

Johnny that's right




Charlie Charlie


see it's a birdhouse and a really nice

one too you know Carpenter spilled big

houses maybe that would be a good job

for you oh yeah a job how come grown-ups

need jobs anyway oh there are lots of

reasons people need jobs so they can

make different things or so they can

help other people even because doing

their job is fun and I know another

reason people have jobs so they can make

some money but why do they need money

follow us we'll show you okay lead the


hello and welcome to Derek's grocery

store thank you young man now let's see

I need this

some milk


an apple

and some cookies


there that's all I need I'll just bring

that up for you ma'am

they'll be

56.23 cents


yay oh good job see people work for

money so they can buy food and clothing

and all the other things families need

that's right now but don't forget those

other reasons that grown-ups have jobs

I like helping other people all right

oh a teacher is a person who gives help

each and every day if you'd like to help

people then being a teacher is


cause people helping other people is

what this world's about and people like

our teachers we couldn't do without

oh a doctor is a person who gives help

each and every day if you like to help

people then being a doctor is


cause people helping other people is

what this world's about and people like

our doctors we couldn't do that

the police are people who give help each

and every day if you like to help people

then joining the police is a okay

cause people helping others


there were lots of other people who give

help each and every day if you'd like to

help people then helping other people is


cause people helping other people is

what this world's about and the people

who are helping other people


oh that was just still Lulu pandas

I think if I could be any kind of helper

I'd like to be a firefighter you would

sure hey I'm a really fun poem about

firefighters over here please please

first so you can all learn it then we

can all do it together oh I just know

I'm gonna like this

ding ding ding goes the fire alarm hurry

hurry hurry say the people from harm put

on your raincoat zip it up tight try the

fire truck flash your light stop the

fire truck roll out the Hose Spray the

water on the fire and out it goes

now let's do it together


oh terrific we put out the fire together

maybe I could grow up to be a

firefighter that's a really important

job it sure is but you know every job is

important in its own way every job every

single one Barney if I grow up to be a

waitress in a restaurant will I have an

important job well let's find out


hello and welcome to our restaurant

right this way please

you go you have a seat right there

you'll remember you thank you and this

is Kathy she'll be your waitress today

enjoy your lunch thank you certainly

may I take your order please whenever

you are ready yes I'd like some soup

mashed potatoes just one scoop a turkey

sandwich and with that I'd like a glass

of milk

here is what she ordered now please try

to fix it quickly first she wants some

soup mashed potatoes just one scoop a

turkey sandwich

here's your food I'm sure it's just

exactly what you ordered yes I see the

soup the mashed potatoes just one scoop

here's my turkey sandwich and there's my

glass of milk

here is what your lunch will cost I hope

you will enjoy it yes I love the soup

the mashed potatoes just went scoop the

turkey sandwich and the milk I'm sure

I'll come again thanks

I guess I'd like being a waitress yeah

sure well would you all like to do some

more guessing

because I have a very special guessing

game we can play It's time for

the soup

machine all right

we'll listen to some different sounds

then you can guess what kind of job the

sound is from ready ready okay here we


oh you use rackets to play this game



whoa oh good Derek now let's try another



ing my fingers

that's a typewriter that's the sound of

an office worker's job typing letters

and things very good now who hears this

sound at their job

this machine makes me sure that's a

jackhammer it's a machine that people

use when they're building strings

I'm All Shook Up oh

now what job goes with this sound


thank you

that's a baby that's not the sound of a

job sure it is taking care of a baby or

bigger children and taking care of a

home is a very important job it is

uh-huh a mommy or daddy who stays home

to take care of the family is called a

homemaker it's kind of like having lots

of jobs all at once a homemaker Cooks

cleans and buys food at the store and

puts bandages on boo-boos and lots more

I guess you really can't have a job at

home then I'm going to be a cowboy and

be at home on the rain look


we're still dumbesters


let us


oh come on the rain

we're still done is


it's too bad that real jobs can't be fun

who says that real jobs can't be fun

what kind of jobs Barney well any job

can be fun if you enjoy doing it and I

could tell you some more fun jobs but

instead I'd like you to tell me some fun


just use your imaginations

I know from job I'll be right back okay

could he be a teacher could he be Barney

you never know


oh it's great I like making people laugh

so I can be a circus clown well you sure

could now I know a job that would be fun

well okay there she goes



I like to go fast so I think it would be

fun to be a death pilot great

hey I've got a job that would be fun

cool good but it's also kind of scary

I don't know what that is

do you want to be a monster not a

monster I want to make movies using

scary masks well my fun job wouldn't

scare anybody I'd like to be a singer

and all I need is my teddy oh boy and a

rocking chair



teddy bear

we are going out to play just like every



but they're not my teddy bear

he's my favorite one



getting all ready to play


you know I've got a lot of friends that

I play with you know I've got a lot of

friends who are fun but then they can't

do everything like my teddy cause my

teddy he is the one

me and my teddy getting all ready

getting all ready for bed

me and my daddy getting all ready

getting all ready for bed you know I

never really tried to that night time

you know I'm not even scared of the dark

cause with my daddy right here alongside

me I'm not even scared of a shark




all alone


he doesn't mind and that's cool that's


you sure know how to put on a show thank

you Barney but I think my show's over

now I've got to get home to Nana it's

time for me to go too we better put

these things up first oh good idea okay


when I get home I'm going to tell my

grandfather that when I grow up I'm

going to be a firefighter or maybe a Jet

Pilot or maybe something else we can

grow up to do whatever we want to and

how about you Sean do you have some good

ideas about jobs now yep so now you feel

good about getting big right

but why we can do lots of things when we

get big but if I get big I

can Sean that's not true no matter how

big you get you'll always be my friend

forever and ever

oh feel better all better and someday

I'll be even bigger than Barney oh you

never know

a little bit

I love you

you love me

we're a happy family

with a great big hug and a kiss from me

to you

won't you stay you love me too



I love you you love me we're best



thank you


Barney even when you're just little

you're my very biggest friend


hello again to all my friends I'm glad

you came to play our fun and learning

never ends here's what we did today


oh I'm really happy that you were able

to visit with us today I think that Sean

and Kathy and Derek and Men all got some

good ideas about things they can do when

they grow up and I'll bet you got some

good ideas too

you can be anything you want see you

next time

and remember I love you


thank you

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