03x06 - Anyway You Slice It

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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03x06 - Anyway You Slice It

Post by bunniefuu »


Barney's friends are big and small they

come from lots of places after school

they need to play and sing with happy

faces Barney shows us lots of things


thank you




wow that was terrific you're dancing

like orange national festival really

special thanks man what's the name of

that dance Crystal it's called The

Umbrella dance and comes from Cambodia I

can't wait till my mom and Nana see it

yeah I don't like it see you tonight

okay bye


wow look at all these dolls they're from

all over the world

this one is from Holland

do ladies wear dresses like that every

day no I think they dress pretty much

like us but they wear this outfit at

special times

I like the Hat she's wearing

oh g'day everybody

oh that is a cute hat Kathy but uh how

do you like mine that's a great hat

Barney thank you it's from a place

called Australia oh my goodness I see

things from all over the world what's

going on here we're getting ready for

our International Festival all of us at

school have made these booths with

different things to see we're going to

bring our families tonight to see it all

see all the dolls from other countries

oh what is this your booth no that's not

our booth you'll see it later cool well

anyway you sure could have fun with any

of these dolls and look at all these

clothes this must be your booth no

that's not our booth either well I'm

sure we'll come to it soon I can't wait

to see it

that's a great Sombrero Carlos I think

so too and what a lovely syrup Amin it

is it's from Mexico isn't it senorita

would you care to dance


to the right two steps to the left

to the right two steps going back

together we will do a half turn to


together we will do a half turn

to the right two steps to the front

to the right two steps going back

oh very good gracias

and thank you gentlemen oh you are very


look at all these different kinds of

houses this one has a pointy roof and

this igloof way up North is round oh is

this your booth no that's not our boot

either you'll see it pretty soon

looks like a gingerbread house

you find homes like that in a place

called Switzerland in Germany and

Austria too

hey look at all these instruments

they look different from anything we've

ever played

this kind of looks like a cow horn well

I guess this must be your booth

look at this jump from Africa come on

everybody pick an instrument


okay we're ready everybody






good morning


oh what fun musicians

oh boy oh boy oh boy oh These Boots are

very nice they have so many interesting

things to see and learn about let's see

we've seen a booth with dolls a booth

with clothes one with different kinds of

houses and one with musical instruments

oh my whose Booth is this that's our

booth Barney

we haven't even started decorating it

yet that's because we haven't decided

what to put in it what are we going to

do everyone will be here tonight and our

booth isn't ready it'll be the only one

without anything in it oh I'm sure if

you work together you'll think of

something to make your booth super

deeper what can we put in our booth

someone already did dolls and clothes

too bad we can't do musical instruments

hmm thinking makes me hungry

maybe we'll think of something to put in

our booth if we have a snack to eat I've

got some chocolate chip cookies I'll


chocolate chip cookies what chocolate

chip cookies I saved some for my lunch

and we can all share them


cookies they're gone gone


who took the cookies from the lunch bag

cookies from the lunch bag who me yes

you couldn't be Ben who


who took the cookies from the lunch bag

then check the cookies from the lunch

bag to me yes you couldn't be then who


took the cookies from the lunch bag

Carlos took the cookies from them lunch

bag who me yes you couldn't be then who


who checked the cookies from the lunch

bag Bonnie took the cookies from the

bunch bags


then who


I took the cookies you took the cookies

from the lunch bag I'm sorry Carlos but

I was really hungry and I didn't think

you wanted them oh that's okay one but

next time you should ask first sorry you

know we all have extra sandwiches

because we knew we'd be working on the

booth after school today let's have our

snack now


hey my bread is square and yours is

round like a donut Kathy uh-huh my bread

is called a bagel that looks yummy look

mint sandwich opens like a pocket it's

made with pita bread

delicious mine is made from a rolled up

tortilla oh this is making me hungry I

think I'll run over to my refrigerator

and get my sandwich oh refrigerator I

know her new Barney had a refrigerator


ah here's my sandwich behind the milk

I can't wait to take a bite wow that's a

big sandwich party oh just the right

size for a dinosaur that is your

sandwich is made with dark red Barney

what kind is that it has a funny name

what is it it's called

pumpernickel bread

that's a very funny name for a very

tasty bread

I have a bread and it's called

Pumpernickel yum yum


hey mine is a round bread called a bagel

it's delicious would you like a bite


it's called pita bread it's delicious

would you like a bite


mine's made of corn it's called a




yum yum

Yum Yum Yum


white bread yum yum yum


I'm glad we brought those sandwiches I

was really hungry

I'm out and partners

Stella you look like a cowgirl what a

neat outfit why thank you Kathy I just

got back from Texas where I've been

roping cattle

didn't Broncos and riding the range

stop by because of what you were talking

about earlier and that reminded me of a

story about bread

well it's sort of about bread

terrific story let's get ready

this story is called Little Red Hen now

as The Story Goes hand lived in a house

with a dog

and a cat meow and a mouse well they all

got along quite well actually they all

like to do the same thing they like to

read the same books they like to play

the same games

there was one problem

a dog like to curl up in the sun on the

back porch all day and the cat liked to

snuggle into the couch and the mouse

like to curl up in his favorite Chair by

the fire well that left the hand to do

all the work

the hand cooked all the meals she washed

all the dishes she did all the laundry

and she tended the garden

one day while the hand was holding in

the garden she found some found some

grains of wheat so she looked around for

a friend and she called

who will help me plant these grains of



oh my I said the cat not I said The

Mouse and the Little Red Hen said

then I will so each morning little red

hen watered the weed she pulled the

weave soon the wheat began to grow tall

and when the wheat was ripe and ready

for picking the Little Red Hen asked

who will pick a wheat

what do you think they said

all right said the dog


and the Little Red Hen said

then I will

Little Red Hen picked all the wheat and

tied it in nice neat bundles then she

asked her friends

who will take the wheat into town to be

ground into flour

all right


and the Little Red Hen said

then I will

she returned from town with the flower

The Little Red Hen decided to bake a

loaf of sweet bread now the hen loved

sweet bread because it was almost as

tasty as cake once again she asked her


her friend oh well help me bake the

bread bread


and the Little Red Hen said

and I will

a little red hen made the flower into

dough it popped it into the oven and

soon the sweet smell of sweet sweet red


for their animals attention and they

came running

but little red hen looked at her friend

and asked

now who will help me eat this sweet


and the Little Red Hen just shook her

head and said

I did all the work myself and now I

think I will eat it all by myself and

she did every bite


you know a funny thing happened after

that whenever the Little Red Hen asked

the dog or the cat or the mouse to help

her around the house they were always

ready I think they learned a lesson


what a super deep super stories Bella

baking bread sounds like hard work it

certainly is Juan but it can be lots of

fun some breads are made from kernels of

wheat some from corn and even rice first

they take the grains and they mash them

into a powder you know what that's


that's right and we use the flour to

bake breads in all sizes and shapes

crunchy and soft and bumpy and smooth in

all sorts of yummy flavors that's right

Barney why just look at all these

different kinds of breads kids oh

you won't see me



they look good

well get all that fit in there



oh my that is a lot of bread Stella here

are bagels from Israel and Peta from


and Cornbread let's eat a piece

there are so many breads from which we

can pick

round Breads and square breads some like

a steak


Southwestern breads that we call

tortillas and Italian bread from my

friend Sophia


here's a German bread that makes your

tongue tickle you know I love it it's


and finally a love that seems rather

long but with this French bread you'll

never go wrong

thank you

I never knew there were so many

different kinds of bread oh they're even

more than you see here Kathy bread is

one of the most important foods to

people all over the world

that's it what's it we can use spreads

of the world as it being for our booze

that'll be perfect for the International

Festival good idea Ben thanks for the

son Barney help me think of it

well it looks as if you all have a lot

of work to do and I'm off to tell more

stories to children so if they say in

Texas bye y'all back here

see you real soon


we've got all the bread we need to make

a nice display for the festival maybe

but I think it's missing one thing

what's that Carlos I think we should

make a loaf of our own bread to put in

the booth that's a great idea we could

make the dough here then I'll take it

home and Nana and I will bake it right

away let's go


Hells everyone washed their hands yeah

oh come in let's go first we'll have to

measure the flower

step one to make the red we have to

measure flowers


now we'll Stir It Up step three to make

the bread we have to Stir It Up Stir It


Like This step four to make the bread we

have to need the dough need to do yes

that's the way we make

and now we'll watch it rise step five to

make the bread we have to watch it rise


looks like we're all finished I think

you made it all by yourselves now I'll

take it home to Nana and help her bake

it for us in her oven you've only put

half the dough in a baking pan what are

you going to do with the rest of it

that's a surprise Barney

we've got something special planned for

that though oh I just love surprises

I'll be back as soon as our bread is

baked see you later okay we're back

let's go outside and start decorating

our boots


wow our booth looks as nice as all the

others hi Kathy how did our bread turn

out perfect see

hmm it smells great good job Kathy

thanks Nana and I baked it together it

turns out just right it looks beautiful

and delicious too and we made it I like

all the boots but I think yours is the

most special your families will be very

proud of you and I am too but um what's

in the basket under the napkin there

Kathy it's a little surprise for you

Barney a surprise for me everywhere in

the world people love bread but here's a

loaf of bread to show you that we love



thanks everyone


I love you you love me we're best

friends like friends


we better go home now Juanito me too Mom

and Nana will be getting ready to come

to the festival tonight I can't wait for

my family to see our booth thanks for

helping us today Barney well you're very

welcome one

see you soon



hey everybody it's time for Barney says


hello again to all my friends I'm glad

you came to play our fun and learning

never ends here's what we did today


wasn't it fun learning more about our

world today the umbrella dance from

Cambodia was really special I just loved

the dancers pretty costumes and


we saw lots of other colorful costumes

and clothes

many kinds of homes and different

musical instruments from countries all

around our world

Stella's story about the little red hen

was terrific

and she helped us come up with a super

deep duper idea to show breads at the

International Festival

have you ever helped a grown-up make

bread we mixed flour and water to make

the dough I like to knead the dough it

feels so soft and Squishy when you

squeeze it

remember the funny name of my favorite

bread that's right it's called

Pumpernickel pumpernick

what a silly name for bread

I was so surprised when my friends baked

me a special loaf of bread in the shape

of a heart I just loved it and remember

I love you



exciting pictures and cool stories when

you watch Story Time weekday mornings at

10 on aegn where learning is always fun

coming up next is the puzzle place


thank you

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