04x14 - Tree-Mendous Trees

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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04x14 - Tree-Mendous Trees

Post by bunniefuu »

Ernie and friends is funded in part by

the annual financial support of PBS

viewers like you and by

Steve Jesus where


the kids

can be a kid

learning your ABCs takes practice

Chef Junior makers of ABC's in one two

threes pasta

Kellogg's Frosted Flakes reminding you

that thinking and creating are more than

good they're great


all right

they come from lots of places


I don't think he's coming out I don't

either sure he is hey Curtis are you

coming out no

why not you'll laugh at me

oh yes you will come on Curtis will

really try not to laugh yeah well


so what do you think





I sure am lucky for me there's a tree

over there but I don't remember a tree

over here before hi Barney oh hi Curtis

there it is and what's wrong


well Curtis maybe you'll feel a little

bit better if we give you something to

laugh about too

when I feel happy I can smile the

biggest smile I know then you can see my

happy show


come on get silly and laugh with me

when you're feeling happy let it show oh

I've got the sillies and when you get

them you'll be silly like me I can't

stop laughing as you can see


come on

when you get the sillies


can't hold it in I just gotta giggle


come on get silly in love with me

when you're feeling happy


it's more like it I'm feeling better

Curtis yeah I guess so great ends if

you're feeling better I'd like to ask

you something

why are you dressed like a tree

this is for a school plan and I'm

supposed to say some stuff about trees

for us right now


behold the tree it stands so tall a home

to some a gift to all it gives us food

it gives us wood brings Beauty to a

neighborhood with Slims outstretched in

majesty and Crown of green behold

the tree

now that's the funniest thing I ever saw

the funniest thing don't listen to

scooter you did


just fine and Curtis you should be proud

to play the part of a tree I should yes

dreams are wonderful things and they

help us in lots of different ways they

do sure just follow me and I'll show you


think I'll change clothes first


here he is feeling better definitely oh

good and then let's all take a look at

one of Nature's Most Wonderful Creations

the tree

uh Barney I don't think that's a treat


I must have been fooled by the bark

let's try it again

okay here we go

that's more like it this is a tree and

who knows what we call these things at

the bottom I do

I do those are roots

the tree uses its roots to hold it

straight and tall and to drink water

from the ground how does the water get

in the ground well Kim the water comes

from the hip


oh gee and it looks so clear this


okay that's enough rain


I think I need a little help here


again another day Barney's friends all

want to play rain rain go away

I think it's working let's try again

rain rain go away come again another day


yeah it's bitter the rain is gone and

the sun is shining which is a very good

thing for trees it is because after the

roots soak up the water it goes all the

way up through the trunk of the tree and

up here to the leaves and then something

very special happens the leaves take the

sunshine and the water and turn them

into food for the tree


that's called photosynthesis


photosynthesis and for leaves it means

having fun in the sun oh I just love the


is everybody ready for the sunshine

oh Mr Sun Sun Mr Golden Sun please shine

down on me


these little children


please shine down on me

are all of you nice green leaves

enjoying the sunshine yeah oh

Mr Sun Sun Mr Golden Sun please shine

down on me

Mr Golden Sun


that was a wonderful song children

you know a sunny song like that gives me

a sunny feeling inside it does it does

we were just learning how green leaves

make food for trees

I believe that's called photo Sizzle



so Barney what happens to the trees when

the leaves aren't green anymore

I think you mean when the leaves change

color like this


and when the chili winds begin to blow

I felt that breeze run through my fellas

when the leaves change color and fall

off the tree has already saved up lots

of food for the winter and so it just

sort of sleeps for a while then grows

nice new leaves in the spring and all

those beautiful colors oh I just love

full I do

we have jackets


it's the days getting cooler and the

frosty nights and the pumpkins big and

small it's the season after summer it's

before the winter it's the fall



my feet in a great big pile of these

cause I think that would be me

the red orange and yellow of the

beautiful trees


I'd like to jump in a great big pile of

these cause I think that would be neat

it's the season after summer it's before

the winter



hey I need to go get some nuts for the

winter yeah yeah and some fuzzy earmuffs


Barney I know something good about a


well this tree holds up our tree house

oh you're right without it our tree

house would be just a the house house

so are you feeling better about being a

tree in the school play a little better

but why do I have to be such a silly

looking tree oh I don't think you look

silly Curtis but if you decide to be a

different kind of tree there are lots

and lots to choose from would you like

to see I sure would yeah

then maybe we should all take a look at


dreams grow almost everywhere in the

world there are thousands of different


some trees can live to be hundreds or

even thousands of years old that's

really really old

I've never seen a tree that big oh

that's the tree called a giant sequoia

and it can grow as tall as a skyscraper

what kind of tree is that Barney oh

that's a coconut palm

coconut palms grow in places where it's

very warm

and trees can also grow in places where

it's cold and snowy


some trees give us good things to eat

wherever you find trees one thing is for

sure their Nature's good neighbors for

all of us

Barney why did you say that trees are

good neighbors

there are lots of reasons did you know

that trees help make the fresh air that

we breathe


hey how come it isn't fall anymore well

things change very quickly around here

scooter so maybe

you change

out of your immortan scarf

yeah okay

oh Scooter's right though we get nuts

from trees and lots of different fruits

and so many other things I hardly know

where to begin

way up in the branches of a tree way up

in the air

you're looking you might see the food

that grows up there in a tree

apples peaches plums and pears Vines and

lemons grow up there clumps of cherries

grow to eat the fruits that come from a


way up in the air

if you're looking you might see the food

that grows up there in a tree

Walnut Solomon's chestnuts too we can

eat like the squirrels all do well on

those branches I can see a tasty snack

for me


the great thing ones that you can feel

maple syrup for a pancake meal isn't it

wonderful there can be food that comes

from a tree ways


I never knew there were so many things

that came from trees

and food isn't the only thing we get

from trees we also get paper and wood

for building things things like our tree

house oh right and the people who cut

down trees to make the wood are called

Lumberjacks well of course you all know

the story of Paul Bunyan Paul

Bunyan the greatest Lumberjack of them

all please only make believe but the

stories about him are lots of fun

more than a hundred years ago Paul

Bunyan walked this land a giant taller

than the trees an ax held in his hand he

was the greatest Lumberjack who ever

chopped down trees he made Rivers where

he dragged his ax blew clouds off when

he sneezed

who knew that people everywhere could

use a lot of wood so Paul cut down the

toughest trees no other looker good

chop them left he chucked them right

he even cut through rocks

and the Fallen trees were dragged Away

by babe his pet blue Uggs and every time

he filled a tree by giving it a black

Paul Bunyan planted one new seed so a

new tree would grow back

oh this was many years ago the gentle

Giants g*n but as long as there are

trees his Legend will live on in the end

thank you thank you very much I think it

would be so cool to be a giant like Paul

Bunyan yeah I'd like to grow up to be

that big

yeah oh well I don't know if any of you

will grow that big but even Paul Bunyan

had to grow the same way that you do one

day at a time




oh it's true there's a lot to know there

are so many shapes and sizes and all the

great things that come from trees I

guess that's just about everything there

is to know about trees

hold on hold on you haven't mentioned

one of the very best things about trees

yet we haven't well I know you haven't I

do believe that you've forgotten that

trees can also be homes

homes for birds and homes for insects

and for cute cuddly snuggly little fuzzy

Furry Forest animals like me

scooter and missetta are right lots of

different creatures can live in trees

especially in a great big tree like this


there was a home there was a hole in the

middle of the ground

the prettiest home the prettiest home

that you ever did see

and the Green Grass Grows All Around All

Around And The Green Grass Grows All

Around and in this hole and in this hole

there was a tree there was a tree the

prettiest tree the prettiest tree that

you ever did see

level three in the hole and the hole in

the ground and the Green Grass Grows All

Around All Around And The Green Grass

Grows All Around and on this tree

there was a branch

the prettiest





now I really feel like we know all about


well there is one more thing that would

be good for you to know

what's that Barney well even though we

use trees for lots of things and we can

always plant more it's still a good idea

to take care of trees why Barney well

they help Give Us Clean Air and homes

for Animals we should try to save all

the trees we can how can we do that do

we need to go to a forest or something

well you can help save trees right in

your home or right here in the classroom

and do you know how

for recycling paper oh right if we

recycle paper it gets used again since

paper comes from trees that helps save

trees and helps the earth so come on


yes we will will you help protect the

Earth and keep it green yes we will from

the time that's come to start let's

begin to do our part and we'll all

protect the Earth and keep it green


there are lots of different things that

we can do yes there are there are lots

of different things that we can do

if we really truly can then we all will

do our share there are lots of different

things that we can do yes there are


then the time has come to start let's

begin to do our part

and we'll all protect the Earth and keep

it green yes we will


Ready or Not Here I Come Oh Boy

well what do you think now oh I think

you looked tremendous

thanks Barney now that I know more about

trees I'd like to try my poem for the

school play again oh we'd love to hear

it wouldn't we everybody oh yeah

behold the tree it stands so tall a home

to some a gift to all it gives us food

it gives us wood brings Beauty to a

neighborhood with limbs outstretched in

majesty and Crown of green behold


the trees


you like it really yes you are great

Curtis you're going to be the star of

the show all right you know it's a lot

easier to say nice things about trees

when you really love them

look just like it's always easy to be

nice to the people you love

I love you

you love me

you're a happy family with a great big

hug and a kiss from me to you

won't you say you love me too




I love you

you love me your best friends like



hey Curtis is it too late for us to get

into the school play I don't think so

well come on

I like to be a tree too I want to do it

too me too we could be a force or

something that would be great




hey everybody it's time for Barney says

hello again to all my friends I'm glad

you came to play our fun and learning

Never End here's what we did today

we helped Curtis by finding out more

about trains we learned that trees grow

big and strong by drinking water with

their roots and sunshine with their

leaves and even though Paul Bunyan

chopped down trees he planted more so

we'd always have Bloody oh I just love

trees and remember I love you


thank you

Barney and Friends is funded in part by

the annual financial support of PBS

viewers like you and by

Chuck E Cheese's

where is a kid

can believe

I can


thank you

to Jeff Jr dinosaur pasta supports VBS

kids TV

Kellogg's Frosted Flakes reminding you

that thinking and creating are more than

good they're great



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