05x07 - Try It, You'll Like It!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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05x07 - Try It, You'll Like It!

Post by bunniefuu »




Jeff Jr dinosaur pasta supports PBS Kids


Kellogg's Frosted Flakes reminding you

that thinking and creating are more than

good they're great


Barney's friends are big and small they

come from lots of places after school

they need to play and sing with happy

faces Barney shows us lots of things

like how to play pretend ABCs and one

two threes


hi Stephen see you later hi guys what's

up we were just playing do you want to

play soccer with me yeah all right but

I've never played soccer before that's

okay we'll show you I just started to

play this year yeah it's really fun to

kick the ball and run just remember when

you play soccer you can't use your hands

but you can kick the ball again come on

let's play together

I love to play with you run and jump all


everything we do is fun when I'm with

you let's play together it's what we

love to do let's play together I love to

play with you

oh hi everybody


I'd love to play with you too

I'm glad you're here today now we can

play pretend or we can play our favorite

games with all our special friends let's

play together it's what we love to do

let's play together have fun the whole

day through hi everybody hi Barney hi



here we go

when it's a rainy day we'll have lots to



let's play together


I'd love to play with you



hey Scooter hey how are you doing

let's play together play with you sugar

while you know that's what I love to do

so Danny what's all this well I was

trying to come up with some ideas for my

science project today Miss Kepler asked

me to make a model of the moon and stars

that sounds very interesting what's

really interesting is that I have to

tell the whole class about it wow you

get to talk in front of your class

cool you must really know a lot about

the moon and stars well I'm not sure

I've never talked in front of the class


are you worried about it Danny yeah Miss

Kepler usually does all the talking to

the class oh well doing something for

the first time can feel kind of funny

just because you've never done it before

but if you give it a try you might find

out you like doing it yeah the first

time I tried to roller skate I was

pretty wobbly

but after a while I was skating around

and having lots of fun well you know

trying something new can be lots of fun

to do

would you like to skate give it a try

don't hesitate


give it a try and blend you're done

you're like find out you had some fun


you might like something new

new food on your plate give it a try

for a taste me oh my

give it a try and at the end you might

even try it again


you might like something new


a new game to play give it a try


give it a try and when you're done you

might find out you had some fun


thank you

hi Michelle

wow these are sunflower seed sugar oh

they're quite delicious oh would you

like to try some no thanks Michelle but

I don't think so are you sure well maybe

just one

hey these are good


how you doing everyone

we're hoping that you can help Danny

find a book about the moon and stars for

his class project ah yes we have lots of

books about the moon and stars all right

can you show me where they are oh sure

just follow me Danny they're over there

I'm right behind you I'm going to go

look for a book about soccer since I'm

just learning to play oh good idea

Steven reading is a great way to learn

more about something new and the library

is the place to find all kinds of

terrific books to read

can have an adventure in a far away land

you can learn about a tuba in a marching

band you can travel to the stars or the

deep blue sea when you learn to borrow

books from the library


read one here can read

you will be proud when you take a book

home from the library


but please don't be loud so that

everyone here can read


it can happen again


so did everyone find a book that's a

good book Bonnie look what I found let's


there are lots of recipes in this

cookbook oh

those look like very tasty treats


so Danny have you found everything you

need almost Booker T says there's one

more book I need right over here


oh sorry did you hear did we hear what

Baby Buff what's happening tonight no

what is happening tonight

the lights are going out the lights are

going out what do you mean baby boss no

more lights at night well that's what BJ

said BJ said no more lights at night

he said I'm getting too big to sleep

with the lights on oh so BJ thinks you

should go to sleep with the lights off

yeah and he said tonight's the night

oh well baby pop if you try sleeping

with the lights off you might even like

it well I don't think I don't think so I

don't like the

well I used to be afraid to see but the

lights off too but I tried it and it's

not scary anymore

oh I used to be afraid but not anymore

Shadows used to scare me but that was

before Barney taught me that the things

that used to bother me really aren't so

scary at all well they're not so scary

at all


I used to be afraid but not anymore

Thunder used to scare me but that was

before Barney taught me that used to

bother me really I'm so scary at all no

they're not so scary at all


haha oh I used to be afraid but not


monsters used to scare me but that was



they're not so scary at all now they're

not so scary at all

okay Stephen if you can do it I can do

it tonight

no lie well good for you Baby Bob

remember if you try it you might like it

try it I like it

you try it I like it hey

I know something else you might like to

try what's that Booker T a good book of

course I like books BJ reads me story

books before bedtime it helps me to have

sweet dreams just follow me Baby Bop I

know where we can find the perfect book

just for you oh goody does it have lots

of pictures

come on let's check it out


where'd he go

to go

here's your library card Emily enjoy the

book thanks Booker T I can't wait to try

one of these recipes I can't wait for

you to try one either do you want some

help sure come on

you really checked out a lot of books

Danny could you use a little help thanks

Hannah I could use some help on my

science project too oh well what are we

waiting for let's get busy

this is my plan here's the Moon

and then the Stars will hang down like

this oh boy who looks like you've got it

all figured out yeah this is going to

look great how can I help well I need a

little help painting the inside of the

Box okay and while I'm working on the

moon and stars I've got to decide what

I'm going to say I'm just not sure I can

do it well I know you can do anything

you put your mind to even talking to

your glass Barney's right Danny you can

do it you just need to practice that's

what I did you mean you had to talk in

front of the class before no but I have

had to sing by myself in a school

concert cool I'm sure that was some

beautiful music thanks Barney but I was

really worried that I would forget the

words to the song or sing at the wrong

time so what did you do I practiced and

practiced with my teacher and it worked

yes the more I practiced the better I

got but I'm afraid I'm gonna make some

mistakes oh well everyone makes mistakes

now and then especially when they try

something new but if you practice a lot

you won't make as many mistakes oh don't

worry Danny you can do it oh

I came in from the playground with a

bandage on my knee and I thought I'd

never learn to skip but my mom said to

me you

and do it and here's the reason why if

you just put your mind to it you can do

it if you try

that's right

so I went back out and tried again until

I got it right then I skipped and played

with all my friends and sang with all my

might I can't do it and here's the

reason why if I just put my mind to it I

can do it if I die

that's the spirits so I told my mom when

I got home and she was very proud and I

told my dad at dinner time and we all

saying out loud all I can do is then

here's the reason why if I just put my

mind to it I can do it if I try


okay thanks guys

oh oh I wonder who that is

thank you

hello hello

Emily we can use your help to make her

special treat



oh boy oh boy I'm on my way bye


all right well it seems that Steven and

Emily need a little help I'll go see

what's going on okay

let's see what else we need to do


my I see you two have been very busy we

have been we tried a new recipe from The

cookbook and look we made pizza

but there's just one problem hmm it's

not cooked oh oh I see well I think I

can do something about that





peanut butter


Peppers who's going to eat the first



we love to eat a pizza with yummy

toppings over it

pizza pizza pizza


oh it looks very tasty very very tasty

oh my it does look quite delicious wow

you know I'd love to try a bite

a piece of that peanut butter pizza but

with extra nice well now that is one of

the funniest ideas I've ever heard

oh I smell something yummy hi Baby Bop

we made pizza oh I love pizza me too but

we have to wait for it to cool before we

can eat it oh oh okay oh may I take a

look at the book you checked out from

the library

it's the night bright storybook

oh I see a story about a star and one

about the moon

I like that picture of the Moon and look

how shiny the star is


wow oh the moon and the stars shine

extra bright at night


you seem so far away

I'm so glad to see you now where have

you been all day Mr star way up high

so beautiful at Night

Light Up the Sky

you shine so bright

I'll make a wish


where did you go today with the other


were you hiding behind the sun with the

moon and planet Mars

so beautiful


we are


oh what's this Danny it's my model of

the night sky see here's the moon and

these are the stars wow

it's very pretty you certainly did a

great job thanks Barney I Had a Little

Help From My friend thanks Hannah you're

welcome you should hear what he's going

to say to the class it's really good oh

I want to hear me please

I don't know I'll probably make some

mistakes oh remember it's okay to make

mistakes that's part of learning to do

new things come on Danny give it a try

well okay here goes

Nature's light nights no I mean Nature's

nightlife oh come on Danny try it one

more time


Nature's nightlights there are many

things that light up the night sky most

of them are stars but the biggest one is

the Moon the Moon is bright at night

because the light from the Sun Shines on

it there are lots and lots of stars in

the sky that's why they look so bright

so thanks to the moon and stars the

night sky is never totally dark there's

always a nightlight shining through


that was still a little low pandas oh

thanks guys thanks for your help you

know what I like these shiny stars here

you go Baby Bop I made a special one

just for you this should help you

through your first night without lights

now it won't be so dark when I go to

sleep oh thank you Daddy you're welcome

Barney I think I'm ready to try sleeping

with the light off well that's all you

have to do just try

but my button put on a shoe these are

just a few things I can do well I can't

do you can too but my button put on a



washing my face trying it too that is

something special I can do I can do you

can tell washing your face


that is


Barney I can do lots of things even

sleep with the lights off yes you can

Baby Buff remember all you have to do is

try it and you might even like it well I

better go home now I can't wait to show

BJ my new don't forget your book

your book you and thank you for my night

light Danny you're welcome



I think baby Bob's going to like night

time a lot better now oh I think so too

all of you really helped her see things

in a new life

oh it's fun to try new things and share

them with a friend after all friends

make everything a lot more fun


I love you you love me we're a happy

family with a great big hug and a kiss

from me to you

won't you save you love me too

I love you you love me and we're best

friends like friends


well I think I'm ready to talk to the

class now well I know you'll do just

great with your science project Danny

thanks Barney hey anybody want to go

play soccer sure come on guys thanks for

a great day


it's nice


hey everybody it's time for Barney says

hello again to all my friends I'm glad

you came to play our fun and learning

Never End here's what we did today

we had lots of fun playing together and

trying new things

sometimes trying something new can make

you feel a little funny but if you give

it a try you might find out you like it

reading is a terrific way to learn about

something new and trying new things with

friends can be really fun learning

something new might take a little

practice and it might be easier with

some help from a friend but I know you

can do anything if you just give it a

try oh I like trying new things and

sharing them with you and remember I

love you


funding for Barney and Friends is made

possible in part by the annual financial

support of PBS viewers like you and by




Jeff Jr dinosaur pasta supports VBS kids



's Frosted Flakes reminding you that

thinking and creating are more than good

they're great


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