02x04 - Helicopters

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Trying". Aired: 1 May 2020 – present.*
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Series follows Nikki and Jason, a couple who really want to become parents but who struggle with conceiving a child.
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02x04 - Helicopters

Post by bunniefuu »

No, [sighs] I'm--
I'm worried you're gonna get hurt.

It'll be fine.

Jason, you can't just cycle to work
like it's nothing. This isn't Amsterdam.

No, it's not.
Otherwise, you'd be way more chill.

[chuckles] Jason, cycling is so dangerous.

Cycling is dangerous, and it's boring.
How is that even possible?

And that helmet is ten years old.
It's doing absolutely nothing.

This? Ah, this is good as gold.
Don't worry about that.

You look like Carmen Miranda. [chuckles]

You're too cocky. It's always
the cocky people that have accidents.

That's why I never sang
on the back of the school bus.

-Or watch films on planes.
-Oh, yeah.


-Oh. No!
-Oi, Nikki.

I'm worried.

You said we need to do more for the
environment. This is for the environment.

Yes, we are recycling kids.
That is enough.

Oh, my God.
Please don't tell anyone I said that.

[heavy footsteps]

[Nikki] Just be careful, okay?

Trust me, I'll be fine.


-What? Who's that from?
-It's from Maria.

Who's that?

The young girl-- The woman I sponsor.


-Jase. Every time.
-Yeah. What? Okay.

Can you get the door for me, please?

-Thank you.

Oh. Don't forget we're meeting Princess's
social worker at the school at 1:00.

Mm-hmm. Both hands.

I don't want us to relax just
because we've been selected for her.

We could be un-selected.
That's just two letters different.

-That's not gonna happen. Okay?

[Jason] All right. Love you.

-Love you. Be careful.
-All right.


-You all right?

The bloke in the shop
said there's a bit of a knack to it.

-Yeah, it's fine. All right.

-See-- See ya.

I know he's only six,
but he was born with ears, wasn't he?

Go on.

-Oh. Hi there.
-Oh, hi. Again.

Oh, you've got, um... You--

-It's your, um, collar.

-[quiet] There you go.
-Thank you.

[children shouting]

What's this? What's going on here?

-He's nice. You like him?

What? No.

There's definitely something.

[Karen stammers] I am engaged.

Engaged, not married.
Looking's not buying.

[no audible dialogue]

[blows] I am having unnatural thoughts.

-Want me to find out his situation?
-Absolutely not.

I've got a way.
I get them to draw their families.

If they don't draw a mum,
then I know it's all to play for. Hmm.

Squeeze in a cheeky wax
before parents' evening.

I am really, genuinely,
honestly not interested in him. Okay?


One adverb too many. Now I'm sure.

-[school bell rings]

-Bye! Ooh.
-Please keep listening.

All right, love you.

This could be
the first time she ever sees us.

-If she looks over at the right time.

Is that why you're wearing a new dress?

-This? No, this is old.

-It's still got the price tag on it.
-Oh, shit.



Oh, my God.
There's a drawer here for pine cones.

[chuckles] When did we all stop
finding pine cones amazing?

Well, I'd say for me it was when the bra
made its first appearance, but-- Oh.

Hello. Disha.

-Ah, Disha. H-- How are ya?
-Hi, Disha.

-Nice to see you again.
-Nice to see you.

This is Josie, Princess's form teacher.

-Hello, Josie.

-Hello. I see you found her seat.
-Yeah, are these all her drawings?

She loves it. And we find it helps her
regulate her emotions, so--

Right, so should we, uh, pop out?
Observe her in the wild?

-Oh, yeah. We'd love to.
-Okay, okay.

Now, I know Penny will have said,
but it is worth mentioning again.

It's important not to approach her.

We don't want a meet at this stage.

It just needs to be gradual
or it can jeopardize the adoption.


Pretend you're visiting the school
on business.

Okay. Like what?

Well, anything you like.

-[sighs] What--

-Oh, um, how about surveyors? Yeah.

-[Jason] What we surveying?
-Mm, let me think.

Um... Oh, just the playground.

Just gonna check to see if it's,
like, level.

-That sounds good to me. Shall we?
-[Nikki, Jason] Yeah.

If we're being other people,
should we do accents?

-Which ones can you do?
-I can do American.

-Show me.
-Well, howdy, partner--

I'm gonna stop you right there.
It's absolutely perfect.

Just a couple of Texan surveyors over
to see whether the playground is level.

Happens every day.

-This is a good surface. Yeah.
-Yeah, garden area thing.

And that-- that looks--


-Very sturdy.

-Now, that's her there.
-Where is she now?

See her? She's got the yellow ball.

-[Jason] Oh, oh, oh, yeah.
-[Josie] Yeah.

[Jason] Oh, yeah.

[boy] Over here, over here.

She's got a lot of energy.
[chuckles] Hasn't she?

-Give it back!
-No! No!

-Mason. Nicely, please.
-[Mason] My ball. [laughs]

-[boy] Give it back.

-Tyler. No pushing. No pushing.
-[Tyler] It's our ball.

-Wow. He's handy for a little one.

Tyler, that's her brother, isn't it?


-They're very protective of each other.
-[Jason] Right.

Do they know they're being
separated, Disha?

-Yeah, they do.

[Disha] Finding someone to take both
became impossible.

I wish we could,
but we've only been approved for one.

For one, yeah.

Well, we'll obviously try and keep them
present in each other's lives.

[Tyler] Give me the ball.

Over here, over here.

-That went well, I think.

Did it worry you a little bit

when they said about her
needing to regulate her emotions?

-With the drawing and--

-No. We knew she was gonna need our help.

To be honest, it'd be nice to try
and fix someone

I'm not sleeping with for a change.

-I'm not sure that fixing is the right--

-We need to return these.

Oh, yeah. I'll wait here.

Okay. Thank you.

[door alarm beeps]

[alarm stops, door closes]



[children clamoring]

-[teacher] Settle down now.

[teacher] I said set--
Jessica, settle down.

[alarm beeps]

Thank you.

[American accent]
Why, you're very welcome.

[normal voice] The people who
steal balls in playgrounds,

this is their time. They've peaked.

But your time is coming.

And it will be longer.
And it will be better.

[American accent] Now, y'all
have a good day now, little missy.


[normal voice] Oh. [chuckles] Thank you.

Does that mean you've gotta do an accent
for the next 40 years now? Yeah?

No, no, no. 'Cause I'm just gonna
phase it out gradually.

It's just that they did say
very specifically not to talk to her.

[moans] I know. I know,
but you didn't see her little face.

Oh, my God.

Are you gonna be
one of those helicopter parents?

Yeah, the one who keeps
talking about choices

and is really overprotective?

Well, yeah. I was planning on protecting
our daughter, Jase. Yeah.

No, you need to--
You need to trust people more, all right?

-[wheels squeak]

-See you later.

Keep to the left.

Uh, what are you doing?
We're supposed to be doing ocean life.

We're drawing our families, aren't we?

So remember, draw anyone
who lives in your house. Anyone at all.

Look at that.

You've really thought about colors there,
Raina. Well done.

Game on.

Oh, that's a big house.

Remind me, what was your dad's name again?


Ron? Well, I'll be seeing him
at parents' evening.

-No. I've gone. I'm away.

You need to come back.
The Belarusians are kicking off again.

-They won't sit next to the Russians,

and the Russians won't move
'cause they're avoiding Mykola.

-He's Ukrainian.

-He brought the flag again.

No, sorry. I've gone.

-Stick someone Swiss between them.

We don't have any Swiss people!
They can afford better schools!

Good luck.


[door closes]


[Jason] Hiya.

-Oh, my God.
-It's fine, it's fine.

-Everything is fine, okay?
-What's happened?

-Nothing, okay?
-Jason, what happened?

Look, I fell over the, what,
bike rack thing, okay?

It is not serious.
It's more embarrassing than anything else.

See? I told you you'd have an accident.

It wasn't--
It wasn't an accident. I've tripped over.

Um, you tripped over a bike rack.
It is a bike accident.

If you sit on your car keys,
it's not a car accident, is it?

-It's-- It is okay.

-All right, okay. Let me.
-Help me pull that off?

-It's all right.
-Okay, sit down. I'll clean you up.

All right. Honestly, I'm f-- fine.

[whispering] Oh, bloody hell.

See? That's why you shouldn't
be riding your bike. You're clumsy.

It's a scratch. It's fine.

-Okay. [groans]

-It's all right.
-[inhales sharply]

-Is that okay?

[whistles, groans]

Look, you-- You don't need to look
like that. Okay? It's not a big deal.

Jase, it's a quarter of your face.

-That's half a normal person's face.
-[chuckles, groans]

Oh, what's what's-her-name have to say?

-Maria, what's she saying?

She sent me a photo.

I was only just saying
I wish she'd send me a photo, wasn't I?

Well, there you go. Uh--

[tapping table]

-Okay, let me see.

-Let me see.
-Nah. It's-- What--

-No. 'Cause what's happened--

-I've fallen on the corner of it, okay?
-Oh, my God.

-It's okay. All right.
-Go and get changed. I'll get some ice.

And by the way,
why is Elliot texting me about Erica?

-Oh, yeah. I set them up.
-What? Why?

He's an idiot. He calls women "milady."

He tries to find excuses to wear vest tops
so he can show off his arms.

Yeah, no. I want an idiot.
She's not ready for anything serious.

She needs a couple of idiots
to reject just, you know,

to boost her confidence up a bit.

Helicopter. [groans]

Go and get changed.

-[imitates helicopter]
-Jason, go and get changed.

-[Jason] Watch it, mate.
-[car hooting]

[speaks indistinctly]

[Jason grunting]

Just popping out!

Where you going?

To get some milk.

[Jason] Okay.

[bell dings]

Do you want a bike?

Yeah, I'd proper love a bike.

[camera shutter]


-I'm back! [exhales]

-[chattering on TV]

Aw. [sighs]


Where's the milk?

They didn't have any milk. [pants]

The supermarket didn't have any milk?

-No, they sold out.

It's very popular, Jase. [pants]

Oh, God, the chicken.

[Jason] All right then.

[sighs, slurps] Ready?

Can't find my keys.
Oh, got them. Yeah. [sighs]

-Huh, that's weird.

-Got an email from Disha.
-Oh, what's she say?

She says, um,
"Good to see you." Blah, blah, blah.

"On your last visit,

did you happen to see a strange
American woman bothering the children?"

-What? No.
-Oh, my goodness.

Yeah, look, she says, "Lovely to see you
and I'll be in touch soon."

Don't do that!

You see? That's what you get
for interfering, isn't it?

-Stop it.

-Come on. Let's do it.
-Okay. All right.

-[Jason] Oh, shit!
-Oh, no. What?

-My bike's gone!

-Someone's stolen my-- My bike's gone!

No! Why would they--
How'd you even get in here?

-I don't know.
-Oh, my--

Do you know what?

Chris and Sarah, they sometimes
leave the front door unlocked.

I've only had it two days.

-I know. I'm really sorry.

We'll deal with it later
because we're gonna be late.

-I'm gutted. That's not--
-I know. I know you are. It's really bad.

But it's also--
It's quite common, I think.

-So, yeah, come on.
-No, I'm-- [sighs]

-Aw, bloody hell. Can't believe that.
-I know. It's absolutely beyond me.

She's been getting cold in bed,
so there's some blankets in her drawer.


-Uh, it's the top left of her--
-Yeah, I know.


-Where are you going?
-Just... out.

[Lauren] Yeah!

With a friend.

[baby whimpers]

Gonna be out late or...

Oh, I don't know. You never know
with these things, do you?

All right, then. See you later, darling.
Bye. [kisses]

-It's a date, by the way.
-Yeah, I got that. Thanks.

{\an8}I'm hungry. Can we--
Can we just pick somewhere?

All right, what about
that new pizza place by the tube?

Is it good?

I don't know. The name's all in lowercase,
so I assume so.

-Oh, look, Jase, Froyo.
-So? You hate Froyo.

No, loo-- uh, vanilla, Jase.

-Look, they've got vanilla.
-[bell dings]

-[Jason] Oh, my God. That's my bike.
-[Nikki] What?

-That is my bike!
-Uh, no, I seriously doubt that.

-It is! It's still got the lock on it.
-No, Jason, wait.

Excuse me. Can you stop kicking that?
That's my bike.

-Can I have it back, please?

Some ditzy lady gave me 20 quid

-to take this bike off her hands.
-What you--

Oh, shit.

Thank you.

-How much you want for it?
-Well, more than that.

-You'll have to have 40.
-Another ten and we'll call it quits.

[scoffs, stammers]

Look-- [stammers] I don't like you
having it, so I gave it away. That's...

That's not an apology.
You're just saying what you did.

Yeah, I know, I know. I'm not apologizing.

I saw the crash on your headcam, Jase.
You lied to me.

I didn't want you worrying.
It looked much worse than it was.

Yeah? Okay.
Well, raise your hand above your shoulder.

-Don't want to.
-No, go on.

I don't need to, thank you very much.

When I need to raise my hand above
my shoulder, I'll put it right up there.

You've had it one day, Jase.
One day, and look at you.

-Look, I don't need you interfering.
-Oh, whoa, sorry.

No, I'm not interfering.
It's called love, Jase.

I do stuff like this all the time for you.

-What do you mean? Like what?
-Oh, I don't know.

I plug your phone in
because you never remember to.

I move your bookmark back a page because
you're always sleepy on the last one,

-and I know you're not taking it in.
-Are you serious?

Yes, I'm being serious.

I rub factor 50 sun cream on you
when you ask for 15.


Because you are pasty,
and I've got your back.

And I do not want you to have this bike!

-Stop it. Get off, Nikki. Nikki!
-Don't, I'm gonna lose you, Jase!

Why are you so obsessed with losing me?


She's already lost two parents.

And she's about to lose a brother.
That's three people, Jase.

Three people by the time she's, what, ten?

What happens if she loses another person?

What happens to her then?
How does she recover from that?

So what you wanna do?
Wrap us all in cotton wool

-and never leave the house?
-Yes. If that's what it takes, Jase. Yes.

I know you meant that
to sound like a bad thing,

but that actually sounds amazing.

How are--
How are you the one storming off?

Nikki. Stop. Hey!

You shouldn't be the one storming off.

I'm the one who should be storming off.

-Can I come now?

-What about now?

[woman singing]


-Are you not drinking?
-Tap water. It's free.

Legally they have to provide it.

-Ooh. [shivers]
-God, it's so hot in here. [chuckles] Oof.

Sorry about the vest top.
I spilled something on my shirt.

Actually, I might stand if that's okay.

Sitting's bad for the organs.
It's the new smoking. [chuckles]

Right. [chuckles]

You know, you should smile more.
Suits you.


So, uh, Jason said--

No, look, I'm sorry. This is weird.
Can you just sit down?

Oh, yeah. Of course.

Jason says you've got a couple of kids.

-Wow. That's great.

You'd never have guessed. Well done.

-How'd you keep the weight off?
-My husband left me.

Right. I CrossFit.

Oh, as a verb. Wow. [chuckles]


I can barely do a press-up.

-The secret's keeping the hips lifted.
-Is it?

I mean, you've got nice hips.
They'd lift well.

Could you show me?


-[chuckles] Okay. Okay.
-[chuckles] Wow.

-Uh. Whoa!
-Ah, okay.

-Keep your arms in tight to the body.

And then shoulders and legs
should be one straight line.


-[singing continues]


[straining] Three.

[song continues]

[chattering on TV]

[music fades]

-Got you a tea.
-Mm, thanks very much.

-It's okay.

[whispers] Careful.

-[clears throat]
-[groans] That's sugary.

Yeah, that's what four sugars taste like.

Normally I put in two
and tell you it's four.

-This is exactly how I like it.
-Oh, is it?

-Oh, okay, good.

-This is lovely.
-Oh, nice.

Spot on. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

[slurps, gags]



[Jason tapping]

-You can ride your bike if you want to.
-Can I, yeah?

-That's very kind. Thank you.

-Oh, sorry. Sorry, sorry.

-Don't worry about it.

Honduras is the deadliest place
to defend the planet

because people who have fought
to protect their land--

-Oh, my God. Jase, look.

-No, turn it back.
-What? Why?

{\an8}-Turn it-- Oi. Turn it back.
-I don't want to watch that bor--

Oh, my God. Jason!

-Yeah? Yeah?
-That's Maria!

But who's the-- Which-- No.

-It is! Oh, my God. Jason.
-No. No. Yeah?

That is Maria! Look! Look, it's her.

-It's Maria.
-Oh, yeah!

She's talking on the news.
Maria is talking on the news, Jason.

Bloody hell.

I sponsored her out of poverty.

-And now she's talking on the bloody news.
-Yeah. [chuckles]

[gasps] God,
I didn't even know she was an activist.

I thought she just worked
at that beach café with Eduardo.

Oh, jeez. [sighs]

God, that is so strange, though.

I don't know why she didn't mention that
in her letters.

-Uh, Nikki?

What? What's going on?

Nikki, she didn't mention it
in the letters because, um...

-Because she didn't write them. I did.

-Sorry. What you talking about?
-I wrote those letters.


Sorry, what?


Right. Okay, so do you remember,
um, a few years ago

when you were feeling down, right?

You decided to sponsor a child
to make you feel better.

She didn't reply,
and it made you feel worse?


I wrote a letter pretending to be her,
and then you loved it.

And then you started expecting one
every few months,

-so I just-- I just sort of continued.
-Oh, my God. Are you kidding me?

Then you wanted a photograph,
so I went on the Internet to get one,

and I've ended up getting someone
off the news by mistake, obviously.

Sorry, Jason, you...

You've been pretending to be a child
that I sponsor for two years?

-Accidentally, yes.

-That is beyond creepy.
-Oh, I thought you'd think it was sweet.

Jason, I don't believe this!

You're the one who just said
we need to look out for each other more.

And you just told me to not interfere.


Where you go-- What you doing?

-Oi. Come on.
-No! No.


[softly] Took me bloody ages.

"And that is the very end
of the adventure of the wardrobe.

But if the professor was right,

it was only the beginning
of the adventures of Narnia.

The end."

-Night night, sweetheart.
-Good night.


-Everything okay?
-Yeah, good as gold.

[Freddy] You're back early. Nice night?

Yeah. It was good.

It was really, really good, actually.


Right, well, um... um...

-Uh, sure.

Oh, um, just FYI,
when the brownies were cooking,

Lauren said they were "still loading."

So I think we should probably
reevaluate her screen time. [chuckles]


Okay, well, I'll...

-See ya.

[door closes]



Hi. You busy?

Great. Do you wanna come over?

That was during the IVF.

When you were...

so sad and I didn't know what to do,

and I've ended up doing something mad.

I nearly k*lled her off
in that earthquake in 2019.

You remember that? I...

I didn't have the heart.

You learnt Spanish for me?

Mmm. Well, un poco, sí.

Spent an absolute fortune
on Honduran stamps and all.

-I mean...

They are not easy to get.
Let me tell you that.

-So we're both helicopters then?
-Seems like it, doesn't it?

We need to work on that.

I don't know about that.

'Cause she's a nine-year-old girl, Nikki,
who's grown up without her mum and dad.

She's facing the prospects
of living without her brother.

I think she's had enough independence,

and I think that she could do
with a bit of smothering love.

Well, we can definitely do that.

Oh, God, yeah.

[inhales] I just thought I was getting
letters off someone whose life I changed.

Well... you were.

You were.

[woman singing]

[song continues]

[computer dings]
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