02x14 - History

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Wiggles". Aired: 1993 - 2022.*
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Wiggle fans can join in on the fun with the beloved quartet Anthony, Murray, Greg and Jeff.
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02x14 - History

Post by bunniefuu »

[music playing]


We know a world, a magic world.

Come with us and see.

Anything can happen
in this special world.

It can happen to you or me.

It's where the Wiggles live.

Why don't you come along and
meet their friends as well.

There's music and dancing,
magic and games, and lots

of great stories to tell.

In the Wiggles world.

In the Wiggles world.

You're all welcome here
so let's give a cheer.

Welcome to the Wiggles world.


Hi, everybody.

[SINGING] In the Wiggles world.

In the Wiggles world.

You're all welcome here
so let's give a cheer.

Welcome to the Wiggles world.


Hey, where'd the sun go?

Relax, Murray.

The clouds just passed over it.


I thought it went away.

Don't you worry
about that, Murray.

The sun will never go away.

Yes, of course, you're right.

The sun's always been there.

Even before there were
people on our world.

When the world was
very, very young?

Yes, very, very young.

Hey, too bad the sun
doesn't have a camera.

The sun with a camera?


I'd love to see baby
photos of the Earth.


Coming, ready or not.

[music playing]








Hey, look, it's the
Wiggles family crest.

A family crest is like a badge
that tells people who you are.

Look at the colors.

There's blue, purple,
yellow, and red.

Those are the
Wiggle family colors.

So that means that
whatever's inside

the box belongs to the Wiggles.

Looks like it's been
there for a long time.

I wonder what's inside.

Open it up, Greg.

A video.


Look how big it is.

I haven't seen a
video that big for ages.

Hang on, there's something
written on the label.

It says, "Greg, Jeff,
Murray, and Anthony

when they were six years old.

Six years old?

That was a very long time ago.

It sure was.

We hardly ever
watched videos then.

Well, that's
because there weren't

that many of them to watch.

I mean, we didn't
even have a TV.

That's right.

We used to listen to the radio.

Hey, what are we waiting for?

Let's go inside and watch it.

Yeah, good idea.

Come on.

Let's go.

I know this is difficult
to believe, little bush,

but you're going to
grow and grow and grow.

Soon you'll be as big
as my other rose bushes.


I remember when my garden
was just an empty field.

[music playing]

Someday, little rose bushes,
you'll cover my garden.

You'll grow and grow and grow.

You'll see, little rose bush,
as long as I feed and water, you

you'll grow big and bushy
and have dozens of roses.

ROSE BUSH: I will?

You will.

You'll grow and grow and grow.

Even when you're
sleeping you'll grow.

[alarm clock]

I can't believe that's us.

It's us all right.

Wait till you see what we
looked like as children.

See if you can
recognize any of us.

[SINGING] Ready to wiggle.

When you really can't go
wrong, Get ready to wiggle.

Wiggle will make
you big and strong.

Get ready to wiggle.

Wiggle go to this song.

Wiggle to this song.

Pa ram pam pa.

Pa ram pa ram pa ram.

Pa ram pam pam pa ram pa ram.

Pa ram pam pam pa ram pa ram.

Remember how you two used
to tease us back then?

We were smaller than you.

We all grow at different
speeds when we're children.

We were bigger
than these two once.

But not anymore.


Jeff and I, we don't mind
being smaller, do we?

No, of course not.

Besides, I think
I'm still growing.


Hey, me too.

You're growing?


I'm growing hungry.

Care for some pizza?

[music playing]

[SINGING] Captain Feathersword
sailing on the ocean waves.


The boat's getting rocked but
the captain's happy and brave.


And from every wharf and pier,
you can hear everybody cheer.

Go, captain, go.

Ahoy there.

Go, captain, go.

Ahoy there.

Go, Captain Feathersword, ahoy.

The wind, it blew, and
the rain fell on the boat.

Oh, our friendly pirate ship
is barely staying afloat.


And from every
wharf and pier, you

can hear the crowd all cheer.

Go, captain, go.

Ahoy there.

Go, captain, go.

Ahoy there.

Go, Captain Feathersword, ahoy.

See Captain Feathersword,
he's scrubbing all the decks.

See him hoist the sail
and climb the mast.

Whoa, look out.

Watch him dance
in his pirate hat.

Wibbly, wobbly, whoa, hey.

Now I'm going to dance all day.

Now, the sun is shining and
the boat's back on its course.

Captain Feathersword says, it
feels like I'm riding a horse.


And from every
wharf and pier, you

can hear the crowd all cheer.

Go, captain, go.

Ahoy there.

Go, captain, go.

Ahoy there.

Go Captain Feathersword, ahoy.

Go, captain, go.

Ahoy there.

Go, captain, go.

Ahoy there.

Go, Captain Feathersword, ahoy.

Ahoy there, me hearties.



Can Wags really do tricks?


That he can, me heartie.

I taught him every trick I know.


Remember the first trick I
taught you, Wags, me waggy?


He was just a wee
little puppy then.


What was the trick, Captain?

Oh, I taught wags how to sit.

Oh, do you think he
still knows it, Captain?

Oh, of course he
does, me hearties.

Watch this.

Ready, Wags?




Yes, [barks].

I mean, sit.





Of course, he was
just a wee puppy then.


Oh, I love the sunshine.

Me too.

It's so wonderfully warm.

How long do you think the
sun's been up there, Jeff?

A long time.


I know, but how long?

A long, long, long, long.


Long, long, long,

OK, Jeff, I understand.

Long, long, long,
long, long, long, long.

Right, Jeff, stop.

JEFF: Long, long, long,
long, long, long,.






Slam that door.




[SINGING] A long, long time ago,
as all you folks should know,

Uncle Noah built himself an ark.

Now that's a boat, folks.

For 40 days and nights, the
rain was quite a fright.

The animals nearly
tore the ark apart.

The ducks went [quacking]
The cows went [mooing]

The rooster, [crowing] The
old tom cat sure raised

an awful row.

[growling] The
little pig, [snorts]

the billy goat, [bleating].

The bullfrog said,
biggest rain we ever had.

Uncle Noah's ark
is a madhouse now.

[animal sounds] The
horses and cattle

and fowl of the air, even the
long-eared donkey was there.

[braying] The ducks
went [quacking]..

The cows went [mooing].

The rooster, [crowing] All
were there at Uncle Noah's ark.

[animal sounds]

Biggest rain we ever had.

[animal sounds]

The ducks went [quacking]
the cows went [mooing]..

The rooster, [crowing]
The old tomcat

sure raised an awful row.

[growling] The
little pig, [snorts]..

The billy goat, [bleating].

The bullfrog said,
biggest rain we ever had.

Uncle Noah's Ark
is a madhouse now.

The horses and cattle
and fowl of the air, even

the long-eared donkey was there.


The ducks went [quacking].

The cows went [mooing].

The rooster, [crowing].

All were there at
Uncle Noah's ark.

But what about the unicorn?

All were there at
Uncle Noah's ark.

[animal sounds]

Aha, bananas.


One, two, three, four.



Oh, hi, Anthony.

Hi, Greg.

One, two, three.


Something wrong with
your bananas, Greg?

Oh, no, no, no.

There's nothing wrong with
them. it's just that I had four,

and now there's only three.

Well, you're not going
to eat all three, are you?

Oh, no, no, no, no.

They're not for me,
they're for my rabbit.


Oh yes, of course.

The rabbit in my magician's hat.

Oh, right.

The one that won't come out.

Oh, it'll come out this time.

You see, I'm going to
use a banana to tempt it.

Rabbits love bananas.

One, two, three.

Come on, rabbit.

Come on, rabbit.

Look at the yummy wummy banana.

It's a yummy banana.

Oh yeah, that's
great, Anthony.

Did you hear that, rabbit?

This banana is ever so tasty.

One, two.

Come on out, rabbit.

We've got lots of
bananas for you.


Great, Anthony.

More, please, more.

Bananas are so yummy.

GREG: Oh, that's
terrific, Anthony.

It sounds like you're
actually eating a bana--

the banana.

You're eating the banana.

Actually, I've just
eaten the banana.

What happened to
the other bananas?

Do you know what
happened to my bananas?

It was me.

Someone ate my bananas.



Well, quiet, Anthony.

They're trying to tell
me who ate my bananas.


Tell me again, who
ate the bananas?





This Anthony?


You ate my bananas?

ANTHONY: Sorry, Greg,
but I love bananas.



The fourth banana,
where did it go?

You ate that one
too, didn't you?

No, actually, I didn't, Greg.

I only ate three bananas.

You ate all four.

Would you mind
telling Greg that I

didn't eat the fourth banana?

He didn't?

Are you sure?

Well, someone ate
that last banana and--

Grab it?


What did you say?

I think they're saying rabbit.

[music playing]

[SINGING] Havenu shalom alachem.

Havenu Shalom alachem.

Havenu shalom alachem.

Havenu shalom shalom
shalom alachem.

Havenu shalom alachem.

Havenu shalom alechem.

Havenu Shalom Alachem.

Havenu shalom shalom
shalom alachem.

Shalom shalom shalom alachem.

Shalom shalom shalom alachem.

Shalom shalom shalom alachem.

Shalom Havenu shalom
havenu shalom alachem.

GREG: Well, we're all
here, Captain Feathersword.

What are you going to show us?

Well, I wanted to show
you all the new tricks

I've taught to Wags the dog.

Oh, I can't wait to see
Wags the dog do his tricks.

Neither can we.


Well, this is going to be
a little bit different.

As the old saying
goes, you can't

teach an old dog new tricks.

But you can teach
pirates new tricks.




[music playing]

Come on, me hearties.



Well done, pirates.


Oh, thank you, buddy.





Dum-de-dum-dum, dum, dum, dum.




Oh, come along, me heartie.





Well done, pirates.

Great teaching, Wags, yes.

Fantastic, Wags.



Ah, lovely.


Hey, what happened?

It's night.

Oh, yeah.


Our Earth has just
turned away from the sun,

but we'll see it
again in the morning.

It always comes back again.

Always for millions of years.

Even when it's cloudy,
the sun's always up there.

That's a long time,
millions of years.

Too long to count.

Wow, look at all those stars.


How many do you think there are?


Many, many.

Many, many, many.

Many, many, many, many.

Many, many, many, many, many,
many, many, many, many, many,

many, many, many, many,
many, many, many, many,

many, many, many, many, many.

Hey, guys, look what
I found up in the attic.


Looks like it's been
around for a long time.

GREG: A very long time.

What's in it, Murray?

What's that?

It's my t-shirt.


I wore it when I
was six years old.

You certainly
have grown, Murray.

MURRAY: I'm not the
only one, Anthony.

See how much you've grown.

We're not the only ones
who've grown, are we?

I bet we're not.

Do you still have some of
your baby clothes stored away?

Try them on.

You'll be very surprised.

Very, very.

Bye bye.

[SINGING] Lots of
great stories to tell.

In the Wiggles world.

In the Wiggles world.

You're all welcome here,
so let's give a cheer.

Welcome to the Wiggles world.


In the Wiggles world.

In the Wiggles world.

You're all welcome here,
so let's give a cheer.

Welcome to the Wiggles world.
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