02x17 - Nutrition

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Wiggles". Aired: 1993 - 2022.*
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Wiggle fans can join in on the fun with the beloved quartet Anthony, Murray, Greg and Jeff.
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02x17 - Nutrition

Post by bunniefuu »

[music playing]

[SINGING] We know a
world, a magic world.

Come with us and see.

Anything can happen
in this special world.

It can happen to you or me.

It's where the Wiggles live.

Why don't you come along and
meet their friends as well.

There's music and dancing,
magic and games, and lots

of great stories to tell.

In the Wiggles world.

In the Wiggles world.

You're all welcome here,
so let's give a cheer.

Welcome to the Wiggles world.


Hi, everybody.

[SINGING] In the Wiggles world.

In the Wiggles world.

You're all welcome here,
so let's give a cheer.

Welcome to the Wiggles world.



Oh dear, I can't sleep.

All this creaking and squeaking,
it's keeping me awake.

I knew I should have asked
for a cup of warm hinge oil

before the Wiggles went to bed.

Oh, pickle doorjam.



[music playing]


It was only a dream.

But that dream pasta
sure tasted good.

Not like that table and
chairs and other stuff.


I'm glad that part was a dream.

But now I'm really hungry.

Never leave a pot
handle sticking out.

Always be sure that I'm turned
off before you leave me alone.

And if there's a fire in
my oven, close my door.



[chimes playing]

[music playing]




Why, Hotpots?

That sandwich is too
big for one person,

unless you're a hippopotamus.

I am not a hippopotamus.

I'm Anthony, and I'm hungry.

[SINGING] We're hungry,
we're hungry, we're hungry,

we're hungry, we're
hungry, we're hungry.


Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy,
yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy,

yummy, yummy, yummy,
yummy, yummy, yummy,

yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy.

Why didn't you
stop them, Hotpots?

Well, they were asleep, and
I didn't want to wake them.

There's some cucumber
in the fridge.

How about if I fry
some up for you?


No, thanks, Hotpots.

I'm not hungry anymore.

I think I'll just
go back to bed.


Can I go now, Dorothy?



We haven't even
started, you two.

In five minutes, it'll be 8
o'clock and time for the Fiona

Fit Belly Exercise Show.

And after that, we can have some
of my delicious fruit salad.

Yummy, yummy.

Can I eat now, Dorothy?

I'm too sleepy to exercise.


You're always sleepy,
Jeff, and that's

because you don't exercise.

Right, it's 8 o' clock.

[music playing]

Are you feeling tired?



Then you need to exercise
and to eat properly.

Fruit is a very good way
to start the day because it

fills you with instant energy.

That's because fruit is yummy
with nature's special sugar.


You mustn't eat
while you exercise.


Because the food won't
settle in your tummy properly.

You must wait until
after you exercise.

[music playing]

[SINGING] Come on now, lift
those legs up and down.

One, two, one, two, one, two.

One, two.

You heard Fiona.

Come on.

One, one, one.

One, two, one, two.

One, two, one.

JEFF: Two.


JEFF: Two.


That's all the exercising
we have for today.

Now it's time for some
yummy, munchy, crunchy fruit.

Here you go, you two.

Now you can eat this
yummy fruit salad.


Are you both all right?


I feel.


Oh my.


I always knew that fresh
fruit and exercise gave you

energy, but that much energy?

What should we do now, Wags?


I'm going home
to prune my roses.


You're off to see
Captain Feathersword then?

Then I'll go home and
practice my music.

Bye, wags.

salad, yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Yummy, yummy, yummy,
yummy, fruit salad.

Let's make some
fruit salad today.


It's fun to do, it's
the healthy way.


Take all the fruit
that you want to eat.

It's going to be a
fruit salad treat.

The first step.

Peel your bananas.

The second step.

Toss in some grapes.

The third step.

Chop up some apples.

Chop up some melons and
put them on your plate.

Now we've made it.

It's time to eat it.


It tastes so good that
you just can't beat it.

Give everyone a
plate and a spoon.

We'll all be eating
it very soon.

The first step.

Eat up the banana.

The second step.

Eat up some grapes.

The third step.

Eat up some apples.

Eat the melons, now there's
nothing on your plate.

Now we've had our
fruit salad today.


It's time to put
the scraps away.

Wash the bowls and
wash the spoon.

Let's do it all again real soon.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Yummy, yummy, yummy,
yummy, fruit salad.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad.

I hope Jeff's not too
tired from exercising.

I'm sure he's sleeping.

Oh, great.

We'll have to carry him.

Hi, you guys.

Hi, Jeff.

Bye, guys.

WIGGLES: Bye, Jeff.



What's happened to him?

I think he's going home.

Let's head home.

Right you are, Anthony.

Captain Feathersword
is up to no good.

I'm sure of it.


There you be, Wags,
me wagger and heartie.

You know what this be?


This be the perfect flea powder.

But I don't have fleas.

Now, I know for a fact
that every dog has fleas.

So I'm going to try
this out on you.



I do not have fleas.

Now, don't be nervous,
Wags, me wagger.

This won't hurt a bit.

It'd be flea shrinking powder.

It shrinks the fleas so
small that their mouths

can't bite they're itty
bitty bitey like that.

Now, here we go.



Now, leave that
powder on for a while

and you'll soon see you won't
have a single flea on you,

me four-footed heartie.

Get rid of fleas indeed.

I don't have fleas.


But I do have a joke I'm
going to play on the captain.



No, no.

As soon as Wags gets here, you
can eat your milk and biscuits.

I know, while we're
waiting, how about watching?

[SINGING] Banana, potato,
some fruit from the fridge.

Tomato, sultana, a
bowl of porridge.

Rockmelon, pineapple,
rhubarb in a dish.

A lemon we squeeze on a fish.

Spaghetti, I'm ready for
a big piece of cheese.

Some fruit cake with custard,
may I have more, please?

An apple and red strawberries.

Roast chicken, fish fingers,
and cream and jelly.


All I need is some food.


Oh how I love my food.

Baked beans on toast
with corn for crunch.

Eggs that are scrambled
with bacon for lunch.

Yogurt with muesli
to chew and to munch.

And carrot and peas
and the broccoli bunch.


All I need is some food.


Oh, how I love my food.

A big pie, hamburger,
a vegetable quiche.

With parsley on top and
an orange to squeeze.

Rice cakes and biscuits,
a soft mandarin.

Sponges and muffins
with cherry thrown in.


All I need is some food.

Fruit salad.


Oh, how I love my food.

Hot potato.


All I need is some food.

Cold spaghetti.


Oh, how I love my food.

You're going to
pretend that the flea

powder made you shrink?


What a wonderful trick to play
on Captain Feathersword, Wags.

Which of the Wagettes
will you choose to be you?


What do I do now, Greg?

Be patient, Anthony.

A good magician has oodles
and oodles of patience.

Oh, I don't want to
be a good magician.

I just want to see a rabbit.

Oh, you will.

You will.

Now, just hold this
carrot, if you please.

What a delicious
looking carrot.

It's not for you.
It's for the rabbit.

Oh, I know.

I know.

All right now, just hold
it over the hat like so.


Move it slowly over the hat,
and I'll get my magic wand.

Oh, wrinkled rabbits, where
did I put my magic wand?

Oh, just keep your eye
on that carrot now.




I couldn't find my magic--

what happened to the carrot?

Well, actually--

- You ate it, didn't you?
- No.


Oh, never mind.

Here you are.

Use this carrot
and don't eat it.


Oh, tickling toad tongues,
I still haven't found my wand.

I'll have to go and look for it.


Ah, I found my wand.

Oh, fine.

If you insist on
eating my carrots,

I'm not going to show you
my appearing rabbit trick.

Ahoy there, everyone.

Oh, you see this?

It's my famous flea
shrinking powder.

I put some on Wags
a little while ago,

and now all his fleas have
shrunk away to nothing.

Oh, it's great.


Oh, Wags.

Wags, me heartie.









Is that you?


Oh no, I shrunk you too.


Oh no, Captain Feathersword,
you've shrunk poor Wags.

Oh no, I hope he's
not still shrinking.

Still shrinking?

Oh, no.

I not only shrunk the
fleas, I shrunk you as well.

Oh, what have I done?




Wags, it's you.

You're back to normal.

Oh, no more messing
with this stuff.

I'll take you fleas and
all, me itchy heartie.

Oh, Wagsy, it's good
to have you back.

Oh, no squeaks, no creaks.

Thank you, boys.

That oil is just what I needed.

Not only do I feel wonderful,
I'll be able to sleep properly.

Flora Door needs oil
to help her feel good.

We need more than that.

And a good thing too.

We can eat and drink
all kinds of good things.

That's because our muscles
need to feel healthy.

And our bones.

And our hair.

And our skin.

And our energy.

Hey, where are
you going, Anthony?

I'm off to get a pizza
before the shop closes.

Good idea.


Wait for us.

Bring me back some olive oil.

[SINGING] And lots of
great stories to tell.

In the Wiggles world.

In the Wiggles world.

You're all welcome here,
so let's give a cheer.

Welcome to the Wiggles world.


In the Wiggles world.

In the Wiggles world.

You're all welcome here,
so let's give a cheer.

Welcome to the Wiggles world.
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