02x07 - Safety

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Wiggles". Aired: 1993 - 2022.*
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Wiggle fans can join in on the fun with the beloved quartet Anthony, Murray, Greg and Jeff.
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02x07 - Safety

Post by bunniefuu »

[music playing]

[SINGING] We know a world,
a magic world, come with us

and see.

Anything can happen
in the special world.

It can happen to you or me.

It's where the Wiggles live.

Why don't you come along and
meet their friends as well.

There's music and dancing,
magic and games, and lots

of great stories to tell.

In the Wiggles world.

In the Wiggles world.

You're all welcome here,
so let's give a cheer.

Welcome to the Wiggles world.


Hi, everybody.

[SINGING] In the Wiggles world.

In the Wiggles world.

You're all welcome here
so let's give a cheer.

Welcome to the Wiggles world.


How far is this treasure,
Captain Feathersword?

Oh, it's about 10
wiggle trees, Anthony.

That's very, very far.

Well, we'd better get
into wiggle speed then.


Let's go.

Fasten your
seatbelts, everyone.

Good idea, Greg.

Ready, Captain?

Ready, me hearties.



One tree, two trees.


Three trees.

Hey, look.

Four trees.


Five trees.


Six trees.


Seven trees.

Eight trees.

Nine trees.

Here we are, Captain
Feathersword, 10 wiggle

trees from where we began.

I'm so glad that you

hearties were with me.

Oh, I can't count
to 10 very easily.

I need a little help sometimes.

WIGGLES: We're always happy
to help, Captain Feathersword.

Look, there she is.

The treasure.




X. Wow.


Whoa Wow.




Hoo hoo hoo.


Looky, a booky.

I mean, look, a book.

Oh, that's no ordinary
book, Captain Feathersword.

It isn't?

It's a counting book.

It helps you to count.

From 1 to 10.

From 1 to 10?

Well, blow me down.


Sorry, Captain, but you
just said to blow you down.

Well, while I'm down
here, pass me the book

and blow me over
next to that tree.


Oh, one.



One, two, three.

Sorry, the Wiggles
aren't at home.

We know.

We are the Wiggles.

And we'd like to go inside.

So we can be at home.

Open up.

I won't open up until
you say the magic word.

Magic word?

Oh, I know.





I know the magic word.

Please, may we come inside?

Yes, of course.


Wags, me heartie, I'm going

to teach you how to fetch.

Now, I'm going to
throw my feathersword

and you're going to fetch it.

Fetch is when you go
and get my feathersword

and you bring it back, OK?


Here we go now.



My feathersword, there.





Why should I fetch his sword?

I didn't throw it.


Use your eyes.



Oh, I see.

You don't understand.

That's what he thinks.

I know, I'll show you.

[imitates barking]



Now you understand,
Wags, me heartie--


Oh, no, no, no, no.

You don't hand it to
me before you fetch it.


Now, fetch.



I'm going to need a
song to calm me down.

We're going for a ride
in our big, red car.

[SINGING] Jump in the
car and buckle up,

and we can ride
the whole day long.

Jump in the car,
put on my seat belt,

and we can ride
the whole day long.

Ride into town, walk down the
street, get back in the car

and buckle up into my seat.

Yes, that's the way we do it,
riding in our big, red car.

Big, red car.

Big, red car.

Jump in the car and
buckle up, and we

can ride the whole day long.

Jump in the car,
put on my seat belt,

and we can ride
the whole day long.

On holidays, we go
down to the beach.

I get back in the car and
buckle up into my seat.

Cause that's the way we do
it, riding in a big, red car.

Big, red car.

A big, red car.

Big, red car.

A big, red car.

Big, red car.

A big, red car.

Big, red car.

A big, red car.

Big, red car.

A big, red car.

Big, red car.
Big, red car.

Big, red car.

A big, red car.

Big, red car.

A big, red car.

Big, red car.

A big, red car.

Big ,red car.
A big, red car.

Big, red car.

A big, red car.

Big, red car.

A big, red car, car,
car, car, car, car, car,

car, car, car, car, car, car.

Big, red car.

A big, red car.

A big, red car.

Big, red car.

Big, red car.

Big, red car.

Ready, Wags?


Ready Wiggles?

Ready, Murray.

- Click.
- Click.




Well done, Wags.

Oh, and thanks for
looking after the Wagettes,

Captain Feathersword.

Not at all, me hearties.

I'll look after them and
see they come to no harm.

Don't you worry about me
little scallywaggettes.

I, Captain Feathersword,
shall keep them safe.


Oh, mind where you're
hiding now, me hearties.

Oh, and don't go
too near the road.

Oh, say hello to Henry for me.

Bye bye.

See you, Wags.


Come on, now.

Stop you're hiding.

I can see where you are.

I can see you there and there.

Oh, come on now.

Let's go inside.

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Door who?

Door re mi fa so la ti do.

Oh, well, blow me down.


[music playing]



Lots of roses.

Yummy, yummy.

Up we go.

Big stretch for those roses.

There, now I can
reach my yummy roses--


Oh, no.



We're making some fruit salad.

Everybody's helping.

Murray, what are you up to?

Anthony, I've got some grapes
to put in the fruit salad bowl.

And Paul the cook?

Well, I'm mixing up all
the fruit in this bowl.

Greg, Anthony, I'm
chopping up some melon.

ANTHONY: And, Jeff, what
are you doing over there?

I've peeled a banana.

Beauty, mate.

Well, you might like to make
your own fruit salad at home.

Just make sure you
use a plastic knife

and you might like
to have a grown

up round to help you as well.

salad, yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Yummy, yummy, yummy,
yummy, fruit salad.

Let's make some
fruit salad today.


It's fun to do,
it's a healthy way.


Take all the fruit
that you want to eat.

It's going to be a
fruit salad tree.

The first step.

Peel your bananas.

The second step.

Tossing some grapes.

The third step.

Chop up some apples.

Chop up some melons and
put them on your plate.

Now we've made it,
it's time to eat it.


It tastes so good that
you just can't beat it.

Give everyone a
plate and a spoon.

We'll all be eating
it very soon.

The first step.

Eat up the banana.

The second step.

Eat up some grapes.

The third step.

Eats up some apples.

Eat the melons, now there's
nothing on your plate.

Now we've had our
fruit salad today.


It's time to put
the scraps away.


Wash the bowls and
wash the spoon.

Let's do it all again real soon.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Yummy, yummy, yummy,
yummy fruit salad.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad.

Hello, everyone.



Thank you for coming to
help me shine my shoes.

You're welcome, Henry.

Eight shoes will be much
easier to shine with our help.

ANTHONY: And shoes sure look
better when they're shined.

Shined shoes certainly do.


I mean, certainly do.

Help yourself to that
seaweed then and shine away.

[music playing]

[SINGING] Shining,
shining, shining shoes.

Shining, shining, shining shoes.

Rub that seaweed on my shoes.

Rub that seaweed on my shoes.

My shoes will look brand new.

DOROTHY: Help, help.


What's Wags listening to?

We don't know, Henry.

Wags hears things that we can't.



He probably is a catfish.

DOROTHY: Help, help.


We'd better follow him.

[music playing]

DOROTHY: Help me.



[SINGING] Hat on my head.

It's sunny today.

Got my hat on my head,
it's sunny today.

I'll be OK.

I'll put my raincoat on.

Raincoat on.

It's starting to rain.

Starting to rain.

Put my raincoat on,
it's starting to rain.

I'll be OK.

Ah, it looks like
the rain is stopping.

Hey, the sun's coming out
from behind that cloud.

Oh, I'd better take
this raincoat off.

I won't need it anymore.

[SINGING] I'll take
my raincoat off.

Raincoat off.

It's sunny again.

Sunny again.

Take my raincoat off,
it's sunny again.

I feel OK.

We feel OK.



[mumbling] Oh.

Ahoy there, me hearties, be
careful of the pot handles.

Oh-ho, there be hot
soup in those pots.

If you bump them,
you could get burned.

Oh, pot handles should
never stick out like this.

It's very, very dangerous.

Now, who's the
scallywag who did this?


I'm the scallywag?


Oh, silly Captain Feathersword.

Silly, silly, silly,
silly, silly, silly.

DOROTHY: Help me.

What's that, me hearties?

You hear something?

A bad guy?

Oh, never mind.

I'll tickle him with
my feathersword.



Hey, you can't go
without your babysitter.

I'm supposed to look after you,
stop you from getting hurt.




Please, help me.

[music playing]


Oh, careful, me hearties.

There'll be traffic about.

You've got to stop,
listen, and look both ways.

Look that way.

And that way.

And that way again.


Now, we're walking
down the street,

we want to cross the
road, what do we do, Greg?

What do we do?

[SINGING] Stop at the
lights, look both ways,

look both ways again.

Oh yeah.

Wait for the traffic
to come to a stop,

then cross the
road with a friend.

Could you say it again Greg?

Stop at the lights, look both
ways, look both ways again.


Wait for the traffic
to come to a stop,

then cross the
road with a friend.

We like walking.

Do you like walking too?

Of course, we do, Greg.

Then there's something
that we all should do.

Let me guess, are you
going to say what I think?

Let's stop at the
lights, look both ways,

look both ways again.


Wait for the traffic
to come to a stop,

then cross the
road with a friend.

Hey, Greg.

This is fun walking.

I like walking.

We all like walking.

[SINGING] We like walking.

Do you like walking too?

Well, I just said that, Greg.

Then there's something
that we all should do.

You're right, tell us about it.

Let's stop at the
lights, look both ways,

look both ways again.

Wait for the traffic to come
to a stop, then cross the road,

cross the road, cross
the road with a friend.


Please, help me.


Help me.

I'm stuck.


Help me.


Hold on, Dorothy.

DOROTHY: Help me.

We'll save you.

DOROTHY: Save me.



I got you.

I got you.


You saved me.

Thank you.

Oh, I'm not hurt at all.

Neither are we.

No, we weren't.

Well, blow me down, what--

I mean, blow me up.

Dorothy, you've got
to be more careful

when you're picking roses.

And always make sure
the ladder is not wobbly.

And never stand on the top.

I won't, Greg.

I promise.

Oh, and never,
never fall off again.


Right after you, Jeff.

You can't see him yet, though.


Hey, there he is.

[SINGING] The friendly pirate
ship is rocking on the sea,

rocking on the sea.

We're rocking.

Rocking on the sea.


The friendly pirate ship
is rocking on the sea.

We're all getting tossed about.

When the storm comes down,
we'll sail the sea again,

sail the sea again.

The sea will be our friend.

When the storm comes down,
we'll sail the sea again.

We won't get tossed about.

The friendly pirate ship
is rocking on the sea,

rocking on the sea.


Rocking on the sea.

The friendly pirate ship
is rocking on the sea.


We're all getting tossed about.


Oh, careful there, Wiggles.

[SINGING] Magic world,
come with us and see.

Anything can happen
in this special world.

It can happen to you or me.

It's where the Wiggles live.

Why don't you come along and
meet their friends as well.

There's music and dancing,
magic and games, and lots

of great stories to tell.

In the Wiggles world.

In the Wiggles world.

You're all welcome here
so let's give a cheer.

Welcome to the Wiggles world.


In the Wiggles world.

In the wiggles world.

You're all welcome here,
so let's give a cheer.

Welcome to the Wiggles world.
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