06x07 - Passin' Me By

Episode transcripts for the TV show "All American" Premiered on the CW October 10,2018 to current*
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Inspired by the life of professional American football player Spencer Paysinger. High School football player is recruited from South LA to play for Beverly Hills and the two worlds collide.
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06x07 - Passin' Me By

Post by bunniefuu »

- SPENCER: Wait. For real?
- OLIVIA: Yes, yes!

I've been waiting to hear
your thoughts all Christmas.

Okay, well, first of
all, the book is fire.

That line, "I planted
that tree so my family

can enjoy the shade forever"? Damn.

Yeah, Coach Baker had bars.

That was my favorite
quote from Chapter Three.

Oh, okay, look at you,
remembering chapters.

Knowing that I'm gonna test you

right before I take full advantage

of the only person who's read my book.

You know you could have
tested me before I left, right?

OLIVIA: What, and delay your ritual? No.

You always work out alone
the night before a game.

Yeah, and tomorrow's playoff
game is my biggest one yet.

Babe, you got this.

You know, tomorrow is
also New Year's Eve.

I don't know what we're
doing yet, but my mom said

if you kiss the person
you love at midnight,

those good vibes'll
carry through all year.

Okay, Ms. Grace for the win.


My bad, baby. Let me call you back.


Coach Mac, now that you've been named

interim coach for the
second week in a row,

what's the latest on Kenny Boone?

Uh, as far as I know, he's still dealing

with a personal family matter.

- Any idea when he'll be back?
- No comment.

Jordan, how was your time

in New York as a Heisman finalist?

Well, the cold weather definitely
hit different out there...

- and it would have been nice

to bring that trophy home, but
the whole experience was a movie.

Any thoughts about taking your
talents all the way to the NFL?

JORDAN: My only focus is about hitting
the field with my guys tomorrow.

MAC: In a game that we're
thankful to be playing.

A few weeks ago, we didn't
think we had a chance, but

the football gods had other plans.

REPORTER #1: Jordan,
as Billy Baker's kid,

c'mon, you're telling
us you haven't thought

about how cool it would be to be drafted

by your dad's old team
and walk in his shoes?

JORDAN: I mean...

Look, you heard the kid.

His only focus is tomorrow,

and that's what makes him a great leader

and the alpha of this team.

- Thank you for your time.
- Cool.

Thank you.

- All right.
- Thanks, Jordan.

- JORDAN: Hey.


Uh, listen, uh, sorry about that.

I... I... that was a
last-minute interview.

I just assumed that
they invited you, too.

Oh, nah, you all good, J.

I'm the one that got
the boot for targeting.

- JORDAN: Hmm.
- SPENCER: Hell, I can't even play

in the first half tomorrow.

If I was them, I wouldn't
be checking for me, either.

Well, well, well,

look who we have here.

Spencer 2.0 has officially
entered the chat.


I'm just happy you finally getting
the shine you deserve, my boy.

Yeah, it would be...

it would be pretty great,
you know, if I could just...

[SIGHS]... stop worrying about Layla.

Yeah, that break-in at her
lounge was a major violation.

- Uh-huh.
- Any word who did it?

No, nobody's talking, including Layla.

She promised me that she would
reach out to a doctor and...

and get everything situated,

but, I mean, with the
break-in and the investigation,

she's just been slammed, so...

[SIGHS] I know how hard this is, bruh,

both from my own
struggles and from having

a front-row seat to Layla's
breakdown in high school.

But prioritizing our mental health

should come second to
none. You know that, right?

No, yeah, I know, I know.

And the past few weeks, I have been...

I've been treading very, very carefully

with everything that's going on,

but, Spence, I am not sure
how much longer I can sit idle.

Then don't.








- Hey...
- Hi.

Don't you have a game to get ready for?

Mm, I do. Hmm.

Yes, but I needed to
drop off your ticket

and your pass for the VIP tent.

Wait, do people still use hard copies?

Well, our boosters do.

Uh, are you still rolling
with Liv to the game?

- Uh, yeah, that's the plan.
- Ah.

It's funny you mention plans, actually.

Is this about New Year's?

- No.
- Mm-hmm?

But there is a resolution that
I would love to discuss with you.

Ah, this is about me, um,

weaning off my meds and
following up with my doctor.

- I'm just checking in, babe.
- Well, I'm fine.

- Mm-hmm?
- And no, I haven't taken

the next steps yet, but
when I know, you'll know.

Right now, I want to focus
on who trashed my lounge.

- LAYLA: Hey.

- Still nothing from the cops?
- Apparently, somebody hacked

the security system and scrubbed
the surveillance footage.

I'm gonna head to the police station,

- but I'll see you at the game. Love you.
- JORDAN: Yeah.

- Love you.
- LAYLA: Bye.


Question. Good morning. Hi.

Was she like this the whole
time I was in New York?

You mean, deep in her
"Veronica Mars" bag,

trying to solve something
she'll actually never solve?

- Yeah.
- [CHUCKLES] Okay, well, maybe

things will change now
that Ryan is back in town,

you know, so she won't have
to deal with this alone.

I'll catch you guys later.

COOP: Bet. All right.
Good luck at the game, bro.

- JORDAN: No doubt.

Is it weird that the footage
was scrubbed all of a sudden?

A little. Why?

What are you thinking?

That Miko might have done it.

- Come on...
- No, no, just hear me out.

All of Layla's bad
press is because of me,

like I'm the one who froze
up on stage opening night,

and then I was the center of
that brawl at Spencer's birthday,

and now, Miko is trying to find a
way to blame me for this break-in.

What? Are you listening to yourself?

You don't see what I see, Coop.

Every time somebody posts about

why the stabbing was my fault,

all of a sudden, Miko is all
up in the comments, "liking" it.

- Because she's a troll.
- Yeah, well,

this troll keeps coming for me,

and I can't do anything about it.

Ms. Baker and I are working
with your legal team.

- PATIENCE: Uh-huh.
- All right? It's a process.

But we got you, okay?

Trust me.

OLIVIA: So you're spending the
first half on the sidelines?

SPENCER: Yup. I'm gonna
stay near Coach Mac

in case he needs me for something.

OLIVIA: Even after the way he shaded you

at the press conference last night?

Hey, you know, I got to play
my part and be there for my guys

'cause "when you give value to someone,

you'll be wealthy forever."

Did you just quote...

My favorite line from
Chapter 5 of your book.

- You got bars, girl.

♪ Where did we go wrong? ♪

♪ It's time to let it go ♪

Um, did you just cue your
playlist to this moment?

'Cause it's kinda giving buzzkill.

It's from Charissa's "not okay" list.

That music and her
tears have been on repeat

- ever since she broke up with Greg.
- Damn.

How do you guys even cope?

Like... like dudes, yeah.

Minimal eye contact, very few words.

♪ ... touch ♪

♪ We had a real good love ♪

OLIVIA: Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait. She's a chef?

According to that coat.

Yeah, it's more like a crop-top.
A little thirst-trappy but cute.


- Top of the morning.

Hope you're hungry,
'cause I made breakfast.

Coconut pancakes with
banana and crème fraîche.

Wow. [CHUCKLES] This looks amazing.

Yeah, I didn't know you were a chef.

It was actually my first love,

and then Greg happened.
And continued to happen.

We were supposed to spend New Year's Eve

- at a pop-up event hosted by Chef Mo.
- Wait...

the Michelin-rated chef?

His tacos are the best.

You two should totally take my tickets.

- Um...
- I'll send you the link.

I mean, I'm down to go after the game.

We both love tacos, and

this way, we get to check
something off our bucket list:

"Embraces spontaneity."

Are you sure?

I mean, if you win, you're gonna
want to celebrate with your team, and

- you know, if you... [WHISPERS "LOSE"]...
- Hey, hey, hey,

win or lose, the only place
I want to be at midnight

is eating those tacos

- with you.

Listen, there is nothing,

and I mean nothing
that's getting in the way

of me celebrating New
Year's with my girl, okay?


Let's do it.

- Damn. You're early.

Oh. I thought you were Patience
for our session this morning.

- Everything okay, man?
- JORDAN: You tell me,

'cause first, you tell Layla
to adjust her meds, and then...

and then the club gets
trashed, and you leave her

to deal with the fallout for two weeks.

Hey, I offered to stay.
She said she had it covered.

And for the record, I only
made suggestions about her meds.

Layla did what she felt was
best for her own clarity.

Okay, and who the hell are you to
make suggestions about her meds?

I was being a friend.

- I was listening.
- JORDAN: Hmm, you were listening,

and it never occurred to you to
maybe advise her to talk to a doctor?

It was a casual suggestion, Jordan.

- I assumed she would.
- JORDAN: Okay, casual, and that...

you see, that's your problem, Ryan.
You just... you move through life

so casual, doing whatever you want

whenever you want with your millions,

but there's nothing casual about
my fiancée's mental health.

You're mad because you're
scared for the woman you love.

I get it, but using
me as your punching bag

isn't gonna change what's
going on with Layla.

You need to talk to her.


You've barely touched your food, son.

Pre-game jitters?

Uh, yeah.

- GRACE: Wait.

Is that syrup on your shirt?

Spencer Alonso James!

Did you double-book breakfast?

DILLON: Wow. The disrespect.

Did you at least bring
home some leftovers?

Yes, yes, 3 containers' worth.

- Mm.

Oh, y'all meant to share?

- Ha ha ha! Boy. Ha ha ha!


Yes, this is she. Wait. What?

Oh, my God! Yes!

That's amazing!

I'll let him know right now.

Thank you so much. Uh, talk soon.


Dillon just got accepted

into Boston Benwood School of Arts.

- DILLON: Are you serious?

- SPENCER: Yo! Yo!
- GRACE: Aah!

Congratulations, D! That
school's, like, elite elite, right?

- DILLON: Yeah, man!
- One of the most prestigious in the country.

I mean, we put him on
the wait list last year,

but I didn't think he would
get accepted this fast.

They want you there by... next Monday.

- That's fast. You ready?
- Ready?

Hell yeah, I'm...

[QUIETLY] Sorry.

I got to move stuff
around at work, I can...

I can ask Preach to help
cover some of my programs.

I'm going to need to be
there at least a week with you

- to help you get settled, Dillon.
- DILLON: Or I could go alone.

- That's very cute, but no.
- Come on, Ma.

I fly by myself after seeing D'Angelo

- in Oakland all the time.
- SPENCER: This is different,

- and 4 hours longer.
- DILLON: But I feel as though...

Dillon, no. I am not letting

my Black teenage son enroll
in a school by himself

in a city he's never
been to before, period.


Ashley. Hey, um, come in.

ASHLEY: Sorry. I know
popping by unannounced

is becoming a, uh, bit
of a habit? [CHUCKLES]

Well, it's all good.
I'm actually on my way

to Spencer's game, so maybe,

I don't know, all 3 of us could
get some breakfast tomorrow?

I'll actually be shoving off to London

- around that time.
- OLIVIA: Wait, but

- I feel like you've only been here for, like, a...
- Few weeks.

Right. Um... [SIGHS]

I suck. Um, sorry.

It's just, with my book
and, you know, the holidays,

like, life has just been
lifin' at a rapid pace, and...

- I'm sorry that I haven't been around more.
- No worries.

All right. Let's start fresh,

maybe rendezvous after the game?

I would love to sketch your portrait.

- My portrait?
- Yeah, it's for an art walk back home,

and since you've been the
best part of me this past year,

I wanted to craft something for you,

my person.

Tsk. Right.

Um, as flattering as that is, I
just don't know if that's, um...

I really don't know
if that's a good idea.

- It's a sketch, Liv.
- Right. No, I know.

It's just, um,

your friendship meant everything
to me in London, Ashley,

and I just think, you know, maybe

we got a little too close, and

there just needs to be
some recalibration here.

Okay, but I still don't get

what that has to do with the sketch.

I think it's less about the sketch

and more about boundaries and space.

I'm sorry.

♪ Five, four, three, two, one ♪

♪ Let's go, we goin'
live, yeah, we goin' live ♪

♪ Goin' live, hands in the
air, hope you got 'em high ♪

♪ Get 'em high, we goin'
big, it's a big night, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah, I live a lit life,
we about to get right ♪

♪ Yeah, I wanna see
you get hype, yeah... ♪


♪ Get hype, I wanna
see you get hype, yeah ♪

♪ Wanna see everybody out of
control, let's get hype, yeah ♪

♪ You know my ritual,
my red cup for pregame ♪

♪ Walk inside of the
building, all the hands up ♪

♪ Let's get it, let's get it... ♪

SPENCER: You good?

Uh, you hear from Liv or Layla yet?

No, but they'll be here. Come on.

♪ Let's start tearing off
the roof, get hype, yeah ♪

ANNOUNCER: We're in the second quarter,

and the score's knotted, 0-0,
between GAU and Seattle Tech.

It's been all defense, as Heisman
finalist Jordan Baker has struggled.

- SPENCER: Coach, think we shou...
- MAC: Not now, Spencer.

All right, so it's 0-0.

- Let's finish the half strong, all right?
- JORDAN: Yeah.

- Yeah.
- MAC: All right?

JORDAN: 53, watch 53, here we go.

Let's go, J.

Wide 76!



[SIGHS] Well, somebody
is clearly missed.

Hey, blame Layla, not me.

Thought y'all were riding in together.

No, she sent a text. Something came up.

Wide 60. Set!


[SIGHS] Jordan is playing like trash.

Yeah, and I got an idea
on how to unlock him,

but Mac ain't trying
to hear it right now.

Well, so then make him.

I mean, you're still the captain, babe.

You just need to find a
way to speak his language.

JORDAN: Wide 60!

Wide 60! Set!

He dropped it. Fumble. Go, go, go, go!


Well, that's the half.

You know, I think it's time that we spin

some of that Spencer James magic.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- All right.
- Yeah.


I've been wanting to do that all game.


MAC: Gentlemen, what was that?

That was a terrible first half!

This is the playoffs!
Come on! [CLAPS HANDS]

Now, we knew this
game was gonna be hard,

but I'mma need y'all
to handle hard better,

and that starts with you, Baker.

You're the one steering this thing.

Time to step into the moment.

SPENCER: Coach, can I
run something by you?

Only if you want to
share with the class.


Their strong-side backer is a problem.

He been firing off
the edge all damn game.

Now, based on the analytics,

I suggest we run the
naked boot with Jordan.

All right. I'll keep that in mind.

SPENCER: Y'all want to
win this thing or what?

Let's go. Come on. Get up.

Go ahead, boy. Yo, you good?
Something you wanna talk about?

- No, not the time or the place.
- You sure?

- Spence, let's get this win.
- All right.

ANNOUNCER: GAU is looking for a spark,

now that Spencer James
is back in the game.

JORDAN: 150! 5, 2, set!

FEMALE SINGER: ♪ Like an animal ♪

♪ Whoo! ♪

♪ Ha! ♪

♪ Like an animal ♪

♪ Whoo ♪

JORDAN: Yep, yep, yep.

- MAC: There we go!

Touchdown, Jordan Baker.

[CHUCKLING] Hey! Let's go, GAU!

SYLVIA: Wow, that was some
block by Spencer James...

- bringing Baker to the end zone.

He decleated that poor kid.

- _
- These two are really something else.

Such a treat to watch.

- _
- Spencer was clearly the missing piece

- _
- in the first half.


you do know it's New Year's Eve, right?

Uh, yeah, I was just doing a final pass

on this grant for the
after-school program.

You're doing that while listening

to Spencer's game on the radio?

How old are you again?

[TURNS OFF RADIO] I'm, uh, old enough

to still be crushing on Sylvia Anderson,

the voice of GAU sports.

Sylvia's book pushed
me to drop 30 pounds

and step my game up, just like

Jordan and Spencer
are doing right now...

Ah! Pfft! No spoilers. I'm
recording it. [CHUCKLES]

Well, shouldn't you be there?

This is your son's first playoff game.

Ah, I can't. I have to get a laptop

and some clothes for my other son.

Dillon got accepted into a
art school back in Boston.

[CHUCKLING] Yo! That's wassup!

- Yeah.
- I mean, that's not wassup?

That little boy asked me if
he could fly there by himself,

which is actually why I'm here.

Can you get someone
to cover me next week?

Yeah, for sure, but hear me out.

Dillon wanting to do this on his own

is a testament to a great job
you've done of raising him.

Hmm. Thank you, Preach.

It's just, he's 15.

He's not ready to do this on his own.

Is Dillon not ready, or is
it that you're not ready?

ASHER: So I'm in my high-school
uniform, ready for the game,

but right as I step out into the tunnel,

I realize that I forgot my cleats.

But when I turn around
to the locker room, dude,

- everything just went black and...

What is that? Why... why the "mm"?

- Do you know something?
- JABARI: It's possible.

You know, dream interpretation
is kinda my thing.

- Wait. For real?
- No, fool.

- It's probably just anxiety.
- Yeah...

I mean, we do have our
playoff game later today.

Or maybe it's because of
my heart. I don't know.

You're still seeing that
specialist your doctor recommended?

ASHER: Yeah, I saw him
last week in San Francisco

and said that my heart is the
strongest it's been in 3 years.

- What?
- Look, he even gave me the okay

to ramp up my work with
you guys, so I'm thinking,

like, one-on-one drills
on the field later?

- You run that by Coach Montes?
- No, but I... I will.

sh**t. If it's okay with your girl,

who's the finest, yet
scariest chick I know,

I'm sure Coach'll rock with you.

- ASHER: Yeah.
- JORDAN: Down, set!

- PLAYER: Let's go do it.
- JORDAN: Wide 60!

MALE SINGER: ♪ Now I'm seeing red ♪

- Wide 60, set!
- ♪ I be making moves ♪

♪ I ain't making friends, and
I ain't waiting till I'm dead ♪

♪ I need my flowers right now ♪


ANNOUNCER: Touchdown, Spencer James.

Our beloved Condors are in firm control,

up 21-3 with less than 4
minutes to go in the game.


MALE SINGER: ♪ Yeah, yeah,
we just getting started, hey ♪

♪ Okay, we just getting started, hey ♪

MAC: Okay, gentlemen, okay. Let's go!

All right, all right. That
was one hell of a win, guys.

But there is only one
game ball going out today,

to the man who put
the team before himself

and called the play that gave
us the juice we needed to win.

Give it up for your team captain,

- Spencer James.

Yup! Speech, speech, speech, speech!

All right. Okay, real quick,

salute to every man in here, man.

Y'all did y'all thing out
there, okay? And guess what?

We going to the Natty, baby.


- Hey, babe, you, uh, you... you good?
- Hey!

Yeah, totally. [CHUCKLING]

Um, sorry I missed the
game. I just got, uh,

caught up at the police station, so...

So long that you came
back here and decided

- to put a hole in the wall?
- LAYLA: Yeah, about that, I'm...

Actually, it doesn't
matter, it doesn't matter.

Um, I just want to know
what's really going on.

- LAYLA: About?
- Well, I mean, you told me

that you would make a
plan with your doctor, but

every single time I bring it
up, you just... you deflect.

LAYLA: Well, me working
on repairing my lounge

isn't a deflection,
Jordan, and I told you

- this morning that I'd handle it.
- Just like you told me at the cabin,

- and you haven't.
- Just like you told me

that you would support me,

- no matter what.
- JORDAN: And you told me that...

that you felt safe telling
me the truth, so which...

Um, I'm sorry.

I didn't come here to fight.
I came here to be supportive.

Have you thought about
going back to therapy or...

If therapy was the answer, Jordan,

we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Okay, but you were younger
then, right? So maybe...

That's not how it works, Jordan.

Well, then, how exactly
does it work, Lay...

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, babe.

I'm just... I'm... I'm
at a loss here, okay?

'Cause I don't understand.
I don't, and... and you said

- that you wanted to feel better...
- LAYLA: Of course I do, Jordan.

Well, then help me help you, okay?

Because I'm not leaving here

- until we carve out a plan right now.
- LAYLA: Really?

Jordan, you know me and
ultimatums don't go well together.

- This is not an ultimatum.
- Yeah, you're right. It's a trigger,

and that is the last
thing I need right now,

so if you'll excuse
me, I have more holes

- to go put in my wall.
- JORDAN: No, no, you're not put... [SIGHS]



- SPENCER: Hey, baby.
- Congratulations. [CHUCKLES]

Thank you, thank you.

Homeboy is looking real
comfortable in Coach Kenny's office.

Is there any word on when
Coach Kenny's coming back?

His nephew's having problems back home,

so he flew back to be
there for his sister.

It sounded serious, so we're
just giving him his space,

but for his sake, I hope he back soon.

- KAI: Hey, Spence.
- SPENCER: What's good, bro?

- KAI: What's up, Liv?
- OLIVIA: Hey.

So what we doing tonight?
We celebrating? What's up?

Nothing. We're not celebrating.
The job's not finished.

Oh, take it easy, Belichick.

We can celebrate for 24 hours.

It's New Year's Eve, and
we going to the Natty, bruh.

Be that as it may, I
got plans with my girl.

- We getting tacos, okay?
- KAI: Tacos?

Spence, I love tacos.

- SPENCER: Okay.
- KAI: The whole team loves tacos.

- You gonna get us all tacos?
- No.

- What a good captain.

Hey, y'all, Spence is getting us tacos!

- SPENCER: Hey! Hey!

No! I didn't say all that.

You lost your damn mind? No! No!

I think what Spencer meant to say was

taco party at his beach house.

- KAI: Tacos!
- TEAM: Hey!


- I thought we had plans.
- We do, but I just...

I don't know. I'm just
considering everything

that GAU has been through
the past two years.

Think this is a moment
that needs to be celebrated.

Okay, okay, you know what?

Now that you put it like
that, it does remind me

of this line in this
dope-ass book I read:

"Never underestimate the
importance of a moment

because there's a chance that
moment might become a memory."

- That's Chapter 9.
- Yes, it is.

You know, you're really
showing off, and...

- I kinda like it.
- SPENCER: Yeah. Ha ha ha!

And listen, listen, just because
this party is at my crib...

- Uh-huh?
- We're not staying long, okay?

We still got to make
time to make our own

New Year's memory, just us.

- Okay.
- All right.

- Tacos.
- Shut up.


WADE: Ho ho ho. There he is.

- Look who got cleared for more drills.
- ASHER: Yeah, Montes just signed off.

- Only half speed, though.
- JABARI: Man, you lucky I didn't go against you

- back in your day, Coach.
- ASHER: My day?

Bro, I'm, like, a year older
than you. What are you saying?

And for the record, Jabari,
I would have cooked you.

- JABARI: What?
- WADE: Damn, Jabari.

- Sounds like Asher wants the smoke.
- I want all the smoke.

- JABARI: Oh, man!
- Oh, let's give him all the smoke.

- Let's get it.
- Let's give him the smoke.

- ASHER: Hey, I want all of it.
- JABARI: I'm gonna clamp you at half-speed.

- Or should I just crawl?
- ASHER: Hey, helmet, helmet.

JABARI: We got some crutches for him?

WADE: Nah, nah, we got a bubble, though.

- I been waiting for this.
- I hope they really cleared you.

- ASHER: Uh-huh.
- WADE: Go!


Hoo hoo hoo!

- Oh, Jabari!
- JABARI: Hey, nah! Let's run that back!

- ASHER, LAUGHING: Jabari! What happened, bro?
- JABARI: Run it back!

- Man that was luck!
- WADE: I don't think so.

No, I don't think it was luck.

Baby, hey.

How long have you and
AJ been standing there?

Long enough to see
you're doing something

you're not supposed to be doing.


- OLIVIA: I come bearing gifts.
- LAYLA: Mm, tacos?

- And spackle.
- I take it Jordan called.


So what's your...
what's your plan there?

I started opening up the wall

to, um, to see if we
could add another room,

and then I realized I am not
capable of making that happen.

Y'know, in a strange
but serendipitous way,

the break-in has me
thinking about expansion.

- Mm.
- I kept the essence

of Slauson Café when
we opened, but I also

took away a space that
operated during the day, and...

maybe that's why none of the locals

have stepped up to help
with the investigation.

Layla, please don't let
the break-in do that to you.

You have employees from this community,

you give back to this
community, they love you.

But I do think it's smart to
keep thinking of ways to expand.

But in Jordan's eyes,
I am using this time

- as a deflection.

Tsk. Look, I know Jordan can be a lot,

but he loves you

and he's worried about you,

and considering how he found out
about the meds in the first place,

I mean, can you blame him?

Guess not.

I just don't want to
make the wrong decision,

and I feel like I'm being pressured

into finding some miracle path.

I just want to make sure the
plan I choose is right for me.

Did you use those exact
words to tell him that?

- COOP: Hey.

Is it true you pulled up on Preach?

Great. So now everyone's tattling on me?

No, baby, everybody's worried about you.

Come on. Miko is not worth your sanity.

- Do not feed into her games.
- Miko is lying on my name, Coop,

and you know where we come from,

your name is everything.

- So, yeah, we need to see her.
- No.

We can't do that.

Are you serious?

After all the times I've had your back?

Me telling you to chill
is having your back.


Nah, it is just your way of saying

you forgot where you came from, okay?





- Hey, Coop.
- Hey, uh, ever since the break-in, have you...

you been taking your g*n with you?

No, my g*n's in the safe. Why?

That's the problem.

It's not.



Unlock the damn door.

[SIGHS] Wow.

[UNLOCKS DOOR] What? What?

Oh, so this was... this was your plan?!

Wait outside Miko's house with a g*n?!

- COOP: And what, wait for her to pop out?!

Yo, did you even check
for cameras or the police?!

PREACH: Coop, back seat.

What? Why?

Look, if you keep yelling,
we all gon' get scooped up.

Now, back seat!

PREACH: So let's just say Miko pops out.

What exactly were you gonna do?

I was gonna tell her stop lying

and keep my damn name out her
mouth, and if she didn't, then...

- What, put hands on her?
- Yup, probably.

That's unprovoked,
in front of her house.

That's aggravated as*ault.

How much time you think
she gon' get for that, Coop?

About 4 years, but if it's
premeditated, which it is,

they could tack on more time for that.

- And don't forget about the g*n.
- Another 6 months, maximum.

So, what, 5 years?

You ready to do a stretch for that long?

See, here's the thing.

Life is built on perception and reality.

Perception's a hell of a drug.

It's the reason you
out here stalking Miko

and the reason she tricked
you into becoming her.

But here's the reality,

she's the one that stabbed you.

And not only do you have
the scars to prove it

and all types of
receipts, but you got Coop

and the ex-DA rockin' with you.

And from my experience
with both of them, you good.

Just stay out the way

and trust the process.

♪ Girl, you my lil' boo thang ♪

♪ So I don't give a
hoot what your dude say ♪

♪ Girl, I know you a lil' too tame ♪

♪ I'll be sh**t'
that shot like 2K... ♪

Hey. No.

- No?
- Nope, absolutely not.

- They're cute.
- I talked to Coop,

- and Patience is doing good.
- OLIVIA: Oh, my God, thank God.

Have you had a chance
to eat your tacos yet?

No. [CHUCKLES] No. You?

No. I'm saving them for our date later.

I'm down to make later
a lot sooner if you are.

- Yes, please.
- All right, let's go.

JORDAN: Yo, yo, yo, hey, hey, hey.

- Ah!
- Did you guys hear?

Coastal won.

- Hey.
- That's amazing.

We're playing against Ash, our guy,

in a national championship. I mean,

- how crazy is that?
- OLIVIA: Yeah, yeah.

It's the craziest, man, yeah.

You know what else is
crazy is that we are playing

in the national championship on
the biggest stage of the season

against our rivals,
but none of it matters.

None of it matters until
my fiancée is whole.

- OLIVIA: Have you spoken to her?
- JORDAN: Since earlier? No.

No, my words were a
little too triggering,

- so I am all talked out.
- SPENCER: Okay, my two cents?

Layla has been running
this race since high school.

Okay, she's done
therapy, she's tried meds.

She's probably just burned out, bro.

OLIVIA: But, you know,
maybe do some research.

You know, put together a few options
of some things that, you know,

she hasn't tried yet.

- Could go a long way.
- SPENCER: But it's got to be her choice,

- okay?
- JORDAN: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, mm, yes.

- SPENCER: Good luck.

- Now?
- Yeah.



- Sorry. I'll be right back.
- SPENCER: You good?

One second.

These tacos go crazy, bro.

- Wipe your mouth.
- Oh, sorry.

Bro, I really need your help, Spence.

You've gotta convince Mom

that I can go to my
new school by myself.

Look, the counselor'll
pick me up from the airport,

and the senior guide'll get
me set up in my room, so...

It ain't just about that, D.

You know how sentimental Mom gets.

Celebrating firsts is a
big thing in our house.


Yeah, I guess it is a new school

- and my first time in Boston.
- SPENCER: Exactly.

Look, this is moving
really, really fast for Mom,

and the only way to slow that
down is to share the experience.

And it goes both ways,
because I promise you,

no matter how lit this new school is,

there's gonna be some
lonely days, and, unlike me,

you are not a ten-minute drive away.

And yes, I know you'll find a
way to keep in contact, but...

nothing beats that
one-on-one time in person.


Have a look.

So get it in.

I know you told me not to, but

I couldn't resist.


- SPENCER: You good, baby?
- ASHLEY: Yeah, she's just look...

I was talking to my girl.

- OLIVIA: I'm fine.
- You don't seem fine.

Oh, look, we just need a moment, man...

- Say something else to me, bro.
- Okay, Spencer, please,

please let me handle this.

Jaymee, are you seriously gonna keep...

- JAYMEE: Ash, please, not now.
- JORDAN: Hey.

Everything okay, you two?

Also, where is my
favorite nephew? Is he...

AJ's with my sister, and...

no, we are not okay.

You want to tell everyone what
you've been doing behind our backs?

- Baby.
- He's trying to k*ll himself.

SPENCER: Whoa, uh,
obviously there's been

some kind of misunderstanding.

ASHER: Guys, I was just
trying to play football.

JAYMEE: Full speed. You
have a heart condition

and you were playing
football full speed.

- You have a son to think about.
- ASHER: Yeah, a son

- that I am thinking about.

Baby, I'm proof that AJ
shouldn't give up on his dreams.

- JAYMEE: Oh, by being reckless?
- I'm not being reckless, Jaymee.

Dr. Pine cleared me.

Wait... Dr. Pine?

I thought Dr. Ladage
was your cardiologist.

She recommended Dr. Pine
because he specializes

in athletes with cardiomyopathy.

He's also based in San Francisco.

I've been seeing him
for the past two months.

- DILLON: Ooh.
- SPENCER: Okay, come on, guys.

Come on, y'all. Let's
give 'em some space.

SPENCER: Hey, come on.

JAYMEE, CRYING: Uh, so all
those times that you claimed

to be up north recruiting,

you were secretly
visiting a heart doctor,

and you didn't think
to loop me in at all?

I was gonna tell you
tonight, baby, I swear.

The only reason that I
kept it a secret was because

I wanted to make sure my heart
was good, and it... it is.

This is the first time in a long
time that I've felt like me again.

But, you know, as someone
who's been battling an illness

for most of her life, I know
that there are still risks,

unless your "side
doctor" felt otherwise.

The chances of me going
into cardiac arrest

are significantly lower...

but, yes, there are still risks.

Of course there are,

but as long as you feel like you again,

that's all that matters, right?

You know, but the rest of us

can't be so careless with our health.

I call it "The Season of Olivia."

My photo library's the real hero...

endless pics of you and I.

This is... this is bold.

I mean, Spencer is
literally right there.

Yeah, I figured he wouldn't mind.

Or you were hoping that he would.

I mean, you could have left
this at my place, and instead,

you chose to bring
it to Spencer's house.

I wanted to see you in person,
and this was the best way.

No, you were in your feelings

because I turned you
down earlier, and so

you drew this to put pressure on me

and hopefully create drama with Spencer,

which is a little surprising,
considering our friendship.

So what's really going on, Ashley?

- 'Cause I thought that we were friends.
- Yeah, we were...

until I realized I wanted more.

- And when was that?
- Honestly,

the feelings have probably
been there this whole time,

but I didn't really let
myself acknowledge them

until you left this summer.

Suddenly, it was less calls,

less texts...

it was less you.

Relationships are fleeting, Olivia.

And I know that time
doesn't wait for anybody,

but occasionally it
slows down long enough

for you to feel something
rare and intentional.

That was me and you in London.

- As friends.
- What makes you so sure?

Because time slowed down
the moment Spencer and I met.

And no matter the distance
and no matter the setbacks,

it has remained the
same speed ever since.

And I'm sorry for ever
making you feel any different.

Safe travels back to London, Ashley.

MALE SINGER: ♪ Yeah, we just
gettin' started, hey, okay ♪

♪ We can getting'
started, hey, yeah... ♪




Kenny. Leave a message.

Hey, Coach.

What's up, man? I'm
just checking in on you.

Hope the family's good.

Listen, gimme a shout when
you get a chance 'cause...

I got to get you up to
speed on some things.

- Okay.
- Is that Liv?

Seen her on the back
patio talking to that dude.

No, me and Liv are good.

She handled what she needed to handle.


- SPENCER: Hey, Mom.
- GRACE: Oh, good, y'all here.

- Congrats on the game, son.
- SPENCER: Thank you.

And I got some stuff you
need to try on, Dillon.

But before you do,

I just wanna say I know that
you're not a baby anymore.


I'll always be your baby.

So, in the spirit of firsts,

I'd really love it if you
went to Boston with me.

Tsk. Of course, son.

And in the spirit of
embracing your growth...

I'm only gonna stay for one day...

- not a whole week.
- Cool.

So I guess, uh,

we just need to start getting
all my stuff organized.

"We"? Please.

It is New Year's Eve, and
D'Angelo is landing soon.

Mama will be off for the next 24 hours.

You and your brother got this.

SPENCER: Actually, me
and Liv got plans, too,

- but you got it, right?
- Oh, wow, y'all cold.


I am...

so proud of you two.

My boys have officially made it.


No, we all made it, Mom.

Come here.



Yo, heard you needed a lift.

It's New Year's Eve.

Shouldn't you be out celebrating?

No, I'm not celebrating
till we win the championship.

Smart man.

Um, real quick.

You ever had this dream where
you're all dressed up for a game,

and you're ready to go out...

And you forget your cleats.

- Yes.
- Man, that happened all the time,

especially when I stepped away
from football after the GAU drama.

It just means you're missing the game,

but, dude, now that you're
more involved with us,

you're not gonna miss anything.

Look, I just got to make
things right with Jaymee first,

and if I have to choose
between her or the game,

that's a no-brainer.

COOP: Yo, you seen this?



They found the person
that vandalized Layla's?

Yup, same lady that wanted to turn

Slauson Café into a hot yoga spot.

Apparently, she was still
salty after losing out to Layla.

- So there's that.
- PATIENCE: Oh, my God.

- Look at the comments. Ha ha!

They're calling her "Hot Yoga Hannah."

Yo, "Break-In Becky" was my favorite.

Ha ha! Wow.

Well, I am so glad
this is over for Layla.

- Now we just got to put Miko away.
- Yeah.

The right way.

You know, I am willing to do whatever.

I'll even take the stand.



- Okay. Let's get you ready, then.

- COOP: Mm. Here we go.

Pour it up!

JAYMEE: Little guy put up a good fight,

but will not make it to the New Year.

Well, there's still time. I can...

[CHUCKLING] No, you better not, please.

- Please. Hmm.

Thank you for choosing us.

Thank you for choosing me.



I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for... for
pushing you so hard.

I just want what's best for you

because your best is my best.

Now, that being said, um,
I researched different...

treatment options to look at
whenever... whenever you're ready.

[CHUCKLES] Jordan, really?

Yeah, yeah, I... it's a
wide range of things, from...

[SIGHS]... therapy to
different types of exercises.

Look, whatever speaks to you.

It's totally your call.

Our call.

Sorry I keep forgetting that.


another half like I need you ♪

♪ Not too many sober nights,
I'm wound up tight... ♪

Look at that, just us

- becoming one with the art.

Another one of Charissa's hookups.


So, listen, don't be mad,

but I gave our tacos to Dillon,

since he's now a starving art student.

His words, not mine, but... but... but

- I think my pivot is better.


- Charissa's coconut pancakes.
- Yes.

Hot or cold, I'll take
those over any damn taco.



You hear that?

It's the sound of us,

alone, finally.

It's about damn time we
got our shot at happiness.

Mm, mm, mm. Chapter 13 of the book.

Ha ha ha!

Now, remind me, what
genius said that again?

- OLIVIA: Tsk. You did.
- I... I... yeah, yeah, I thought so, thought so.

And on the night this thing of
ours officially became official.


♪ The affection was fleeting ♪

♪ Just a feeling we chased... ♪

Happy New Year, Spencer James.

Happy New Year, Olivia Baker.

♪ 'Nother half with you ♪

♪ I need another half, 'nother half ♪

♪ 'Nother half with you ♪

♪ Just took another
half, 'nother half... ♪


♪ It's just a feeling we chase ♪

Greg, move your head!
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