06x08 - Kids See Ghosts

Episode transcripts for the TV show "All American" Premiered on the CW October 10,2018 to current*
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Inspired by the life of professional American football player Spencer Paysinger. High School football player is recruited from South LA to play for Beverly Hills and the two worlds collide.
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06x08 - Kids See Ghosts

Post by bunniefuu »

MAN: ♪ Feel the sunshine... ♪

OLIVIA: What, so there's
just some, like, night bandit

that's, like, creeping
around and robbing people?

Nobody said nothing
about a night bandit.

- This ain't Gotham.

There's been a few break-ins lately,

and with my mom and D'Angelo in Cabo,

- they asked me to house-sit.
- OK, but if this were Gotham,

I'm pretty sure that
would make me Batman...

- Ah.- You know, since
you put out the Bat-Signal,

I had to fly over here to protect you.

Yeah. That is the only
reason I asked you to stay.

In fact, the sooner you
start protecting, the better.



I'm sorry.

- What's wrong?

Nothing. It's just my editor is looking

for the first draft of my book,

and I missed my deadline,
and his last 5 calls.

Yeah, but you done writing
it. The book is dope.

Greatness takes time,

and my book is just missing something.

My dad is just too important

to just send it in before I know,

and my editor's just gonna have
to wait until I figure it out.

Stand down, Batman. I got this.


Ms. Baker, I want to
prep Patience for trial.

Look. I appreciate your enthusiasm,

but Patience is going to need real prep

since that's not a particular strength

of D.A. Lewis or his team.

OK, so let me help.

I mean, I'm the one
that's been talking her

off the ledge for months now.

It's just too big of a case,

and Miko's team of
sharks are out for blood.

I've been k*lling it
in my legal classes,

learning so much from
you and my professors.

- Let me do this. I'm ready.
- Are you?

Because prepping Patience for trial

is going to mean interrogating her

about the case's most intimate details.

It will be hard to do
to someone you love.

I would not be doing it to her.

I'd be doing it for
her because I love her.

I will prep Patience
with questions about Miko,

the night of, every detail.
I will have her ready.

Fine, but I want to see the entire trial

once you've run through it.

You got it.

DEION: Preach told me you might be here.

I didn't know if I should come, but...

- What's going on?
- Quit the team.

After you helped me realize
football was making me miserable,

I just couldn't, so as of yesterday,

I'm no longer a football
player at South Crenshaw.

- How'd your sister take it?
- She kicked me out.

What about your parents?

Mom's passed, and I ain't
seen my dad since he...

I got no one else.

Well, then I'm glad you came here.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Yeah. You gonna stay, but, uh,

you got to text your sister, man.

- Just to let her know you're safe.
- And then what?

Then we'll figure it out, promise.


Would you like some
water before we start?

- Um...
- There's no need to be nervous.

- I'm not... nervous.
- Good.

Now we covered your psychiatric history

in our prior session, so I'd
like to focus on the present.

You got engaged recently, right?

Last year. I don't see how
that has to do with anything.

Well, your antidepressants
were working for years,

and then within the last year,

you started feeling numb.

It's not uncommon for
that to be triggered

by big changes in your
life during that time.

I didn't only get engaged.

I also started a new business,

and I, um...

I helped a friend recover after

she got stabbed by someone
I introduced her to.

It's been a tough year for you.

I can see that,

and, look, we will focus
on those other events, too,

but we need to start somewhere.

Oh, my pending marriage
is the least of my worries.

I love Jordan,

and none of what's
happening is his fault.

Oh, I'm not assigning blame.

I know, and I know you're very good,

and you come very highly recommended

from Mrs. Baker, but I've
done a lot of work on myself,

so I know that none of this
has to do with Jordan proposing.

He is the only part of my life

that is working right
now. Everything else is...


I just need a therapist
who's gonna help me navigate

my day without meds,

so, um...

so maybe we're not the right fit for...

Before you call it quits,

I'd like to try one more thing.

It's a technique called EMDR.

Now, I found it to be quite helpful

with some patients who've
experienced past trauma.

Would you be open to trying that?


As long as we're not
picking apart my engagement,

- I'll try anything.
- OK.

- What's in the box?
- I don't know,

but I do always wonder
what happened to Rita.

Y'all housekeeper? Didn't
she move back to Miami

to be closer to family?

- What's in the box?
- LAURA: Oh, good. You guys are all here.

Come. Sit.

When you and your sister were born,

things were hectic.

Everything your dad
said was the wrong thing,

and everything he did got on my nerves.

- Oh, that tracks.
- I was hormonal, and...

- And Dad was being Dad.
- Yes, and that,

and then when I was
at my absolute limit,

he gave me these.

He wrote you both letters to read

after your college graduation.

Somehow he knew that I would be

less overwhelmed with the present

if I knew he was already
thinking about the future,

your futures, so, Liv,

I wanted to give you yours early

since you've been having
trouble with your book...

I just... but...

And to stop you from whining,

I am giving you yours now, too.

MAN: ♪ Everlasting road ♪

♪ My mother, son, and Holy Ghost ♪

This is a family meeting.
I shouldn't be here.

And I asked you to be here for a reason.

When Billy asked you to play for him

and to come live with us,

he wrote about his feelings
surrounding that time,

and he wrote about you.

MAN: ♪ Oooh, what remains... ♪

I don't want any of you
to feel like you have

to open these messages
from Billy now. You can...

Or you can open them right away,

but it's up to each of you to decide.

MAN: ♪ Oooh oooh ♪

I can't accept this.

It's not an award, Spencer. It's a gift.

You don't think you deserve
to have something of Billy's?

It ain't that. It's just,

shouldn't this go to Jordan

- or Olivia or somebody that's...
- Family?

I know we're family,

but this is real personal.

It's his private thoughts.

It'd be different if he
wrote me a letter, but...

If Billy had known
you when you were born,

- he would've.
- What about you?

Did he write you a letter?
Maybe you should keep it.

I talk to Billy every day.

I don't need a letter.

He would want you to have it.

I look like Julie Andrews.

You got me out here looking
like Maritza Poppins.

Now come on. First of all,

do not sleep on Mary Poppins.

The whole button-up thing, she ate that.

Secondly, whole point of this outfit

is to make you look innocent.

- I am innocent.
- I know that.

Outfit's for the jury.


And I guess that blazer is just for me.

Better hold on to that for later.

Look. Stop looking at
me like that and focus.

- Prosecutor, remember?
- Mm-hmm.

- OK. No. No, no, no.
- What? What?

No. We have to get started, all right?

I know Miko is not joking
around with her team.

They are gonna come for you.

I'm talking full-on
character assassination,

so starting now, you got
to take this seriously.

The bitch stabbed me, Coop.

It doesn't get any more
serious than that, OK? I am just

done letting her turn me into
this person who never smiles

or laughs and is always
scared, and I'm just...

I'm tired of giving her that power.

And this right here

is the part where we take
some of that power back.




BILLY: First time I saw you,

I thought you looked like a melon.

- Thanks, Dad.
- BILLY: Then I started to cry because

I never seen such a beautiful melon.

I told your mother that
it was my allergies.

- I think she bought it.
- Yeah. Sure, she did. Yeah.

So don't tell your sister this.

You're my favorite twin.

- I knew it.
- You can stop celebrating,

because I know that's what you're doing.

Just yesterday, I ran
out to get you some toys,

but all you wanted to do
was hold on to my finger.

You squeezed it so tight,

and it made me proud because,

even though now you're just a melon,

by the time you read this letter,

you're gonna be a man,

and I'm sure people are gonna...

try to get you to think that
you need to be just like me,

but I'm not perfect...


Perfect is overrated, Dad.

- You tried your best.
- And even when I try my best,

I may let you down, but
it's during those times that

I want you to remember

that you've always been strong,

even since birth, and when other people,

they let you down,


listen to yourself. Have the
strength of your convictions

and remember,

I believe in you, son,

now and always.

When, exactly, did you
meet defendant Miko Scott?

Girl, I don't know, like, two years ago.

She started stalking me,
like, long before I met her.

That's quite the
allegation. Can you prove it?

Yeah. My boy Jerome,

who was a former waiter at Slauson Cafe,

got receipts proving
that Miko was in the joint

at the same time as me long before
we had our first fan meeting.

If you suspected Miko was stalking you,

- why meet up with her?
- She won a fan contest

my producer set up, so
I had lunch with her.

So it was an act of charity.

I mean, you were just being nice...

- It's known to happen.
- And I'm supposed to believe

that your kindness had nothing to do

with the fact that Miko
ran your largest fan page.

I mean, I think she had,
what, a million followers.

That's a million more
eyes on your music,

and all you had to do was have lunch?

Whoa, boy, does it pay to be nice.

I didn't know who Miko was

or that she ran a fan page.

I just thought she was an
awkward girl who needed a friend,

and I was being nice,

and she repaid my kindness
with a knife to the gut.

Prosecution ask that the
witness hit her up top

because you saw the trap I laid,

and you skipped right over it.

Ask me another one, you
might see me double-Dutch.

- OK. Take it too far.

Stop. [LAUGHS] Let's go.

JORDAN: Coach, hey, you busy?

No? Good. We got to talk.

Did you need me for this, or
did you want to carry both sides

of the conversation by yourself?

- I'm sorry. I'm just a little...
- Fired up?


- What's going on?
- I need to take charge more

and have the strength of my convictions.

Well, good. I'm all for it.

Were you thinking about
the championship game?

No. I mean, yes, but, um, heh,

that's not why I'm here.
I'm here about the draft.

- Aha. What about it?
- Since I became a Heisman finalist,

every time I answer the
phone, it's another reporter

asking if I'm gonna enter the draft
and play for my dad's old team.

So you're feeling the pressure of folks

wanting you to be your old man.

No. For once, it's
not about the pressure.

It's about me.

It's about what I want,
and I've never seriously

considered, you know, the draft, but...

but now I guess I'm just
asking for some advice.

Look. I'm not surprised
you got the NFL knocking...

you've been k*lling it...
but the season ain't over,

and what you do in
the championship game,

that's what'll determine
your draft stock,

so I need for you to lock in.

Once the game is played,

we can have a real chat about the draft,

and I will support
whatever decision you make.




MAN: ♪ Taken by a fire in the hills ♪

♪ I can't take my eyes... ♪

OK, Coach.

What you got for me?

BILLY: Gracie's kid is moving in. Ha!

Am I out of my mind for
making this decision?

I asked myself that same question.

I'm not much of a writer,
but it's not like I can

talk about the, uh, full
truth of this situation.

I just hope I'm making
the right decision.

I ain't the boy's father, you know.

He needs one. He needs
guidance, at least.

I don't know. I just don't want
him to lose his way or himself.

There's way too much potential there.

Yo, where you off to?

- I got to check with you now?
- No,

but it'd be nice to know
since you staying here.

I'm going out.

You need coordinates,
latitude, longitude?

Yo, yo, you could chill
with all that attitude, bruh.

Look. The reason I ask is just because

I wanted to see what time you
was gonna be back for dinner.

I'll be back.

- Happy?





Bottom line is, it can be
hard taking in a teenage boy.


What is his problem?

The thing is,

teenage boys are basically feral.

- Hold up. You just call me feral?
- They smell disgusting.

OK. I know you're
talking about Jordan now.

They run around eating up everything,

constantly pissed off.

Maybe you are talking about me.

So you're saying I got a wild
animal in my house, huh, Coach?

OK. If I were looking at this situation

from a different perspective,

I would say, "You can do this.

You are smart.

- You're capable. You're sexy as hell."
- Wait, what?

[LAUGHS] You're Billy Baker, baby.

I mean, you was in the NFL.

You got a badass wife. You live
in a mansion. You a superstar.

If anybody can figure out
this badass kid, you can.

OK. Aight. That's insulting,
and it's not helpful.


I should probably talk
to Gracie, as well.


I mean, if I'm gonna help him,

then I should definitely
hit up the one person

who knows him best.


Maybe you on to something, old man.

So what'd you think?

I didn't really see you walk
in, so I'm not sure what part

- of the mock trial you caught.
- I saw enough.

Yeah. I mean, Patience,
she was hype at times,

but I think I can work to tone her down.

You focused exclusively
on softball questions.

- That's not true.
- You didn't ask about the night of

or their uneven power dynamic,

and you barely grazed the conflict
of interest in their relationship.

I asked Patience about
Miko's one million followers,

and when she pushed back and said

that she was just being nice, I...

agreed that she was just being nice.

Do you think Miko's
team will be so generous?

They're going to tear her apart.


- Hi.
- Hi.

Um, I spoke to Liv, and she said that...

Oh, I didn't read my dad's letter.

- What?
- Nothing. You first.

- Uh, what did Olivia say?
- She's staying with Spencer

and that you had the
beach house to yourself,

so I thought you might want company.

Ah. Of course I do. Of course I do.

You know, if you showing
up is from going to therapy,

then I say you go 5 times a week.

Why did you propose to me?

Because I love you, obviously.

You proposed to Simone,

so do you love me more
than you loved her,

or did you love her just as much

but then, then she did something

and the way you felt about her changed?

Of course my feelings changed.

Layla, I fell in love with you.

Where is all this coming from, babe?

Uh, I was just wondering.

In therapy, Dr. Gibbs
wants to try, um, EMDR.

I don't know...

Eye movement
desensitization reprocessing.

It's where they use
lights and eye movement

to detach trauma from memories.

It was one of the things that I
researched when I was trying to...

help you out.

Do you ever get, um, sick of it,

just, like, needing to take
care of me all the time?

Not at all, never,

OK, because I don't have to do anything.

I want to,

and we take care of each other, right?

- Right. Of course we do.
- OK.

Hey, thanks for meeting me.

Keep your thanks.

I want an apology for wasting my time.

- I'm sorry I was a couple seconds late, OK?
- Seconds?

I'm talking about years,

years I poured into my brother,

all the sacrifices I made

to give him a better life,

and with one conversation,
you wasted all of it.

- How dare you tell him to quit.
- I didn't.

I just helped him realize that
he don't actually like football.

So football is good enough for
you, but not for my brother?

It's not what he wants.
Look. If you just...

He doesn't know what he wants.

He's a kid,

and just because you got 3
psych credits to rub together

don't give you the right
to derail his entire life.

I mean, since when are you a therapist?

You right. I'm not a therapist,

but I do care about your brother,

and I agree with you... he
is a kid, so talk to him.

- Don't just throw him away.
- "Throw him away"?

Deion said you kicked him out.


Is that what he told you?

- Hey.
- Hey.

Do you mind if I keep watching this,

or did you want to talk more

about therapy or Simone?

Jordan, it's not a big
deal, OK? I was just curious,

and, besides, don't you
think it's kind of rude

to talk about your ex-fiancée

in front of your new boyfriend Mac?

Ha ha ha.

GLEN: I don't have to tell you,

Baker has been showing up big

all season long.

You can't blame the league
for wanting to scoop him up.

I agree.

I've spent a lot of time
working closely with Jordan,

and the results are right
there in his performance.

He is exceptional.

MAC: They'd be crazy not to want him...

OK. Should I be jealous?

But the truth is, college
QBs going into the NFL early

have a significant failure rate.

I get coaches being
excited about a player,

but I think this one's
a little premature.

- The numbers don't lie.
- GLEN: That's a hot take, Coach.

This is real good. You make this?

- What?
- Nah. She didn't make it.

I picked it up

right after I stopped by South
Crenshaw to talk to your sister.

I was worried about you

because you said she put you out,

but it ain't go down like that, did it?

So now you're calling me a liar.

No one is calling anyone a liar.

- He just did!
- Aye,

watch your tone, man.

She's just trying to
help you, and so am I, D.

If your sister didn't throw you out,

you need to patch things up with her.

Don't nobody walk out on family.

I'm still dealing with the
last advice you gave me.

I ain't looking for more. You
ain't even listening to me.

My sister might not have thrown me out,

but she wanted me gone.

I ain't in the habit of
staying where I'm not wanted,

- so... you know what? I'm out.
- OK. Deion, stop.

Spencer, enough, OK?

We're gonna sit here,

right, and we're gonna finish this food,

and then we will figure it
out once everyone calms down.


BILLY: He's exhausted.

I can tell he's not getting much sleep.

Too stressed out,

trying to hold everything in.

- What did I do?
- What did I do?

Maybe I made a mistake.

Maybe I should send him
home. I brought him here.

I have to fix this. He's just a kid.

I have to do what's best for him,

- but...
- "I can't just send him home because... "

All the problems he left behind

are still there.

Ohh, so what do I do?


When she said it, it was obvious.

I'd been pacing back
and forth all night,

and then Laura came
to me, and she said...


you don't have to figure
this out all on your own.

Come to bed.

TRAVIS RUE: ♪ Just tryna keep
my heart from breaking... ♪

BILLY: And so I did,

and we talked...

RUE: ♪ Rest now till
the morning light... ♪

BILLY: and in the morning,

- everything was clearer.
- RUE: ♪ After all ♪

Too bright?

- I'll adjust it.

- Is it better?
- Yeah. Um, how, exactly, does this work?

Well, we pick a memory,

and as you're talking me through it,

you follow the light in
the bar from left to right.

I was thinking we could work
on a memory about your mother.

Well, I've already spent a lot of time

working through my feelings
around my mom, so...

Your mother suffered
from severe depression,

and to get to the heart
of why your depression

is no longer responding to
medication, we must discuss her.

At some point, you have to trust me.

Otherwise, I really can't help you.


Talk to me about

the first time you realized there
was something wrong with your mother.

I didn't realize. My dad told me.

You understood she was suffering

well before your father said a word,

right? Kids see everything,

so just take a deep breath...

OK, and follow the light, Layla.


Allow yourself to remember.


- Tell me what you see, Layla.
- It's dark.

- I'm in a hallway.
- Where?

The old house. I'm, um, I'm 6,

and I'm standing in front of a door.

I can hear a woman crying. It's...

Mom? LAYLA: ... and I can hear my dad.


I can't make out what he's
saying, but he sounds...


I'm sorry. [CLEARS THROAT]

Sorry. I can't. I need a break.

Still haven't read your pops' letter?

He wanted me to wait.

Your pops was always there
for you when you needed him,

and now you're having
trouble with your book,

you really think he'd want
some deadline he made up

to stop him from being
there for you now?

You know, after my pops died,

I was scared to read the
letters he left for me, too.

How did you do it?

How did you work up
the nerve to read it?

You reminded me that
those letters were a gift,

a chance to hear his voice...

and that I was strong enough

to handle whatever was in them.

Did we have a meeting?

Thought I'd surprise you,

kind of like you surprised
me in that podcast interview.

The one where I was
singing your praises?

The one where you told NFL coaches

that if they drafted me,
there's a significant chance

- that I'd wash out.
- Jordan, I was talking about the failure rate

of college QBs in the league.

It's not personal. Those
are just the numbers.

No. Those are the numbers
that you chose to highlight,

just like you couldn't
help but slip in the fact

that all of my progress this season

was because of your hard work.

Jordan, you know that
is not how I meant it.

Yes, it was,

just like you sabotaging
my chances in the NFL

was actually about
you not wanting to lose

your starting quarterback
for next season, right?


- look. I'm sorry.
- Don't be.

Just consider it your final lesson,

OK, because whenever I decide

whether or not to enter the draft,

I... I'm only gonna be
thinking about myself.

GIBBS: We're getting
closer. Just try again.

What if I don't want to remember?

Trust me, Layla. You can do this.

Right. I want you to listen, OK?


I want you to hear what
your parents are saying.

J.P.: Get up, Monica.
Enough of this now.

- Get out of bed.
- MONICA: I can't. I'm sorry. I just can't.

Just stop being selfish. We need you.

Do you think I want to be like this?

GIBBS: Push open the door, Layla. Go on.

Get out of bed. Enough of this.


Get out of bed.

GIBBS: The memory will
make sense, I promise.

Stop, please.

Do you think I want to be like this?

I don't know what to think anymore.

You could just say it
because I can see it. When...

when you look at me, there used
to be this light in your eyes,

and now...

I feel empty...

[SOBS] all the time, and...

I... I just do things,

and I... I show up places...

I don't know why... and I talk,

and it sounds like someone else.

I don't know who I am
anymore other than...

than your wife and her mom.

I don't know where the rest of it went.

Hey... hey...

then let us help you,

yeah, but, baby, please, please

get out of bed.

Get up and get out of bed, OK?

I need you.

- Layla needs you.
- Mom?

There's nothing...


not for you...


not for her.


There's nothing left.


GIBBS: You're OK.

You're back here with me, Layla.

- Does it make sense now?
- Yes.

Ms. Robinson, you stated

that you tried to be
a friend to Miko Scott.

Is that how you'd classify
your relationship... friends?

Um, well, she liked my music,

and she really liked me,

and I could tell she was
lonely and sad, so, yeah,

at first, I was happy
to be a friend to her.

And yet you posted a vicious video

on social media where
you verbally att*cked

and humiliated the defendant,

the same girl that you just
said was sad and lonely.

Is that how you treat
your friends, Ms. Robinson?

The only reason I posted that video

was because Miko was spying on me.

She planted a camera in my studio,

- and then she leaked the footage.
- Well, you can't prove

that the defendant
planted or leaked anything,

but since you brought it
up, let's talk about it.

Was this leaked footage in
question of you kissing Skye Hall?

And, for the jury's benefit,

Skye handled social media for Patience

and was also a friend of yours, correct?

- Where are you going with this?
- Well, it seems like

there's a pattern here, no?
I mean, Miko really liked you,

and Skye kissed you.

It feels like you're
in the habit of having

friends perform labor for you

- by dangling the promise of sex.
- OK. Hold up.

So I'm a ho now?

Are you kidding me?

You know, you sound like
a jealous girlfriend.

No. Miko's team is absolutely gonna use

your sexual history to discredit you.

- You can't be so easy to bait.
- Hmm.

I never used Miko's feelings

to get her to do work for me.

In fact, once I realized she
was obsessed, I cut her off.

- That's when she stabbed me.
- You mentioned that,

this claim that Miko stabbed you,

- but there's no footage of the event.
- I don't need footage.

I have this.


for the jury's benefit,

why don't you walk us through it?

- What happened that night?
- The bell rang.

I thought it was y...

I thought it was someone else.

I opened the door, and
then she stabbed me.

- Miko stabbed you?
- Yes.

So she had the knife
in her hand. You saw it.

- Yes.
- So the bell rings, you open the door,

you see the knife, and what do you do?

- You just stand there?
- No. I... I tried to run.

You just showed us your scar.

It was on your belly, not your back.

I didn't run, but I...

I tried to, and I... I...

So you open the door,

this crazy, dangerous girl that
you've been trying to get away from

is standing there with a knife.

No. Wait, wait, wait. Hold
on, hold on, hold on. Wait.

Maybe I... maybe I didn't see it.

Maybe Miko pulled it out, like...

- So now she pulled out the knife.
- Yes.

- I mean, no. No, no, no, no. No, no, no. No.
- Mrs. Robinson,

these are simple questions.

Did you see the knife, or did you not?

Did you stand there, or did you run?

Did she s*ab you in your belly,

- or did she s*ab you in your back?
- I don't know.

- Did she s*ab you at all?
- I don't know. I don't know.

I don't know. I don't know.

I don't know. I don't know.


Didn't you say there was some
sort of bandit making the rounds?

Bandits don't usually knock.

- What are you doing here?
- SPENCER: I invited her.

You can talk to her. I ain't
in the mood for another lecture.

And I didn't come here
to get disrespected

by the kid I raised.

OLIVIA: Why don't we
just hear Spencer out?

SPENCER: Sit, please, both of you.

I know you want what's
best for Deion, Tasha,

but you don't get to
decide what that is.

- You don't get to decide who he is.
- Right now, I do.

- He's a kid.
- Yeah, but he's almost a man,

so you got a small window to decide

who you want to be in his life.

Are you gonna be another
family member he don't speak to,

or are you gonna be
the sister that listens

when he tells you what he needs?

Football was giving him panic
att*cks every day, Tasha.

- You didn't tell me that.
- Didn't think you'd care.

You're my brother.

Of course I care.

Even if I never play again?

I don't care about football.

I care about you.

Only reason I've been on you is because

I want you to have a better life

than what I've been able to give you.

You deserve so much better, Deion.

I don't care about money

or living in some big, fancy house.

When everybody else
left, you stuck by me.

They don't come better than you, Tash.

Come here.

Mm. OK. We're going home.

You're gonna talk,

and this time,

I'll listen.

Come on. I'll help you pack.

- Spencer...
- Don't mention it.

Just thank my 3 psych credits.

Caught that, smart mouth.

Y'all go ahead.

- Thank you.
- For what?

For talking through this with me.

I wouldn't have figured
it out without you.

Your pops was right.

BILLY: My beautiful baby girl...

when you read this,
you won't be a baby...

[LAUGHS] but, as your father,

I reserve all-time rights

in calling you that.

I mean, for all I know,
you'll be reading this

when you're 6 years old,

and, you know, I wouldn't be surprised

if you graduated college
in no time at all.

Just to try to slow down a little bit.

I don't want to upset your brother,

so don't tell him I told you this,

but I already know
you're my favorite twin.

I knew it.

You've got these big, bright eyes,

and when you look up at me,

I swear

you can understand
every word I'm saying.

LADY BRI: ♪ I'm here for you ♪

♪ When the road is long... ♪

OK. Listen up.

You are destined for great things.

I know there are gonna be times
when you don't believe this,

when you're not gonna believe yourself,

but please just remember
I have and will always

believe in you.

You know, you're...

you're gonna graduate in a few years.

It's gonna be really
painful for me to let you go.

I'm gonna have to share your
life with the rest of the world

because they need it.

I'm not gonna want to, but I will

because I love you so much, baby girl.

I love you

now and always.


I love you, too, Dad. [SNIFFLES]

LADY BRI: ♪ I'm here for you ♪

We can't let Patience do it.

I mean, she was
forgetting little details,

she was second-guessing herself,

and she completely just broke down.

I did that to her.

We can't let her take the
stand. We have to figure out

something else to put Miko away.

I'm guessing that you're here to
rebut Coach McClelland's comments.

No, no. I'm actually glad that Coach Mac

squashed the draft chatter, you know?

Honestly, I just want to

finish out my college run,

keep playing for Coach Kenny.

He built this team from the ground up.

He's the reason why we're
playing in the championship, but,

Glen, what makes Coach Kenny exceptional

is that he cares about us as people.

He's not just a numbers guy.

He cares about us as people,

and he's not just a numbers guy.

This has got to be the meanest

break-up speech I've ever heard.

You know, you could've
just stuck to the classics,

like, "I want to see other coaches,"

"We're just in different places,"

- "It's not you. It's me."
- Oh, it's definitely him.

Oh, should I be worried
that you have all those

just locked and loaded up here?

Hey, talk to me. What's going on?

Dr. Gibbs helped me figure out
why the meds stopped working.

- OK. What happened?
- Our engagement did.

Oh, the thought of marrying me

- made you that unhappy?
- No, but it did bring to light

that I still have

all these unresolved
issues around my mom just

sitting inside me waiting
to go off like landmines,

and when you proposed,
it kind of triggered them,

- and that's why the meds stopped working.
- OK.

Being married exacerbated
my mom's mental health issues.

She lost sight of who
she was, she felt empty,

and my dad didn't know how to help her.

He didn't know how to pull
her out of the darkness.

You don't want to marry me. That's why

you've been questioning
my feelings for you.

That's why you've
been dragging your feet

every step of planning for this...

for this wedding, and I get it, OK?

I do. I sprung this
proposal on you, Layla, so...

I will give you an out.

I'd give you anything,
because I love you.

I guess I was scared that marrying you

would mean that we would
turn into my parents,

but my mom didn't know
how to ask for help,

and my dad didn't quite know
how to help her on his own,

and, Jordan, you've been there

through the darkest periods of my life,

and you still look at me like...


You're not my dad,

and I don't want to be my mom,

and I don't want an out,

OK? I meant it

when I said yes.

I love you.

I just need more time.

I don't want to bring all
this baggage into our marriage.

Come here.

Take all the time you need, OK?

WOMAN: ♪ Feel that
fire inside yourself ♪

- ♪ Feel it grow... ♪
- You figure out what your book was missing?

WOMAN: ♪ Feel that spark
from someone else... ♪

My book is fine.

It's... it's great, even.

It's not missing anything.

WOMAN: ♪ Even when you couldn't see... ♪

It's ready to be sent.

It's just that...

You weren't ready.

WOMAN: ♪ It's a new day ♪

I never got to say good-bye to him...

WOMAN: ♪ Full of hope, full of change ♪

♪ I could feel it... ♪

and I thought that I
had made peace with that,

but then,

you know, writing this book, I got to...

I got to talk to people about him

and think about him and

relive all my memories with him...

and it was like...

it was like getting him back.

And turning in the book will be
like losing him all over again.

Yeah, but his letter
made me realize that

I can't keep him to myself...

and as hard as it is...

I need to share Dad's
light with the world...


WOMAN: ♪ You've been through
the highs and the lows... ♪

- sent.
- WOMAN: ♪ Pushed and pulled ♪

♪ Back and forth... ♪

- Your dad'd be proud of you.
- WOMAN: ♪ Shake you or break you ♪

♪ It was only gonna take you... ♪

- So am I.
- WOMAN: ♪ Right here, right now ♪

♪ The rain fades and the sun comes out ♪

♪ It's a new day, it's a new way ♪

♪ Full of hope, full of change ♪

♪ I can feel it ♪

- ♪ Do you feel it? ♪
- _

- _
- ♪ It's a new world in a new light ♪

♪ Full of hope, full of life ♪

♪ I can hear it ♪

♪ Do you hear it? ♪

♪ It sounds like, "Ooh, ooh"... ♪

Thank you

for being there for our kids,

even now.

WOMAN: ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh,
ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh,
ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ It's a new day, it's a new... way ♪

MAN: Greg, move your head.
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