03x04 - Bloodline

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Miss Scarlet and The Duke". Aired: 31 March 2020 – present.*
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In Victorian London, 1882, Eliza Scarlet is left almost penniless when her father, Henry, unexpectedly dies and resolves to take over her father's detective agency alone, working under his name.
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03x04 - Bloodline

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

There's been a terrible mistake.

Goodness knows what
Barnabus must think.

I thought we were friends.

You don't remember how you
behaved toward me

day after day?
We were children, Eliza.

You grassed me up to Duke!

It wasn't my intention,
it just slipped out!

Good day, Mrs. Acaster.
Arabella, please.

[shakily]: I will not
discuss who did this, sir.

Show him how to box.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[thunder claps]



♪ ♪

♪ ♪

PHELPS: So I kick down
the front door and go in.

I call out,
"Police, show yourself!"

Then there's this voice
from upstairs.

"I'm up here. Don't sh**t!"

I say, "Well, come down,
hands in the air."

The bedroom door creaks open,
and this skinny old fella

comes to the top of the stairs,
hands in the air,

naked as the day he was born.
[others laughing]

Oh, I can still see it now...
I mean, I tell ya,

they ain't paying me
enough for this job.

Come on, Your Highness,

One moment, I'm calculating.

What's to calculate?
You can either go or you can't.

I'm looking at
the pieces in play

and working out
the probabilities

of what remains.
Sounds like cheating to me.

Are you trying to
steal our money?

We're not playing for money.

Course we are!
Two bob a game!

These, these premises
aren't licensed for gambling.

We are officers of the law!

So no one's going to
arrest us, then,

are they?
[others laughing]

Oh, don't look so worried.

We do this all the time.

Oh, my God.

It's the superintendent!

[others laughing]

You are way too gullible
for a copper, son.

Now hurry up!

One of your pieces is missing.

What? Don't be daft.

You have only two... you had
three just a moment ago.

Where's it gone?

You better not be
calling me a cheater, boy.

Perhaps it fell on the floor.

Or into your pocket.

Say that again
and we'll be talking outside.

♪ ♪

I should warn you

I've been training with
an expert pugilist.

An expert pugilist?

Oh, no, what am I to do?!


[breathing heavily]


♪ ♪

[breathing heavily]

[door opens]

[all laughing, cheering]

♪ ♪

Any idea what this is about?

[talking softly]

PHELPS: All right,
a bit of hush, please.

I said shut it!

[conversations stop]


I've just been in
with the super.

Last night, he got a telegram
from a nick in Manchester

saying they'd arrested someone
for the Stepney murders.

Duke's been sent up north
for a few days to look into it.

With this weather, who knows?
It could be longer.

So, whilst he's away,
I'm in charge of you sorry lot.

I want a full debrief
on every active investigation

and every current line
of inquiry.

[taps desk]:
And I want them in one hour.

[others groan, mutter]

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
my heart bleeds.

Well, go on, then,
get on with it.

Not you, Detective Fitzroy.

♪ ♪

[door closes]

You're mine now, son.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[inhales, clears throat]

Mr. Potts.

Good morning to you.

And to you, Miss Scarlet.

Uh, would you be so kind
as to tell Miss Woods

I'm here for our
morning constitutional?

I'm afraid she's not at home.

Her mother was taken ill
this morning

and she's gone to nurse her.

Ah, I see.

Nothing serious I hope?

Just a touch of gout.

She does suffer with it so.

Ivy asked me to pass
on her apologies.


Well, if you could tell her
I called and give my best.

Both to her and her mother.

Of course.

Good day, Mr. Potts.

Good day.

Thank you.

Are you going to tell me
what that was about?

I've got laundry to do.

[footsteps retreating]

I don't have to be at
Scotland Yard for another hour.

Should I make us a cup of tea?

I'm not thirsty.

He's a good man, I just didn't
want to see him today.

That's all there is to it.


In my day, people used to
mind their own business.

They left people to deal with
things in their own way.

And your way is the aggressive
folding of bed linen.

When you fell over
on your first day at school,

you got a scab on your knee,

and I said, "Leave it,

don't pick at it,
and it'll heal in its own time."

And what did you do?

You picked off the scab
and it didn't heal for weeks.

Some things are best left alone,

I appreciate the metaphor,
I just thought you might wish

to talk, that's all.

I know I'm not an expert
with matters of the heart...

No, you are not.

If you were, there'd be a ring

on that finger.

I'm sorry.

I'm just not
in the best of moods.


I'd never have guessed.

You go to work... I'm fine.

All right.

We shall talk later.

No, we won't.

Yes, we will!

[door opens]

♪ ♪

I'm looking for
Inspector Wellington.

He's not here.

Well, can you tell me

where I might find him?


Because I wish to speak to him.


I don't know if I caught you
at a bad time,

or if you're
deliberately being unhelpful.

The second one.

[clears throat]

Inspector Wellington
has asked for my help

with the Bloomsbury robberies.

And please don't say, "Why?"

You won't be working
the Bloomsbury case.

I've given it to one of my men.

What? You can't do that.

Duke's been seconded
to the Manchester force,

so I'm acting up till
he gets back.

Close the door on your way out.

Detective Phelps...

Detective Inspector Phelps.

Acting Detective Inspector

I have been hired
to assist Scotland Yard

with a case
beginning this very day.

I have a contract with
Inspector Wellington.

Let's see it, then.

♪ ♪

Well, it's more of a
verbal contract.

It's a promise
made in good faith,

but there are many lawyers

who would consider that
legally binding.

Good luck finding one.

♪ ♪

[horse passing,
carriage rattling]

Please tell me this is a joke.

I'm, I'm sorry, I don't...


How in God's name
is he in charge?

Do you have any idea
when Inspector Wellington

will be back?

What are you doing,
Detective Fitzroy?

That's an awful lot of
questions, Miss Scarlet.

Um, let's see...

Phelps is in charge
because he's the

longest-serving detective.

I'm afraid I don't know
when Inspector Wellington

will be back.

And I'm polishing this plaque

because Phelps
ordered me to do so.

After this, I've got to
take food to the prisoners

and then clean out the cells.

So Phelps is throwing
his weight around

like a schoolyard bully.

Nevertheless, I must

"salute the uniform,
not the man."

I believe that's the expression.

Respecting the chain of command
is one thing.

Allowing the abuse of power
is quite another.

You must stand up for yourself.

I will, you can count on it.


You're with me.

Yes, sir.

♪ ♪

Oh, what now?

Mr. Potts.

Hello... again.

I wonder if I might
speak with you, Miss Scarlet.

Unfortunately, I have just
been engaged by Scotland Yard

on a most urgent matter,
so perhaps it could wait.

Well, it, it's about Miss Woods.

We are having, um,
difficulties in our courtship.

I am sorry to hear that,
but that is a private matter

between the two of you, so...

I will not take up more than
two minutes of your time.

Oh, if only I had two minutes...

Well, one minute, then.

POTTS: Miss Woods and
myself, we have been walking out

for quite some time now,

but as of late, she seems
reluctant to be in my presence.

Each excuse she gives seems
reasonable enough...

a busy day shopping,
a visit to her mother's,

the times you cook

dinner for her...
But add them all up,

and there's a... distinct
cooling in her affections.

This really is something
you should discuss with Ivy.


I'm a man of numbers, not words.

I can tell you how long
a corpse should be kept

at room temperature

or the price to pay
for a surgical clamp.

But asking a lady why her
feelings have changed...

Perhaps I might venture
one small piece of advice.

Oh, please.

You do seem to have
a rather set routine.

Take Ivy for a walk around
the same park on the same day,

you come around for supper
at the same time

on the same evening.

So I should come around
at a different time?

Ivy enjoys the music hall.

Why not take her
on a Saturday night?

Or go out for dinner?

Even a walk through
Covent Garden would...

You don't have to
write this down, Mr. Potts,

these are just examples.

You've been together
for some months now.

You might wish to
vary things up a little.

"Vary things up," uh...

What I'm saying is...

Do something unexpected.

Surprise her!




I see.

Well, that's very good,
Miss Scarlet, very good!

I know we've not always
seen eye to eye,

but, uh, oh, this is very much
appreciated, thank you.

Oh, and if there's anything
I can do in return,

please do not hesitate to ask.

Well, you could change your mind

about not allowing women
in the mortuary.

I'll think on it.

Good day.

[door opens, closes]

Who are we waiting for?

An idiot.

It would help if you gave
maybe a little more information?

Michael Galanis,
nephew of Nikos Galanis.

As in the g*ng?
As in the g*ng.

There've been some
robberies in Bloomsbury.

Antique clocks

and pocket watches.

I've had word
the nephew's involved.

Why do you think he'll be here?

Comes every day for his lunch.

Thank you, luv.

Ooh, watch yourself.
Hello, Michael.

There, see?

Like I said,

he's an idiot.

Thank you... bye, now.

♪ ♪


[woman yelping]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[Michael yelping,
Phelps grunting]


You ain't going nowhere, son!

[Michael grunting]
PHELPS: All right, Michael?

Get off me!
I've done nothing wrong!

I haven't done anything!

Course you haven't.

Hold him still
while I search him.

I told you I haven't
done nothing!




♪ ♪


Looks expensive.

Yours, is it?

[voice trembling]:
What? No!

You just planted it
in my pocket!

Detective Fitzroy,
did you see me put anything

in this gentleman's pocket?


Slandering a police officer,

that's a serious offense.

No! No!


[key rattles, lock turns]

How long will I be here?

I'm not sure.

I'm not in charge
of the investigation.

Your mate that cuffed me,
he said I nicked that watch

from some shop in Bloomsbury.

I didn't.

You should eat it whilst
it's hot.

Wait, please.

He planted it on me.

You saw him, I know you did.

[lock turns]


I'm sorry, I can't.

♪ ♪

FITZROY: Please forgive
the lateness of the hour,

but with Inspector Wellington
away, you are the closest thing

I could find to
an honorable man.


There's a compliment
in there somewhere.

So you believe Detective Phelps

planted evidence on the suspect.

I'm not naïve,

I know it happens,

but I've just never
witnessed it before.

If I report Phelps,

the other men will never
trust me again,

but I cannot in good
conscience stay quiet.

If you speak out, there's
every chance Scotland Yard

will simply close ranks.

Even if Inspector Wellington
were here to fight your corner,

there are many above him
in the chain of command.

I do not do this lightly,
but being a detective

is the only thing I've ever
shown an aptitude for.

Except for writing poetry,
of course.

Are you absolutely certain
of what you saw?

It all happened so fast,
I could be mistaken.

That's why I've come to you.

I'd like to pay you
to investigate the matter,

in the strictest
of confidence, of course.

And if I find something,
then what?

I could try always
try the clergy.


Leave it alone.

What? No.

Anyway, I can't.

Fitzroy paid me an advance.

Give it back.

Walk away.

You'll be helping him,
believe me.

Moses, there is every chance
that an innocent man has...

Michael Galanis belongs
to a crime family.

He may not have done
that particular robbery,

but he's done others.
That's not how justice works!


That's not how justice
should work.

Tell me about the
Galanis family.

They're Greek, been in London...

Started in Bayswater then
spread out to Paddington.

They make their money
from gambling

and all type of thieving.

Where does Michael fit in?

His uncle Nikos runs the crew.

From what I hear,

his nephew is something of
a disappointment.

In what way?

Young, foolish,
makes a lot of mistakes.

If I was at Scotland Yard,
he's the one I'd go after.

So what you're saying is,
he's a weak link.

That's why Phelps might wish
to target him.

I'm saying you should walk away.

These are serious people.

They won't want you sniffing
around in their business.

Well, it's a good job
I've got you

to assist me, then, isn't it?

So, we'll start by
looking into this robbery.

The store is in Bloomsbury...
I'll get us a cab.

I haven't agreed yet.

That's what the cab ride's for.

[horse nickers]

♪ ♪

[voice trembling]:
The thieves took everything.

And as a Christian,
I, I try not to judge others,

but it is hard to see
the good in people

when they undertake such an act.

I'm afraid the shock has seen
my health decline.

What happened?

Oh, shakes.

Night terrors.

Generalized anxiety disorder,
my physician calls it.

I believe my associate was
referring to the robbery,

Miss Tinsdale.

Oh, yes, of course.

Um, well, I, I turned up
for work last week

and the place had been

Can you tell us what was taken?

three dozen pocket watches,

and a pair of
grandfather clocks.

[voice breaking]: They dropped a John
Harrison pocket watch on the way out.

Broke my heart to see it
shattered on the floor.

My father used to wear
something similar.

I believe the shock has brought
back the grief of his death.

When exactly did this happen?

From tuberculosis.

[clock chiming]

Whoever did this
didn't escape on foot,

with two grandfather clocks
weighing them down.

You all right?

I'd lay money that the goods
were loaded into a carriage.

There may be scuff marks
on the curb from the wheel.

Sometimes even a small fleck
of paint can prove vital.

♪ ♪


Just a moment, I
won't be long. Get up.

♪ ♪

Gentlemen, can we help you?

[in Greek]:

Sorry, I, I don't understand.

MOSES [in Greek]:

[men laughing]

What's going on?

MOSES [in English]:
They work for Galanis.

He wants to talk to us.

I didn't know you spoke Greek.

I spent a bit of time in Athens.

What were they laughing about?

I told them you were
a private detective.


He says the boss has
been waiting for us.

Waiting where?

♪ ♪

You know who I am?
[door closes]

Nikos Galanis.

NIKOS: This is
my father, Andreas.

Please, have a seat.

♪ ♪

NIKOS: I hear you have been
asking questions about my family.

And how do you know that?

I have people who watch people.

Who's paying you to ask
these questions?

My client.

And you? What's your story?

I'm her translator.

[chuckling softly]


[coughing stops]

The police have arrested
my nephew for theft.

He is innocent.

MOSES: So he didn't rob that
townhouse in Mayfair last month?

You should watch
your mouth, my friend.

You're well-informed
for a translator.

I have people who watch people.


What is it you want, exactly?

I have little faith
in the police,

but there are a small number
at Scotland Yard

who may listen to the truth, and
I believe you have their ear.

You wish me to speak to the
police on your behalf?


I want you to give them
the name of the real thief.

♪ ♪

NIKOS [in Greek]:

[door opens]

♪ ♪

ELIZA: What do you
know about Logan Cooper?

He's a popular man.

Scotland Yard have been looking
for him for a long while.

With regard to what?

Pretty much every crime
there is.

Could he have carried out
our robbery?


He could, but it's a
little convenient.

Cooper's g*ng is in a turf w*r
with the Galanis family.

Nikos Galanis would love to
see him taken off the streets.

Ask around, see what
you can find out.

I'm going to visit his nephew,
see what he has to say.

By the way,

what were you doing in Athens?

It's complicated.

You don't always have to be
so cryptic, you know.

You could just tell me.

You can ask me one question.

Why did you go to Athens?

Because I had to leave Madrid.

Why did you have
to leave Madrid?

You've had your question.


♪ ♪

Here you are, Sergeant.
Thank you, sir.

[keys jangling]

[key rattles, lock turns]

We need to be quick...
I don't know how long Phelps

will be gone for.

I understand Detective Fitzroy
has told you

why I'm here and who I am.

I can't help you
if you stay silent.

My uncle says if you ever
get nicked,

you just keep your mouth shut.

The robbery took place
around 11:00

on the Friday before last.

Where were you then?

Were you at home?

So you went out... where to?

I'm saying nothing.
Well, if you weren't at home,

I can only conclude that

you went out somewhere.

Those are the only two options.

I'm saying nothing.

If you're going to say nothing,

then say nothing.

Don't just say you're
saying nothing.

It undermines your stance.
You trying to trick me?

I'm trying to help you.

Where did you go to?

The pub? The music hall?

The opera?


Do you want to go
to prison, Michael?

I've been before.
No, you haven't.

As far as I can tell,
you've never been arrested.

I must be honest, I don't think
jail would suit you.

But if that's what you want...

It was Caledonia Street,
all right?

I went to Caledonia Street.

What were you doing there?


What's in Caledonia Street?

[people talking in background]

Do you know Sasha?

Down there, luv.

Thank you.

♪ ♪


You're not my usual type.

I'm here to ask you some
questions about Michael Galanis.

I'm working.

I'll pay you for your time.

I'm sure it will be more
pleasant than your usual work.

You'd be surprised.

Michael said he was with you
all night

on the Friday before last...
Is that true?

He comes to see me every Friday.

I have a place nearby,
we just sit and drink and talk.

He's a sweet boy...
That's all we ever do.

And what do you talk about?

He thinks that other people
don't like him.

And to tell the truth,
they don't.

When you say people
don't like him...

The others from his g*ng.

They laugh
and make jokes about him.

Not in front of his
uncle, of course.

The only one who seemed
to like him was Tasos.


He died.

Someone cut his throat.

Michael was very upset.

Tasos was his only friend.

When did he die?

Last week, I think.

♪ ♪

Oh, good, you're still here.

I have a favor to ask,
Mr. Potts.

I need all the details
you have on a m*rder...


If you think you are
coming in here, madam,

you are very much mistaken.

The last time we spoke,
I seem to remember

you agreed to grant me access

to the mortuary. I said
I would think about it.

Yes, but from your tone,
you implied...

"Surprise her," you said.

"Vary things up."

Is this about Ivy?

I did as you advised,

and I have to tell you
it was not well received.

Not well at all!

[door slams]


[bell tolling in distance]

[door opens]

Autopsy photographs,

Tasos Demetrious,

postmortem details,
cause of death.

Everything you asked for.

You didn't tell him
it was for me, did you?

No, I said it was
official police business.

Although Mr. Potts did seem
to be somewhat out of sorts.

Are you the cause
for his dismay?

Why do I always get the blame
for everything?

I just assumed... Mr. Potts' current
state's got nothing to do with me.

[papers shuffling]

Well, not entirely.

Any word when Inspector
Wellington will be back?

I'm afraid not.

Now I must return
to Scotland Yard.

Good evening, Miss Scarlet.

[footsteps approaching quickly]

Ah, good evening, Miss Woods!

Is it?

[door slams]

If this is about Mr. Potts,
I can explain.

He came to see me,

and asked for my advice...
I didn't want to get involved.

He proposed to me, Lizzie.


Down on one knee,
big bunch of flowers

in the middle of our street

for everyone to see.

Well, I certainly didn't
tell him to do that.


From his reaction,
I take it you said no.

Poor man was broken in two.

I feel dreadful!

Why couldn't you leave things

I tried!

Well, not very hard.

I asked you not to get involved!

You can cook for yourself
tonight, young lady.

And you can do your own
laundry, too!


[door slams, Eliza sighs]


♪ ♪

[knock at door, door opens]

The files you requested.



Get yourself off home now.

I'm about to start night duty.

Oh, yeah.

You know what?
Don't bother.

But you instructed that I...

I had to be seen
to be punishing you.

I can't have people thinking
they can lay one on me

without any consequences.

But you can go back
on normal duties now.

I used to box a bit as a lad,

and that was a nice right
hook you gave me. [chuckles]

Who's been teaching you?

A friend of Miss Scarlet's.

He knows his stuff.

But to be fair,
I'd had a skinful,

that's why you caught me.

Anyway, no hard feelings.

Off you go.

Oh, one more thing.

I spoke to Chambers,
the desk sergeant.

He said you'd asked for the key
to one of the cells earlier on.

Cell six, Michael Galanis.

What do you want with him?

I was bringing him food.

You put me on cell detail.

So I did.

Off you go, then, son.

See you in the morning.
[door opens, closes]

Have you found something?

The watch that Phelps
planted on Michael Galanis,

it matches with
one of the pieces

that was stolen.

So Phelps had access
to stolen goods.

And I think I know how.

I asked around about
Logan Cooper.

The Galanis family have
put a price on his head.

Some trouble between him

and one of their men.

But that's not all.

Turns out Mr. Cooper has
a cousin in Scotland Yard.

Detective Phelps?


[people talking in background]

♪ ♪

[horse whinnying]

ELIZA: Stolen timepieces,
pocket watches,

high-end carriage clocks.

Where would one go to sell them?

How are you feeling,
Miss Scarlet?

You look tired.

I'm perfectly fine, thank you.

Well, this is for when you're
feeling under the weather.

Peps you right up.

Thank you, but no.

Oh, uh, I ordered a
crate of this last week,

but no one seems
to be interested.


So, the timepieces.

I really don't know much
about clocks, Miss Scarlet.

Weapons are my thing.

Poisons, g*ns, knives.

Anything you want to know
about that, ask away.

Well, in, in that case,

there was a m*rder
carried out recently.

Uh, Tasos Demetrious.

The man had his throat cut
with a distinctive blade.

Would you be able to tell me
what kind of a w*apon did this?


As you can see, the wound
is rather distinctive.

There seems to be a curvature
on the blade.

This wound is from a kukri.

A long curved knife from Nepal.

I know of two men
who wield such a w*apon.

One is dead

and the other
is a piece of work.

Very dangerous.

His name?

Logan Cooper.

♪ ♪

Would you be able to tell me
where I might find him?


I may have addresses
of a few safe houses

used by the Cooper g*ng.

But as I say, Miss Scarlet,

he's a dangerous character
and I can't risk crossing him.

I'm sorry.


I'll buy the whole crate.

Do you have a pen?

♪ ♪

[carriage approaching]

♪ ♪

[carriages rattling,
people talking in background]

Hello, sir.

One of these apples,
oranges, pears?

Take your pick.


One of the finest, thank you.

[Eliza gasps, g*n clicks]

Why you following me?

Following you?

I wasn't following you.

I'm on my way home.

You were outside my place.

Then behind me in the market.

You're mistaken, I assure you.

Please, don't hurt me,
I have a purse...

No, no, no, no, no, no!
You stay nice and still.

I hear there's some
lady detective

sniffing around
asking questions.

Don't be ridiculous.

Being a detective is
a job for a man.

[g*n cocks]

All right... all right.


I was following you.

You're Logan Cooper.

Why are you following me?

I was investigating the theft
of some antique clocks

and your name came up
as a suspect.

But I have since discounted you
from the investigation,

and was in fact on my way
to tell my... One more lie

and you're gone.

I know about Detective Phelps.

What about him?

Well, he's your cousin,
is he not?

No doubt the two of you
worked together on the robbery

that Michael Galanis
has been framed for.

Look, I ain't seen
Charlie Phelps for years.

I can't stand him... pompous git.

There's no love lost
between us, darling.

Last time I saw him,

he nearly nicked me.

And I've got nothing to do
with that robbery.

It was an inside job.

Go on.

[chuckling]: I don't
have to tell you nothing.

You're just a l... Hey!

[g*ns fire]

[Eliza gasps]

[g*nf*re continues]

♪ ♪

You were lucky.

I suppose so.

Although this is
my favorite bag.

You're sure it was
Galanis's men?

Definitely... Galanis was there.

He must've followed me,

hoping I'd lead him to Cooper.

Where is Cooper now?

No idea.

I didn't see if they caught him.

But he said he had nothing
to do with Phelps.

Mind you, he would say that.

Phelps is up to something.

I followed him to an
abandoned bar on Franklin Lane.

He was having things
delivered there in boxes.

What was in the boxes?

I tried to look after he'd gone,
but the place was locked up.

Couldn't pick either
of the padlocks.

Feel free to go and
try yourself!

I'm sure you did your best.



What else did Cooper say?

Well, he denied
being involved in the robbery,

which again you would expect.

But something else has come up.

I was supposed to be working
with Scotland Yard

on another robbery case

before our friend
Detective Phelps turned up.

I'd gathered various pieces
of reference material

about similar crimes.

The same name crops up
more than once.

In the last two years,
there have been six robberies

from shops such as this one.

High-end outlets
selling watches by

John Harrison and Edmund Marsh.

None of the stolen goods
were ever recovered,

which would suggest they were
not sold on the black market.

Most likely stolen to order.

I'm so sorry, but this is not
a convenient time.

We're expecting a delivery
of more stock,

and then I have a
doctor's appointment.

My nerves are not what
they once were.

Yes, I can imagine how
so many robberies

would play havoc with
one's nerves.

What, what do you mean?

Out of the six shops that
were victims of this crime,

you have worked in five of them.

It is merely a coincidence.

I do not believe in coincidence,
Miss Tinsdale.

What are you saying, exactly?

You have an apartment

in Kensington.

How do you afford that on a
shop assistant's salary?

ELIZA: If you do
not wish to help us,

I am sure the police will.

Galanis pays me.

I tell him when the shop
gets a new delivery

and he arranges the thefts
soon after.

Who committed the robbery
in this shop?

Michael Galanis?

I don't know,
and that's the truth.

All I know is, I've been told
to keep my mouth shut.

By the Galanis family?


By the policeman.

♪ ♪

[horse neighs]

[carriage approaching]

♪ ♪

Thank you.

♪ ♪

[horse snorts]

What is your business
with Detective Phelps?

My grandson Michael
is a good boy.

But this is not
the business for him.

Everybody knows it.

The only one who refuses
to accept that is my son.

He's been trying everything
to toughen the boy up.

Make a man of him.

That's why he told him
to steal those clocks.

So Michael is guilty?

He was too scared
of getting caught.

He came to me for help, so I
found an alternative solution.

I told Tasos to do it.

The man found with
his throat cut?

He loved Michael like a brother.

He'd do anything for him
and not tell a soul.

Even now my son doesn't know.

He still thinks Michael
carried out the robbery.

Why was Tasos m*rder*d?

Nothing to do with the robbery.

He was in the wrong
part of town, drunk,

and spoiling for a fight.

Word got round

and someone came
looking for him.

Logan Cooper.

My son put a price
on Cooper's head the next day.

Every man we have
is hunting him down.

Thanks to you,
the net has tightened.

It won't be long
before he's captured,

and if Michael is freed...

He'll be made to k*ll Cooper.

Michael has yet to take a life.

His uncle believes
it will gain him

the respect he lacks.

I don't want Michael
to be caught

and hanged for m*rder
or k*lled in an act of revenge.

That's why you paid Phelps
to arrest him.

Michael has no
previous convictions.

He will get only a year
or so in prison.

It may be longer than that.

But he will be alive and safe
from any obligation

to his uncle.

And what changes when Michael
has served his time?

His uncle is ill.

Blood seeps from his lungs.

He will be dead by the time
Michael leaves the prison.

But if you prove his innocence,

he will be set free now,

and forced to take life.

I cannot stay quiet
whilst he's sent to prison

for a crime he didn't commit.

That's the only way to save him.

The only way.

[bell tolling in distance]

♪ ♪

I was wondering where you were.

I came down here to find
a needle and thread,

but I got waylaid.

There's a hole in my bag.

I thought I might try
and repair it,

but I couldn't find
the sewing box.


Thank you.


Do we have anything

that can be used as a patch?


Do you have any idea
what you're doing?

Not remotely.


I hate it when
you're angry with me.

Oh, I'm not angry with you.

Well, maybe just a little bit.

I've been getting myself
into such a state.

I've been avoiding Barnabus

not because I don't like him.

Just the opposite.

He's a kind, sweet man,

and I've grown very fond of him.

So what's the problem?

I'm worried about
where it might lead.

If we become man and wife.

I love living in this house.

Seeing you every day.

You're like a daughter
to me, Lizzie.

I don't want that to change.

[sobs, exhales]

Nothing will ever change that.

The truth is, I'm not sure
I even want to wed.


As a girl,

all I was ever told
was, you would grow up,

find a husband, have kids,
and that would be your lot.

But seeing what you've done...

Is this your way of telling me

you want to become
a private detective?


You must do what is
best for you.

Whatever that is,
I will support you.


But only if you fix
my bag for me.

[both laugh]

I'll see what I can do.

Is there any more
of that whiskey?

I'm afraid
I've drunk most of it.

Something on your mind?


I'm trying to decide between
two courses of action,

neither of which is desirable.

When you were a little
girl... Oh, here we go.

When you were a little girl,

if I gave you a choice of two
things you didn't want to do,

you always found a third.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

ELIZA: I found a b*llet
fired by Logan Cooper

and compared it to one used
in an armed robbery.

Is it the same g*n?

I believe so.

Do you know where Phelps
will be today?

He's got a case
in court this morning,

I imagine he'll be there.

Let me know if that changes.

Where are you going?

To see Nikos Galanis.

Make sure you meet him
somewhere public.

Somewhere he can't harm you.

Don't worry,
I have just the place.

And you're coming with me.

♪ ♪

[drivers urging horses,
people talking in background]

I have a proposal for you.

Where is my nephew?

Your message said
he was to be released.

And he will be,
if you accept my proposal.

I do not play games.

Michael is innocent,
and I can prove it.

The robbery of the clock shop

was carried out
by an associate of yours,

Tasos Demetrious.


How do you know that?

That's my business.

All you need to know is that

I can get the charges against
your nephew dropped.

And what do you want from me?

Logan Cooper.

What makes you think I have him?

Well, if you don't now,
you will do soon.

So do you want to hear
my proposal or not?

[snorts softly]

Logan Cooper was a suspect
in the robbery

at the Winchester Bank
earlier this year,

but the case against him

But I now have concrete proof
it was him.

Ballistics evidence showing
that a g*n Cooper owns

matches with the g*n
discharged at the robbery.

If you turn him over to me,

I'll have him delivered here
to Scotland Yard.

And in return secure
Michael's release.

I want Cooper to suffer
for what he did.

Oh, he will suffer.

At least 15 years hard labor.

Possibly more.

Hasn't there been
enough death already?

♪ ♪

What do you want?

Michael Galanis is innocent.

You were paid to arrest him

by his grandfather.

You work for me, son.

Not them.

If you're thinking of
trying to pull rank,

I should probably tell you
we know who your cousin is.

Failure to declare

a connection to a wanted man
is a dismissible offense.

However, I would like to propose

a mutually
beneficial arrangement.

We'll keep quiet
about your cousin,

and in return, you drop the
charges on Michael Galanis.

I ain't no bent copper.

That's not what it looks like
from here. This is the first time

I've ever taken money,
and I've had offers, believe me.

But I've turned 'em all down.

You think we'll believe that?

I didn't grow up
like you, posh boy.

I grew up with all
sorts of toe rags...

Logan included.

They chose their path
and I chose mine.

But I know right from wrong,

despite what you might think.

Michael needed to be
put away for his own good.

I'd have done it for free.

But you didn't.

I've put the money to good use.

This place will be a gymnasium.

A place where kids can come
to get off the street.

A place where they can learn
a bit of self-respect

and discipline.

Kids like I was.

Needed a bit of guidance.

[gloves drop]

♪ ♪

FITZROY: You never cease
to amaze me, Miss Scarlet.

Why do people
always say that to me?

I'm never quite sure if
it's a compliment or not.

It's most definitely
a compliment.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[Michael weeping]

What do you think
his uncle will say?

Well, he got what he wanted,
in a manner of speaking.

Revenge on Logan Cooper.

I hope he'll go easy on the boy.

I believe he will.

But then I've always
been an optimist.

Why else would I have
chosen this career?

[chuckles softly]

And you?
You're going to stick with it?

[inhaling]: I'm not sure
I have much choice.

I wouldn't make a
very good priest.

I get nervous of
public speaking.

Also, I can't drink wine,
it brings me out in a rash.

[laughs] It's not funny,
it's actually quite severe.


Thank you for helping me.

♪ ♪

[knock at door]

We have a visitor.

Miss Scarlet.
Mr. Potts.

I'm delighted to see you again.

We have some news, Lizzie.

Barnabus and I are engaged.

[all laughing]

Oh, that's wonderful news.

Congratulations to you both.

Well, that's
very gracious of you.

Particularly given how I
behaved last time we spoke.

Water under the bridge,
Mr. Potts... I am quite sure

you didn't mean it.

I meant some of it.

Uh, but the manner in which it
came across was a tad forceful.

Do you have a date
for the wedding?

Not yet, no, there's plenty
of time for that.

Well, not too much time.

[chuckles]: We're planning
a long engagement.

Long enough.

And do you have a ring?

Uh, we'll get that
nearer the time.

In a few weeks.


Who'd like some tea?

Not for me, I'm on my way out.

Just us, then, Barnabus.

Good day, Mr. Potts.
Good d...


[people talking in background]

[knock at door, door opens]

Detective Phelps.

What brings you here?

In the spirit of our
new arrangement,

that we both keep
our mouths shut and play nice,

I wanted to let
you know that Duke

has returned to London.


Well, thank you.

He got back late last night.

He's not coming into work,
though, he's having the day off.

You didn't have to come here
in person to tell me that.

No, but I wanted to see
your face

when I told you who he's with.

♪ ♪

I think that's one of the
best meals I've ever had.

One of?
Well, I was always told

never to overpraise... it's the
first rule of management.

Well, I'll have to work on that.

♪ ♪

[horse trotting]


♪ ♪

ELIZA: I'm about to earn
an awful lot of money.

Where's your husband?
I don't know.

This came through the door.

They said they'd k*ll him if
the police are involved.

We haven't seen each other

for a while, and, uh,

it feels like you may have
been avoiding me.

I know about you and Arabella.


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪
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