03x12 - Water Play

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Wiggles". Aired: 1993 - 2022.*
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Wiggle fans can join in on the fun with the beloved quartet Anthony, Murray, Greg and Jeff.
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03x12 - Water Play

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music] Go!


Go, go, go, go!

Lights, camera, action, Wiggles!

Welcome to our TV show.

Lights, camera, action, Wiggles!

Everybody, let's go!

Lights, camera, action, Wiggles!

Welcome to our TV show.

Lights, camera, action, Wiggles!

Everybody, let's go!

Lights, camera, action, Wiggles!

Everybody let's--
everybody let's--

everybody let's go.

Go, go, go, go.

Go, go, go.


Hi, everyone.

ALL: We're the wiggles.
- I'm Greg.

- I'm Murray.
- I'm Anthony.

I'm Jeff.

And I hope you've
got your singing voices

with you because
right now, it's time

for a song on Network Wiggles.

["romp bomp a stomp" playing]

DOROTHY: Come on,
everybody, dance!

you push your arms up

in the air from side to side.

DOROTHY: [giggles]

the next thing we do

is sing romp bomp a chomp.

Romp bomp a chomp.

Then you stamp your feet.

And we're doing the
romp bomp a stomp.

DOROTHY: Come on, everybody.

[SINGING] Romp bomp a stomp.

Romp bomp a stomp.

Romp bomp a chomp.

Romp bomp a chomp.

DOROTHY: This is fun!

[SINGING] Romp bomp a stomp.

Romp bomp a stomp.

Romp bomp a chomp.

Romp bomp a chomp.

Well, it's Dorothy's dance.

And we're doing the
Romp bomp a stomp.

DOROTHY: Keep dancing.

you push your arms up

in the air from side to side.

DOROTHY: [giggles]

[SINGING] And the
next thing we do

is sing Romp bomp a chomp.

Romp bomp a chomp.

Then you stamp your feet.

And we're doing the
Romp bomp a stomp.

DOROTHY: Come on, everybody.

[SINGING] Romp bomp a stomp.

Romp bomp a stomp.

Romp bomp a chomp.

Romp bomp a chomp.

Romp bomp a stomp.

DOROTHY: This is fun!

[SINGING] Romp bomp a stomp.

Romp bomp a chomp.

Romp bomp a chomp.

DOROTHY: Let's dance!

it's Dorothy's dance.

Now we're doing the
Romp bomp a stomp.

DOROTHY: [giggles]

[news alert music]

Hello, and welcome to
Network Wiggles News.

There was much excitement
today when Dorothy

the Dinosaur visited the beach.

Let's cross now to Dorothy.

Thank you, Greg.

Hello, everyone.

We're all at the beach.

Dinosaurs don't go to
the beach very often.

Let's see what we can find.

There's a lot of seaweed
along the beach today.

You know, I've often
wondered what the sea is for.

It's kind of like for nature.

Fishes can't actually
breathe in the air,

so they have to go in the water.

And it's also for making fun,
surfing, and boogie-boarding.

Can you play with the
shells at the beach?

Maybe you put
some in a castle.

You might be able to make a
little necklace out of them.

What are the best
things about the beach?

Well, I quite like going,
um, on the rock pools,

and I like boogie-boarding.

And I like building
sand castles.

It sounds as if the beach is
a great place to spend the day.

Perhaps we can come
back again sometime.

But now it's over to you, Greg.


Hm, excellent
report there, Dorothy.

Thank you.

And now we-- sand, hey?

Where did that come from?


DOROTHY: [giggles]

Anyway, now we
cross to the weather

with Captain Feathersword.


Thank you, Greg.


Well, ahoy there, me hearties.


Now my magic weathersword tells
me there's a change on the way.


It's going to rain
pink balloons.

Pink balloons?

[wind blowing]

It can't rain pink
balloons, can it?



[laughs] Wow!


Back to you, Greg.


Thank you, Captain.

And now let's go to
the sport where--


[chuckles] Let's go
to the sport now where

Dorothy the Dinosaur
had a winning

tail shot at the basketball.

Wow, he's around it.

Oh, he's got around her angry.

He's coming around Wags.

DOROTHY: [giggles]


HENRY: Whoa!

he's back through again.

DOROTHY: [giggles]
HENRY: Whoa!

He's got control.

He's around me.

He's gone around Henry.

HENRY: Whoa!

He's coming around Wags!

HENRY: [chuckles]

DOROTHY: This is fun!

HENRY: He got the ball now!

He's back through again.

DOROTHY: Captain!


To me!
Too me!

Oh, here you go, Dorothy!

Over to you!

DOROTHY: [giggles]




[laughs] Excellent
work, Dorothy!

Wow, that was fantastic!


DOROTHY: I'm pretty
clever at this!

Well done, me hearty!



[chuckles] Great
shot, Dorothy.

[chuckles] Oh!

Well, anyway, I'm Greg Wiggle.

And that's the way it is
here at Network Wiggles News.

Until next time, keep wiggling.

["anthony's workshop" playing]
Anthony's Workshop.

It's a workshop with Anthony.

Anthony's Workshop.

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to Anthony's Workshop.

Let's create something.


Um, you might need an apron
everybody because today,

we're using some glue.

We're making a collage.

And not just any collage,
a collage about the sea.

Have a look at this.

Scarlett is already
hard at work.

And Scarlett, you've put
some wonderful, uh, sea--

Sea things.

Sea things here,
like, what's this here?

This is--
- Seaweed.


And of course, we've
got lots of beautiful--

- Shells.
- Shells.

And of course, in the middle--


Sprinkling sand.

Lovely work, Scarlett.

Maité has also created a
collage where you just put

beautiful elements everywhere.

Maité, what's your favorite
part of this beautiful collage?

Um, the shells and the
starfish and the net.

There's a starfish
caught in a net here.

It's wonderful.

And earlier, Maité was showing
me that if you put a shell up

to your ear, you can hear--

The sea.

The sea.

It's fantastic.

[chuckles] I've got
a "shell-a-phone."


[chuckles] But over here,
guys, Paris is working

very hard on another collage.

Her own collage, where
she's put things in a line.

Wonderful, Paris.

Of course, the feature
would have to be

the orange starfish there.

And you've also
got something else.

What do you think--
what do you think

that came from that feather?

A seagull.

A seagull.

It's beautiful.

Wonderful seagull.

Baxter is working hard creating
a collage putting-- what are

you putting here now, Baxter?

Uh, some sea stuff.

ANTHONY: Sea stuff,
seaweed, everything.

It's all sea.

We've run out of time, but we're
going to keep working here.

See you again sometime
at Anthony's Workshop.

JOSEPH FIELDS: And now a Wiggly
Community Service Announcement.

GIRL: Is it bright outside?

Do you find it hard to keep your
eyes open because of the sun?

Too much glare in your eyes?

Wear a pair of sunglasses.

PRESLEY] Thank you.

Thank you very much, uh-huh.

GIRL: Available in
a variety of styles.

["camera one" playing]

GREG: OK, camera operators.

Let's get ready to roll.

[SINGING] Camera
one, are you ready?

Ready with my camera.

[SINGING] Camera two, are you?

Camera two is ready.

[SINGING] Camera three,
has the captain at the helm.

Oh, I'm all
ready, Mr. Director.


[SINGING] Camera one, zoom in.

Okey-dokey, Director.

[SINGING] Camera
two, zoom out.

Okey-dokey, Director.

[SINGING] Camera three,
try and get the close-up.

Oh, camera three.

Oh, that's me.

Oh, of course, Mr. Director.

[SINGING] Now everyone
goes in and out,

up and down, move about,
follow the action.

Try a wide shot, now a
mid shot, going in close.

You've captured the action.

Yes, you've
captured the action.

[SINGING] The Wiggly action.

Camera one, pull back.

Oh, what a great shot.

[SINGING] Camera
two, do the same.

Camera three, uh, it's not
the time to do a pirate jig.

Hoo-hoo, I
couldn't help myself.

I love dancing.

GREG: Oh, that's all right.

[SINGING] Camera one, well done.

Gee, this is fun!

[SINGING] Camera
two, you beaut!

You beauty, Director.

[SINGING] Camera three,
you make TV seem so easy.

Ho-ho, thank
you, Mr. Director.

[SINGING] Now everyone
goes in and out,

up and down, move about,
follow the action.

Try a wide shot, now a mid shot.

Go in close.

You've captured the action.

GREG: Yes, you
captured the action.

[SINGING] The Wiggly action.


Camera operators,
that's our wrap.

Time to shake hands and
pat yourselves on the back

for a job well done.

Captain, you did a great
job out there today.

Well done.


Oh, thank you very much, Greg.


Oh, hey, I think I might
do some more filming.

Why not?

look at that bird over there.

I'm going to film that.

GREG: You're a genius
behind the camera, Captain.

Ooh, and the trees.

[laughs] Oh, and look at
the boats on the harbor.

I'll film them, too.

I'll film everything.

Yes, go right ahead, Captain.

The camera's yours.

[quirky music]


Hey, look, everyone,
it's Captain Feathersword.

Let's all say ahoy there,
Captain Feathersword.

Ahoy there, Captain

Ahoy there, me
hearties, hoo-hoo!

Captain, what are you doing?

Oh, Murray, I was just
using my magic buttons

to help me sing some songs.

Ah, that's great, Captain.

Hey, what are some
different ways we can make

the captain sing, everyone?

Oh, yeah.

[gasps] Oh, lots of
great ideas out there.

Oh, I like that one.

Let's make him sing
in a high voice

by pressing the magic button.

The high magic button.

[high-pitched singing]

Very high, Captain.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, that's a great idea.

Let's try a low voice
with the low button.

[low-pitched singing]

Ah, I like that.

Any other ideas, everyone?

[gasps] Oh, I see.

Why don't we get him to
sing in a fast voice?

The fast button.

Oh, fast.

[fast singing]

Very fast, Captain.

Oh, you're right, we could
try it in a slow voice.

Oh, yes, slow.

Very slow, Captain.

[slow singing]

I like that.

Oh, Captain, that's
a great idea.

Listen to that.

They're saying, why don't we
press two buttons at once?

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, let's try the
fast and high button.


[high-pitched, fast singing]

Let's try the low
and slow button.

[low-pitched, slow singing]

High and fast.

- [high-pitched, fast singing]
- Long and slow.

[low-pitched, slow singing]
- High and fast.

- [high-pitched, fast singing]
- Low and slow.

- [low-pitched, slow singing]
- High.




- Captain, are you all right?
- Oh.

Oh, I'm fine, Murray.


They certainly
are magic buttons.

["the monkey dance" playing]

going to do the monkey.

Oo-oo, aa-aa!

Oo-oo, aa-aa!

Do the monkey.

Oo-oo, aa-aa!

Oo-oo, aa-aa!

Monkey, monkey.

Oo-oo, aa-aa!

That's all right.

Do the elephant.


Do the elephant.


Do the elephant.


That's all right.

We're going to jump
to the front and back.

Oo-oo, aa-aa!


Jump to the front and back.

Oo-oo, aa-aa!


Come on and jump to
the front and back.

Oo-oo, aa-aa!

That's all right.

Now do the tiger.


Do the tiger Raaar!

The tiger, tiger.


That's all right.

Jump to the front and back.

Oo-oo, aa-aa!


Jump to the front and back.

Oo-oo, aa-aa!


Come on and jump to
the front and back.

Oo-oo, aa-aa!

Yeah, that's all right.

We're gonna do the monkey.

Oo-oo, aa-aa!

Oo-oo, aa-aa!

Do the monkey.

Oo-oo, aa-aa!

Oo-oo, aa-aa!

Do the elephant.


The tiger, tiger.

[quirky music]

["music with murrey" playing]
Mu-Mu-Music with Murrey.

Yes, everyone.

Hi, everyone.

Welcome to Music with Murray.

I'm here with
Captain Feathersword

and some of our other friends.

And behind us, we have
a special machine.

It's called an oscilloscope.

Now we can hear sounds,
but with the oscilloscope,

we can also see the sound waves.

It's great.

Now the captain's
here to help us.

And he's going to
make some sounds.

And we're going to see
what sort of waves--

what sort of sound waves we
can see on the oscilloscope.

OK, that's a great idea.

Captain, can you start
with a high whistle sound?

OK, Murray, let's see.

Here we go, um--


Oh, look at that everyone.

It's making sort of
tall, pointy waves.


Why don't we all try that?

Can you make a whistling sound?

[high-pitched whistle]

Look at that, everyone.

Great work.

Wow, that's excellent!


Captain, how about
another sound?

How about a low sort of sound.

Maybe a low whistling.
- A low sound.

OK, let's see, um--

[clears throat]

[low-pitched whistle]

Oh, that's a
different sort of sound.

Let's all make a low sound?

Can you make a low sound?

[low-pitched sounds]


I wonder what the
oscilloscope might

do if we all clap our hands.

Let's try clapping our
hands and see what happens.

You ready?


Let's clap really fast
and see what happens.

[fast clapping]

- [laughs]
- That's fantastic.



Thanks for your help, everyone.

Thanks at home, too.

We're going to see the
oscilloscope every day

on Music with Murray, so
we hope to see you again.

Bye-bye, everyone.
- Bye-bye!

See you later, me hearties.

Welcome to Network Wiggles.

[theme music] Go!


Go, go, go, go!

Lights, camera, action, Wiggles!

Welcome to our TV show.

Lights, camera, action, Wiggles!

Everybody, let's go!

Lights, camera, action, Wiggles!

Welcome to our TV show.

Lights, camera, action, Wiggles!

Everybody, let's go!

Captain Feathersword
has joined the show.

Ahoy, there.

[SINGING] He loves
to pirate dance.

Ho-ho, I love to dance.

[SINGING] So let's get
together with everyone

and go, go, go, go!



Lights, camera, action, Wiggles!

Welcome to our TV show.

Lights, camera, action, Wiggles!

Everybody, let's go!


Wow, look at all those lights.


And they're all shining on me.


Hey, I'm on TV.


[SINGING] Dorothy and Wags
have joined us, too, with Henry

and his eight-legged pants.

So let's get together
with everyone

and go, go, go, go, go!



Go, go, go, go!



Lights, camera, action, Wiggles!

Welcome to our TV show.

Lights, camera, action, Wiggles!

Everybody let's--
everybody let's--

everybody let's
go, go, go, go, go!



PLAYING] Where's Jeff?

Is he sleeping outside?

Where's Jeff?

Has he gone for a ride?

Where's Jeff?

Is he in the countryside?

Hello, and welcome
to Where's Jeff?

the quiz show where
we look for Jeff.

Our first contestant
today is a Wiggle.

He's a blue Wiggle.

Can you guess who it is?

That's right, it's
Anthony Wiggle.

Welcome, Anthony.

Thank you, Murray.

Anthony, can you tell
us about your hobby?

I love eating.


Let's play Where's Jeff?

The quizmatron is just being
lowered over Anthony's head

so he can't see or
hear where Jeff is.

Don't tell Anthony
where Jeff is.

We need him to guess.

Anthony, what is
your first question?

Murray, is Jeff
inside or outside?

MURRAY: He's outside.


Is he by himself or with others?

He's by himself.

Hmm, is he under the
sun or in the shade?

Good question, Anthony.

He's under the sun.

Ooh, is he on the sand?

Anthony, he is on the sand.

Murray, I think
Jeff's at the beach.

Anthony, you're right,
he is at the beach,

but whereabouts at the beach?

Ooh, I don't know, Murray.

Can you give me a clue?

Well, he's beside something
that he's made out of sand.

Murray, is Jeff on the
beach lying near a sandcastle?

Anthony, you're right!


Well, Murray, I've got one
more question for everybody.

And the question is this, is
Jeff asleep or is he awake?

He's asleep?

Well, let's wake him up.

Are you ready?

[babbles] I'd better get
back to Network Wiggles.

Thanks for playing
Wake Up Jeff.

It's bye for now.

[SINGING] Where's Jeff?

["hats" playing]

are really groovy.

You wear them on your head.

Hats are many colors, like
purple, green, or red.

Hats a really groovy.

You wear them on your head.

Hats are many colors, like
purple, green, or red.

Oh, when I wear my music hat,
I'm the leader of the band.

And when I wear a
policeman's hat,

I can stop the
traffic with my hand.

Hats are really groovy.

You wear them on your head.

Hats are many colors, like
purple, green, or red.

Oh, when I wear
my fireman's hat,

you can hear the sirens wail.

When I wear my captain's hat,
I can climb right up that sail.

Hats are really groovy.

You wear them on your head.

Hats are many colors, like
purple, green, or red.

Oh, there's bowler hats,
top hats, boater hats.

You can wear a slouch hat,
a fez, a swagman's hat,

a cricketer's hat, a cowboy hat,
a sombrero, a sun hat, a beret,

a chef's hat, a top hat,
a cap, a beanie, a bike

helmet, lots and lots of hats!

[theme music]

Oh, what wonderful
camerawork, Captain!

Whoa-ho, thank you, Dorothy.

But unfortunately, we've
come to the end of our show,

so it's time to say
goodbye, me hearties.

- Bye.

- See you later.
- Bye, everyone.

Bye from Network Wiggles.

[theme music]
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