03x02 - Captain's Magic Buttons

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Wiggles". Aired: 1993 - 2022.*
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Wiggle fans can join in on the fun with the beloved quartet Anthony, Murray, Greg and Jeff.
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03x02 - Captain's Magic Buttons

Post by bunniefuu »



Go, go, go, go.

Lights, camera, action.


Welcome to our TV show.

Lights, camera, action.


Everybody, let's go.

Lights, camera, action.


Welcome to our TV show.

Lights, camera, action.


Everybody, let's go.

Lights, camera, action.


Everybody, let's--
everybody, let's--

everybody, let's go, go, go.


Hi, everyone.

ALL: We're the Wiggles.
- I'm Murray.

- I'm Jeff.
- I'm Greg.

And I'm Anthony.

I've got my guitar.

I hope you're ready to rock on--

ALL: Network Wiggles.

Now, it's time for
Music with Murray.

[SINGING] Mu-- mu--

music with Murray.

Mu-- mu-- music with Murray.

Hi, everyone.

I'm Murray.

Music that is fun.

Oh, yeah.

Let's make some music.

Yes, everyone.


Mu-- mu-- music with Murray.

Hope you like the beat.

Oh, yeah.

Mu-- mu-- music with Murray.

Hope you tap your feet.

Oh, yeah.

Play some drums.

Play guitar.

Sing just like a
rock and roll star.

Clap your hands.

Stamp your feet.

Let's try it, everybody.

Mu-- mu-- music with Murray.

Music that is fun.

Oh, yeah.

Mu-- mu-- music with Murray.

Yes, everyone.

Play with spoons
or old tin cans.

You can have a kitchen jam.

Just be careful with the plates.

Oh, dear.

Mu-- mu-- music with Murray.

Let's make some music.

Music with Murray.

Mu-- mu--

We love music.

Mu-- mu-- music with Murray.

Hi, everyone.

I'm Murray.

Music that is fun.

Oh, yeah.

Let's make some music.

Yes, everyone.

Mu-- mu-- music with Murray.

Hope you like the beat.

Oh, yeah.

Are you ready to
make some music?

Hope you tap your feet.

Mu-- mu-- music with Murray.

Music that is fun.

Oh, yeah.

Mu-- mu-- music with Murray.

Yes, everyone.

Let's make some music.

[music playing]

Hello, and welcome to
Network Wiggles News.

Today, Dorothy the
Dinosaur and some friends

took a ride on a ferry.

Let's cross now to the high seas
and see exactly what happened.

Thank you, Greg.

Hello, everybody.

We're going for a ferry ride.

Let's find somewhere to sit.

The captain's waving
to another boat.

I wonder where it's going.

They're going to an island.

'Cause they want to catch--

I think they're going fishing.

I think they are going fishing
and catching fishes to eat.

So there are
fish in the harbor.

And what else is down there?

A big whale.

A big, little whale.

Or fishes, and seaweed, and
shells, and crabs, and sharks.

Can you swim in the harbor?



Because maybe when you swim, a
shark will come and eat you up.

Oh, dear.

What a wonderful ferry ride,
but now, back to you, Greg.

Excellent report, Dorothy.

[foghorn] Well, now
we cross to Captain

Feathersword with a look at
today's weather forecast.

Thanks, Greg.

Woo hoo.

Ahoy there, me hearties.

As you can see, my
magic weather sword's

told me that there's going to be
some very rough weather about.

It's going to be
raining cats and dogs.

Hoo hoo.

It can't really rain
cats and dogs, can it?

[meowing] [barking] [shout]

Back to you, Greg.

Thank you, Captain.

And now, it's time for--

hey, where did you come from?

Suppose you came down
in the last shower, huh?


Anyway, now it's time
for the sports report,

and we cross to a
game of petanque.

Remember, closest to
the white ball wins.

OK, I'm just going to throw
out the white ball all right.



That was good.

Oh, lovely shot.

Nice shot, Wags.

All right, Henry.

You're good at this game.


Oh, good one, Wags.

Well done, Wags me hearty.

That was my shot.

Fine shot, Captain, fine shot.

Great shot, Captain.

Dorothy, your shot again.

Great, Wags.

That was my shot.

Nice shot.

Here we go.

Yeah, dude.


Woo hoo!

Captain, I don't think
that's a regulation ball.

Well, that's the way it is
here at Network Wiggles News.

I'm Greg Wiggle.

Until next time, keep wiggling.

Captain, catch this.

[SINGING] Anthony's Workshop.

It's a workshop with Anthony.

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to Anthony's Workshop.

Today is all about butterflies.

We are cutting out
butterflies, decorating them.

Right now, Jesse, who's
a little bit older,

has some children's
scissors, and he's

cutting out butterflies
for everyone to decorate.

And that's the template
you use, so you just

draw a butterfly, cut it
out, and then both sides.

And it becomes a
butterfly to decorate.

So decorating is
happening right now.

Riley's using blue,
and yellow, and--

over here, what are
you up to, Joshua?

I'm all done.

You're finished?


So your butterfly
is ready to go.

And if, everybody, you can
hang these butterflies up,

and of course, they
can flap their wings.

Over here, Marlin, what
have you been up to?

I'm doing different
colors everywhere so I

can make a colorful butterfly.

And it is, and I like the
way you've put little circles

on the tips of the wings.

And in the middle, you've
done something different

with the blue.

It's a wonderful,
colorful butterfly.

So Joshua's finished, so
it would be all right--

if you wouldn't mind cutting
another one for Joshua, Jess.

Everybody, there's lots of
butterflies to decorate.

Joshua's already finished his.

We started another one.

Lots of fun.

We'll see you again
on Anthony's Workshop.

Bye bye.

And now, a Wiggly community
service announcement.

Are you lost?

Can't find your way?

Ask for directions.

That way, Dorothy.

This has been a
Wiggle Tip, brought

to you by Network Wiggles.

- Hey, Jeff.
- Yeah?

It was fun running up the
sand hills at Wiggle Bay.

Yeah, and it was
sure fun rolling down

the sand hills at Wiggle Bay.

Oh, yeah.

[SINGING] Rolling
down the sand hills,

rolling down the sand hills.

Ooh, aah, wee!

Rolling down the sand hills,
rolling down the sand hills.

Ooh, aah, wee!

Love to go rolling.

Come along and roll with me.

Rolling down the sand hills,
rolling down the sand hills.

Ooh, aah, wee!

Rolling down the sand hills,
rolling down the sand hills.

Ooh, aah, wee!

Love to go rolling.

Come along and roll with me.

Hey, guys.

Now that you've rolled
down the sand hills,

why don't you run back up them?

[SINGING] Running
up the sand hills,

running up the sand hills.

Puff, puff, puff, puff.

Running up the sand hills,
running up the sand hills.

Puff, puff, puff, puff.

Love to go running.

Come along and run with me.

Running up the sand hills,
running up the sand hills.

Puff, puff, puff, puff.

Running up the sand hills,
running up the sand hills.

Puff, puff, puff, puff.

Love to go running.

Come along and run with me.

[music playing]


Hey, look, everyone.

It's Captain Feathersword,
the friendly pirate.

Let's all say "ahoy there,
Captain Feathersword."

Ahoy there, Captain

Ahoy there, me hearties.

Captain, I was noticing
you're just going-- bur-bo.

What's that all about?

Oh, I'm having
a bit of a problem

coming up with new ideas
for movements, Anthony.

I keep drawing a blank.




Well, Captain,
ideas, you need ideas?

I need ideas.

Let's ask for some ideas.

Oh yeah, great.

Everybody, have you got
some ideas for the Captain

for some movements
with his magic buttons?

Yep, there's some
great ideas, Captain.

I think we'll try
that one first.

Captain, press the button.

I'll press the button.

And can you jump on the spot?

Jump on the spot.

- That's a beauty.

Oh, that's a great one.

That's a good one too.

Now, can you clap your
hands and turn around?

Oh, yeah.


Another great one, Captain--
can you hop on one leg?

Oh, yeah, hopping on
one leg, that's great too.

Can you hold
your head up high--

Oh, yeah.

--while you whistle a tune?


Can you quack like a duck?



Can you jump like a kangaroo?

Boing, boing, boing.

Can you-- that's a great one.

An ant.
An ant, Captain.

An ant.

Can you walk around like an ant?
That's a good--

Oh, walk around like an ant.


And, Captain, here's a good one.

Someone just had an
idea-- do all of them

at once if I press
all the buttons.


Boing, boing, giddy-up!



Captain's magic
buttons, everybody.

Jump up and down.


[music playing]

[SINGING] C'est Wags.

C'est Wags.

C'est bon.

C'est bon.

He's the coolest
dog you'll meet.

C'est Wags.
C'est Wags.

C'est bon.

C'est bon.

The doggie with
the dancing feet.

C'est Wags.
C'est Wags.

C'est bon.

C'est bon.

He'll dance up a storm at
the beach or the ballroom.

C'est Wags.
C'est Wags.

C'est bon.

C'est bon.

The doggie with
the dancing feet.

You can dance with Wags.

Dance the Foxy Trot.

The Chi-wow-wow-wow.

Dance the Malamute.

You can dance with Wags.

Dance the Pekingese.

Do the Husky hustle.

The Chi-wow-wow-wow.

C'est Wags.
C'est Wags.

C'est bon.

C'est bon.

He's the coolest dog
you'll ever meet.

C'est Wags.
C'est Wags.

C'est bon.

C'est bon.

The doggie with
the dancing feet.

C'est Wags.
C'est Wags.

C'est bon.

C'est bon.

He'll dance up a storm at
the beach or the ballroom.

C'est Wags.
C'est Wags.

C'est bon.

C'est bon.

The doggie with
the dancing feet.

Ooh, la la.

The doggie with
the dancing feet.

Check out those moves.

The doggie with the dancing--


[music playing]

[SINGING] Mu-- mu--
music with Murray.

Yes, everyone.

Hi, everyone.

Welcome to Music with Murray.

We've got a friend here
today, a special friend.

It's Case, and he's brought
along a really big instrument.

Does anyone know what
this instrument is?


- A double bass.
- You're right, Mitchell.

It is a double bass.

It's really big.

And what does it look like?

What sort of family
of instruments

do you think it might--

It looks like a guitar.

It does look like a guitar.

It's got strings,
and it's got holes

for the sound to come out.

What do you think, Toby?


It does look like a violin
too, like a really big violin.

[laugh] Now, Case, could
you play something for us,

and let's just listen and
see what it sounds like?

[playing double bass]

Wow, that's a really low sound.

And did you notice that he
played it in different ways?


What different
ways did he play it?


He stroked it with the--


That's right, the bow.

And then he played
it like a guitar.

He did, that's right.

He played it with the bow.

This is the bow.

And then, Case, there's a
special name for the way

you played it with your fingers.
- Yeah, that's right.

Well, you can either say
it's plucking the strings,

or the Italians say "pizzicato."

Oh, pizzicato.

And a lot of the music we
play is German, or French,

or Italian.

And so we use the Italian words
for a lot of these things.

That's great.


Thanks, Case.

We'll see you next time,
everyone, on Music with Murray.

Bye for now.

[playing double bass]

[music playing]

[SINGING] I'm putting
on my doctor's coat,

grab my doctor's bag
and my stethoscope.

Ooh, I'm dressing up in style.

I'm putting on my riding hat,
got my boots and my lariat.

Oh, I'm dressing up in style.

Dressing up is so much fun.

Well, you can dress as anyone.

You can use any
clothes you find.

I'm putting my big black boots,
my red hat and my fire suit.

Ooh, I'm dressing up in style.

Ooh, I'm dressing up in style.

Dressing up is so much fun.

You can dress as anyone.

You can use any
clothes you find.

I'm putting on my doctor's
coat, grab my doctor's

bag and my stethoscope.

Ooh, I'm dressing up in style.

I'm putting on my riding hat,
got my boots and my lariat.

Oh, I'm dressing up in style.

Putting on my big black boots,
my red hat and my fire suit.

Oh, I'm dressing up in style.

[SINGING] Where's Jeff?

Is he sleeping outside?

Where's Jeff?

Has he gone for a ride?

Where's Jeff?

Faafetai lava.

Hello, everyone, and
welcome to Where's

Jeff? the game show
where we get to try

and find where that tricky
little fella Jeff is sleeping.

Today's first
contestant-- in fact,

today's only contestant--
is none other than

that Wiggle who loves to eat--

Anthony Wiggle.

- G'day, Greg.
- G'day, Anthony.

How are you?
- Great.

That's good.

Tell us a little bit
about yourself, Anthony.

Well, my name is Anthony.


And I love to
athletically run around.


That must be how you
stay looking so fit.

- Yep.
- Excellent.

Well, Anthony, if you wouldn't
mind athletically running over

to the cross, we can get today's
game of Where's Jeff underway

as we lower down the
quiz-a-matron over your head

so you can't see or
hear where Jeff is.

Now, Anthony, please,
first question.

Fire away.

Is Jeff somewhere in
the Network Wiggle Studio?

Oh, no, he's not.


Is Jeff outside
somewhere, or is he inside?

Well, he's inside.


Is Jeff still or moving?

Well, he's moving.

Is he moving up and down?

Well, no, he's not
really going anywhere.

He's not going anywhere?


Is he going around and round?

Yes, you're getting warm.

Ah, so he's not
going anywhere,

just going round and round.


Greg, I'm going
to take a big plunge

and think that Jeff might be
on a sort of a merry-go-round.

- Yes!

He's done it!

He's on a merry-go-round.

- Yeah!


Have a look at that.

There's Jeff, but he
is asleep, so we're

going to have to wake him up.

Wake up, Jeff!


How did I get here?

Oh, well, back to
Network Wiggles.



Oh, yes.

[laughter] Merry-go-round, eh?

Well, that's Where's
Jeff? for today.

Until next time, it's goodbye
from him and goodbye from me.

Bye bye.

[SINGING] Where's Jeff?

[SINGING] Testing.




Sing, sing, sing a song to
the rock and roll microphone.

Oh, yeah.

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet
to the swinging saxophone.

Sing, sing, sing along to
your favorite opera tune.

Ahoy there.


Woo hoo!


Sing, sing, sing along to
the rock and roll microphone.

Yeah, yeah!

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet
to the swinging saxophone.

Sing, sing, sing along to
your favorite opera tune.




Testing, 1, 2, 3.

Test, 1, 1, 2.

Hoo, hoo, ha, ha.

Yeah, yeah.

Hey, hey, ha, ha.






Stop it!


Captain, your microphone
doesn't seem to be working.

Oh, no, Anthony.

I don't know what's wrong.

Well, Captain,
you have to turn

your microphonic equipment on.

Turn the switch on.

Ahoy there!

Woo hoo hoo!

It's working.



This is the best microphonic
device I've ever used.

[music playing]

That's all we've got for you
today here at Network Wiggles.

But until next time, bye.
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