Cyrano (2022)

Musicals/Concerts Movie Collection.

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Cyrano (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm hungry.

A lady
never complains.

We can't
eat dresses.

If only the Duke
had sent bread.

I think he wants
to marry you.

I'd rather
marry you.

He's a Duke.

And you, my dear,
a rapidly ageing orphan.

Ah, Marie!

Well, I won't be rescued.
I'm not in distress.

We have no money.
Not a bean.

Your whole life,
our country has been at w*r...

and everyone must make...
Everyone must make...

I don't love
the Duke de Guiche.

Wear the dress
he sent.

No. Red is vulgar,
and it reeks of lechery.

Have you seen my shoes?

If you don't love him...
Or even like him.

Why did you accept his
invitation to the theater?

Because we can't afford the
tickets, and I want to see the play.

He's here.

He's here.

He's here.
Now, don't be rude to him.

I'm not rude.

I am enigmatically distant
and fashionably late.

Where are my shoes?

If you anger him,
he'll ruin us.

Marry the Duke
and you'll be rich.

A clever marriage
is your only option.

I have no intention
of marrying anyone.

Believe me,
spinsterhood is bleak.

And love,
does that mean nothing to you?

It might smell rosy for a year
or two, but love doesn't last.

What lasts is compromise
and sacrifice.

Children need love.

Adults need money.

Hello, Jacques.

Marie. Marie.

Tell your mistress she's two
months behind with the rent.

It's coming, I promise.

Two months!


It's perfectly fetching.

I just long to see you
in crimson silk.

-I couldn't wear that dress.

I don't have
the shoes to match. Sorry.

Oh, I'll rectify
your errant shoelessness.

Maybe the good Duke should've
send you the dress, Valvert.

Oh, no, I tried it.

It was too loose
on the bust.

At least you have
more than one pair of shoes.

What does it feel like

To slow dance in sunlight

With someone you love?

Somebody who sees you

And won't ever leave you

Whatever comes

I need something
to die for

Write poems and cry for

And I won't be ashamed

I'm nobody's pet

No one's wife
no one's woman

And I won't play that game

I'd give anything
for someone to say

That they can't live
without me

And they'll be there forever

I'd give anything
for someone to say to me

That no matter
how bad it gets

They won't turn away from me

What do you do

When you're
always waiting

To find love
at first sight?

If I'm naive

Why does all the poetry

Say that I might?

I have heard
songs that say

Love conquers everything

However you name it

It's right there
in front of you

Wherever you are

You just have to claim it
Claim it

Who's that?

The Duke de Guiche.

Second only
to the King.

No, the lady.

Oh, Roxanne.

Well above your station,
my friend.

Oh, what superb ribbons,
Duke de Guiche.

Gorgeous piping.
And trim.

Doeskin and
beaver, ladies.

Doeskin and beaver.

Yes, thank you.

Stop there, sir.

In you go, sir.


Be swift,
be crafty...

take from the women
and the men without swords.

And children?

A child
with a full purse is an adult.

- I'd give anything for
-someone to say

For someone to say

That they can't live
without me

And they'll be there forever

I'd give anything
for someone to say to me

-That no matter That no matter
-how bad it gets

They won't
turn away from me

- If love's there,
I'll feel -it and its stare

It'll be freedom
at first sight

I'll be walking on air

If love's there
won't dare run away

I'll swallow my pride

And I'll ask

You to stay



Stop that boy!

Hey! Stop him!

Play! Play! Play!

Play! Play! Play!
Play! Play!

Play! Play! Play!

Have you seen Cyrano?

Not yet.

Would you like an orange?

Play! Play! Play!


Inhale it, my boy.

Can you feel it? Yes?

Tonight you will see
the magnificent Montfleury...

the greatest actor
of his generation.




Bravo! Bravo!

Happy is he who, far from court
and Society's sway...

in isolation

shuns company.

And who...

when the soft wind
whistles wishingly...

Montfleury, what are you
doing here?



After your performance
last week...

I sent you a letter
urging you to retire.


Happy is he who,
far from court and Society's...

Did you receive my letter?

Yes, I received
your letter, and I burnt it.

I am
a professional actor.

Yes, you are!

I've received
numerous prizes.

He has.

I have performed at court
for the King himself.

Indeed, you have.


I have been successfully
entertaining the people for over three decades.

And now I will act!

Act! Act! Act!
Act! Act! Act!

Act! Act! Act!


Happy he who shuns...

Final warning!

In insulting me,
you insult the dramatic muse.

And worse, you...
you desecrate this theater...

this crucible
of human...


Hear, hear!

This sacred wooden O.

No, sir. Untrue.

I'm sorry, but you lie.

You've made this stage
your personal sty!

The dramatic muse
has fled the building.

She scampered off when you
started gilding the lily...

with your great big voice.

The poor muse
had no choice.

I love this place
and all it means.

Poetry, romance,
terror, truth.

I've loved it here
since early youth.

Can't stand aside
while you dishonor it...

with your pumping and
your hideous jigs.

I will not abide
your thumping...

and, er, dreadful wigs.

Montfleury, you've
abandoned the truth.

You've lost your core.

You don't remember how truth
feels or what it's for.

So, now leave this stage,
never to return.

And I'll applaud the new
integrity you'll earn.

Exit, Montfleury.

I'm not moving one
step from the center of this stage.

I am necessary.

If you will not leave by
invitation, then I am compelled to use force.

Help! Help me, someone!

Protect me!

Arrest him! Help!

Please! Help me!

-Please, Cyrano. Please. Will anyone here defend
-this great sausage?

I will duel with any

with all the honor commensurate
to his station.

Is anyone
willing to fight for Montfleury?

You are no Samson.

I am no Goliath either, but I
fight like the two combined.

I think not.

Goliath was a giant.

Care to think again?

No volunteers?

You came here to see

and yet you're
not willing to fight for him?

Sir, please.

I will count to three, and you
will exit stage right hurriedly.


Do something.

Think of the play.


Ladies and gentlemen,

I came to see a play!

We paid
to see a play!

And I have
saved you from seeing a fiasco!

I paid
to see Montfleury!

Yes, what
about their money?

Always the money.


Oh, at this price, sir, you can
close the theaters every night.

Ladies and gentlemen, you will
be refunded in full at the door.


Oh, I'd love to.
But no money.

You had
a full bag of coins.

All donated to the
long-suffering patrons of this theater.

-How will you eat? The gesture is more
-than the meal.


You're a freak.

The insult is antique,
but I accept it.


Is that it?

Have you exhausted your
dictionary of scorn?

Who is this savage who dares to
present himself in public...

without ribbons,
bows or braids?

I am not au courant,
it's true.

But think of my deeds as my
ribbons, my humor as a bow.

Oh, do pipe down,
or else you'll drown.

In verbosity.

A fellow poet.

Pleasure to meet you.
Cyrano de Bergerac.

I accept your challenge.

I'll make
short work of this.

Isn't he a hoot?

A palpable miss.

It's hard to
hit a target quite so small.

The man is
barely four feet tall.

-Sir, when I was born
The nurses laughed -hysterically

They'd never seen anything
quite like me, apparently

I'll never forget it
I can still hear them joking

One said, "My goodness,
what has God been smoking?"

From when I was born
I learned to control my tears

When they carried me home
through town I left a trail of broken mirrors

Yes, when children see me
They scream and run away

-You're absolutely
right Halloween's my favorite -holiday

I am a monster
I am a mutant

A freak of nature

I've heard all the hateful
ugly nomenclature

Can't you see

I'm much more
than you think

I've heard it all
so many times

You are a disgrace!

Everybody knows
I'm so much more than a freak

If you wanna try to hurt me

You better get in line

You just have to say it
Can't you see

I get it, it makes sense

-He's much more than you
think When you have -your kind of talent

For clever vicious comments

My heart's not even angry
He's heard it all

It's just the way it breaks
So many times

And don't be
so tough on God

Everybody makes mistakes

-Yes, one sight of me
could make a statue cry -Everybody knows

He's so much more
Guess what else

When bluebirds land on me
Than a freak

They shit themselves
and die

If you wanna try
Whichever way I look at you

To hurt him
Can't find a tasteful side

-A specimen like you
belongs in formaldehyde -You better get in line

Yes, what you've heard
is true

I am not a rumor

I'm living proof that
God has a sick sense of humor

Cyrano! Cyrano! Cyrano!



Yes. It all goes in.

And God, how it hurts.

He went too far.

Valvert insulted him, and then
challenged him to a duel.

Valvert is a Comte,
and in my retinue.

I guarantee you
Cyrano took no pleasure from it.

You know him?

They're from
the same town...

-in the south west. Cyrano is
-my oldest friend.

It would be to your advantage
to end the friendship.

I won't wait forever.

Did I miss a proposal?

Oh, don't push your luck,
pretty thing.

Don't do that.

How about
a drinking song?

Like soldiers do.

We're better
than that.

At least, I am.

May I ask you
a question?


It's a little

I have no secrets
from you.

Are you in love?

Whatever gave you
that idea?

See, I knew
you wouldn't like it.

Do I seem offended?

No. But your
guard is up.

It's just some things
are private.

What gave me
that idea...

was your performance
at the theater today.

I sensed you were playing to one
particular member of the audience.

Oh, who?

Let's not continue
this charade.

If you want
to unburden, fine.

If you don't,
that's fine, too.




I am in love.

I dare.

My sole purpose on this Earth
is to love Roxanne.

Do you feel better now?

Do you?

Have you ever wanted

So badly
you cannot breathe

Have you ever
loved someone


No, I don't think
I have.

Isn't she magnificent?

She is,
though perhaps a little vain.

Yes, but
magnificently so.

There's some pretension
in there, too.

She's full of it.

I wasn't sure about
her hair today.


But even
her imperfections are perfect.

In our little town,
back in the day...

she was practically

To some
she was notorious.

To me, glorious.

Does she know?

Do you think a person
of her beauty...

in mind, body, and soul
doesn't know about it?

I mean, does she know
that you're in love with her?



No. Someone like me
supposing to love perfection?

No. If I confessed...

she'd never see me again.

You don't have
a very high opinion of her.

What? She's the Alps.

No, but you don't think
she has the depth...

to look beyond your...

...unique physique.
Not bad.

Thank you.

To love you for who you are
and not for how you look.

Yes, but
don't you see?

I am simply
not worthy of her.

I've held my breath
since I saw her

I've tried to look away
but I can't resist

I know
every detail of her

I made a list

I can't tell you how long

I've thought about her

I've kept everything
she's missed

She's gonna
laugh at the one

That brings her love
like this

Have you ever wanted

So badly
you cannot breathe

Have you ever
loved someone


When you were fighting Valvert,
she was anxious.

Oh, she turned
quite pale.

Her lips trembled.

They parted.

She touched
her heart.

You should tell her.

You love her.

No. My fate
is to love her from afar.

To confess is to shatter
the beautiful dream.

You forget,
I've seen you in battle.

You're a fighter
to the end.

But in love you've raised
the white flag.

Have faith in her.
Tell her the truth.

A word.

Roxanne wishes to meet
with you alone.



She won't say,
no matter how much I berate her.

But she says
it's urgent.

Take me to her at once.

Not now,
you vulgar person. At night?

Then when?

She'll go to early Mass

After she leaves the church,
she'll meet with you.

Somewhere discreet,
she said it must be private.

I'll thank you, Captain Le Bret,
to lower that eyebrow.

There is nothing
unseemly here.

I bow to your expertise
in the matter.

A venue, please.

I've never seen him silent
before, it's quite appealing.

Let me think.

I'm thinking where.


Seven o'clock.
She'll be there.

I will, too.

And so will I.

Good night.

She wants to
see me privately.

There it is.


Oh, no.
I cannot succumb to hope!

Hope is madness.
Hope is hell.

Hope is life!

Oh, I need an army
to vanquish!

I have ten hearts,
I have twenty arms.

I could k*ll
a hundred men.

Good night, my friend.

And good luck tomorrow.

This could be it.

Oh, have faith.

Where are you off to,
this late hour?

Some things
are private.

Thank you for dinner.

Have you ever
loved someone


Well, I'd hoped
to fight 100, but ten will do.

Morning, Ragueneau.

Cyrano! Just the man!

What time is it?

Almost 6:00.

I'm up with the muse,
so to speak.

A poem.
Her soul eludes me.

Needs your expert ear.

I'm told you have
a private room.

I mean, a room where two people
can have some privacy.

Bit early
for an assignation.

I mean talk privately
without interruption.

I'll show you.

I'll recite what I have so far.

The poem is entitled

Good, eh?


Dear Roxanne.

Dear Roxanne.

Every morning
at the break of light

I see you standing
in the sun

You look at me with
the kindest eyes

Every morning
I'm overcome

"My heavenly earthly desire."

Heavenly earthly, eh?

How's this?

Something more private?

I understand.


"Jupiter and Pluto are planets,
revolving like us, far apart."

Sorrow and glory and
blinding euphoria

Everything's there
in your name

"May I woo you
with my art."

That's it thus far.

There's a long way to go,
but be brutal.

Do you think the planetary
metaphor holds?

Perhaps consider sublimation.


A different pattern
of imagery.

Maybe something
you know intimately.

Anything in mind?


Sensuality and longing expressed
through the act of baking.

Why not?

Rising dough.

Flour. Ovens.


Oh, my God.
Thank you.

Thank you!

Thank you!

In darkness when
I close my eyes

I see your hair come undone

I lose myself every time

Even now I'm overcome

Roxanne, what am I
supposed to say?

Words are only
glass on a string

The more I arrange them

And line up
and change them

The more they mean
the same thing






Do you like
rabbit stew?

I loathe rabbits.

I hate their taste, and I hate
the way they savage a garden.

Shank of lamb?

She likes tongue.

For heaven's sake,

Go and eat.


And I'll pray
for your sins while I do.

A huge slab of tongue.
Keep it coming.


I have a confession
to make.

Shall we sit?

You're wounded.

A scratch.

I know your shoddy work.

The dressing is loose.

Your confession?

Can wait a moment.

It's only a scratch.

It's a wound,
and it needs cleaning.

I've been wounded
many times.

This is not a wound.

Then we'll call it
a cut.

"Scratch" is
more accurate.

I dispute "more."

A thing is either accurate
or it isn't.

There are no degrees
of accuracy.

You taught me that.

As you wish.

I'll settle
for "cut."

A deep one.

How did you get it?

Last night.
A duel.

And look what happens.

You should see
the other guys.

I'm not impressed
by your swordsmanship.

Oh, I know.

Or rather,
I know you pretend you're not.

I'd be very angry with you
if you died.

Only angry?


This might hurt.

So brave.

Will you make
your confession?

Yes, I must.

And there's only so much tongue
Marie can chew on.

I feel shy.

Never mind.

at the theater...


I can barely believe
I'm saying this.

I realized,
or became aware, suddenly...

that I was in love.

I see.

I am madly in love, but the man
in question has no idea.

And I don't know
how to tell him.

Perhaps he
feels the same?

It's possible.
I have hopes.

How do you know
you love him?

Because it's as if
I've always known.

Always known him.

He was always there...

but this intense romantic
connection had not yet manifested.

I understand.

Supposing it's
all a delusion?

No, you're
clearly in love.

My mind is racing.
I'm feverish.

-Would you like some water?

It's got your
blood in it.

-You were saying? I don't know what
-I was saying.

Tell me about him. It might
reassure you there's no delusion.



I feel
he is rather proud.

And very charming.

He is mysterious,
but not obscure.

And his face
is so bright with intelligence.

What else?

He's very beautiful,

Is he?

Yes. But his natural modesty
means he's completely unaware of it.

I've met people
like that.

They are so rare.

Perhaps I could make
a confession, too?

Yes, but I haven't
made mine yet.

I'm sorry.
Please continue.

This man I love
is a guard.

In your regiment.

Of course he is.
Of course?

In the sense that...

I interrupted.
Please continue.

It's embarrassing to admit, but
I've never actually spoken to him.

Of your love?
Of anything.

It was
love at first sight.

A thunderbolt.
It's madness.


And yet
it's absolutely...



-You seem... Just the wound
-playing up.

Poor you.

I have some ointment
at home.

Supposing he's
an idiot.

He might just be
an incredibly beautiful man...

with the mind
of a rabbit.

Except he isn't.

He can't be.

I need him
not to be.

Anyway, I've made
some discreet inquiries...

and I am told that
he is Christian.

Christian Neuvillette.

Never heard of him.

He's a new recruit.

He starts today.

To the point.

To your presence

I know how the guards treat
the new recruits...

your ancient
initiation rituals and so on.

So, please,
will you protect him?

I can refuse you nothing.

And never let him
fight a duel?


And guard his life
with your own?


And be his friend?

I might not like him.

All the same.
Befriend him.


And make him
write to me.

And I'll write back.

We'll exchange long,
poetic love letters.

I will suggest that
he write to you...

but I cannot control the content
or length of his letters.

You are always so kind.


You said you have a confession
to make, too.

It's not important.

I will support you
as you've supported me.

Really, it's nothing.

How's the hand?


A scratch.

How many men
did you duel with last night?

A hundred.



All the same,
what courage.

I've done better since.

And one, two, three.

One, two, three.
One, two, three.

One, two, three.
One, two, three.

One, two, three.
One, two, three.

One, two, three.
One, two, three.

One, two, three.

And one, two. One, two.

One, two. One, two.

One, two. One, two.

One, two, three.


I heard of your recent

I've come to express
my admiration.


I'm inviting you
to join my retinue.

I thank the Duke for his
generous offer, but I must decline.

Carry on!

There are a great many
advantages to following me.

I know.

But I follow no one.

I'm told that you write poetry
in common with a great many men these days.

However, I'm told that you write
poetry uncommonly well.

I like to publish those
that I admire.

I could put you into print,
distinguish you.

I'd only change a few lines.
I pay handsomely.

You could buy a fine pair of
calfskin gloves.

I'm not for sale.
Neither is my work.

Aren't you proud.
Aren't you observant.

Take this seriously.

Those men last night
were incompetent.

Others may not be.

Someone's taken
against you.

Join my retinue,
you'll be protected.

First, you try to recruit me,
then you try to buy me.

When you learn
I have no price...

you warn me that my life is
threatened by an unknown enemy.

I saw you last night.

The blood of those men
is on your hands.

You're a tyrant
posing as a noble.

Oh, what a shame
we can't accommodate each other.

'Cause you know something?

You'd make a sweet little
companion to the acquisition I will make.



Don't push him too far.

To be his enemy
is a badge of honor.

Which might
get you k*lled.

Let him try.

I'll best any he sends.

Let them come.

He offered you
a good wage.

I belong here.

With you. With them.

Left! Left! Left! Right! Left!

I will not be his toy.

What would you
have me do, Le Bret?

Join his retinue?

No, thank you.

Dedicate poems
to de Guiche?

No, thank you.

I've heard
how this works.

Who's first?

Do you want me
to swallow insults?

To crawl? To kneel?
To beg?

Play both sides?
Flatter? No, thank you.

Live for other people's
opinions of me?

No, thank you. I prefer a
different life. My own.

I answer to no one,
and I am content, thank you.

She doesn't love you?


ever say it.

Who's next?

I am.


Cyrano! Cyrano! Cyrano!

What's so funny?

First, I fight an elephant, and
now a mole?

What's your name?


I just like to know
the names of the men I k*ll.

I'm Christian Neuvillette, sir.

Embrace me.


I'm her brother.

Whose brother?

Who do you think?




You don't look
like her brother.

We're old friends,
like siblings but not.

We're very close.

And what...
She's told me everything.

The theater,
love at first sight, all of it.

She loves me?

She believes so.

Sir, I am so glad
to know you!

Yes, enough of that.

-Please forgive me for insulting you earlier.

I just...
Yes, yes.

She loves me!
Now, listen.

She loves me!

Roxanne wants
a letter from you.


If I write to her,
it'll drive her away.

Really? Why?

I can't write
love letters.



You just say
what you feel.

As long as it's true,
you can't go wrong.

But a woman
like Roxanne wants wit, romance.

Maybe even poetry.

You're right.

You'd better leave town.

Oh, I didn't mean it.

I'm very confused.

Are you here to help me
or hinder me?


You see, in battle I have
inordinate courage.

I can do anything.

But with women,
my whole life I've been useless.

Silent. I'm...

What's the word for when you're
bad at expressing yourself?

That's it.

I can't explain what I feel,
not on paper, and not on paper.

I don't know
how to speak romantically.

Roxanne will be extremely

She must not be.

But I have no wit.

Borrow mine.

My words
upon your lips.

I can't.
It's a lie.

I'd be deceiving
the woman I love.

It's better than
losing her.

Call it a fantasy, call it a
dream, call it pretend.

A dream might be a lie,
but it's also true.

Wait, what?

Sometimes illusion
is kind.

Is it?
I think so.

Read a book or two.
You'll find out.

There's no need to
be patronizing.

I'm sorry.


But will
the deceit work?

Is the prize
not worth the risk?


Oh, Roxanne...

Oh, Roxanne...

will be so pleased
to receive your letter.

May I ask,
why are you helping me?

What can you gain?

My words go to waste
unless spoken aloud.

I will make you eloquent
while you make me handsome.

God, what I'd do to just be
able to tell her

What it's like
when I see her

It's something like


It's something like


And something like


I'd give anything
for someone to say

All the words
I don't have

And I can't
put together

I'd give anything for
someone to say to her

That she's all
I can think about

And I can't live
without her

My father told me

Letters and books
weren't meant for the son of a soldier

Courage and steel

The trials of the
real world are what matter

And all that
should mold you

God, what I'd do

To have the one thing
that you have

That I never will

You have something
worth giving

A reason for living

All I do well is...


I'd give anything
for someone to say

All the words I don't have

And I can't put together

I'd give anything
for someone to say to her

That she's all
I can think about

And I can't
live without her

I'd give anything
for someone to say

That they can't live
without me

And they'll
be there forever

I'd give anything
for someone to say to me

That no matter
how bad it gets

They won't
turn away from me


Just sign your name
on the bottom.

When did you write it?

A while ago.

-But... I always have
-a letter in my pocket...

written to
an imaginary woman.

It's the romantic
custom here.

But don't you need to
make it specific to her?

Count on vanity to make Roxanne
think it is only for her.

But the letter itself is
applicable to all women?

Not all.

I'm convinced we're destined to
be friends for life.

You think?

The very best of friends.

And I,
my heart will lend.


Thank you.

Come on, children. Hurry up.


The ink on the paper
makes me nervous

I nearly lose my vision

And then my breath
and my pulse and my mind quicken

Head below my knees
I come alive

With every stroke of
every letter in every line you write

Keeps me awake
thinking back

Oh, my first sight of you
was my first heart attack

Every letter makes me
lose my reason

Every word is like
your kindest touch

And if I told you
how much I need you

Would you give me yourself
or turn and run?

You light up desire
just by describing it

I read to myself
until I go blind

Your words fall around me
all through the night

I can't resist
and I don't want to fight

Will you be held?

Will you be touched?

By my hand
through this paper

Is this all too much?

Will we be ravaged?

Will we be true?

To somebody perfect
somebody like you

I'm tired
of yearning

I'm tired
of learning

I need to drink you

My heart
has been burning

Ever since I saw you

Backwards through the glass

Of a thin windowpane

Like a thin
see-through mask

These words are the truth

Just let them sink in

Through your
thin-fingered gloves

To your hand, to your skin

Like ribbons on wrist

Let them hold you
and twist

Let them
touch you all over

Until you can't resist

- Every letter makes me
-lose my reason

Every word is
like your kindest touch

And if I told you
how much I need you

Would you give me yourself
or turn and run?

Would you give me yourself
or turn and run?

- You light up desire
-just by describing it

I read to myself
until I go blind

Your words fall around me
all through the night

I can't resist
and I don't wanna fight

Dim the lights

Give me everything I want

Just talk to me like you do
in your songs

Your letters are drawings
on me from above

I know who you are
And I know you are love

Every day I think
I couldn't love him any more.

Then a new letter arrives,
and my heart expands...

to accommodate
more love.

He understands me

He knows exactly what I respond
to, what thrills me.

It's uncanny.

I'm pleased
for you.

Are you really?

Why wouldn't I be?

It's quite tedious having to
listen to someone waxing on...

about finding
true love.

I wanted to
meet with him.

In private.

Can you arrange it?

Would you love him
if he wasn't handsome?

I cannot imagine it.

He is beautiful, and he
expresses himself beautifully.

It's perfectly logical.

"The more you take of my heart,
the more I have to give.

"Since I need a heart
to long for you...

"keep mine
and send me yours."

First he has too much heart,
and then not enough?

You're jealous.


It's fascinating.

You're both brilliant,
but exact opposites in style.

Christian is overt...



Whereas I?

You are coded...




His words aren't better than
yours, just differently put.

But both are
endlessly quotable.

You know his letters
by heart?

Every one.

You will arrange
the meeting?

As ever,
I am at your service.

I've come
to say goodbye.

I leave tonight
for the front.

It's grim,
but orders are orders.

We're losing the w*r.

They've promoted
the nobility to turn it around.

As you can see,
they've made me a colonel.


Shows how desperate
they are.

Does this new rank put you
in command of the guards?

It does.
Cyrano is mine.

And the guards
are being sent to the front?

They're in my regiment.

All of them?

Of course.

Why so upset,
dear lady?

You are
going to w*r.

You might die.

You are leaving tonight.

I am beside myself.

Can I take this
as a sign of your affection?

I must tell you.

Cyrano and I
are no longer friends.


I ended the friendship,
as you counseled.


I know how
you could make him suffer.


Why don't you leave him
and all the guards behind?

Here in the city
with the women and children.

Oh, he'll hate that.

More than hate,
it would humiliate him.

No heroics, no medals.

His warrior pride
is his great weakness.

Am I to understand
this as an act of love?

It is.

I hereby bury his orders
to the front.

Poor little Cyrano...

and his
poor little friends.

Marie, some tea.

I'm afraid we are
out of tea, sir.

Leave us.

I like your tricks.

I wager
you know some more.

No, sir.

Oh, I think you do.

How can I leave you?

Maybe I won't.


I love you.

I love you.

It's a terrible shame,
but leave you must.

The battle
can't happen...

without the colonel.

I so admire
your bravery.

Yeah, I'm not brave.

I'm dutiful.
You are too modest.

It is you who will lead
the charge into battle.

I could not love a man
who hides from danger.

Do you love me?

I love the man
for whom I fear.

So I must go to w*r?


This is folly.

She said she wants to meet me,
so what's wrong with surprising her?

You're not prepared.

She loves me,
I don't need to prepare.

Why can't you relax?

Can you at least take a look at
these conversational witticisms?

No, thank you.

Memorize this now!

I'm going to
speak to her in my own words.

I strongly advise
against that.

And when the moment is right,
I'll take her in my arms.

There will be no moment
if you don't study these.

I'll be fine.

All your fancy words and phrases
are now a part of my vocabulary.

I'll simply repeat them.

No, wait, what is it?


That's it!
That's what I will do.

Off you go then.

I'm very grateful
for your help...

but, with extreme respect, I
don't think I need you anymore.

Very well.

Fly to Roxanne.

Dazzle her with your
transcendent words.


WO Can you imagine?


- "We don't write poems
-to be happy.

"We write
to discover meaning.

"We write to revenge loss
and explicate love...

"to miss nothing in the profound
hope that upon our deaths...

"we continue...

"to live in the words."



How did you know
I was here?

Which is not to say that I
flatter myself by thinking you are here to see me.

I heard about this...

Women's-only salon?

Yes. From a friend.

Is she here?

No, she's a man.

I mean, he is.

Will you come with me?

So we can talk?

Of course.

Isn't it beautiful?

Do you suffer
from vertigo?

No. But I don't
like heights.

There are some silences
that are comfortable...

and then there are some
that are freighted with tension.

What do you think
the nature of this one is?

I think it's
a bit of both.

I agree.

Talk to me.

I love you.


Sometimes raw, simple words are
the most potent deployment of language.

I love you.

The sheer surprise
of repetition.

But say some more.

What else?

I love you so much.

When you write, you say it in a
thousand different ways...

without ever resorting to those
three overused little words.

Which little words?

my dearest Christian...

speak to me
like you do in your letters.

You are an angel
to be adored.

My love is
so, so big...

it is absord.

I'm sorry?

You are
a beautiful flower.

May I smell your neck?

Or give it a peck
at this violet hour?

Neuvillette, sir.

Don't go!
Please wait.

My passion has
rendered me...

What is it?

No, but it does
begin with an "S."

Let me know when
you've found it.

And I am not a flower.

I need more.

I need more.

I need more.

I need more

I need more
I need more

Don't you dare
tell me you love me

I've heard that line before


That's the word.

That went well.

You spied on us?

I couldn't resist.

Help me.



You don't need me.

Talk of the blank space
behind the sun

Where you told me
you'd meet me when everyone's gone

Tell me that
nothing makes sense

But the sound of my voice
in your head

Even when
I'm nowhere around

Make love make sense
in the loveliest way

Infinite and simple
in an ink black sky

Turn me to water
like your letters do

Make me not know
whether to laugh or cry

I need more

I need more

I need waves of desire
to come over me

And teardrops
on the floor

-I feel like I've
been too long -with my thoughts anyway

I've cornered myself
in the loneliest place

I won't let you lose me
now that you've found me

You know what to say
so just say it now to me

I float through the hours
with everyone else

But I always only
think of you by myself

Tell me your secrets
Who are you in private?


When you can't sleep
tell me how you survive it

I need more

I need more

I need waves of desire
to come over me

And teardrops
on the floor

Help me. I beg you.

If I don't win her back,
I'll die.

Then you'd better
improve your regurgitation skills.

All right,
I need you.

I was an idiot to believe I
didn't. I apologize.

You need me?

Am I essential?
Of course.

Will you say my words without
pedantry, prevarication, or quibbling?

Just say yes.


Good. Follow me.

I need more

I need more

Don't you dare tell me
you love me

I've heard that line before

I've heard that line before

I need more

Right. Now, you stand there.

And I will be here.

And when she returns, I will
whisper what you must say to her.


I will feed you the words.

It's madness!
How can it possibly work?

Do not
ruin this again.



Who's there?

Speechless Christian.

I must talk to you.

I'd rather
read your letters.


Do you regret
what happened this evening?



That's your considered
explanation and apology?

I'm beginning to fear
you're just a weird young man...

who likes writing letters.

Maybe you don't even
love me.

Good night.


I could no more
stop loving you...

I could no more
stop loving you...

...than I could
stop the sun rising.

...than I can
stop the sun rising.


My cruel love has never stopped
growing in my soul...

From the day
it was born there.

...from the day
it was born.


If your love is cruel,
you should have k*lled it.

I tried.

-It has the strength of Hercules. I tried.
-It has the strength of...



Got anything better?

Do continue. Please.

Roxanne, my love for you
is so powerful...

Roxanne, my love for you
is so powerful... has strangled
the two serpents... has strangled
the two serpents...

pride and doubt.

Why do you speak
so haltingly?

This is impossible.

No, it's working,
keep going.

Are you going to
answer my question?

My speech seems halting...

because in this darkness my
words must stumble to your ear.

What are you doing?

My words have no such

Your words fall,
mine must climb.

Then perhaps
I should come down to you.


Why not?

I like this way
of talking.

I like being invisible
to each other.

I cannot be stunned into silence
by your beauty.

Here in this awkwardness, I am
free at last to speak from my heart.

Why is your voice
an octave lower?

I'm daring
to be myself.

Why would you fear
to be yourself?

To be laughed at.

For what?

For having
too much emotion.

I do not look...

Speak as I feel.

The way I feel is like

Falling stars

Diving into
cold ocean waves

Words can only
get me so far

But they cannot describe

The way that it hurts

'Cause every time
I see you

I am overcome

I try to tell you

Tell you
how much I need you

But I turn and run

Your letters to me
are like music

They're just a mask in a
lonely coward's game

What is it
you're so afraid of losing?

-That I might lose everything
-if I lose the pain

- 'Cause every time
-I see you

I am overcome

It'd make you laugh to
think someone like me

Could keep someone like you

Look what I've become

You wore your hair down
one time last spring

In the chapel

Your lips painted red

I remember the day

We hadn't met yet

How could you possibly
remember that?

You watched me then

Why didn't you say

'Cause every time I see you

I am overcome

I try to tell you

Tell you how much
I need you, too

But look what I've become

Nothing feels real anymore
when you're not around me

Even the sky looks like
it's behind glass

Hearing your voice now

I can see everything clearly

I can see that you really
are my love at last

But, oh, Roxanne

I'm right here, love

Words fail me

Please come to me

I try, but I can't

This is real love

Dare to believe
you'd have me

I have no doubt

I know that
you're the one now

You don't know anything

I know that it's you

Roxanne, if this was true

Just tell me
what you need now

Then I'd need for nothing

Just tell me what to do

Give me a kiss.


Yes, I asked for a kiss,
but I was too bold!

You don't insist?


Be quiet.

You were speaking of a kiss.

Yes, what is a kiss?

Surely, you know.

I meant metaphorically.

Is it a vow, a promise...

a confession...

a secret...

a moment of eternity...

a communion,
a heartbeat?

No more metaphors.

Come claim your kiss.


Go to her.

It seems wrong now.

She wants you.

Which house belongs
to Miss Roxanne?

Who wants to know?

I have a letter for her.
From whom?

It's confidential
and urgent.

Miss Roxanne...

the noble Duke de Guiche asked
me in specific, as it is a holy matter...

to bring that letter
directly to you.

- My dearest, I have sent a holy man to you
-with a choice.

You have declared
your love for me...

and I can no longer wait
to enjoy your treasures.

I'm on my way to you.

If you keep the priest there,
I will marry you.

If you send him away...

we shall consummate our love
without the bonds of vows.

Your choice.

Either way...

I will possess you tonight.

All well?

Miss Roxanne,
what does it say?

This letter is delivered into
your hands by a saintly...

and extremely discreet priest.

Inform him...


...that it is
the Cardinal's will...

that he give the blessing
of holy matrimony...

in secret and without delay
in your home...

to you...

and Christian Neuvillette.


I told you it was a holy
matter from a worthy lord.

Is this okay with you, my love?
Nothing could make me happier.

It says we must hurry.



De Guiche is
on his way here.

Then you will delay him.

Thank you.

Thank you.
I could not be happier.

You don't know
what you're in for.

I deserve a little kindness

I deserve my due respect

I deserve to be beloved

Just like everybody else

I deserve my place in heaven

I deserve an equal share

I deserve my rightful cut

Of everything everywhere

God, Roxanne

Am I asking for too much?

Why should I have to beg
for what everybody wants?

Take me right now

I don't care
if I have your love

I'll have no fear

Nothing's even
nothing's fair

Roxanne, I didn't
ask to be here

I'll pick the lock
I'll draw the knife

I'll climb the wall
I'll crash the gate

'Cause I deserve
a happy life

Whatever I'm not given
I'll take

"Love is patient.

God, Roxanne...
"Love is kind. I asking...
"It does not envy.

-...for too much? "It
does not boast. -It is not proud."

Why should I have to beg
for what everybody wants?

"It keeps no record of wrongs.

"In sickness and in health,
until death do you part."

I do.


"do you take Christian
for your lawful husband...

"to have and to hold
from this day forward?"

I deserve a little kindness

I deserve my due respect

-I deserve to be
beloved ...receive this ring -as a sign of my love...

Just like everybody else
...and fidelity.

God gave me
the life I'm living

You better make no mistake

I deserve to be forgiven

Whatever I'm not given

I'll take

Do you know
what's happened in there?

The slut.

She's married a guard.

She's insane.

I'm through with love.

Does one nothing but harm.

I'm going back in there.


You, get out of here.

You, I don't want to
see your face.


Your regiment leaves
for the w*r tonight.

You are to depart for the front
at once and deliver these orders immediately.

You promised the guards
would not be sent to the front.


Say goodbye
to your husband.

Do you mean to
make me a widow?

Only God knows.




Come, Christian. We must go.

Roxanne, I love you,
and I will return to you.



Promise me
he will not be cold or hungry.

I can't promise that.

Promise me
he will be faithful.

Of course he will,
but I cannot promise you.

Promise me...

he will write.

That I can promise you.

- How is it I feel
-you closer to me

Now that the world's
between us?

What I wouldn't do just to
get some sleep

But we're taking fire
But we're taking fire

There are some things that
my mind can't do

The machine takes over
The machine takes over

I'd k*ll the world to get
back home to you

But I'm getting tired
But I'm getting tired

If I close my eyes maybe
I'll see you there

One more time

And I will
give you my word

I'm so afraid you won't
believe it

And if I told you
all I've done

I know it'd make you cry

So I will close my eyes
And let the falling skies

Lay down between us
Lay down between us

I will close my eyes
And let the falling skies

Lay down between us
Lay down between us

Friendly coming through.


Every morning,
they sh**t.

And every morning,
they miss.

And one morning,
they'll get lucky.

You're risking your life
to send a letter.

I promised her
he would write.

It's a su1c1de mission.

Those orders from the King
command me to decide...

which of my units
must perish.

Do I send
the most expendable?

Where are you going?

To write a letter.

Or the bravest?

The guards.

Make out the orders...

to Captain Le Bret

We'll let God
decide the rest.

I take no pleasure
in this.

I serve my King.

Not my spite.

Form break.

Present arms.
Platoons! Get ready.

Platoon commanders,
steady your men!

Form line!

This child has delivered our
orders from the King.

These are from de Guiche.

In service of the King.

We've been holding this
godforsaken rock for months.

On the King's orders.

And now we have the noble
distinction of being chosen to mount an attack.

De Guiche wants me dead.

The odds are against us.

I'd rather die down there

than starve up here waiting.

Then ready yourself.

Form line!

Captain, steady your men!

Collect the letters.

I have a wife

I haven't seen

Since lilacs bloomed
in Saint-Hippolyte

She always wears them

In her hair

And she lets them fall down

I can see her
in the glowing light

Dressing without a sound

I promised
I'd be home all right

But I gotta
lay this body down

So take this letter

To my wife

And tell her that
I loved my life

And tell my boys

The Lord, he found me

When I say
their names out loud

They're all around me

And tell 'em

Not to cry at all


Is wherever I fall

I have a girl

I think I love her

I should have told her

Instead I told her mother

I gave her chocolates

I bought a ring

But I never told her

But I can see her
in every detail now

Turning in my mind

I barely knew
that girl at all

But I will love her till
the end of time

So take this letter

To my girl

Tell her that I saw
the whole world

Say that right before I fell

I said her name out loud


And tell her

Not to cry at all


Is wherever I fall

I have a father

He isn't well

He thinks he might be
going to hell

He was a sinner

He liked to fight

So I don't know
he might be right

I can see him
every Sunday morning

Diving into the fray

He wasn't
one of God's best men

But I loved him anyway

So take this letter

To him, please

And tell him I can't wait
to see him

I went in first

I rang the bell

I called his name out loud
and I gave 'em hell

So tell him

Not to cry at all


Is wherever I fall

Tell 'em

Not to cry at all


Is wherever I fall

Tell 'em


Not to cry at all
I know.

I wish I could
write her one last letter.

You have.

Let me see.

Is wherever I fall

No need.

Of course
there's a need.

What's this?



It's a tear stain.

Is it? That's odd.

We poets sometimes are so moved
by our own creations that we...

It's poetic empathy.

You cried
writing this letter?

Yes. I cannot
bear not to see her again.

We will never
see her again.

You, her beloved husband, might
die and never see her again.

That is the tear stain.

You're in love
with her.


You've gone mad.
You're starving.

Deny it then.

Do you love her?

It's too simple.

I knew it.

But I didn't...

I didn't dare
let myself believe it.

I feel sick.

You've always loved her.
I will deny it.

You can't deny it.
You can't even hide it.

Christian, listen to me.

If I should die and you should
live, and she mentions the letters...

do not be surprised...
At what?

If she mentions
their volume.

You've written to her
more often than you know.

How often?
Often enough.

Twice a week?

Three times a week?
More than that.

Four? Five?

Every day?
Yes, every day.

She doesn't love me.

Of course she does.

In her most recent letter,
she said she loves me...

because of my soul.

What could be
more loving?

You are my soul!

We have to
tell her the truth...

and you must
confess your love.

The world will never
accept a midget...

and a tall
beautiful woman.

Never mind the world.
What about Roxanne?

She's got a huge heart.

In the same letter, she
reassured me that she'd still love me...

even if I return
from this hell a broken man...

d*sfigured and
body destroyed.

She said that?

Don't believe her.

Don't doubt her.

Take your positions!

We have betrayed her.

We can never tell her.
It'll break her heart.

We have to tell her.

It's our moral...

Our moral...


See you on the other side!

We must let her
decide our fate.

One of us,
none of us...

She must have
the choice.

Form the line!

And I'm certain
she'll choose you.

She's already
chosen you.

Love at first sight.
She married you.

She doesn't love me.
She doesn't even know me.

She doesn't
love me either.

I think she does.

And I would prefer to be loved
for my true self or not at all.

Get ready!



Tell 'em

See you on the other side!

Not to cry at all


Is wherever I fall

Soldier, back in line!

Tell 'em


Not to cry at all
Christian! No!


Is wherever I fall

You will live.

You will live for Roxanne
who loves you.

Tell her everything.





Forward! Forward! Forward!

Tell 'em

Not to cry at all


Is wherever I fall

Tell 'em

Not to cry at all

Make ready! And fire!

Is wherever I fall

Tell 'em

Not to cry at all



Is wherever I fall

Sister Claire, must I remind
you, you have accepted a life without mirrors?

Stop admiring yourself...

or I will be forced
to tell Cyrano.

Oh, no.
He'll make such fun of me.

And promise me you will stop
trying to convert him.

He's been coming here every
Saturday for as long as I can remember.

Why does he
not believe?

Miss Roxanne
is his faith.

His weekly visits
are his service.

It saddens me
he won't see heaven.

I'm sure the Lord
has a plan for him.

You should worry about
his remaining time on Earth.

Get him to eat.

He always says
he's not hungry.

He says,
"I ate good meat yesterday."

It's not true.

He's too proud
to admit he can't afford it.

He's starving.

Insist he eats with us
this evening.

Yes, Mother.

He'll be here at six o'clock to
bring her the news.

Dear Roxanne...

Dear Roxanne. many times have I
sat by your side and wanted to tell you?

Dear Roxanne.

Almost told you?

Dear Roxanne.

There is nothing
so dangerous and sweet...

to keep as
a secret like this.

I have sublimated.

Tell her. Tell her.

How many letters
have I written...

Tell her.

Trying to spell it out plainly.




Without art.


Tell her the truth.

You. Always you.

You. You.

I love you.
I've always loved you.

Tell her. Tell her.

I will die loving you,
and you will never know.

Tell her.

He'll be here.

He's always on time.

Going somewhere?

You're late.

I was delayed.

By what?

An untimely visitor.

You sent him away?

I fear I only
put him off for a short while.

Well, he will
have to wait...

because I will not
let you leave before nightfall.

You've cut yourself.

A scratch, really.

Aren't you going to
tease Sister Claire?

She waits for it
all week, you know.

Sister Claire,
you have such lovely eyes.

Why do you keep them
cast down?

I ate good meat

When you're ready,
come to the dining hall.

Then I'll give you
a big bowl of soup.


I think Sister Claire
is trying to convert you.

I am not.

Mother warned me off.

Sister Claire.

Tonight, I will let you
pray for me.

I have not waited
for your permission.

Do you remember
the day we first met?


It was early morning
in early June.

I'd come to borrow a book
from your father.

We found you curled up on the
floor in the library in the dawn light...

a tome for a pillow.

You were reading
the very book that I'd come for.

I refused to give it up.

Your youth
made it forgivable.

I hadn't finished
reading it.

I didn't mind.

You said you'd give it to me
when you had.

And I did.

It was as if
we'd always known each other.

And now we have.

They say light
is the soul of a holy space.

It's designed
to be enough.

Enough beauty...

to just let go.

Are you melancholy?



Do you have
my daily paper?

Yes, I do.


Last Saturday, the 19th,
I saw you.

And then a week passed in which
nothing important happened...

and now here
I am again.

All right.

The news.

On Saturday, the head of state
ate too many prunes...

and he took to his bed
with a fever.

He was ex*cuted by his

and now he is feeling
much better.

There was a ball
on Sunday...

and 762 wax candles
were burned...


On Monday, our troops were
reported to have beaten everyone...


On Tuesday, a tiny little dog
had to be given a very large enema.

On Wednesday, nothing.

On Thursday...

someone somewhere,
who isn't us, took a new lover.

On Friday...

I was the queen...

of almost.


Today, I...



Shall we get you
that soup?

Not yet.

Not yet.

Oh, my dear.

What is to be done?

Just my old wound
from the w*r.

Damn that w*r.

You told me one day you would
let me read Christian's last letter.



Thank you.

"Farewell, Roxanne...

"I believe this will be
my last day, my beloved.

"My soul is heavy
with unexpressed love.

"Fullness of heart
cannot be recorded.

"It will not live on
in my bones when I am gone.

"It will not be buried
in my grave.

"The exact measure of my love
cannot be given to you...

"in words to outlast
my last breath.

"No matter how I wish it,
for I am dust.

"And dust to dust...

"I'm going to die today,
my love."

You are not reading.

You are remembering.

It was you.

No, Roxanne.

Make your confession.
No, Roxanne.

The letters.

The words.

The voice in the night
below my balcony.

All of it. You.

I married him that night
because of your words.

You married him,
not my words.

Why are you denying it?

Because I do not love you,
my love.

Yes, you do.
Christian loved you.

You wrote that letter.

That tear is yours.
The blood is his!

Why tell me now? Why?

I believe this will be
my last day.




No, Cyrano

I won't let you go

How can you not see?

I'm alone, Cyrano

I've nowhere to go

You have to stay with me

Oh, Roxanne

I don't understand

The one you love's not here

I buried that man

With my very own hands

Long ago
in a blackberry field

- Have you ever wanted

So badly you cannot breathe

Have you ever
loved someone


It's okay, Roxanne

I've known what I am

From the second
your eyes held mine

Ever since then

I've been a patient man

Patient with desire

I know, Cyrano

I know who you are

Love, I feel the same

So, no, Cyrano

I won't let you go

Love's a painful
painful game

You love me.


And I will not
lose you twice.

-Have you ever wanted
something -Wanted something

So badly you cannot breathe

Have you ever loved someone


It's you I love.

You loved the words.



I love Cyrano.

Cyrano is my love.

I have always
loved Cyrano.

And I loved...

my pride.


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