Underground w*r, The (2021)

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Underground w*r, The (2021)

Post by bunniefuu »

Maintenance Team 3

The specified area has been reached

For maintenance

Please report any damage found

Why is the valve broken again

It was fixed the other day

Found thermostatic pipe No. 42.

The valve is damaged

It is being replaced.

Tell rose we're done

How are things going over there

All going well and moving on

If we want to survive

we have to get the medicine

Be quick and agile, everyone

Pack it all up

One team is responsible for supplies

the other teams organize defense

Hurry up here

Here comes Kuroba

Get the drug sample and quickly evacuate

Everyone has to stick to the passageway

to buy time for the evacuation

Get some more fences.

Speed up

antitank grenade

The rest of you get on top



Don't be afraid

We'll be fine


Unprecedented solar storms erupt

and the flow of particles ravages the earth

Under the action of strong

radiation and high temperature

The surface became scorched soil

Mankind suffered the

greatest catastrophe in histor

Survivors were forced to sleep underground

waiting for the earth to

recover in the long night

Start the wake-up program

Fang Yi, captain of the C40 guarantee,

has been dormant for 788 days



Two years is not enough for you to sleep

You look so bad

I would rather

never wake up

Cover me


The shield is losing its hold

help! Ask for help

Base 825 has fallen

Request support

Base 825 has fallen

Request support

Hello, C40 long Night team

This is the highest command authority

of the long Night Plan

artificial Intelligence

long Night Light

According to the provisions of

Article 2 of the third paragraph

of the dormant Security rotation Agreement

in the long Night Plan

To wake you up urgently

requires you to fulfill your obligations

Go ahead

What's the tricky thing again

The goal of this mission

is to infiltrate and destroy

the experimental facilities

in the 825 secret refuge

five kilometers away

through the underground secret tunnel

the 825 refuge

How come I've never heard of it

Shelter 825

is a genetic drug research center

established for the black feather project

which has been kept confidential

Isn't there a long night team on duty

The duty team has completely lost contact

Why destroy this sanctuary

Four hours ago, the 825 shelter was invaded

by the black feather club

and the team on duty

had completely lost contact

The experimental dr*gs

and research materials

could not be left to the black feather club

and had to be completely destroyed.

How to destroy the entire base

and what about survivors

There is no possibility of survivors

You need to enter the central control room

to initiate the self-destruct sequence.

Kuroha has made sufficient preparations

As you can see

there are only six of me

The most important thing for me

is that my team members can live safely

Why can't we start

the remote self-destruct program

No permission

No permission

Is there anything you can't control

Two hours later

There will be another long-night team

Feint 825 refuge

the main enemy will withdraw temporarily

There is not much time left for you

so set out immediately when you are ready

Get ready to go to work

Where is the medicine for Kuroha's disease

I don't understand

what you're talking about

Where is TG927

Who told you to sh**t

I think he is useless

It's up to me

Mind your own business

Find this girl

and bring her back alive

If you want to live

find the medicine right away

Find this girl


Zhuo Ya, don't look

Didn't the night light

take over the underground city completely


actuallythere are places

beyond its jurisdiction

let us run so far to carry out the mission

It's better to walk than to k*ll you

Do whatever you are told to do


don't you think

the reaction of the

long night light just now

is a bit strange

This mission

is related to the failure

of the black plume project

After the long night light

took over the underground city

no one ever mentioned the Kuroha plan again

about this sanctuary

We know nothing

The people in Kuroha Club

usually leave as soon as

they grab some supplies

This time

they k*ll all the original teams over there

There must have been

a premeditation here

Isn't that dangerous

No matter how dangerous the job is

you have to do it


there is no place for

your dormancy warehouse

You can go back if you want to quit.

There's a bunch of people in the back

waiting for your position.

I just want to live

If you want to live

you have to get the job done

Don't move



now that we have discovered

the booby trap in Kuroha

it means we are almost there

Get ready to work, everyone

Brothers, no one will die in vain.


we haven't heard from the girl yet.

Keep looking

Aren't we looking for medicine this time

What does it have to do with this girl

Since Dr. Chen committed su1c1de

some people have been engaged in

the research of the Kuroha experiment plan

The girl in the photo

is Dr. Chen's student

Her name is Enron

and she is the only one

who participated in the

Kuroha experiment plan

If we find her

we will find the medicine.

So the girl has the potion

As long as we find the

girl, we can be saved

We have to find her

come on


We were att*cked in the No. 5 area

Our team was att*cked

Yes, sector five was att*cked

faster than expected


The game begins

Searching area five

Zhuo Ya

This thing is very important

You must hide it

If someone finds you

and wants to take it

you destroy it



come on

Team C40

has arrived at the designated position

In order to assist your actions

Team Feint has been dispatched

to attack sector 5.

The main force of Kuroha

has been transferred

you must resolve the battle

before the enemy retreats.

According to the calculation

you only have 15 minutes

for the mission.


There are twelve enemies

in the central control room

a little more than previously expected

Liu Huo, Genna

sh**t under cover from above

Genna is in charge of the starting line-up

k*lling the guard at the door.

Leon and I will take the left


You and Duan Yishan

take charge of the right side.

Whether the enemy is down or not,

never forget

to reload on the enemy's vital areas.

Got it all?


Check the watch

check the weapons

and leave in three minutes

Your stuff

can only block p*stol b*ll*ts

They all use a*t*matic r*fles.

It's useless,


don't hold me back

Whether it works or not

it's better than nothing



Duan Yishan

You log in system

Settings self-destruct program

The rest of you are on alert

and ready to evacuate

C40 team calls long night light

self-destruct program has been set up

The countdown begins in one hour


Mission accomplished

We can evacuate.



It's not our job

It's gonna get us k*lled.

The Long Night Light

says there are no survivors

It seems to be miscalculated.

This is Fang Yi, captain of the C40 team

Please identify yourself

I'm the director of

the A7 lab in Sanctuary 825


how are you

Can you walk by yourself

Take her

We'll evacuate.

Wait a minute

We can't leave

We have to go

The self-destruct device has been activated

and this place will be in ruins

in an hour

Did the long night light

send you to destroy this place

I don't need to report to you

Please get out of the way


Put down the g*n

Do you know what you're doing

I just want you

to hear me out

Next time, raise your g*n

when you are fully confident

Since you are here

you should know that

this is a drug research center

for Kuroha

The results of our research

are a matter of fate for all


Then I'll tell you that

the Kuroha project has failed

People who have been injected with dr*gs

can live under the

surface of high radiation

but their life span will

be greatly shortened

Like the people of Kuroha Society

this study is meaningless

The failure of the Kuroha project

was caused by the long night light

and now we have

new research results

The new drug won't have any side effects

Humans have a chance to end dormancy

and return to the ground.

I don't believe it

This can't

be true

Otherwise, why would Kuroha

bother to come here

I hid my medicine on a child

named Zhuoya

We must find her

and get the sample back

This is the hope of all mankind

Do you want to live

in the dark underground forever


our work has been finished

and now we should immediately withdraw

to the ground

and end the dormancy

Long Night Light won't agree

We'll lose support

It's too risky to do so

It's just a program

We're people

If we don't obey orders

everyone will lose their dormancy rights

and we may all die here

What is most important to us

in life

is not a dark underground city

not a cold dormant warehouse

but our family


and friends

What's the point of

living alone

in this world

I will do it

as long as there is a little hope

of saving mankind

Your job is done

Liu Huo

took everyone to evacuate

and Enron and I went to save people

I'm not leaving

I'll follow the captain

I order

team C40

to take on a new mission

to find and rescue Zhuoya

get the medicine and evacuate safely

Temporarily cut off contact

with the long night light

we switch to

individual communicator

Where is Zhuoya now

In the warehouse in District 15

let's go




Why don't you sh**t him again




stop the bleeding


I'm dying

Brother, hold on



Leon, answer me

answer me



hold on

hold on

You're gonna be okay.

I'm going home







the enemy is coming

We have to go

Captain, we have to go

I see

I ordered us

to evacuate

The attack just now

was to attract our attention

there has been a long

night light team sneaked in

I underestimated the long night light

It has completely controlled human beings

Their purpose is the same as ours

They can't leave alive.

Take cover!

Duan Yishan

find a way to get us out!

Be quick!



We can follow the direction of 9 o'clock.

There was a detour.

All right, I got it.

Mike, Liu Huo, Gina

You pin down them and hold the position.

We have to go find someone.



Duan Yishan, you go first.

Come on.

Let ' s go.


Zhuo Ya

Zhuo Ya

Zhuo Ya

Zhuo Ya

Oh no, she must be in trouble!

Hold on.

Don't worry

Kuroba is still looking for.

I don't think she has been found yet.


There are a lot of enemies.

They are coming our way.


we don't have much time.

We have arrived at the reservation area.

Conduct a search.

No target found.


No target found!

They had more than one team.

Our guys in A area were taken out.

They are only buying time.

Stuff in the A section.


find them.



It's better for me

to do this kind of brainstorming.


But remember

I want to see the live ones.

I can see that.

I totally understand.

C40 team member Liu Huo,

please receive new mission.

I finally found you.

If we continue to do this,

aimlessly looking,

it must be too late to retreat.

I think she ought to be scared,

You try to think more carefully

where would she go at this time.

There is definitely a place she goes

when she is most frightened.

Until this shelter was abandoned,

she and her father,

had been living here.

So where is her father?

He k*lled himself.

The failure of the Kuroba project

dealt a big hit to the teacher.

He has paid everything for this plan.

Duan Yishan

I know,

you are talking about Dr. Chen.

Duan Yishan

Xiao Ya!

Don't take the shot.

Xiao Ya!

Drop the g*n.

Let's just talk about it.

Chill out.

You bastard, set the child free.

How can you kidnap a child!

Oh, don't sh**t.

I told you drop the g*n.

Hey, wait a minute.

I can put the g*n down.

You just let the kid go.

She's innocent.

Don't try to trick me.

You put the g*n on the ground right now.

Or I'll k*ll her right now!

Xiao Ya

OK, I drop the g*n.


kick it over.

Very well.


do me a favor,

tie him up,


Just do what he says.

Come on,

tie it tighter.


You know very clearly

what I want.

Just bring me the stuff,

at least,

this kid will survive.


you can think of

what a pity it would be.

You bastard,

I'm the only one who can

tell you where the stuff is.

Let Xiao Ya out of here.

Shut up.

Lily died,

Xiao Ya has no friends,

present you a new friend,

his name is Jimmy.

Don't worry.

Where is the stuff I gave you?

Black Wolf has cut off communication.

We are unable to contact him.

I had given him a chance.

Well, let's go.

Now that Zhuoya has injected the medicine,

we must be hurry

and get her to a safe place

so we can get a sample from her blood.

Let's go.


there are just,

less than twenty minutes left,

and at the speed we're going,

we can't escape the blast.

Try to think of

what eles you can do

by transient high voltage,

overloading the computer

temporarily disabling the system,

which could buy us some time.

Mike, Liu huo,

you hold the position.


you go to the central

control room right away,

and Duan Yishan will show you how to do it.


I'll cover you.

Let's go.


I'm now here,

what should I do?

Open the shield under the control panel,

the third layer.

The third layer is the

electromagnetic control switch.

Turn off 4 to 7 circuits first

and pull out the bottom row of power.

There is one red lever next to it,

pull down it.

We're in safe for now.

All hands.

Assemble at the rendezvous point

and prepare to pull out.

Let's go.

Are you all right, sister?

It's fine.

Are you thirsty?

You two better drink some water,

come on.

The meeting point is just ahead,

so hold on a moment longer.


this time,

will the Long Night Light punish us?

We did nothing wrong.

Do you guys still believe

in the Long Night Light?

The collapse of the

Kuroha Project back then

was due to

the awakening of the Long

Night Light's self-awareness.

They wanted to control the whole human race

to change the drug formula,

which led to the failure of the experiment,

thus Zhuo Ya's father k*lling himself.

No wonder the Long Night Light

trying to ruin everything here.

As long as Zhuo ya is brought back,

it is equivalent to,

the success of the Kuroha plan.

We can completely take over

all permissions of Long Night Light.

That means

anyone who gets a sample of the drug gets,

who gets

the control of the Long Night Light.

Self-destruct program reboot.

Did something happen to Gina?

What you asked me to do,

I did.

But my mom,

the time she was dormant,

must be extended.

Requests can be accepted

But one more task has to be completed.

k*ll all the people,

including your squad members.


We are too late.

I know that.

Our pressing task now is

to find a place with a complex structure

and try to find a way to survive.


take cover.

Duan Yishan

Duan Yishan

Duan Yishan

return my belongings to me.


Zhuo Ya

Are you hurt?

C40 squad.

Does anyone hear me

C40 squad.

Does anyone hear me

Zhuo Ya

look here.

Take this,

follow the red arrow above

and it will take you out.


are you abandoning me

Zhuo Ya

When my dad left me back then,

he had the same look on his face.

I don't want to go alone.


Can anybody hear me?


Can anybody hear me?

Enron, is that you?

How are you doing?

I'm fine.

This area is blocked off.

Where's Zhuo Ya?

Sister Enron, I'm fine.

She is beside me,

is safe

and not injured.

I will send a scout robot,

which will show you directions.

What about you?

You take Zhuo Ya,

go straight underground,

and you'll get to the

Long Night team's outpost.

You have to stay here by yourself.

I'm injured,

so I can't take you out.

Fang Yi,

you said that as long

as there is a ray of hope,

you will do it.

It's not time to get desperate.

I can't mess up for you.

Do you know

we're all going out together.

I'm sorry.

I can't protect you anymore.

Fang Yi

Fang Yi

no matter what you think,

Only by getting Zhuo Ya out of here

will all of our sacrifices be worthwhile,

Do you understand?


We have all lost our loved ones,

but that is why

we have all the greater reason

to live well for them.

I will never abandon anyone.

You wait for me.


can't we go out?

But I had promised my father that

I would stay alive.

Stay alive.


I'll go through the

collapse area and join you.

We'll find you and help

you treat your wounds,

and we'll take Zhuo Ya away with us.

Zhuo Ya

I'll get you out of here now



there's someone up ahead.

Look around you,

do you have any weapons to defend yourself?

What should we do now

It is your only way out,

and you have to find a

way to get through here.

Take a look,

there's a button on the grip,

press it,

and see whether there's a b*llet.


Then push up the grip,

above the grip is the sleeve,

and pull it.

Now this g*n

is already in an excited state.

We don't have time to train aiming.


Don't panic!

Grip the g*n with your hands

and lightly snap the trigger.

When you are sh**ting,

get as close to your target as possible.

But how do I approach the target?

Give me a second.

On that dead body just now,

there should be a night vision device.

You need to find this electric switch.

I'll use the scout droid to distract them,

and you pull down the switch.

It's the only chance.


are you okay?


what happened to you?

Are you all right, sister?

I'm OK.

Enron, we really need to hurry.

Follow the red arrows

on the manned display

we'll meet at the rendezvous point.



where are you?



We just want to stay alive.

Why are you forcing us?

That's not a reason

for you to k*ll someone.

The things I want

are supposed to be ours,

you have no right to judge me.

For the sake of the Kuroha Project,

we volunteered to be sacrificial victims.

And now I'm being like trash

and kicked away by you guys.

That's not true.

The drug has been developed.

It is in the blood of the little girl.


You are the same as the Long Night Light,

full of lies.

I just want to get back my belongings.

You can't win.


I have saved you once again.

Liu Huo

you are still alive,

have you seen Enron?

Liu Huo what are you doing?

What the hell are you doing?

I'm carrying out the commands

of the Long Night Light.

What can the Long Night

Light really do for you?


as you said,

family is most important.

You lost your family,

but I still have.

The only thing that can keep them alive

is the light of the long night.

It lets me

k*ll everyone here,

but I don't want to.


Just hand over the little girl,

hand her over,

then we can go back together.

Liu Huo

I tell you,

you were fooled by it.

The Long Night Project

to the Kuroha Warriors

is all a conspiracy.

All of them are trying to control us.

Now we have the dr*gs

to get back on the ground.

We have the best chance to change all this.


Since you are so stubborn,

I will k*ll you first,

and then,

I will go find the little girl by myself.

Are you all right?

I'm fine

Sister Enron

Are you okay?

Don't worry.

Live on for us.
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