Outlaws, The (2024)

Westerns Movie Collection.
(Revisionist, Spagetti, Outlaw, Empire, Marshal)

Moderator: Maskath3

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Outlaws, The (2024)

Post by bunniefuu »

"Go west," they said.

Boy, you wanna break

your fingers pulling that


Come on, son.

Don't be stupid like your daddy.

Stories and legends made

the Old West what it was.

We all idolize the mythic


that tamed this country,

the lawmakers, the gunfighters.

But there are no heroes

in this story.

Thirty years later, the

year was 1882.

Jesse James was dead,

and Wyatt Earp was on

his vendetta ride

to avenge his brother, Morgan,

k*lled in Tombstone.

And Wild Bill Higgins...

...the other and lesser-known

Wild Bill...

...was about to rob a train.

Let's go.

The hell you doing over there,

you weaselly bastard?

-Nothing, just checking my


-We got work to do.

-Come on, move your ass!

-Alright, goddammit.

Come on, help me with this log.

Alright, let's get on it now,

my friend.

Lift with your good leg.

The train carrying gold coins

for the Northern Pacific Railway

left the town of Harmony

just after noon.

g*dd*mn pagan...

Now that there

has got to be a world record.

-Get your weapons.

-Yes, sir!

-Keep it together, Boone.

-This ain't my first rodeo,


-Ain't mine either.

-Silence your bickering.

Get in position now, eyes up.

Hear that purr, boys?

She sure is coming!

Fire at will!

Ladies and gentlemen,

there is absolutely

nothing to fear.

We'll take control of

this situation,

and we'll be moving

forward momentarily.

Nobody, and I mean nobody,

is going to get hurt on my


Y'all are safe.

Just keep low

and stay away from the windows.

We got some of the best marshals

in this state on this train.

Them boys out there?

Them boys, whoo-ee!

They got another thing coming.

They won't know what hit 'em.

And by the time they

figure that out...

...it'll be too late.

And you're lucky. Very lucky.

You got the fastest g*n

in the west on this train.

I rode with the likes

of Wyatt Earp.

I chased down Jesse

James himself.

Oh yeah.

Y'all in good hands.

Especially you, darling.

Don't you worry now.

I'll protect you.

Right now,

I just need y'all not to panic.

I ain't your g*dd*mn darling.

Raise your pretty little hands

in the sky, ladies and


Keep 'em up!

Get to the safe, you two.

Come on JT, let's go!

-It's gonna be alright.

-Move your damn ass, JT!

-Come on!

-Don't try anything funny.

My name is William Higgins,

but y'all know me

by the name of Wild Bill.

Our business is with the


Pacific Railway and the


who continue to pollute

this once great land of ours.

We're at w*r.

My wish is for you good folk

to not be victims of it.

Now just stay down.

Do not try to be a hero.

-What the hell you do that for?

-Only pansies take prisoners,


And now you will see

why they call me Mr.

Fast Fingers.

Just open the safe

and fill her up.


-Give me that saddlebag, JT.

-Here you go, boss.

With the loot in the saddlebag,

Bill and his outlaws

quickly scattered into the


Up until this point,

the heist went accordingly.

The only thing

that Bill neglected to mention


what was to come.

This is not possible.

You f*cking...

Wake up you sons of b*tches!


Okay, okay...


Just me...

Goddammit, Boone, you bastard.

Little jumpy now, aren't we?

Could've k*lled you.

-You see any more of the posse?

-Naw, naw.

We lost 'em for sure when we


back on 'em back at the river.

They ain't gonna be chasing


but their own dirty tails

between their own dirty legs

all the way back up north.

It's best we get on to that

rendezvous point, my friend.

-Rende-who? What?

-It's a French word, JT.


-Why are you speaking French?

Rendezvous point, the point in


we're going to meet the others.

Why not just say that then?


Easy there on that trigger



Next time you wear

that awful thing.

-Nah. He's got the hair for it.

-That I do.

It making me tingle a little bit

down this side here.

Let's go.

Telling me what to do...

I wish I was

in the land of cotton

Old times there

are not forgotten

Look away, look away

Look away, Dixie Land

In Dixie Land where I was born


early on a frosty mornin'...

Tell me again why we had to

ditch the damn horses.

No need to concern yourself

about that, Mr. Tulsa.

Better the posse finds

the horses than they find us.

Well, I sure hope

that don't attract no Indians.

Indians? This here is

Indian territory?

Ain't no Indians here, you fool.

How, Mr. Tulsa's right.

And further down that trail

we'll be on Shasta territory

and that way leads us to

Redwood Creek.

Best to avoid any towns

after our little venture today.

-Wouldn't y'all say?

-I do hear you,

but it best we stay clear of

any Indian territory, too,

cause I do like my

beautiful locks

exactly where they lay.

You still with us, Mr. Tulsa?

Yeah, I am.

Ole Missus married

Will the Wheeler

William was a gay deceiver...

We do not touch it, Ms. Parker.

Oh, what?

Can't I come and

count it with you?

Get some wood for the fire.

Darkness approaches fast, and

the weather will get cool around


Yes, sir.

A dangerous place to be.

Bill understood the risk

he was taking,

hiding out in the woods

with a g*ng of outlaws

and a saddlebag

filled with their loot.

A prize either of them

would k*ll for.

Mr. Tulsa?

That should be enough

to hold you all over.

The equal share you all so


is in this saddlebag.

We will all get what we want.

But until that time,

it stays in the bag.

And when will that be? Tomorrow?

The day after tomorrow?

I didn't come all this way

just for this one f*cking coin.

And it may be tomorrow, Ms.


Tomorrow you'll get

your share...

once we meet up with Thomas.

Are you speaking Thomas,

as in the Bloody Tom himself,


He knows every way

through these mountains,

and he's bringing us

five fine horses to boot.

You just get me to him,

and you'll get your share.

That is not to your liking,

well, you are free to go back

the way you came

and deal with that posse.

As to what you all decide,

I do not care either way.

I'd rather have my

share right now.

Are you g*dd*mn deaf?

He just clearly stated

we'd be getting our fair shares

tomorrow, darling.

Call me darling again,

I f*cking dare you.

You sh**ting me?

You best mean it.

Otherwise, I'll be the one

to snatch your soul.


Give me my money!

Put the g*n down, Henriette.

Okay, Oklahoma,

so you're on their side now,


I ain't on nobody's side,

just put the g*n down.

Way past that point,

greenhorn peckerwood.

You call me greenhorn one more


I'll sh**t you in the good leg.

You can't sh**t the color out

the sky,

greenhorn peckerwood.


You will all relinquish

your firearms

right this second.

Go to hell, Bill.

Now, this would be an easy

and simple way to end the story.

But that ain't what happened.

You see, our story

is neither easy nor simple.

That should be enough

to hold you all over.

The equal share you all so


is in this saddlebag.

We will all get what we want.

Until that time, it

stays in the bag.

He sure do like that song,

don't he?

I figure Bill's fixing to

bullshit us out of our share.

-You think so?

-I know so.

Y'all is greedy sons of b*tches,

especially them Higgins boys.



-So what?

We wait for him to go to sleep,

and we take that bag,

and we hightail it out of here.

And what about that jackass, JT?

No, f*ck JT.

It's just you and me.

If that's what you wanna do.

Alright then, Belle.



You wanna paint my portrait?

Right now, you have two options:

You can help us, or

you can hang.

We know that you're planning on

robbing that train

with Wild Bill and his posse.

We don't care for the money.

We're after Bloody Tom.

We need him alive,

and you're going to bring him to


So, what's it going to be, John?

You gonna help us?

Or you gonna ride off in that

sunset with God by your side?

Night descended

upon this band of outlaws

as they waited for the arrival

of the man himself,

the infamous Bloody Tom.

Bloody Tom, aka Thomas Higgins,

the man that shaped Wild Bill,

William Higgins' father.

Oh, cr*pple, you sure do move


when you want to.

I hate them damn coyotes.

Sneaky little b*stards.

He will not come to the fire,

Mr. Collins.

If he does, we shall

scare him off.

Thank you, sir.

-So, Bill, I got a question for


-What is it Mr. Collins?

Sir, Bloody Tom...

Is he as nasty, as mean

as they all say he is?

-Dumb question.

-Didn't ask you shit.

If you've heard all the stories,

Mr. Collins,

then you already know

the answer to that question.

Then it is irrelevant as to

what I have to add.

I guess so.

Well he sure sounds

like one of the meanest,

cruelest sons of b*tches

there ever was.

He must not have a kind bone

in his whole body, huh?

If he ever did,

he broke them all a

long time ago.

At least you got a daddy.

Aww, sweetie pie,

did you come up

without no daddy?

My mother had many suitors,

and they all treated her

like a prized hog.

You remind me of one of them.

Was he the gentleman-type?

Hey, Oklahoma, you got

any more apples?

Gave the last ones

to the horses.

Greedy bastard.

f*ck your dumb apples.

Now, what I can go for...

...is some of my

signature beans.

I, Mr. Specialty, over here

with them baked beans.

Oh, see, I thought

your specialty

was picking locks and safes

and being an assh*le.

Honey, I'm a man

of many special talents,

and I bet you got

many special talents too.

Don't ya?

I bet you wanna look inside that


don't you, Oklahoma?


I wanna just run off with all of


How stupid do I look?

Pretty stupid.

And ya sound stupid, too.

And where in Oklahoma

did you say you was from,



It's in the name.

Who's stupid now?

Sure you are.

I have a hard time riding next


somebody I don't know two things


I don't know two things

about you either.

Why are you here?




Mr. Tulsa, if you will.

Son of a b*tch...

-Mr. Collins.

-Yes, sir.

Thank you, sir.

What happens if I got to piss?

I am sure

you will manage.


To put y'all at ease.


looks like we're all gonna get

real comfy now, aren't we?

How many men did they say

he k*lled on Slaughter Mountain?

It was fifty. I'm certain.

Nah, more like eighty.

Shit, could've been twenty

for all I care.

Well, twenty ain't

even impressive.

Who cares how many?

It don't even matter.

What matters is,

that man there,

he do got some serious balls.

I mean, he held off against a


battalion of Yankee coming down

on him.

And all his men were dying,

dead all around him?

I mean...

I tell you what,

that there, he is the real deal.

Ain't y'all proud to be riding

with the likes of such a hero?

Not so funny now, are you,


Mr. Wild f*cking Bill!

Mr. f*cking w*r Hero.

f*ck you.

It be so easy for men like you

to make your jokes,

snide remarks about the w*r.

You did not see

the battles we fought,

and you did not see the good,

strong men dying in the mud,

crying for their mothers.

We fought for their homes.

And what did you do Smith?

Get drunk and make

snide remarks like a fool.

And what did that get you?

Y'all lost.

You ain't nothing but

a low-life dirty piece of gutter


The south ain't

gonna rise again.

g*dd*mn, you're pathetic.

Same as Thomas.

And I can't wait to see you two

shit yourselves

at the end of a f*cking rope.

It'll be a sight to see.

It'll be a fitting end.

Almost biblical.

What's that around your

neck there, huh?

It's nothing.

Hol' up.

It sure don't look like nothing.

Not with the way

you're twirling it and all.

Let it be, Boone.

Aww, look cr*pple,

he's shy.

I bet he's got a

picture up inside.

That ain't none of

your business.

Your lil' Tulsa girl there,


A lil' mud gal waiting

for you back home?

I bet she's purdy, ain't she JT?

I bet she looks like a real dog

if you don't wanna show us.

Them's just games is all,

you silly-willy.

You just scared I'm gonna sweep


clean off her feet, ain't you?

With them weakly

greenhorn arms you working with,

you could not expect to

keep a fair lady like that

in your stead.

You dumb peckerwood bastard,

you couldn't sweep the legs

off a deaf-blind mute.

All cripples need love too.

You don't think that I am purdy?

I think you look like...

...what I think

a shaved goat's ass looks like.

Do you know why I prefer

knives to g*ns?

Cause you got that chance

to get up nice, close,

and personal to your victims.

So one can almost see

that sparkle in their eye

right before you

snatch their life.

It's almost romantic.

Do you know why I like g*ns,


Cause I can sh**t your head

clean off your f*cking neck

before you even think

about that little knife.

I've k*lled men like you

my whole f*cking life.

You ain't shit.

And I'm better than

all of y'all.

Even Bloody Tom.

I ain't your little f*cking


or your darling,

so keep your hands off me

and your stinking f*cking breath

out of my face.

Do you understand me?

This table's feeling a

little irregular.

-You're a little light.

-Light my ass, sheriff.

If this table didn't seesaw

and it was balanced,

then you would have

the amount that you agreed to.

You're a cheating hog.

You're forgetting who

you're talking to.

Listen, this here

is what we agreed to.

I'm not bringing you any more.

Now if you'll excuse me,

I gotta get back to my whores.

You know, Henriette,

I've looked past a lot of

your dealings.

You wouldn't have those whores

or that house without me.

I don't mind it

cause you bring me money.

But my table has got

to be sturdy.

This town has got to be sturdy.

Now, if that's too

tough for you...

Maybe we can find

another arrangement.

f*cking bastard!

Hush now.

You think you're so tough.

Let me see if I can

make you scream like a lady...

Them's just games is all, Belle.


-No harm meant to be made.

No, no, no, not that one.

The good stuff, top-shelf.

Leave it.

You look like you're hurting,


You really wanting to get

to the end of that bottle, huh?

I guess I am.

Care to help me finish it,


Nah, nah, I'm good.

Where you from, son?



You sure as hell don't sound

like you're from Oklahoma.

Why? Are you from there

or something?

Relax, son.

I'm just asking a question is


Don't call me son. I'm

not your son.

You know, them

clothes you got...

They don't fit you.

My clothes fit me just fine,


That's not what I meant, son.

You see...

you're wearing the

clothes of an outlaw.

But you, see, you don't like it.

What did I say about calling me


You ain't my damn father.

Does it bring you satisfaction,


What you do.

It's gonna bring me

a hell of a lot of satisfaction

blowing your head off, preacher.

Easy now, boy.

Do you really want a dead

man of the cloth on your



Don't you wanna meet your maker?

Oh boy, you sure is funny, man.

Where you headed, son?

If you must know,

Northwest territories.

About a two days' ride.

With a couple fellas

and a dame of all things.

For a job?

You could say that.

See, I've been

waiting on this job

my whole damn life.

You have no idea how long.

You know...

a prospector came into

a saloon once,

much like this one here.

And he told the bartender

about all this gold he had


So, three men heard him

talking about that,

and they went up to find it,

and they did.

And boy...

When I tell you it was a whole

lot of

gold and this prospector wasn't


he sure wasn't lying,

it was a whole lot of gold.

So, two of the men

stayed behind to guard it

while one man went back into


to get a wagon to transport it.

And when he came back,

he had food and drink with him.


But you know what

the two of the men did to their


They stabbed him to death.

m*rder*d him, right

then and there.

Ain't even have the

decency to bury him.

And then they took the

food and whiskey,

and they thought that they was

going to

have themselves a lil'


And in their moment of victory,

they soon did realize

that their dead lil' friend

had poisoned all of them.

By the time

the three of them were found,

they were nothing but bones.

What happened to the gold?

Who knows.

Gold is gold.

This isn't possible.

You f*cking...

Wake up you sons of b*tches!

Good morning.


What the hell is this, Bill?

You tell me.

Upon opening the safe,

a prize from the train was


in this here saddlebag.

Checked it all

myself last night.

But now...

Well, it's nothing but

damn stinking rocks!

Dunk your head in the river,


And untie us too, Bill.

It ain't us.

As you know, I'm reasonable,


...I have a limit.

Bill, you are a reasonable man.

So be reasonable.

Who here would think to do this?

We all would've felt it

if someone was trying to

hoodwink us.

I just sure hope that your heavy


don't make you do nothing

stupid, Bill,

because I didn't

f*cking do this.

No one said you did,


And what about you?

What about me what?

All's I remember is how purdy

you look

under the moonlight.

What do you remember?

Nothing, Bill.

I swears to it.

I don't remember nothing.

-All I know is I did not do


-Where's your proof?

Where's your proof, Oklahoma?

Maybe we ought to start asking


where you're actually from

cause it sure as shit

ain't Oklahoma.

What do I have to

gain from this?

What do you have to gain?

The whole f*cking loot, you


Did your mama drop you on

your head or something, for


f*ck you, Boone.

Nah, ain't no judge,

ain't no jury.

If I had to call it,

I'd say Mr. Tulsa stole it.

-What about you?

-What about me?

My leg is busted,

which makes me slower

than molasses in January.

I would've been up

all night long

looking for rocks

to pack that saddlebag.

It's hard for me to

take you all at your word.

Our word's all we got, Bill.

The Belle of Colorado.

Silverton was your town,

before they ran you out.

Now, you rob men blind.

Hold up stagecoaches

and even commit m*rder.

What is there to say

that you did not do this?

As I recall, you had your eye

on that bag all night.

I just wanted to make sure

you weren't gonna run off with


And nobody ran me out

of Silverton.

She said it right there, Bill.

I've seen her, too,

this b*tch seen it all

and looking at it all night.

It's gotta be her,

it's gotta be.

Boone Collins.


Ace safe picker and

lock cr*cker.

A real cardplayer too, as well.

Money and attaining it

is your stock and trade.

And apparently beans.

Shut your f*cking mouth.

If I made those beans,

you'd be begging me for some,

you dumb f*ck, you.

What is there to say that you

did not saunter around

in the middle of the night

and are responsible

for our current predicament?

Despite your disability.

I do admit, sir,

I get along awful well

with my disability,

but I am not your man on this.

Now, you have

something of a reputation, Mr.


You may have certain skills

I needed to rob that train.

Even if I was second-guessing

bringing you along.

But perhaps you are a turncoat.

A turn what?

You think that I would cross

a man like you, Wild Bill?

A man who

single-handedly k*lled fifty men

at Slaughter's Mountain

during the w*r?

It was eighty men.

What do you have to say

happened to the Grady brothers?

The Grady brothers?

-That was you, Oklahoma?

-It weren't me.

I left them two after we

robbed the bank at Dodge City.

I don't know who shot them.

They were great friends of mine.


All good soldiers, too.

And once I found out

about the truth of their demise,

I have to say I've been keeping

a close eye on you.

Sure sounds like you got to keep

a close eye on this one here.

Hear, hear.

Your last partners

ended up dead.

Bad luck or...

something more malicious.

Just the way of the world,

I guess.

I agree with that, Mr. Tulsa.

However, you are either bad luck

or you are man who does not like

to split a share oh so many


And what about you, Bill?

What about myself, Mr. Tulsa?

Maybe we should be

pointing our fingers at you.

Maybe Bloody Tom rode here

in the middle of the night

while we were in a

drunken stupor,

and you helped him take out the


putting the rocks in there.

I think you've been

trying to hoodwink us.

g*dd*mn you!

It appears you've forgotten

who I am, Mr. Tulsa,

and what I have done.

And I will not have

my honor and actions questioned

by the likes of you,

g*dd*mn you.

Where's the prize

from the train?

-I don't know.

-Where is it?

I don't know!

But if I did,

it would be wise not to k*ll me.


Bill! Untie us, Bill!

Bill, you untie us right now!

For God's sake, Bill!

Untie us!

We're gonna die Bill, come on!

It was uncertain

who had the jump on them.

Was it the posse? Or

another g*ng?

Bill was frozen.

It was up to JT and Boone

to lay down covering fire.


Henriette's temperament

proved handy for once.

And I'm sure they were

all pleased she was on their


Oh Lord, why have you

abandoned me?

I fought for freedom and liberty

Them cannonballs

burned men alive

How could you, Lord,

let me survive?

To harvest the fields

that they once tilled

To hold a woman close

knowing they never will

I denounce your name,

I curse your eyes

How could you, Lord,

let me survive?



Thinking back to Petersburg.

I was thinking about Oliver.

Oliver Boudreaux.

That pale boy from Baton Rouge.

I remember Oliver.

Good fiddle player.

He had a wonderful

singing voice.

He had a voice like an angel.

Lord knows why he wanted to be

a soldier, he could barely hold

a r*fle.

Fool nearly shot

himself in the leg.

A good man.

A lot of heart, just...

lacked that soldier stuff.

My father would've

kept him home to wash the


Or shot him.

You know, today it is

his birthday.

I did not know that.

I found him there in

that muddy hole.

I pulled him out.

His lower half was gone.

But he weren't dead yet.

Her grabbed my shirt,

looked me right in my eye,

breathed his last breath

and words to me.


"They took my legs."

"They took my f*cking legs!"

I can't handle the memories.

I want it all to go away, Bill!

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, Bill.

Do you know him?

I do not think I

recognize this man.

-Do you?

-I do not.

Do you?


Nothing but a dead assh*le.

It's true, it's true.

You punch like a woman.

Come on now.


Look, look...

Now you and me, Buck,

we are thick as thieves.

We've been through it all,

you and me.

If you give me the chance,

I swear to God I'll get you

any f*cking thing you want.

I swear that on my

sweet mama's grave.

You know, you know.

You know.

You said you hated your mother.

I did? I don't think I--



Now listen to me.

You're going to leave

Virginia City tonight.

Go wherever you need to go

and find my money.

I want every last

penny paid back.

I understand, Buck.

You know I do, I understand.

Imma give you thirty days.


Listen here.

Don't make me come

looking for you.

Cause if you ain't back

by day thirty,

I'll be tracking you down

on day thirty-one.


True to his word,

Buck McGrath went looking for


on day thirty-one.

He found Boone along with

all the rest of Wild Bill's


If Buck was going to k*ll one,

he was going to have to k*ll 'em


-Where's the prize from the


-I don't know.

-Where is it?

-I don't know!

I told you not to make me

come looking for you, Boone.


Oh shit--

Buck of course did not

expect to get hacked to death

by the Belle of Colorado.

Die, motherfu--

I guess one would say

Boone Collins was very, very


Mr. Collins, do you

know this man?

No, I...

I do not think

I have ever seen this man


No matter.

All he is, is food for

the buzzards.

Where's his r*fle?

-Y'all better drop your weapons.


Now, we'll be doing things

a little bit different around


You do not want to be pointing


r*fle at me, Ms. Parker.

Don't you put me to the test,


-Easy, girl, easy.

-Back off!

What is your plan, Ms. Parker?

My plan is that I'm going to be

the one calling the sh*ts from

now on.

And we're gonna be doing

things my way.

Now, toss me your g*ns.

Nice try, Oklahoma.

And that will be about enough

of your girly little games.

Let go of that r*fle

before you hurt yourself.

There you go.

Bring that face to me girl,

I wanna kiss you.

Yeah, just like that.

Oh, you do taste good.

Yeah, yeah.

We should probably move

on from here.

All that sh**ting will surely

draw some unwanted attention.

Yes, sir.

We're going down by the river?

Tie her up.

I don't want any more

surprises from her.

Yes, sir.

And I'm not quite

finished with you.

Hey, I gotta piss!

Mr. Collins, go with her.

Yes, sir!

Let's go.

Don't you f*cking eyeball me.

Slow that ass down.

You know I'll sh**t you,

silly b*tch.

-How are you, Mr. Tulsa?

-Like you give a shit.

Come now.

You've not been ruled out.

That does not mean

I will not be considerate to


A good soldier treats

his prisoners with respect.

Hey now, slow down.

Come on.

Jesus Christ!

Well, come on now.

I don't wanna see no lady do


What's wrong?

You never seen a girl's ass


I gotta piss sometime.

You gonna ruin it all.

John Tulsa.

Such a peculiarity.

What mother or father

gave you such a name?

I ain't never met 'em.

Well, who taught you

how to sh**t?

I taught myself.

Who taught you how to

survive out here?

I taught myself.

A self-made and

self-educated man.

I respect that!

Bill is ready to jump

off that cliff.

His head is gone.

Now what the hell

are we gonna do, Belle?


You can cut this here

rope off me.

How stupid you think I am?

f*ck you!

I knew you took it all along.

I find it hard to believe

you Mr. Tulsa,

or JT, if that is what

you prefer to be called.

Call me by your father's name if


makes you smile like a hog in

the mud.

Get your hands off me!

-We ain't done talking!

-Well, I'm done talking.

What is the mystery

that is John "JT" Tulsa?

Get your hands off--

Now, Bill...

You... You almost had me fooled.


-You son of a b*tch!


You son of a b*tch!

You've been cheating me out of


partners this whole damn time.

Funny, cause I was just thinking

the same thing about you.

Shit, no!

I was too g*dd*mn drunk.

I passed out before I had

a chance to do a g*dd*mn thing.

Now, what the f*ck

are we gonna do?

-Tell me.


I figure that JT or

Bill took it,

and nothing's gonna oblige

them to tell us where it is.

So, maybe, why not

k*ll them both?

Now that is exactly what

we ought to do.

Now hear me out here.

The two of them jackasses

have got the high bounty on

their head.

Right? And ain't there another

one of him on the way here right


with an even higher bounty?

We don't even need that

f*cking loot.

Now that is as long as

you and me

remain partners.

Boy, you ain't as

dumb as you look.

Shit yeah, Belle. Shit yeah.

What was that? Go girl, go!

You yankee-loving bastard,

I can see it in your eyes.

Be ready, you son of a b*tch.

It'll rise again!

We ought to rise again!

Finney! You there, boys?

Soldiers don't betray

their brothers.

Company, eyes up!

Bill might've seen himself

as some kind of a hero,

but like I told you before,

there ain't no heroes

in this story.

Who shot Bill!?

And Thomas "Bloody Tom" Higgins

sure as hell was no hero.

If it were a crime to

hate your own kin,

I'd serving a life sentence.

-You should be thanking me, boy.

-You want me to thank you?

Well, it'd be a nice

thing to do.

Especially, cause I got

this here r*fle in my hand.

Well, in that case, thank you.

You're welcome.

Now, I watched enough of

what's been going on there

to get a firm grasp of

this situation.

And, frankly, I'm disappointed.

Why did you sh**t Bill?

Lady, if I let Bill k*ll

this boy here,

then that money'd be

lost forever.

Let me ask you a question.

You like dogs?

Well, dogs are part wolves.

They're wild at heart.

It's in their nature.

They get too wild,

you got to put them down.

Well, Bill should've been

put down a long time ago.

Boy was weak,

became nothing but a

f*cking liability.

You ever see his hands shake,

like he was cold or something?

Yeah, well I fought

in the w*r too,

and I k*lled a whole

lot of yankees.

And as sure as hell still

breathes fire,

I enjoyed every g*dd*mn one.

Now, he wanted to fight

just like me.

He thinks he's some kind of


but he was nothing.

He was nothing

but another disappointment.

I hate disappointments.

-He certainly was a


-Did I ask for your input?

No, sir, I was just

agreeing with you!

Well, agree with your

mouth closed.

If I want your input, I'll ask

for it,

so shut the f*ck up.

Yes, sir Bloody Tom, sir!

Alright, you boys

want a ride out of here?

Then someone needs to tell me

where the money from the train


It was this b*tch right here,


I seen her do it!

You son of a b*tch.

He's lying!

I ain't lying,

I seen her clear as f*cking day.

-She buried it in the woods.


-I could show you.

-He's lying! I ain't buried


I ain't lying. You lie!

You black-hearted b*tch!

You put me to the test

and now you going to die!

Wait! f*ck you!

No, no!


Don't sh**t!

You think you slick?

You're a piece of shit,



And this is all you'll ever be.

-The most beautiful belle.

-A f*cking cr*pple...

You want to join her?

Then tell me where the money is.

Yes, sir! It's back at

that camp we came from.

I'll show you exactly where it


I know right where--

Show me. And help him up.

Yes, sir!

With Bill and Henriette

out of the picture,

there were only three

outlaws remaining.

Tom, JT, and Boone.

And Boone, well,

he was something else.

Boone Collins, a cr*pple lowlife

known for his world-famous beans

in three states.

Or should I say...

...Leland Walker.

A conman who ain't

afraid to get his hands dirty.

A k*ller whose specialty

was in poisons.

And he can walk just fine.

It has never been confirmed that

Boone Collins and Leland Walker

were one and the same.

No one knew what

Leland looked like.

Jeez, mister.

Are you okay there, friend?

How about I help you

into your hotel room now?

What the hell are you--

And Boone's reputation was a man

who pretended to be a cr*pple,

had a knack for cracking safes,

and cleaning poker tables

of other players' money.

Yeah, this'll do nicely.

You don't mind, do you?

No, not at all.

This here belonged to

my bastard of a daddy.

You k*lled your daddy?

I k*lled my daddy.

Then I took this off

his dead body.

So? Where is it?

It is close, Tom.

But I was wondering

if you may be starving as I am.

Excuse me?

I whip up some of the most

delicious beans you've ever


Beans aren't on my

f*cking agenda.

Where's the g*dd*mn loot?

It's close, sir, but it would be

my complete honor to

whip you up some of my

most delicious beans--

Fine. But then you tell me

where she buried the loot.

Surely will. Right away.

Okay... Let's get it on now.

Get these going for you, Tom.

I'll let you decide.

You can have the bigger portion.

Whichever you--



I hate them sneaky things.

They must like the smell.

It does look good.

Thank you, sir.

-But you better eat fast.

-Yes, sir.

Let me get that.

It's good.

It's good.

-What's so funny?

-g*dd*mn what a day.

What a g*dd*mn day!

You can say that again.

Now tell me...

-How did she do it?

-Well, sir...

It was actually pretty easy.

She had it all planned out.

Answer my g*dd*mn question!

-How did she steal the loot?

-Yes, sir.

One feels that Boone Collins,

aka Leland Walker,

was the one who

stole their loot.

The hell you doing over there

you weaselly bastard?

Nothing, just checking my stuff.

Well, we got work to do.

Come on, move your ass.

His plan seemed simple enough.

Incapacitate his companions

and steal the pot

while they slept.

And then bury it and collect it


when it was possible.

Of course, he would

maybe frame one,

just to throw off

the suspicion away from him.

Now, Boone could've ridden off

with the score,

but he couldn't risk

riding into either the posse

or Bloody Tom.

-That simple, huh?

-That simple.

As one could guess already,

Boone underestimated

his next would-be victim.

Bloody Tom had gone

and switched them jars on him.

A fool he was not.

Those beans were good.

Yes, sir.

g*dd*mn, what a day.

What a g*dd*mn day!

You can say that again.

And thus, here finally falls

the master of tricksters.

He fell right into his own trap.

And you thought I was a fool!

-Now what?

-Well, we dig up the loot,

and we get the hell out of here.

We'll leave him for

the coyotes and the Indians.

If you don't die on me,

a good doctor can patch you--

Oh man, oh man.

What the hell are you doing,


Toss your w*apon. Get

on your knees.

You want me to sing for you now?

I want you to die.

Lot of people wanted me to die.

Now, I've k*lled a

lot of people.

Now, you put down that r*fle

before you hurt yourself.

You need a doctor.

You ain't thinking or talking


I'm thinking and

talking just fine.

-It took a long time to find


-Is that a fact?

Hell of a lot of k*lling

just to get to here.

Yeah, well, sorry about that.

Alamo Dave,

Bull Rawlings, Bob the Blade,

Toby Webb, Butch Sherman,

and the Grady brothers.

All them, huh?

Why, you k*lled all of them?


-Grady brothers led me to Bill

who led me straight to you.

Well, I am just mystified.

You k*ll all those men,

seven dear friends of mine,

just to get to lil' old me.

And I never ever

done you rotten.

See, my mother and father,

they were working the fields by

my home,

a small cabin my father built

with his own two hands.

Is this a long story?

A traveler came by,

looking for food and

a fresh horse.

A man who liked to play

the harmonica.

This man said

he'd been traveling for days,

that his horse had to be put


probably bullshit.

And my father was kind enough

to allow him to stay

despite what my mother said.

She could sense evil in him.

He stabbed my mother in the


with a bowie knife.

She tried to fend him off,

and she did manage to leave

a scar on his left cheek.

My father ran,

but he did not get far.

Then that man came back,

and he k*lled my sister

right in front of me.

He left me to die,

he left my cabin to burn with me

in it.

There is one thing I

will never forget,

and that's the scar

I'm looking at right now.

Don't be stupid like your daddy.

You remember this?

How did you make it

out of the fire?

I managed.

So now what happens?

You're a k*ller.

-You're a m*rder*r just like me.

-Shut the hell up.

Just cause you've got a noble


against me don't make you a


All that you've done,

you made yourself nothing but a


-You shut up.

-No! I will not be silent.

In fact, if I'm going to die

with my boots on, I will stand.

I've lived a long life.

I've k*lled a lot of people,

and many people

tried to k*ll me.

Now, you wanna know

what mistake they all made?

They couldn't shut the f*ck up!

So you gonna aim that

r*fle at me,

you better shut your mouth

and pull the trigger.

It took two days for

the Harmony posse

to find any trace of

Wild Bill and his g*ng.

What they found was a

peculiar sight.

Henriette Parker and Wild Bill


were found dead by the river.

Boone Collins', aka Leland


body was found mangled by


There was much surprise

to find Bloody Tom dead amongst


The money stolen from the train

was never recovered.

All that remained was the dead.

John Tulsa, aka JT,

real name unknown,

was never seen again.

In Tulsa, Oklahoma, there's a


that has no name on the


It is believed to be

where JT is buried.

However, no one's

certain it's him

or just the final resting place

of the past.

And what happened to

all that gold?

Who knows?

Gold is gold.
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