Restless Years, The (1958)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Movies from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Restless Years, The (1958)

Post by bunniefuu »

Get this guy.

That's enough.

You're always needling here.

I know what's on your mind. You think
because she is illegitimate she is easy.

What a dirty mind you've got.

How can you say that about her mother?

You shouldn't have changed, Mrs Grant.
I thought you looked lovely.

I couldn't receive you
in that old work dress.

Do sit down, Miss Robeson.

Do you like cream or lemon?
- Cream, thank you.

That bible was given to
Melinda's grandmother.

In 1912 by her class.

She was a teacher too.
- Oh, I didn't know that.

Where did she teach?

Here in Liberty.

That would have been the old school.

Before the new buildings were added.

That was before we even
had the new gymnasium.

My family has always lived in Liberty.

Well, I don't think my students would
ever give me anything half as nice.

Times have changed.

My mother could never have made
dresses for people the way I do.

People are more democratic now.

That is true.

Are you uncomfortable, Miss Robeson?
Why not take of that lovely cardigan?

It is warm in here.

I try to keep the hot air out.

And make it cool and dark and nice
when Melinda comes home, but ..

It doesn't always work.

I am really very comfortable.

I'll tell you why I came, Mrs Grant.

I wanted to talk to you about Melinda.

She has been a good girl, hasn't she?

She is a very good girl
and bright. And attractive.

She is a sweet child.

Would you like to see the
taffeta I made for her?

I always notice Melinda's clothes.

They are very different from
what the other girls are wear.

I think children should
wear pretty clothes.

I wanted to talk to you about the play.
- Play?

The play?

"Our Town". You know, Thornton Wilder.

The one we are doing in the drama club.

I'd like to convince you to
let Melinda try out for it.

It it's a children's play.

If it's alright.

Certainly she can be in it.

You haven't told her you
don't want to be in it?

I haven't heard anything
about it. Of course not.

Melinda gave me the
impression that you had.

No, You must be mistaken.

There is Melinda now. Excuse me.

Hello, darling.

Hello, mother.

Did you have nice day?

Yes. The girls walked me to the corner.

We talked and everything.

It was very nice.

That's fine.

You bring the flowers inside now.

Your teacher is here.

She wants you to be in a play but you
don't have to be if you don't want to.

Miss Robeson is here?

Yes, dear.

Isn't that sweet of
her to come and visit?

Come on.

Hello, Melinda.

You didn't tell me you
were coming to see mother.

Well, I decided to after you left.

I guess you went the hill way otherwise
I would have caught up with you.

You went the hill way, Melinda?

Only at the bottom of the hill, we ..

We all went together.

Why do you go that way?
I don't like you to.

It's nowhere near the bandstand.


You know I don't like
you to go on the hill.

What is it you wanted, Miss Robeson?

Well, I only wanted to ask your
mother to let you try out for the play.

I don't want to be in the play either.

Well, if you should change your mind ..

Oh, you.

You are coming to the Get Acquainted
dance next Friday afternoon?

I don't think so.

Get acquainted?
What a funny name for a dance.

You know how popular Melinda is.

I wish you would.

We could go together.

I'll think about it.

Thank you, Mrs Grant.

It's been very nice talking to you.

Let me.

- Bye.


What a surprise.

Such a nice woman.

I had better clear up these dishes.

Here is the mail-man.

I'll go see if there is any mail.

If you want to, mother.

There might be some mail for me.

I thought there might
be a letter for me.


There is no letter for
you today, Mrs Grant.

Not today.

Thank you.

- Yes?

I think I would like to
go with Miss Robeson.

If you want to dear, of course.


What, Polly?

Stop it.

Why? You like it.

We are getting looks
from the ancient ones.


Say, I've been waiting for my dance.
- Well, do it again.

You said I could ask you for dance. Do
you remember? When you first got here.

I said he could ask me for a dance.

When you first got here.

Look, if you don't want to dance
with me, just say so. Yes or no.


You are Melinda Grant.
We are in the same class.

I know.

I am Will Henderson.
Would you like to dance?

No thank you.

How about some punch?

I don't think so.

Do you know them?
- Who?

Come on. Polly and Bruce.
I saw you looking.

I just know them a little.

Your eyes were coming
right out of your head.

I am sorry. I do that kind
of thing all the time.

Antagonise people.
I don't mean to do it but I do.

It's how things come out.

Do you want me to go away?

No. You don't have to.

Well come outside then.
It stinks in here.

I just moved here you know.
- I know.

I watched you. You're pretty different.
- Well, I don't think I am.

Sure you are. I am.

How are you different?


Did you ever live in reflected glory?

You see, my grandfather was a
writer. Well, kind-of a writer.

I was supposed to be
like him, my mother said.

It's kind of a pain but I have to
let her keep talking about him.

You know they get ideas in their heads
about the things you have to do and say.

Just so they don't get disillusioned.

Do you like this town?

I have always lived here.

Pretty dead.

Maybe I can get used to it.

Except by that time
we will probably move.


Because that is what we do.

Know how many ..

Guess how many places I've lived in?


No. Seventeen.

A different place for
every year of my life.

I'd like that.
- No, you wouldn't.

Yes, I would. I hate living here.

I don't mean I hate it. Not really.

I think you mean it.
- I don't.


You won't like moving.

You know, if could stay in one
place for a while longer ..

Maybe I'd figure out a few more things.
- But why can't you stay?

On account of my father is a salesman.

My mother calls him a sales
executive but he's just a salesman.

What is yours?

He is dead.


He was a musician.

He played the trumpet.

He died a long while ago
when I was very little.

- I don't mind.

I wouldn't want a father around anyway.

He would just be in the way.

What would he be in the way of?

My mother and I, we ..

We have a lot of fun
together all by ourselves.

We talk about things.

What things?

She tells me about my father.

So clearly it's better
than having him here.

When he played in the band in summer
people in love came to hear him.

They sat around and had picnics
with their children and ..

When she was married, the
band played at a wedding.

Up there?

Did he play on that old
bandstand behind the hill?

Did he?

I guess so.

What is the matter?
- Nothing. I guess he did.

She used to cry when
she told me about it.

How .. how pretty it was.

And full of happy people.

But she doesn't cry anymore.

That's alright.

My mother cries too.

All mothers cry.

Do .. do fathers?

No. But they would like to.

So it is worse.

My father looked like he wanted to cry
when we he had to come back here.

He doesn't like it here either?

Well, he was born here.

That's why his company sent him back.
And it's kind of a comedown for him too.

Here in Libertyville?

Then he must know everyone.

Sure. That's the whole idea.

He had his old friends for contacts.

Business. You know.

My mother made him go and
see that jerk Polly's father today.

He is a big wheel.

We'd better go back.

Are you okay?
- Of course I am.

Well then, come on.

How old is your father?

I don't know. Around forty.


Ed Henderson.


How are you?

Why, you haven't changed ..

That much.

Come on now, Ed.

I don't remember our having these
when we were back in high school.


What will you have to drink?
- Rye and ginger.

Rye and ginger.


You have really got it made here.

Can't complain. And you?

I'm in the sales game.

Well, that is where the money is.

How is Laura?

She hasn't changed.

She asked me to excuse her.
She is upstairs with a ..

Bad headache.
- Oh. I am sorry.

We have a daughter. Polly.

She is almost seventeen.
- I have a son.

Will. The same age.

He is a senior at high school.
I think he knows Polly.

Yes. I married a Chicago girl, Alex.

Her father was the
author Steven L. Withers.

Well I don't read much.
- Here you are.

Sit down.

Well, Ed.

What line are you in?

I didn't think we'd talk
business right away. Alex.

I thought we'd kick around old times.

Sure. But you have to get started here.

Well. As a matter of fact
I am in air conditioning.

The reason they sent me
here was because I ..

I told them I was well known and I
could open up the territory for them.

I ..

Have to open up the territory, Alex.

Well, we can try.

You come along with me to the
next Country Club breakfast and I'll ..

I'd like you to sponsor
me for the Country Club.

Well, that is a pretty large order.

It's the only way you can sell
these days. You know that.

Yeah, you can come along as
my guest sometime. We'll see.

Thank you, Alex.

Can I get you another drink?

May I?

- What?


You've got to help me.

You got to get me in that club.

The fact is I am ..

I am in a bind.

This is the last territory
they will give me.

Now look, Ed. You just got back in town.
You can't rush these things.

I've got to rush.

I have got to rush it.

Do you remember ..

Do you remember what
we said to each other ..

On graduation night?

No. I don't.

Well it's not important.

Well, I'd better run along now.

Alright, Ed.

Call me at my office in about
a week and I'll see what I can do.

Thanks, Alex.
- I'll see you to the door.

No. No, I can find my way out.


Who the hell are you?

Let's not climb anymore.

Come on.
- No.

I just want to go up to the bandstand.


Why not? You can see the
whole town from there.

The lights will be coming on soon.

What's so special? Every time you
hear the bandstand you act funny.

People make love there.

We are not people.

That's no reason. Come on.

I can't.

Well, you said you and your mother talk
about how pretty it was and everything.

And how your father played there.

Well, it isn't pretty anymore.

And besides, my mother doesn't want ..
- Doesn't want what?


Your mother doesn't want
you to go up there now?

I do a lot of things
they tell me not to do.

Come on.

I love my mother and
she worries about me.

Okay. We won't tell her.

I don't have to go up
there if I don't want to.

No you don't.

You don't have to do anything
you don't want to do.

But why blame it on your mother?
- I'm not.

Like the play.

I don't believe your mother is why you
don't want to try for the play either.

I watched your eyes when I asked you.

Don't get mad Melinda, please.
I didn't mean anything.

I told you, I don't mean
to say everything I say.

I just can't leave her alone that long.

All those rehearsals and everything.

But she would never tell me not to.

But she did tell you not to go up there.

I'll never go up there.

A big deal about that old thing.

I think I'll make it a term project.

To get Melinda up to the bandstand.


That is what Bruce Mitchell
is always trying to do.

I'm not Bruce Mitchell.


No, you're not.

You can walk me home later.

If you want.

I have got a car.

We'd better go back to the dance now.

What are they trying to do?
- Nothing. Scare us.

Get closer. Drive 'em to the edge.

If this only wasn't my father's car.

Don't, Will. Please.

Teenage drivers.

Just don't say anything to them, Will.
That's what they are waiting for.

Ah, no chaperone.

And they're probably
hopped up on marijuana.

No foundation. No respect.

Hot-rodding, sex mad.

I don't know.
- Better get his license.

Probably hasn't got a license.
Probably escaped from juvenile hall.

Then we'll get his girl's license.
- You can't do that without a matron.

You want a bet?

Why don't you call
your old man for help?

What you say, captain?

Well, get in.

We can't get any bounce out of
a couple of squares like this.

I can get home alright.
- I'll walk you.

You don't have to. I am just down there.
- It's late though.

It's alright.

Why didn't you let me drive you? Don't
you think your mother would like me?

Look, don't make everything
apply to yourself all the time.

I came with Miss Robeson.

I don't want to answer
a lot of questions.


I am sorry about tonight.

About that? Oh, forget it.

Will I see you Monday?

I guess so.

My baby.

I'm sorry I'm late.

Did you have a good time?

It was fine.

I didn't hear the car.

Well, Miss Robeson dropped me at
the corner. She had other girls.

Did you meet any new students?

No, the same old ones.

I'll make you some hot milk.


What was my father like?

I've told you many times.

I know. But people ask
me and there is ..

Never anything I can say really.

He was a wonderful sensitive man.

And he played the trumpet beautifully.

What did he die of?


Now look what you have made me do.
- I am sorry.

I wish I had known him.
Really known him.

He could have helped me so much.

Your father is dead.

I never said you couldn't go with
or dance with the other children.

I know you didn't.

I want you to.

Alright, Dorothy. So, I forgot the
window box. I'll sh**t myself.

I don't want a big garden.

A few flowers aren't much to ask for.

What do you want?

Condensed milk.

There is fresh cream on the table.

I like condensed milk.

Well, say it.

I haven't said a thing.
- I know what you are thinking.

Nothing happened with Fisher.

Absolutely nothing.

He just gave me a very
nice snow job. That's all.

It happened too quickly, Dorothy.

I should have laid quiet
for just a little while.

The only good thing is that he is
having no picnic with that wife of his.

Don't blame yourself.

You never know.
Maybe he will still help you.

What is the matter with his wife?
- She's a lush.

No. I should have used the
indirect approach. I know it.

I should have had Will make friends
with some of the right kids at school.

And let them know I was
back in town that way.

Incidentally, does he have any friends?

Of course he does.

But he shouldn't run after them.

My father never ran after anybody.

He never got off his tail, your father.

My father was a brilliant
man, Ed. Now don't you ..

If you'd let me take that job in Toledo
you could have all the flowers you want.

We'd have a little house.

I don't want that kind of little house.

In a cops and fireman's neighbourhood.

What kind of a neighbourhood
do you think this is?

I don't want my son to have to tell
his friends that his father is the ..

Assistant manager of a supermarket.

There is nothing wrong
with that, Dorothy.

I could have been manager
or even a district manager.

You really don't see
what is wrong with it?

I know that the first
mistake I made was ..

Letting you talk me into leaving
the maintenance department.

When we were married.

The trouble with you Ed,
is that you have no ..

Alright, save it. Save it.

Hi, Will.
- Hi.

How did it go?
- I had a ball.

Want some coffee?
- No thanks.

Say, Will.
- Yeah?

I am sorry about that new suit.

Next time, maybe.

That's okay, dad. I don't care.

But you should care.

That is how you lose
your values inch by inch.

Don't ever settle for
anything but the best, Will.

Thanks anyway, dad.

Oh, sure.

Hey, Will. Do you know a
girl named Polly Fisher?

Yeah. I sure do.

You know.

There is a whole bunch
of kids you ought to know.

Bruce Mitchell.

His father is head of the school board.

We thought you ought to
know the right people, Will.

Have you made any friends, kiddo?

A few.

There is a girl named
Melinda Grant I like.

Haven't I heard things
about that family?

You probably have.

Yes. I have.

Will, your father and I
would rather that you ..

You didn't make a friend of this girl.

Now wait a minute, Dorothy.

A boy with his background?

His grandfather would simply die.

He is already dead.

There is no need to
be rude to your mother.

What's wrong with Melinda?

Nothing is wrong with her.

Probably. Well, it's her mother.

The point being you would just be
asking for it with the other kids ..

If you make a friend out of her.

What is wrong with the mother?

To begin with she hasn't
got all her marbles. - Ed.

You'll not tell him what I heard.

I am not going to tell him anything
and I don't care what you heard.

Well, Will is smart enough
to know that it is ..

So easy to get a girl from the right
side of the tracks as from the wrong.

I don't know if there is anything
wrong with Mrs Grant.

But it has certainly got
nothing to do with Melinda.

I can talk to Melinda.

Can't you talk to Polly Fisher?

And the other kids?

Look, Will.

You have got to make friends
with the right kids.

I need you.

You have got to make friends
with the right kids.

Well, it could help us
work things out here.

We are only asking
you a little thing, Will.

Nobody talks to this woman here.

And her daughter is the same way.

Do you want to mark yourself in
your father's own home town?

Where he needs you.

I don't want to stop seeing Melinda.

Talk to your son.

I'm going to bed.


Living like this in place after place.

That's how it happens.

That is how you lose
yourself inch by inch.

I'll get you that window box tomorrow.

I'll get you ten window boxes.

I just want one.

May I have your attention, class.

I'd like to make an announcement
about the play we are going to do.

Our Town was originally done without
benefit of any props or costumes.

It was done on a bare stage
just like we have here.

The narrator was the
stage manager and ..

The actors move the furniture themselves
just as they do in a Chinese theater.

Now then, we are not
going to have any sets ..

But we will have symbolic
props, simple costumes.

And I hope, artistic lighting.

Now then.

Anyone who wishes
may try out for the parts.

And as you know, the casting
will be decided by popular acclaim.

For the part of George Webb ..

Whom do we have?

Bruce Mitchell.

Anyone else?

Supposing he isn't any good? What then?

He had better be,
or Polly will k*ll him.

It is not absolutely certain
that Polly will play Emily Gibbs.

Who besides Polly would
like to try out for Emily?



Anyone else?

You are sure?

Alright then. Class dismissed.

I bet you'd have flipped
if she put in for Emily.

Melinda Grant?

Hmm. You were two
feet out of your seat ..

Until you were sure she wasn't
going to raise her hand.



I am pretty disappointed in you.

If you're talking about that old play
again you can turn round and go back.

I've been considering
your case. You know.

I doubt your mother wants
you to sacrifice yourself as ..

She knows you'd be better
in the play than Polly.

You ought to try it.


Do you really think I'd
be better than Polly?

Think? I know it.

And Miss Robeson knows it.
Polly knows it.

Where are we going?
- Well, I'm going to have lunch.

Is it okay if I come?

You are here, aren't you?

How about over here?

Well, what do you want to talk about?

Why do we have to talk about anything?

Because I like to talk.

Did your mother see you with me?

I don't know.

Couldn't you tell?

I don't want to talk about
my mother either.

Why doesn't she want you to go out?

Did I ask you about
Bruce and the other kids?

Did I ask what you did when
you saw them this morning?

Or what they said or you said?

Did I?

Well, what do you think is up there?

In the sky?

After the sky.

Stars and more planets.

After the stars?
- More stars.

And after?

I don't know.

There is nothing.

Nothing for ever and ever.

Just space.

You know, that bothers me.

Well, it is scary alright.



Is your mother alright?

What do you mean?

I mean, is she sick or
mixed up or something?

Who told you that?

Who told you a thing like that?

Who told you?
- Nobody told me.

Look, I just asked. That's all. Stop it.
- Let me go!


Melinda, I didn't mean it.
Honest, I didn't.


Melinda, please. I didn't mean anything.

It doesn't matter, George.

You might as well know right
now that I am not perfect.

Well, it's not as easy for a girl
To be perfect as a man because ..

Girls are more nervous.

I am sorry I said all that about you.

I don't know what made me say it.

Thank you, Eleanor.

Polly Fisher.

Go ahead, Polly.
Right from the beginning.

Emily, why are you mad at me?

I'm not mad at you.

You .. you treat me so funny.

Well, I might as well
say it right out, George.

I don't like the whole change that
has come over you in the last year.

I am awfully sorry, Emily.

What do ..

What do you mean?

Well, up to a year ago
I used to like you a lot.

And used to watch you
as you did everything.

Because we'd been friends for so long.

And then you became a big baseball star.

And you never even spoke
to anybody anymore.

And George, it is a fact.

I am sorry I said all that about you.

I don't know what made me say it.

That was fine, Polly.

Comparing the applause I've
heard I would say that Polly was ..

Miss Robeson.


Yes, Melinda?

Is it too late to try out?


No. Of course not.

You come right up here Melinda.

You can use Polly's book.

Well, well, well.

Take it from: "George, it's a fact .."


What do you mean, Emily?

George, it is a fact.

You have got awful conceited and
stuck up and all the girls say so.

They may not say it to your face but
that is what they say behind your back.

And it hurts me to hear them say it.

But I have got to agree
with them a little.

I am sorry if it hurts
your feelings but ..

I can't be sorry I said it.

Pick it up at the end, Melinda.

I am sorry I said all that about you.

I don't know what made me say it.

No. No if it's the truth ..

I guess you ought to say it.

I don't know if it's the truth or not.

And suddenly I feel that
it isn't import at all.


Yes, George?

Emily, if I improve and ..

Make a big change.

Would you be .. I mean ..

Could you be ..

I am now.

I always have been.


Bruce, I want to thank you very much.


I guess we have found our Emily.

Before you go I want to thank
all of you for your patience.

I think you all did a beautiful job.

You are dismissed.

If you can't beat 'em.

Naturally I felt bad at first. I did
want the part for personal reasons.

But I've got to admit it.
You were just great.

After all, I have had leads the last two
terms so it really shouldn't bother me.

Thank you, Polly.
- Oh, it's nothing. Honest.

I guess Will Henderson will get a big
boost out of this or are you mad at him?

I don't know.

But you do like him, don't you?

I guess .. he is new in town.

Oh, there I go again.

My mother says I am always
minding everybody else's business.

Will your mother come to school
on parent's night next week?

I don't think I am going.

You will have to now that you
are in the play and everything.

It will be like a début for you.

She will want to come.

I guess she will.
- Hi.

Sorry about the other
night with the car.

You don't have to apologise.
Melinda knows you were only kidding.

I want to be sure.

Everybody for Cokes?

She'll keep.

Listen. Maybe I am wrong
about Will Henderson.

If you like him ..
- I like him.

Save a little for me though, huh?

I'm not really the way I seem.
Inside, I am a lot like him.

I ought to go home.
- Later.

Let's kick it around a little first.

How is it up there?



What will it be?

Coffee. Black.

You are sure?

You want some paper?

No thanks.

Is that a letter you are writing?

Well, sort of.

To a girl?

Yeah, sure. What else?

You are new in the school, aren't you?

I'd have recognised you.

I got out last year.

You did?

You don't play football, do you?


No. I didn't think so.

I always hated the football players.

I work split shifts.

I'll be off as soon as my relief comes.

You will?
- Uhuh.

At this time of day.

Someone usually asks if
they can walk me home.

Or something.

I've just remembered. I'm supposed
to meet my girl at the movies.

But, thank you very much.

So long.


Bye, lover.


I was just seeing about your costume.

I was going to surprise
you about playing Emily.

I was going to surprise you
and make your costume.


Isn't this lovely?

Do you like it?
- It's very nice.

Oh, Melinda.

You didn't have to hide
the play, did you?

If my baby can be in a play and act.

That is a good thing.

Come on, now. You go
and do your homework.

I'll be in later and kiss you goodnight.

What are you doing out here?

I thought I heard the mail-man.
- At night?

Yes. They ..

They bring special deliveries any time.

What letter are you waiting for?

I always love to receive letters.

When I was little and had scarlet
fever you were so worried.

I remember you waited this way too.

You remember Mrs Harris?
The lady I made the blue velvet for?

She went to Honolulu to live and ..

I wrote to her and I'm
waiting for her reply.

Alright, mother.

I know it will be interesting.

All about the island and the natives.

We'll read it aloud together.

Maybe there will be pictures too.


I was just driving by.

Mother this, is Will.

Will Henderson.

I am glad to know you, Mrs Grant.

How do you do.

I was hoping to meet
you on parent's night.

I didn't know I would have
the pleasure so soon.

You thought Melinda would be home alone?


I mean no.

Melinda, you go inside and get dressed.

Maybe Will can stay and have
some hot chocolate with us?

I cannot stay, Mrs Grant.

The fact is, I was
just driving around ..

Trying to get up enough nerve to
come and apologise to Melinda.


Look, Will. You don't have
to apologise. I forgive you.

What did you want to
apologise about, Will?

Nothing, mother.
It was just a kid thing. Honest.

I think I'd better tell your mother.
She may think it was something terrible.


All I wanted to say was I
am sorry I tried to kiss you.


You're a growing boy.

I don't think we have to
talk about it anymore.

That's wonderful of you, Mrs Grant.

You know, a lot of others
just wouldn't understand.

Don't you worry.

I'll take care of her, Will.

Young girls are like that.

Tell her I'll see her tomorrow, please.

Of course.

Goodnight, Will.



Are you alright, mother?

I'm fine.

Do you really want to
go to parent's night?

I thought it would be nice.

You want me to go too?

I never thought of going
before, of asking you. But ..

Now everybody else's
mother will be there.

Is that what you want?

Is that what you want?

His lips pressing tight against you?

Holding you, touching you!


There is nothing wrong with Mrs Grant.
I was just here and I know.

You were there? At this hour and
in spite of everything we told you?

You didn't tell me anything
except about Mrs Grant.

She is just like everybody else.
- She must have had her good head on.

You make these remarks about Melinda and
her mother but you never say anything.

Look Will. This is not
New York city or Chicago.

Where you can just get lost
and nobody cares about you.

This is a dirty little
gossipy small town.

And I ought to know
because I was born here.

People here are just
like a herd of sharks.

That turn on a crippled one and k*ll it.

Your father might not have to lower
himself this way if you would ..

Make friends with the
right kind of people.

I tried to make friends
with Polly Fisher.

But I just can't run after
her or kids like her.

They don't like me.

I'm not a big wheel. I don't have a big
house or a convertible with no muffler.

So you'll have to pick out a girl.

Who is outside their g*ng and
who they turn the cold shoulder on.

That's what I like about Melinda.

And I'd like to ask why I have to read
about parent's night in the newspaper?

Are you ashamed of us or something?

No. It is just being so friendly and ..

Kidding around with everybody when
maybe people just don't feel that way.

You have to lush yourself on them.

Well, when you sell, that is
exactly what you have to do.

Whether you like it or not.

I'm sorry. I just can't
make myself do that.

Maybe I am a bad son, but I can't.

Excuse me.

I can't blame him too much.

He is ashamed.

When we have our own house.

A big house that he
can bring his friends to.

You will see.

- He won't be like this.

Dorothy, isn't there any way ..

Can't we for once in
our lives be sensible?

Sensible? Sensible about what?

About us.

Look, we have to settle down.

Do it slowly but ..

Well, we have got to stop
kidding ourselves about things.


Alright, Dorothy. Alright.

Sooner or later you'll realize that the
only house you are ever going to have ..

Is that little one we
could have had in Toledo.

If I had taken the supermarket job.


Yes. And we are not ever
going to have a house.

Until I do.


Hi, Melinda.

Hello, Will.

I watched you.

You looked good.
- Thank you.

They don't give you much
time though, do they.

There is a big cast in this.

I was thinking, during
lunch hours if you like ..

I could rehearse with you.
I've been in plays all over the country.

You have?

Well sure. That would be a big help.

Can I walk you home?

I can't this afternoon. I am busy.

With Polly?

Yeah. I watched her buzzing
around you this morning.

She wants something. That's for sure.
- Can't she be just being friendly?

I don't know her too
well but .. not Polly.

See you tomorrow at lunch then?

Still going steady with Bert Massing?
- I don't go with him anymore.

Then how about going with me?

What about Polly?
- We wouldn't tell her.

The princess will be here
in a minute. Want a soda?

No thank you.

You still going steady
with Will Henderson?

I don't go with him.

Then how about going with me?

What about Polly?
- Just wouldn't tell her.

Listen. We could drive all over.

Come on. There is a bunch of kids down
at Highland Falls and a big old house.

We could fool around
up at the bandstand.

The house is old, 1940. But it is solid.

You know, it doesn't have
fake stone or sliding closets ..

Or the kind of thing they build
when they first get money.



Hi, Celia. Is mom around?

She is resting.

What a lovely big room.

It is not too new.
That is what I like about it.

Mother says there is something
gauche about everything all new.

It is very nice.


I have my own bath of course but mother
likes me to use her dressing-room.

She helps me with my grooming.

She says it reminds her of when she
was young and it makes us feel closer.

Cute, huh? But he is pretty fresh.

Sit down, Melinda. Would you
like to have something to eat?

No thank you.

How far do you let Will go?

Well I .. I let him kiss me once.

Bruce is a tiger.
That is, he thinks he is.

Do you collect records?
- No, no. I don't.

I do. Mostly standards, of course.
But some Latin stuff.

But I think that has
about had it for a while.

Do you know how to cha-cha-cha?

I don't think so.
- Watch me. It's easy.

What is it?

Dad. He is always in a hurry.

Listen, Melinda.
I would like to ask you a favor.

What is it?

I'd like you to resign from the play.

Resign? But why?

Because I have to play the part.

But you said that ..
- I know I did but it wasn't true.

You just down know how much it means
to me and .. with your mother and all ..

It will only be a big drag for you.

But Polly, I promised it.

My mother has already
made my costumes and ..

Besides I want it.

Believe me, Polly.
I know what this means to you.

I know your mother ..

You know what hard
work a State reception is.

State senator?

It is important to my business.

Tell them I have a migraine.

The whole town is getting to
know about your migraines.

Then tell them anything.

Just as long as I don't have to go.

Is this what you will
do on parent's night?

Just the way you did last year?

She is your daughter.

She loves you.

You go.

Maybe she would love you if you
would do something to deserve it.

Maybe she would.

And maybe I could.

If I had something to look
forward to besides you.

The door is open any
time you want to use it.

Go find yourself another man.



Desert you? And have you sue me?

Oh no.

Then you are going to have to
hang on to what you have got.

And make the best of it.
- To what I have got?

You are not a man.

You are a golf bag.

You pig.

You are going to parents
night with me. Do you hear?

You are going to parent's night with me.

If you haven't any love left for me,
at least do it for Polly's sake.

You are no thinking of Polly.

You are thinking of yourself.

Mr Alex Fisher,
the successful businessman.

Mr Alex Fisher, the big
country club hound.

Mr and Mrs Alex Fisher attending
their daughter's school.

All is well with the world.

A charming couple.

That is what you want.

And not for Polly. For you.

- What?

I want to ask you something.

Are your mother and father in love?

I don't mean yours particularly but ..

Well, everybody's.

I don't think so.

I don't think anybody's are.

Weren't they ever? When they were young?

I guess they were.

Only it wasn't a big thing.

It was all the small things that do
something to them as they get older.

Yours too?

Yeah, There is a lot of
small things with them.

I think my mother
would still be in love.

She wants to love everything so badly.

That is a terrible thing
when there isn't anyone.

It makes her so afraid.

I know.


I'll show you were to read.

You start here. You are Emily's father.

"Emily. Now Emily, don't get upset."

Papa, suddenly I don't
want to get married.

You know what, Melinda?


Why don't you put on your costume?

- Yeah. I won't look.

You can put it on up there.

Well I didn't mean that.

I mean I don't want to get it dirty.

And besides, my mother
still had to make it fit.

It won't get dirty.

I don't need it to read the part.

I know but I want the
illusion to be complete.


I just want to see what
you look like in it.

Oh Will.


I like to be with you.

Me too.


"Emily. Now don't get upset."

"All of a sudden I don't
want to get married."


What, Melinda?

Are you talking to yourself?

I am reading both parts.

"I am giving away my daughter, George."

"Do you think you can make her happy?"

"Why can't I stay for a
while just as I am?"

You look beautiful.

Thank you.

Let's start.

Your father goes off-stage.
Now I am George.

"I want to."

"I want to try."

"Emily, I am going to do my best."

"I love you, Emily."

"I need you."

Well, if you love me.

Help me.

All I want is someone to love me.

"I will, Emily."

If ever I am sick or in trouble.

That's what I mean.

"Emily, I'll try."

"I'll try."

And I mean for ever. Do you hear?

For ever and ever.

Kiss me once.
Before it's too late.


I don't care.


You are going to hate me.

Look. I feel what you feel except ..

Except I am older than you.

A lot smarter, I guess.

I mustn't hurt you.
- Don't spoil it.


Change your dress and we'll go back.

May I have your attention please.

Mr Booth.

Our Principal, would like to say a few
words welcoming you to Parents Night.

Avery few words I assure you.

These gala occasions.

Are a way through which my staff
and myself can get to know you.

And you in turn can get to know the
work we are doing with your children.

So people stand around and talk and look
at the exhibits and listen to the music.

That is all that happens.
- Melinda, I can't.

Mother, I've told you all you
have to say is: "good evening".

Just stay with me and say good
evening and everything will be fine.

I can't, I can't.

You know how it is in church.
You like that, don't you?

You go in and say good morning and they
all smile and say good morning back.

Well, it is exactly the same inside.



Stay close to me, Melinda.


Good evening.

It's me, Alex.

Of course I remember, Alex.

And Laura, is she coming?

I'm afraid not.
She has got a bad headache.

See you inside.


Isn't that Tom Mitchell over there?

Bruce's father?

Yes. The head of the school board.

I want you to say hello to
Bruce and then introduce me.

I can't.

Bruce and I aren't friends, dad.

Now Will.

That's alright. I'll handle it, Dorothy.

Excuse me.

Mr Mitchell?
- Yes.

My name is Ed Henderson.

I think our boys know each other.

May I have a word with you, please?
- Oh, yes.

Alex Fisher spoke to me.

Did he?
- Said you were in town.

I was moved. It was very nice
of Alex. I just wanted to ..

It is just that I am
in air-conditioning.

And I understand that the school is
going on summer sessions, next year.

I'd like the chance to talk you into
letting us equip the whole shebang.

Well, the board has been
discussing it informally.

I'd like to appear before
the board if I might.

And show you the efficiency reports that
we made at schools that we've equipped.

It can be arranged. You call me
tomorrow and I'll give you a date.

Yes. Thank you, Mr Mitchell.

Excuse me.

Where are you going?

I want to go and say hello
to Melinda and her mother.

And leave me standing here?

Can't you even wait two
minutes to see those people?

Now, you stay.

Hiya, Eleanor.


Harry, isn't that Elizabeth Grant?

It sure is.

I had forgotten about her.

If you don't want to wait
come over and meet them.

Mrs Grant.


This is my mother.

How do you do, Mrs Henderson.

I have been looking
forward to meeting you.

This is very pleasant, isn't it.

Yes. It is very nice.

Mrs Grant. How nice of you to come.

Thank you.

Mrs Grant and I are old tea partners.

Aren't we?

I suppose I have to say
hello to the Mitchells.

You go ahead, daddy.
I have to see someone.

May I get you some punch?


That would be very nice.

- Ed.

Ed. I believe you know Mrs Grant.

And your daughter Melinda.
- Good evening.

Hi. I remember Elizabeth from way back.

You haven't changed a bit.
You look like Melinda's sister.

Thank you.

Why do we have to talk now?
- This won't take long.


Melinda doesn't want to leave her
mother and her friends just now.


Well, this is very important.

I will meet you in the locker room.

I'll be right back, mother.

Mrs Grant, how would like to go over
and look at the chemistry exhibit?

What is it, Polly? I have to get back.

We are friends, aren't we Melinda?

I guess.
- Of course we are.

And when you are friends
it means you share things.

And we do surely share things.

We do?

Uhuh. That's what friends are for.

To share things we don't
ant other people to know.

Is that what you are worried about?
The other afternoon at your house?

I have never told anyone
Polly and I never will so ..

You don't have to worry.

I am not worried. Not me.

I'll tell you. What I really
want it to play Emily.

I told you before Polly.
I am sorry but ..

I have got to play it.

You wouldn't understand why, but it's
to do with my mother and father and ..

Well, it is so important to me.

I know it is and I am sorry
your mother didn't come tonight.

I know you want to be in the play
so she will come then but ..

So do I.

And I can't give it up.

Ever if the rehearsals keep you
from seeing Will every afternoon?

I don't see him every afternoon.

Sure you do.

Every afternoon.

Up on the hill.

Under the bandstand.

I saw you.

Only once.

I sure did.

But we'll never have
to mention it again ..

If you will just tell Miss Robeson
that you will drop out of the play.

And I wanted to be your friend.


What do you know about being friends?

You can talk because your mother
came tonight and mine didn't.

I begged her to come but she laughed.


Oh, I hate you, Melinda.

You and your crazy mother.

You'll get out of that play or I'll tell
everyone about and Will Henderson.

There's nothing to tell.

Well, you just listen to
what nothing sounds like.

And tell your mother to listen too.

I haven't done anything.

You little tramp!

Melinda, wait.

He almost slapped me in the face.

Who? Who hurt you?

Will Henderson.

I caught him and Melinda up at the
bandstand. She had her dress off.



Bruce. Open the door.

What's happening? What is that?

I'm sure it's nothing.

Probably just a door that is stuck.
- Isn't that where Melinda went?

I'm sure it has nothing
to do with Melinda.

Hurry, hurry, will you.
- What is it? What is it?

Bruce Mitchell saw the Grant girl doing
something with a boy at the bandstand.


I'm afraid his nose is broken.
- I'll say it is.

What is it with you?
Have you lost your mind?

What kind of an animal is your boy?

Give me a hand.

Alright, move back everyone.
Give us room.

Mrs Grant.

Bring your boy, Henderson. We are
going to get to the bottom of this.

You can't run away, Will.

I've got to find Melinda.

But what will I tell them?

Tell them you are my father.

[ Door knocks ]




[ Door knocks ]


Does Mrs Henderson
know where the boy is?

I'll handle this.

You don't seem to understand.
He is in serious trouble.

What? About a kid fight
that he didn't even start.

He struck Polly and he may have
mutilated Bruce Mitchell for life.

More than that. We have to have some
control over sexually abnormal children.

You are kidding?

This boy was caught
with a 16-year old girl.

Well, if any child ought to
be slapped it's his daughter.

You don't really believe her, do you?

What are you going to do, call the cops?

That had occurred to me.

As an alternative.

He can appear before a panel of teachers
and myself and he may avoid expulsion.

You want him to get down on his knees?

And let you walk on him.

The way I have done all my
life to people like you.

Not Will.

He's at least going to have a chance.

We are leaving this town.

And if you try and stop us. If you ..

If you make that boy suffer I'll
find you and break your neck.

That is a promise.

Goodnight, Alex.
- Goodnight.

Are you alright, Ed?

Yes. I am fine.


What are you looking for?
- That beer we bought. Where is it?


Well now, where would
I find a glass out here?

Drink it out of the bottle.

I know.

You are proud of him, aren't you.

Well, he packs a helluva wallop.

Where are we going
when we leave this town?

I don't know.

Can you still get that job in Toledo?

Can you?

Thank you.


Oh Papa, help me.


Melinda, it's me. Will.

Will you sit up.

Please sit up.

I'm so ashamed.

You don't have to be.
You haven't done anything.

But she is right.
She's right. I wanted to.

Melinda, listen to me.

Listen to me.

You love me and I love you so
there's nothing to be ashamed of.

Look. I know grown-ups don't think
we can be in love but we can.

We are.

But my mother. She'll hear
and she won't understand.

Do you really love me, Will?

I love you, Melinda.
- Then make it all right again.

I can't.

But so long as it's alright
inside us it doesn't matter.

It does. It does.

Well then, you're going to have
to face up to it until .. I can fix it.

Then I can come back.


My father is finished here
now on account of me.

We'll leave.

We always do when it doesn't work.
- Oh Will.

Let go.



My father isn't dead.

He is alive, isn't he?

You came to the bandstand.

After all the years and all
The care and all the watching.

You came to the bandstand.

When things go wrong.
When you need him ..

You go to the mailbox
to look for his letters.

So I know he is alive.

All my life I have heard
whisperings about this place.

About me and about him.

You closed the window so
you wouldn't hear but ..

But mother, I heard.


He is alive, isn't he?

You have got to tell me.

You are my mother.

Listen, Melinda.

Listen. You will hear it.

Hear what? I don't hear anything.

There is nothing to hear.

Try harder, Melinda.

You are his daughter.

That is how I met him,
because of the music.

I came here to the bandstand to listen.

Happy music made everybody happy.

I heard it wherever I went.

We came here often.

He wanted to marry me.

He said we would be married.

You believe that, Melinda?

You believe that?
- Yes .. yes.

He said it here, right here.

And then he left.

But he was coming back .. he ..

He promised. He ..

He never came back.


And you've have carried that promise
with you through these years.

Ever since I was born.

Making yourself sick and afraid.

That what happened to
you might happen to me.

0h, mother.

And now, you came to the bandstand.

The way I came to it.

And I am so ashamed.

So ashamed.

But there is nothing to be ashamed of.

I'm on the bandstand and
nothing has happened.

I love Will and ..

He is coming back for me.

Coming back?

I'll come back.

I love Melinda, Mrs Grant.
I'll come back.

Believe me, I will.

I believe you.


No letter for you today, Mrs Grant.

I wasn't expecting one.
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