03x06 - Ecotone

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Mayor of Kingstown". Aired: November 14, 2021 – present.*
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Crime drama that follows the McLusky family in Kingstown, Mich., where the business of incarceration is the only thriving industry.
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03x06 - Ecotone

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ MTV ♪


[TRACY] She's been in
here for three years.

And we don't do conjugal visits,
so who knocked her up, Lina?

I'm sure she'll be happy to
share the father's identity.

You got soldiers on your
doorstep. Make you feel safe?

Bunny gotta protect himself
so he can protect his.

[MIKE] Don't ghost me. You disappear,

you're rolling the f*cking Russians

with no warning, and
then you light 'em up.

- m*therf*cker spiked my supply.
- Yeah?

[BUNNY] Push me, I push back.

[KONSTANTIN] I didn't think
they would allow angels

in this fresh hell.

Fallen angels, Konnie.

Only the fallen.

[MIKE] If they find out
you're connected to me at all,

they will k*ll you.

You trust me.

I saw something.

- What'd you see?
- White Power cash,

Russian dr*gs. They traded
right in front of me.


Yo, Digo!

Move the wake-and-bake
down over Bunny's shop.

I don't need my clients seeing this.

You ain't even open yet.

And I won't open till
you move your sorry ass.

All right, Rhonda.



♪ I know ♪

♪ Better days are coming ♪

♪ If I can hang on ♪

♪ Yes, it is ♪

♪ Yes, it is ♪

♪ I know ♪

♪ Better days are coming... ♪

Stay with me.

- I don't want to die. Please.
- Almost there. Almost there.

♪ I can hang on ♪

♪ Mm... ♪

We need pressure.

- Where's Dr. Carpenter?
- I don't know. I think 10-1.

All right.

MSW's, about five.

Go knock on the bathroom door.
I need a doctor in here now.

- You know I can't do that.
- Stick your hand on this wound,

or go get the g*dd*mn doctor.

♪ Yes, it is ♪

♪ Yes, it is ♪

♪ All my troubles ♪

♪ They got me crying ♪

♪ But if I ♪

- ♪ If I can just keep on ♪

♪ Trying... ♪

- [g*nf*re]

Aah! f*ck!


♪ I wake up in the morning ♪

♪ Singing, singing the blues... ♪


♪ 'Cause everybody's running ♪


- Putangina.
- Huh?

"Poo-tahng-ee-na." It
means "f*ck," Ian. f*ck.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- Yo, where's Stevie?

Family shit. Look, we're shorthanded.

Lock that shit down, will ya?

- Copy.
- Hey.

- It's Rhonda?
- Yeah.

Big man got here before we did.

[MIKE] Ah, shit. Got
to get him out of here.

All right. [MUTTERS]

[IAN] Yeah, Mikey, I didn't
want to escalate the situation.

Oh, Jesus Christ. Okay.


It's not the best place
for you to be, Bunny.

m*therf*ckers baiting me, Mike.

- Come on.
- I'm ten toes in right now.

- Yeah, I know. I know, I get it.

Still. I'm not for hiding, neither.

All right? Shit like this,

the whole world got to
f*cking see me, Mike.

f*ck me. I'm sorry.

- I'm sorry, man.
- Yeah.

Just, come on. Just
can't let 'em bait you.

Don't let 'em bait
you. Come on. Just, uh,

anything happens, just give me a call.

- I know where to find you.
- Don't let 'em f*cking bait you. Be smart.


Four gunmen, according to the witnesses,

all pasty f*ckers, so they're
Russian, or they're Aryan.

Yeah, same difference, isn't it?

- Yeah.
- We know what this is.

- Well, we're gonna meet at Don's, okay?
- All right, yup.

All right, let's f*cking go.






Aryans tied up with the Kremlin.

So I need to get a handle on this.

Can you get Callahan in ad seg for me?

Yeah, I can do that.

Thank you. Now, I'm gonna deal with

the Russians on the outside, all right?


Okay, I'll see it's done.

You okay?

Yeah. Why?

Nothing. Thanks.




[NORSEMAN] So, I was thinking,

we'd start our own kindred up here,

bring in some of these unaffiliated.

Boost our numbers.


Save that "RaHoWa" crap
for the trailer park.

Oh, watch your step.

Is that a f*cking possum?

No, not a f*cking possum.

It's a rabbit.

A cat get to it?

Well, what do you see?

He got a broken neck, chest punctured.

Meat and organs are gone.

[NORSEMAN] There's still some guts left.

Yeah, maybe a Cooper's,

or a red-tailed hawk this time of year.

Smart enough not to eat shit.

You good?

Far from.

Got another funeral to arrange, so,

nothing's good.

You should go, you and Trey.

No difference no more,
soldier or civilian.

Pull Trey out of school?

He's on the gifted track.

There's different schools, Roe,

there's different places.

Where is he?


Oh. Never known Trey not
to want to take a day off.

[LAUGHING] Yeah, well,

he had a big test.

What subject?

Don't be testing me.


It's all good.

Just tell him...

Tell him I'm proud of him.


[THOMAS] The f*ck you doing?

Trading contraband?

- [ROE] No, sir.
- f*ck you talking about, bro?

Up, up. Get the f*ck up.

What the f*ck? We
wasn't even doing shit.

- We weren't doing nothing.

Hey, watch those hands, m*therf*cker.

What the f*ck are you gonna
do? Get him out of here.

- I'll smoke you, on God.
- [ROE] This what they do, Raph.

- They can't reach us, baby.
- Oh, I can reach you.


Don't hurt him. Do not hurt him!

- Come on!
- Don't hurt him!


I don't know if or when Bunny hits back.

- How can he not?
- But we need to manage his options.

Okay? Aryans are tied
with the f*cking Russians.

Now that's a f*cking
axis of evil right there.

Yeah. Look, Kareem is
gonna isolate Callahan.

That's gonna give us 48, so, Carney,

you got to cut off the f*cking spigot,
all right? Find the dr*gs.

You can put the m*therf*cker
in a box all you want, Mike,

we still can't figure
out where these n*zi fucks

are bringing in the dr*gs.

- f*cking "you" problem, Carney.
- Everything's a "me" problem, Ian.

Well, listen, just find 'em, okay?

They're getting in
there somehow, someway.

All right? Check the light fixtures,

check the laundry, check
the toothpaste, you know,

- find it.
- All right. f*ck. I'm on it.

- Good. You're on it.
- What about the Russian?

Box him out. Get a warrant, hit Cavo.

If we're gonna hit Konstantin,
we got to hit him heavy.

They're gonna be primed
after the Crips hit.

Just get that f*cking warrant signed.

Then we send those assholes
back to the motherland.

We're not taking a shot on this, so...

- What?
- [MIKE] Yeah. You hear me.

Don't even load your f*cking w*apon.

[ROBERT] Well, I mean, shit happens.

[MIKE] No, it doesn't.

You got to give me
your word on this one.

[KYLE] Mike, come on. What,
are we gonna take Noskov

out for some pierogis, too?

Hit a drive-through on the way to jail?

We got people inside in this deal, okay?

It's not a raid. It's not a k*ll zone.

Just serving a warrant.

We're gonna do that, and only that.

Too many innocents here.


Thank you.





Shut the f*ck up.




You b*tches. Ow!





- Inmate in labor.

- Inmate in labor.
- Door 1, bed 1, please.

Oh, no, no, no. No.

Cuffs off, please.

She could be hemorrhaging.
Take the cuffs off.

They can't do that.

Loosen them a notch.

One notch tighter, you're
gonna break her wrists.

If she can't bend her legs,
the baby won't make it.

- You let me worry about the baby.
- And what about the mother?

Okay, Tracy, Trace, they got it.

- No.
- They got it.

- [CARPENTER] Thank you.
- What the f*ck?

- It is okay.
- No, no.

- It's not okay.
- Listen. Listen to me, please.

She has to be restrained.

It's a shit policy,

but it's a policy
designed to protect us.

She is in labor. She's not
gonna overpower anybody.

She'll be okay, Tracy, I promise.

- Oh, my God.
- Look,

take a beat, come back,
but come back calm.

If you can't, no sweat.
I'll take care of them.


- Okay. Okay.
- [BREEN] Okay.

[MIKE] Evelyn.

- Hey.
- Morning.

Hey, can you give us five?

What's up, Mike?

Yeah, the Soviet problem is
worse than, uh, we thought.

That's not how I
wanted to start my week.

Yeah, they're tight with the Aryans,

and the greedy m*therf*ckers,
they want everything.

Prisons, Bunny, all of it.

Why tell me?

I'm putting Callahan in ad seg.

Noskov off the table.

You or your KPD posse?

Well, it's a cop call, not mine.

Who's signing the warrant?

Judge Pierce.

You want me to make the call?

That's why I'm here.

Need to streamline this.

- Come on, you can do it, please.

[SIGHS] Yeah, okay. Pierce likes me.

Mike, is SWAT serving the warrant?

Yeah. I'm on that, too.

- Be sure.
- I got it.

I know.

[MICHAELS] Your mother-in-law,

God rest her soul,

sat in that very chair
on many, many occasions,

and not once did she
not give me heartburn.


You gonna give me heartburn?

Uh, not my intent, warden.

There is a prisoner,

Sheri Maxwell, she goes by Cherry...

I know her.

She brutally m*rder*d a rookie guard,

then claimed he r*ped her.

Did he?

I'm not gonna dignify that with...

It couldn't have been him,

but she was pregnant. She
just gave birth this morning.


She's been inside three years,

which means it happened in here.


One of your COs or a staff member

r*ped Cherry.

Not the first time that
an inmate's taken a guard

as a boyfriend.

It's not possible. The power
dynamic doesn't allow for it.

Which is why it's forbidden
in every DOC manual

going back decades.


I'll look into it.

But if she's not willing
to name the father,

I'm Sisyphus with the boulder.



You said "father."

Whoever did this needs
to be on the wrong side

of a cell door.

Of course.

Tell you what,

call the anonymous tip
line, get the wheels turning.

I'm sitting here saying
it to you, Warden.

I don't need anonymity.

It's best we work this from many angles,

all I'm saying.

I want to protect everyone in my house,

guard and prisoner.

"The man who lies asleep
will never waken fame,

all his desires drift
past him like a dream,

and the traces of his
memory fade from time

like smoke in air

or ripples on a stream.

Now, therefore, rise."

Virgil is motivating him.

He wants him to get off his ass

and learn how to resist temptation.

That's what you get from that?

That's what Virgil gave us.

What is it today?

Been working through Dante lately.

Some of us are a little
further than others.

- [KAREEM] Get up.
- Why?

There's been a credible
threat on your life.

Need to isolate you.

- Who threatened me, Warden?
- On your feet, Merle.

That means get the f*ck up.



What the f*ck you looking at?




- [IRIS OVER PHONE] Cavo Club, this is...
- Hey, it's me. Can you talk?

We can book a booth, yeah.

There's a drink minimum.

KPD is coming.

Okay? So take an early lunch.

What time would you like
to schedule that for?

It's gonna be an hour.

Or less. I don't know.

[QUIETLY] That's pretty
f*cking suspicious.

Just go.

Okay? You hear me?

We look forward to seeing you.

- Thank you.
- Iris.


Cavo Club. This is Iris.




Callahan was sent down.

Great. Is he clean?

[SIGHS] He didn't see us coming, Mike.

Did you do a cavity search?

No cause.

Yeah, well, better safe
than sorry, Kareem, right?



I'll get it done.



g*dd*mn it. There's no action here.

Did you check the front?

Do I look new to you, rookie?

Of course I checked the f*cking front.

What's going on?


You don't pull the bumpers
when you do an oil change.



Give me a minute.



Are you f*cking kidding me?

- Andrea?



- Let's go.
- Get down on the ground!

Get down on the f*cking
ground! Drop the f*cking phone!

- Right now. Move, move, move.
- Hands!

Get down on the ground. On your knees.

Unit one, with me. Unit two, flank left.


[SPEAKS RUSSIAN] We're being raided.


Stack on me.

Down on the f*cking ground.

- Kingstown Police.
- Hands behind your head.

- Down on the f*cking ground.

Hands in the air.


Get down on the f*cking ground.

Get down, get down!

Kingstown Police, on the ground.

- Hands in the air.
- Left clear.

Down on the ground. I said
get down on the f*cking ground.

I carry a g*n. I have a permit.

- Shut the f*ck up.

I'm not resisting, Officer.

Oh, you're not resisting?

Hey, he's not resisting...

- Ow! f*cking Christ.
- Hey!

- Down.
- The f*ck?

Do not interfere, miss, okay?


- Hey.
- Get your f*cking hands off me.

[KYLE] Chill out. Chill the f*ck out.

Put on the handcuffs.

[IAN] Konstantin Noskov.

Got a warrant to search the premises

and every occupant in it.



Russians are in cuffs.

No sh*ts fired. Just
like you wanted, Mike.

Terrific. Iris?


Yeah, she, um...

she got a little roughed up.

Who did it?

It was a melee, Mike.

There was bodies everywhere.
I mean, shit happens, you know?


- who did it?
- She interfered, Mike.

She was throwing a block for
Konstantin, she caught an elbow,

but she's all right, I promise.

All right? I hauled
her ass out of the shit.

She-she, she was just playing her part

a little too well, you know what I mean?

Yeah. All right.

Thanks for looking after her.


[ROBERT] f*ck.

[QUIETLY] f*ck. f*ck. f*ck.

Nuts and butts, f*ck me.

Glove up, rook. a**l initiation.

You for real?

f*cking rite of passage.

Yeah, that won't be necessary.


You can take a pass, Smokey.

What the f*ck you say?

- f*ck off.
- Don't you f*cking move,


We'll tune him up.

You, we'll toss off the f*cking tier.

You got a thing for
Callahan? You f*cking pervert?

[CARNEY] You got a f*cking problem,

you can take it up with the warden.

You actually listen to that fucker?

He ain't who you work for.

Say who you work for.

Say who you work for.

f*ck you.

f*ck you, m*therf*cker!

- f*ck you!

Say who you work for. Say it!

- Say it!
- f*ck you.

You got it.



Just to be clear...

no lawyers.


Am I fending off charges?

Did you find anything at the club?

Cocaine residue.

Some bad visas.

Well, I just patronize the club.

I have no stake in it,
so I can't speak to that.

[STEVIE] Yeah, well, y-you might have

to answer for it, Mr. Noskov.

Baby made it, by the way.

What baby?

Baby you threw in the dumpster.

He lived.

- We're all babies that live.
- Oh, Jesus Christ.

You shot his mother in the f*cking head,

you threw them both in the trash.

Is that why I'm here?

That baby gnawed on its
own hands to survive,

you bag of shit.

[STEVIE] Can you believe that?

Huh? You believe that shit? Look.


Well, that baby will
lead a tortured life.


It's a tragic tale, oft-told
in this tragic world.

You know, a lot of bodies have
dropped since you come to town.

Well, maybe you should take
that up with Milo Sunter.

That'd be a bit of a
chore, unless you think

- he's f*cking haunting the Cavo.
- Well,

- I do believe in spirits.
- Huh.

But if you want information on Milo,

shouldn't you speak to Michael McLusky?

- I know what you did.
- I mean,

he and Milo were associates, no?

You have no future in this f*cking town.

- We're gonna make sure of it.
- Ah.

He's a friend.

Beyond reproach.

Now, tell me, Detectives,
who are the cops here

and who are the criminals?


I see you.

I see you, too, fuckface.

- Mike.
- Yeah?

We found enough to question him,

we just can't hold him
longer than 24 hours

without any charges.

Okay, thanks. You mind getting me

- some ice, please?
- Copy.

- [IRIS] Thanks.
- Thank you.




Any time I contact you,
and I mean any time...

- Mike.
- ... it's a risk.

I know.

- Do you understand?
- Mm-hmm.

So when I do,

it's with a f*cking purpose.

So you don't get caught
in the f*cking cross fire.

There was no cross fire.

I waved the cops off.

And even then, it's not a guarantee.

You have to f*cking listen.

- I am listening to you.
- You understand?

I can't... I couldn't just leave, Mike.

What would've happened if I'd
have just taken my lunch break?

Little bit suspicious, no?


You know what I am
to him? His arm candy.

I'm fun. I'm his drug buddy.


We compromise that,

he is gonna k*ll me quicker
than he k*lled Tatiana.

- I'm not special.
- Well, you're special enough.


You all right?


You have to listen to me.


Is there any news?


He's got girls coming in from Europe.

They're crossing the border.

He's gonna sort them and chip them,

and then he's gonna send
them to modeling agencies.

New York, Chicago,

- Philly.
- Until they pay back

- what they owe?

Never happens.

- Yeah.

f*ck. I got to take this. Keno.

Can you, uh, take care of her?

- [KENO] Put this on.
- Yeah?

[IRIS] Thanks.

Do I merit an audience, Mike?


It's got to be tomorrow.


Not feeling very f*cking special.

Well, you, uh, are
at the top of the list

of f*cking special, all right?

I promise you that.

[QUIETLY] f*ck you.

[g*nf*re OVER TV]

That don't sound like homework.

[TREY] I did it.

Had a free period.

Anything you can get ahead of?

Did all my reading for the week.

Okay, Mr. Scholastic, you covered.

[g*nf*re OVER TV]

Your daddy said, "What's up?"


He said he's proud of you.


[g*nf*re OVER TV]







- Carney.
- I'm pretty sure I know how A.B.'s

moving weight inside.

They took over the auto body shop.

That's great.

That's wonderful. Yeah,
can you tell me how

Callahan calls me from the f*cking hole?

[PANTING] Uh, maybe because his, uh,

Aryan f*cking storm troopers
just tried to k*ll me

for trying to search him.

Oh, shit. Really?

Couple of cracked ribs for sure.

I got to take the
f*cking night off, Mike.

I got to go check on my dad. [GRUNTS]

Shit f*cking day, right?

Every day is a shit f*cking day, Carney.

Go check on your dad.
Rest up, all right?




[BUNNY] I'm, uh...

I'm sorry.

For what, Deverin?
What are you, what are you sorry for?

It's on me.

No. Mm-mm. You loved her.

You stood by her.

You can't blame yourself
for what you're born into.

[BUNNY] That man died in his sleep.

I knew that O.G. from the neighborhood.

[CHUCKLES] I knew him
from when I was knee-high.

He lived his whole life...

in this.

Raised his family...

in this.

Sent all his kids away, but he stayed.

He-he f*cking lived through it, man.

Can you imagine that shit, Mike?

Dying old.

Dying in your sleep.



- What's going on?

Hi. What are you looking at?

- Hi.
- [KYLE] Hi.

Baby, leave your shoes by the door.


- Oh, and wash your hands.


[KYLE] You graveyard?

Uh, no, I got the whole 24 hours off.

- [KYLE] Shit, me too.
- Yeah?

- Hi.
- How's our boy?

Happy, strong. Happy.

- Attaboy.
- Yeah.

- Huh?
- He's okay.

[SHUSHES SOFTLY] How's work?

Uh, med maintenance. [SIGHS]

Um, stitches, mostly.

Saw the warden yesterday.

Yeah? For what?

Oh, no, nothing. Nothing.

Uh, ran into her in the break room.

She was offering her condolences.

You know, Ma, she used to bust
that woman's balls on the daily.


Well, you know, we
have 24 hours together.

- What are we gonna do?
- Oh.


- Hmm.
- Hmm.

- Oh, yeah.
- I know.



[CALLAHAN] Do you have dogs, Mikey?

Yeah, when I was a kid.

I was feeding a bear for a while.

At my cabin.

Bear's a f*cking apex predator.

So, what am I doing here, Cal?

Kareem put me in the hole.

Figure he wanted to feel strong.

Or was that you?

Yeah, that was me.

Do you? Feel strong?


You should've told me about
the f*cking Russians, Cal.

I mean, honestly. I needed a moment.

Had to get a handle.

Well, math here's simple.

You push the Crips back

or you let me manage my shit my way.

Not asking for the
f*cking Sun and Moon here.

Yeah, well, Konstantin doesn't
know the f*cking rules here.

How things work. We need a balance.

- Balance.
- Yeah.

When have we ever had that?

When Mitch was around? Not even.

It's always back and forth.
Back and f*cking forth, huh?


Well, we were pretty damn
close when you left Kingstown.


Prison's like a border zone.

It's the ecotone. Know what that is?

- No.
- Ecotone's a region of transition

between two biological communities.

Where the forest meets field,
mountains meet the desert.

It's more abundant, richer in life.

It's where predators feed.

What the f*ck are you gonna do

when Konstantin has no
more use for you, Cal?

That's gonna happen.

That m*therf*cker eats his own.

He eats what he kills.

We're the same breed.

- Eh.
- He won't come at me.

Won't as long as the predator gets fed.

Like your bear.

You feed it so it don't
f*cking turn on you.

That bear is shot dead.

- I'm sure of it.
- Hmm.

I only do business with predators.

Anyone else, no interest.

Show me what you are, Mikey.

You want balance? Hit Bunny Washington.

I'm a long way from making hits.

Way I see it, he's the one
upsetting the ecosystem.

f*cking flaunting.

If you ain't a predator, you're prey.

You're gonna end up dead on
the border, guts torn out,

vultures pecking at your liver.

Make a decision, Mike.



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