- [indistinct chattering]
- [phones ringing]
[woman 1] Yes. I can do that.
I am truly sorry about this.
[groans] Oh, now what?
[pensive music playing]
[boy 1] Have you seen this?
A second-year student is suing the school.
- [girl 1] Arisawa's trial is today, right?
- [girl 2] Wonder how it'll go.
[boy 2] I wonder
if the school rules will change.
The first oral proceedings.
[music fades]
[judge] In a moment,
I will ask you some questions
concerning this incident.
[Chihiro] A trial?
I'm going to sue the school.
To get rid of their "no-romance" rule
for both the boys and girls.
You were still wrong
for breaking the rules,
no matter what they are.
First, you do that.
Now you want your expulsion rescinded?
- You're asking for too much.
- I know, it's just...
Instead of obsessing over that school,
you should try to find
a new one and restart.
Getting rid of my expulsion
isn't my goal for this though.
All I want is to change the rules
for the students
who are enrolled right now.
While they're at that school,
they have to hide their love,
students spying on each other,
destroying everything
that they care about.
[emotional music playing]
I can't take it any longer.
I was only talking about money
the other day, but...
my desire to protect everyone's love lives
grew stronger and stronger.
That's why
it's my responsibility
to see this through.
[music fades]
[man 1] Will the witness please state
their name and position at the school?
My name is Yoko Ikushima.
[stirring music playing]
As principal of Asuran Academy,
I chose for all students
to follow a rule disallowing romance.
A lawsuit of any kind
will surely damage our image.
The fact that she filed this lawsuit
all of a sudden,
she clearly won't just talk things out.
It is possible that her main goal here
is to have her claims
be public through the court system.
Would she really be able
to abolish the no-dating rule?
[man 1] Please tell us the purpose
behind this school rule.
The rule is there to protect students
so physically and mentally
immature students
can avoid any wounds that could come from
being in this situation,
allowing everyone
to focus on their school work.
For this purpose,
this rule is essential to their success.
And you know
the high school curriculum guidelines
written by the Ministry of Education,
Culture, Science, and Technology?
Of course I do.
Within that is a teaching requirement
on sexual education,
allowing students
to make their own choices
based on appropriate information.
When you established
the no-romance rule at school,
did you not think the rule might
contravene the requirements set?
Private schools here
do have the permission
to freely conduct education
through their own traditions and culture,
as I'm sure you're aware.
But this school rule infringes
on the students' basic human rights
such as their feelings and their privacy.
The rule was founded
on the wise opinions of several experts
after very thorough discussions
had taken place.
Therefore, I concluded
that it was a reasonable rule.
This goes without saying,
but after you expelled that many students,
admitting you were wrong
won't be that easy.
So, realistically speaking,
can you win this?
Honestly, we can't really be sure.
I did ask the lawyer,
but she said this case is unprecedented.
Seriously, dude, how dare you
just let Ichica fight this alone.
Seriously? Think your head
is still screwed up a little there.
[Asuka] No way. Come on.
This is Ichica's house.
- Ichica, your friends are here to see you.
- How are you?
That's a weird combination.
She gave me a ride here. [chuckles]
[whimsical music playing]
Here you go!
[all exclaiming]
- Whoa!
- [Ichica] Wow!
Can I really have this?
LK helped me a lot. Enjoy it.
[Asuka] Looks good.
And thank you. You listened
when I needed someone to talk to.
[Koharu] And for now...
Okay. Use this!
- [all chuckle]
- You really don't have to!
Trials cost money. Are you sure?
[Ichica] No! It's fine.
Put it away. I can't accept this.
I wanna give a testimony at the trial.
[music fades]
- [Ichica] Huh?
- What kind of testimony?
That I, too, believe the rule is wrong.
[Asuka chuckles]
Come on, Fujino.
You were the boss of the Rabbit Hunters.
Yeah, you were definitely
the most intense, that's for sure.
Actually, I can't believe
you're even here right now.
[Sawa] That's exactly why!
I got so invested without even thinking,
and all I did was punish others
for finding love.
That's why
this time, I'd like
to face everyone the right way.
So, for now,
should Arisawa and Maki get up and dance?
- What?
- Huh?
[Ichica] Hmm?
The Love Keeper dance, okay?
That was you two dancing, right?
- Ah! It was super cute!
- [Ichica] Stop.
[Ruka] You're right.
- [Asuka] Okay, dance. Come on!
- [Ryogo] Hard pass!
- [Asuka] You wanna see it, right?
- I do, yeah!
- [Asuka] You wanna see it?
- Yeah!
[sentimental music playing]
[music fades]
I'm sorry.
For letting you handle
the trial on your own.
It's really okay.
You're amazing, Ichica.
You even convinced your mom.
Well, even so, I don't think
I could ever manage to convince your dad.
[both laugh]
[tender piano music playing]
Love is still forbidden
even with the trial.
The no-romance rule is gone if you win.
If you lose, you're expelled.
Maki, you give me the power
to get through, you know?
[music fades]
Asuran Academy's leak site
was the website the students were using.
It was originally meant for counseling,
but as it went on,
the students started to send in photos
of other students' romances.
Did the school decide
to enact a rule to prevent that?
It did not.
I suggested closing the website down.
They rejected that idea
because they thought
students watching students
was a good system.
[people murmuring]
[woman 1] Miss Shinoda,
as the school counselor,
how do you think the no-romance rule
between boys and girls
affected the mental health and well-being
of the students here?
Interest in romance overall is dynamic,
and it differs from student to student,
so it's impossible to say.
[emotional music playing]
That said...
I believe that the rule against romance
did cause harm and, for some students,
had dire effects.
[Ruka] My relationship was leaked
on that website.
And after that happened,
were you punished by the school for this?
I wasn't.
[door opens]
Our relationship wasn't an issue
'cause I had dated...
a male classmate.
There's something I wanted
to talk to you about in person, Yuma.
I'm speaking up.
I'm going to testify in court.
[woman 1] You said that you wanted to talk
in person about your testimony in court.
Why did you want to do that?
That's because
I refuse to continue to hide who I am.
[music intensifies]
When gay romance didn't count as love,
my own existence
felt like it was being dismissed...
even though
I'm clearly right here.
I enforced it.
I cracked down
on students in relationships
as part of the student council's
Rabbit Hunters.
Our job was to patrol areas
couples would go
and to report to the teachers
with photos we took of students we found.
When you say "patrol areas,"
do you mean at school?
[Sawa] Outside too.
The principal instructed us to do so.
The most convenient were love hotels.
I staked those out a lot.
Students would sneak into them.
I waited outside one for two hours once.
[people murmuring]
Now, I...
deeply regret what I've done.
'Cause I finally came to realize
that no one has the right
to forbid anyone the right to love.
I would like to say sorry
to everyone that got hurt
because of my actions.
[music fades]
[woman 1] When you were called
to the principal's office,
what kind of photos did they show to you?
Photos of a male student and myself
kissing each other one night.
[woman 1] What questions did they ask you?
If we had sexual intercourse.
They asked me several times.
[people gasp, murmuring]
[melancholy music playing]
Then I was told to take my phone out
because they wanted to see
every single message and photo
in my phone.
[man 1] When questioning
Miss Ichica Arisawa,
did you demand that she show
the messages and photos on her phone
to you and the other teachers?
I can assure you it wasn't a demand.
That was solely just an inevitable check
in order to gain
a clear understanding of the matter.
[woman 1] How did you feel
when she asked you that?
She just kept demanding in a harsh tone,
and it made me feel a bit frightened.
And... and all of the photos...
It was very embarrassing for me
to show my personal photos.
It was horrible.
[music fades]
[footsteps approaching]
I saved some dinner for you.
Are you hungry?
You don't have to forgive me.
I know that I have a lot of regrets,
but my greatest regret
is that I taught you
the wrong way to love somebody.
Just cut it out, will you?
I told you it's disgusting.
True love should never be disgusting.
It shouldn't be dirty.
Even if you fall in love with someone
and maybe you find some ugly feelings
that are deep within you,
you shouldn't be afraid
and become a person
who is incapable of love.
[emotional music playing]
[man 1] When the schools merged,
did you receive an explanation
of the school rules?
[Chihiro] Yes.
[man 1] Were you informed
that romance between boys and girls
would lead to expulsion?
Yes, I was.
At that point,
did you object to the no-romance rule
between boys and girls?
At that point,
I thought it felt safer to me.
I was grateful
for the school's desire and attempts
to try to protect the children.
But, well...
Um, I'm sorry.
I definitely am not an expert on this.
You see, I'm not positive
if that rule is right or wrong.
But isn't love just one,
uh, how do I put it?
I believe love is part
of growing up as a teenager.
Caring about another person
other than yourself
fosters compassion and kindness.
[door opens]
My daughter... fell in love
for what I think is the first time...
and it made her grow up a little.
And she started this trial
not for her own sake
but because she wanted to protect
her fellow students at school.
I may sound a bit arrogant, but I suppose
that's just how I feel about the rule now.
So, therefore,
I am now fully against
the no-romance rule that the school
has strictly enforced on its students.
I understand.
And is your daughter, the plaintiff,
of the same opinion?
Yes, of course.
She started this trial arguing
that the no-romance rule
should be removed immediately.
However, your daughter
took advantage of that exact rule
to make money off students,
together with the male student
she was in love with.
[woman 1] Objection.
This statement has no relevance
to the case we're currently talking about.
I'm confirming the plaintiff's thoughts
concerning the current case.
[uneasy music playing]
Objection overruled.
Please continue.
Your daughter is arguing
that the no-romance rule
the school had placed is invalid,
but before, she sent incriminating photos
to her fellow students
displaying their romantic relationships
and threatening them with expulsion
if they didn't pay her.
Did your daughter not do
that very exact thing
because she then realized
the school rule was working in her favor?
Um, I understand that,
and I'm sorry that this is...
[man 1] She reaped the benefits
of that exact rule,
but the moment
her very own romance was exposed,
she argued that the rule was invalid.
It was none other than your daughter
who made the other students suffer,
using the no-romance rule
as a shield, wasn't it?
- [woman 1] Objection, Your Honor!
- Wait a second!
[music fades]
It was like that at the start!
Ichica did it for the money.
- She needed money to stay at the school.
- Uh, Maki!
[judge] Spectators should refrain
from speaking.
Along the way, things did change though!
She saw people who were in love,
and she changed her mind
even though her identity
as LK could get revealed!
She wanted to help them
regardless of money!
[judge] I order you
to leave the courtroom.
- No, that's...
- [judge] Leave the courtroom now.
Excuse me!
I was Love Keeper too.
I worked with them on it.
That's why I know
that it wasn't extortion.
It was a deal.
The deals we made
were with students afraid of expulsion.
[man 1] Stop this at once!
Look at all the messages,
and then you'll see!
Is that what you're trying to say too?
That it wasn't extortion
but a deal to protect other students
from the school's own rules?
That's right.
Then you understand
that such a deal only works
if the students you claim to have helped
were also fully aware
that the exchange was a deal?
And yet you still haven't revealed
a single student
that you claim to have helped.
With no way to confirm
the awareness of the other party,
how can you say with certainty
that it was a deal?
If that's what you claim,
you should present evidence.
Who were these students you helped?
Their names? Can't you tell us?
If you can't, then your argument
that it wasn't extortion
but a deal holds no water.
Objection, Your Honor.
I'm done.
[judge] Spectators should refrain
from interfering with the proceedings.
[door opens]
[door closes]
Are you feeling down?
[Ryogo] Huh?
You've been quiet.
What about you?
Sure you wanna walk with me?
Didn't you have something to tell Ichica?
Tell her what?
That you like her.
That's why you got pissed off
and then ratted us out.
Maki, I envy you.
You're so simple.
Because I never thought love existed.
Thought it was stupid to go crazy
over something like that.
I threw up 'cause I was so disgusted
with how jealous I was.
I can finally accept
that I have those feelings now.
So don't worry.
I won't try and get between you two.
[Ryogo] Hmm.
[sentimental music playing]
But I'm totally useless.
Can't help with the trial.
Can't convince my parents.
Ichica's fighting it all alone.
Even private things
are getting thrown at her.
She's facing all that blame,
and I can't do anything.
I feel so pathetic.
Well... you could grow up a little,
if I'm being honest.
Isn't this where
you're supposed to cheer me up?
[grunts, chuckles]
[man 2] I saw the news about
the Asuran students. I was shocked.
They're all making
such a big fuss over this trial.
Honestly, it's deplorable how
a high school student can act so wantonly.
What are her parents doing about it?
[man 2] I wonder as well.
[music fades]
[people laughing]
Whoa, there's already a crowd.
- Hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey.
- What?
Hey, do you have a strong heart?
Can your heart take pressure?
Yeah, I guess. Why do you ask?
Well, good luck with that.
Oh! Hello!
[feel-good music playing]
I really am sorry.
Can you pay the debt or not?
I'll handle it.
Everything that I owe you,
I'll pay it back.
Can she win?
If not, she gets expelled?
I don't know.
I was wrong about it too.
I thought I put Ichica
into that school for her own sake.
But maybe I forced her
to take care of my life instead.
I just wanted her to be happy
more than anything.
Even I couldn't teach her
how to be happy in the end.
You are a great parent to her.
[woman 1] The next hearing will be
the final showdown with the principal.
She's a tough one.
Her expression didn't change
even a little bit,
even after everything she heard in court.
So that means she's very confident
in the school rule, am I right?
I was... curious about that as well,
so I dug a bit into her records.
Why is the principal so obsessed
with having a no-romance rule at school
only between boys and girls?
Principal Ikushima
was a graduate of our school.
And in her third year there,
her best friend died.
She was pregnant.
She couldn't tell her parents
and tried to give birth in secret.
And then died during it.
[melancholy music playing]
Maybe the principal has
lived with that regret most of her life...
all because...
she couldn't stop her best friend's love.
[music fades]
[woman 1] For today,
the plaintiff would like to hear
from the witness directly.
She will cross-examine
the witness with my support.
Is that all right?
I'm okay with that.
Over the course of this trial,
did you ever feel a need to reconsider
the no-romance rule
between boys and girls?
There have been several testimonies
regarding psychological distress
caused by the rule.
Has your mind still not changed?
I will admit that there were problems
with how I managed everything.
I sincerely apologize for that,
and I vow to improve the methods.
That said, regarding the rule
I set between boys and girls,
I do believe it's a necessary rule
for the school to have.
So my belief stays the same.
We understand that private schools
are free to educate as they see fit.
However, in the current age of diversity
and in view of the changes
in societal norms,
do you not believe that there is a need
to reconsider the school rules?
You mean
that in order to meet
society's ever-changing demands,
we should change our school rules?
[woman 1] It can be argued
that a unilateral prohibition
hampers the development of the autonomy
and agency that is suited for the age.
I think it's obvious what would happen
if we were to let
the emotionally immature ones
take care and fend for themselves
in this world.
"Depriving the students
of their human rights is draconic."
"Don't push adult values on the kids."
"Let the students decide what should
be right and what should be wrong."
These are all just hollow theories
that are created
by third parties and critics
who never have to act on these.
What I want to say is...
more than anything,
I want you to trust the students...
If trust is all it takes,
there'd be no need for school rules.
In reality, the real workplace
can't run on ideals alone.
And what if something irreversible
were to happen?
Who will take the fall for it then?
All you are saying today is correct.
We are immature students.
But prohibition is never
the answer for what we need.
What we actually need is useful guidance
so that certain things don't happen.
Do you not believe that
that's the right way?
Do things that only
high school students can do.
That's what the adults say.
There's also romance
only we can experience.
Objection, Your Honor.
She's just stating her opinion,
not cross-examining.
I never said you couldn't be in love.
But even so,
if the school doesn't allow romance,
students will believe
that falling in love is a bad thing.
- Arisawa.
- I don't agree.
I do not think that my love
is any type of crime. Therefore...
I don't regret my actions.
Please let us figure out
and establish our feelings ourselves...
and our failures and experiences
so that we won't be forced to grow up
and regret being overprotected!
[judge] Plaintiff, please settle down.
The defendant's objection is sustained.
Do not state your opinions,
but instead, ask for the facts next time.
[Ikushima] The school
is not allowed regret either.
Miss Ikushima.
Back then,
if they had handled it properly...
if only they could've stopped her
or tied her down...
then they wouldn't have had
to hurt her and make her suffer.
And maybe they wouldn't have
forced her to do what she did.
That kind of regret.
The school should never
be allowed to have it!
It's the school's duty to protect
every student until the very end!
[breathes deeply]
[emotional music playing]
Excuse me.
We are all free to love.
And free not to love.
if you could...
have the courage
to trust in every one of us.
[emotional music continues]
I went to pay my respects
to the school you're transferring to.
I've made my decision.
Here's the school's pamphlet.
Take a look at it.
My dear.
[music fades]
Can I talk to you, please?
[Chihiro] You made all of this?
[Ichica] Yeah.
It feels like I made this
a lifetime ago now.
Whether you win or lose the trial,
you should decide your own future.
Please don't worry about me.
'Cause as your mom,
I trust in you, Ichica.
[sentimental music playing]
[Ichica] Will we not have any regrets
if we decide for ourselves?
Is that true?
[boy 1] Yeah!
[voices echoing]
[Ichica] But really, I don't think
people are that strong.
No matter what, though,
I'm sure we'll have regrets
even if things don't work out.
[boy 1] Yeah!
[Ichica] But we still
wanna trust in ourselves.
We want to love
the person we used to hate.
Humans sure are a greedy bunch.
[man 3] All rise.
I will now announce the verdict.
[music fades]
Main text.
The court confirms that the plaintiff
is a student of Asuran Academy,
a high school operated by the defendant.
All of the plaintiff's other demands
have all been dismissed.
[emotional music playing]
[girl 1] Are you serious?
[girl 2] I heard
Arisawa didn't win the trial.
[girl 3] Oh, really?
[Ayami] I wanna apologize
to Maki and Arisawa.
But... I can't work up the courage.
To be honest,
I never thought I'd be like this.
Someone who frames friends...
or gets jealous.
I have a pitch-black heart.
[music fades]
First of all,
you should accept yourself
exactly the way you are.
Then you should take it slowly,
making sure you lead with love.
And don't hate yourself.
Then I think you should think about
what you might want to do.
[man 4] Will you still
continue with the trial?
[Ichica] Yes.
But shouldn't this be enough?
Your expulsions have already been revoked.
The other students who were also expelled
can come back if that's what they wish.
Right, but... the school rule I was against
is still in effect for everybody.
Sue us. It won't make a difference.
The court found the rule to be reasonable.
They agree that it will help
students focus more on their studies.
But, Princip...
[Ikushima] The school rules
will not change.
If you don't like it,
then you can leave the school
whenever you like.
[knocking at door]
Sorry. Excuse me.
- [Ikushima] Save it for later.
- Well, it's just that...
Excuse me.
[pensive music playing]
[Ayami] I was dating Mr. Maki.
Now I'm planning
to reveal everything on social media.
- What?
- [girl 1] Hello.
- [girl 2] Hello.
- Hello. No, no, no, wait.
[girl 3] Hello.
What's the meaning of this?
Did you waltz in here... just to tell us
you're going to tell everyone?
If you agree to get rid of
the school's no-romance rule,
then I won't go public.
[man 4] What are you saying?
[music intensifies]
What's going on?
[whispers] What are you doing?
Let's go.
[Ryogo] Huh?
I know I'm acting foolish, miss.
But honestly... I'm struggling
to find any other way not to hate myself.
At any rate,
I cannot give in
to such threats from a student.
[Mr. Izawa] Hey! I said stop!
Hey, come on, wait!
Wait! Jeez.
[woman] What are you doing here?
We've brought you a signed petition.
Please abolish the no-romance rule
between the boys and girls.
I'm personally not interested
in being in love.
It's a pain, honestly,
and I want to be doing other things.
But I think it's wrong
to forbid it for those who do want it.
[girl 4] I'm not interested in romance,
but I don't want the school
to decide for me.
[girl 5] Falling in love gave me
the courage to step forward.
[Koharu] And I
learned how to identify bad men.
Seriously, love is, like, really cool.
[boy 3] I don't think it's wrong
to fall in love with someone.
[Yuzuki] I don't think there is
a right or wrong way for people to live.
Please trust in your students.
[girl 6] Please trust in all of us.
[boy 4] Please! Abolish the rule.
- [all] Abolish the rule!
- Please abolish the rule.
- Abolish the rule!
- Please abolish the rule!
Please trust your students!
- Abolish the rule!
- Abolish the rule!
- Principal, abolish the rule!
- Abolish the rule!
- Trust us!
- Abolish the rule!
- Abolish the rule!
- Please!
[girl 7] This is where you vote.
Please state your grade, class,
and student number.
[boy 5] Voting location is that way.
[girl 7] This is where you will vote.
Please state your grade, class,
and student number.
- [Miss Tokui] Two for, one against.
- [boy 6] Okay.
[boy 6] Two for, one against.
[boy 7] Okay.
FOR 33
[emotional music playing]
[scattered clapping]
It's okay.
It's not over yet.
[emotional music continues]
[music fades]
Are you satisfied?
Principal, do...
do you remember my friend, Ema Komori?
She had a baby girl.
She's very happy.
So she already had her child.
You knew that already?
[Ikushima] The results should be in soon.
However it goes,
that rule was truly necessary.
I believe...
you'll come to understand that soon.
[pensive music playing]
[music fades]
[Ichica] Dear Maki.
How are you?
I hope you're not fooling around
and getting into trouble over there.
As for myself, I'm doing all right.
I'm studying hard
for the university entrance exams.
[wistful music playing]
I actually get along well
with the rich girls.
There are no more Rabbit Hunters,
but romance
is still banned at the school.
On that day,
the no-romance rule didn't go away...
FOR 239, AGAINST 258
...because more than half of the students
decided that this school
doesn't need romance.
They thought about
what mattered the most to them
and what kind of environment
they needed for that.
I think they chose for themselves.
[airplane engine roaring]
Like you did, Maki.
[music fades]
[Ryogo] I'm...
gonna study overseas.
All my life,
I've been rebelling against my dad.
Seeing you fighting in the trial,
all I felt was shame.
I have to do this for myself.
You're serious, then.
we had a good love, don't you think so?
Well... take care.
[emotional music playing]
[Ryogo] Ichica!
Wait for me.
[Ichica] No, I won't wait.
Let's talk every day.
[Ichica] Go study on your own!
[Ichica] Thank you, Maki.
[music fades]
[Ichica] P.S.
I have also
found a dream.
["This Hell" by Rina Sawayama playing]
[Ichica] If there's no way forward,
make one yourself.
♪ Turns out, I'm going to hell... ♪
[Ichica] I will live my life by my rules.
- [students] Good morning.
- [guard] Hi.
♪ All right, then
Buckle up, at dawn we're riding ♪
♪ Walk a mile on these coals ♪
♪ Busy cleansing my soul ♪
- ♪ Getting ready for the night ♪
- [phone chimes]
♪ Damned for eternity ♪
♪ But you're coming with me ♪
♪ Into the afterlife ♪
[students laughing]
[indistinct chattering]
[phone chimes]
[phone chimes]
♪ This hell is better with you ♪
♪ We're burning up together... ♪
♪ 'Cause the devil's wearing Prada
And loves a little drama, ooh-ooh ♪
♪ This hell is better with you ♪
♪ This life gave us nothing to lose ♪
♪ We're going down together
Got a ticket for two ♪
♪ 'Cause the devil's wearing Prada
And loves a little drama, ooh-ooh ♪
♪ This hell is better with you ♪
♪ With you ♪
♪ Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
♪ With you ♪
♪ Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
♪ With you ♪
♪ Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
♪ This hell is better with you ♪
♪ Got my invitation to eternal damnation ♪
♪ Get in line, pass the wine, b*tch
We're going straight to hell ♪
♪ Got my invitation to eternal damnation ♪
♪ Get in line, pass the wine, b*tch
We're going straight to hell ♪
♪ This hell is better with you ♪
♪ We're burning up together, baby
That makes two ♪
♪ 'Cause the devil's wearing Prada
And loves a little drama, ooh-ooh ♪
♪ This hell is better with you ♪
♪ This hell is better with you ♪
♪ With you ♪
♪ This hell is better with you ♪
♪ This hell is better with you ♪
♪ This hell is better with you ♪
[music ends]
[emotional music playing]
[music fades]
01x08 - My Life, My Rules.
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In a strict high school, a mysterious social media account starts exposing students' forbidden romances and secrets.
In a strict high school, a mysterious social media account starts exposing students' forbidden romances and secrets.