Channel, The (2023)

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Channel, The (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[thunder clapping]

[heavy breathing]

- [inaudible voice over radio]
- [man shouting]

[heavy breathing]

[machine g*n fire]

[machine g*n fire]

[machine g*n fire]

- [heavy breathing]
- [men shouting]

[loud beep]

[dog barking in distance]

[ambient music]

[man grunts]

[ambient music continues]

[baby coos]

[baby cries in distance]

[man sighs]

[baby coos]

Good mornin'.

What you got? Let me see this.

- Oh. Whoosh.
- [baby coos]

Yeah. What's that? Boop boop.

[toy jingles]

What do you think?


[suspenseful music plays]

What's that necklace for?

[music continues]



[baby coos]

[ambient music continues]

[door swings open]

- Hello!
- Good morning, Meme.

Morning, Jamie.

- [kisses]
- Ah!

You hand over that baby
to me right this minute.

- Who's that?
- Who's my heart?

Who's that?

- Aww.
- Oh.

- That's it, come to Meme.
- [baby coos happily]

Thank you for doing this, Meme.

- [baby cries]
- Aww aww.

- That's a grumpy baby.
- [baby cries]

Oh! One more goodbye, yeah?

You gonna stay with
Meme today, yeah?


Be good. Be a good girl.

You all right staying the night?

[Meme] Aww... oh!
'Course, darlin'.

- Nothing would make me happier.
- [baby cries]

- Oh, my!
- [baby cries]

- Papas leavin'.
- I'll be back today.

[Meme] Daddy will be
back. He'll be back.

- Thank you, Meme.
- He'll be back.

- [door shuts]
- [intro music plays]

[intro music continues]

[van brakes]

[van door closes]

[intro music plays]

[g*n cocks]

All right, so there I was.

Day two, in the sandbox.

In a convoy, on the 81st.

I'm sittin' up top,
at the gunner seat.

f*cking hearts beating
through my chest 'cause I...

I heard it's the most dangerous
stretch of road in the country.

f*ck yeah, it is.

What could go wrong?

So we're cruising along.

All of a sudden, I see this f*cking
Hajji on the side of the road.

And he's going to town

- on a fuckin donkey...
- He's got...

Hang on a minute!
A f*cking donkey?

Bro, he's got his
little Hajji dress

hiked up over his
shoulders bangin' away.

- How do you even do that?
- Super f*cking weird, right?

I even said somethin' to Gunny
about it but he shrugs it off.

So we don't get another
six klicks down the road,

I see another f*cking
Alibaba off in the distance

ridin' one of his own behind
this broken down Humvee.

What, like another
donkey in the butthole?

- [laughs]
- So what happened next?

More of the same.
I must've seen like

f*ckin' four more pairs of 'em.

Gettin' after it on the way
back to the farm. right?


- So... uh...
- [rubs hands together]

It gets worse. All
right, so we get back

to the motor pool and I
see this old dirty bastard

about yay high,
with a wooden leg

sittin' on the hood of the
major's Humvee, jerkin' off.

- You're kidding.
- What?

- Yeah...
- How the f*ck do you even get in there?

So Gunny looks up to me, can see
how f*ckin' rattled I am, right?

Then he asks me what my malfunction
is. I mean, my malfunction,

I'm telling you, the whole
f*cking way here I'm seeing

dudes bangin' donkeys
on the side of the road.

There's this guy
with a wooden leg

beatin' off in the motor
pool in broad daylight

and you know what he says to me?

What'd he say?

"Marine, you can't expect
a guy with a wooden leg

to catch a f*cking donkey."

- [men laughing]
- Crazy m*therf*cker.

- [laughing continues]
- Jesus Christ.

We here.

What's your problem?
Why you poutin'?

b*tch, I ain't f*ckin' poutin'.

- Yeah, you are.
- f*ck you.

Let's rock and roll.

[suspenseful music]

I know the transfer took a
little bit longer than we wanted,

but we appreciate your business

[man groans] andwe
appreciate your trust.

Everybody freeze!
Don't you f*ckin' move!

- [woman screams, moans] - Hands
away from the weapons, all.

- Nah nah nah nah nah.
- Think it through.

- [woman panicking]
- Everybody f*ckin' relax.

You heard him.
Don't f*ckin' move.

- Stop!
- Shut up!

All right, you heard the man.

Let's start with you
three ladies right there.

Hands laced on top of your head.
Back away from the counter.

Let's go. Get against the f*cking
wall. Everyone else, on the floor!

Eyes on the f*cking floor, pal.

- Get on the floor, b*tch!
- [woman groans and hits ground]

- Whoa!
- Guys, just relax! All right?

Heads down. Eyes down.
This ain't worth dying for.

[suspenseful music plays]

Give me the f*cking key.

[suspenseful music plays]

- Give me the f*cking key!
- [key clangs]


- [man groans painfully]
- [woman screams]

[man groans]

- [woman] No no no no no!
- [bones break]

- Ah ah!
- Oh, God! Oh, my...!

- Ah!
- Shut the f*ck up, or your f*cking thumb's next.

- [keys rattle]
- [woman crying]

Let's go. I need the code.

Ah! Three, 17, 77.

[suspenseful music plays]

Look at my f*cking eyes,
if that's a panic code...

he's gonna cut off a lot
more than your f*cking thumb.

You understand me?


One, 23, seven, nine.

- You, motha...
- [woman screams]

- Shut the f*ck up!
- [keypad pings]

- [door beeps]
- We're in!

- [woman] Uh-uh-uh.
- Whoa!

[inaudible radio chatter]

[suspenseful music]

Bro, we're out of clock.



[glass shatters]


- [g*nsh*t]
- Ah!

- Cops at rear!
- [heavy g*n fire]

- Move back!
- Wait!

- All clear! All clear!
- [heavy g*nf*re]

[suspenseful music]

Wait for it! Wait for it!

- Contacts left!
- [heavy g*nf*re]

- [men shouting]
- [excessive g*nf*re]

- Move!
- [heavy g*nf*re]

[heavy g*nf*re continues]

- [inaudible shouting]
- Move!

Let it go! Hey!

We said to... only.


Move back! Move...


- Move!
- Move it!

[police sirens approaching]

Contact right!

- Hey! Spread out, to your left!
- Move!


That's it.



- Oh!
- Moving!

Back there!



We're clear! Code, move!


[inaudible yelling]


- Move!
- Moving!

We're clear!

Hey! Wait out on me,
wait out on me! Move!

- Moving!
- Wait up!


Move! Move!

- f*ck! Shit!
- Come on!

- Ah!
- Hey!

What the f*ck are
you doing, man?

Let's go.

Come on! Let's go.

Keep your f*ckin'
head down, all right?

All right, come on. Go walk!

Get some! Get some! Get some!

[rap music plays on radio]

Out of the car!

Put your head down!

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

[brakes squeal]


Get the f*ck in, Vic!

- Let's f*ckin' go!
- Drive!

[tires squeal]


- Left, left!
- [tires squeal]


Back, back, back!

[heavy g*nf*re]

[tires squeal]

Come on, m*therf*ckers.

Come on...


Turn here! Here!

[tires squeal]


- Come on, come on!
- [heavy breathing]

- [sirens approaching]
- [man grunts]

[car engine starts]

[suspenseful music plays]

[tires squeal]


-Yo, get down! Get the f*ck down!
-[sirens blare]

[dispatch] Dispatch, we have multiple
officers down at first National Bank,

South Conti and Calhoun.

Requesting air meds
for location, ASAP.

[dispatch 2] Citywide,
all units respond.

-[sirens] -[dispatch] One, O,
eight. Multiple officers down.

EMS, Code three.

[female dispatch] All units,
suspect vehicle is a 90s model,

light blue, wood paneled,
Chevy station wagon.

Be advised, suspects are armed.

With fully a*t*matic weapons.

[dispatch] Notified
J.P., Saint Bernard,

Saint Tammany, and State Police.

Requesting shutdown of all
routes out of the city.

Including the Crescent
City Connection,

Causeway, the Twin Span, and
all routes headed westbound.

[sirens blare]

- Gonna say nothing?
- What you want me to say?

What the f*ck was that?

FBI robbery task force.

No shit.

- How'd they know?
- Someone ratted us.


We gotta wash this money. Make
sure our exit's not burning,

and get the f*ck out. Fast.

Where we gonna run?

This is gonna make
national news, Mick.

We're f*cking cop K*llers now.

The choice is what?
You hear anybody yell,

"Don't move, you're under
arrest"? No, you didn't.

They were there to
f*cking m*rder us,

and I ain't got no regrets.

We left, f*cking,
three of our brothers

in the f*cking street!


They made their choices.

[suspenseful music]

[engine starts]

[suspenseful music]

Two, I've already given my
statement to your paid men.

- Gentlemen!
- You're probably not...


So you're the one in
charge of this shit show.

That's Special Agent Frank Ross.

Where the f*ck were
you, Special Agent?

I just got off a plane
from D.C. ten minutes ago.

I've got six dead officers
and another one in critical

because of your
team's cowboy shit.

I understand,
Lieutenant. I do.

It went bad and we're here.

We've gotta move past that now,

so we can focus on
catching these guys.

"Catch 'em." It's New
Orleans, Special Agent.

We're gonna bury
these m*therf*ckers.

Do your thing, but don't go
f*cking shit on my crime scene.

Remember, this is homicide
first, robbery second.

I understand you're
upset. Emotional.

You have every reason to be...

But if you ever sling
foul language at me again,

it will be your last.


[suspenseful music]

So, where we at on lockdown?

In motion, boss. Mayor's
given us the keys.

There are checkpoints

[indistinct], the
causeway, all the ports,

highways, bridges, roads

- heading out the city.
- Marinas?

Yes, sir. Everything.

All right, all right.

I want C.R.T. teams and
every precinct standing by.

- So, what exactly happened?
- I got a call from my buddy in Vice.

Said he hooked a guy yesterday,
on some sort of statutory shit.

Some nobody, Edwin Smalls.

That cyber security geek is looking
at five to seven years in Angola.

Folded like a lawn-chair.

They literally
called us ten minutes

before the crew hit the place.

I tried to phone you,
but I couldn't reach you.

So... I made the call.

So, tell me why we couldn't
take 'em at the van.

Well, the block
car was in motion,

and we were pushin' up.

Crew came out heavy like
before, five and a driver.

Body armor, ballistics,
masks, all a*t*matic stuff...

And then, fender bender

right in front of us,
as we were moving in.

Boris Karloff over
there, at the front door,

came up on his sights.

I beat him to the
punch. It was on.

Nico took out the
driver of the van.

Swat got the mummy over
there at the dumpster.

So, I hear you winged a
fourth. You sure you hit him?

Oh, I hit meat. I
heard the man howl.

And, I tell ya, there
ain't no way he makes it

through the night without some
serious medical attention.

These guys are smart,
they're way too ruthless.

Find out if there are any
doctors who've come up missing.

Look into... vet offices,
plastic surgeons,

anyone who can handle trauma.

On it.

You know how you've been saying you
thought these guys were ex-military.

-Yeah -Yeah, well,
you're right.

We had them pinned down.

And guess what those
assholes go and do?

- Attack the ambush.
- Exactly.

Wasn't till they realized
they were boxed in

that they started to fall back.

And the ranger peeled all the
way down the fence and out.

- Ranger peel?
- Yeah.

Move, moving, covering,
all at high speed shit.

I gotta tell you, I haven't
seen that live since Somalia.

- Go on.
- They jacked some kid for his station wagon.

Mark unit ran him down,

but that just turned
into an ambush.

At the switch car, 'bout,
uh, six blocks over.

All right. Get eyes out. We're
looking for something big.

You know, something that
can carry all of them,

something with power.

We're talkin' a large SUV,
three-by-three, one ton.

- Copy that.
- Yeah.

Tell me about this van.

Stole it. Three days,
out of Chalmette.

-Nico -Yes, sir.

Who do we have over here?

Bank tellers, managers en
route to University Medical.

Heard he put up a fight, and
they tuned him up pretty good.

- Pssh... Not smart.
- No, sir.

Hi. Now, just one moment.

Detective, do you mind if I ask
your witnesses a couple questions?

Seriously? I got a kid I was
supposed to pick up hours ago.

- Go for it. I'm done.
- Thank you. Ladies...

My name is Special
Agent Frank Ross.

- Look... we just wanna go home.
- I understand. I do.

I just need a
moment of your time.

Do you remember anything...

Anything specific about
the gunman who did this?

- Two of 'em were Y'at.
- Y'at?

I'm sorry, I'm sorry -I
don't know what a Y'at is...

Metro locals. That Brooklyn
accent that you think

you've been hearing around town?

It ain't. That's a
thing we call Y'at.

Okay. All right. Uh...
Which ones were Y'ats?

The vampire and wolf.

Okay. Thank you, thank you.
That's very, very helpful.

Thank you very much.

Ma'am, what about you?

Did you see anything? Do
you remember anything?


g*ns. All I saw was g*ns.

I mainly just kept my head
down. I didn't wanna...

make eye contact.

That was smart.
That was very smart.

Okay, just
breathe... It's okay.

- You're gonna be okay.
- [cell phone pings]

Ex... excuse me, one moment.

[girl] Dad, where are you?
I've been waiting forever.

You're not coming, are you?

Tomorrow morning Works
always first, right?

- I should've known...
- Frank, I just got word...

car fire on Chapitoulas.

Ladies... Thank
you, thank you.

Please don't hesitate
to call Detective here,

if you remember
anything at all. Okay?

All right? Thank
you all again.

- Thanks, Agent Ross.
- Yeah.

Get their details. Run 'em all
through local, state, NCIC...

- Will do.
- You drive.

[suspenseful music]

[pounding on door]

- Who the f...
- Yo, Bill, open the door man.

-Whoa whoa whoa whoa! Bro...
-Yo, open the door, Bill.

Whoa whoa whoa! You
can't bring him in here!

Jeremy, this ain't how it works!

[man gags]

Tell me, m*therf*cker,
how's it work?

How's it f*cking work?

- [man groans] - Thought
you'd rat us out, didn't you?

- Open your eyes, I want you to see this.
- Hey, no no no.

Come on, he's as f*cked as we
are. No no no, he f*cking knew.

He f*cking knew. You're the
only one who f*ckin' knew.

No, wrong. [coughs]
Smalls knew.

- [coughs]
- What?

When it hit the news, I
knew... [coughs] I made a call.

-NOPD picked him up yesterday.

- [coughs]
- f*ck.

- We need another way out.
- Smalls didn't know nothing about it.

We don't know what the f*ck
he knew, what he told him...

- Hey, we need to wash that shit ASAP.
- No can do.

My guy's out. Too
much blood on it.

- Blue blood.
- Oh, f*ck that, f*ck that.

Tell him we'll give
him another bu...

Tell him we'll give
him ten percent.

[laughing] He's out!

I don't care if you
give him 100 percent!


It's too much heat.

There's f*cking cash
in a bag, right?

Nobody's gonna f*cking
clean that for us?

[laughs] Yeah...

The one guy I can dig
up that might be able to

move that much
weight... [laughs]

That's Nussy.

And, boys, the hit
won't be light,

Cause he's gonna take, forty,
fifty percent... minimum.

I mean, it is what it is, right?

[Billy sighs]

f*ck it. Make the f*cking call.

Yes, sir.

Put your f*cking g*ns
down. What the f*ck!

-Here we go-Pearl, right?

- What the f*ck are you doin'?
- f*ck... you!

You piece of shit.
You f*cking coward.

- Handle your business, little bro...
- You f*cking scum!

I ain't got f*cking
time for this...

f*ck, you promised me, Jamie,
shit. You promised me...

Get the f*ck out of here.

I'm gonna f*cking k*ll
you. I'm gonna k*ll you.

What are you doin'?!

That psycho m*therf*cker
just k*lled us.

f*ck! What was I
thinking, Jamie?

We should've known better!
We should've known better.

- [gasps] f*ck, Jamie!
- Hey.

Joan! Joan! The
surgery was paid for.

-Jamie, we had everything. Jamie, everything is gone now.
-Shh... shh.

- Stop.
- What... what?

- What? [gasping]
- Come here.

Listen. Hey... We're gonna
get through this, okay?

All right?


How? How do we get through this?

I'm workin' on it.

All right? But
you can't be here!

We had a plan. You go home.

You act like
everything is normal.

You can't be around
these guys, all right?

You need to listen to
me. The FBI's on you.

They talk to you?

Yeah, yeah. They were at
the bank for, like, hours.

They talked to everybody.

They're looking for guys
from the neighborhood.

They're gonna find you,
Jamie. And... and...

Listen... what if we just left.

-What if we left right now... and you came with me right now?
-Hey... Shh...

- And we go get Joannie...
- Stop! Stop!

And we get the f*ck out of
here. You come with me...

There's one thing that's
important. You go home.

That's it. Let me work!

All right? You trust me?

- [man screaming]
- You know I do.

I can't have this. You
gotta get him out of here.

Shut the door! Shut the door!

Jamie, he's gotta go!

Where the f*ck am I
gonna take him, Bill?

- Let's take him to Clarence.
- [coughing]

We ain't takin' him
to f*cking Clarence's.

Dump him at the E.R.
and hope for the best.

- Take him to...
- Take him to f*cking Clarence.

I'm coming with.

- What?
- Yeah.

No you're f*cking going home.
We just talked about this.

I ain't leavin' you here
with this f*cking psychopath.

- Ava.
- No way! I'm not going home!

You know what?
That's a great idea.

Cops ain't looking for no pretty
brunette from the Channel.

Here! You drive!

I'm not leaving your side
till this is over with.

You f*ck us... and I will be back
to m*rder you where you stand.

We clear?

- [suspenseful music]
- We're clear.

[reporter] The
surviving assailants

are believed to have made off

with over one point
five million dollars.

The New Orleans
Police Department,

in conjunction with the FBI's
elite robbery task force unit

have begun an extensive manhunt.

Setting up roadblocks
and checkpoints.

Effectively shutting
down all access points

both in and out of the city.

If you, or anyone you know,

has any information
on the whereabouts

of these fugitives,

the New Orleans Police
Department asks that

you contact them immediately.

But do not approach.

The assailants are considered
armed and extremely dangerous.

Now, let's go to George, who's
standing by at University Medical,

-awaiting an update on
the state, -[phone buzzes]

of the officers wounded
in today's heinous attack.

-Yo -[George over TV] Hank,
the situation at the hospital

- Who's this?
- at the hospital is extremely grim.

- Oh, yeah.
- And with good reason.

- Today's tragic events...
- Yo, Nussy.

Marked the deadliest incident...

Got some fool on the line
that says you knows him.

Told me to tell ya,
he's willing to chat.

[television broadcast continues]

The Jet, what you want?

[broadcaster] Some arriving, still
unaware. of whether their loved ones

Yeah, I'm lookin' at
that shit right now.

These some straight up mad
m*therf*ckers, right here.

- Oh, yeah? Enlighten me.
- [news continues in background]

[suspenseful music plays]

It's a good location
to dump a car.

You got 90 only seconds away,

and the Irish Channel to
get lost in, right there.

So, what's next?

We flex this. Okay?

So what do we know?

Three sh**t. One's hurtin'.

Two of 'em are
probably local boys.

All ex-military.

Not just military... these
guys are gunfighters.

We're lookin' for vets with
trigger time in the sandbox.

I'll get Jean to
reach out to DOD.

- And I'll pull Jefferson and Orleans' barrage.
- Good.

So what exactly was the take?

Walked out with three mil,
got away with one point five.

What was a bank in East Calhoun
doing with that much cash?

They just took over the
temp headquarters branch,

because the CBD location
was going through a remodel.

And today's Thursday.

So, they were carrying heavy
prepping' for distribution

to all the other branches.

Cover all those
Friday payroll checks.

And, how do they know all this?

That's our job.

You mentioned earlier,
an Edwin Smalls...

That's right. The rat.

Smalls gave them
intel and boards.

What kind of boards?

Some high-end, custom stuff,

designed to trigger
the alarm system

- to shut itself off 15 minutes before the crew hit the place.
- Okay.

I followed up on that with
the bank's security firm.

They told me that they
found two odd, custom boards

installed in the master CPU.

They're polygraphing the
entire staff as we speak.

So if Smalls hadn't talked,
they'd have gotten away clean?

Hundred percent.


I wanna speak to this nobody.

This Mr. Edwin Smalls.

[suspenseful music]

[knocks on door]

Holy shit. Get the
f*ck out of here.

- We need you.
- [grunts]

I got you. Come on!

Get the hell in here!
Quick! Put him over here.

Put him over here.
Put him over here.

Sorry 'bout the mess, man.

I was about to
clean this shit up.

- [coughing]
- Put him right here.

[breathes heavily]

- b*llet hit him under his armpit.
- [coughs]

- His right armpit.
- His other right armpit, Clarence!

- Where the f*cking blood is!
- Would you just chill out, man?!

You got me so f*cking rattled,
I can't even think straight!

I got this. Just
let me do my thing!

[woman] Clarence! Who's that?

- Who the f*ck is that?
- [woman] Who you got in there?

Ma! It's the pie guy. He's
just droppin' off a pepperoni.

[woman] But I hate pepperoni!

Yeah, I know! It's not
for you! It's for me.

- You said you didn't want any.
- [man grunts]

- That ain't no pie guy!
- Mom, just relax, okay?

I'll be there in a
bit to rub your feet.

- [woman] Really?
- I promise, Ma!

Just watch your program, and I'll
be in there before it's over.


- Yo, what the f*ck are you doin'?
- I... I... I need my bag.

- What bag?
- It's a medical bag.

It's green. It's about this big.

- This it?
- That's it. Toss it here.

Now, everybody just
give me my space,

and let me do my thing.

[cell phone vibrates]

- It's Bill.
- Take it. I got it.

- You got this?
- Yeah, I got it. Go go go go go.

Hey, what's up?

What you got?

He's down, but it's a shit deal.

Thirty cents on the dollar.

f*ck, that's seventy percent.

I know, but it's one of those
take-it-or-leave-it situations.

Your call.

[suspenseful music plays]

- All right.
- How's the bleeding?

Not good. So how
we gonna do this?

This dude has lost
a shit ton of blood.

My guess is the b*llet
bounced off his shoulders,

start gettin' down
to his stomach.

His abdomen is distended,
and he's got a G.I. bleed.

I ain't got time for this, Bro.

Well, I don't know
what to tell you, bro!

I'm a corpsman,
man, not a surgeon.

Without real trauma care, and
even then... I don't know!

Ain't gonna happen,
can't happen.

[suspenseful music]

You make it go easy for him.

Take it!

[door opens]

What's goin' on?

Yeah, it's all good.
I... I did my thing.

And, uh, he's in rough shape,
but the bleeding stopped.

He just needs some time to rest.

Well, we ain't got
time for no rest.

You gotta get him
fixed up, ASAP.

Get him over to Bill's house.
He can rest when we get there.

- What's Bill have to say?
- Got a deal.

- Twenty minutes and we will know. You hear me?
- Yeah.

- Let's move. Let's go.
- Yeah.


Thank you.

- Yeah, man.
- Take care of him.

[suspenseful music]

Look... as soon as
we're done with this,

I'm gonna drop you
off at St. Charles.

You're gonna take
the street car home.

When are you comin' home?

I don't know.

- So this is it?
- No, it's not it.

All right? As soon as
the heat dies down,

I'mma send for you and Joan.


You ain't never
gonna send for us.

If you make it out of this, and
that's... that's a big if...

You're gonna be running
for the rest of your life.

I got a plan.

- What plan?
- Bolivia...

- Let me explain...
- Bolivia?

- Listen to me. Listen to me.
- Jamie, I don't even know...

- I don't even know, where the f*ck that is, Jamie...
- Listen...

It's in South America, and
there's this big lake down there,

Massive. Right on the
Bolivian, Peruvian line.

Right there on the border,

surrounded by the
Andes Mountains.

And, in the middle
of this big lake,

there's this little
island called Isla de Sol.

There's no cars, no roads,

Just fishermen and farmers.

All right? You, me, and Joan
could start a life there.

Just the three of us together?


- I love you.
- I love you.

- And I'd go anywhere with you.
- Yeah.

[door closes]

[banging on car]

You gonna leave him behind?


f*ck it.

Let's go get our
f*cking money, come on.

- You Brill?
- Who the f*ck are you?

I'm nobody.

Funny, I was just thinking that.

Yo, let's just f*cking
do this, 'aight?

Check this shit out.

- Good, brother?
- Yeah, we good.

Yo, homie. You, uh...

you're a little light,
don't you think?

How do you figure?
That's five hundred K.

- I'm sure it is.
- [Brill] That's thirty percent.

- Yes, it is.
- Yo, that's what we agreed to.

What the f*ck did you just say?

It's the only f*cking
deal on the table.

We didn't have no choice.

What, you didn't think you
need to run that by me first?

[Brill] Do we have a problem?

Yeah, we got a f*cking
problem, hold on.

If you about that action,
just say the word.

Yo, we're good!

Aight? Everybody,
just calm down.

[suspenseful music]

You the smart White boy,

best get your b*tch in line...

What the f*ck did you just say?

You heard what the f*ck I said!

Yeah, f*ck 'em. Come on.

All right, okay, All right.

No, you're right,
it is what it is,

- I apologize.
- [g*nshots]


Hey... you...

[gurgles, chokes on blood]

Come on, you're gonna
miss the best part.

Yup. There you go.

- [g*nsh*t]
- What the f*ck!

[engine revs]

Go, go, go, go!

- [suspenseful music]
- [Ava] Oh, God.

I knew it. I f*cking knew it.

Oh, shit! All right. Get down.

[suspenseful music]

All right. Don't
do anything stupid.

Yo, be cool. Mick.

[indistinct radio chatter]

[indistinct radio chatter]

Six, thirty six,
C. Drop it to me.

[suspenseful music]

[siren blares]

[sirens blare]

Yo, Nussy. Boss. I don't
know how to tell you this.

- Tell me what?
- The meet went ugly.

Brill's gone.

What you mean "gone"?

Gone. White boys ex*cuted him.

Knocked off everyone.

Nah. Not everyone.

Nussy. Yo! Wait!
Let me explain.

Nah, I can't hear nothin'.

What?! 'How bout now?

Nah, still nothin'.

Wait, what? I don't get it.

'Cause if I could hear you,
you'd be an apparition.

A what?

A f*cking ghost, n*gga.

If I could hear you, you'd
be a m*therf*cking ghost.

At least that's
what you're gonna be

when Stitches
delivers you to me.

So I can feed you to
the f*cking alligators.

b*tch ass n*gg*r.

You heard that?

Yes, sir.

[handcuffs rattle]

Look man, I'm tellin' you,
I ain't wanna help him.

Not one damn bit.
But I had no choice.

- He put a f*cking GL*CK to my head.
- A GL*CK?

Yes, sir. Saw it written
right on the side.

Had a shiny pearl
handle grip. It...

Oh, yeah? Did it have
any engraving in it?

You know on that...
shiny pearl handle.

Yes, sir. Yeah, it did.

Had a grim reaper
carved in on it.


That sound like
something you lie about?

Then, they put the g*n

in my mouth, and
pulled back the handle.

[Nicotra] Wait, they
put it in your mouth?

I thought you said they
put in to your head.

Look, he put it to my
head, then in my mouth.

All right? Then the crazy son
of a b*tches start arguing

about which one's gonna
get to pull the trigger.

- Holy shit!
- Mmm!

Put it in your mouth,
and pulled it out...

Man, I swear for God, can
you believe that shit?

[Frank] No.

No, I don't.

Who are you?

You ever heard of
the Pinocchio effect?

The pokey no fect?

No, no. [laughs]


You know, the cute wooden puppet
that wished he was a real boy?

Every time he told a
lie, his nose would grow.

Man, I told you.
I swear for God.

What do I have to gain
from lying to you?

You see, Edwin...
Mind I call you Edwin?

You see...

The Pinocchio effect is
when someone's lying,

they know they're lying

So they're working
as hard as they can

to convince you,
that they ain't.

They start babbling,
and going on...

Start spitting out more details,
more words, than necessary.

You know, shit like,

'Do you think I'd lie
about something like that?'

Or, 'What do I have to
gain, lying to you all?'


Wait... what do you
think I'm lying about?

[Frank] Everything.

For one, a GL*CK's a polymer
p*stol. It's plastic.

You can't add grips to it.

Especially no pearl handle ones.

And, second, it's a
striker fire, hammerless...

Which means there's no hammer
to pull pack on, dumbass.


[Nicotra] What the
f*ck is wrong with you,

you about to have a
stroke or something?

I have neither the
time nor the crayons

to explain all this to you.

But, I'm gonna give
it a go, anyway.

What you're unaware of is,

earlier this afternoon,

those crazy sons of b*tches,

that you supplied the
intel and the boards to,

pulled a North
Hollywood sh**t.

They m*rder*d six officers and
put another in critical condition.

Which makes you an
accessory to, at minimum...

Six counts of capital m*rder.

Now, you're realizing the
gravity of your situation.

All right, look. I had no
f*cking idea, all right?

They were supposed to
go in on the prowl.

Break in the night before.

Look, I had no idea they
were gonna k*ll no one,

- all right?
- I'm sure the state of Louisiana

would really appreciate
that explanation.

Oh, f*ck me.

Yeah, yeah, that's about right.

All right, look, look...

What can I do, all right?

Tell me, tell me...
What can I do?

Tell me 'bout your customers.

These guys that put
you in this hole.

Okay, it was, uh,
two White dudes.

I think they might've
been brothers.

How'd you come to
that conclusion?

They kept calling each
other bro and shit.

What are you, f*cking Redman?
Who do you know in this city

who doesn't call each other bro?

It was different
than that, all right?

Look I just... I feel like
they were brothers. All right?

- They kind of looked alike.
- Okay, okay.

This is good. Tell me
more about these brothers.

All right, uh, they, uh... The
younger one was the smart one.

Okay? And... and... The
older one was the mean one.

What made the smarter one smart?

He was just... All
about business.

He wanted to know the details.

Very specific about the details.

And the mean one?

Oh, oh, he was bad news.

You know, some wild eyes.

He's the type of guy that's
lookin' for any excuse

to hurt someone. All
right? He told me,

if I ratted on
him, he'd find me,

and leave me twitchin'
in my own pile of shit.

And... he was...
very, very specific

about the pile of shit.

Okay. I believe
you. Keep going.

Okay... uh...

The smart one had a Saint
Jude pendant around his neck.

And, uh...

the mean one had a...
Marine corps tattoo.

It said Semper Fi,
it had writin' on it.

What did the tattoo say?

It said Semper Fi
somethin' on the bottom,

- And, then, Sheridan somethin', on top.
- Say what?

- It said Semper Fi on the bottom.
- No no no... the name

Oh, uh, Sheridan
Raid, or something.

I remember 'cause
of the t*nk. Okay?

- That mean somethin' to you?
- One second...

So, should I have lawyer
here, or something?

Norma, look, I need
you to drop everything,

and run two names for me.

Listen. I understand how and
why you built the boards.

But, how did you know about
the Thursday deposits?

How did you know that
branch was temping

as a headquarter branch?

Look, I don't know nothing
about no headquarter branch

and no Thursday deposit either.

Yeah, yeah. Okay, send
me that, right now.

[cell phone beeps]

-This them?
-Yeah yeah yeah. f*ck yeah, that's them.

Look, that's the mean one,
and that's the smart one.

Hey, what's that mean, what
about... what about me?

Man, what the
f*ck, man, we good?

Michael "Mick" Sheridan
and Jamie "James" Sheridan.

Irish White trash
from the Channel.

I popped Mick and his
younger brother years ago

in an agg as*ault, they
damn near k*lled a guy.

The brother walked, but
Mick got sent off to Angola

for seven years.

Both are ex-Marines
from the sandbox.

All right, get a bulletin
to all of our agencies.

- And get these photos to the media ASAP.
- Copy.

- Any word on the bank employees?
- Not yet.

I'll rattle Jean's
cage again, though.

Follow up now.

- What happened?
- Mick happened.

That's what the f*ck happened.

What is she talkin' about?

And, Jamie... Why do
you have all the money?

We had to move.
We had to dump it.

Do you have any
idea who that was?

That was Brill Waynes,
Nussy's brother.

- [whispers] Nussy...
- We are so dead.

It's okay. We're fine.

Yo, we're better than fine.

Everybody's share just got
a serious f*cking bump.

Where we at with the island?

Hey, the passports, where we at?

[Jamie] What's the matter?

You're not gonna be happy

till we're all
dead, anyway, right?

- What?
- [Jamie] Look, I get it.

Mick, you've always
wanted a warrior's death.

I ain't afraid of dying, bro.

Yeah, no, no, we all know.

If we do get out of this,
we go our separate ways.

We're never gonna
see each other again.

- Bro.
- [Jamie] Don't bro me.

You ain't thinkin' straight.

I've never been more
clear in my whole life.

Every pile of shit
I've ever stepped in

is because of you, Mick.

Who got you the money for Joan?

Who got you outta
hell in Providence?

How many beatings I took
for you from our old man?

You owe me.


After tonight, the debt's paid.

Hey... Hey! I'm your
f*cking brother!

What, that don't
mean nothin' to you?

This is about her, right?

You gonna let that f*cking
b*tch come between us?

Say that again.

What? b*tch?


[door opens]

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Bro!

Stitches, baby! I was
just about to call you!

Two local men have been
identified as sh**t

in today's brutal bank robbery.

Their names are Michael
Sheridan, 41 years of age,

and his brother, James
Sheridan, 35 years.

Both own extensive rap sheets.

Both men are former
United States Marines.

Having served deployments in
both Iraq and Afghanistan.

The FBI robbery task force unit

is said to be
closing in on them.

As we report to
you this evening.

All right, so I just got
off the line with Jean.

Something did pop.

One of those bank tellers,
that pretty brunette?

Ava Rishoto, she grew
up in Irish Channel

Now, she only had
a couple of dings

in her sealed juvie record.

- Such as?
- Petty theft at 13,

and a P.I. at 15.

Eh, there's more. I told
you Jean was digging.

So he pulls the bank
accounts on all of 'em.

And she's got over
75 grand in deposits.

Three weeks after they
pulled that job in Metairie.

- So, you followed the money?
- All digital.

Something called,
uh, Secret Angels.

It's one of those
anonymous sites

where you crowdfund sad stories.

Now, all the money did go
to pay the hospital bills.

And nothing else
looks suspicious.

She's still carrying her
house and her car note. But...

those dates matchin' up
like that, that just...

- makes for one hell of a coincidence.
- Hey, Givens!

- What you workin'?
- You ain't heard?

- [Nicotra] Heard what?
- Narcotics on the scene.

They've got six baggers on
the ground in Central City.

- Look's like it's Nussy's group.
- How do you figure?

Your boy Brill is one of 'em.

When'd this happen?

Shit, the bodies
ain't even cold yet.

I gotta roll.

What's a Brill?

Only the little brother

to the biggest
gangsta in the wards.

- [Frank] Really?
- Yeah.

[Frank] Big enough gangsta
to wash one point five mil?

[Nicotra] He'll
definitely be on the list.

Where can we find this Nussy?

Well, he's got a club
over on Magazine.

Show me.

- [heavy breathing]
- [g*n fire]

[Ava] Jamie.

[rapid g*nf*re]

Jamie... Jamie!

- Jamie!
- [Mick] Yo, yo! Okay.

- Hey...
- Jamie!

- [Mick] You okay?
- Jamie.

[Mick] Bro? Hey,
yo, yo, you good?

You okay?

Jamie, f*cking, I'm
so f*cking sorry, bro.

Bro. I'm so f*cking sorry.

I got this, bro. I do.

I'm... I'm gonna
tell 'em it was me.

You just ain't gettin' it,
man. No matter what you say,

they're just gonna k*ll
us, anyway. [coughs]




I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

[door creaks]

Hey, bro. It wasn't
them. It was me.

It was all me.

Is that right?

Hey, there's more
money than this,

A lot more money.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah. Just let her go.

- Yeah, this one?
- Yeah, even trade.

- Hey, hey...
- Come on, man...


Even f*ckin' trade,
man. A million cash,

- I stashed it.
- [whimpers]

No, it ain't gonna happen.

Come on, what the
f*ck's wrong with you?

- It's a million dollars.
- No, it ain't.

Brill already told
me what you left him.

That's all you got right there.

Plus, my boy Stitches
over there...

[chuckles] that m*therf*cker

got somethin'
wicked for her ass.

[chair scrapes against floor]

Hold on, princess.

Hey, yo, m*therf*cker,

it was me that dumped your
little b*tch ass brother.

Oh, yeah. You
should've heard him.

Begged me. Whimpered.

Cried like a little
f*cking b*tch.

Until I jammed that
.45 in his mouth.

Hey, yo, homie.

You know anything about
the terminal effects

of contact sh*ts?

No? That's a big word.

You see,

with the terminal
effects of contact sh*ts,

the body body absorbs all
the discharge from the round.

Not just the f*cking b*llet.

All those gasses...

expanding that f*cking fast?


That's some savage,
ugly shit, bro.

You gotta trust me on this one.

Your little brother Brill...

That's gonna be a closed casket.



Well, I smell the vapors
of hell on you, boy.

You good, but you're
not gonna play me.

No. I'm... I'mma
savor the moment.

Got plans for
you. Take my time.

Make it a few nights,
even. [laughs]

See that container over there?

Know y'all been wondering
what that is, all night, huh?

That's a hundred gallons
of sulfuric acid.

Turn a man into soup in
minutes. Real wicked shit.

Yeah, I got that from
my Mexican friends.

They got it goin'
on. [chuckles]

Hey, yo, Stitches.

Let's show these fools a
little demo real quick.

Get their f*cking mind right.

I just want you to know it's
about to get real noisy in here.

- [bubbling]
- Real noisy.

No no no no no no.
God, god, no, please.

Wait, wait. Jamie,
Jamie, Jamie.

- Jamie, stop him...
- Hey, hey, come on, man.

Hey! Hey! There's more money...

- Jamie, stop him!
- Hey, look at me, man.

There's more f*ckin' money, man.

Jamie, stop him! Jamie! Jamie!

You don't have to do this!

Ah! Ah! Ah!

No! No, no!

- [screaming]
- No! f*ckin' no!

- [screaming]
- [sizzling]

- Ahh!
- Take that, m*therf*cker.

Take it. Take it like a champ!

[screaming continues]

You m*therf*cker! I'm
gonna f*cking m*rder you!

That's what I'm
talkin' bout! Ooh-whee!

- This how you get a party started!
- [Ava cries]

You're gonna wish you
m*rder*d me first.

So the Jet tells me,
that ya'll are brothers.

You the younger
brother? Am I wrong?

[suspenseful music plays]

Hey, Stitches!

Let me have a go at it.

[Ava hyperventilates]

No, Mick, do something,
Mick. Do something.

Hey, hey! No, no, no, no.

No, don't do that! No, no, no!

This is what you wanted, huh?

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Shut the f*ck up!

It's okay. It's okay.

[suspenseful music]

[Ava wails hysterically]

Ah! Ah!

[glass shatters]



Okay, okay, you...

[chemical bubbling]

[Nussy gasping]

Talk about deja f*cking vu.

Didn't I tell you,
you were gonna wish

you k*lled me first?

- [Nussy moaning]
- Don't you?

- Oh, you're all right.
- Come on!

We're gonna celebrate.


Take her, take her and go.

Go! Go! Go!

[dispatch] All units, we're
receiving multiple calls

of 94s at 961 St. Mary Street.

Callers say, it sounds
like a*t*matic g*nf*re.

-That's Nussy's place. Ten minutes away.
-Let's go!

[engine revs]

[sirens blare]

[suspenseful music]

- [Ava gasps]
- [tires screech]

- Freeze!
- Do what he says.

Put the g*n down. Put it down!

- Not even for me, not for me.
- Put the g*n down.

Come on, man, you
don't want to do this!

- Think about Joan...
- Put it down.

- Think about Joan, Jamie.
- Don't be stupid!


[suspenseful music]

That's it! Slowly!

Good. Now step back.

Let me see your waistband.
Pull up your shirt.

Put 'em on the ground.

Kick 'em to me.

[g*ns clatter]

Ma'am, you back up,
till I say stop.

- Okay.
- Do what he says.

Back! Back!

- Stop!
- Uh, yes, sir.

You, to your knees!

To your knees!

- Six, 36, headquarters.
- [dispatcher] Six, 36, go ahead.

I've got a White male. I'm at the
corner of Laurel and Second Street.

The subject matches the
description of one of the sh**t

from the BOLO from the bank.

- That's blocks away.
- Come on Nico, just get us there.

Go, just go.

You're gonna fry for
what you did today,

and I'm gonna reserve
a front row sea-

[Jamie] Wait!

What the hell? Why'd
you do that, bro?

Cause I love you, bro.

Look at me, look at me,
Jamie, look at me! Hey, hey!

- [car approaches rapidly]
- Take cover!

Babe, we gotta go.
Come on, Jamie!

Come on!

[Frank] Go. Let's go!

Runaways, sh*ts fired,
suspect fleeing on foot.

1200 block.

Be advised, plainclothes
officers in pursuit.

Let's go!

FBI, six, 25. Add
us to the search.

[sirens in distance]

[indistinct chatter]

Oh, my God! Oh,
my God! Oh, my...

[crowd screaming hysterically]


Yeah. Come on.

[sirens blare]

Gonna make the block.

Back door!

Move! Move!

[Nicotra on radio] I'm on
Maura, headed to Josephine,

I'm almost on you guys.

- Clear!
- Clear. Go go go!

To the gate!

What the f*ck! Get the
f*ck out of my house!

- FBI!
- Move, move! Stay down!

He's hit.

You got eyes on him?

- No, you?
- Negative.


I got eyes on him!
Nico, ya'll go right!

[sirens blare]

[suspenseful music]


He's gotta be here somewhere.

g*nsh*t can't be far.

- Take left.
- All right. Head on a swivel.

I've got blood.

f*ck. Drop it.

Bad move, pal.

Back up, back the f*ck up!

- [sirens blare]
- [tires screech]

- Drop it, punk!
- Drop the g*n!

- No!
- Take the shot, Mike!

Take it. Take the shot.

Yeah, Mikey, If you got a
shot, you should take it.

Take it!

[suspenseful music]



Oh, fu...

- [Mick groans painfully]
- Suspect down, suspect down.

f*ck, f*ck.

Where's your brother?

[Mick gasps]

He's dead. I...

He's f*cking dead.

[moans] Dead.

Officers need an
ambulance. [indistinct]

[train approaches]

Tell Joan how much I love
her, okay? Every day.

- Every day.
- Every day.

I'm gonna take care of her.

I love you so much.
So f*cking much.

I love you, too,
Jamie. I love you.

[ambient music plays]

[liquid sloshing]

- What you lookin' for?
- Somebody went in here, tryin' to find

ya'll teeth or something
I can ID him by

before he completely dissolves.

I recognize this glob of shit.

It's the one I
tattooed at the bank.

- You sure?
- Absolutely.

- So that only leaves the brother.
- Sir...

You guys wanna take
a look at this?

Mean anything to you?

I guess that means
he wasn't lying.

- How'd that survive?
- Silver.

Noble metals don't
react to sulfuric acid.

[ambient music]

[knock on door]

Good afternoon, Mrs.
Rishoto. Do you remember me?

- Uh, Special Agent Ross.
- Yes! Are you all right?

- Yeah, I'm fine.
- Yeah.

Oh! I just... I
slipped on some water,

gettin' out the shower.

- [chuckles] Ouch!
- Yeah, yeah.

Do you mind if I come in?

I just have a few follow-up
questions for you.

- Yeah, Yeah. Sure.
- Yeah. Thank you.

[toy jingles]

What a beautiful baby!

Hey, hey!

So, how is she doing?

I heard that she had
a surgery recently.

Last spring. She's
doin' good. [laughs]

Doctors say she's
probably gonna be fine.

Oh, that's good to hear.

A congenital heart disorder...

I heard that surgery
is very expensive

to cover all those costs...

We were blessed.
We crowdfunded,

and a lot of generous
people came to our rescue.

But you already knew that,
didn't you, Special Agent.

You just said "we".

Wewere blessed?

Yeah, that's right.
Me and my baby.

That was incredibly generous.

And the donors?
They're all anonymous?

Yeah, that's how it works.

- People can really surprise you.
- And the father?

He's not around
anymore. He's gone.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Don't be. Some things
just aren't meant to be.

You know... I... I have...

a little girl, too.

Well... not too little anymore.

- She's beautiful.
- Yeah, I think so, too.

But... she has a
sadness in her eyes.

You see it, too.

Yeah, that's on me.

You know, her mother and I...

were just a really bad match.

A bad match that caused
my daughter a lot of pain.

All I can do now is hope that
doesn't scar her too badly.

- [toy jingles] - Can I
give you a piece of advice?

You seem like a smart
man, a good man even.

But, there's somethin'
you ain't figured out yet.

- Really?
- [laughs] Yeah...

My daddy, he spent a
lifetime lettin' me down.

But it don't matter,
'cause he still my daddy.

Every little girl needs
one. It's just how it is.

Yeah, it might take us a
while to figure that out,

but we always do.

And, really, your
job... is simple.

Do what you can
to own your shit.

Try to make up for it.
And just wait for her.


Yeah. Wait. That's it.

Don't ever give up.

Is that what your
father did? Wait?

No. He didn't.

You said that the only
option you have was to

just hope your little
girl will be okay.

That ain't the way I see it.

You could just choose
to leave your ex

where she should
be, in the past.

And focus on starting
over with your daughter.

Hmm. You know...

that's really excellent advice.

It's been lovely chatting
with you, Special Agent Ross.

I hope you have a better day.

Good luck, Mrs. Rishoto.


Thank you.

- How'd that go?
- It went.

And what about her?

Bad guys are dead. All
the money's recovered.

It's over.

Yeah, we could charge
her, absolutely ruin her.

And her daughter would
probably get put in the system.

- [cell phone rings]
- I'll be in the car.

[cell phone rings]

[ringing continues]

[uplifting music plays]


It's a beautiful day.

I've got somebody
I want you to meet.

Somebody real special.

Come on.

[uplifting music plays]
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