01x15 & 01x16 - Return of the Pharaoh

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Electra Woman and Dyna Girl". Aired: September 11 – December 25, 1976.*
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Followed the crime-fighting exploits of caped superhero Electra Woman and her teen sidekick Dyna Girl, who worked in their normal lives as reporters for Newsmaker Magazine.
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01x15 & 01x16 - Return of the Pharaoh

Post by bunniefuu »

[energetic dramatic music plays]

♪ Electra Woman and Dyna Girl
fighting all evil deeds ♪

♪ Each writes for a magazine,
hiding the life she leads ♪

♪ Electra Woman and Dyna Girl ♪

♪ Summoned to ElectraBase
by ElectraComps they wear ♪

♪ Lori and Judy dare to face
any criminal everywhere ♪

♪ Electra Woman and Dyna Girl ♪

[gong booms]

- [Narrator] "The Coptic Eye,"

the sacred mystic symbol
of the ancient Egyptians,

but the great Pharaohs, for
whom it was so important,

are all gone, with one
regrettable exception.

- The Coptic Eye.

Oh, if I could only
get my hands on it.

With its extraordinary powers,
I could rule the world.

- What's stopping you?

- Fate and 6,000 miles.

The Coptic Eye, the
original, is very deep

inside the main chamber of
King Tut's pyramid, in Egypt.

- Ah, well, you
know what they say,

if they can't bring the
Pharaoh to the pyramid,

then bring the pyramid
to the Pharaoh.

- And what do you mean by
that cunning statement?

- Simply that King Tut's pyramid

and your precious Coptic Eye

are closer than you think.

[otherworldly music plays]

- [Narrator] Meanwhile,
just outside the city,

Lori and Judy are conducting
a most unusual interview

for "News Makers Magazine"
at King Tut's pyramid.

- It must have cost you millions
to have King Tut's pyramid

moved here stone by stone.

- Billions, but now I'm
going to have to close it up

because of some
ridiculous curse.

- A curse?

- Now, the tourists have
stopped coming, and, uh, well,

there's nothing much else to
do, but to seal it up forever.

[ElectraComp warbles]

- Well, thank you very
much Mr. McClintock.

- Are we finished?

- Yes, we have the interview,

- But I,
- Thank you.

- [McClintock] But, uh, I've
got another good project

I'm, I'm, considering-

- Oh, one, one story at
a time, but thanks a lot.

- Yes, bye-bye.

- [McClintock] But uh...

- How Right, you
were, Cleopatra.

King Tut's pyramid
- And the Coptic Eye.

[otherworldly music plays]

[upbeat music plays]

- Hi Frank.
- Hi Frank, you rang?

- Yes, it looks like trouble.

CrimeScope has
picked up on a report

that the Pharaoh is
back in this area.

- The Pharaoh? Electro wow.

- And with Cleopatra, no doubt.

- Yes, I've put
CrimeScope on alert

to give us immediate information

on the sighting of that villain.

By the way, I've
developed a new attachment

for your ElectraComp.

I believe it could
come in handy.

[otherworldly music plays]

- King Tut's pyramid
and the Coptic Eye,

both within my grasp.

- If you can outwit Electra
Woman and Dyna Girl.

You know there'll be onto
your scheme, dear Pharaoh.

- You're right my
sweet Cleopatra.

I must devise a plan.

- No. This time I have a plan.

[otherworldly music plays]

- I felt you'd be interested

in the latest and
night tracking devices.

- Oh, what is it, Frank?

- I choose to call
it Electra-Vision.

Go on now, put it into
your ElectraComps.

Plug it in.

Uh, watch your eyes,
punch up your bypass.

[ElectraComps beep and warble]

- [Electra Woman
And Dyna Girl] Ooh!

- Electra blindy.

Wow. That's a flashlight, Frank.

- All right, now turn
it off, turn it off.

[ElectraComps beep and warble]

[everyone chuckles]

Electra-Vision can turn night
into day as you could see,


- I couldn't see anything.
[Frank chuckles]

[static crackles]

- Greetings Electra
Woman and Dyna Girl.

As a law-abiding citizen,

I feel it is my
duty to warn you.

- She's warning us?

- The Pharaoh has
his eye on something

in King Tut's pyramid and
intends to make it his own.

- But why is she
telling us all this?

- You're probably wondering
why I'm telling you all this.

Well, I've seen the
light as you say

I'm through with
my life of crime.

Trust me.

[static crackles]

- Trust her?!

Huh. I'd sooner trust a cobra.

- King Tut's pyramid.

- No-no-no, wait, this could
be a trap, Electra Woman.

- But, it's a place
to start, Frank.

Come on Dyna Girl, we're
off to the pyramid.

[exciting music plays]

[otherworldly music plays]

[ElectraCar whirs]

[dramatic music plays]

Well, it looks pretty quiet.

We better sensor scan the area.

- Sensor scan, do your stuff.

[ElectraComps beep]

[ElectraComps warble]

- Aha. I think that's what
we've been looking for.

[ElectraComps beep]

- I thought Mr. McClintock said
he sealed the pyramid shut.

- Put your ElectraComp
on standby.

[dramatic music plays]

- Hm. Won't be long now.

- Your plan is going
brilliantly, my
conniving Cleopatra.

[Pharaoh laughs menacingly]

[high-energy music plays]

- They can't be far ahead.

[gasps] There they are.

We've got them now, Dyna Girl.

[boots clatter]

- Oh, a dead end.

Where'd they go?

- We better backtrack.

[both huff]
[door rumbles]

I don't like the look
of this Dyna Girl.

- It looks like the Pharaoh
caught us up in a squeeze play.

- Our Electra-Beams.

[Electra-Comps beep and warble]

- It's still dropping.

- Frank, we need more power!

- You, you're operating
at full capacity already.

That rock slab
must weigh 20 tons.

It's too heavy to stop.

- [Electra Woman] I
can't tell you how sorry

we are to hear that, Frank.

- [Narrator] As the stone
slab moves closer and closer

there appears to be little hope

for Electra Woman and Dyna Girl.

- We've never been in a
tighter spot, Electra Woman.

- Well, think of this as
a challenge, Dyna Girl.

- I know the generators
have passed red line.

I can't find anymore power.

- Frank, we're
running out of room.

- I-I think I've got it.

Yes, now, if I were to eliminate

certain CrimeScope functions

and redirect those
same energy sources

to your Electra-Beams and-

- Would you be terribly offended

if we asked you to stop
talking and just do it?

- Hmm?

Oh, yeah. Yes, yes.

Right, right, right, right.

[Crime Scope beeps]

Judy, here it comes.

[Electra-Beam warbles]

- And there it goes.

- Ooh, yes. Not, not bad.

Not bad at all, CrimeScope.

[Frank chuckles]

[Electra-Beam warbles]

[dramatic music plays]

- The main chamber
is behind this wall.

- Well, how do we get in?

- Easy.

[torch creaks and door rumbles]

- Ah, after you, my
capricious Cleopatra.

[Pharaoh laughs menacingly]

[Electra-Beam warbles]

[door scrapes]

- We're okay, Frank.

[triumphant music plays]
Thank you.

- Yes. Now, all ElectraComp
services are back in operation.

[Frank laughs]


Oh, and, uh, girls
be careful, okay?

- You're a hard man
to argue with Frank.

- Uh, ready to carry on?

- Like Electra now.

I've got a few words for
our friend, the Pharaoh.

- Shall we?
- Of course.

[dramatic music plays]

[Pharaoh mutters]

[hatch clatters]

- The Coptic Eye.

For the strange hypnotic
powers this will give me,

there will be no one to stop me.

Soon the world
would be all mine.

- I almost wish that meddlesome

Electra Woman and Dyna
Girl were here to see this.

- You've got your
wish, Cleopatra.

[triumphant music plays]

- If I seem surprised,
please forgive me.

I knew you young
ladies were clever,

but I never expected
you to escape

from the last trap we set.

- You'll never learn
will you, Pharaoh?

- Oh, but I have.


[dramatic music plays]
[Electra-Beam warbles]

- I'll get Cleopatra.

- And I'll keep
the Pharaoh waiting

with my Electra-Force Shield.

- Once again, I underestimated
you, Electra Woman.

- You never did say what it was

that you and Cleopatra
were looking for.

- Oh, didn't I? How rude of me.

It's on my finger.

King Tut's Coptic Eye.

Isn't it an exciting
piece of jewelry?

Totally captivating.

Gaze into its spinning
colors why don't you.

Hypnotic isn't it?

Impossible to resist.

I must ask you to shut off your
Force Shield, Electra Woman.

- No, Electra Woman,
snap out of it.

We have to stop it somehow.

Come on, CrimeScope.

We can't let The Pharaoh out
of that Electra-Force Shield.

Don't listen to
him, Electra Woman.

- Now.


Keep that up and we might
even become friends.

- Here she is, Electra Woman.

- How nice of you to return.

- Hey, what's going on?

- Show her, Electra Woman,
with your Force Shield.


- Electra Woman, stop!

Let me go!

[Dyna Girl groans]

What have you done to her?

- I've been enjoying myself
immensely, Cleopatra.

Now, I think it's time for
you to share in the fun.

- Oh, I was hoping
you'd suggest that.

And how are my
precious asps today?

- Electra woman, snap out of it.

Can't you see what she's doing?

You'll never get away with this.

- What an impetuous
thing to say.

- I never thought
I'd have to do this

but if Electra Woman won't
turn off her Force Shield

I'll have to turn
off Electra Woman.

- All right, Pharaoh try
to escape through this.


- My dear, there was never any
question about me escaping.

And now just to show you
that I don't play favorites

I'll also spray you with
my mummifying spray.

You may proceed, Cleopatra.

- With a vengeance, my pet.

Shall we take the Coptic Eye
and go conquer the world?

- As you so aptly
said, with a vengeance.

Villainy be praised, ladies.

Now, farewell.

- [Narrator] How
will the mummified

Electra Woman and Dyna Girl

ever see their way
out of this mess?

- [Announcer] We'll
find out what happens

to Electra Woman and
Dyna Girl in part two

after these messages.

- Mummifying spray.

Now, what makes it effective?

Hmm. Molecular structure?

Yes. Yes, of course.

Yes. Shatter it with
vibrations. [chuckles]

My ear plugs, my ear plugs.


[CrimeScope whines]

[otherworldly music plays]

- We will be home free
in no time, my dear.

- No time is exactly
what I'm going to give

Electra Woman and Dyna Girl.

Knowing what that
dynamo duo is capable of

I'm not taking any chances.

When the sand runs out,

an 18-ton block of stone
will slide into place

and seal off the main
chamber for all eternity.

- So even if they do manage
to get away from my asps

there'll be nowhere
to get away to.

- Now, all the world's
greatest leaders

will be forced bow to us.

Thanks to the Coptic Eye.

- I can hardly wait.

[The Pharaoh chortles]

[otherworldly music plays]

[Dyna Girl gasps in pain]

- Electra Woman, wake up.

Come on, wake up.

Snap out of this.

[dramatic music plays]

- We go this way.

[stone grates]

- Come on Electra
Woman, wake up.

Don't look now, but look.

- Dyna Girl, degravitate.

Sorry, but we can't
stay for dinner.

- Since we're the dinner.

Let's gravitate over there.

- Oh! How did that happen?

I don't understand this.

[stone grates]

- We are losing viable
time, Dyna Girl.

There's no telling where
the Pharaoh could be by now.

- Here we are.

- Forget something.
[Electra-Comps beep]

- I don't think your Coptic Eye

will get you out of
this one, Pharaoh.

- Right. You're , uh,
running out of time.

- Time. The
hourglass, the stone.

- What's he babbling about?

- Oh, probably some trick.

- There's no time to explain.

We've got to get-

[stone grates]

Out of here.

- Our Electra-Force
Shields have gone dead.

- Now, what's going on?

Electra Woman,
Dyna Girl come in.

- 18 tons of stone have
sealed off the entrance

to this chamber

- And blocked our
power from ElectraBase.

- Is there any way out?

- None. The system is foolproof.

- Come on CrimeScope, there
must be some signal from them.

Electra Woman, Dyna Girl?

[CrimeScope beeps]

Completely lost contact.

- Look, Electra Woman.

The chamber is airtight.

- And we're losing
our oxygen supply.

- Oh! I never thought of that.

[scroll clatters]

- Who gets what's left?

Are all of us doomed?

- The asps! In the
dark they'll attack.

We've got to get out of here.

- Air. Air.

I can't breathe.

[dramatic music plays]

- Snakes! They're
going to attack!

We've got to get out of here.

- Electra Woman!
They're getting away.

No, Dyna Girl.

This chamber is air tight.

There's no way they
can get out of here.

- And neither can we.

- Oh, a dead end.

- Cleopatra, I told
you there's no way out.

- Electra Woman and Dyna Girl.

We must get back to them.

- Back to them. Why?

- They're our only
means of escape.

Come on.

[Dyna Girl shudders]

- That's the last one.

- [Pharaoh] We only find
a way out of this chamber.

- Well, welcome back.

- Thank you.

We've decided to cooperate.

- Cooperate?
- Now, that's a switch.

- Well, if we work together,

there must be a means of escape.

- If I remember correctly,
when an ancient pharaoh died

he always intended to come
back to life to rule again.

- But how did he expect to
get out of this gloomy tomb?

Walk through the walls?

- No, a secret door.

Of course, a
special secret exit.

- Maybe those hieroglyphics
could give us a clue.

- I happen to be the
world's foremost authority

on hieroglyphics.

It says to pull
the lever overhead.

Then when the sun comes in

and hits a place on this wall,

a door will open

- There it is!

- Electric Woman, Dyna
Girl, what's happening?

- Think you can
reach it Dyna Girl?

- With a little assistance.

- Come on.

Pardon us.

- Hey

- 1.

[lever creaks, stone grates]

- Hey, well it's about time!

Now, where have you two been?

- We've been stuck
right here, Frank.

- We've got to get out of here!

- You give me that.

- Something's wrong,
Electra Woman.

- Apparently the
shaft of sunlight

is missing the right spot.

- Then I'd say it's a
lucky thing that we brought

our own sunlight with us.

- Of course, the Electra-Vision.

- [Frank] Electra Woman, Dyna
Girl, Wha-what's happening?

What's going on out there?

- We're about to start working

your new Electra-Vision, Frank.

- [Frank] Electra-Vision?
Why? What's happening?

Don't leave me in the dark.

- Well, that's where
we are now, Frank.

Put yourself on full brightness

that way we can saturate both
the walls at the same time.

[ElectraComps beep]

[Electra-Vision whines]

- [gasps] We're free!

- I know this is highly unusual

but would you allow
me to shake your hand?

I do believe we should move
with haste, lovely Cleopatra.

Why I'd hate to get
stuck in this earthquake.

[earthquake rumbles]

- Watch out.

It's an earthquake.
[Dyna Girl gasps]

- The, the pyramid is
caving in around us.

- The earthquake
is getting worse!

- Earthquake? What,
what earthquake?

Electra woman! Dyna Girl!

There is no earthquake.

This has got to be an illusion.

- Frank, can you
get us out here?

- [Frank] I'll try.

Turn left 15 degrees.

Now, walk out through
the first passageway.

Ignore the earthquake
and the falling rocks.

- That's easy for
you to say, Frank.

- [Frank] Sure, just
walk straight ahead.

[Electra Woman and
Dyna Girl yelp]

You-you're doing fine.

Just move straight ahead.

[Electra Woman yelps]
[quake continues rumbling]

You're doing fine.

[otherworldly music plays]

- All the great leaders of
the world will do my bidding

through the proper u...

Or should I say

improper use of the Coptic Eye.

- I'm looking forward to
being queen of the world.

- You'll have to have
pretty good eyesight

to see that far into
the future, Cleopatra.

- That's right.

We figure your futures at 20
years to life of hard labor.

- And just think what that's
going to do to your nails.

- I'm not going to
bother asking you two

how you manage to escape
once again from my trap.

I'm sure you were
positively brilliant.

- [Electra Woman] Of course.

- However, I do think it wise

for us all to sit down calmly
and discuss our futures.

Doesn't that sound
like a good idea?

- Now, Electra-Vision on.

- Pharaoh!
[Electra-Vision whines]

[otherworldly music plays]

- Well, you girls stopped
the Pharaoh once again.

[Frank chuckles]

Won't he ever learn?

- Well, thanks to
your Electra-Vision.

I think he finally
saw the light.

[Frank laughs]

I don't get it.

[Judy and Lori laugh]

- Really?


[instrumental theme music plays]
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