[narrator] The world thinks
they're just adorable kitties,
but when trouble comes knocking,
they transform into...
[automated voice] [sings]
♪ Kitty cat, kitty cat ♪
♪ Kitty cat, kitty cat ♪
-[amazing singer] ♪ SuperKitties! ♪
-[♪ theme song playing]
♪ Meow! ♪
♪ When there's chaos in the air ♪
♪ Don't you worry
Don't despair ♪
♪ Evildoers best beware ♪
♪ They're SuperKitties
Meow! ♪
♪ They're brave
They're smart ♪
♪ They're strong
They're kind ♪
♪ And with their talents combined ♪
♪ They're SuperKitties
Meow! ♪
[Sparks] The SuperKitties
and the Wacky Weather.
[Bitsy giggles] Ginny, look!
That cloud looks like a yummy fishy treat.
[laughs] And that cloud
looks like a furry kitty paw, Bitsy.
But that cloud is my favorite cloud.
How come, Buddy?
'Cause from upside down,
it looks like you, Sparksy.
My very favorite brother.
[both laughing]
Hey! Where's everyone going
with all that stuff?
[gasps] I forgot!
Today's the pawsome picnic in the park.
It's for everyone in Kittydale.
A picnic? I love picnics. [squeals]
I love being outside
and sitting on a blanket
-and eating snacks with all my friends.
A squeaky ball!
I'm gonna get you!
Why are squeaky balls
-falling outta those green clouds?
I don't know, but I love it.
You can never have too many... Oof!
...squeaky balls.
Whoa! Maybe you can have too many.
[automated voice sings]
♪ Kitty cat. Kitty cat. ♪
[all exclaim] It's the SuperKitty call!
[automated voice] ♪ Kitty cat, kitty cat ♪
♪ Kitty cat, kitty cat ♪
♪ Kitty cat, kitty cat ♪
♪ Kitty cat, kitty cat ♪
[amazing singer] ♪ Adorable they may be ♪
♪ But trouble's no match, you see ♪
♪ They're felines
who fearlessly respond to the call ♪
♪ Ginny! ♪
♪ Sparks! ♪
♪ Buddy! ♪
Hey! Cut it out, squeaky balls.
[record scratch]
[giggles] Oopsy-kitty.
♪ And Bitsy ♪
♪ SuperKitties! ♪
Su-Purr Charged.
Sparks, power up the SuperKitty comm.
Let's see who needs our help.
[both] SuperKitties!
Sam. Eddie. What's wrong?
Squeaky balls were
just falling from the sky.
[ball squeaks]
Now it's raining marshmallows.
That's just wacky.
Wait! The pawsome picnic is today.
[muffled yelling]
That's better.
If it keeps raining marshmallows,
there's not gonna be a picnic.
And no picnic means
no leftover hot dogs for us.
It's a total disaster!
Don't worry. We're gonna
find out what's going on
and save the picnic.
Sam, Eddie, we're on our way.
Sparks, how much time do we have
before the picnic starts?
Power paw, activate picnic timer.
When the arrow reaches the picnic basket,
-it's picnic time.
Then we've gotta get to the park
kitty-cat fast.
Paws in, SuperKitties.
We're brave!
We're smart!
We're strong.
We're kind.
[all] SuperKitties, go!
[amazing singer] ♪ Meow! ♪
Huh. The weather these days. [chuckles]
Where are all these
marshmallows coming from?
I wonder what's behind this.
Or who.
[Lab Rat] I'll give you one guess.
[evil laugh]
[SuperKitties gasp] Lab Rat and Otto!
[amazing singer] ♪ Lab Rat and Otto! ♪
Of course it's us.
No one else is genius enough to invent...
the Weather Zapper!
[trumpet toots]
I think you're getting better.
-[trumpet toots]
with my new invention,
I can control the weather!
So you decided to make it rain
marshmallows and squeaky balls?
[groans] The marshmallows
and squeaky balls were kinda...
an accident.
Each color card makes
a different kind of weather.
[groans] I was trying
to make it rain real rain.
For Otto, my water loving friend.
And, once I figure out which card
is the raindrop card,
I will make lots and lots of rain.
[trumpet toots]
Terrific tootin', Otto.
But the pawsome picnic is starting soon.
If you make it rain rain or other stuff,
you'll ruin the picnic for everyone.
Picnic, shmicnic.
There's nothing you can do to stop me.
[evil laugh]
We'll see about that.
SuperKitties, pounce!
Excuse us!
-[all] Whoa!
-[Lab Rat laughs]
If we can get that Weather Zapper
from Lab Rat, I think I can use it
to change the weather back to normal.
Then come on, SuperKitties.
Bitsy boots, blast off!
[tires screeching]
Hmm... I forgot which color
will make it rain water.
[gasps] Orange is my favorite color, so...
[wind blowing]
Socks? [groans]
I want rain!
Look out! It's raining socks.
I can't see!
[all] Whoa! Whoa!
SuperKitty kit, activate umbrella.
Ooh, so fuzzy.
What? Lab Rat's got great taste in socks.
[all laugh]
We'd better stop Lab Rat and fast.
The arrow is almost to the basket.
[amazing singer] ♪ Meow! ♪
[Lab Rat] Okay.
Red is an evil genius kind of color,
so it's gotta be the red card.
[evil laugh]
Come on, Weather Zapper,
bring on the rain!
[groans] Hot dogs? No!
[Sam] Hot dogs?
[Eddie] Yes!
[tires screeching]
Now it's time to stop this wacky weather.
Stop? I'm just getting started.
This is the only color I haven't tried.
Yeah, I know. A blue card
for rain is kinda obvious.
But blue could've been blueberries too.
Once I put this into the Weather Zapper,
I'll make it rain real rain
all over Kittydale.
[gasps] Rats! It broke.
We've been foiled by a hot dog.
-Luckily I can make another blue card
back at our lab.
Otto, to the dumpsters!
We're gonna make it rain all day. [laughs]
Firing SuperKitty tracker.
-[Lab Rat laughs]
Looks like they're heading towards...
-their dumpster lab.
Oh, no! The pawsome
picnic's about to start.
We have to stop her from making it rain
and ruining the picnic.
Kitties, I have an idea.
What if we build a wall to stop Lab Rat
from reaching her dumpster?
We can make it out of all of this stuff.
-Yay, Ginny!
[laughs] I love that idea.
Then we need to do it kitty-cat fast.
It's time to supercharge.
Pointed claws and springy paws.
SuperKitty kit turbo mode.
Furball blitz bounce.
Bitsy boots blaster faster.
-Okay, kitties.
Let's bring all this stuff
to Lab Rat's alley.
I know a shortcut. Follow me.
[amazing singer] ♪ Meow! ♪
[evil laugh] Victory is so close!
[trumpet tooting triumphantly]
Otto, hit the brakes!
Hand over that Weather Zapper.
Never! Otto, reverse.
[trumpet tooting]
-Got it!
One reverse weather card coming up.
-And no more wacky weather.
-Yay, Sparks!
-Go, bro!
We were so close.
[sighs] Sorry, Otto.
I couldn't make it rain.
[trumpet tooting]
That was beautiful, Otto.
Beautiful, but sad.
Lab Rat, why does Otto
want it to rain so badly?
Because he loves splashing
around in puddles.
You should see his little rain boots.
Did she say "rain boots"?
Aw, so cute.
[sighs] But it hasn't
rained in a long time.
That means no puddles
and no puddles means no splashing.
I get it, I love splashing too.
Lab Rat, it's nice you wanted to do
something special for your friend.
Best friend.
But when you do something
nice for someone,
you've gotta think about others too.
Yeah. Like everyone who's so excited
for the pawsome picnic.
Everyone? Huh.
I guess that's not so nice of us.
[sighs] Fine.
We're sorry.
[ticking, chimes]
It's picnic time!
Yay! The picnic's started.
Hey, Lab Rat and Otto.
I have a surprise for you.
I knew it would be blue.
[gasps] Hey!
You made a little rain cloud
and a little Otto-sized puddle!
Thank you, SuperKitty.
That was pretty genius.
For a cat.
All right, Otto.
It's splashing time!
Now that's how you splash in style.
Lab Rat tried to make it rain
so Otto could splash in puddles.
But she almost ruined the pawsome picnic
for everyone else.
You have to think of others
even when you're trying
to do something nice for your friend.
And I'm taking that to heart.
Hey, you kitties know
what that cloud looks like?
-Tell us.
-What is it?
-Four little kitties
in a big kitty cuddle.
[all laugh]
-I see it.
[Bitsy] The SuperKitties
and the Kittydale Racers.
[dogs barking]
I love my new race car, Sparks.
Thanks for helping me build it.
You're welcome, Bitsy.
I'm so excited to see you race
against those other ameowzing cars.
Me too!
I spent all night coming up
with cheers for you.
Like this...
Bitsy, Bitsy, she's our kitty.
Fastest racer in the city.
[giggles] Thanks, Buddy.
Your cheer makes me wanna go
vroom, vroom, vroom!
Well, if you like that one,
just wait till you hear the rest.
[clears throat]
[Sam] Attention, racers.
It's race time.
-I'll finish it later.
-[Kitties laugh]
Have fun, Bitsy. We'll be waiting for you
at the finish line.
[deep breath]
Ahem. Welcome to the first ever
Kittydale Racers Super Duper Race.
-[all cheering]
-[Kitties meow]
I'm Sam and he's Eddie.
And we are delighted to be presenting
this beautiful trophy
to whoever wins this race.
We found it in the recycling.
At first we thought
it was a giant golden, shiny hot dog.
But then we saw that it wasn't.
We really wanted that hot dog.
[sniffling and crying]
But then, after a good cry, we thought,
"Hey! Why not have a race
and give this to the winner?"
So, here we are.
Now... this is how it's gonna work.
The race course goes all over town,
so you have to follow the red arrows.
The first racer to cross the finish line
wins the trophy!
But remember, you've gotta race fairly,
and no cheating.
That means you don't try to mess up
the other racers or stop them
from finishing the race. Okay?
[all agree]
Then let's start the race.
-[engines revving]
-Good luck!
[Sam] On your mark...
Get set...
Hot dog!
[clears throat]
I mean... go!
Wave your paws, shake your tail,
Bitsy zips through Kittydale!
-[Kitties laugh]
Which racer was that?
Mr. Puppypaws?
[amazing singer] ♪ Mr. Puppypaws! ♪
[tires screeching]
[engines zooming]
-[Mr. Puppypaws laughing]
[tires screech]
I love racing!
-Hi, Chibi. Woo-hoo!
Come, Quacksley. We must catch the racers.
I must win that trophy.
-You're right, Quacksley.
Maybe it is time to play some ball.
[evil laugh]
[gasps] Chibi!
My car is broken.
Welcome to last place.
Where did that come from?
Is that... [gasps]
Mr. Puppypaws!
Mr. Puppypaws,
firing tennis balls
at the racers is cheating,
and that's not nice.
You make a good point, my furry friend.
However, I simply don't care.
[evil laugh] And neither does Quacksley.
We're going to cheat our way to victory.
[gasps] That's pawful.
Pawful for you, perhaps.
But nothing will stop us from
winning that shiny trophy.
-So, drop outta the race, little kitty.
Things are about to get rather... sticky!
[evil laugh]
[Bitsy] Glue!
Hey! I'm stuck.
And I'm going to win that trophy.
[evil laugh]
Oh, Sigmund.
Mr. Puppypaws is cheating.
Oh... but I really wanna keep racing.
[sighs] What do I do?
I love racing.
But I love helping my friends even more.
It's time for a SuperKitty call.
Bitsy, Bitsy, race your car.
Drive it fast and drive it...
-Whoa. Nice one, bro.
[automated voice] Kitty cat, kitty cat.
[all exclaiming]
It's the Super Kitty call!
♪ Kitty cat, kitty cat ♪
♪ Kitty cat, kitty cat ♪
[amazing singer] ♪ They're felines
who fearlessly respond to the call ♪
♪ Ginny! ♪
♪ Sparks! ♪
♪ Buddy! ♪
-And Bitsy's in the race.
-[record scratch]
[giggles] Oopsy kitty!
[amazing singer] ♪ SuperKitties ♪
Su-Purr Charged.
Sparks, power up the SuperKitty kit.
Let's see who needs our help.
SuperKitty kit, meow!
-[all] Bitsy?
Mr. Puppypaws is in the race,
but he's cheating.
[all gasp]
Too bad you're in the race, Bitsy.
We could really use
your speed to help us stop Mr. Puppypaws.
Don't worry, Sparks. I'm gonna help.
[amazing singer] ♪ And Bitsy ♪
But, Bitsy, don't you
wanna finish the race?
I do.
But I'm a SuperKitty.
And SuperKitties always help others.
Right now, the other racers need my help.
-[all] Yes!
-Paws in, SuperKitties.
We're brave!
We're smart!
We're strong!
We're kind!
[all] SuperKitties, go!
[amazing singer] ♪ Meow! ♪
[engines zooming]
[evil laugh] Woof!
[engines zooming]
I adore your race car,
my good Iguana.
The only problem with balloons
is they sometimes...
-[gasps] Whoa!
[evil laugh]
Aw, nuts!
[evil laugh] That golden
trophy is as good as ours.
[gasps] The SuperKitties!
That's right, Mr. Puppypaws.
We're here to stop you.
This cheating isn't fair.
But it will help me win the race,
and when I do, I'll collect
that divine trophy.
Oh, no, you don't! Bitsy boots, blast off.
That stroller has some serious speed.
We have to get Mr. Puppypaws' remote.
Then we can stop his stroller.
I just need a little more speed.
That means...
SuperKitties, time to supercharge!
Pointed claws and springy paws.
Furball blitz bounce.
Bitsy boots blaster faster.
SuperKitty kit turbo mode.
[amazing singer] ♪ Here we go
SuperKitties, you can do it ♪
♪ Go, go, go, go
SuperKitties ♪
♪ If there's trouble in the city ♪
♪ They're the kitties who pursue it ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh
SuperKitties ♪
♪ So when baddies are on the loose ♪
♪ And our heroes need that extra boost ♪
♪ That's when they supercharge ♪
♪ Supercharge
Supercharge ♪
♪ Supercharge
Supercharge ♪
♪ That's when they supercharge ♪
♪ Supercharge
Supercharge ♪
♪ Supercharge
Supercharge ♪
♪ Saving the day the SuperKitty way ♪
♪ They leap into action
with ferocious compassion ♪
♪ When villains are at large
SuperKitties supercharge ♪
♪ SuperKitties supercharge ♪
[dogs barking]
I don't see nothing.
[coos] The racers are coming
and in first place, it's...
It's... Mr. Puppypaws?
Pull over, Mr. Puppypaws.
No! I'm winning this race,
you pesky furball,
-and you won't stop me.
-You're right.
I won't, but she will.
Surprise! Whoa!
[engine powers down]
No! I was so close.
Help me, Quacksley.
Help me scooch forward.
Uh, who's the winner?
Why didn't anyone finish the race?
Yeah. How come none of you
are driving your race cars?
I guess... there is no winner?
[Chibi] That's not fair.
Mr. Puppypaws hit my car
with tennis balls.
[all gasp]
He got my car all sticky.
-[all gasp]
-And he popped my balloon.
-[all gasp]
-That wasn't me!
It was, um... him! [sighs]
Very well. Perhaps I cheated.
That was not fair to everyone
else, Mr. Puppypaws.
[Chibi whimpering]
You're right.
I just really wanted
the glorious gold trophy.
It'd be perfect for storing my treats.
So, who's gonna get it now?
Since nobody won,
what if we redo the race?
Oh, why didn't I think of that?
'Cause you were thinking
about hot dogs again?
Actually, this time
it was old tuna sandwiches.
Well, guess what, everyone?
[both] The race is back on!
[all cheering]
So I get to race after all?
You sure do, Bitsy.
Yay! [purrs]
I don't suppose you'd let
Quacksley and me try again?
Sure. As long as you don't cheat.
Of course! We promise
there will be no cheating.
-Right, Quacksley?
You heard the duck, let's race! Arf!
When Mr. Puppypaws cheated,
the other racers needed help.
Even though I really
wanted to keep racing,
I stopped and helped save the day,
'cause SuperKitties always help.
And I'm taking that to heart.
[Buddy] Have fun, Bitsy.
Oh, I will.
Go, Bitsy!
On your marks...
-[engines rumble]
-Get set...
[both] Go!
See you at the finish line.
[theme music playing]
02x08 - Wacky Weather/Kittydale Racers
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In the fictional city of Kittydale, an indoor playground called the Purr'N'Play is where children play, sometimes with the place's resident cats Ginny, Sparks, Buddy, and Bitsy.
In the fictional city of Kittydale, an indoor playground called the Purr'N'Play is where children play, sometimes with the place's resident cats Ginny, Sparks, Buddy, and Bitsy.