10x03 - The Three Doctors - part 3

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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10x03 - The Three Doctors - part 3

Post by bunniefuu »



By Bob Baker and Dave Martin

13th January, 1973
5:50pm - 6:15pm

(The entirety of UNIT HQ also vanishes. We see it disappearing into the black hole.)


JO: It's fabulous!

THIRD DOCTOR: Yes, most impressive, I must admit that.

TYLER: Almost worth the trip just to see this place.

JO: Yes, but who brought us here, and why?

OMEGA: I did. I am the one who brought you here.

THIRD DOCTOR: Who are you?

OMEGA: In the legends of your people I am called Omega.

THIRD DOCTOR: Omega? But that's impossible. Omega was destroyed.

OMEGA: No, brother Time Lord, I was not destroyed, as you can see. Take the man and the girl.

{He emerges into the light.)

THIRD DOCTOR: Where are you taking them?

OMEGA: They will not be harmed, Doctor. They have no part in my revenge.

(Jo and Dr Tyler are led away by gell guards.)

OMEGA: I have been grievously wronged, Doctor, and now it is time for my vengeance!


{Jo and Dr Tyler are brought to another room by the gell guards. They look around.)

TYLER: Well, they won't hold us long in here. Not in a cell without a door.

JO: Look!

TYLER: It's impossible! It's a real wall.

(He goes over to the door where a wall has appeared.)

JO: Really? What kind of a place is this? And who was that creature in the mask?

TYLER: I don't know.

JO: The Doctor seemed to know him.

TYLER: Yes, and whoever it was knew the Doctor, but I wouldn't say they were exactly friends.

JO: No, it seemed more like they were deadly enemies.


OMEGA: Without me, there would be no time travel. You and our fellow Time Lords would still be locked in your own time, as puny as those creatures you now so graciously protect.

THIRD DOCTOR: You knew your mission was dangerous.

OMEGA: Dangerous, yes, but I completed it, and I did not expect to be abandoned. Many thousands of years ago, when I left our planet, all this was then a star until I arranged its detonation.

THIRD DOCTOR: You were the solar engineer. It was your duty.

OMEGA: It was an honour, or so I thought then. I was to be the one to find and create the power source that would give us mastery over time itself.

THIRD DOCTOR: Well, you succeeded, and are revered for it.

OMEGA: Revered? Here? I was abandoned.

THIRD DOCTOR: The histories say that you were lost in the supernova.

OMEGA: I was sacrificed to that supernova. I generated those forces, and for what? To be blown out of existence into this black hole of antimatter? My brothers became Time Lords, but I was abandoned and forgotten!

THIRD DOCTOR: No, not forgotten. All my life I've known of you and honoured you as our greatest hero.

OMEGA: A hero? I should have been a god!


JO: Why would the creature bring the Doctor here if they're deadly enemies? Unless he means him some terrible harm.

TYLER: Come along, Jo, pull yourself together. No point in getting worried about this. We don't know that they're enemies. In any case, I'm sure the Doctor knows what he's doing.

JO: I hope you're right.


THIRD DOCTOR: Well, theoretically, of course, all this is quite impossible.

OMEGA: Here, Doctor, everything is possible. Be seated.

(A chair appears from nowhere.)

THIRD DOCTOR: Thank you. Tell me, how did you manage to survive?

OMEGA: How does anyone survive? Force of will. Mind, you might say, over antimatter.

THIRD DOCTOR: And this organism stuff that you sent to bring us here?

OMEGA: Created from the raw stuff of matter. An organism that can exist in your world and mine. It brought you here and imbued you with its properties so that you too could exist in both worlds.

THIRD DOCTOR: But how do I fit into this picture?

OMEGA: There are some things that even I cannot do, not alone, and at this point in my plans I need the help of a brother Time Lord.


OMEGA: And it pleases me to use you against them.

THIRD DOCTOR: And if I give you my help, do you really think you can defeat the Time Lords? All of them?

OMEGA: But I am defeating them, Doctor. All of their power is insufficient to prevent the cosmic energy drain which I have caused.

THIRD DOCTOR: And if I refuse to cooperate?

OMEGA: Then you will face the wrath of Omega, you and those miserable humans who accompany you.

(An alarm goes off nearby, and Omega walks over to a rose coloured sphere and listens to the bleepy message. He then responds.)

OMEGA: Investigate immediately but do not harm them.


OMEGA: Well, Doctor, it seems that we have more company.


SECOND DOCTOR: Well, we appear to have arrived.

BRIGADIER: Corporal Palmer. Come in, Palmer.

SECOND DOCTOR: I don't think you'll get through with that thing.


SECOND DOCTOR: It hasn't quite got the range.

BRIGADIER: What are you talking about, Doctor? They're only just outside the building.


BRIGADIER: Corporal Palmer, do you read me?

SECOND DOCTOR: I think you should prepare yourself for a bit of a shock.

BENTON: Can we take a look outside, Doc?

SECOND DOCTOR: We can try.

(He activates the scanner.)

SECOND DOCTOR: Well, I never.

BENTON: It seems to have gone, sir.

BRIGADIER: Yes, well, it looks quiet enough. Right, Doctor, if you'll just open that door, I'll see what's going on.

SECOND DOCTOR: I really wouldn't advise it.

BRIGADIER: Oh, come along now, Doctor.

SECOND DOCTOR: Oh, all right. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, I do wish you'd listen to me. Come along, we'd better follow him.


(They are looking around the lab.)

SECOND DOCTOR: That's extraordinary. That stuff must have found the TARDIS a bit indigestible even without the force field on, so it swallowed a bit of the surrounding matter as well. Hmm. Rather like taking a pill with a swig of water.

BRIGADIER: Well, we seem to have got rid of it. Benton, you stay here.

BENTON: So you think we've moved, is that it, Doctor?

SECOND DOCTOR: Oh, I'm quite sure we have.

(The Brigadier opens the door to see a completely different planet. He does a double take and returns to the lab.)

BENTON: Well, where do you reckon we are?

SECOND DOCTOR: Not where he thinks we are.

BRIGADIER: Now see here, Doctor, You have finally gone too far.

SECOND DOCTOR: I rather think we all have. What's it like out there?

BRIGADIER: There's, well, there's sand everywhere!

SECOND DOCTOR: Oh, splendid. Who's for a swim?

BRIGADIER: Do you realise what you've done? You've stolen the whole of UNIT HQ. Now what am I going to tell Geneva? That the whole blessed building has been picked up and put down on some deserted beach? We're probably miles from London!

SECOND DOCTOR: I'm afraid we're a little bit further than that, Brigadier.

BRIGADIER: You mean we're not even in the same country? There'll be international repercussions. This could be construed as an invasion.

BENTON: It's not just a matter of the same country, sir. If the Doctor's right, we're not even in the same universe.

BRIGADIER: What? Oh, nonsense, Benton. I tell you that's a beach out there. It's probably Norfolk or somewhere like that.

THIRD DOCTOR: Oh, please, if you'd only listen to me.

BRIGADIER: Right, now I'll tell you what we'll do. You two stay here. See that nobody wanders in. We can't have the place overrun with holiday makers. I'll nip out, find a phone and tell the authorities exactly where we are. I'm fairly sure that's Cromer. Back in a jiff.

(The Brigadier leaves.)

SECOND DOCTOR: Dear oh dear oh dear.

BENTON: Let's go after him, Doc.

SECOND DOCTOR: Yes, I suppose we better had.

(He starts, then reconsiders.)

SECOND DOCTOR: Just a minute. I think I'll have another look for my recorder.

BENTON: Doctor, when are you going to face the facts? You've lost your recorder and that's that.

SECOND DOCTOR: Oh, no, I'm sure it's in the TARDIS somewhere. I shan't be a minute.


BENTON: Doctor! Look.

SECOND DOCTOR: Oh my giddy aunt!

BENTON: Get back. Back!


(The Brigadier goes for a stroll on the beach.)

OLLIS: Hey! Hey, you! Just a minute.

BRIGADIER: Who are you?

OLLIS: Ollis, game warden.

BRIGADIER: Ollis? Yes, of course, the chap who found the balloon then vanished. Where are we? What's going on here?

OLLIS: I thought you'd have told me that. They're your manoeuvres.

BRIGADIER: No, Mister Ollis, I'm as much in the dark as you are. Isn't there anything you can tell me?

OLLIS: Well, there were two others in a daffy old motor car for a start. A man and a girl. They went off after another fellow and all got took by those lumpy creatures.

BRIGADIER: What did the man look like?

OLLIS: Tall, fancy get up, white hair.

BRIGADIER: But that's. What happened to them?

OLLIS: I told you! They got took by those things. They didn't get me, though, because I'm used to moving quiet, stalking them and that.

BRIGADIER: What, did you follow them?

OLLIS: I was just coming to that. Look out!

(They duck behind a dune.)

OLLIS: That's them. That's those things. That's what I meant.

BRIGADIER: They've got the Doctor and Benton. Come on.

OLLIS: Hold on now. It's no use rushing them. I know where they're bound.

(The Gels make their prisoners turn left towards a massive blue-edged opening in a cliff face and take them inside.)

OLLIS: Now what, General?

BRIGADIER: First we do a recce, then we mount a surprise attack. Mister Ollis, you will consider yourself under my orders.


THIRD DOCTOR: Look, if you cannot reverse the energy drain, the fabric of the entire universe could be torn apart.

OMEGA: What if it is? It will make an interesting spectacle.

THIRD DOCTOR: Then you would be utterly alone forever.

OMEGA: I am used to solitude. And I shall have had my revenge. I shall be satisfied.

THIRD DOCTOR: Omega, if you would undo the harm that you've done and resume your place on the High Council, you could have the freedom to do anything that you wished.

OMEGA: Power is the only freedom that I seek.

(As Omega goes on, the gell guards bring in the Second Doctor and Benton.)

OMEGA: Absolute power is absolute freedom. No bargains.

OMEGA: Especially not with those who betrayed and deserted me. No, Doctor, you are here for a reason. Who are you?

THIRD DOCTOR: Oh, just some more innocent bystanders. Probably scooped up by that bungling organism of yours. Send them back, Omega. They can do you no harm.

OMEGA: The organism was programmed to seek out a Time Lord.

THIRD DOCTOR: And it has done so.

OMEGA: Can this or this also be a Time Lord?

SECOND DOCTOR: Appearances aren't everything, you know.

OMEGA: Ah, you do not fear me. Can it be? Two Time Lords?

(He considers for a moment.)

OMEGA: Ah! The same Time Lord! The High Council must be desperate indeed to transgress the laws of time.

SECOND DOCTOR: I really think you're making a mistake, you know.

OMEGA: You have tried to trick me.

SECOND DOCTOR: I was out for a stroll with my friend here when this horrible great jelly

OMEGA: I might have known the High Council would make some such pathetic attempt to deceive me.


OMEGA: Be silent! (thunder roll) While I consider what shall be your fate.

SECOND DOCTOR: (sotto) Is it really him? Omega?

THIRD DOCTOR: (sotto) Yes, I'm afraid so.

OMEGA: You have angered me. You are facing death! Take them away!

(The gell guards blob away all three.)


(Ollis and the Brigadier are on the move.)

BRIGADIER: Did you find a way in?

OLLIS: No. You?

BRIGADIER: No. There's only one thing for it.


BRIGADIER: Wait till the door opens then take them by storm. A full scale frontal attack using all the resources available.

OLLIS: What does that mean?

BRIGADIER: That, Mister Ollis, means you and me. Come on.


(They're all locked up together now.)

THIRD DOCTOR: I tell you, I practically had him won over then you turned up and he started treating me like an imposter.

SECOND DOCTOR: Well, you are really, aren't you.

THIRD DOCTOR: What do you mean?

SECOND DOCTOR: Well, I suppose in another way we both are. Or is it neither of us?

THIRD DOCTOR: Look, for heaven's sake, stop twittering on.

SECOND DOCTOR: There's no need to be offensive!

THIRD DOCTOR: I'm not being offensive. The important thing is

JO: There they go again.

BENTON: You're supposed to help one another.

JO: That was the idea.

THIRD DOCTOR: Yes, well, all right, I'm sorry. Perhaps I did speak a trifle sharply.

SECOND DOCTOR: Yes, well, I'm sorry, too. Well, what did you think of this chap Omega?

THIRD DOCTOR: Frankly, I thought he was somewhat confused.

TYLER: Yes, and I'm somewhat confused. Who's he?

TYLER: I beg your pardon?

THIRD DOCTOR: Oh, ask Jo, there's a good chap. You see, one minute he was talking about destroying everything


THIRD DOCTOR: The next minute he's talking about freedom.

TYLER: Look if this is a world of antimatter, how can it all exist?

DOCTORS: The phenomenon of singularity.

TYLER: Singularity?

THIRD DOCTOR: Look, you explain to him. You're far better at it than I am.

SECOND DOCTOR: Oh, no, no, please. Older and wiser head.

TYLER: Singularity. Now I know it's supposed to exist

THIRD DOCTOR: Yes, well, it does exist. Right here, I'm afraid.

TYLER: But that's just a theory.

JO: Oh look, Doctors, what are you talking about? And simple answers, please. One at a time this time.

SECOND DOCTOR: Well, singularity is a point in space/time that can only exist in a black hole. We are in a black hole, in a world of anti-matter very close to this point of singularity, where all the known physical laws cease to exist. Now, Omega has got control of singularity, and has learned to use the vast forces locked up inside the black hole.

THIRD DOCTOR: Now, that is how Omega is able to create the world we are now living in by a fantastic effort of his will, but unfortunately he thinks he's been wronged by the Time Lords.

TYLER: Time Lords?

THIRD DOCTOR: Yes, and now he's hell bent on revenge.

JO: Well, you'll just have to stop him, won't you.

SECOND DOCTOR: Well, the trouble is, we're not sure we can.

BENTON: Well, who is this Omega, anyway?

THIRD DOCTOR: A Time Lord. One of the greatest of all my race.


THIRD DOCTOR: Our race. Yes, sorry.

SECOND DOCTOR: Long, long ago, we learnt the secret of time travel, but in order to make it a reality we had to have a colossal source of energy.

THIRD DOCTOR: Omega provided that energy by a fantastic feat of solar engineering. We thought he was destroyed, instead of which he finished up here.

SECOND DOCTOR: Yes, it seems that his imprisonment was the price of our freedom to travel in time.

JO: Even so, you can't let him smash everything up. Well, look, he's not all-powerful, you know, or else why did he need to bring you here?

THIRD DOCTOR: Yes, that's true.

BENTON: There must be something you can do to get us out of here?

JO: What about your sonic screwdriver?

THIRD DOCTOR: No, that's useless in this world. The only natural law here is the law of Omega's will.

JO: Omega's will. Look, if Omega can will up an entire world, well surely you two could will up a small door. Well look, you're a Time Lord, aren't you?


JO: In fact, you're two Time Lords. Well, surely your wills combined are a match for his? Why else do you think the High Council wanted the two of you here?

THIRD DOCTOR: That might work. It just might.

SECOND DOCTOR: It's worth a try.








JO: It's working.

(A door begins to appear in the wall near the opening.)

THIRD DOCTOR: Well done.

SECOND DOCTOR: I couldn't possibly have done it without you. Well, what next?

THIRD DOCTOR: Now for the singularity chamber. That's the key to it all.

SECOND DOCTOR: Splendid. Come on.


JO: But you

THIRD DOCTOR: Jo, you wait there.

SECOND DOCTOR: It even opens!

(The two Doctors leave.)

TYLER: Singularity chamber. Can't miss that. It's the chance of a lifetime!

(Tyler leaves.)

JO: That's charming.

BENTON: I'm not just going to sit here while they have all the fun.

JO: Neither am I. Come on, Sergeant Benton.


(Out in the passageways the two Doctors stealthily creep. They are followed at a distance by the others (noisily).)

BENTON: Through here.

(The gell guards seem to be in pursuit. Sort of. Slowly. They might just be out for a walk, too.)


(The Doctors reach the inner chamber.)

SECOND DOCTOR: Well, shall we?

THIRD DOCTOR: The bull by the horns, eh?


THIRD DOCTOR: Well, after you.

SECOND DOCTOR: Let's toss, shall we?

THIRD DOCTOR: What would be the point?


(He steps through first. There is something that looks like a steam vent in the middle of the room.)

THIRD DOCTOR: Singularity.

SECOND DOCTOR: Fascinating.

OMEGA: What! How is it that you two are free?

THIRD DOCTOR: By combining our wills against yours.

SECOND DOCTOR: Together we were able to break down your barriers, so you're not all powerful after all, Omega.

THIRD DOCTOR: If you free us, we'll plead your cause to the Time Lords. Otherwise we shall combine our wills to destroy you.

OMEGA: You dare thr*aten to destroy me? You wish to fight the will of Omega?

THIRD DOCTOR: Yes, if I must.

OMEGA: Then you shall, but you will fight the dark side of my mind.

(Something freaky starts to happen.)

OMEGA: The dark side of my mind.

(A weird troll creature approaches the Doctor.)


BENTON: It's no good. It all looks the same.

TYLER: Well, we can't just stay here.

JO: They're right behind us.

BENTON: This way. They're everywhere.

TYLER: Let's try down here.

JO: Yes, come on.

(The gell guards make more grumpy noises as they give their interminably slow pursuit.)

BENTON: It's no good, we're lost.

TYLER: Well, we can't just give ourselves up.

BENTON: Agreed. What do we do?

JO: Let's try this way.

JO: Hey, look what I found.

BENTON: Oh great. Well, how can that help us?

JO: It's the corridor to the main entrance. Come on.

(They find the main door.)

BENTON: Doctor Tyler, give me a hand with this.

JO: Quickly, they're coming!

(As they push the doors open, the Brigadier and Mr Ollis are just outside, and give assistance.)

BRIGADIER: Out! Make for the hills!

(They all dash out, followed by gell guards. A few moments of running, hiding, explosions and slow chases follow. Then they all catch their breath behind a dune.)


BENTON: How did you know we were trying to get out?

BRIGADIER: We didn't. We were trying to get in. Miss Grant, was the Doctor with you when you came here?

JO: Yes, of course, sir.

BRIGADIER: Well he can't have been. He was with me.

BENTON: Sir, look over there.

BRIGADIER: Come on, it's just over the dune.

JO: What is?

(Back in the Omega wrestling arena, the troll att*cks, and the Doctor flips it. It rises. The Doctor backs off as the troll reaches for him. The Doctor flips it again. He tries a gut punch but the troll manages to grab the Doctor's arm and give him a flip.)


FIRST DOCTOR: Well, what do you want now?

PRESIDENT: Energy levels are dangerously low, Doctor. You are our last chance. You must go in.

FIRST DOCTOR [on screen]: In?

PRESIDENT: The black hole. I repeat, you are our last chance. All three are needed to defeat Omega. We will use the last of our energy to send you through.

FIRST DOCTOR [on screen]: Well, better than being stuck here, I suppose. All right.

(Meanwhile the Omega battle rages on. The Doctor is flipped again. The troll looks mean, but it's his turn to be flipped next. The Doctor tries another punch, and damn, this is like total déjà vu here. Then the troll does something rude for a moment, and the Doctor ends up on top although face up. The troll begins to strangle him.)

OMEGA (OOV): Those who oppose the will of Omega shall not live! Destroy him!


Jon Pertwee


Patrick Troughton


William Hartnell


Katy Manning


Nicholas Courtney


John Levene


Rex Robinson


Roy Purcell


Laurie Webb


Clyde Pollitt


Graham Leaman


Patricia Prior


Denys Palmer

Written by

Bob Baker and Dave Martin

Title Music

Ron Grainer and the

BBC Radiophonic Workshop

Incidental Music

Dudly Simpson

Special Sound

d*ck Mills

Film Cameraman

John Baker

Film Sound

Bob Roberts

Film Editor

Jim Walker

Visual Effects Designer

Michaeljohn Harris

Costume Designer

Jim Acheson

Make Up

Ann Rayment


Clive Thomas


Derrick Miller Timmins

Script Editor

Terrence Dicks


Roger Liminton


Barry Letts

Directed by

Lennie Mayne


© BBC 1973
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