15x18 - Underworld - part 2

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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15x18 - Underworld - part 2

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Two

Original Air Date: 14 January 1978
Running time: 21:27

K9 (OOV.): One hundred metres. Penetration. You have penetration.

JACKSON: Now, Tala. Full acceleration.

DOCTOR: That's the P7E.

TALA: Captain, the fuel's going.

JACKSON: What do you mean? That's a planet.

DOCTOR: That's where the signal's coming from.


DOCTOR: Right in the middle. The planet formed around it.

TALA: Captain, the fuel's gone.

JACKSON: That's it, then. There's nothing else we can do.

LEELA: Sit down! We're going to crash!

DOCTOR: Full speed!

K9 (OOV.): Mach twelve. Impact in eleven seconds. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five,

DOCTOR: Hold tight.

K9 (OOV.): Four, three.

LEELA: Hold tight?

K9 (OOV.): Two, one, zero. Stand by for impact.

DOCTOR: You can relax now. Relax, everyone. It's a soft planet in the process of formation. Only the core will be solid and with any luck this stuff should slow us down so we don't hit it with too much of a bang.

K9: Two hundred and fifty kilometres below planet surface. Speed mach point three, decreasing.

JACKSON: Orfe, the signal. Tune in on the signal!

ORFE: That's it!

JACKSON: We've got it!

DOCTOR: Fascinating. The Quest and nothing but the Quest.

ORFE: Contact. R1C to P7E. R1C to P7E.

JACKSON: We must be right on top of it!

MAN: The sky is falling!

IDMON: Help, damn you. Help us!

SON: They won't, father, they won't. Don't say any more.

IDMON: Then may the sky fall on them. May the sky fall on your families.

IDAS: No, father. The guards. They'll tell the guards.

IDMON: May the sky fall on yours as it has on mine.

IDAS: Please, father, dig.

IDMON: My children, my children.

TARN: Skyfall on eight and a Trog making trouble.

RASK: Many dead?

TARN: Not enough. There were two more bursts yesterday. What we need is a good sacrifice. Trogs always work harder after a good sacrifice.

RASK: I'll take a patrol out, pick him up.

ORFE: Ready, sir?

DOCTOR: Well, Jackson?

JACKSON: Right, Orfe. Open up.

DOCTOR: Solid rock?

JACKSON: Yes, solid rock. Igneous hematite, I should imagine.

DOCTOR: Igneous hematite? That means we're at the core.

LEELA: But I thought planets had fire in the middle.

DOCTOR: Well, old ones like Earth, yes, but new ones have a molten slurry round a solid core. All we have to do is burrow our way out of here and enter the core.

LEELA: Oh, is that all.

JACKSON: But we've no power, no energy source to recharge.

DOCTOR: I don't know about that. What about a shield g*n?

JACKSON: Yes, a shield g*n. Herrick, jump to it.


IDMON: We all know we're slaves to the guards as the guards are slaves to the Seers.

IDAS: Don't say any more, father.

IDMON: And the Seers to the Oracle. We're all slaves, all of us, of every class. Slaves to the Oracle.

IDAS: They're coming, father.

IDMON: But we all know the answer, don't we? We all know the answer because it was prophesied. And the answer is to escape!

IDAS: It isn't, father.

IDMON: Escape through there, through the sky to the stars!

RASK: Now!

IDMON: No, Idas. Idas, run! Run!

RASK: Two of you, after him!

RASK: Heresy! Treachery! Incitement to escape.

IDMON: There's nothing you can do to me now, Rask.

RASK: You know the penalty, Idmon.

RASK: Stop, Trog, or I'll fire.

RASK: Suspect sighted on eight, moving nine.

DOCTOR: Herrick!

DOCTOR: Give it a blast. Hold it. Like that, I think.


HERRICK: We're through, Captain! It looks like a cavern or a tunnel or something.

TARN: Skyfall on nine. Rask, we have skyfall on nine.

RASK (OOV.): Approaching nine.

TARN: Remain in position till skyfall investigated.

HERRICK: It's hacked out of solid rock.

JACKSON: Hacked out by what, I wonder? Get down, Herrick!

TARN: Minor fall. No structural collapse. I'll check out the rest, then you go ahead, Rask. Checking now.

HERRICK: It's moving on. Do you think it was looking for us?

JACKSON: It was looking for somebody. This planet is inhabited, all right.

JACKSON: There's a tunnel and a surveillance system, so whatever life there is is intelligent and we must be on our guard.

DOCTOR: Get on with it, Jackson.

JACKSON: All in good time, Doctor. Our objective is to locate the P7E and remove the race bank cylinders to a place of safety. The Quest is the Quest.

ALL: The Quest is the Quest.

JACKSON: Shield g*n.

JACKSON: Silent routine.


JACKSON: No, Doctor.

DOCTOR: The Quest is the Quest.

JACKSON: Our Quest, Doctor. Not yours.

DOCTOR: Of course.

DOCTOR: Welcome to the underworld.

LEELA: Are we going to follow them?

DOCTOR: Of course.

LEELA: Good. Oh, what about K9?

DOCTOR: Oh, he'll be all right. He's building up his strength.

LEELA: Well, how? There's no power source.

DOCTOR: Hmm, radiation.

LEELA: Radiation. That is lucky.

DOCTOR: Not at all. Igneous rock core, new planet, bound to be radiation. Luck? Physics isn't luck, physics is fact. Are facts. Is fact. Anyway, why do you think these tunnels were dug out?

LEELA: I don't know.

DOCTOR: Exactly. Energy. Can't survive on a new planet with a soul full of hope and fresh air, you know.

LEELA: Shall we go?

DOCTOR: Shush. Shall we go?

DOCTOR: Did I ever tell you about the time I went to Aberdeen?

LEELA: Yes, the Granite City.

DOCTOR: That's right. Did you know, the people there absorb more radiation from the granite than people who work every day in nuclear power plants.

LEELA: Is that good for them?

DOCTOR: Well, of course it is. It shows that organisms can adapt to any kind of environment, even one like this with a high radiation count.

LEELA: Look out!

LEELA: (quietly) He looks like a wounded animal. Why's he so frightened?

DOCTOR: I don't know. I'll ask him.

LEELA: (quietly) Look! Get back.

RASK: You two. That pile of rubble.

RASK: After them!

DOCTOR: Quick, in here.

LEELA (OOV.): Keep still. Keep still! Oh, for a w*apon.

RASK: Not here. Must have doubled back, damn Trogs. Know these warrens like the back of their hands. Security, not enough men. We're clearing out. I want tunnel nine, main and ancillary workings closed down once we're clear. Stand by for fumigation.

DOCTOR: Fumigation? I don't like the sound of that. They're going to smoke us out like badgers. Come on.

LEELA: Look, Doctor. Blood.

IDAS: No, no!

LEELA: Surrender or die!

DOCTOR: No, no! Don't, don't, don't. Get off him, Leela. You're terrifying the poor fellow.


DOCTOR: He's wounded. It's all right, we're friends. She won't hurt you.

IDAS: She?

DOCTOR: Leela.

IDAS: She is like the guards.

DOCTOR: Really?

LEELA: Is it bad?

DOCTOR: I don't know. Fetch me a tissue, Leela, from the command deck.

LEELA: Tissue. Tissue from the command deck. Tissue from the command deck.

DOCTOR: What's your name?

IDAS: Idas.

DOCTOR: Idas? Hello, Idas.

IDAS: Hello.

DOCTOR: Are you frightened?

JACKSON: These tunnels could stretch for miles. P7E must be at the end of one of them, but which one?

ORFE: Split up, sir? Two pairs?

JACKSON: No. Herrick?


JACKSON: Reconnoitre.

HERRICK: Yes, sir. I'll just put a marker here, sir.

JACKSON: We three stay here.

KLIMT: Klimt here. Possible suspect on nine.

HERRICK: Now where in Heed is?

KLIMT: Stop, Trog. Stop, Trog, or I'll fire.

HERRICK: Hey, who are you?

KLIMT: Stop, Trog!

HERRICK: Don't Trog me, you

BLACK (OOV.): Officer Klimt? Officer Klimt? Clear tunnel nine. Clear tunnel nine.

TARN: Tunnel nine is being cleared for fumigation. Officer Klimt?

TARN: Officer Klimt! Officer Klimt!

BLACK (OOV.): Klimt! Come in, please.

HERRICK: Oh, Officer Klimt has retired, suddenly.

BLACK (OOV.): Who is that? Who is that?

HERRICK: Well, this is Trog Herrick, here. Who's that?

TARN: A Trog, and he's armed. Close down tunnel nine for fumigation!

RASK: Tunnel nine closing down.

HERRICK: Captain!

JACKSON: Herrick!

RASK: Tunnel nine closedown completed.

TARN: Fumigate!

RASK: Fumigating now.

DOCTOR: Well, that shouldn't take much fixing.

IDAS: Are you a Seer?

DOCTOR: What? Oh, Leela. Thank you.

DOCTOR: This is the one. Go back and unplug K9.

LEELA: Go back? But I've only just been

DOCTOR: Yes. Linked up like that, he's recharging the whole ship. I'll need him soon. The ship can look after itself.

LEELA: Yes, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Sting, did it? That's good. Now, what was it you wanted to know? Hmm?

IDAS: Are you a Seer?

DOCTOR: No, no, I'm just a traveller.

IDAS: Where? Where'd you come from?

DOCTOR: The sky.

IDAS: You lie!


IDAS: There's nothing but chaos above the sky.

DOCTOR: The stars, then?

IDAS: Stars?

DOCTOR: Yes, Idas. This ship comes from the stars.

IDAS: My father. My father talked of the stars. There's a prophecy amongst the slaves that one day gods will come and set us free. Are you a god?

DOCTOR: Well, no, but could you take me to your father? Why not?

IDAS: There was a skyfall. All our family were buried. My father said we should try and escape, but the guards have taken him and he's going to be sacrificed to the Oracle. There's nothing any one can do.

DOCTOR: We'll see about that. Come on, get up.

LEELA: I've unplugged K9.

DOCTOR: His name's Idas.

LEELA: Hello, Idas. Doctor! Doctor, look!

IDAS: A trap. A trap to k*ll me!

LEELA: Doctor? Doctor? Doctor, where are you?

DOCTOR: Get him to the command deck. He'll be all right there.

LEELA: Where are you going?


LEELA: Out there? You'll suffocate!

DOCTOR (OOV.): Get him to the command deck!

LEELA: Yes, yes.

DOCTOR: Whatever blows can be sucked.

The Doctor
Tom Baker

Louise Jameson

Voice of K9
John Leeson

James Maxwell

Alan Lake

Jonathan Newth

Imogen Bickford-Smith

James Marcus

Godfrey James

Jimmy Gardner

Norman Tipton

Guard Klimt
Jay Neill

Frank Jarvis

Richard Shaw

Stacey Tendeter

Voice of the Oracle
Christine Pollon

Assistant Floor Manager
Gary Downie

Rupert Jarvis

d*ck Coles

Film Editor
Richard Trevor

Incidental Music
Dudley Simpson

Cecile Hay-Arthur

Graham Williams

Production Assistant
Mike Cager

Production Unit Manager
John Nathan-Turner

Script Editor
Anthony Read

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Mike Jefferies

Studio Sound
Richard Chubb

Theme Arrangement
Delia Derbyshire

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Richard Conway
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