18x26 - Logopolis - part 2

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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18x26 - Logopolis - part 2

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Two

First Air Date: 7 March 1981
Running time: 24:03

DOCTOR: Now just a minute, officer. You don't realise what's going on here.

DETECTIVE: No, sir, and I don't want to have to go into detail. You want to think yourself lucky that I don't have to be the judge.

DOCTOR: Me lucky? You don't think that I? You do think.

DETECTIVE: I'm not paid to have opinions, sir. I'm paid to do my duty.

DOCTOR: Well, I do have opinions. This is the calling card of the most evil genius in the universe and I have to tell you gentlemen, I've got to get after him. Now, if you'll just help me to create a diversion, hmm?

DETECTIVE: I think you'd just better come along to the station with us, sir.

DOCTOR: I'd love to.

DETECTIVE: Just to assist us in our enquiries.

DOCTOR: Would you mind awfully if I stopped to telephone my solicitor?

DETECTIVE: You can do that back at the station.

DOCTOR: It seems we're going to be awfully busy at this station of yours. I mean, isn't that a telephone box?

DETECTIVE: That's a police box, sir, not for

DOCTOR: But that would do fine, don't you agree?

DETECTIVE: Look, sir, if you want a formal arrest

DOCTOR: Er, no.

ADRIC: Help! Help me, please! Quickly! Help! Please help!

ADRIC: Help!

DETECTIVE: Get him, Davis!

ADRIC: Help!

DETECTIVE: Not that one, you fool! The other one!

ADRIC: The box has gone.

DOCTOR: It could be anywhere in the TARDIS.

ADRIC: Battle stations?

DOCTOR: Absolutely.

DETECTIVE: Come on now, sir.

ADRIC: The Cloister Bell!

DOCTOR: A choice of emergencies. We'd better dematerialise first.

ADRIC: What's the matter?

DOCTOR: The TARDIS is very sluggish. We may not have any choice at all.

DETECTIVE: Get the key.

DOCTOR: It's dragging us back. We'll have to find some more power from somewhere.

ADRIC: The Cloister Bell!

DOCTOR: Well, shut the door, then. There must be some way of simplifying this. Architectural configuration, that's the one.

ADRIC: What's that?

DOCTOR: Interior allocation of space. Adric, I'm going to jettison Romana's room.

ADRIC: Are you sure?

DOCTOR: This is life. Nothing's sure.

ADRIC: I'm sorry, I just

DOCTOR: Look, do you want a quick decision or a debate?

ADRIC: Sorry!

DOCTOR: You see? There's no need to shout.

ADRIC: We're moving.


ADRIC: So that other TARDIS really has gone.

DOCTOR: Somehow I rather doubt that. Come on, Adric.

ADRIC: But aren't you going to answer the Cloister Bell?

DOCTOR: Why don't you answer it? Go on. Go on.

DETECTIVE: There's got to me some trick to this, Davis.

TEGAN: This place is unreal.

ADRIC: Doctor, it stopped.

DOCTOR: Yes, so now we know.

ADRIC: Know what?

DOCTOR: The message was very faint. It was from Traken.

ADRIC: Traken? How's Nyssa?

DOCTOR: Nyssa's all right.

ADRIC: Tremas?

DOCTOR: Vanished. The Master must have had a second TARDIS hidden away somewhere.

ADRIC: The Master's escaped from Traken? But why take Nyssa's father?

DOCTOR: To renew himself. He was very near the end of his twelfth regeneration.

ADRIC: He's taken over Tremas?


ADRIC: Can a Time Lord do that?

DOCTOR: Well, not just a Time Lord by himself, but with some of the powers of the Keepership still lingering. Huh, and I was so sure. I was so sure. He must have known I was going to fix the chameleon circuit.

ADRIC: He read your mind?

DOCTOR: Well, he's a Time Lord! In many ways, we have the same mind.

ADRIC: Are we still going to Logopolis?

DOCTOR: No, how can we with the Master in the TARDIS? They're a retiring people. They like a quiet life. There's no telling what a creature like that would do on Logopolis.

ADRIC: So how do we flush him out?

DOCTOR: And there's no saying what that might do to the TARDIS systems. Can you swim?


DOCTOR: Good. Materialise the TARDIS underwater and open the door.

DOCTOR: That's the River Thames. We'll put down there.

ADRIC: And water sluices in and floods out the whole TARDIS.

DOCTOR: Yes. Adric, shut down everything. Fold back the Omega configuration.

ADRIC: Folded back.

DOCTOR: Good. Exponential cross-field?

ADRIC: Halted.

DOCTOR: Good. Pathways to conditional states seven to seventeen?

ADRIC: Closed.

DOCTOR: Excellent. Main and auxiliary drive?

ADRIC: Ended.

DOCTOR: Good. Now, we're partially materialised, so there'll be a slight jolt. Are you ready?

ADRIC: If you are.

DOCTOR: What? Well, I'd feel more confident if you just said yes.


DOCTOR: Good. Here we go, then.

TEGAN: This is too much!

DOCTOR: A gentle splash-down.

DOCTOR: We must have touched bottom.

ADRIC: Touched bottom?

DOCTOR: Yes. Good thing the water was there to break our fall.

TEGAN: Crazy idiot of a pilot! Wait till I have a word with him.

TEGAN: Who's that?

DOCTOR: Careful, now. The water pressure could send us both flying. Ready?



DOCTOR: That's odd. There's no pressure on those doors at all.

ADRIC: Perhaps we aren't down very deep.

DOCTOR: Ah. I thought there's be a perfectly simple explanation.

ADRIC: Nearly got it right.

DOCTOR: Nearly, but not quite right. There's something not quite right about all of this.

ADRIC: The Master.

DOCTOR: Nothing like this has ever happened before. I've got to get to the bottom of this. You stay here.

TEGAN: I definitely came in this way. So this must be the way out.

TEGAN: Round and round like a hamster in a cage! Somebody must be in charge here!

TEGAN: We'll just have to give it one more go.


ADRIC: Who was that? Doctor, who was that?


ADRIC: Where are we going?

DOCTOR: Logopolis.

ADRIC: What?

DOCTOR: I've just dipped into the future. We must be prepared for the worst.

ADRIC: So that was the Master?

DOCTOR: Hmm? How do you deduce that?

ADRIC: I just guessed.

DOCTOR: Never guess. Unless you have to. There's enough uncertainty in the universe as it is.

ADRIC: But I can help you. Well, can't I?

DOCTOR: In the ordinary way, yes. This is something far too serious.

ADRIC: What sort of something?

DOCTOR: A chain of circumstances that fragments the law that holds the universe together.

ADRIC: Logopolis?

DOCTOR: Yes. That aerial's a recent addition.

ADRIC: Are we going to be staying long?

DOCTOR: You are.

ADRIC: What?

DOCTOR: You and I have to part company.

ADRIC: Look, if you're going after Nyssa, I'm coming too.

DOCTOR: Adric, don't argue.

TEGAN: I demand to see whoever's in charge of this ship!

TEGAN: Tegan Jovanka. And I'm not answering any more questions until you tell me exactly who you are.

ADRIC: I'm Adric. That's the Doctor.

DOCTOR: Who is she? Where did she come from? What are we going to do with her?

TEGAN: You can take me right back where you found me, Doctor whoever you are. My aunt's waiting in the car to take me to the airport.

DOCTOR: Your aunt? Woman in the white hat, red sports car?

TEGAN: You've seen her?

DOCTOR: Well, a little of her. That settles it. She's got to come with us.

TEGAN: Settles what? Now wait a minute, Doctor.

MONITOR: My dear Doctor. Logopolis is honoured by your visit.

DOCTOR: Well, it's very nice of you to put it like that, Monitor.

TEGAN: I demand to know what's

DOCTOR: Shush. We're all very honoured to be here.

TEGAN: (quietly) Where's here?

DOCTOR: Logopolis.

MONITOR: Welcome. Time has changed little for either of us, Doctor. You continue to roam the universe, while we persist in our simple existence on this planet.

DOCTOR: Yes. The antenna's new, Monitor.

MONITOR: Occasionally our researches require what is sometimes called technology. But for the most part, our computations are enough.

DOCTOR: If your computations can help solve a problem in my TARDIS, I'd be eternally grateful, Monitor.

MONITOR: You have recorded the dimensions we need as data?

DOCTOR: Yes, all noted down. Monitor, I don't wish to press you but my problem is now extremely urgent.

MONITOR: It will only take a moment.

MONITOR: Why don't we proceed to business immediately?

DOCTOR: Yes, yes.

DOCTOR: But all this is new, Monitor, and vaguely familiar.

MONITOR: This is purely for our advanced researches.

ADRIC: I thought you said they didn't use computers.

DOCTOR: That's right.

MONITOR: May I have the dimensions?

DOCTOR: Yes, historically the Logopolitans do everything

MONITOR: The dimensions, Doctor.

MONITOR: This will only take a moment.

MONITOR: Keree gorok gorok, keree gorok per denesta zel octa zarel gorok gorok keree

TEGAN: (quietly) What's he doing?

DOCTOR: The numbers. He's recreating the TARDIS.

MONITOR: The code is being compiled.

DOCTOR: Thank you, Monitor. I'm certainly looking forward to having a properly functioning TARDIS.

ADRIC: You mean those people we saw in the streets are working it out for themselves?


ADRIC: What, without technology?

MONITOR: Block transfer computation is a complex discipline, way beyond the capabilities of simple machines. It requires all the subtleties of the living mind. Is that not so, Doctor?

DOCTOR: Oh, indeed, Monitor, indeed.

TEGAN: When am I going to get an explanation for all this?

DOCTOR: Do you really feel up to an explanation?

TEGAN: I'll try.

DOCTOR: Well. Adric, you explain.

ADRIC: It's not the Doctor's fault you wandered aboard.

TEGAN: Wandered? Listen, that ship was deliberately disguised as a police box. I just want to know who you are and where I am.

ADRIC: Look, I'd better explain.

MONITOR: This will restore your chameleon circuit, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Splendid, Monitor. I've really been looking forward to this. Of course! The Pharos Project! But this is a near replica of the Pharos computer room.

MONITOR: It is a perfectly logical copy.


MONITOR: I always thought you underestimated the possibilities of block transfer computation, Doctor. You see, structure is the essence of matter, and the essence of structure is mathematics.

DOCTOR: What, you can model the Pharos Project mathematically?

MONITOR: Of course, and supply the necessary raw energy.

DOCTOR: Well, then, you can model any space-time event in the universe.

MONITOR: That is true. Now, shall we implement the solution to your little problem, Doctor?

DOCTOR: Yes. Yes.

ADRIC: What's a Pharos, Doctor?

TEGAN: Ancient Greek for lighthouse.

ADRIC: What's a lighthouse?

DOCTOR: A famous Earth project to transmit signals to remote planets.

MONITOR: I understand they're trying to get intelligent life to respond.


DOCTOR: Monitor, I must ask you a very special favour.

MONITOR: My dear Doctor, of course.

DOCTOR: Adric and the girl. Would you look after them for me?

MONITOR: You don't want them with you in the TARDIS?

DOCTOR: No. What lies ahead is for me, not for them. I hate farewells.

MONITOR: There is a chance the computation may produce an instability.

ADRIC: The Doctor's in danger?

MONITOR: A simple precaution. There is very little that could go wrong. In fact, nothing at all.

ADRIC: But he said he was expecting danger.

MONITOR: I must confess, I misled the Doctor in order to have the pleasure of your company while he engages in this mundane task. Now, perhaps you would like to see more of Logopolis.

TEGAN: I'd prefer to see a lot less of it. Can you give me some idea how long we're going to be delayed here?

ADRIC: I'm sorry. She's upset.

TEGAN: Too right I'm upset. Wouldn't you be?

NYSSA (OOV.): Adric!

TEGAN: I've got a job to do.

NYSSA: Adric.

ADRIC: Nyssa! How did you get here?

NYSSA: A friend of the Doctor's brought me. He's here, somewhere.

TEGAN: Who's Nyssa?

ADRIC: She's the friend who helped me on Traken.

NYSSA: Is the Doctor here?


TEGAN: Hi, I'm Tegan. Did they hijack you, too?

ADRIC: What's the matter?

MONITOR: Transfer instability. It may be only temporary.

ADRIC: Something's wrong.

MONITOR: Yes, you're right.

TEGAN: It's getting smaller.

ADRIC: Can't you do something?

MONITOR: I don't understand. I don't understand.

ADRIC: But the Doctor's in there!

The Doctor — Tom Baker

The Doctor — Peter Davison

Adric — Matthew Waterhouse

Tegan Jovanka — Janet Fielding

Nyssa — Sarah Sutton

The Monitor
John Fraser

The Master — Anthony Ainley

Vanessa — Dolore Whiteman

Detective Inspector — Tom Georgeson

Security Guard — Christopher Hurst

Christopher H. Bidmead

Assistant Floor Manager
Val McCrimmon

June Hudson

Malcolm Thornton

Executive Producer
Barry Letts

Film Cameraman
Peter Hall

Film Editor
Paul Humfress

Incidental Music
Paddy Kingsland

Dorka Nieradzik

Production Associate
Angela Smith

Production Manager
Margot Hayhoe

Script Editor
Christopher H. Bidmead

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Henry Barber

Studio Sound
John Holmes

Visual Effects
John Horton

John Nathan-Turner

Peter Grimwade
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