19x10 - Kinda - part 2

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderators: Kitty Midnight, Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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19x10 - Kinda - part 2

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Two

Original Air Date: 2 February 1982
Running time: 24:58

PANNA: Listen. It's coming. Have you got the box? Karuna? Karuna?

KARUNA: I'm here.

PANNA: What is the matter?

KARUNA: It's dangerous.

PANNA: There is no other way. The Not-we must know how it is with the Kinda. The presence of those in the dome threatens us. They must go away and leave us in peace.

KARUNA: But what if the

PANNA: Do as I say. You must not doubt. Your doubt is the only danger. What is it?

KARUNA: Aris is here.

PANNA: Well, what does he want? Come on, child. Quickly, read him.

KARUNA: Fear. And hurting. And confusion. Where is my brother?

PANNA: He is with the Not-we in the dome.

KARUNA: Why has he gone from my head?

PANNA: There is no time now, Aris. Not now. You must be patient.

KARUNA: No. Not agreeing. Doubt. Why must I listen? Don't the Not-we in the dome have voice?

PANNA: Yes, of course they do, but it is not as it is with us. With them, voice is not a mark of wisdom.


PANNA: What is to happen here is more important. Oh, why must he interfere? Do you understand, Aris? Well, girl, does he?

KARUNA: Darkness. Understanding nothing. Hurt. Heal me.

PANNA: No, not now. There is no time. Listen, Aris. You must go away.

PANNA: Well? What is he doing?

KARUNA: I am gone. His brother is their prisoner.

PANNA: Yes, yes, we know. But listen.

ADRIC: Go on, choose.

DOCTOR: Well, er, logically, that one.

DOCTOR: That's rather clever, Adric. Don't you think so? You have unexpected talents.

ADRIC: Again.

DOCTOR: Well now, logic would dictate that one (the right) but wait, no, I'll try and second guess you. That one.

DOCTOR: Oh, that one, then.

DOCTOR: That one.

DOCTOR: Where, then?

ADRIC: Nowhere. Vanished.

DOCTOR: No, no, no, quite impossible. That would be in direct contradiction to the laws of the material universe.

ADRIC: Then where?

DOCTOR: Oh, er, well, that one. That one.

DOCTOR: Ah, yes, of course. Can I try?


TODD: For heaven's sake! We've been locked up in here all night, there's no sign of Sanders, Hindle's probably completely unhinged by now.

TODD: Shouldn't we be applying our minds to some form of plan for escape from here?

DOCTOR: Should we?

TODD: Well, shouldn't we? I mean, isn't that what one does when one's locked up? One tries to escape.


TODD: Oh, I don't know. I'm not an expert. I mean, some plan, some trick, some ruse. It may surprise you to learn, Doctor, I've never actually been locked up before.

DOCTOR: Choose.

TODD: What?

DOCTOR: Go on.

TODD: That one.

DOCTOR: You're sure?

TODD: Yes.

DOCTOR: Not the other one?

ADRIC: Come on, open your hand.

HINDLE: What's this? Your tie's a mess. Here, let me show you. There, see? I can't be expected to attend to every detail myself, can I. It's too much, isn't it? Right, defence of the dome, it's conception and implementation effective immediate.

HINDLE: Show me your (sees they've already done it) fingernails. Wait.

HINDLE: All prisoners present and correct, sir.

PANNA: Are you ready with the box?

KARUNA: It's another male. The old red-faced one who shouts.

PANNA: No matter. Continue.

KARUNA: But you said that only women could understand, that it's dangerous for a man.

PANNA: Do as I say.

KARUNA: Go on, open it. Please, you must. We mean you no harm.

ADRIC: Doctor.


ADRIC: What about Tegan?

DOCTOR: Shush.

HINDLE (on monitor): Accompany them, please. And Doctor? Be sensible.

DOCTOR: Absolutely. There's nothing we can do about Tegan at the moment. I'm just hoping she's safe.

HINDLE: Seeds. Spores. Particles of generation. Microscopic. Everywhere. Eh, Doctor?

HINDLE: Or rather.

DOCTOR: Rather what?

HINDLE: Fungi.


HINDLE: Bacteria. Or even worse, viri, as in virulent. Am I getting warmer? Change and decay in all around I see, eh? Out there!

HINDLE: Growth. Everywhere. Random, higgledy-piggledy, but to what purpose? There's the clue.

HINDLE: Stop. Don't come any nearer. I am onto you, you know.

DOCTOR: Oh dear.

HINDLE: Yes, I've had plenty of time to think. Do I have to spell it out?

DOCTOR: Well, perhaps it might

HINDLE: Why should I?

DOCTOR: Well, you don't have to.

HINDLE: No, I don't, do I.

TODD: This is ridiculous. You're obviously in urgent need of medical attention.

HINDLE: Silence! I need time to think.

TODD: What will Sanders say?

HINDLE: Silence!

TODD: Doctor, tell him.

HINDLE: Sanders will not return.

TODD: I hope for your sake he does.

HINDLE: Why should he? The others didn't. I wish to announce the strategy for the defence of the dome, implementation immediate. We will raze to the ground and sterilise an area of forest some fifty miles radius. Objective, the creation of a cordon sanitaire around the dome. Method of implementation, fire and acid. Acid and fire.

TODD: This is insane. There is no danger.

DOCTOR: And then?

HINDLE: And then we will wait for rescue. The mother ship.

TODD: Mother ship doesn't return for six seasons.

HINDLE: We'll be patient.

TODD: Doctor, tell him.

DOCTOR: What are you defending the dome against?

HINDLE: Against out there. The trees, plants.

DOCTOR: Oh, I see.


DOCTOR: Well, perhaps if we could define the exact nature of the threat posed by the trees

HINDLE: I've told you. Seeds, spores and things. Everywhere. Getting hold, rooting, thrusting, branching, blocking out the light.

DOCTOR: Yes, but I

HINDLE: Don't you see!

DOCTOR: Nearly, nearly, nearly. I thought that the Kinda

HINDLE: No, the Kinda are not important. They're just the servants.


HINDLE: Of the plants. The plants feed them. Did you know that? Then return, that's why. That's why.

DOCTOR: Why do you think the plants are hostile?

HINDLE: Because they are.


DOCTOR: Adric?

ADRIC: Yes, of course. Can't you see it? He's got it right. He's absolutely right. The plants are the danger. I'd like to help you.

HINDLE: Step forward.

TEGAN: Come on, what are you thinking?

TEGAN 2: Don't you know?

TEGAN: Maybe I do.

TEGAN 2: After all, apparently you'll have been thinking it too, won't you.

TEGAN: But I asked first.

TEGAN 2: So did I.

TEGAN: Look, stop it. If you must know, I was thinking about eating ice-cream.

TEGAN 2: Yes.

TEGAN: What do you mean, yes?

TEGAN 2: So was I. I was three years old and I didn't like the taste.

TEGAN: That's my memory!

TEGAN 2: And mine! Stop it. Look, this is silly. What are we going to do?

TODD: What now?

DOCTOR: I don't know.

TODD: Your friend had a sudden change of heart.

DOCTOR: I'd like to know what he's up to.

TODD: Well, as he's free, I hope he's got more than his own interests at heart.

ADRIC: So what exactly am I looking for?

HINDLE: Everything.

ADRIC: I see. Wait!


ADRIC: There is something.

HINDLE: Where?

ADRIC: Out there.

HINDLE: Out of the way. Let me see.

HINDLE: I can't see anything. There's nothing there.

ADRIC: Oh, I'm sorry. I must have been mistaken.

DUKKHA: Things could be much more puzzling, you know. Have you thought what it would be like if there were not just two of you, but

TEGAN: Don't think it!

TEGAN 2: Don't think it! Think of something else.

TEGAN: Anything else.

TEGAN 2: What else? Quickly. Er, whalebones!

TEGAN: Watches.

TEGAN 2: Windmills.

TEGAN: Wivers.

TEGAN 2: River?

TEGAN: Doesn't matter as long as we don't think it.

TEGAN 2: If there were ten of us

TEGAN: Don't think it!

DUKKHA: Too late, I'm afraid. You already have.

TEGAN (OOV.): Where have I gone?

DUKKHA: You're you again. Don't you see?

ADRIC (on screen): We thought you might be hungry.

DOCTOR (on screen): What's he up to?

ADRIC (on screen): The defence of the dome is proceeding as planned.

DOCTOR (on screen): Fire and acid?

ADRIC (on screen): Are being prepared.

DOCTOR: Oh, good. That is good news, isn't it. If in doubt, then fire and acid every time, don't you think?

ADRIC: Are you hungry?

DOCTOR: Ravenous.

ADRIC: Then choose.


ADRIC: Choose!

DOCTOR: Oh, I see. A little game. Yes, er. That one.

DOCTOR (on screen): No, no, er, that one, then.

HINDLE: Wait! Show me your hand!

DOCTOR: Certainly.

HINDLE: The other one!

DOCTOR: Are you sure?

HINDLE (on monitor): Show me now!

DOCTOR: Look, it's only a game.

HINDLE: If you make me angry, you'll regret it.

TEGAN: If I was to agree to your borrowing my form

DUKKHA: Just for a while. Only a few minutes.

TEGAN: Which I won't. What would you do as me?

DUKKHA: Oh, they always ask that.

TEGAN: Well?

DUKKHA: You would be suitably entertained by the experience.

TEGAN: No. I don't trust you, so why don't you go away and leave me alone!

DUKKHA: You want to be alone?


DUKKHA: Very well.

TEGAN: Wait.

TEGAN: Hello? Hello? Are you there? Where am I? Hello? Please? Please? I want to come back. All right, I agree.

DUKKHA: You agree?


DUKKHA: Then hold out your hand.

DOCTOR: Don't hurt him!

HINDLE: Why not?

DOCTOR: Don't.

HINDLE: Oh, very well.

DOCTOR: (to Todd) I think your guess was right. The Kinda are telepathic.

TODD: Why should they obey him?

DOCTOR: I don't know. I've tried to communicate with them myself but I can't get through.

HINDLE: The problem is knowing what punishment would be most appropriate.

ADRIC: To what?

HINDLE: To teach you not to steal. Not to commit treason. To wash behind the ears. Must be painful, don't you think?

TODD: For heaven's sake!

HINDLE: When I was a boy I was beaten every day. Never did me any harm. Made me the man I am.

DOCTOR: Look, I have a suggestion.

HINDLE: Silence! All right, speak up. What is it?

DOCTOR: Well, I was simply going to suggest that you banished him from the dome, left him at the mercy of the trees.

HINDLE: No, no, the trees have no mercy.

DOCTOR: Oh yes, I was forgetting.

HINDLE: Weren't you. Must I think of everything myself? Right. I wish to announce the procedure to effect the punishment of Adric. Implementation imm

HINDLE: It's impossible. It's Sanders? Go away! Somebody make him go away! Mummy! Mummy, make him go away!

TODD: I never thought I'd be glad to see Sanders.

DOCTOR: He's the first to return, isn't he.

TODD: Yes. Yes, he is!

DOCTOR: Good. Then we may find out what happened to the others.

TODD: I still can't believe the Kinda are hostile.

DOCTOR: Well, there may be another reason.

TODD: What?

DOCTOR: Something more hostile out there.

HINDLE: I can explain, sir. The, the boy, Adric, was unreliable, as you suspected. You, you did suspect, didn't you, sir?

HINDLE: Todd is also unreliable. Discipline has to be maintained to a degree, sir.

SANDERS: I've brought you a present.



HINDLE: What is it?

SANDERS: Open it and see. Go on. I did.

HINDLE: You did?


HINDLE: I don't think I will. Not just now.

SANDERS: As you like. You know best.

DOCTOR: Well now, if the Kinda are more sophisticated than they first appear, is it not possible that their enemies are also?

TODD: And I didn't see them, you mean?


TODD: Oh, Doctor, you've frightened me.

DOCTOR: Not half so much as Hindle frightens me.

TODD: I'm afraid he's insane. Leave him to Sanders.

HINDLE: Mister Sanders has returned.

TODD: Good! Perhaps now we can

HINDLE: And he's brought me a present, haven't you.

SANDERS: Yes. Can I sit down?


HINDLE: What is it?

SANDERS: Open it and see.

HINDLE: Why should I?

SANDERS: Then you'll understand everything.

HINDLE: I don't want to understand everything. I want to work things out for myself.

SANDERS: Oh, please.

TODD: Look, I

HINDLE: Silence!

SANDERS: It won't bite you.

HINDLE: What won't?


HINDLE: So it's got teeth?

SANDERS: No, no, no.

HINDLE: Fangs, claws.


HINDLE: A fire-raking tongue, licking you all over!

SANDERS: No, no.

HINDLE: Silence! I'm in charge here, old man, and I'll decide what's to be done.

TEGAN: I was forgetting. We haven't been introduced, have we. I was also forgetting you don't speak, do you. I'm not surprised you look so sad. Telepathy is a very boring way to communicate.

TEGAN: Such a strange creature.

TEGAN: Something to say.

TEGAN: You are unhappy. Very unhappy. Perhaps I can help you free your brother from the dome. Would you like that? I thought you might. With my help, you could launch an attack, destroy the people who've held your brother prisoner. Yes, you're right. The people in the dome are evil. With my help, Aris, you could become all-powerful. I am the Mara!

TEGAN: Do not resist. I am your strength!

HINDLE (OOV.): Hurry up. You too, Doctor.

HINDLE (on monitor): On the floor between you.

ARIS: All things are possible. Yes. Yes!

DOCTOR: Where did you get the box?

SANDERS: What? I, it was given to me.

DOCTOR: By whom?

SANDERS: Someone.

TODD: There could be anything in it.

DOCTOR: Yes, I know. Sanders, do you know what's in the box?

SANDERS: I, er, I can't remember.

HINDLE: You in there. You, Doctor. Open the box.

DOCTOR (on screen): I don't think that would be very wise.

HINDLE: Open it.

TODD (on screen): Are you mad? We don't know what's in it.

HINDLE: Open it and find out.

DOCTOR: It could be very dangerous.

HINDLE: Open it or I'll have you shot!

TODD: Don't! It could k*ll us.

DOCTOR: Unfortunately, so could he.

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Matthew Waterhouse

Janet Fielding

Sarah Sutton

Nerys Hughes

Richard Todd

Simon Rouse

Mary Morris

Sarah Prince

Adrian Mills

Anna Wing

Roger Milner

Jeff Stewart

Lee Cornes

Assistant Floor Manager
Val McCrimmon

Barbara Kidd

Malcolm Thornton

Incidental Music
Peter Howell

Suzan Broad

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Sue Plumb
Rosemary Parsons

Production Associate
Angela Smith

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Mike Jefferies

Studio Sound
Alan Machin

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Peter Logan
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