19x12 - Kinda - part 4

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderators: Kitty Midnight, Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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19x12 - Kinda - part 4

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Four

Original Air Date: 9 February 1982
Running time: 24:28

DOCTOR: In certain states of deep trance the bodily functions slow down to such an extent that they are barely perceptible, thus freeing the mind to such as we have seen. However, on this occasion it seems

TODD: She's dead.

DOCTOR: Panna's dead.

KARUNA: Idiot. Don't you know anything? Of course I'm not dead.

ARIS: Listen to me! The dome will be destroyed! I can see it in my mind.

ARIS: Give it to me.

ARIS: Gather branches!

TODD: It's impossible.

DOCTOR: Well, unlikely, perhaps.

TODD: Ridiculous. I mean, if she is Panna, the wise woman, then where is Karuna? Answer me that.

KARUNA: Well, Doctor?

DOCTOR: Er, well, it's a good scientific question. Where are you?

KARUNA: I am her.

DOCTOR: Both of you.

KARUNA: We are one.

DOCTOR: So, when Panna died, her knowledge and experience were passed over to you.

TODD: But how?

KARUNA: It is our way.

TODD: The vision in the cave. Was it real or not?

DOCTOR: Well, did you see it?

TODD: Yes.

DOCTOR: Well, so did I.

TODD: Look, stop it, both of you. I'm trying to understand.

KARUNA: I'm sorry.

TODD: It was a prophecy, wasn't it. A prophecy of what would happen here unless

DOCTOR: Unless we stop the attack on the dome.

TODD: But the Mara.


TODD: Where does it come from?

KARUNA: The Mara inhabit the dark places of the inside.

DOCTOR: And somehow one of them has crossed over into this world and has taken over the mind of Aris. One thing puzzles me.


DOCTOR: How did it cross over?

KARUNA: There is only one path.

DOCTOR: Which is?

KARUNA: It is opened by the dreaming of an unshared mind.

DOCTOR: Of course. Tegan.

HINDLE: Are the people ready yet, old man?

SANDERS: Some of them.

HINDLE: Oh, good. Let me see. Oh yes, they're very good.

SANDERS: Oh, do you think so?

HINDLE: Yes, aren't they, Adric?

ADRIC: Please, why can't I go for a walk?

HINDLE: Not outside.

ADRIC: No, just around the dome.

HINDLE: Outside is for grown-ups. It's not for us, is it?

SANDERS: Oh, no.

HINDLE: Soon it'll be finished, and then.

ADRIC: And then what?

HINDLE: And then, well, we'll live for ever and ever, won't we.

ADRIC: Look, I'm going anyway.

HINDLE: Do you think they'll be happy? I've done my best for them, haven't I?

SANDERS: Well, of course you have, son. He has, hasn't he.

HINDLE: I have, haven't I. My very best ever.

TODD: Doctor!

DOCTOR: Tegan.

TODD: Is she all right?

DOCTOR: What is the function of the chimes?

KARUNA: We use them in the dreamings. The wind blows and we share.

DOCTOR: Share? Share what? Minds?

KARUNA: Of course.

DOCTOR: What would happen if one person dreamt here alone?

KARUNA: It is forbidden. There are powers waiting to be born. Powers of great evil. There is great danger in dreaming alone.

DOCTOR: Then I have to wake her.

KARUNA: There are dangers.

DOCTOR: I have to take that risk. Tegan? Tegan!

TEGAN: Doctor? Where have you been?

DOCTOR: Are you all right?

TEGAN: Of course I am. I fell asleep, that's all. I had the strangest dream.

DOCTOR: Dream?


DOCTOR: What dream?

TEGAN: Dreams are private.

DOCTOR: Now come on, Tegan, you must tell me.


DOCTOR: You've been asleep for nearly two days.

TEGAN: What? What's going on? Who are these people?

DOCTOR: Oh, not now, Tegan, please, there's no time. You must tell me about the dream. It's very important.

ARIS: Help me.

ARIS: Listen to me. Now we have a guardian just as the Not-we have. Our attack cannot fail. The Not-we must be driven out and their dome destroyed!

TEGAN: Are you listening?

DOCTOR: Yes, of course. The other man standing there laughing. Go on.

TEGAN: Well, he had this thing on his arm, a design.

DOCTOR: What, a snake?

TEGAN: Whose dream is this?

DOCTOR: Well, was it?


DOCTOR: Good. Go on.

TEGAN: Well, then for a while it got curious. I was alone. I was back here, only

DOCTOR: You weren't yourself.

TEGAN: That's right. There was this man coming, an unhappy man, a native.


TEGAN: And that's all.

DOCTOR: Don't be silly, Tegan, it can't have been. Come on, what did you do?

TEGAN: Well, if you must know, I climbed a tree and dropped apples on his head. Look, it was only a dream. I wasn't myself.

DOCTOR: No, of course you weren't.

TEGAN: What?

DOCTOR: Isn't it obvious? Your mind and body were occupied the Mara, who found its path to this world through your dream, just as Karuna said.

TEGAN: Hang on a minute.

DOCTOR: Oh, it's all right, you're perfectly safe now. In fact, I'll introduce you.

TEGAN: Where?

DOCTOR: They're about to attack the dome.

TEGAN: The dome.

DOCTOR: Come on.

ARIS: What are you waiting for? Attack! Attack!

ARIS: k*ll. k*ll. k*ll. k*ll.

TEGAN: I don't think much of that as a fighting machine.

TODD: Something's definitely wrong.

ARIS: Listen to me! Finish it off! Finish it off!

DOCTOR: I have an idea it's controller is rather inexperienced.

ARIS: Come back! Cowards! Listen to me! Help!

ADRIC: Help me! Please, somebody help me.

DOCTOR: Adric, stop! Listen to me! This is the Doctor.

DOCTOR: That's good. Now listen, Adric, I know you're frightened, but you must understand that it's your fear that's controlling the machine. It operates directly from your brainwaves. Do you understand? That's good. Now listen. You have nothing to fear, just open the machine. You must come out.

ADRIC: I'm sorry. I didn't realise it was going to be like that.

DOCTOR: Are you all right?

ADRIC: I, I'm fine. Please, get back to the dome. Hindle has it wired for total destruction.

TODD: The state he's in, he could do anything.

DOCTOR: Look after Adric.

DOCTOR: Come on!

ADRIC: I feel so strange.

TEGAN: Just take it quietly.

ADRIC: The TSS is much more difficult to control than I thought it would be.

TEGAN: But you're safe now.

ADRIC: I'm safe. What about the Kinda I wounded? He's gone!


TODD: Where's Hindle?

SANDERS: We've been having fun.

DOCTOR: Have you? Oh, good. There's nothing quite like it, is there.

SANDERS: Do you like this?

DOCTOR: What is it?

SANDERS: It's the new capital city of the planet S14.

DOCTOR: Yes, of course.

SANDERS: Mister Hindle made it.

TODD: Where is he?

SANDERS: Well, I'm sure he's around somewhere.

SANDERS: If you want to look.

HINDLE: Boo! (no one reacts) You spoilt it. I wasn't ready.

TEGAN: We'd better wait here.


TEGAN: Just let the Doctor deal with things.

ADRIC: You realise if he makes a mistake, this dome and everything for miles around will be blown to pieces.

TEGAN: Yes, but there's nothing we can do except wait. Come on, sit down.

ADRIC: Aren't you frightened?

TEGAN: Very.

ADRIC: He would do it! Don't doubt that for a moment. Hindle is completely mad!

TEGAN: Yes, I'm sure

ADRIC: He would!

TEGAN: Is this one of the expl*sive charges?

ADRIC: Yes. Wait, I could dismantle it.

TEGAN: Don't touch it. Leave it alone. Even if you could, there must be others. That one alone couldn't cause the damage you described.

ADRIC: We must do something.

TEGAN: Yes, but fiddling with that won't help.

ADRIC: Oh, I just feel so useless.

TEGAN: So do I. There's nothing we can do except wait.

ADRIC: Look, come on, Doctor!

HINDLE: One word from me. One word.

TODD: Tell me about the city.

HINDLE: Oh, do you like it? Never built a city before.

TODD: It's very good. What's that?

HINDLE: Oh, that's my secret den. I'm the government as well, you know.

HINDLE: Doctor.

DOCTOR: And the security arrangements?

HINDLE: Security effectiveness one hundred percent. One thousand percent. One billion trillion trillion percent. Or more, perhaps.


HINDLE: Do you want me to prove it?

DOCTOR: No. No, no. I'd rather know how you control the Kinda.

HINDLE: Oh, that's very simple. With this.

HINDLE: They're very primitive, you know. They think I've captured their souls.

DOCTOR: Mirrors. Yes, very clever.

HINDLE: Do you think so?

DOCTOR: Yes. May I

HINDLE: Careful!

DOCTOR: I'm so sorry.

SANDERS: It's easily mended. A drop of glue.

HINDLE: Don't be silly! You can't mend people, can you. You can't mend people! Go on, press the

HINDLE: What's that?

TODD: Nothing.

HINDLE: Show me!

TODD: You've seen it already.

HINDLE: Give it to me. I want to see it.

TODD: Only if you promise not to open it.

HINDLE: All right.

TODD: Promise.

HINDLE: Promise.

HINDLE: I can blow up the world after, can't I.

TODD: Yes, of course you can.

HINDLE: Are you frightened of me?

TODD: Terrified.

HINDLE: Good. What's in it?

TODD: Don't open it.

HINDLE: Why not?

TODD: You promised.

HINDLE: Who cares.

HINDLE: There's nothing in it!

TODD: No, there's nothing in it.

TEGAN: What's happening?

ADRIC: I don't know.

TEGAN: The Doctor's failed. Hindle's pressed the button.

ADRIC: Will you shut up.

ADRIC: Of course, it's all your fault.

TEGAN: What?

ADRIC: Well of course it is.

TEGAN: What are you talking about?

ADRIC: Well, if you hadn't fallen asleep and had that stupid dream.

TEGAN: I was possessed. My mind was taken over by the Mara. How was that my fault?

ADRIC: It found a weakness and it used it.

TEGAN: What's that supposed to mean?

ADRIC: Well, it would seem to prove that some of us have more control over our minds than others.

TEGAN: Oh, like you, I suppose, out there in that machine.

ADRIC: That was different.

TEGAN: You were scared out of your wits.

ADRIC: If you must know, I was just getting the hang of that thing when the Doctor interfered.

DOCTOR: When I what?

TEGAN: Doctor, the expl*sives.

DOCTOR: Deactivated. All quite harmless now.

ADRIC: And Hindle?

DOCTOR: He now appears to see the situation in quite a different light.

ADRIC: What happened?

DOCTOR: He opened the box.

TEGAN: What box?

DOCTOR: The Box of Jhana, the box Sanders was given by the Kinda.

TEGAN: Is that what affected the lights?


ADRIC: But how?

DOCTOR: The box is a powerful Kinda healing device. I suspect it generates sound at a frequency beyond our ears.

ADRIC: Healing device?

DOCTOR: Helps bring the mind back into phase.

ADRIC: With what?

DOCTOR: With everything. With life out there. The Kinda are very sophisticated people.

ADRIC: Will Hindle be all right?

DOCTOR: Oh, yes. The more the mind is out of phase to begin with, the more dramatic the apparent effect.

TEGAN: What's been going on?

DOCTOR: I'll explain everything in greater detail later.

DOCTOR: First we must deal with the Mara. Where's Aris?

TEGAN: He's escaped.

DOCTOR: Escaped?

ADRIC: He was wounded, though.

DOCTOR: Well, we must find him quickly, before he's destroyed by the Mara within him.

TEGAN: How will you deal with the Mara?

DOCTOR: I don't know yet.

ADRIC: How did Hindle control his hostages?

DOCTOR: What? Oh, the mirror. They thought he'd captured their. Ah.

TEGAN: What?

DOCTOR: I don't suppose you've come across any large mirrors in your wanderings about the dome? Silly question really.

ADRIC: Mirrors?

DOCTOR: Well, reflective surfaces of any kind. Come on, quickly, think.

ADRIC: Solar generator panels.

DOCTOR: Where?

ADRIC: In the storeroom.

DOCTOR: Show me.

TEGAN: Doctor.

DOCTOR: What is the one thing evil cannot face? Not ever.

TEGAN: What?

DOCTOR: Itself.

ADRIC: But you said the Kinda would react to the mirror. They aren't evil.

DOCTOR: Ah, Hindle captured their innocence. The Mara will rebel. They cannot face themselves, don't you see?


KARUNA: He's coming.

DOCTOR: Good. Adric, Tegan, he's coming.

TODD: Will it work?

DOCTOR: Well, according to the legends.

TODD: Mirrors?

DOCTOR: No Mara can bear the sight of its own reflection. It must recoil from itself. Understandably, don't you think, given it's nature.

TODD: Yes.

DOCTOR: Very well then. Trapped in a circle of mirrors, each mirror reflecting not only the Mara itself but also

TODD: The reflection of all the other mirrors!

DOCTOR: In an endless series.

TODD: So it's surrounded not only by its own reflection, but reflection of reflection.

DOCTOR: Exactly.

TODD: What happens then?

DOCTOR: It retreats back to where it came from.

TODD: The dark places of the inside.

DOCTOR: Or wherever, but not here, that's the main thing. It's all quite logical.

TODD: What happens to Aris?

DOCTOR: Well, Tegan survived, but

TODD: But what?

DOCTOR: Well, it would do no harm, would it, to keep ones fingers crossed.

ARIS: Well, well.

DOCTOR: Ah, there you are. We thought you'd got lost.

ARIS: Who are you?

DOCTOR: I'm called the Doctor.

ARIS: Why do you involve yourself?

DOCTOR: Because I share the Kinda's aim where you're concerned.

ARIS: I now control the Kinda.

DOCTOR: Well, you did for a while, but no longer.

ARIS: I still control them. I am Aris. I have voice!

DOCTOR: Yes, so I hear, but it is the voice of a Mara in the body of Aris. The snake on your arm, the symbol of your power, confirms it.

ARIS: Then take care that that power doesn't enter you.

DOCTOR: Oh, you're too late. Now!

DOCTOR: Now, get ready to pull Aris clear the moment the snake leaves his arm.

DOCTOR: Hold the mirrors straight!

ADRIC: What's happening?

DOCTOR: The Mara is detaching itself.

ADRIC: What?

DOCTOR: It's leaving Aris. It has no further use for him.

DOCTOR: Now, pull him clear!

DOCTOR: Now, hold your ground. Keep it in the circle. Close the gaps! The circle must be kept closed. If the circle is closed, the Mara cannot escape.

ADRIC: It's fantastic. Where does it draw its energy from? It's incredible.

DOCTOR: Tegan! Tegan, Tegan, are you all right?


DOCTOR: Close these gaps!

TEGAN: Is that the Mara's true form?


TEGAN: I had that in my mind?


TEGAN: But it's gone now, isn't it, Doctor?

DOCTOR: It's all right, it's all right. Stand firm. Look, it's starting to weaken. Look!

DOCTOR: He'll be all right.

TODD: Why do such things exist?

DOCTOR: Who can tell?

TODD: The Mara's gone.

DOCTOR: Back to the dark places of the inside, or wherever. But not here, not anywhere here. This world is free of it.

KARUNA: And of its curse.

TODD: Curse?


TODD: What curse?

KARUNA: The curse of time. It is the Mara which starts the clocks.

DOCTOR: Come on, it's finished.

HINDLE: I suppose everything will have to be entered into the log.

SANDERS: Will it?

HINDLE: Well, the manual states it's the duty of the expedition commander to

SANDERS: What manual?

HINDLE: Oh. I see.

SANDERS: I never read the manual.

HINDLE: Thank you.

SANDERS: Thank you, sir.

HINDLE: (saluting) Thank you, sir.

DOCTOR: Is it decided?

TODD: They accepted my recommendation.

DOCTOR: Which is?

TODD: This planet is totally unsuitable for full scale colonisation. The unit be withdrawn. Sanders is pleased.

DOCTOR: Is he?

TODD: He wants to stay here. I told him he should just wander off into the forest. Nobody'd notice. Shame about poor old Hindle, though.

DOCTOR: Oh, he'll be all right. He was just driven out of his mind. Just what he needed. What about you, will you stay?

TODD: I don't think so.

DOCTOR: You're not tempted by paradise?

TODD: It was all right at first, but it's all a bit too green for me.

NYSSA (OOV.): Doctor!

DOCTOR: Ah, yes, one moment.

TODD: You don't actually go into space in that?

DOCTOR: Oh no. That would be completely impossible, wouldn't it.

TODD: Unlikely, anyway.

DOCTOR: If not ridiculous.

NYSSA: Doctor.

DOCTOR: Yes. It seems some people are getting impatient.

TODD: You must go. Goodbye.

DOCTOR: Goodbye.

NYSSA: Hello, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Nyssa, how are you?

NYSSA: Fully recovered.

DOCTOR: Excellent.

NYSSA: What have you been doing?

DOCTOR: Oh, nothing much. This and that. Having fun.

NYSSA: Can we go?

DOCTOR: I don't see why not.

DOCTOR: I think paradise is a little too green for me as well.

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Matthew Waterhouse

Janet Fielding

Sarah Sutton

Nerys Hughes

Richard Todd

Simon Rouse

Mary Morris

Sarah Prince

Adrian Mills

Anna Wing

Roger Milner

Jeff Stewart

Lee Cornes

Assistant Floor Manager
Val McCrimmon

Barbara Kidd

Malcolm Thornton

Incidental Music
Peter Howell

Suzan Broad

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Sue Plumb
Rosemary Parsons

Production Associate
Angela Smith

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Mike Jefferies

Studio Sound
Alan Machin

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Peter Logan
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