19x20 - Earthshock - part 2

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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19x20 - Earthshock - part 2

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Two

Original Air Date: 9 March 1982
Running time: 24:23

In the cavern the androids do nothing. The Doctor, Kyle and Scott watch.

The androids sh**t energy bolts.

The troopers fire at them. They exchange blaster fire and energy bolts a few more times.

LT SCOTT: Our weapons have no effect on them.

DOCTOR: Yes, they will, but you must concentrate your fire!

LT SCOTT: All right. Hold your fire. When I give the word, go for the one on the right.

An android sh*ts an energy bolt.


They sh**t at the android, The Doctor watches.

They sh**t some more. There’s a close up of Kyle.

The troopers concentrate on the androids hand, which finally explodes.

LT SCOTT: Got him!

DOCTOR: No, it’s only damaged!

We see the hatch from the androids POV again. Back on the Cybership

CYBERLEADER: The androids are too valuable to waste. We may still need them.

CYBERLIEUTENANT: They are programmed for self- preservation. The will not take any more unnecessary risks.

In the cavern the androids go off and hide.

PROF KYLE: Will they attack again?

DOCTOR: Undoubtedly.

The androids stand and look at each other.

LT SCOTT: They’ve covered the exit.

TEGAN: Well, won’t someone on the surface realize that something’s wrong?

LT SCOTT: Sooner or later.

TEGAN: Let’s hope it’s sooner.

Inside the TARDIS Adric walks around to the other side of the console and opens the doors.

In the cavern the Doctor turns around and sits on the floor.

LT SCOTT: What are they doing?

DOCTOR: Waiting.

PROF KYLE: What can they possibly want?

TEGAN: Isn’t it obvious? Us dead.

PROF KYLE: But why?

DOCTOR: Were you working near the rock fall the first time you were att*cked?


DOCTOR: Well, maybe their function is to protect that hatch.

PROF KYLE: What can be in there that’s worth so many lives?

DOCTOR: Well, let’s find out.

The Doctor turns back around.

LT SCOTT: I haven’t had much experience in fighting androids.

DOCTOR: They’re just like people.

NYSSA: Only they function much more logically.

DOCTOR: Which can be their weakness.

In a tunnel Adric moves forward.

ADRIC: Doctor!

The androids move towards him.

ADRIC: Doctor!

The androids are right around the corner.

NYSSA: Oh. No.

TEGAN: Adric.

DOCTOR: Adric.

Adric finally realizes they’re there and runs off to hide.

TROOPER: Lieutenant.

Scott moves forward. Adric looks on.

Scott moves back.

LT SCOTT: The power packs for the r*fles are almost finished.

TEGAN: So are we.

DOCTOR: Brave heart, Tegan, Now, the androids are programmed to protect that hatch. In order to carry out that duty successfully it’s important they remain operational.

LT SCOTT: Go on.

DOCTOR: Well, the androids now know we have the ability to inflict serious damage on them. So, if we attack that hatch we’ll create a dilemma.

NYSSA: We attack what they’re programmed to defend.

PROF KYLE: Why should they care if we attack the hatch?

NYSSA: They won’t care, they’ll react. They have no choice.

DOCTOR: The conflict between duty and survival should cause enough confusion in their logic circuits for them to start making mistakes, which is exactly what we want.

LT SCOTT: I hope you’re right.

DOCTOR: Well, let’s find out.

LT SCOTT: Right. Stand by.

The androids wobble a bit.


The troopers blast the hatch simultaneously.

The androids wobble and bleep in apparent confusion.

CYBERLIEUTENANT: The earthlings are attempting to break through the hatch.

CYBERLEADER: Are their weapons capable?


CYBERLEADER: They must be stopped immediately.

Adric crawls through a tunnel on his hands and knees. The Doctor, Kyle and Nyssa look on.

Adric picks up a rock and smashes the android’s hand

(sort of).

The troopers fire.

The android’s head explodes.

DOCTOR: Well done!

LT SCOTT: Who’s that boy?

DOCTOR: It’s Adric.

CYBERLEADER: Is the second android fitted with visual monitoring?


CYBERLEADER: Then activate.

The Cyberlieutenant activates.

In the cavern the remaining androids fires an energy bolt.

The troopers fire at it. Scott moves forward.

The android’s hand explodes

Tegan ducks behind a rock.

Scott stands over the android and sh**t it in the head. Its head explodes.

CYBERLEADER: We must act quickly. Prepare to activate the device.

CYBERLIEUTENANT: It’s too soon, Leader.

CYBERLEADER: We must be prepared.

In the cavern there was much rejoicing. (Which mostly consisted of a lot of mumbling.)

NYSSA: It’s fairly primitive.

DOCTOR: You think so?

Nyssa takes a piece of metal from the androids head.

NYSSA: Look at this.

DOCTOR: Lieutenant?

LT SCOTT: Yes, Doctor.

DOCTOR: I think you should curtail the celebrations for the time being.

LT SCOTT: Oh, something wrong?

DOCTOR: We must get this hatch open.

LT SCOTT: What’s the hurry?

NYSSA: One of the androids was a massive ultrasonic transmitter.

ADRIC: So, that was the signal I picked up in the TARDIS.

Scott walks over to the Doctor.

LT SCOTT: What does that mean?

DOCTOR: Whoever built this hatch now knows we destroyed its guardians.

On the Cybership.

CYBERLIEUTENANT: Carrier signal now being transmitted. Being locked on.

In the cavern the Doctor tries to open the hatch, and reacts as he burns his hand.

DOCTOR: Your troopers got quite carried away, didn’t they? I would suggest you get your people well back. The hatch may be booby trapped.

LT SCOTT: What about you?

DOCTOR: Well, my arms are only this long. I can’t get any further away.

NYSSA: Can you see what it is?

DOCTOR: No, you better get back too.

LT SCOTT: Right, everybody back!

On the Cybership.

CYBERLEADER: Activate the computer.

CYBERLIEUTENANT: It’s too early, Leader. It will be wasted.

CYBERLEADER: The device is already lost. Let the earth see the effectiveness of Cybertechnology©. Explode the b*mb! Back in the cavern the Doctor is still trying to open the hatch as Adric walks up.

DOCTOR: Got it! Release mechanism. You better get back too.

ADRIC: You’ve checked for booby traps.

DOCTOR: I’m not in the mood to argue.

LT SCOTT: Come on, lad.

Scott ushers Adric away.

DOCTOR: Further than that.

The Doctor opens the hatch and the inside lights up as the camera zooms in.

On the Cybership.

CYBERLIEUTENANT: The Earthlings have broken in.

CYBERLEADER: They are too late.

In the cavern.

TEGAN: Are you all right?


TEGAN: I thought a booby trap had gone off.

The Doctor moves towards the hatch and looks inside. He puts his hand to his forehead.

NYSSA: What is it?

DOCTOR: A b*mb. My opening the hatch has started off the arming procedure. You better let your people on the surface know what’s happened.

LT SCOTT: How much time have we got?

DOCTOR: I have no idea. Tegan, get everyone into the TARDIS.

LT SCOTT: Scott. Scott to Walters. Come in please.

ADRIC: Come on, you can’t stay behind.

DOCTOR: It was my own stupidity that started it off. The least I can do is to ...

The Doctor looks back at the hatch.

DOCTOR: Of course! Come on!

They run off.

Back on the Cybership

CYBERLEADER: How much longer before activation?


The Doctor et al enter the TARDIS.

DOCTOR: Set the coordinates at zero!

The Doctor unlatches a panel from under the console.

ADRIC: It would be nice to know what you’re doing.

DOCTOR: The arming procedure on the b*mb is being operated by remote control.

ADRIC: Can you jam it?

DOCTOR: Yes, but not until I know where it’s coming from.

Adric stretches a cable from the panel to the other

side of the TARDIS where Nyssa attaches it to the console. Meanwhile Scott looks around perplexed.

The b*mb counts down.

The Cyberleader twists a knob.

CYBERLEADER: Master detonator engaged.

In the TARDIS the Doctor reaches up and flips some switches.

DOCTOR: Well, that isn’t right ... or is it?

TEGAN: How long does an arming procedure take?

DOCTOR: Not long.

TEGAN: Well, shouldn’t we move the TARDIS in case the b*mb goes off?


CYBERLEADER: 30 seconds.

The b*mb counts down some more. There’s a reading on the Cyberconsole. The b*mb counts down some more. Cyberleader.

b*mb. Cyberconsole. b*mb.

An alarm goes off on the Cybership.

CYBERLEADER: What’s happening?

CYBERLEADER: Our signal is being jammed.

CYBERLEADER: More powerrrrrrrr!!

The Doctor and Adric run through a tunnel.

DOCTOR: Come on Adric, hurry!

ADRIC: But you’ve already jammed the signal.

DOCTOR: If they increase power they could break through.

They look at the b*mb. On the Cybership.

CYBERLIEUTENANT: Supplementary power on.


CYBERLIEUTENANT: Power building.

In the cavern.

DOCTOR: Magnetic clamp.

ADRIC: Magnetic clamp. How much damage could this b*mb do?

DOCTOR: Enough.

ADRIC: Enough for what?

DOCTOR: Enough to make life intolerable for the few who survive.

In the TARDIS Nyssa flicks some switches. An alarm

goes off. She and Tegan go to see what it is.

NYSSA: Oh, no.

TEGAN: What’s the matter?

NYSSA: Whoever they are, they’re fighting back.

In the cavern.

DOCTOR: Probe.

ADRIC: Probe.

He hands the Doctor the probe.

ADRIC: Do you know, I find this whole situation so bizarre? I mean there’s just no purpose to it.

DOCTOR: Well, there is somewhere. We just don’t have enough of the pieces yet.

ADRIC: Look, Professor Kyle said she’d been down here four weeks before the androids att*cked.

DOCTOR: Laser cutter.

ADRIC: Laser cutter.

Adric fumbles a bit.

DOCTOR: You think they should have att*cked earlier?

ADRIC: It would have made more sense if they had.

DOCTOR: Oh, I don’t think so. The androids are programmed to protect this hatch. Now, the cave system is enormous, why draw attention to yourself and your charge by attacking on the first day?

ADRIC: Yes, I suppose that has certain logic.

DOCTOR: Magnetic drone.

ADRIC: Magnetic drone.

The Doctor attaches the magnetic drone to the b*mb. He slowly opens a door on the b*mb and touches a circuit inside, and gets a shock.

DOCTOR: There was power in that circuit!

He sets the tray on the floor.

DOCTOR: Bread and water.

ADRIC: What’s happening?

DOCTOR: The signal’s breaking through.

In the TARDIS Nyssa acts like she just did something.

NYSSA: That’s it. Maximum output.

TEGAN: There must be more. The TARDIS has unlimited power.

NYSSA: But that transmitter doesn’t.

Back in the cavern the b*mb flashes.

DOCTOR: I think drastic action is called for.

ADRIC: But there can’t be much time left. What do we do?

DOCTOR: Abandon methodical procedure for blind instinct. Laser cutter.

ADRIC: Laser cutter.

On the Cybership.


CYBERLEADER: We proceed towards the destruction of Earth.

The Doctor contemplates for a moment.

DOCTOR: Hmmm, right or wrong. Here we go.

He starts to cut, but changes his mind and changes position.

CYBERLIEUTENANT: Our signal has broken through.


An alarm goes off.


CYBERLIEUTENANT: No, Leader. The b*mb has been deactivated.

CYBERLEADER: That cannot be. Cybertechnology© is too advanced for Earthlings!

Back in the TARDIS.

NYSSA: It stopped.

TEGAN: What?

Nyssa walks to the other side of the console and flips some switches.

NYSSA: It’s stopped. They’ve stopped transmitting. The Doctor’s done it.

Back on the Cybership.

CYBERLIEUTENANT: But how did they succeed, Leader?

CYBERLEADER: They have been helped. We have been betrayed. Whoever has done this must be found and destroyed at once.

Back in the cavern.

DOCTOR: Tell me, Adric. Why a b*mb?

ADRIC: Doctor?

DOCTOR: Why a b*mb, and not a m*ssile or some other device, and why these particular caves? There’s a reason.

ADRIC: It’s not our problem, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Oh, isn’t it?

On the Cybership.

CYBERLEADER: I should have realized sooner that the Earthlings had help.

CYBERLIEUTENANT: There’s nothing on this replay that indicates who it might be.

The camera pans around as the Cyberleader watches intently.

CYBERLEADER: What is that? I know that object.

The TARDIS stands in a tunnel. Inside the console room.

DOCTOR: Right, the b*mb is deactivated. Your own scientists can dismantle it. Good luck.

LT SCOTT: But you must stay, Doctor.

PROF KYLE: You’ve done so much. We want to show you our gratitude.

DOCTOR: Well, thank you, thank you, but we must go. Still a great deal to do.

TEGAN: Haven’t we done enough for one day?

ADRIC: We could afford to spare them a few hours, Doctor.

DOCTOR: No. there isn’t time.

TEGAN: Where are we rushing off to?

DOCTOR: Sector 16.

NYSSA: Well, that’s deep space.

TEGAN: Sounds great fun.

ADRIC: The Doctor wants us to look at the people who built the androids.

LT SCOTT: Do you know where they are?

DOCTOR: No, just from where their signal originated.

LT SCOTT: Then you must let us come with you.

NYSSA: We can’t fight androids by our self.

DOCTOR: Well, I’m hoping that won’t be necessary.

LT SCOTT: If my planet is being threatened I’d like to do something to help.

PROF KYLE: Indeed.

DOCTOR: All right.

The TARDIS dematerializes.

A line drawing of the TARDIS appears in the




CYBERLIEUTENANT: A Time Lord? But they’re forbidden to interfere.

FIRST DOCTOR: Emotions. Love, pride, hate, fear. Have you no emotions, then.

CYBERLEADER: It was in this regenerated form that he confined the Cybermen to their ice tomb on Telos.

SECOND DOCTOR: I imagine you have orders to destroy me.

CYBERLEADER: And as this, he defeated us in our attempt to destroy Voga, the planet of gold.

FOURTH DOCTOR: You’ve no home planet, no influence, nothing. You’re just a pathetic bunch of tin soldiers skulking about the galaxy in an ancient spaceship.

CYBERLIEUTENANT: I did not see any of these men in the cave.

CYBERLEADER: It appears he has regenerated again.


Now the scanner shows Rory, with the Cyberfleet exploding behind him.

RORY: Would you like me to repeat the question?

CYBERLEADER: Whatever his form, he must be found ... and destroyed!

In the TARDIS an endless parade of people comes out of the console room.

LT SCOTT: Bigger than you think.

DOCTOR: Uh, Adric.

ADRIC: Yes, Doctor?

DOCTOR: Do you have a moment?

ADRIC: I’m hungry.

DOCTOR: Well, you can join the others later.

Nyssa walks past him.

ADRIC: Well?

DOCTOR: Look, I’m very grateful for your help with deactivating the b*mb.

Adric giggles like a school girl.

ADRIC: That’s all right.

DOCTOR: It was very brave of you. Also, the way you tackled the android.

ADRIC: All part of the daily routine.

DOCTOR: Hmmmm. Look, I’ve been thinking about your wish to return home.


DOCTOR: Well, I thought if we could work out a satisfactory course, I might give it a try.

ADRIC: Well, I’ve already done so, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Really?

ADRIC: As you can see here, I’ve even managed to calculate the way into the CVE, the gateway through E-Space.

DOCTOR: You’ve done extremely well.

ADRIC: Thank you.

DOCTOR: Look, uh, I’m sorry about our argument earlier.

ADRIC: So am I. I overreacted.

DOCTOR: Do you really want to go home?

ADRIC: No, of course not. There’s nothing there for me anymore.

DOCTOR: So you’ve done all these calculations for nothing.

ADRIC: Well, it made a point, didn’t it? Besides, who knows? I might change my mind again.

The Doctor hits him with the tablet and walks out. Back on the Cybership.

CYBERLIEUTENANT: Our deep space probes have identified the TARDIS.

CYBERLEADER: It’s destination?


CYBERLEADER: Excellent. Our contingency plans can go ahead.

CYBERLEADER: The attack on Earth will proceed accordingly.

Two models space ship hang in apace.

RINGWAY: The captain’s been on the space station a long time.

BERGER: Everything will be all right.

RINGWAY: Well, I wish I had your confidence. Three men have disappeared in the last two weeks. It would take just one word from a disgruntled member of the crew and this ship will be stuck here for months pending an enquiry.

BERGER: They won’t say anything. They know if we don’t deliver on time it will cost them their bonus.

RINGWAY: Well, I wouldn’t be so certain. Morale is very low.

BERGER: And with every negative thought you have, Ringway, it sinks even lower. You’re supposed to be an officer. Smile when you talk to the crew. Reassure them.

RINGWAY: Security scan in Section 15 is still non- functional.

BERGER: Oh, for heaven’s sake.

There’s a beep

BERGER: Bridge.

CREWMEMBER (v.o): The captain is about to come on board.

BERGER: Thank you. Now, isn’t that good news?

The TARDIS materializes in a hold somewhere in the


In the console room.

PROF KYLE: This is where the beam came from?

DOCTOR: As near as I’ve been able to trace it.

NYSSA: The freighter could be nothing more than a relay point.

DOCTOR: And the crew entirely innocent of what’s going on. So, we’ll start with a recce.

ADRIC: May I come?

DOCTOR: You sure?


They leave the TARDIS.

Back on the Cybership the TARDIS appears in the

Cybervisualizer ™.


Back on the freighter the Doctor and Adric slowly exit the TARDIS.

ADRIC: Which way?

DOCTOR: Oh, I don’t think it really matters.

The Doctor puts his hat on and the y walk away.

Back on the bridge. Two crewmembers enter carrying

Briggs’ suitcases. She follows behind.

BRIGGS: Take that straight to my cabin.


RINGWAY: Welcome aboard. ma’am.

BRIGGS: Don’t call me ma’am on the bridge.

RINGWAY: Sorry, Captain.

BRIGGS: Get that transponder code fed into the navigational computer at once. I want to get underway.

RINGWAY: Yes, Captain.

BRIGGS: Seven hours they kept me waiting. Seven hours. I’m exhausted.

BERGER: Were there problems with security?

BRIGGS: Earth’s on red alert. Some interstellar conference. That’s why they’re checking that bit more carefully.

BERGER: That explains why we were scanned half a dozen times.

BRIGGS: Well, there’ll be no more problems from now on. I’ve got a clearance straight through to Earth. Our bonus is safe.

RINGWAY: There was no mention of the missing crewmembers?

BERGER: Mr. Ringway was concerned that might be the reason for you being delayed.

BRIGGS: Oh, panicking again, was he? No, no mention, Mr Ringway.

RINGWAY: I just happen to think, uh, that the disappearance of three crewmembers rather important, that’s all.

BRIGGS: So do I, mister, but it’s something that can be settled when we get back to Earth, and our cargo’s delivered safely, understood?

There are some beeps.

BRIGGS: Make ready to get underway. If it makes you any happier, double the patrols. I don’t want any mention of this. You’re beginning to bore me!

Back in the TARDIS.

LT SCOTT: I should have gone with them.

NYSSA: The Doctor will be all right.

An alarm goes off.

TEGAN: What’s that?

They walk over to the console. And look at it momentarily.

NYSSA: The freighter’s gone into warp drive.

In the freighter two crewmembers look at the hold from a gantry.

VANCE: I don’t fancy walking around that lot.

Back on the bridge.

BRIGGS: Who’s on first watch?

BERGER: I am, captain.

BRIGGS: I wish you luck. I’m going to my cabin.

Ringway knocks on the faulty scanner panel

RINGWAY: I thought I’d check the security patrols.

BRIGGS: You do that, mister. I’m sure they’d appreciate it.

Briggs leaves.

RINGWAY: Why is she always running me down?

BERGER: I’ll give you a bit of advice. You shouldn’t sound so earnest all the time.

They share a special moment.

The two crewmembers walk down a stairway.

VANCE: You could hide an army down here and no one would find it.

They walk slowly through a section of the hold, and eventually stop at a hallway, and one of them looks down it.

CREWMEMBER: What’s that?

Some shadows flicker in a hallway by Silo 16.

VANCE: What?

CREWMEMBER: It’s gone. I’m sure I saw something move.

VANCE: Where?


VANCE: Are you sure?

CREWMEMBER: Let’s look.

They move in the direction of Silo 16.

In another part of the hold Adric carefully looks round a corner. The Doctor confidently strides past him.

ADRIC: Look, aren’t we being a bit casual about this?

DOCTOR: Well, there’s no one about. The ship’s totally automated.

DOCTOR: A small one somewhere.

ADRIC: But not down here. What’s the point of going on?

DOCTOR: I want to announce my presence, and see what the reaction is.

ADRIC: And how will they know we’re here?

We see a security camera with a red light. The Doctor nods knowingly and they walk on.

In the Cybership an alarm goes off and the

Cyberleader flips a switch.


RINGWAY: The freighter has security clearance for its journey to Earth. There is one problem. The disappearance of the three crewmembers has caused a lot of unrest.

CYBERLEADER: Get your minions to search the hold. You will find a scapegoat there.

RINGWAY: Leader?

CYBERLEADER: You have intruders!

The Doctor and Adric walk town a stairway.

ADRIC: I don’t like being so far from the TARDIS.

DOCTOR: Someone should have seen us by now.

ADRIC: Look, why don’t we go back?

DOCTOR: Minute or two more.

They walk on.

In another part of the hold Ringway looks around methodically. He eventually pulls out his radio.

RINGWAY: Ringway to Vance. Report please.

The camera zooms in on the hold.

VANCE: This is Vance, sir.

RINGWAY: Report position.

VANCE: Low walkway. Just passing Silo 529. We’ve spotted someone, sir.

RINGWAY (v.o.): Then apprehend him. I’ll be down directly.

The Doctor and Adric wander around some more they stop at a junction and the Doctor looks around. Adric looks back.

DOCTOR: What’s the matter?

ADRIC: I got the feeling we were spotted rather a long time ago.

DOCTOR: We’re being followed?

They walk on.

Ringway walks down a flight of stairs at an excruciatingly slow pace brandishing his g*n.

In another part of the hold Vance rounds a corner and bumps into the other crewmember.

VANCE: We’ve lost him.

The other crewmember walks a ways and looks through a gap where he sees someone run past.

CREWMEMBER: No we haven’t.

On the bridge Berger studies the monitor earnestly. She sees the Doctor and Adric walking down a hallway.

BERGER: I’m sorry to disturb you, Captain, but we have intruders in the hold.

BRIGGS (v.o.): I’ll come up right away.

Back in the hold the two crewmembers enter an open area.

VANCE: Well, where did he go?

They run off stage right.


Long shot of hold.

The Doctor and Adric sit on a stairway.

CREWMEMBER: We've got to help them somehow.

Long shot of hold.

The Doctor and Adric sit on a stairway.

ADRIC: Why won’t they show themselves?

The two crewmembers scream agonizingly.

ADRIC: What’s happening?

Adric starts to get up. (D’oh!)

DOCTOR: Over there!

They run off.

Back to the bridge.

BRIGGS: Have you got them yet?

BERGER: No, Captain.

BRIGGS: Why not?

BERGER: They’re out of camera range.

BRIGGS: I don’t want to lose them. Sound the general alarm. I want them caught.

Berger sounds the general alarm.

In the hold the alarm blares over badly foleyed running footsteps.

Ringway runs pat the camera.

The Doctor and Adric run in a different part of the hold. The Doctor gets ahead of Adric.

ADRIC: Doctor! Doctor, over here!

The two crewmembers lie dead in an adjacent hallway. The Doctor walks up to them.

DOCTOR: They’re finished.

ADRIC: Look, let’s go before we’re caught and blamed.

DOCTOR: I’ve seen wounds inflicted this way before.

Ringway creeps up behind them.

ADRIC: Doctor, we have got to get out of here.


They turn to leave and run into Ringway.

RINGWAY: On this ship we execute murderers.

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Matthew Waterhouse

Janet Fielding

Sarah Sutton

Lieutenant Scott
James Warwick

Professor Kyle
Clare Clifford

Captain Briggs
Beryl Reid

June Bland

Steve Morley

Suzi Arden

Ann Holloway

Trooper Baines
Anne Clements

Second Trooper
Mark Straker

David Banks

Alec Sabin

Mark Hardy

First Crew Member
Mark Fletcher

Second Crew Member
Christopher Whittingham

Assistant Floor Manager
Nick Laughland

Dinah Collin

Bernard Lloyd-Jones

Film Cameraman
Keith Hopper

Film Editor
Mike Houghton

Incidental Music
Malcolm Clarke

Joan Stribling

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Jane Ashford

Production Associate
Angela Smith

Script Editor
Antony Root

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Fred Wright

Studio Sound
Alan Machin

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Steve Bowman
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