19x26 - Time-Flight - part 4

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderators: Kitty Midnight, Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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19x26 - Time-Flight - part 4

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Four

Original Air Date: 31 March 1982
Running time: 24:30

NYSSA: That can't be so.

DOCTOR: With the Xeraphin at the center of his TARDIS there's no limit to his powers.

TEGAN: There must be something we can do.

(The Doctor shakes his head.)

TEGAN: Doctor!

DOCTOR: Well, it would help if you could remember where you came in.

NYSSA: Even if we found it we wouldn't be able to open it with the Xeraphin gone.

DOCTOR: We'll have to resort to brute force!

(Outside the sanctum, the Master waves his tissue compression eliminator at the passengers of Victor-Foxtrot as they slowly file into his TARDIS. Once they're all inside, he follows and his TARDIS dematerializes, watched by Roger Scobie with a sort of incredulous and hopeless look on his face.)

(Inside the Doctor's TARDIS, which is hovering outside.)

ANDREW BILTON: I thought this thing would never stabilize.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: I don't think we'll risk touching any more controls. Look for a radio,maybe we could send a mayday signal.

ANDREW BILTON: Who's going to answer it?

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Perhaps the Doctor has a remote navigational...

ANDREW BILTON: What's the matter?

(Professor Hayter has appeared inside the TARDIS.)

ANDREW BILTON: Where did you come from?

(Inside the sanctum.)

TEGAN: It's no good, the walls solid.

NYSSA: We need help from outside.

TEGAN: Such as.

NYSSA: The people that let the Doctor in.

DOCTOR: How do you suggest we make contact?


(It materializes inside the sanctum. The Doctor creeps slowly around it, lifting a finger to the others in a 'shhh!' gesture. As he nears the corner, the door opens and Stapley and Bilton emerge.)

DOCTOR: Captain Stapley!

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Doctor, am I glad to see you.

TEGAN: Are we glad to see the TARDIS.

DOCTOR: My dear Captain, you really are the most remarkable man to pilot the TARDIS, and with such precision!


DOCTOR: Perhaps you could take us to the other side of that wall.


DOCTOR: You have control as they say.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: I can't fly this thing.

NYSSA: Then how did you pilot it here?

ANDREW BILTON: Professor Hayter of course.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Yeah. Didn't you instruct Professor Hayter on how to fly the TARDIS?


ANDREW BILTON: Where is the Professor, he was here a moment ago.

TEGAN: Professor Hayter is dead.

ANDREW BILTON: Then what did we see, if it wasn't Hayter?

DOCTOR: Must have been a telepathic projection. Perhaps he isn't really dead.

TEGAN: But the man was atomized.

NYSSA: No, he was absorbed into the Xeraphin life force.

(Now back outside the sanctum, Roger Scobie hears the TARDIS and then sees it materialize. The Doctor is the first to come out.)


DOCTOR: Hello.

DOCTOR: Captain.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Roger I'm glad you're safe.

ROGER SCOBIE: This place is really getting like Heathrow.

DOCTOR: Have you seen another TARDIS?

ROGER SCOBIE: Would that be something like a Greek pillar?

DOCTOR: Could well be.

DOCTOR: Yes, it vanished about ten minutes ago.

NYSSA: Oh, we've lost him.

DOCTOR: I don't think so. He's still in this time zone, he can't be far away.

TEGAN: How do you know that.

DOCTOR: In it's new state the Master's TARDIS won't be fully operational yet. He's got the nucleus all right, but he'll need to work on it.

ROGER SCOBIE: What got me was all the people!

DOCTOR: The passengers.

ROGER SCOBIE: Yes, I've heard of a football team getting into a telephone kiosk but this was ridiculous.

(The Doctor reacts by dashing back into the TARDIS. The others all follow him.)

DOCTOR: Captain, your passengers are now in greater danger than ever before.


DOCTOR: I'll explain later. Nyssa, I want you to take the TARDIS back to the Concorde cargo hold. Captain, I want you and your crew to get ready for take-off immediately.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Doctor, after that landing I doubt if the aircraft is safe to fly.

DOCTOR: Wing and a prayer, Captain.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Well, if the damage isn't too bad we could always cannabalize Victor-Foxtrot.

ANDREW BILTON: But what about a runway?

DOCTOR: I'm sure you'll do your very best, Tegan come with me. Nyssa the coordinates are all set.

(Back outside, the TARDIS dematerializes.)

DOCTOR: Keep your eyes open, the Master could be anywhere.

(And the TARDIS rematerializes inside the Concorde cargo hold. Gradually the people inside climb out with a rather large amount of difficulty considering it's on its side.)

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Andrew and I will start the cockpit check. Roger, I want you to do a walk around the whole aircraft.

ROGER SCOBIE: Right, skipper.

(Back in Kalid's chamber the Doctor and Tegan enter.)

TEGAN: He's not here.

DOCTOR: And taken everything with him, including the bits of my TARDIS.

TEGAN: The passengers, what about them?

DOCTOR: Molecular disintegration, that's where the Master has a neat little store of protoplasm with which he can do anything he wants.

TEGAN: Sort of melt them down?

DOCTOR: In a manner of speaking. Let's get back to Captain Stapley.

(Outside near the Concorde landing gear.)

ROGER SCOBIE: Hmm... well, the brake line's fractured and we've lost a lot of fluid.

NYSSA: Is that bad?

ROGER SCOBIE: Bad? It's a miracle! The undercarriage itself is virtually undamaged. We could probably nick the spares from Victor-Foxtrot.

(He pauses and gets an odd look on his face. Clearly he sees something that bothers him – we get a quick shot of the Concorde in the distance.)

ROGER SCOBIE: That's funny.

NYSSA: What?

ROGER SCOBIE: I thought I saw Victor-Foxtrot ... shimmer! Must be imagining things.

(Elsewhere outside the Doctor and Tegan walk through the landscape. They stop near the same rocks where Nyssa had her freakout.)

DOCTOR: There's something wrong.

TEGAN: Well, I can't see anything.

DOCTOR: No. No, you can't, can you?

(They move on. Now back at the Concorde wheel strut.)

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: What's the damage Roger?

ROGER SCOBIE: Fractured brake line.

ANDREW BILTON: Is that all?

ROGER SCOBIE: As far as I can tell. Not a bad landing skipper.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Can you repair it?

ROGER SCOBIE: With a bit of luck, and a bit of Victor-Foxtrot. There's only one problem though skipper, we'll need some compressed air for the start-up.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Ah, I'll take the tires off of numbers one and four wheels from Victor-Foxtrot.


ROGER SCOBIE: Skipper, have you any idea how you jack up a hundred tons of aircraft?

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: We dig a hole.


ROGER SCOBIE: And with three and two wheels still in place you don't need to support the aircraft!

ANDREW BILTON: I say! Brilliant!

NYSSA: Where have you been?

DOCTOR: I'll ah, I'll explain later. Where's my TARDIS?

NYSSA: In the cargo hold of course.

DOCTOR: Captain, is your aircraft all right?

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Well apart from some damage to the hydraulics. We'll take some bits off of Victor-Foxtrot.

DOCTOR: Ah, not a good idea.

NYSSA: Doctor, it would work!

DOCTOR: If that were Concorde.

ROGER SCOBIE: Well it is Concorde.

DOCTOR: That aircraft was damaged. Now it's in perfect condition.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: We must be hallucinating again.

DOCTOR: I'm afraid not. That's the Master's TARDIS.

ROGER SCOBIE: But it's a plane.

DOCTOR: The Master's operated his chameleon circuit.

NYSSA: And materialized around the other aircraft.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Then Victor-Foxtrot ...

DOCTOR: Is inside the Master's TARDIS of course. I wish I had time to explain dimensional transcendentalism. Look, I'm going into my TARDIS, you stay here.

NYSSA: No, Doctor. It's too dangerous.

DOCTOR: There's no other way.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: What are you going to do?

NYSSA: The Doctor's going to materialize around the Master's TARDIS.

TEGAN: You know what happened before.

DOCTOR: There's no time for anything else.

(Victor-Foxtrot, or rather the Master's TARDIS, vanishes.)

NYSSA: We're too late. With the power of the Xeraphin the Master will be invincible!

DOCTOR: Without the bits he stole from my TARDIS we can only travel in this time zone.

TEGAN: We're stuck here.

DOCTOR: I'm afraid so.

(But the Master's TARDIS reappears.)

DOCTOR: And so it would seem is the Master. Come on!

MASTER: Devious to the last, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Technical hitch?

MASTER: Your substitution of the temporal limiter for the time lapse compressor.

DOCTOR: Ah, well that's the way it goes if you will steal other people's property. What's he talking about Nyssa, have you been tampering with the TARDIS?

NYSSA: Of course not.

DOCTOR: Have you any idea what would have happened if I tried to go through with the ... .

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Doctor, Doctor I think I can explain.

DOCTOR: You, Captain?

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: You see when we were on the TARDIS I swapped some of the parts around. I thought it might put a spanner in the works. It was a stupid idea really.

DOCTOR: Stupid? It was brilliant! (to the Master) Your prospects seem rather limited!

MASTER: I can still operate my TARDIS.

DOCTOR: Ah but such a restricted range.

MASTER: Very well Doctor, what are you're terms?

DOCTOR: You return all passengers, we have access to both aircraft, you return all the components of my TARDIS not necessary for the normal functioning of your machine.

MASTER: And what will you give me?

DOCTOR: The temporal limiter.

NYSSA: Doctor, the nucleus of the Xeraphin.

DOCTOR: He'll never give that up, without it his TARDIS is useless.

(The Master gives a little nod and walks off.)

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Has he agreed?

DOCTOR: Well, we'll know that in a moment.


NYSSA: He's accepted.

(The Master's TARDIS reappears nearby as a ionic column again.)

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Is that the Master's TARDIS?


(People start streaming out of the Master's TARDIS.)

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: I don't believe it.

ROGER SCOBIE: I'd think I'd rather hallucinate.

DOCTOR: Captain, I'll need your aircraft ready for takeoff as soon as possible.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: We'll do our best. Roger, Andrew let's measure this ground for take-off.

DOCTOR: Now, you two ... (pause) stay here.

TEGAN: If the Doctor gives the Master a bit of the TARDIS, how do we get back?

NYSSA: He must be giving him a redundant circuit. You know how the Doctor collects spare parts.

(They look on. The Doctor approaches the Master who is standing near his TARDIS. The passengers are mulling about nearby. The Doctor receives components handed over by the Master, one by one.)

DOCTOR: You seem to have mislaid the quantum accelerator.

MASTER: Not at all, Doctor. You shall have it when you give me the correctly programmed temporal limiter.

(The Doctor turns to the passengers.)

DOCTOR: If you'll be so good as to follow me.

MASTER: No, Doctor, they shall go when I permit them.

(Back at the landing gear, Scobie is working at the brake fluid lines or something like that, who really knows, it's just a prop anyway it doesn't really work. Not a bad prop, mind, but still the fluid that comes out as he (see how he uses that spanner!) tightens the nuts and bolts reminds me of just another type of green slime.)

(Inside the cargo hold the Doctor is half-in, half-out of the TARDIS when)

(Stapley comes in.)

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Oh Doctor I shall need an external power supply to start the engines. Four hundred cycles, a hundred fifteen volts.

DOCTOR: Right, I'll run a line from the TARDIS. Oh, you'll need a compressed air supply.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: I'm using the air from the tires from Victor-Foxtrot. I'll take reducing valves and piping from the air conditioning system.

(Back near the aircraft, Scobie is working on the tires, excuse me, tyres, with hoses and, er, valves and piping from the air conditioning system. He's a regular A-Team guy, that Scobie.)

(Back inside the TARDIS, the Doctor is under the console while Nyssa looks lovingly at his shins.)

NYSSA: Doctor, you haven't got the quantum accelerator back from the Master.

DOCTOR: And he hasn't got the temporal limiter. The idea you see is to keep him waiting until we're ready to take-off.

NYSSA: Why do we need Concorde. Can't we all go back in the TARDIS?

DOCTOR: No, I need the TARDIS to deal with the Master.

(Back outside again, where Scobie, Bilton and Tegan are working on the tyres and the compressed air jury-rig setup.)

(Then back into the TARDIS where Nyssa is unspooling some cable from a reel. The Doctor lies comfortably on the floor, seemingly relaxing, or perhaps even asleep.)

NYSSA: Doctor, how are you going to deal with the Master? Doctor!

(He opens his eyes and looks up.)

(Back outside, the Master looks like he's getting anxious.)

DOCTOR: I'm thinking about it.

(Inside the Concorde cockpit.)

ROGER SCOBIE: Hydraulics fixed.

NYSSA: External power all right, Captain?

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Ah yes, tell the Doctor we're ready please. (she exits) I want to do a final walk around the aircraft while were waiting for the Doctor.

(Back outside, the Master comes up to Tegan and Bilton as they're working with their valves and stuff.)

MASTER: I am impatient to leave this place, tell the Doctor I require the temporal limiter immediately.

(He looks behind him at the important-looking passengers who look a bit like self-important Harper faculty on strike.)

MASTER: Or I shall start to eliminate your passengers.

(Inside the TARDIS, Nyssa enters as the Doctor bounces a power supply off his chin.)

NYSSA: Captain Stapley says the aircraft is ready.

DOCTOR: Good, I just need a few more minutes.

TEGAN: Doctor, hurry up, the Master's getting trigger happy out there.

DOCTOR: Oh, well we better not keep him waiting.

(Back outside, then.)

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: It looks fine, Roger.

ROGER SCOBIE: There's no guarantee it will stand up to the take-off roll. No knowing what will happen going over this ground at two hundred knots.

ANDREW BILTON: What happens when we get airborne?

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: That rather depends on the Doctor, doesn't it.

ROGER SCOBIE: Let's hope he knows what he's doing.

(What he's doing is this. He approaches the Master holding his gifts of frankincense and myrrh. The Master holds a Heathkit crystal radio set. The Doctor gestures to the milling passengers that they are free to go, so they return to their classes.)

DOCTOR: Please.

MASTER: The quantum accelerator.

DOCTOR: The temporal limiter.

(They play a little game of give and take for a moment, but the Doctor doesn't cheat him.)

MASTER: Thank you. Heheheheh. Should I say au revoir, Doctor? Hehehehehehehehehe.

(The Master's TARDIS disappears.)

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: I suppose he could end up anywhere in the universe.

DOCTOR: Heathrow actually.


DOCTOR: He's virtually running in a new TARDIS. In order to check out the temporal dimensions he'll need to track back the line of the time contour.

ANDREW BILTON: He'll end up in London with that nucleus on board?


CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Well that's disaster!

DOCTOR: Quite right. Should we go on board?

TEGAN: The passengers are coming to.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: The passengers are your responsibility Tegan. When you get them on board, stand by these tyres.

TEGAN: Ladies and gentleman, we do apologize for the delay. Your flight is now ready for boarding. Would you care to proceed to your aircraft immediately?

(The noisy faculty, er, passengers moooove toward the Concorde to board and continue their journey.)

(Inside the Doctor's TARDIS.)

NYSSA: But the Master will get to Earth before us!

DOCTOR: Not with my temporal limiter in-circuit.

NYSSA: Why, doesn't it work?

DOCTOR: Of course it does. You don't think I can fool the Master, do you? Mind you, there is, ah, an inhibition factor inherent in the programming.

NYSSA: What does that mean?

DOCTOR: He'll arrive after us. (He grins.)

(Cockpit of the ... sorry Concorde.)

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Air on number three engine.

(Stock footage.)

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Start number three engine.

(Stock footage.)

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Start number two engine.

(Stock footage. Tegan footage.)

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Air off, get Tegan in here.

(Tegan footage.)

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Start number one engine. Start number four engine.

(Stock footage.)

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: I will reverse thrust on three and four so I can turn the aircraft and clear that ramp.

(The Doctor climbs out of the TARDIS in the hold. Stock footage.)

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: I will abandon take-off prior to V1 only on the loss of two engines.

DOCTOR: This is it?

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Yes Doctor, fasten your seatbelt for take-off please. At V2 we'll maintain our our climb out at theta two, at full power. Cross your fingers! This is it gentlemen. Three, two, one ... now.

(Stock footage.)

ROGER SCOBIE: Power checked.


(The Concorde takes off with one of the worst stable colour separation overlays I've ever seen, showing the prehistoric set in the foreground. Then we get reaction sh*ts of most of the people in the cockpit, including the Doctor.)

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: What did I tell you Doctor, finest aircraft in the world!

(It flies off over the prehistoric landscape.)




CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Where to now Doctor?

DOCTOR: Ah, I'll just program your flight computer.

(First we see more Concorde stock footage. Then it's back in the TARDIS.)

DOCTOR: Now, as we dematerialize, we reverse the process of the time contour and kick Concorde back onto it's original flight path.

(Tegan and Nyssa look like they don't have a lot of confidence.)

DOCTOR: With a bit of luck.

(The Concorde in flight suddenly vanishes, but then reappears again. Inside the cockpit ... )

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: What's happening?

ROGER SCOBIE: The center of gravity's shifted! The radio navigation's working!

(Since we've missed air traffic control so much, we finally get to see them again.)


DOUGLAS SHEARD: It's not possible, from out of nowhere.

CLIVE HORTON: Speedbird Concorde Gulf Alpha Charlie.

(Inside the cockpit Stapley answers with relief.)

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Roger, Speedbird Concorde Gulf Alpha Charlie descending 350. We're back!

(On a roof at Heathrow the TARDIS spews out Tegan, Nyssa and the Doctor.)

DOCTOR: Well, it's Heathrow Airport. We appear to be on schedule for a change.

(The Doctor promptly goes back inside. Overhead, the Concorde is coming in for its landing while Tegan and Nyssa watch. And we get to watch too. The whole thing. First it comes in to land, then it lands. And rolls for a while. Tegan walks over to the railing where Nyssa is standing. They both turn to watch a more mundane jet taking off.)

NYSSA: What a funny way to travel.

TEGAN: Kind of fun, though.

NYSSA: You miss it, don't you.

TEGAN: Oh, I don't know. It's not exactly dull traveling with the Doctor.

(Nyssa spots some policemen coming out onto the roof and heading over to the TARDIS.)

NYSSA: Doctor!

DOCTOR: Ah, now what we need's a diversion. Now with a bit of luck, not to mention judgement.

(As if on cue, the Master's TARDIS appears, hovering just above the Doctor's. The policemen stop their approach in surprise, and the Doctor runs into the police box. Nyssa follows him, and he closes the door.)

NYSSA: The Master can't land!

DOCTOR: No. Same coordinates as the TARDIS. But we got here first. Just!

(He twists a control. The police box shimmers briefly, and quite suddenly the Master's TARDIS disappears with a zippy sound effect.)

NYSSA: It's gone.

DOCTOR: Knocked back into time-space like a straight six into the pavilion.

NYSSA: The Xeraphin will never be able to regenerate.

DOCTOR: Oh they stand a much better chance on their own planet.

NYSSA: You sent them to Xerophas? But the radiation will ...

DOCTOR: That was millions of years ago. The atmosphere will be perfectly clear by now. Not a very nice planet for the Master though.

NYSSA: He'll just take off again.

DOCTOR: Well I think with that extra energy on board my temporal limiter will need replacing.

NYSSA: He's stuck on Xerophas?

DOCTOR: Yes. Let's hope it's for good. (he operates some controls) Now! Where's Tegan?

(Inside Heathrow, Tegan's wandering about intoxicated again, probably looking for more alcohol. She listens to the tannoy voice, then reads some signs and stuff.)

(Inside the airport controller's office.)

DOUGLAS SHEARD: The airline, not to mention Whitehall, is going to need a full explanation.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: We did rescue the passengers and crew.

ROGER SCOBIE: And got our own plane back from a time warp.

DOUGLAS SHEARD: Time warp indeed.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: The Doctor was absolutely right. We've been away for a hundred forty million years.

ROGER SCOBIE: What about the overtime?

DOUGLAS SHEARD: You we're only missing for twenty four hours, and what about Victor-Foxtrot?

ANDREW BILTON: Victor-Foxtrot was never really lost.


ROGER SCOBIE: Should be on the other side of the sewage farm.

ANDREW BILTON: Must have been beside the ruins of the citadel for a hundred and forty million years.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: You just have to dig it up.

DOUGLAS SHEARD: Yes. Oh, not that police box again.

(They all get up to leave.)

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: It's the Doctor!

(Back on the roof, the Doctor is having a bit of a time trying to explain himself to the policemen.)

DOCTOR: Ah, well. Really officer we're.. we're just in.. in transit as it were. Ah,

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: just ah, just ah. Captain Stapley! I trust you had a good flight. You're amazing Doctor.

DOCTOR: Ah, you know my friend the airport controller, I'm sure he can give you a full explanation.

DOUGLAS SHEARD: I think I'm entitled to a few explanations.

DOCTOR: Ah, well, ah, ah, I'll just make ah, ah quick phone call which should clear the whole thing up.

DOUGLAS SHEARD: I thought the Doctor was on Concorde with you.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Absolutely, but you see that police box is really a spaceship in disguise.

ANDREW BILTON: And it's called the TARDIS.


ROGER SCOBIE: And it travels in time as well.

DOUGLAS SHEARD: Gentleman, if you persist with this flippancy it will be time to talk about ... disciplinary action.

(He trails off as the TARDIS vanishes. Then Tegan shows up.)

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Happy landings Doctor.

TEGAN: Happy landings Doctor.

CAPTAIN STAPLEY: Hello, I thought you were going with the Doctor.

TEGAN: So did I.

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Sarah Sutton

Tegan Jovanka
Janet Fielding

The Master
Leon Ny Taiy/Anthony Ainley

Professor Hayter
Nigel Stock

Captain Stapley
Richard Easton

Andrew Bilton
Michael Cashman

Roger Scobie
Keith Drinkel

Matthew Waterhouse

Peter Cellier

Angela Clifford
Judith Byfield

Hugh Hayes

Captain Urquhart
John Flint

Peter Dahlsen

Brian McDermott

André Winterton

Assistant Floor Manager
Lynn Richards

Amy Roberts

Richard McManan-Smith

Film Cameraman
Peter Chapman

Film Editor
Mike Houghton

Incidental Music
Roger Limb

Dorka Nieradzik

Production Assistant
Joan Elliott

Production Associate
Angela Smith

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Eric Wallis

Studio Sound
Martin Ridout

Visual Effects
Peter Logan

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Peter Grimwade

John Nathan-Turner

Ron Jones
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