20x01 - Arc of Infinity - part 1

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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20x01 - Arc of Infinity - part 1

Post by bunniefuu »



Part One

First Air Date: 3 January 1983
Running time: 24:37

OMEGA: You have made your choice?

TIME LORD: Yes. We are ready to begin.

OMEGA: Excellent. And your choice?

TIME LORD: It has not been easy, but time, present location, personality, for these and other reasons, it must be the Doctor.

OMEGA: The Doctor? Yes. Clever. Most ingenious. The perfect choice, Time Lord.

DAMON: The security circuit. Cut the scrambler.

DAMON: That's odd. Photon cell burnout?

TALOR: Okay?


DAMON: I don't believe this. Talor, look.

TALOR: What is it?

DAMON: Someone's transmitting the biodata extract of one of the Time Lords.

TALOR: Cut it! This is treason. I must report it at once.

DOCTOR: And such a simple repair job.

NYSSA: Why didn't you do it sooner?

DOCTOR: Well, you know how it is. You put things off for a day, next thing you know it's a hundred years later.

NYSSA: It'll make quite a difference to have audio link-up on the scanner again.


DOCTOR: Let's see if it works.

FRAZER: No, everywhere is full. You got to sleep rough tonight. Yeah, the hostel from tomorrow. That's the number I gave you. Look, I'd better go. I'll see you at the airport tomorrow. Take care.

STUART: Okay? Oh no, a policeman.

FRAZER: Steady. The Dutch are a very civilised race. They don't put people into prison for losing a passport.

STUART: No, but they can deport you.

FRAZER: Oh, come on, let's grab something to eat. Anyway, our real worry is where we're going to sleep tonight.

STUART: I know a place. Not the most appealing, but central and very cheap.

FRAZER: Sounds perfect.

STUART: And literally as quiet as the grave.

DOCTOR: Perfect.

NYSSA: We have an audio system, but nothing to listen to.

DOCTOR: And now we have nothing to look at. Couldn't be better. Peace and quiet is just what the doctor ordered.

NYSSA: Doctor? There are many other repairs to do.

DOCTOR: Well, there's nothing urgent, is there?

NYSSA: The navigational system? That must be faulty. We never seem to arrive where we intend.

DOCTOR: No. Well, you see, ever since the Cybermen damaged the console

NYSSA: And that's another thing. The TARDIS used to be in a state of temporal grace, you said. g*ns couldn't be fired.

DOCTOR: Yes. Well, nobody's perfect.

NYSSA: Doctor.

NYSSA (OOV.): Doctor, come quickly!

OMEGA: The data has been received, Time Lord, but not the booster element. Why?

TIME LORD: I had to close down transmission. A fault developed.

OMEGA: What will you do?

TIME LORD: Check to see it wasn't detected.

OMEGA: And if it were?

TIME LORD: I'll deal with it. Perhaps we should delay until I have.

OMEGA: It is too late. Already the TARDIS is under my control.

DOCTOR: Sensors show we're converging with a massive source of magnetic radiation.

NYSSA: But there's nothing out there. Just light years of black empty space.

DOCTOR: Well, something's causing it. We must change course.

NYSSA: To where?

DOCTOR: Anywhere, so as long as it's away from here.

STUART: There we are.

FRAZER: We're spending the night there?


NYSSA: What's happening?

DOCTOR: I don't know.

NYSSA: These readings don't make sense.

DOCTOR: I know.

FRAZER: Hey, where are you going?

STUART: Just follow me.

FRAZER: What is this place? It's so dark.

STUART: Here, take this. (a torch) Trust me, Colin. Have I ever lead you astray?

FRAZER: There's always a first time. Who owns this place?

STUART: The state. It's a kind of forgotten national treasure. No one ever comes here except the odd gardener during the day.

FRAZER: Wait a minute. This is a crypt!


FRAZER: I thought you said this was a cellar.

STUART: Didn't you see the ornamentation? The fountain?

FRAZER: Are you serious about staying the night here?

STUART: Of course.

FRAZER: Now I know you're crazy.

STUART: Come on. Our nest's through here.

STUART: Not quite the Ritz, but it's dry and warm.

FRAZER: What's in the pipes?

STUART: Water. We're below sea level here. Stop the pumps and Amsterdam would take up its stilts and float. How'd you like it?

FRAZER: Well, I'm not too keen on the neighbours.

DAMON: The analysis checks out.

TALOR: You're sure?

DAMON: Yes, it's the Doctor's biodata extract. What did the Castellan have to say?

TALOR: In spite of the urgency of my request, he chooses not to be available until tomorrow.

DAMON: You realise only members of the High Council could have transmitted that data?

TALOR: I know. We just have to wait.

DAMON: Do you need me any more?

TALOR: No. Good night.

DAMON: Good night.

TALOR: Good evening.

TALOR: Impulse laser?

STUART: Are you really going to sleep like that?

FRAZER: What's the matter with that?

STUART: You're still fully dressed.

FRAZER: I'm not taking any chances.

STUART: Oh, come on. It's only a pump house. The worst that can happen is that we're caught by the police.

FRAZER: I find this place spooky.

STUART: At least take your boots off.

TIME LORD: As I feared, transmission was detected, but it has been dealt with.


TIME LORD: An accident has been arranged.

OMEGA: Bonding can take place immediately?

TIME LORD: As long as you are positive there is no other way.

OMEGA: I am not of your dimension, Time Lord. I have the means to enter, but without the physical imprint of bonding, I cannot remain among you.

DOCTOR: I can't control the TARDIS!

NYSSA: Can't you override the control?

DOCTOR: I just tried.

NYSSA: Doctor!

NYSSA: What is it?

DOCTOR: Something's coming through.

NYSSA: A materialisation?

DOCTOR: No, extradimensional.

DOCTOR: Quick, Nyssa, out of here!

The Doctor and Nyssa slow to a halt. The Doctor turns around to see Omega, who then glides inside him.)


NYSSA: Doctor!

FRAZER: Robin! Come on, wake up. There's something going on inside.


FRAZER: There's somebody in there.

STUART: You're imagining it. Go to sleep.

FRAZER: I tell you I heard something.

STUART: You sort it out. I want to sleep.

FRAZER: That wasn't here before.

NYSSA: Doctor? Oh, thank goodness you're all right.

DOCTOR: How long have I been here?

NYSSA: Not long. What was that thing? It just appeared from nowhere.

DOCTOR: From another dimension.

NYSSA: Has it gone?

DOCTOR: From the TARDIS, yes.

NYSSA: For a moment I thought it had taken you over.

DOCTOR: Well, for a moment it did. What you saw was an attempted temporal bonding. The molecular realignment of two basically incompatible lifeforms.

NYSSA: I checked the sensors. This creature is formed from anti-matter.

DOCTOR: Are you sure? Then it's worse than I feared.

NYSSA: But the creature failed. It's not in our dimension now.

DOCTOR: Oh, it is somewhere, and halfway to achieving its purpose. It won't have given up that easily.

NYSSA: To remain in this universe, the creature would have to reverse its polarity. I mean, if it failed

DOCTOR: Matter and anti-matter in collision. Yes, I take your point. Come on, we've got work to do.

STUART: Colin? Colin?

STUART: Colin? Okay, very funny. Now cut it out.

ZORAC: Well, Lord President?

BORUSA: The Matrix confirms what we already know, Cardinal Zorac. The creature is intelligent, immensely powerful, and formed from antimatter.

ZORAC: Damnable business. Thalia, you're the expert on this, what do you have to say?

THALIA: Well, in theory, movement between dimensions is possible. In practice, less so. But the same was said about time travel, and that has long been a reality.

HEDIN: Has the Matrix fixed the location of the creature?

BORUSA: It can't. Temporal distortion is extremely severe.

THALIA: At present the creature is shielded, but that will soon decay.

ZORAC: Then we shall know precisely where the creature is.

CASTELLAN: But that will be too late, unless the bond was severed.

THALIA: That, of course, is another matter. But we all know what that would mean for the Doctor.

NYSSA: (reads) Rondel, intergalactic region devoid of all stellar activity. In former times the location of collapsed Q star.

NYSSA: Q star?

DOCTOR: They're very rare. On burnout it creates quardal magnetism. That's what the sensors picked up. It's the only force known to shield anti-matter.

NYSSA: That's what's shielding the creature?

DOCTOR: Has to be. But it's known to decay rapidly. Anything else?

NYSSA: Not much. Just the name the ancients gave to this region. The Arc of Infinity.

DOCTOR: That's it, Nyssa. That's how it came through. What we saw was the gateway to the dimensions. The Arc of Infinity.

OMEGA: The bonding registered in the Matrix?

TIME LORD: Very clearly.

OMEGA: And the High Council?

TIME LORD: They had no choice but to act as we predicted. But you, I detect a weakness.

OMEGA: My concern, Time Lord, not yours. Carry out your instructions and all will be well.

NYSSA: So, if this creature can't bond with you, it can have no real existence in this universe.

DOCTOR: Right.

NYSSA: But to do that, it would have to have detailed biological information about you.

DOCTOR: Which in my case exists only in the Matrix on Gallifrey.

NYSSA: So someone there passed it on.

MAXIL: Feed this into the Matrix. Well, don't you recognise the Lord President's seal?

DAMON: I will need to confirm your authorisation.

MAXIL: Arrest him.

DAMON: Please, please. Well, perhaps I spoke in haste, but to recall a TARDIS, and without prior announcement, well, you must understand my position.

MAXIL: It's not without due and proper consideration that this decision has been made.

DAMON: Where do you want the TARDIS located?

MAXIL: The security compound. And only I am to have access. Tell my men when the TARDIS arrives. They'll be waiting outside.

NYSSA: There was a massive energy transfer.

DOCTOR: Hmm. This creature controls the shift of the Arc. Just think of it, Nyssa. With such power you can unlock the door to travel between the dimensions of matter and anti-matter.

NYSSA: Doctor, we've changed course.

DOCTOR: High Council of Time Lords. We're being taken back to Gallifrey.


DOCTOR: I don't know. It must be urgent. Only twice before in our history has the recall circuit been used.

STUART: Colin! It's me, Colin. Come on, let's get out of here. I was just about to fetch the police.

STUART: Come on, let's get out of this hell hole!

MAXIL: The TARDIS has arrived.

DAMON: Yes, I was about to inform you. The compound is secure.

MAXIL: Excellent.

DAMON: Commander Maxil, why are you treating the Doctor like a criminal?

MAXIL: I'm simply following orders.

NYSSA: Where are we?

DOCTOR: The security compound in the heart of the Citadel.

DOCTOR: Well, they're taking no chances.

NYSSA: We're locked in.

DOCTOR: Handprint activated, from the outside. Fetch my indent kit from the workbench, will you? I might just be able to trip it. Quickly!

RECEPTIONIST: Look, come back in half an hour, okay?

MAN: Okay, thank you.


MAN: Bye-bye.

STUART: You have a room booked for me.

RECEPTIONIST: What's your name, please?

STUART: Stuart.

RECEPTIONIST: Ah yes. How long will you be staying for, Mister Stuart?

STUART: I don't know. A few days.

RECEPTIONIST: No problem. You are in room thirty four. Oh, one moment, please. Are you the Mister Stuart who reserved with Mister Frazer? Mister Colin Frazer?

STUART: What about it?

RECEPTIONIST: Well, will Mister Frazer be checking in today?

STUART: Don't count on it.


STUART: What I said. Colin Frazer won't be coming here. Not today, not tomorrow. If you want the details, ask the police. Perhaps when they stop indifferent they might start looking for him.

RECEPTIONIST: I'm sorry. I wish I could help. I'm only asking because there's a telephone message for him, that's all.

STUART: Oh. What message?

RECEPTIONIST: His cousin will arrive at Schiphol Airport tomorrow morning at ten thirty.

NYSSA: I don't understand, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Not now, Nyssa.

NYSSA: Why are we locked in? Surely the Time Lords have brought you back to help find the creature and prevent its bonding with you.

DOCTOR: I wish I could believe that.

NYSSA: What other reason would there be?

DOCTOR: It won't be that easy to track this creature down. The universe is rather a big place. And there is an easier alternative.

NYSSA: To k*ll you? Is that why they've brought you back?

DOCTOR: Possibly.

NYSSA: You did it!

DOCTOR: I doubt it. Not with this kind of lock. And certainly not as quickly.

DOCTOR: This way.

GUARD (OOV.): Commander?


NYSSA: Where are we trying to get to?

DOCTOR: The computer room. It's not far now.

NYSSA: Will it be guarded?

DOCTOR: Well, they certainly know we've arrived.

DOCTOR: Quickly!

DOCTOR: Hello, I'm the Doctor.

NYSSA: Doctor!

NYSSA: Doctor!

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Janet Fielding

Sarah Sutton

President Borusa — Leonard Sachs

Chancellor Thalia — Elspet Gray

Councillor Hedin — Michael Gough

The Castellan — Paul Jerricho

Cardinal Zorac — Max Harvey

Commander Maxil — Colin Baker

Omega/The Renegade — Ian Collier/Peter Davison

Damon — Neil Daglish

Talor — John D. Collins

Colin Frazer — Alastair Cumming

Robin Stuart — Andrew Boxer

Hotel Receptionists — Maya Woolfe
Guy Groen

The Ergon — Malcolm Harvey

Terry Phillips
Kevin O'Brien
Barbie Denham
Glenn Bexfield
Charis Andrews

Assistant Floor Manager
Lynn Richards

Dee Robson

Marjorie Pratt

Film Cameraman
Fintan Sheehan

Film Editor
Bernard Ashby

Incidental Music
Roger Limb

Frances Needham

Production Assistant
Diana Brookes

Production Associate
June Collins

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Don Babage

Studio Sound
Trevor Webster

Title Music
Ron Grainer and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop
arranged by Peter Howell

Visual Effects
Chris Lawson

Johnny Byrne

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Ron Jones

John Nathan-Turner
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